LOL… anyone over-thinking ArenaNet’s logic needs to get a reality check. This was to care for PVE carebears.
How much I miss you
5-6 months ago…
- removed 9% extra damage at full adren.
- removed 9% extra crit at full adren.
- changed some traits around to effectively invalid the build I was using back then
Please! We loved them. Where are they?
If you think you’re skilled enough, you can try for AoN. We’ll beat any of the aforementionned guilds while being outnumbered 2 to 1.
I’m going to pop in a sec here to throw back to a week prior to the season … Mags pushed to get into gold. That was a hard push too btw, much like TC trying now.
That was not only admirable, that was an impressive week. If anything, coming to gold league has benefited mags with there new friends/new guilds that have decided to join forces during the season. Even if it’s not much… it still has benefited them. As it has with SoS.
So whether the season is a tank/crapshot who cares… in the end I think your servers respectively gained from it.
In fact, I’d go as far as to say SoS and Mag’s are lining themselves up for the new map. That is all.
How does the Mag peeps feel about all the FA talking about how they tanked scores to get into Silver? I’m probably reading to far into it but it sounds like if FA didn’t tank the scores Mag would still be in silver.
The fact that FA tanked their scores is moot, outside of showing what type of gamers they are. Mag fought hard to get to gold league and that really shows what type of players they are. Server strength is based on population and Mag overcame that shortcoming by playing hard.
I have also noticed that pyro as well as a few other guilds are doing what they can to show that they can play the t1 meta with heavy frontline(real heavy) and some solid backliners supplemented by kitten glass. Thanks for coming out and fighting hard.
Aon is a troll guild but I like that they kite away the pugs not on ts. I have heard a bunch of drivers say “oh, its AoN, they wont fight, they just run and pick off the pugs” I like this little service you do us :P
One day you’ll step away from your 30-man zerg who’s average per player skill is less than a cow’s. Then we’ll see who “doesn’t fight”; but the difference is we’ll actually catch you and kill you. Which is more than I can say about you guys.
I’m pretty sure I remember them saying we would receive 100g each as reward right? Maybe it was 800gems. Or maybe it was a set of ascended armor. A free precursor for each of us? maybe +1000 achievement points? Thanks for rewarding us for all our hard work Anet! Looking forward to seeing what amazing prizes you have in store for us!
Surely it couldn’t just be a poopy finisher and another chest with some dragonite ore and a green item in it. That would just be silliness!
You must’ve contributed so much to the success of your server, zergling #612624.
AoN members always run in full group? is it because every single one are horrible individually? if not I would like to encounter one that is at least decent on 1v1.
You’re the one I kept killing haha. You can 1v1 any one of us any time.
@ Entioch/Jax; I’d say we roughly were 50/50 like Entioch said, a few months back ago! Great fights and I’ll always miss those!
@Israell; it’s really unfortunate we took our break right when you joined us.. we would love to have you around again. You’re definitely right, I don’t care about “cheese” or any of these subjective crap that matter only to serve ego purposes. To be effective is my only concern. And I am pretty uptight about builds to be honest… if one of my members will refuse to run a build simply because it’s “cheese” when we all consider that it’s the most effective right now for our group, then I’d probably kick him.
@Cliques; great fun! Excellent fights and hope to see you again.
@oPP; wow! Great fights even if we outnumbered you guys (at least when I was on).
… it already exist in the game. If you kill someone multiple times within a short period they instantly die (ie no downed state). Every time they die they come back with lower and lower HP.
That’s perhaps the most pathetic revive “sickness” in the world. If you down a person FOUR or FIVE times (depending on class) in one fight (which is the current threshold), that is but the most extreme situations and has happened to me, in over 1,000 hours of play, about five times (including PVE).
You clearly understood and ignored what the OP meant. Please avoid posting random and useless posts that go nowhere without addressing the essence of the topic.
All 24! 15 char.
- Flipping camps
- Reporting enemy activity
- Kill supply caravans
- Contest keeps to prevent enemy from waypointing inside them
If you can do all of that, then you’re helping way more than any player inside the big ball of skill cough cough zerg
Quoted from the The Edge of the Mists: A New Map is Coming to WvW! :
“While this map will allow you to earn rewards that will help you in WvW, it will not contribute directly to your world’s score. This means worlds with a large population won’t be able to use their size to gain an unfair advantage with this map. This is a place where you’ll be able to test your WvW skills, earn World XP, and experience content at the cutting edge of WvW.”
The two sections I emphasized in bold above are contradictory statements. Servers with a large population will most definitely have an unfair advantage by being able to use their greater numbers to earn World XP at a faster rate/greater amount than servers with smaller populations.
To those who would counter it’s no different than that server earning their World XP in the regular WvWvW maps, my counter-counter is this:
Where are the players from the smaller server population who don’t experience queues going to go? The regular WvWvW maps. They will play as they always have. Oh, sure, in the beginning they’ll check out this new Edge of the Mists map for the novelty. Eventually, they’ll simply return to playing the game they came to play in the existing Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds maps.
Now let’s look at larger servers who experience queues on a regular basis. Previously, what did their populations do while waiting in queue? Nothing; they waited in queue. With the new map, they will now have the option to enter the Edge of the Mists; an option I’m certain the majority will choose.
Now, while essentially waiting in queue on this new map, they have the opportunity to gain World XP. This is in addition to the World XP their comrades are earning who are already playing inside the regular WvWvW maps. This extra World XP translates directly into more power in WvWvW.
I understand the need to incentivize areas of the game to motivate players to test it out. Instituting WXP as that incentive for the new Edge of the Mists map, though, is a bad idea. I do hope the WvWvW development team reconsiders this ill-conceived decision which, once again, rewards those servers with larger populations while penalizing those with smaller populations.
What are you? Do you even play WvW? Do you even know what WXP does? The only meaningful advantage would be Applied Fortitude and Guard Leech… and if there’s no guards in this map, you don’t even have those.
Why did you bother with replying in such a long manner if you don’t even know the fundamentals of WvW?…
That’s such a waste of a perfectly good map… why have it overflow only? Will we even be able to join it if there’s no queue..
Supported… revert it to the gold system please.. me swiging my Greatsword in a clump of 10 people should always hit max number of tarets, and that number should be 5, not 3, and definitely not 2 or 1…
This is just taking skilless play to a new level… oh god… to what extent do you think we should carebear not even casual play, but straight up lazyness?
Show them not to abusively exploit… camping on a ledge for 3 hours waiting to jump on people = exploit.
Darkhaven: WvW ranked 18.
Anvil Rock: WvW ranked 24th.
Darkhaven: population at 9 am. : VERY HIGH (1800 gems)
Anvil Rock: population at 9 am. : VERY HIGH (1800 gems)
How do you expect us balance out servers?
I really really wanna argue with this ….. but ….
… I can’t find enough flaws in it :o
easy. Saying the Devs don’t like GvG is a rash generalization when it comes to the ‘event’ that took place, the guy wasn’t even apart of the WvW team.. that’s like saying that the teachers don’t care about Math because the janitor interrupted a class.
Gaming companies like this absolutely have the same philosophy. If the employee was confident enough to voice it out loud in-game, you can only assume that it’s even more true when they talk among themselves.
After the recent incident regarding the dev interfering with GvG, we can conclude one thing (both from Chris’s reply and the employee’s behavior).
The devs do NOT like GvG.
Before I go on, let me start my own opinion: I don’t like GvG. I think it’s stupid, and takes the essence out of WvW. That being said, who’s fault is that? I can’t blame the ones who GvG because out there, in WvW, there is only PvD and zergfests for them. GvG only exists because ArenaNet failed to make a proper environment and mechanics to support ACTUAL PvP (mechanics that have been abundantly detailed).
So to the ArenaNet employees (and I’m sure there are many) who dislike GvG, go and fix your godkitten game instead of wasting time disturbing players.
Proper Positioning in Other Games:
- Tactically pan out
- Be aware of range line/melee line
- Push on enemy squishies
- Tanks must form lines to protect casters
Proper positioning in GW2
- Blob together
So much skill. Too much skill.
First of all, WvW is not the same as buying groceries.
If you’re looking for a fair distribution of players, WvW is the totally opposite of this.
WvW resets weekly. Within that single week, there is no stoppage and no waiting for sides to even up. You can mercilessly pummel the losing team for an entire week, until they’re totally broken in spirit and morale.This is WvW, if you want to talk about buying groceries, it’s more similar in situation where people quit WvW on Tuesday and farm PvE until Friday reset.
But, that’s the great thing about GW2, you can give up WvW and try again next week. It’s like the cycle of life. The PvE community helps build the WvW community and vis versa. Anet didn’t make WvW to compete with PvE. It’s just another game mode that people can switch back and forth.
People need to give up on the balance team/server fallacy. Open world pvp is never balanced in any game. DAoC RvR was never balanced in the entire history of that franchise.
Another thing is that people are social and enjoy the safety of groups. You’ll see this with newer players and veterans that want to run with the blobs. Before GW2 even launched, there were already mega alliances stacked on JQ for WvW.
If you give special bonuses to lower pop servers, you’ll only encourage farmers to flock to those servers. They will not learn to pvp, they’ll follow the path of least resistance and will win trade for rewards.
“First of all, WvW is not the same as buying groceries.”
Your failure to understand the essence of the topic is appaling. Why bother with such a long reply if you didn’t bother understanding the actual topic? The grocery is mearly an example of the invisible hand principle, which WILL balance WvW if applied. There is absolutely NO possibility that this would not help improve population and point balance. The rest of your reply have absolutely nothing to do with what I mean and absolutely does not address the issue.
A couple of assumptions you make Covenant I would like to comment on.
- People WvW for rewards only. I like to PvP and PvP with my friends, I could care less about the rewards. People of this nature tend to stick together.
- Population is the singular reason a server is succeeding or failing. No numbers have ever been published, you might be surprised what the actual data is.Interesting ideas though, I am sure there are a lot of gamers that game for that carrot, Im willing to be most of them PvE.
As much as I"admire your love for PvP, I think you are only seeing a small picture (or just posted to brag about your love for PvP). I’m pretty sure I PvP just as much, if not far more than you.
But the problem we’re looking at is stacked servers. If you stop punishing people for transferring to lower tiers (insane gem costs for a guild to transfer), then things will eventually balance out far more than it is currently. Nobody wants blowout matchups, and your argument is kind of invalid because if you do love PvP, then you’d hate to play as a server who’s completely destroying the other two. I don’t mind playing as the underdog (I love it), but playing as a server that’s overly winning is boring.
The majority of the population of WvW would be incentized about this. My guild would probably be far more willing to transfer to a lower tier if we didn’t have to pay, let alone actually get some benefits from it.
(edited by Convenant.7092)
Also, as an additional reference, note that dynamic rewards would not be hard to implement, and could even be done manually. Competitive and fun matchups is the premiss of any WvW/RvR game.
Ever wondered why when you go to a movie theater, or a grocery store, every line is roughly the same number of people, without someone telling them to go to a specific line? Simple: the “invisible hand”, where if everybody went out to seek their own benefits (shortest line), society as a whole benefits from that (shorter average wait time).
Now apply it to WvW:
- Give REWARDS for transferring to losing/lower population servers, the lower the population, the more the rewards.
- Rewards should be dynamic and should stop when the server has reached a certain “average” population.
- Servers that have yet to reach that “average” population/level of WvW competence continues to receive transfers due to incentives.
- At the end, WvW population as a whole get’s balanaced.
It’s this or WvW dies slowly, so if you don’t have anything constructive to say, then shut up. Time to make a game-changing decision, ArenaNet. If you need specifics, let me know and I’ll give you ideas as to exactly how this can be implemented.
In reference to the original idea thread:
Yes yes and yes! That would be awesome! Linking another thread to this one.
LOL @ everybody talking about 1v1s.
Thank you Devon!
Don’t listen to GvG fanboys.
No, time slots mean nothing to me. I simply want to have all servers end up with roughly the same points at the end of the matchup.
Currently if you take the number 1 NA server vs the number 10th NA server… it will be litterally a 100-0 matchup. That shouldn’t be the case. I project that after the balancing it could be more like a 70-30 matchup. That’s a reasonable prospect.
- The main problem with WvW is the fact that server populations are unbalanced, thus making WvW a lot less competitive
- In order to make it balanced ArenaNet needs to do several things:
1) Decrease the population cap
2) Make transfer free to lower tiers
3) Give incentives to transfer to lower tiers
4) Manually control the population (there is no other way); ig. close transfers when server is ’’full’’, monitor transfer amounts, PPT, coverage.
It’s no easy task, but it will:
1) Give a sense to your league system (which is stupid right now) by actually creating competition, rather than pre-decided matchups. I think everyone pretty much knows who will beat who already.
2) Make the game more fun
3) Solve a large part of the zerging issue
Niim, “siege monkey”?!? I take actual offense at that. You think it’s fun taking down SMC walls with a treb? No, but I’m sure you enjoy waltzing in after someone does the work.
Godkitten selfish kittens.
Thank you, you definitely used lots of skill and hard work to press 1 button over and over again for a hafl an hour. Niim should be punished for not building a treb next to yours and also press 1 button for a really long time, thus displaying his own depth of knowledge and prowess.
Dumbest idea. People are angry because the BATTLES are not fun when outnumbered, not because they lose in PPT…
Lol, I’m a warrior here.. and let me tell you even if there were 500 people standing between me and the keep lord, I’d be able to easily rez him..
Endure pain – immune to damage
Balanced Stance – immune to CC
Berserker Stance – immune to condis
Pop all 3 and there’s really nothing anyone can do to stop you.
What?… guardian obviously! I can beat anything on my warrior except a tanky retal guardian.
I’ve never lost to a thief… in a 1v1, even 2v1, ever… if anyone wants to take me up on this, feel free to.
I don’t understand. Why would you want them to lock transfers after knowing what Devon just said?
Do you KNOW how the leagues will be divided? Do you KNOW the leagues matchup? It is physically impossible for you to predict which server will win (except for the highest ranked server at the moment, the top of T1). The only plausible transfer destination that would be rational is the highset-ranking at the moment. And I’m pretty sure it’s always full. Not that ANYONE even cares about the leagues to leave their community behind… A finisher… ooooooooooooooooh man.
This has seriously got to stop… Why is it almost a year after release we still see people using some type of programs to teleport and stuff. Whats to say people aren’t modifying their damage, or regen rates? Saw a warrior hitting for 4k – 6k each swing with hammer tonight and when elementalist gave him regen he was full life in less than 0.5 seconds from 10%. There were over 10 people trying to kill them, we all were doing 200 to 1k damage.
I even switched characters to a full glass ele who usually hits average 2k – 5k, only did 500 – 1.5k damage a hit, where warrior did 6k+.
What is going on in this game…
Seems like an L2P issue to me… I hit people for 10K with my GS; averaging 5K per swing (3K per swing on 100b). My supports bring me from 1% to 100% in less than 1 second… that’s just what we do. Sometimes I have 5-10 people on me… if they’re horrible, then they’d all die..
Just… learn to play… with protection buff of course you’d be hitting him for like 1.5K damage… while your playing’s too poor to get a prot. of your own to cover his DPS.
What’s your point? If I want to win vs an equally skilled opponent with Ascended, I’d stll need ascended… how many times have you came out of a fight with 500-1000 HP?
No… More… Changes… To… Siege….
Please focus… on… the… PVP…
It’s fine as it is…
Maybe if parties actually split up a little bit they could self buff each other instead of all standing in a blob of 30 people on pin hoping everyone gets the buff. I know that’s not feasible since they have to stay blobbed to make sure they don’t all get hit by aoe. I’m sure people want to buff their parties first so long as each party has a guardian, ele, and necro. Wait, this game doesn’t have a trinity!
To be clear, the OP’s guild never runs in a blob and never stacks up while fighting… pretty much ever. To have to stack together to get buffs is a ridiculous mechanic.
There is no “auto-attack” in this game.
Full berserker and learn to play.
What? NO lol… remove character models to limit lag, but never nameplates.
My statement doesn’t require translation. WvW is a part of GW2, it is not its own game, it is not a standalone product and it is not separate from the game. Your characters from WvW are usable in PvE and vice-versa for a reason. I love WvW and prefer it to the rest of our game, but I still go and run Living World content when I feel like it. The idea is that all of our players create an ecosystem that is interdependent. If players only played one or the other, each area would be less compelling and less fun. Sure, there are some number of people who only play WvW, but more people play the rest of the game as well.
Alright, I only have one question. Why are the players WvWing dependent of PVE to get their gear and money when people from PVE don’t depend on WvW to get anything, AT ALL?
- Ascended rings required PVE-only fractals for a long time
- You used to not be able to complete all your dailies from WvW
- You can choose to never step into WvW and be rich and have the best gear/loot, including skins
- There is no unique skins obtainable via WvW only
- PVE players DON’T need WvW to get what they want
- WvW players need PVE to get what they want
Devon, while I agree WvW is not a standalone game and to get access to all skins (and I’m talking about SKINS; making WvW players PVE for ascended gear (fractals) was stupid and a low blow) , shouldn’t WvW players be rewarded something UNIQUE that PVE players can’t get by running dungeons and farming events?
Something to think about.
#1… yep… so good I am putting it in my tag line (had to modify to get down to 100 chars)
I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with me or just sarcastically stupid.
snipI think he was agreeing.
I’m not a lore guy, never liked that stuff tbh, but if there is not current “guild war” going on, why is this game called Guild Wars?
And to be technical, each person belongs to a guild (race) and a Guild (group of people with common goals) so wouldn’t “guild wars” incorporate both of those ideals?
The term “The Guild Wars” refers to the PvE side you are talking about, while “guild wars” refers to guilds (either races or people) fighting over something, to me at least.
But shouldn’t what a Guild War is be open to interpretation by the person?
It should; however, using this argument against ArenaNet is unfair.
#1… yep… so good I am putting it in my tag line (had to modify to get down to 100 chars)
I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with me or just sarcastic.
From the wiki:
The Guild Wars are the series of at least three wars among different guilds in the three human kingdoms of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr. The wars ended only because the charr invasion from the north meant an even bigger threat to the three kingdoms.
The second Guild War was memorialized by the construction of Surmia in 1020 AE. Ascalon was the kingdom victorious of this war according to the Historical Monument of Surmia. It is unlikely that the war ended during 1020 AE, however, due to the length of the latest Guild War.
The most recent Guild War lasted for 57 years (from 1013 AE until 1070 AE). The war caused much suffering and hatred between the people of the three kingdoms. These old wounds can be seen in the present day in the form of the mistrust King Adelbern holds towards the efforts of Kryta to help Ascalon recover from the charr invasion, particularly towards Ambassador Zain. During this war, King Adelbern was a war hero which led to his eventual crowning as a king instead of Barradin becoming king.
While there have been many Guild Wars prior to this one, when characters in the game refer to the Guild War, they mean the last one which ended with the Searing. While initially confined to a conflict between guilds, when open combat erupted in the streets of Arah, Orr responded to protect its holy city. The military action against Krytan and Ascalonian guilds spurred the other nations into responding, leading to open conflict between the three nations.
(edited by Convenant.7092)
1. The term “Guild Wars” does not refer to PVP; it actually refers to the PVE lore of old Tyrian guilds waging war against each other.
2. If you think PVE is a popular aspect of this game, all you have to do is go check the events/PVE section and discover that people take it quite seriously.
3. The grand majority of hardcore WvW players absolutely do NOT care about PPT anymore.
4. There is no “Condition Meta” like people claim it does; the only real meta there is is the PVT hammer train. How people never referred to that as a meta, and now talk about condition meta in WvW is completely beyond me.
Any other common misconceptions people need to get off their chest?
(edited by Convenant.7092)