Showing Posts For DaMikenatr.7041:

Open Letter to the developers

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


On my necro I can drop to death shroud but this is easily countered as I am not invisible and am subject to cc attacks which interrupt many DS skills. So again I state no class should be able to spike while stealthed. Simple really, remove this capability from all players then if you wish.
2. The ablility to heal others while stealthed is relavant. Many 1v1 fights turn to a 2v1 very quickly and the ability of a stealthed theif reviving their comrade puts an unfair advantage on the 2v1 team.
3. Come on now, do you honestly expect me to believe that theifs are underpowered, heartseeker, dagger storm combinations are underpowered. Really?

This misconception is so mindblowing I still don’t understand how this still goes around the forums. Just because a thief is in stealth, they are not invulnerable. They can still be hit by cc, they can still be hit by aoe, they can still be tracked by skills with a casting animation if you got them before they stealth. Sure, a thief can stomp in stealth, but eles can mist away and if timed properly vapor form will outlast a steal stomp, mesmers can teleport and stealth away long enough, guards and engis have access to aoe knockbacks, there are so many ways to prevent this. Complaining about a class that is invisible but still susceptible to damage and control makes no sense when when other classes can put up stability or even invulnerability when stomping. Which no, those are not OP either because you always make a choice about what you give up to complete a stomp if it’s a 1vX fight.

In regards to stealth reviving, as mentioned just sit on their ally and cleave or drop aoe. If every thief is as crazy with their “heartseeker, dagger storm combinations” (what even is that?), they are most likely unable to tank the damage being done to the downed ally and them.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

wvw newbie needs tips

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Any class can be fun, each serves different roles that also depend on what aspect of WvW you enjoy. The best tip is to find a commander tag on your map and also try to get on your server’s voice comm. You can also speak with a tutorial NPC when you first enter WvW to get the lowdown on the system if you’re that unsure. Running a warrior or guardian at first until you get used to the flow of combat might be a good option as well, but is not really necessary. Good luck and hopefully you’ll find fun in WvW!

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Who's going to T2 out of T3?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


We in T1 are eagerly awaiting you guys.

Have fun waiting cause Mag will be remaining in Gold.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Who's going to T2 out of T3?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


that CD can’t hold their own against YB and DR tells me that CD is not ready for gold.

CD is taking it easy this week. We got the worst possible match to try to get into gold unless we push things into overtime and try to burn ourselves out right before seasons. If we did make it into gold, everyone knows it would be an uphill fight so if we PPT our heart’s out this week to get there we won’t even get the rest we need for that push. Hence, we’ll be using this week to enjoy the fights and do training, etc.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Who's going to T2 out of T3?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


What I don’t understand is why the T3 servers are tanking. Are the dumb and meaningless rewards really worth this farcical tankfest?

I’d understand tanking for the previous two seasons. 7-9 weeks of getting farmed is usually bad for servers.

However, this tournament is only 4 weeks long. We’ve had stale matchups for far longer than 4 weeks. And this is 4 weeks where the current T3 servers would get a shot at fighting servers they haven’t seen in a loooong time (if ever), without the pressure of having to worry about the PPT game. If I were a diehard WvW’er on a T3 server, I’d absolutely make the push for Gold, considering how short this tournament is.

CD isn’t tanking, twas a holiday weekend so we had a low turnout, and then proceeded to close a 15k gap in a day. Also, not to defend them since they admitted to tanking, but DB recently lost quite a few guilds as well. But yeah, Mag even swapping out of gold will all depend on the RNG that hits this reset.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Which servers get mostly even matchups?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I know the server matchmaking isn’t perfect and there’s ways to screw with it, like what Kaineng and Darkhaven would do, purposefully losing enough to be sent down a tier so that they would be able to have this dominate feeling while terrorizing the lower tiers with pure persistent outnumbering advantage. Their players and their commanders weren’t even good either. They didn’t have to be. They’d have enough people to keep us at bay during our peak hours, and the stuff my guild’s little group took by sneaking around out of sight. would be taken back unhindered while most of the server was asleep.

Bronze is in a very weird place right now, the number of guilds that are moving around/have moved around in the last month and a half is very large and the population difference between bronze and silver is very striking. Darkhaven doesn’t have the population/coverage to move into silver and I’m assuming you’re talking about this match in regards to Kaineng, which they didn’t drop to be in, but it’s rather the joys of RNG. With that being said, anywhere in silver league is fairly balanced as of the moment. You have servers that may sometimes landslide opponents, but you very often go back and forth between wins and losses so I would suggest doing some research and heading there if you’re currently unhappy with bronze, but also want to avoid the top tiers.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Tidbit about WvW population

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Dzagonur is dead/dying for some strange reason
Maguuma is dead/dying for some strange reason
Devona’s Rest bandwagon halted at T4.
Which NA server becomes the next bandwagon is anyone’s guess.
Gonna be hard to predict for EU since silver league is gonna be mainly french/german servers and the international servers in gold league are all full (queues).

Since the fall tournament for NA is 12/12 format instead of the previous 6/9/9, I’m guessing servers in T2 (since T1 is full) and T5-6 NA will get the bulk of the transfers.

Did Anet say it was a 12/12 format in NA? I didn’t see that.

I think the understanding behind this comes from the chart on the blog post that says rank 9-12 will receive that dolyak buff for the same amount of time. However, they haven’t explicitly stated how it will be split this time (that I’m aware of).

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

I don't like / understand WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Yesterday evening prime time on Fissure of Woe we were a huge team in Edge of The Mist. No coordination, no chatting, nothing, we just steamrolled everything. In 90 minutes we just met the enemy once or twice and we litterally disintegrated them just because of our number. They spent the rest of evening hiding because they had no population.

Edge of the Mists is not considered WvW, it is a karma train that generally does not care about defense nor fights. There are people who try to take it seriously, but the majority of EotM is simply that. If you want to experience actual WvW, visit any of the borderlands or EBG. I can’t speak for EU servers, but I do see that FoW is in the lower tiers which I will assume is not extremely zerg-oriented and you may be able to find groups that fit your playstyle.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Revitalize WvW include in 9/14 feature pack

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I can’t track down where this was said, I believe the Make Your Own Trap thread that was going on around here quite some time ago, but essentially Anet said that they would never allow invisible traps that cause direct damage to players without giving them a chance to react. Essentially, it would need a telegraph to even be considered. Secondly, the definition of a zerg varies across almost anyone that you ask and for many, 20-30 is not a massive group. Not to be rude, but I feel that an arbitrary trap such as this would simply be abused, as you mentioned, it can be place in a choke and then all you would need is a small group of people to finish off the entire zerg since they just took 10k damage. I enjoy outnumbered fights, but when it gets to the point where we’re just getting free damage, that takes the fun out of things.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


300g is not a lot, especially for a Commander who is supported by their guild or even server.

300g may not be a huge cost for the original entry cost to get the single blue account bound tag. However, the 3-4 additional colors that would be useful for organizing (half of the CDI) would put you at 1200-1500 gold for a tool that doesn’t even give us any extra functionality aside from the actual pin itself and the useless supply check that only reaches 5 pixels off your character.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Yes, the colored tags were datamined a while back along with this picture:

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Long Term of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


In regards to having allies, I really don’t see that working out. At least not in the form of T1 getting paired with T8. The difference in guild size alone being the main factor. That is not to say that T8 can’t compete with T1, but by now everyone should hopefully realize that this is a numbers game all the way through, so at the end of the day you would still have T1 guilds fighting T1 guilds and T8 guilds fighting T8 guilds. Also, but combining 2 servers that already have coverage issues, but not reducing the number of playable maps, I imagine there would be even more PvD than there currently is.

In regards to Supreme Siegerazer, I could see that working fine for servers that are capable of bunkering down in keeps, but a lot of times there’s only a small number of defenders at certain hours that are already vastly outnumbered by attackers to begin with, so that feels rather unfair.

Finally, I don’t really know what to think about Special Ops. It just seems like things you should normally doing in the first place. Apart from the popping orange swords though, it does sound like you’re aiming for the “split the zerg” mentality which I can back up. These are just my opinions from someone who spent a lot of time near the bottom of the tiers and is now fighting in the middle.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Briar Tower

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I have found that once the walls become reinforced, I am also unable to get back up from that point. It works fine when the walls are paper though.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[Suggestion] My WvW wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


  • make team chat readable across all the borderlands and EB, every message will be prefixed with the map that has originated from
  • supply storage in keeps is now split between inner and outer depots, inner depot contains 1/3 of total supplies, outer depots contain the rest, once the external perimeter of the keep has been breached, outer depots become neutral and both defenders and invaders can take supplies from there

I can agree on a lot of things, many of which have been brought up on several occasions which you link very nicely too, however these 2 I just couldn’t pass up. Map chat across all maps would get way too cluttered. Most servers already have methods set up to make callouts across maps. If you’re in Red BL, you really don’t need to see that there’s a roaming group headed to S Camp in Blue BL.

In regards to the supply, you pretty much just suggested that if a group breaks down the outer gate of T3 keep, they get over 1100 supply while the defenders would only be left with 600. It can already be difficult to defend depending on the situation, let alone giving the attackers what might as well be an unlimited amount of supply.

That’s just my 2 cents though. I think a lot of the other ideas are valid, and hopefully we can get some solid discussion out of this.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[Suggestion] Make Neutral Factions that attack

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


It’s bad enough getting an unmanned Siegerazer started every 15 minutes as it is, I don’t think we need more NPCs. Also, bringing in large groups of NPCs or just Champion or Legendary bosses would encourage the zerging meta even more.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Save GW2: turn WxWxW in GxGxG.

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Guild Alliance warfare could indeed make WvW a MUCH better experience. The main reason is that it could balance out populations and coverage on a weekly basis.

Guilds could ally themselves and declare war on other guilds. Each week all guilds big and small would be thrown in a pot. Based on a fairly simple set of criteria they system would create an alliance of several guilds that face off against two other generated alliances. Un-aligned players/guilds would be used to fill out the coverage/population in those alliances. WvW play would remain intact and be far more balanced. They could even expand and contract the number of matches based on player activity.

This wouldn’t solve all the WvW woes but it could remedy its biggest problem.

I swear we’ve gone over this a billion times. The thing that adds to the enjoyment of WvW is that when you go there, you know what you’re working with. You see the same guild tags, you know what guilds excel at what, you have friends in those guilds. This is why people continue to reject any EotM type pairing for WvW. Not to mention, if you get paired with these alliances randomly, voice comm between guilds is near impossible, so now you have almost no coordination on top of all that. If you want to test the skill of your guild, then yes, we need a GvG mode, but contributing to a server whose faces you see every day and knowing you have an impact in a community is what makes WvW what it is. As many people have said, yes it needs tweaks, but to throw out servers and make it all based on algorithms is a silly notion. And on another note, a lot of people don’t even like even matches, they prefer to go up against groups that outnumber them and come up on top.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]


in Looking for...

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


We currently do not have a dedicated EU guild. We have RISE which has a lot of Aussies, but they raid during primetime. We do have a lot of late night players, but during the day we can use help.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Transferring server but where?

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Check out Gate of Madness, we’re really stable and are about to move into mid-silver so there’s always fights when you’re out looking. Visit us at if you have more questions!

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Since this hasn’t been mentioned, I’ll add that the aoe cap also promotes this play style. The more people you cram into aoe the less of a chance that it will be you that takes the damage so when you’re moving through several circles, you often won’t take damage from all of them.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Suggestions for a WvW server

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Check out Gate of Madness! We have been steadily moving up in ranks and getting to face new opponents all the time. The fights are plenty and we still have room for growth. I came here and started a guild and have never looked back since.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Is there going to be anybody left in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


but to act like it’s becoming abandoned is overdramatic.

No, that is exactly how it feels.

Check how many red posts there are in the Living Story Section just this week. Now compare to how many red posts we’ve had here in the last 6 months!

I can bet you the LS has still had more red posts! If that isnt being abandoned that I dont know what is!

I only play WvW and GW2 because of my guild,
no guild = no WvW = no playing.
We used to have over 40 people in TS for a raid, now we are lucky to get 20 max.
This is what is happening all over, people want to play with their friends, and if their friends leave, they leave. If their friends have gone to another game, they get that game and join them.

Many WvW players tried to warn Anet that people would move to other games if they didnt do anything; and that is exactly what has happened, and will continue to happen until WvW becomes an AP farm at the beginning of each season for the PvE players.

I wasn’t saying that it hasn’t been abandoned by Anet, but that it’s not like you’re going to log in next month and not have a single soul in any map on any server. It’s true, people are leaving, but people are just joining this game at the same time. Is it safe to say most of the hype has faded and we realize that we’re stuck with updates very far and very few between? Absolutely, but as many people have mentioned it’s summer, people are enjoying nice weather and family and friends, just let it run its’ course.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Is there going to be anybody left in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Losing large amount of dedicated wvw will send a server spiraling down. SoR lost a majority of their wvw guilds, what if that were to happen to more servers?

Do guilds leave? Yes. A lot of times guilds go to different servers, members merge in with other guilds or they stop playing. SoR is not the first server to have a downfall and they won’t be the last. Every server that’s been to bronze (and trust me, there’s a lot of them) has lost guilds, but they build back up and can rise once again.

That’s not to say that there aren’t people who are tired of the same no new content, not even a point of attention to WvW, but to act like it’s becoming abandoned is overdramatic. There are still plenty of people who will go out and fight day in and day out.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[Suggestion] Player activated Siegerazer

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I would actually love something like this. Half the times people come out of spawn and not even realizing it, there goes Siegerazer so it would be awesome to see implemented.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

GOM- New Drama Free Blood Wanted

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Come join us on GoM and continue making history. We have consecutively placed 1st in our last 18 match-ups and we aren’t looking to stop yet. We have made the move up from rank 21 to rank 14 and we’re continuing our push, so come join us!

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

A ? too Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I hope you realize that every server in bronze has lost more than it’s fair share of guilds. Your server will persevere and rise up, but you have to go out there and fight every uphill battle, show both your server and other servers that you guys are still willing to put up a fight. Coming on here after a reset and pretty much saying you give up for the week is a very poor attitude. Yes, it sucks to keep losing guilds, but it’s part of this game and you need to not feel sorry for your server and continue to do what you can.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[WHO] Hardcore WvW - GoM

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Thanks for all of the kind words everyone! We’re still looking to expand and get a few new members so be sure to check us out!

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[WHO] Hardcore WvW - GoM

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Unknown Infantry [WHO] is a WvW-focused guild on Gate of Madness and we are currently recruiting experienced players. We consider ourselves to be a skill group that loves to go up against larger numbers, but the numbers continue to get larger and we are looking to add a few more members to our ranks to widen the group sizes we can fight. We have several experienced drivers and you can find us out in WvW nightly. At the moment we can pull between 12-20 when we raid during NA evenings.

We require 100% rep and login on TS3 during guild events (speaking not required, but preferred). Many of us have been playing together since launch and have quite a large knowledge base of this game. We also run weekly guild missions. Please visit our YouTube channel to check us out! If you’re interested in the guild, please apply on our guild’s website or you can whisper me in-game.

Why GoM? We’ve had our rough patches but we’ve made a really strong push since before the spring tournament and we’re making our way up into silver league. Come join us and we can make the push together!

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

(edited by DaMikenatr.7041)

Gate of Madness promotion

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


GoM papers everything with huge overnight zergs, but yesterday they lost two waypoints to four players during the afternoon, including one T3 keep with 1,700 supplies. Today they lost their entire map to around ten players during the same time period while they zerged around EBG, also including a T3 keep that was capped last.

I’d be quite happy to see them move up a tier, but they really seem too lazy to stick in a tier where their off hours coverage is expected to do anything besides blob up and circle cap.

Sorry for the huge off-hours coverage.. It’s actually called we have a dedicated NA that stays up when we need to in order to get kitten done or else we run into this:


Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

(edited by DaMikenatr.7041)

Earning Traits discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I believe the discovery of trait lines and numbers are the same across classes so that everyone gets a shared experience. Note: not saying I agree with that, but that’s what it appears to be like.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Real vs fake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Thank you eternal! I feel the same. Abyss x3, celestial x5.

I don’t think there should be a way to tell between real vs. “fake” items, but I do feel like I should be compensated for what I put my effort into for now essentially nothing. 250ectos for a skin that I already had now suddenly doesn’t matter. And 2 abyss dyes is not the same as an abyss and unidentified dye; sorry ANet, but that’s not much of a compensation.

The key word skin is something that appears to be misunderstood. Items are not only skins and they are not only stats, they are both. I can understand making a 2nd backpiece simply for the skin, but the point is that you still have an ascended backpiece regardless. To say that it is nothing is incorrect. I can see your dilemma, but at the same time, there’s a limit to how far you can take things out of context. In regards to the dye, I personally didn’t have that issue, but I can agree that it’s not equal compensation, but that’s not really on topic for this thread.

Yes, I have ascended stats on both characters now, but the difference is I could have had the same stats AND skins for 500e and, f I remember correctly, 1000 fractal relics less. That’s over 150g for nothing; not to mention the amount of time it took to gather the 1000 fractal relics that went down the drain as well.

Okay, I can see that as well as mentioned earlier with the dual-wielding legendaries and such. With this patch there’s people who made out very well and some people who got that shaft. But overall, starting from here on out, they have removed the problem like this where you have to do such a grind in order to get a piece that you like on more than one character. Did this ability come a tad late for a lot of people? Probably, but the point is that they took feedback from the game and they made the effort to make changes so that we can have a better game moving forward. I can sympathize with a lot of the people who got the shaft, but rather than focusing your energy on the negatives, look at the brighter outcome for the future of the game. There’s never going to be an update for a game that pleases and does good for every single player and that’s something that needs to be understood.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Real vs fake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Thank you eternal! I feel the same. Abyss x3, celestial x5.

I don’t think there should be a way to tell between real vs. “fake” items, but I do feel like I should be compensated for what I put my effort into for now essentially nothing. 250ectos for a skin that I already had now suddenly doesn’t matter. And 2 abyss dyes is not the same as an abyss and unidentified dye; sorry ANet, but that’s not much of a compensation.

The key word skin is something that appears to be misunderstood. Items are not only skins and they are not only stats, they are both. I can understand making a 2nd backpiece simply for the skin, but the point is that you still have an ascended backpiece regardless. To say that it is nothing is incorrect. I can see your dilemma, but at the same time, there’s a limit to how far you can take things out of context. In regards to the dye, I personally didn’t have that issue, but I can agree that it’s not equal compensation, but that’s not really on topic for this thread.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

New transmutation bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


You need to consume the charges so that they show up in the Wardrobe screen and not in your inventory. Hope that solves it.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[Suggestion] My thoughts about WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I respect you coming up with ideas and trying to think outside of the box in making WvW more than just a mindless zergball. I hope you don’t get the idea that I was simply trying to shoot everything down without reading, but give my personal constructive feedback to your ideas.

I have only respect for your reply.

I know a fortification can be easily taken in under five minutes but the crossed swords appearing shoudnt be necessary if players are in in attendance and shout on chat. The idea for a much longer (maybe not 5 minutes) timer before crossed swords appear is to make it harder for zergs to move off and leave a fortification completely empty without a small mob coming from behind and pushing through the gate before the big mob comes back. Keeping scouts and defenders will be all that more important and this means that big zergs may split up a little and also stop being so meaningful.

As for siege weapons big WvW guilds can drop them like wrappers from a bag of sweets. They need to be less easy to place and use at the best rank and quality of siege but more meaningful when time is taken to perfect them and use them.

As for the death penalty it should be time limited and effective in the way that a mob cant eventually win a fight just by keeping returning to it. Its not about punishing a loser its about a mob using skill and knowledge to make a good call whether a particular fight is worth it or to ask and wait for reinforcements or take their battle elsewhere.

During the 5 minute hospital penalty I would say you can still repair, sell and buy and maybe even travel to a fight but you cant actually fight until that timer is up but you can die again.

There are often big queues at peak times for WvW so Im sure there are plenty players who will like a more strategic, tactical game There is no reason I can see why sPvP cant allow for large team, guild, server death matches, capture the flags and control points and everyone is then happy.

My only issue with these is that they are all hard-counters to big servers and big zergs, but that is not the only playstyle that WvW adheres to and I think a lot of these really detriment different styles of play or even servers with lower population. In regards to the swords not popping on a tower immediately in order to encourage scouting, it would seem much more beneficial to just reward scouting in general rather than hurt servers who may not have more than 3 people on a map. However, and this has come up many times, it’s hard to put a form of tracking on things that people do that are beneficial but aren’t exactly tangible to reward, such as scouting. In my opinion, they are just things that should be practiced and praised on your server because they will always help (if you have a scout you don’t have to zerg a tapper when you can do more important things).

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[Suggestion] My thoughts about WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041



Devices must be crafted now.

One way is by the mystic forge in that device blueprints are now part of a recipe only for making devices in the mystic forge and do not fall anymore in loot from enemies. Maybe a keep or tower has a chest which contains a few of these blueprints so this could be a way of rewarding a good takeover.


The above idea except an expensive crafting skill for siege weapons is created and crafting them is done in a players garrison or keep whilst they own it instead of the forge. As above crafting will still be very costly.

Have you ever commanded before? Do you know how many blueprints people throw in a day? Making it much more expensive than it already is would be a very limiting factor in who leads. Most people spend all of their time in WvW, yes, you make some gold, but it’s not like you’re rolling in huge pools of gold.

The mastery skill for using siege items also needs to be much more expensive and the item must be useless without a rank in it and needs three ranks to be effective as it is for one rank right now.

I’m okay with this, getting 3 in ram mastery is really easy and seems rather over-powered.


These must be unaffected by hand weapons including grenades.


Should still be easily affected by hand weapons.

This already exists and don’t think they’d change it, although many might agree that reinforced gates should be immune to player damage.


This needs increased so increased so a gate that can be easily taken down can still be an effective choke point for those who control the castle. Also it allows a lesser amount of players necessary to hold a keep or tower and even if a horde takes it they sustain a lot more damage in doing so.

Chokes are already pretty viable as long as done correctly. Have you ever tried getting into an extremely sieged up Hills lord room?


This needs to cost and not by paying money to use a waypoint as too many rich folks have plenty gold to ignore this. There needs to be a debilitation to skills that increases by the amount of time a person dies (not downed). Also when when a person dies they have to use a waypoint and they must be out the game for five minutes. Call this hospital time.

5 minutes is an extremely long time. Not to mention this would promote turtling and zerging even more so that you never enter a fight you know you can’t win. The one thing you don’t want to do with a game is to prevent people from playing.

Crossed swords should only appear after 5 minutes of battle so that having people defending towers, keeps, camps, and communicating is all that more important.

You can take a fortified keep in under 5 minutes. Not every server has the numbers to afford scouts in every objective at all times, it’s already bad enough that there’s a 30 second lag before the swords appear.


This is to make players think more in battle so that good communications is important and strategy and tactics are bit more complicated in choosing where and when to fight and when a fortification is taken it requires more time, thought and resources to retake.

It may just be an opinion but right now WvW is a joke and needs changes.

I respect you coming up with ideas and trying to think outside of the box in making WvW more than just a mindless zergball. I hope you don’t get the idea that I was simply trying to shoot everything down without reading, but give my personal constructive feedback to your ideas.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Do we still need WvWvW...?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


EOTM feels like pointless and useless endeavor to me. I mean its fine to run around killing people, but i prefer to run around killing people for a purpose. Have actual objectives you know, and a reason to take them aside from karma training

You may have missed the actual objective of EotM then…and it has its own objectives too, and when you win, you get a oooooh, ahhhh supply drop in your Borderlands keep…I mean that’s really sad as a prize…really. And I do not see how karma training in EotM is any different from karma training in WvWvW or EBG…

That’s the point you’re missing, the ones who don’t karma train are the ones who are so strongly against the EotM style format. They’re the ones who have developed a community, who spend all day working together with players and other guilds. If you take that familiarity away, take away the ability to play with the same people that may not be in the same guild, then you lose what WvW really is. I have been on 2 servers, both with the same people. My first server was very shut in and lacking community, whereas my current server has a very open and friendly community. Even though my guild is the same people, the experience is night and day and I would never trade what I currently have for anything that remotely resembles EotM.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Please Merge NA Tier 3-8 into Tier 1-2

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Here’s a better idea. Break up the servers in tiers 1-2 and distribute the players into what’s currently tier 3-8. How do you like that?

First, most or half of those people in those Tiers 1-2 are original to those servers. Secondly, those who are not original to those servers PAID to move to those servers – in other words, your’s and others suggestion to have ANET re-distribute players from those Tier 1-2 servers into Tiers 3-8 is removing PERSONAL CHOICE and definitely not compensating those players that actually PAID to move. What happens if I get moved to a pathetic Tier 3-8 server that I did not or do not want to be on simply because you wanted ANET to re-distribute the player populations on those Tier 1-2 servers? YOU going to pay for my move back to a Tier 1-2 server? Hardly. ANET ever ‘re-distributes’ me to another server without my approval and I will uninstall this game so fast it would make heads’ spin, bet.

That’s his point exactly. It’s just as kitten to merge down as it is to merge up. It’s not fair to anyone.

Yet again, and again, and again:

At no point did I, or would I have, said “Fair competition” WvW is not intended to be “fair”. There are servers with more people, there are servers with better organizations and that will always be the case. This competition will be about showing how your world can do over a defined period of time, against a variety of opponents. SPvP is the part of our game that aims for a completely level playing field. WvW would never be able to match that goal.

You do not receive permission to argue upon fairness in regard to WvW. It’s not happening, ever. You may freely waste calories doing so, but know that they will be 100% wasted.

The true facts are that any other factor imaginable is more relevant than fairness. Business decisions are at the core of everything that happens here. That is a relevant factor to the game. For the majority of players, my merger proposal would render a positive net impact that is measurable in business decision making metrics. The counter offer of even distribution on the whole set of 24 NA servers would not do the same. Mine wins that round.

Since you want to sit and point out every misconception, try reading Devon’s post again. That is discussing fair COMPETITION and not being fair to a playerbase that enjoys a variety of aspects and not only blob vs blob. And to dispute even further, merging would be closer to promoting fair competition, which has already been stated is not their intent. With having lower tier servers, new players who haven’t done research, pick those servers, but it turns out they have your mindset and wish to join the omniblobs, they pay real money to buy gems to transfer. On top of making the initial cost of the game, Anet also just got a gem payment, thus that business model is better than closing half the servers, rendering transferring nearly irrelevant.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Please Merge NA Tier 3-8 into Tier 1-2

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Here’s a better idea. Break up the servers in tiers 1-2 and distribute the players into what’s currently tier 3-8. How do you like that?

First, most or half of those people in those Tiers 1-2 are original to those servers. Secondly, those who are not original to those servers PAID to move to those servers – in other words, your’s and others suggestion to have ANET re-distribute players from those Tier 1-2 servers into Tiers 3-8 is removing PERSONAL CHOICE and definitely not compensating those players that actually PAID to move. What happens if I get moved to a pathetic Tier 3-8 server that I did not or do not want to be on simply because you wanted ANET to re-distribute the player populations on those Tier 1-2 servers? YOU going to pay for my move back to a Tier 1-2 server? Hardly. ANET ever ‘re-distributes’ me to another server without my approval and I will uninstall this game so fast it would make heads’ spin, bet.

That’s his point exactly. It’s just as kitten to merge down as it is to merge up. It’s not fair to anyone.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Active WvW guilds? Help me with this list

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041



Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

New to GW2 and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


If anything, server hop a bit, you can even pop into WvW at level 2 and try to run with the commander or try to get a feel for the community. As other people mentioned, don’t expect to contribute any, but it’s an easy way to get a general feel. Since it appears you are NA, check out this site for world rankings:

Every 3 ranks makes up a tier, so rank 1, 2, 3 are T1, 4-6 are T2, etc. Jump around and see what it’s like and if anything, pick a mentality that you enjoy most and maybe return to the forums to get a feeling for what servers share that mentality. Good luck to you!

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Dev livestream: Ready Up: April 4, 12pm – Megaservers & more

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


Maybe people should take into consideration that when talked about EotM in the CDI many players were against the idea of blobbing servers together for the real matches.

And maybe the plan was for them to do just that, but due to the feedback from the players they decided to scrap it, and thus they are now back at the drawing board, and thus they don’t have anything they can share with us yet?

Call me a hopeful, but I agree that this is a very possible scenario. Regardless of what WvW has seen, you have to admit that they do listen to the community as a whole and are making an effort to see changes go into the game. And I know a lot of you will say it’s too late for changes or they’re doing it to keep us from going to this new game that’s launching or it’s because of the China launch, but the point of the matter is that changes don’t happen overnight. And you’re always going to have people who get the short end of the stick. That’s just life.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

2014 Tourney confusion

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


It seems that you are already familiar with leagues, the world ranks are in correspondence to the league the server is in. So with Silver and Bronze both being 9 servers per league, every server has a secure ranking among those top 9. Leagues are locked in so you will only fight people within your league that share similar records.

On a side note, come to Gate of Madness! We have a great community filled with awesome fights. Feel free to message me in-game if you want to talk more.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

2v1 in WvW Working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


No, server identity is huge, people hate the lack of it in EotM and they’ll hate it even more if they force it on us in WvW. There have already been responses that things such as alliances, spies and the like are perfectly legal.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]


in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


It’s also quite possible that since PvE can now be fixed freely and not relying on guesting any longer, maybe servers will finally have a split WvW population that can be appropriately balanced. Hopeful, I know, but we’ll find out for sure within the next 2 days.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]


in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


My hope remains with this because many times in the post, even for PvE, they kept stating how home worlds will still exist. I don’t think they’re going to toss everyone in the same map. Home worlds don’t serve a whole lot of purpose in the new system, at least not for PvE, but that is not the only game mode so we’ll see what happens.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]


in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I have a bad feeling EotM is foreshadowing what a megaserver will do to WvW. I have so many problems with EotM. I don’t want to fight in big battles with a bunch of random players against a bunch of random players, I want to fight with my server’s guilds against another server’s guilds. When I kill someone roaming I want them to know it was from Fort Aspenwood, not from “green”.

I hope I’m reading too much in to this.

I know we don’t really speak well of the CDIs at times, but they did make a post addressing how they understand the World Identity is too important based on player feedback, so I don’t know that they would change something in that direction. Of course all we can do for now is speculate.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]


in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


This is a really massive change and it sounds like it’s going to have an impact on guilds and WvW too. I’m pretty stoked to see what’s planned.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

[OUTNUMBERED] and the armor repair nerf

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


I think [Outnumbered] should negate [Righteous Indigation]: that way the zerg blob will have to actively guard what they take since the buff allows the other side to reclaim structures immediately. The more they take, the more resources they have to expend to keep it.

I actually love this idea and as of now, I don’t really have a counter to it. It would avoid the constant flip back and forth because all of the sides that are not outnumbered, would still have to wait for RI to end.

Now I don’t know if this is exactly possible, but can two servers be outnumbered on the same map? If that’s the case, then the flip back and forth would be possible in that scenario.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

The Nightwatch Issue

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


PPT should be based on the average number of players across all sides on a given map.
Full map x3 = 100% of max points / tick.
2 outmanned + 1 full =~ 40% of max points / tick

Another issue that this would bring up is people leaving maps empty on purpose, even during what most might consider primetime so that their enemies points tick for a lot less.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

WvW Tourney

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


If there is a tie, it will be paired up by highest ratings. So in the case of your scenario the 3 highest rated servers would be in a match. And those ratings are a reflection of your glicko score.

“If two teams have the same number of points, the team with the higher world rating will be considered the higher seed for the purposes of the matchup.”


Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]

Confused over WvW Account XP

in WvW

Posted by: DaMikenatr.7041


In the words of the Matrix: “There is no pool”

Corny and terrible jokes aside, they have continuously said that you get the same number of points to spend on EVERY character. If you have one character at rank 150 and 2 alts at rank 0, each character has access to 150 points, regardless of how many points any other character has spent.

Tsyborg – human guardian – commander
Vicious Instinct [VI]