Showing Posts For Dragonlord.6748:

chat supression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


That chat suppression is meant to suppress gold spamming bots, and others who are spamming the chat with their useless crap.

3 times in 15 minutes is an average of once every 5 minutes.
Maybe it is too strict, but would it be any better if you were unable to read the chat because there was 15 gold spamming bots spamming their messages all the time?

If you have 15 gold selling bots, and each of them posted their message once every 5 minutes, that would be an average of 1 message every 20 seconds.
Is that preferable to what we have now?

But if you are so upset about it, why not change the wording of your text?
How hard can it be to change your text each time you type it?

Players have been complaining about the gold seller spam and literally demanding that Anet fix the problem yesterday.
When they finally do something about it, then that is bad too?

Some people are just never satisfied.

You are completely out of your mind if you believe any of this.

One message per 5 min? What if you are having a conversation or asking for advice from others over Map? at this rate people will be reluctant to say anything at all in fear of being locked down. Two messages per 30 seconds… which is the restriction some other game uses, probably Rift or Wow, I don’t know I quit both that restriction is harsh, 3 per 15 min is psychotic! Even for LFG, there is nothing wrong with posting it once per minute and on top of all of this the gold spammers from what I have seen have been very scarce, they are yet to bother me.

You seem to be missing a vital point here
It only blocks you if you post the same message repeatedly, not if you write something different every time.

How many gold selling bots have you seen holding an actual conversation, and not just spam the exact same text over and over with absolutely no change to it?

And my example is not really that outrageous.
I remember back when I played wow how bad it was there.
There were hundreds of gold spamming bots spamming chat so it was impossible to hold any form of conversation.

chat supression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


It’s not that we’re never satisfied.

It’s that instead of tightening security so that it’s not so simple to run bots, they’re putting restrictions of players who are following the rules, trying to play the game according to the rules.

And how would you do it then?
What would you do different that would be better?

Here’s just a thought — how about if an account is loggin on to the game, they have to be running the actual client, and not a bot?

How about some server-side security so hackers can’t use the reportedly 20-million attempted passwords for each account trying to get in?

They already did something like this.
They have been monitoring these attempted logins and based on that have blacklisted thousands of passwords already.
By blacklisting these passwords you will not be able to use then with this game.

They only blacklisted passwords, not account names or e-mails.

There was an announcement about it a while back. but I cant find it right now

chat supression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


the text was changed numerous times even threw in random numbers and everything else that would change the content while still making it clear to people that it was a LFG request

its been 45+ minutes since and still suppressed im just gonna call it quits

the system is such a piece of kitten

To be honest I find this hard to believe, because I have never had this problem and I have done plenty of LFG in chat.

But then again I dont just change a single letter or number, I reword the whole sentence.

Maybe thats your problem.

chat supression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


It’s not that we’re never satisfied.

It’s that instead of tightening security so that it’s not so simple to run bots, they’re putting restrictions of players who are following the rules, trying to play the game according to the rules.

And how would you do it then?
What would you do different that would be better?

chat supression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


That chat suppression is meant to suppress gold spamming bots, and others who are spamming the chat with their useless crap.

3 times in 15 minutes is an average of once every 5 minutes.
Maybe it is too strict, but would it be any better if you were unable to read the chat because there was 15 gold spamming bots spamming their messages all the time?

If you have 15 gold selling bots, and each of them posted their message once every 5 minutes, that would be an average of 1 message every 20 seconds.
Is that preferable to what we have now?

But if you are so upset about it, why not change the wording of your text?
How hard can it be to change your text each time you type it?

Players have been complaining about the gold seller spam and literally demanding that Anet fix the problem yesterday.
When they finally do something about it, then that is bad too?

Some people are just never satisfied.

Enemy leashing mechanics are annoying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Oh also enemies becoming invulnerable when they have no way to attack the player. Also very annoying. This should only apply to certain enemies, not the random easy ones out in the open world.

Oh please dont get me started on this one.

I had times when I had to literally stand on top of the mob before I could kill it.
And it can happen anywhere, I had it happen in places where there was just a small slope upwards that the mobs could easily go down or around to attack me.

Instead the mob instantly gets invulnerable, and I have to stand right on top of it before I can kill it, which beats the whole purpose of the current combat system.

Some Game Content purley not working

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Those that say the game is fine and have not seen any zone breaking bugs, have either been extremely lucky or are just denying having seen them because they are unwilling to admit there are problems.

I have 1 lvl 80 char, currently on my second char now at 38 and a lvl 26.

I have yet to see a single zone past lvl 25 that does not have either one or multiple stuck events that does not progress, or skillpoints that cannot be done due to NPCs dont spawn and cannot be interacted with.

And most of these are the same skill points and events that was bugged when I leveled my first char, and seem to be stuck in the very same place they were the first time I passed them.

Extend Respawn Times

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I have the same problem, especially in higher lvl zones.
I noticed that sometimes mobs even respawn again instantly.

Had a few times I had to kill a mob that was “guarding” a resource node I was after, only to have them respawn again right after I kill then, not even giving me time to recover from the fight.

This showed up when I tried to log in

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I have gotten that a few times myself.
It usually happens if I try to log into the forums after the server crashed.

Just week or so ago I was ingame when suddenly the server crashed.
I tried logging into the forums, and got a similar error.
Odd thing is I saw others logged in and able to post, but I could not.
Every time I tried to log in I got that error.

It continued until a little while after the game serer was back up.

Could it be related to that perhaps?

Stop the Gold spammers...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Anet plz…….. stop the gold spammers. ban there accounts or something. report there site or something

Anet are banning these accounts.
But they have so many stolen accounts that when one gets banned they just move to the next and continue.
They also have to investigate each report, and that takes time, and with so many reports coming in each day, it will take time for them to look through all of them.

As for reporting their site, how would you go about doing that?

If you really want to argue the point, you could say that these gold sellers are just providing a service.
They are selling a product that people want.
Just because Anet dont allow them to sell gold in their game does not make their service illegal.

And Anet have better things to do than chase down gold sellers websites

Auto-Block Accounts we Report / Add Block feature to Mail

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


A separate gold selling report option would be nice, too.

They have already added that.
I think they may have added that with the last patch, I noticed it was there today, not seen it before

Dead enemies just dissapear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I mean.. is a CPU-bound feature right? If someone have a low end pc, with the

“Animations->Low” option would be enought to keep it in that way.

But if a have a good machine, there is no memory and processing issues.. why not ?

What if it was added as an option?

I like the idea, its a great one.
I also understand that those with low-end systems might have performance problems if its just added.

So if possible it should be either toggle it on/off, or be adjusted via the animations settings or something.

Dungeon Kick Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


ummmm – the kick requires four ppl to vote yes – if four ppl no longer want to play with you for ANY reason then yes, you should have to leave regardless if you want to or not.

not to mention, WHY would you want to try to continue to play with those four ppl if they DONT want to play with you?

Are you a masochist or something?

If you get invited by as the last person to a group, and the other 4 suddenly dont want you along anymore, why did they invite you in the first place then?

If they dont want to play with you why invite you in the first place?

I’m not saying I disagree with you, just trying to get a different angle on it.

Inviting someone to a group for a dungeon and go half way then suddenly decide they dont want you along anymore, how is that any better than the vote kicking system?

I had such an issue with CoE a few days ago.
I got invited to a group for story mode, and after wiping on the first few mobs a few times they asked me to leave because they wanted a guild mate along.

At least they had the courtesy to ask me politely, instead of just kicking me.
But why invite someone if you are just going to ask them to leave again, or just kick them later?

On the subject of vote kicking.
It can be abused even if you need 4 votes.
Who is to stop 4 players from inviting someone to a group and start a run, only to kick the player from the group later, just for the fun of it?
Someone can take a player with them all the way through a run and then kick him just before they kill the last boss, because they get a laugh from it.

Nobody likes that, and some people can get outright hostile when you do it.
I know some people takes these things very serious, even if its only a game.
Not everyone have time to play for hours on end, and nobody likes to have their time wasted by griefers, especially not when that time is limited.

Stunlocking is not fun

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I havent read all the replies here, but I have seen the same issue the OP talks about.
And those who say we should use skills that prevents or breaks these CC skills, I will say this.

We only have a limited number of these skills, these skills last for a very short duration(under 10 seconds) and have a long cooldown(30 seconds or more)

How do you expect to survive when the mobs that CC you can continue to use their CC skills every 3 seconds, while my anti CC skills are still on CD?

I dont give akittenwhat mobs are intended to do, how are you expected to be able to do anything when mobs perma CC you until you are dead?

I dont remember the name of the quest now, but I was doing a personal story quest to kill the mouth of Zhaitan.
He has a few adds, Spectral warriors or something that looks like just floating weapons.
These adds knocks you down, and as soon as you star getting on your feet againt, they knock you down again.

How am I supposed to be able to do anything when mt stability skills that are supposed to prevent this barely lasts long enough for me to use 1 or 2 skills and have a cooldown so long that I’m dead before the skill is ready again?

Not every class has multiple skills to prevent this, some classes only have 1 or 2 such skills and with the short duration and long CD makes them practically useless, as you can only use them once before you are dead.

We should be able to see how much Magic Find we have.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Good idea.
I would like to know this as well.
Cant be that difficult to add?

Dev Tracker Compilation; A list of upcoming fixes and changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Very nice list thee.
Great work.
I wish they would sticky this one, so it dont disappear in all the other “chatter” on the general forums here

Against the Corruption - bugged?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Not sure if this is covered th the 9/24 update.

I tried doing this quest once, I was fighting the mobs, including the veteran, at the entrance to the tomb.

2 things that made me not do it again.

First issue

The veteran seems to summon allies, and they killed my MPC allies so fast that in then end I was alone against 1 veteran and 4 normal mobs.
There was no way I was able to pull them one at a time, and if I did manage to single out one mob, they would respawn long before I was able to kill them all

Second Issue

I think this is a bug of some sort.
While I was fighting the Veteran and the adds, the story suddenly continued.
I got a story sequence where I was talking to Trahearne, as if I have gotten into the tomb, even though I was nowhere near it.
When it was over I eventually managed to kill the veteran and the adds, only to have Trahearne stand in one spot and not move.

I was also left with 2 objectives.
The one where I had to escort Trahearne into the tomb, and the one after I have completed that (dont remember what the objective was right now).
In other words I got the second objective before I had completed the previous one, and ended up with being unable to complete none of them.

Some issues I find frustrating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I havent read all the replies here, but I have to agree with the OP.

Far too often I try to fight my way to something, be it a resource node, skill point or something else entirely, only to find that mobs respawn faster than I can kill them.

I have even noticed in some placed that mobs respawn instantly after I kill them.
There has been a few places where a mob was “guarding” an ore node.
I kill the mob to get to the ore, only to have the mob respawn again the instant I kill it, with the dead body disappearing with the loot as if it was reset.

As if that was not enough, the amount of cripple, pulls, knockbacks and other CC skills the mobs have are ridiculous.
All mobs seem to have at least 3 if not more CC skills of some sort, and these skills either have a very long duration or a very short cooldown, which means they can perma CC you.
And dont tell me to use my anti CC skills, as they have a very short duration with a long cooldown, and most mobs just CC you again right after you use any of your skills that break their CC making them useless.

Its very frustrating as I feel that I’m being forced to kill every single mob in a zone just to get to what I want.

What's the deal with karma vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Don’t forget when you’re done you can’t sell or break down the piece of gear, and you can’t get any runes back from it. Considering that and the cost, it’s insane to buy any karma gear other than for skin or exotic. What were they thinking?

You used to be able to sell or break down those items.
But I’m sure many here remember a while back when they had set the wrong prices for some items from karma vendors.
That lead do player baying hundreds of these items to sell, salvage of convert in the mystic forge.
Whats worse is that allot of players got banned/suspended for doing it, even though it was Anets fault for setting the wrong price.

The result you see now, we cannot sell or salvage karma items anymore.
All you can do is destroy them which in my opinion makes Karma items a waste.

I understand why they did it, but I do not agree with it.
The only things I spend karma on now are crafting recipes and mats, as I can at least use that, and what I craft are not restricted by the karma rules.

Is server capacity permanently based on registered accounts, or current logins at any given moment?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


When I started playing I had the same problem.
I had some friends form other games I was gonna play with, but at the time the server they were on was listed as full.

What I did was wait until later in the day, at which point the server was no longer listed as full and I could join the server.

So unless its changed its based on number of players online, not number of accounts on the server.

Why not do this? Passwords are dumb.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


We of course have such limitations in place. The difficulty with that is that hackers have access to a virtually unlimited supply of new IPs to try from.

I dont know if this has been mentioned.
But why not add a “Coin Lock” system like Rift did.

It works like this.

When you log into your account it will be locked.
With locked I mean that the only thing you can do is kill mobs and collect loot.
You cannot sell, delete or mail items in any way as long as the account is locked.
You cannot delete characters either when the account is locked.

In order to unlock your account, you have to enter a password which has been sent to the mail address that are registered to the account.
When you do that, the location(IP) that you are logging in from will be Whitelisted and you will not have to unlock it again unless you or someone else tries to access it from a different location(IP)

If you or anyone else tries to log in to your account from a different location, the account will immediately locked, and the “Hacker” cannot do anything harmful.

When rift added this system it seemed to be very effective, the number of compromised account was significantly reduced.

people who force me to represent it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


The reason they want you to represent them is because when you to the guild generates Influence.
This influence is used to purchase various upgrades for the guild, such as guild vault, guild armor and so forth.

So why should you be able to get the benefits from these things when you dont want to help the guild get them?

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Even if I hit harder than a lvl 15 player at lvl 80 in a lvl 15 area, I will still have approximately the same amount of HP.
That HP dont last for long once you start taking hits.

you know there are other stats besides hp, right? also: not everyone is the same class as you.

Yes I know there are other stats, and yes I know there are other classes.
But please explain to me how that is relevant, when mobs can 1-2 shot you regardless of stats or class.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.

Everyone in there was dropped to 40 on entering. We were all level 14 in the area outside to dungeon so I had no idea we had a 79 in the group until he started talking about planning to hit 80 tonight.

We’ve all got the same skill bars now – so we’re essentially on par. Maybe it would have been a little tougher with all level 40s – but given the difficulty it had, that would just make it equal to AC, and not slightly easier – so still no bad thing.

The 79 in your group had massively superior stats to the rest of your group, to the degree that without a special spec he could probably solo a silver elite in there. His damage was MASSIVELY higher than yours and your entire team.

Maybe you’re new or don’t know how the stats in this game work but gear still has a higher impact even with downranked.

Now, if he died even once in that run, he was at least 70c in the red for that run. He may have gotten more exp but he definitely got the same gold reward. Hell, you yourself ran in the red for doing that run, there was no reason for you to be there and you got nothing from it.

I hit 80 a few days ago, and tried doing CM story yesterday.
I sure as hell could not solo anything in there.
Every mob we met could 1-2 shot us, even me at lvl 80.

So unless the dungeon difficulty are scaled with the actual level of the players doing it I dont see how they should be able to do so.
And if you are downleveled to the level of the dungeon then why should the difficulty be increased to your actual level, that would be pointless.

I’m not saying it should be a breeze, I dont mind a challenge, but this I think is too much in that direction.
It cost me more in repairs than I get in rewards from running the dungeon, even after selling the loot, whats the point in that?

When you are downleveld to the level of the area you are in, you also have the HP equivalent of that, so even if you have better gear with better stats your survivability will not be that much greater than someone of the actual level.

Even if I hit harder than a lvl 15 player at lvl 80 in a lvl 15 area, I will still have approximately the same amount of HP.
That HP dont last for long once you start taking hits.

(edited by Dragonlord.6748)

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Are the personal story quests supposed to be completed solo or in groups?

I have just spent 5 hours trying to complete one of my storyline quest at lvl 75.

Estate of Decay.
Kill the Mouth of Zhaitan in Kiath Manse.

I play as an elementalist and have after 5 hours of trying given up on getting it done.
The boss adds knocks you down, and the second you get on your feet they knock you down again, so you are permanently knocked down.

My anti-knockdown skill only lasts for 8 seconds with a 90 second cooldown, making it practically useless.

My NPC allies which are supposed to help me are useless as they doe within seconds of attacking, and I am left having to face a champion type mob that has 2 attacks.
one does 3-4k damage per hit, the other puts a dot that does up to 500 damage per tick.

Once I get rid f the adds my allies resurrect, we get him to 50% then he gets invulnerable, and summons adds again.
At this point my allies are killed within seconds again, and while I try to take down the adds he heals up to full HP again.

Between trying to take down the boss adds with their perma knockdowns and the 2 risen that brings artifacts to him, I simply do not have the firepower to take him down.

I have tried everything I can think of, but between the knockdowns and 3-4k damage I simply cannot kill him solo.

Tell me is this quest supposed to be done solo or do I really need a group to handle him?

Right now I really wish I could go back and change my choice of direction as I am now blocked form progressing.

Servers down? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Is this some kind of tasteless joke?

So the forum automatically moderates my posts when I submit them too now.

Servers down? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Ok now I am reallykitten off.

I was just trying to do a story mission, part way through it looked like it bugged up so I tried to exit to restart.
When I do the game boots be, and I cant log back in.
Then I try to get on to the forums to see if others have problems as well only to get several errors trying to log in.
When I finally get onto the forums and can post, I get a server timeout the instant I press the submit reply button.

I’m seriously starting to think that this game is really worth it.
When the game goes live they swing the ban hammer as if everyone had done something that deserved a ban.
Half the game is bugged and unplayable.
Instead of fixing the bugs they increase the difficulty of dungeons to the level where mobs 1-2 shot you, making in near impossible to complete them.
And not they cant even keep the servers running

Now I honestly wonder what the next will be.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


the amount of whining here is incredible
the dungeon wasnt meant to be 4times more rewarding than any other dungeon.

if you think it cost too much token for a piece of gear than comlplain about that.
im glad they fixed that kitten

Was it meant to be 4 times more costly compared to rewards then?

When the repair bill for a run cost 4 times as much as you gain from the run, and the mobs kill you in 1-2 shots every single time, then there is something very wrong.

Perhaps you could share with us your uber invincible spec so we can have a chance at actually earning a few silver as well?

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I dont mind dungeons being difficult.
The challenge is what makes them fun, but they should not be so hard you cant do them without dying every 15 seconds.

I did CoF a couple days ago, Story mode, and found it to be fun.
Today I decided to get the story mode done for all dungeons so I could start Exploration mode.

I got a group for CM, and found that it waskittennear impossible to kill anything.
1 shot from a mob and you were fighting to survive, 5 seconds later a second shot would kill you.

Its not worth even trying with these kinds of difficulties as you pay more for repairs than you get for doing the run.
So you are not making money, you are losing money on doing it, so whats really the point in doing dungeons then?

So I tried to get my dungeoneering on today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I dont know what they did to dungeons int this last patch, but I think they screwed up royally.

I did CoF story mode a couple days ago.
Today I though I would start working my way through the story mode for the different dungeons to open op exploration mode.

Imagine my surprise when I went into CM.
Mobs were hitting so hard I was fighting to survive after a single hit, the next hit would kill me and would come long before anyone had time to even try to res me.
After the second boss we just gave up as the rewards were not wroth the effort.
The cost of repairs would be far higher than any reward from the run.

I dont mind a challenge, dungeons are supposed to be that way, but this is ridiculous.
When mobs can 1 shot you itskittennear impossible to get anything done.

And dont give me that crap about evading/dodging.
You can only do it twice in rapid succession and you have to wait for your “energy”, or whatever its called" to regenerate before you can do it again, and this is when the mobs hit you with their stupid 1 shots.

And if they nerfed the rewards to the extent I see posted on the forums here I honestly wonder what the point of playing really are, since there is really nothing to do at 80 at least not for those who dont want to do WvW

Can I mix crafted armour pieces?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


The only restrictions of armor, is the type of armor.
You can only wear light, medium or heavy armor depending on your profession.

If you have a profession that uses medium armor, you cannot wear light or heavy, same goes for the others.
Heavy cannot wear light or medium and light cannot wear medium or heavy.

Other than that there are no restrictions

Remove the Experience bonus from food and potions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


So the OP wants to remove the XP buffs from the food because he thinks leveling is too easy already.

If you dont like the XP bonus, then why do you not simply choose not to use the food?
Nobody is forcing you to use the foods, but to make them less useful for others just because you dont like it is never a good idea.

I honestly do not see the point with the OP here.
Using food buffs are optional, if you dont like them just dont use them, that way you dont have to worry about the bonuses.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


This sounds like a very solid idea to me.
I just hit 80 on my Elementalist, and I have played about 90% of that time with a staff only.

There are 2 reasons why I did that.

1. To me using a staff on a caster seems the most natural, but I do like the other options as well.

2. The weapons swapping, I find it to be a chore to have to swap weapon on the character, unlike on my ranger.

I’m not saying the Elementalist should have weapons swapping like the ranger, but having to carry around the different types of weapons my character can use takes up allot of valuable inventory space, and that space is limited.

I would really like to see a system where I can put in the different weapons, not have then take up space in my inventory, and be able to swap them out when I feel like.
And the suggestion here is the best I have heard on the subject so far.

With the current system I eventually gave up carrying around the additional weapons and just went for the staff for these reasons

- I found it took too much space to carry them,
- I found it to be too much of a chore to swap them out when I wanted to do so.
- I found I accidentally sold those weapons on several occasions to a vendor and didnt notice until much later when I wanted to swap, at which point it was too late to buy them back.

In short I support this idea, its a sound idea and does not appear alter the current system in any way.

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I can attest to the issue of personal story bing too hard.

I dont remember which part it was, but in one of my personal story quests, I was fighting some kind of Ice Imp.
I was around level 10-15 at the time.

The Ice Imp was a veteran mob, with 1 summoned minion, as well as 3 NPC allies I still died so many times I ended up fighting thekittenthing naked.

The problem was that the veteran mob summoned 3 adds, and some kind of nest or something that made it invincible until I had destroyed the nest.

My NPC allies were torn apart as if they were ,made of paper, despite one of them supposedly being a champion type NPC.
Not only that but when I died and respawned the adds of the veteran mob followed me, and while I fought the adds the main target regenerated.

I could not kite or evade all mobs, and if I tried to revive my allies I would die trying as the mobs would just attack me while I tried doing that.

At higher levels, like the fight at fort Claw, I noticed another issue I would call a bug.
I no matter how much an NPC ally hits a mob, I only have to hit a mob once with my weakest attack and I get permanent aggro.
With permanent I meant that if I die and resurrect, the mob will ignore any other NPC hitting it and come running to attack me where I resurrect.

Leveling up is pointless because you are always leveled down to the level of besides what do you do once you hit 80?

You cant level up to say 85 or 90 and then do it even if you were not downleveled, and then do the quest, you would have to do it on level.

The personal story is supposed to be possible to do solo, if you bring some friends I would not mind if they scale it up a bit so as to not make it trivial, but you should at least have a fighting chance, and not end up having to fight naked just to complete the quest.

Are the risen supposed to run that fast?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I dont know if its just me, but it feels to me as if the risen runs faster than any other mobs in game.
All other mobs I can run away from, but risen seem to catch up with me no matter how fast I run.

Overzealous Flesh Golem / No passive mode for minions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Not sure what profession the flesh golem is from but am I right to assume its from Necromancer?

I just hit 80 on my Elementalist today, and havehad the same issue with my minions while leveling up.

They will attack any mob in range regardless of whether I have initiated combat or not, its as if they are set to a permanently aggressive mode.

Since the minion is only there for a limited time I end up getting the aggro when the minion are unsommoned.

Far too often this has resulted in me getting killed, with unnecessary repair costs as well, because I already have low HP and dont have time to heal or regenerate when the minion are unsummoned mere seconds after it starts the attack.

Battle of Fort Trinity - Cinematic without sound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


guys, see this:

Update Notes – September 14th 2012

Fixed bugs in story chapters “Forging the Pact,” “Battle of Fort Trinity," "The Ghost Rite,” “On Red Alert,” and “Tower Down.”

I did this story quest yesterday 16th September, and got as far as where Trahearne says “Get those cannons firing” and nothing more happened.

So if the fixed it on 14th September then they must have broken something else or not fixed it completely as I still cant do it.
I tried restarting it but never got past that point.

I also noticed the problem with cinematics, where the voiceovers from the NPCs are missing, which seems to be a widespread issue.

(edited by Dragonlord.6748)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I get the same, I got to defending the docks, I get 1 or 2 waves of mobs spawning and then nothing happens.

I see so many bugged events and quests since I hit 40 that I’m starting to wonder if there was any testing done past that part.

Gold Spamming WILL damage GW2's future if it's not brought under control!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Just annoying?
I was in Lions Arch today and it only took 2 minutes of afk to have my chat window filled with gold spam to such an extent it was impossible to discern what anyone else was saying.
The gold spammers were posting so much that I could at best read half a line before the text was scrolled off the chat window by gold spammers.

I’m talking about 5-6 different spammers posting in such rapid succession that it almost looked as if they were having a fight in chat over who would post the fastest.
It went so fast that if anyone else was posting in between I would not have seen it, and due to this its not impossible that I may have accidentally reported someone who did not deserve it despite my best efforts to avoid it.

Why Are There So Many Bugged/Frozen Events? (DEs)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Every single zone I have been in since I lvl 40 (now at 70) I have seen at least 2-3 events that was bugged out.

If thats not broken I dont know what it is, and its honestly starting tokitten me off as it not just prevents the even from being completed and getting the rewards from it, but it also blocks any waypoints that are in the event location.

Waypoints become contested and cant be used for the duration, which can be frustrating if the event never ends.

Absurd imbalance, Elementalist is weak

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I have to agree with the OP here.
I have specced primarily for power(Fire) with vitality(Water) second, and I have a hard time killing more than 2 mobs solo.

If I get 3 or more mobs on me I have to have to use 2 summoning skills and have my summoned minions hold the aggro while I try to kill the mobs.
And even then it sometimes only takes 1 or 2 hits with my weakest skill before I have aggo again.

At lvl 70 I have put 25 trait points into my fire skill which should give me a significant boost in my dps, yet I still see every other class being able to kill multiple mobs in the time it takes me to kill 1.

Not to mention when I fight underwater.
Underwater I cant summon any minions and my skills are even weaker.
It usually takes me minutes just to kill a single mob while underwater, and the odd thing is that despite being specced for fire I actually do most damage with water skills.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I have noticed that in some of the higher level areas most are clustered so closely together that its almost impossible to run past them without aggriong at least 5 of them.

These mobs then proceed to chain stun, root or slow you which makes it impossible to run away from them.
As an elementalist I have been unable to survive such attacks because I’m usually half dead before I even have time to react.
And dont give me that crap about kiting or evading/dodging, because I dont have time to even think about it before I’m in a downed state with 5 mobs on me.

Another thing that really pisses me off is that sometimes my character seem to start attacking a mob seemingly at random.
It happens even though I have done nothing myself that should make it happen.
I can be on autorun and suddenly just start attacking a mob, dont matter if the mob is “red” or "yellow (agressive pr neutral), just for running past it.
Or if I change attunement that is apparently considered the same as attacking the nearest mob regardless of whether I have one targeted or not.

Report for selling gold button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


That’s probably not going to be implemented because it would really embarrass Arenanet. Reporting for spam is fine

If they are worried about embarrassment, then I think it would be a much bigger one if the game got overrun with goldsellers like wow did, than if the added that as an option in the report function.

I have lost count of the number of gold sellers I have reported in the last few days alone, and they are still going at it.
I still see the same characters still spamming chat with their messages days after they have been reported.
It honestly feels to me like nothing is being done.

Stuck in combat (hp not regening and slowed movement speed)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I had this happen several times for me.

It usually happens if I fight 2 or more mobs at once and I’m stuck in combat even after defeating all of them.

Or it happens if I get aggro from a mob and I run away to reset it, I get stuck in combat and HP not regenerating when the mob resets.

Logging out and back in will fix it, but should not necessary.

Respawn rate is way to fast sometimes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


You’re kidding right? either you’re levelling in areas abouve your capability or you’re just plain doing something wrong. The re-spawn is right on. In fact in my own experience Id prefer it a little faster as levelling is just way too easy (Ranger and Guardian)

Respawn rate right on?
You kidding?

Please explain to me how that can be so when you have the same mob you just killed respawn in your face the moment you kill it.
I had some places where I killed a mob to get to a resource node only to have to fight thekittenmob 3-4 times because it respawned the instant it was killed

And I’m talking on level mobs, not mobs that are higher than me.
And in some areas I fight my way into a place to get to POI, skill challenge or some resource nodes only to have the mobs respawn while I fight.

They then proceed to swarm me and kill me so fast I dont even have time to react before I’m dead, and trying to fight to survive is pointless because the damage I do at that point are so low I can barely make a dent in the mobs health.
At best I can get a single mob to 3/4 HP before they kill me.

EULA question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


If this guy is really reporting people simply for advertising their guild in chat, then it hopefully will not take long before his reporting will backfire.

Eventually Anet will consider his consistent reporting of guild advertisements as an abuse or misuse of the report system, and if he continues he will be the one who gets banned.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I honestly get rather irritated when I see threads with topics like this one.

“We need”?

If people really want something in the game thats fine, but what you are doing by saying “We Need” is presuming that everyone want it and that its for some reason required in the game.
I you want something added, please at least use proper terminology, and dont presume to speak for others.

I for one do not need any of this crap, nor do I want it.
Every MMO I have played that had a dueling system I would have players in the most populated areas spam me with duels, and when I declined them they would just do it again with no regard for my interests.

301 hearts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748

Dragonlord.6748 should show you the locations of the hearts. Compare it to your world map and you should find it a lot easier

That map was confusing to me.
I use this one which I think is much better.

You can click on each zone separately and it shows that zone only.
The heart I was looking for was shown there, I just did not see it for some reason.
Blind spot on the map. :P

301 hearts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


With the help of a guild mate I finally founf it.
Some small islands North of Sorrowful Waypoint

301 hearts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I got that one, If I didnt know better I would say its a bug and its only supposed to be 12