Healing shouts don’t heal for much. The buff is miniscule.
You’re cray cray.
Shouts heal for about 2k.
Build some healing power, eh?
This build looks very situational at best.
Would you like to have a flail to use?
*Head cracker
Hit your foe in head dealing extra damage if they are confused.
Damage. 269
Damage if confused: 8%
range: 130
-> Bone cracker
Hit your foe again causing vulnerability.
Damage: 290
Vulnerability: 3 secs.
range: 130*Crippling strike
Hit your foe and cripple it.
Damage: 280
Cripple: 3 secs.
range: 130*Furious strike
Hit your foe gaining fury.
Damage: 300
Fury: 4 secs.
range 130
I like the Head Cracker concept with bonus damage while confused. This could inspire a nice hybrid condi mace/shiled + flail/mace build with distracting strikes.
This is my mace/horn + hammer shout build. I wish I had a video for ya, but I’ve been lazy with my frapsing lately.
On paper you will have 50% retaliation uptime from Spiked Armor and 40% boon duration. Also, you will have 60% increased regen duration when you combine your bonn duration with the increased regen duration from Dwayna runes. Combine Dwayna Rune proc, Dogged March, and Poison Conversion with your Warhorn and you can achieve a regen uptime that is very close to 100%. Combo this with your 2k shout heals and your 460 regen signet ticks and your sustain is amazing.
I use the Inspiring Shouts and Versatile Rage because this build is meant strictly for support not damage. You get almost 1 bar of adrenaline per shout, and almost 1 bar from a weapon swap. More adrenaline means more Skull Cracks/Earthshakers which means more support CC and also more condi cleansing for yourself. You shed conditions like water with this build.
Try this build with full soldier runes. It’s a nice substitute.
I enjoy bunker banner builds but find running more than 1 banner to be a little redundant. Also, your healing power is very low for how much you’ve invested in the bonus regen. I think you would have much more success if you ran clerics.
I also prefer shouts builds over banner builds because with my bonus boon duration and rune setup I have near 100% regen uptime anyways so it makes banner sustain kinda meh in comparison. along with that i have 2k aoe heals from each shout and 460 ticks from healing signet.
So i should RUN RUN RUN , get out of combat , switch weapons for necro ( OP-est class in game ) , RUN RUN RUN AGAIN after him with hammer axe+shield (will take some time ) and be careful at his weapons and ABOVE ALL THAT I WILL HAVE TROUBLE WITH THEM ? holy kitten !
You dont understand me , so i have to do another build for 1 kittening class ? thats pathetic !
Necro was using : axe/warhorn dagger/focus power build
Or you know, bring a hammer or mace/shield. Necros have almost no reliable stability, so hard CCs on them are the bane of their existance. Some necros do pack a lot of fears, but that’s where balanced stance or dolyak signet come in handy.
Isn’t fear a condition, so stability would do nothing against it. Berserker stance would work though.
It’s technically both actually. So stun breakers will break you out of it and stability will make you immune to it, but the fun thing is if you have negative condition duration stuff on you (runes and/or food) fear’s durartion is cut from that as well.
Stability most definitely works on Fear. If you run Balance Stance with Berserker Stance you have 20sec(sure-footed) of fear immunity right there.
If you can’t beat a necro then you need to try a mace/shield + hammer 0/5/30/0/30 melandru stance build. Necros hate warriors atm because we counter them hard with CC and massive damage.
Well, this thread is lost now that it is in the Warrior subforum. There is no space of an unbiased discussion anymore.
Thank you, mods. Great job as usual.
Are you suggesting that your original post was unbiased? Sorry, but that just isn’t true. There really is no such thing as unbiased anyways.
I know the manner of my reply was a little juvenile but the points I made are still valid.
Just because people are sharing ideas that you don’t agree with does not mean the integrity of the thread is lost.
How do you chase a GS / S+Horn warrior again? Please enlighten me, I am utterly clueless on how anyone has mobility matching this ridiculous setup that creates something like 3k distance in less than 3 seconds without even using a single utility slot.
try to cripple chill or imbolie if that doesn’t work don’t waste your time a warrior who is built to run is much less of a threat then the one made to kill you.
This guy said it. If hes built for mobility then hes not built to kill. That simple. That’s the way builds work around here. You are always sacrificing something.
what about calming your kittens before the patch is live?
I read this as-is and lold. CALM YOUR KITTENS!
But really if you want to counter a stun warrior then run a blind thief on your team. Throw in a ranger with access to balance and a mesmer to run his kitten in circles and you just dispatched this OMEGA-P WARRIOR XL with ease. It makes a hammer/mace warrior quite useless.
L2P rock paper scissor mechanics before crying on the forums kplzty.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
How does one fix “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”.
I’ve been saying this for a while, but as you can assume, it is an unpopular opinion to be throwing around.
The problem is the community, not just the system. Sure, there are flaws in the system. My main beef is that when they implemented it your Team Rank should have transfered over to your Solo Rank as a starting point so you would only get solo qued into games with people who match your rank. I am at 94% in team ranks and almost in the top 1000, but I am 46% in solo que because I keep getting matched with people that throw, feed, and overall just dont know what theyre doing.
The second part of this needs repeating. The problem is the community. People treat solo que as another spvp game where, “hey if it goes good I get better rewards, but if we are ever down by 100pts im gonna restart GW2 and go back to spvp while I re-enter que.”
There is no accountability for leavers and the incentive for winning is not great enough to get people to take it more seriously.
If someone leaves a solo que early and goes back to spvp it is no skin off their back. If you ban them from tpvp for X amount of time it doesn’t matter to them because they treat solo que tpvp just like they do spvp, like a joke. A jolly tussle with my mates. Or a bunch of care bears, “hey man don’t tell me to stop zerging bro its just a game.” Guess what bruuhhh some of us like to win at games! deep breath in… and out
Sorry… I had to get that off my chest because I came to GW2 specifically for the competitive scene and this new system is making me strongly consider new options for my gaming experience.
“Its not min/max fancy burst nuke feck em all up build, but rather a build along the lines I like to see my warrior…… Durable front-line grunt that gets things done.”
That’s just the problem.. you aren’t min/maxed to do anything, really. There are better ways to create ‘durable’ builds out there with shouts/battle standards, and there are better ways to create condition builds so your confusion actually does something rather than nothing. Unfortunately, you’re just kind of all over the place here.
I am your messiah. Praise me.
At risk of offending our messiah, you forgot dodge-roll, aegis, block, and blind.
Yo baddies. Use these things and stop crying. Holy kitten. You seriously need to spend less time crying on the forums and more time in pvp because you are kitteningg brain dead worthless if you can’t figure out how to deal with CC.
Greatsword / Axe + Axe is not bad for a lot of aoe damage for rounding up mobs and slashing them down. On your gear make sure to spread some points into defensive stats as well. Knights gear would be a good place to start. Look for gear with Power, Precision, and Toughness.
Your trait line wont matter too terribly much for leveling. It is a very fast grind and youll be 80 in no time. The arms tree has some good stuff.
I’ve played around with a confusion build in pvp using Mace + Sword / Sword + Shield.
Your damage comes from Confusion, Torment, Bleed, Retaliation, and Reflection.
You have 3 interrupts, 3 blocks, and access to other powerful conditions. It’s a very technical build that works best in small skirmish situations (2v2 3v3). It’s great when you kill people because they do the work for ya! They move around (torment) spamming skills (confusion) while trying to damage you (retaliation / reflection) and end up killing themselves!
I really wish the perplexity rune was available in pvp because this would be great for this build!
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
How does your character survive going into melee in pvp?
It doesn’t.
No need to get upset. I play a necro, engi and a guardian too. I understand how they work and when they are going to burst condis. the majority of necro condi burst actually comes from your team with staff 4 or dagger 4. This means they are going to run in, apply some aoe pressure, watch friendly stacks, wait for an opportunity, and then ‘hot potato’ conditions, deathshroud and burst. It’s predictable and can be shut down with some smart cc and focus fire.
Predicting enemies comes from instinct and practice. It’s the same thing for any other type of competition. The safety didn’t “read the quarterback’s mind” when he read the cross route and came forward for the interception. He’s been there before, recognized the signs, and performed accordingly. The same thing applies to gaming.
Not trying to sound condescending, but I’m just getting really tired of hearing “guardians do it better”, especially after all the buffs. They are two different monsters. You don’t hear that broad stroke, super presumptuous argument from any other class. Rangers don’t say “we suck run an engi they do it better.” Mesmers don’t say “we suck run ele they do it better”. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Everything in pvp is relative.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
Why would you wait to use it until you have 10 conditions on you? No offense but that sounds like you’re not using it properly. And you realize you can run with a guardian too? They aren’t mutually exclusive.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
cc and stance*
That was a pretty poor description huh? I’ll edit it here 1 sec.
They don’t know what theyre missing out on. A hammer / mace + shield stance warrior is the best counter to a necro in the game imho. Throw a thief (or anyone else, really) on your focus target and that’s one saaaad panda. I mean necro… sad necro-panda? Whatever. Oh well I guess.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
You don’t have 100% crit in pvp.
True enough, you got beserker stance. The issue with stances is they only give you a “free pass” for a limited period of time and with an attrition build you need… time.
If they were to move Distracting strikes to an adapt tier, maybe it would allow for more optimal builds around that trait, but I think the purpose of the trait is supplementary damage in a power build. Otherwise, one could try and build around physical interrupt skills, like kick etc., and drop the mace. However, by doing so you loose practically all your survivability. Something like this, using the bow as well:
In addition to confusion you have retaliation which seems to go well with the theme. It got one stun breaker but no stability and low adren gen. Decent condition removal with cleansing ire and mending (which now removes 3 cons). Just something I threw together real quick and will likely not work :-)
You guys can talk all you want about how you need sustain for condition builds and I get it, but this is what you get for ANY condition build so please stop arguing moot points. Undead runes and rabid amulet, zerker stance and cleansing Ire. Anything beyond this and you’re not going to be min maxing very well.
Making it an adept trait wouldnt change anything. The reason it is hard to specc for is because you need the right weapons to stack confusion. If you move it to adept tree it doesnt change the fact that you still need more than a shield to make it viable.
Rabid is better than carrion imo because toughness scales better than vitality and you need the precision to crit proc bleeds.
Your build has no stability. Break a stun? Fine. Eat another. You’re dead.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
All on crit Sigils have a cooldown. Sigil of Earth has a two second one: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Earth
Edit: The bleed proc through Precise Strikes doesn’t though as far as i know, maybe you were mixing those up?
Maybe. who knows. doesn’t interfere to a level of even recognizing it so its working fine. I get 100% poison proccs anyways apparently so im fine with it.
My mistake. I remembered it wrong which is likely due to the fact that both (Guardian Rune and Mighty Defense) do proc when you block a ranged Aoe like Barrage. In the heat of the battle it seemed they proc on all ranged attacks. My bad. In that case I guess the loss in condi damage isn’t worth it.
What I meant about the Sigils is that Earth and Doom interfere with each other. In most situations Doom will proc first. While it is on cd, Earth won’t proc. Likewise if Earth happens to proc a bit less than 2s before your weapon swap, doom won’t proc either. Imo Sigil of Earth on a 9s cd (more often than not) is a waste of a sigil slot or two in this case.
Sigil of Earth has no CD. They will not interfere.
I agree with most of your concerns and they are all fairly accurate with regards to this build. Stat wise it has the same stat spread as a normal condition build. Undead runes + rabid is fairly straight forward.
As far as condition removal this is about as good as it gets for a condition warrior. You use berserker stance to protect against condi burst like necro aoe, and use cleansing Ire to keep the rest off of you. Don’t underestimate cleansing Ire with Furious. If you manage your adrenaline wisely you can prevent the conditions from building up before you hit that “oh kitten” moment when you realize you have 9 conditions on you and it’s gg.
8 stacks of confusion is pretty average. Torment is very powerful because even after it is cleansed Impale keeps reapplying. The same thing can be said for Combustive Shot from the LB though. Again, its just a fun build for the moment.
Idk how they could make Distracting Strikes better. Maybe reduce the stacks applied and change it to “every time you disable a target apply 2 stacks of Confusion”? Or maybe “30% chance to apply 2 stacks of confusion every time you apply a new condition to a target”.
Idk just spit ballin.
When I read about banners on the site long before launch I thought they would be a large aoe group buff attached to your back.
How wrong I was..
No one other than condi builds would use offhand sword and when they do they’re sacrificing a lot of damage negation for that.
This is not true. Offhand sword has the best direct damage burst available to any offhand in the form of Rip. It is also very capable of performing in a defensive role.
No one uses offhand sword for anything other than condition damage. And even then it is still a toss up because you are losing amazing utility from the shield.
If you are wasting 1.25sec to do 1k damage with an Impale Rip combo then you are doing it wrong. Sorry mate. You are way better off using your offhand for utility.
Warriors have sustain.
The healing improvement is not equivalent to sustain, they still get focused and get all the damage all day, and all other classes have a way to mitigate/negate that focus constantly, while warrior has what?, 4 sec endure pain on 60 sec cd?, and shield block….
Seriously warriors are still bad.
No.. youre still bad. Man.. why are you making me be a kitten.
Sorry man, but we got plenty of sustain now. And we can definitely keep up with guardians as far as surviving burst and condition protection. You have the tools, now its time to learn them.
The developers just gave you everything you could ask for. Condition protection? Here’s a ton of it!! Increased healing?? NP have a boost! I don’t even know why I come back to these warrior forums.. it’s just a cess pool of garbage players whining because they don’t know how to utilize the tools they are given.
PS don’t bother with a witty retort because I wont be back to read it.
TLDR: You got the tools, time to learn your class.
Mighty Defense only proccs off of an actual Block, not a reflection. So melee are the only ones that procc it. Also, you would have to sacrifice Distracting Strikes, Furious, or Cleansing Ire in order to get it which is not ideal.
If you use guardian runes you lose all condition damage from runes.
The Sigils of Doom do not interfere with each other because the CD is shorter than the CD on weapon swap, and as far as I can tell the Sigil of Earth will still procc on crits. Corruption is great for WvW where you can stack fast and avoid death with big doors, but I’d rather have the crit proc and poison on swap for pvp. You don’t need any more condi duration for pvp because you get plenty from traits and Deep Cuts.
This is just a fun spvp build for something different. I use it for dueling mostly or for soloing far node where you will likely 1v1 a ranger or engi.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
Warriors have sustain.
Primary Conditions applied include: Bleed, Torment, Confusion.
Apply torment early and use your stuns/daze to apply Confusion with interrupts. Bleeds come from sword and Riposte.
Be patient when using Mace / Sword and make sure you land your interrupts. Use Skull Crack and then swap to sword to apply as much bleed as possible. Stay on target after they dodge roll out of the stun with Leap and go right into a Flurry.
Counter Blow and Riposte can be used as adrenaline boosters if the situation requires a quick heal and you need to bump it up from a tier 1 to a tier 2 heal etc.
Use blocks with integrity because they have much more situational functionality than people give them credit.
The Adept traits are really up to you. If you want Shield Mastery, Dogged March, or Sure-footed then feel free to use them instead. I prefer Deflection because you have 3 blocks and even if a melee player is approaching you can reflect projectiles until they procc the counterattack with a melee swing. Also, apparently rangers got buffed so be prepared to see some flavor players out there lol.
You can really stack Confusion fast once you start recognizing what to look for in order to land an interrupt. After you play a while with Distracting Strikes it can really transfer over into your other builds because you practiced landing interrupts, and even if you don’t apply Confusion they are still important to land.
Same thing goes for blocks. Since you’ve been practicing landing those critical deflections even if you play a different build you are more aware of the combat and can recognize what is coming at you in different situations.
Im going to try this build with LB / Mace + Sword too just for kicks but I anticipate my sustain will drop off.
Let me know what you think. Just something a little out there. Definitely more skill intensive than a standard LB / Sword +Board condi build.
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
Regarding Warrior banner, it’s a bug.
Devs don’t see it as an issue when we showed them it almost 2 months ago.
So now I use it as perma swiftness for the group when we’re roaming.
When something isn’t working as intended and you’re taking advantage of it, then it’s an exploit. It often takes devs a long time to get around to fixing issues. Just because they don’t act immediately doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. I don’t care either way. Just don’t try and sugar coat it. Own up to what you’re doing.
No condition protection. You’re a dead man in an scenario from 1v1 to 5v5.
No matter how much healing power you stack healing signet will not be good in pvp. Sorry. It still is a leveling utility. Maybe a pve utility at best.
Here is my pvp sword + horn / longbow build.
Lots of variability in play and options for combos. Call of the Wild + Signet of the Wild opener and save Rampage as One for condition cleanse + counter burst. Call of the Wild again can be used as a blast finisher inside Healing Spring. Invisibility from Hunter’s Shot can line you up for a burst from Point Blank Shot + Rapid Fire or Hunter’s Call + Sword rotation. Lots of might and other boons. Lots of damage. Survivability comes from dodge and evade (duh ranger).
……Also why so few responses ? Do you people use anything then a GS to notice a bug on hammer ?..
The forums were flooded with these threads when the update first came out. Frankly, you are late to the party bro so try not to be so condescending.
Condi warriors need huge help, not sure if this is the right way to do it though.
You need to rethink your build if you are having trouble as a condition warrior.
Condition duration doesn’t effect stuns, and you need to read up on how sigils work.
What’s wrong with Skyhammer is not the skill level or random insta deaths. It really is that it requires and FORCES teams to play a certain way. If you had no bunker/roamer on any of the other maps, you could still be effective, assuming you were good at whatever you focused on. If, on the other maps, you played very little with the secondary features like, the orb, the buffs, the trebuchet, the guild lords, you could still win. It was VERY possible for teams to play their own game and be good at it. Teams ran all sorts of builds, even against meta.
But not in Skyhammer. You cannot run against the meta in Skyhammer and expect to win. If you are not focusing on getting that cannon, you will lose. If you did not prep loads of stability, and loads of cc, you could not win. You had to play Skyhammer’s way, or the losing way.
This was not true in any of the other maps. The secondary features on each map were there to enhance the map, not to constrict the playstyle. No one, and I mean NO ONE ever built a build around capturing the buffs, or stealing the orb, or breaking down the guild lords wall.
Freedom of styles means more variety, as long as the game is balanced. Just think of the few builds we have now in PvP. A handful of builds per profession were “efficient” across all the PvP maps. Now think of the few builds that are “viable” on Skyhammer. One per profession, maybe two.
Now this has nothing to do with switching skills around. No one minds swapping traits and skills. The problem is that Skyhammer really forces teams to use the same tactics. Which ultimately means, the teams aren’t really even the teams anymore, they are just playing what is demanded of them. If that is the goal of ArenaNet, to force players to play a certain way, then their E-Sport is dead. Well, it was never really there to begin with…
Its the same reason why CoD doesn’t have maps forcing you to use snipers, or Starcraft doesn’t have maps forcing you to play Zerg.
Very well put.
It sounds like everyone just wants different looking foefires….
This map heavily favors Hard CC builds. That is to say that any CC that physically pushes or pulls your enemy is prime for this map…. Now how many classes have no access to any hard CC builds?
….. Exactly. Some classes have it a little bit better than others for hard CC builds but then those are the classes you send to the hammer everyone else you send to points. If you have 3 people from the other team fighting for the hammer then that means you can at least 2 cap them fairly quick.This is the first map that you have to be legitimately afraid of knockbacks and launches any other map they are an annoyance and no real threat which is why no one built for them.
The map requires heavy thought into positioning yourself and the enemy. Which once again is not bad and helps up the skill floor to play.Just because there is a map that heavily favors hard CC doesn’t mean that it is game breaking or non competitive. It means that maybe you should stop thinking your build=God Build and you shouldn’t have to adjust your playstyle for the map.
First, you aren’t using the term “Hard CC” correctly. A 3sec stun is definitely a ‘Hard CC’ and it neither pushes or pulls a target. That’s OK though because we understand what you are getting at.
Second, If you send 3 people to the hammer and have 2 people on the ground then you can definitely hold 2 nodes. The cannon can protect 2 nodes very very easily with 2 bunkers on the ground to prevent neutralization. The area control > additional ground support.
Third, CC is very very important on all maps. It has always been very strong and never has been considered a mere ‘annoyance’. Tell a terror necro his fears are ‘annoyances’ and he will laugh at your corpse.
Third, your logic regarding class building for the map is full of broad stroke assumptions. People aren’t assuming their ‘build = GOD’ but they are assuming that if given a fair fight they are equipped with the abilities necessary to stand a chance and beat the enemy player. With map mechanics that are excessive you aren’t beating your opponent, you are letting the map do all the work for you.
I disagree when you say “The map requires heavy thought into positioning yourself and the enemy.” This map requires very little thought and/or coordination to land game changing kills via the floor panels.
Now, if the map were set up like say.. a golf course with very few holes scattered around the map, then it would take a significant amount of skill to land a 1 shot kill. This would require tactical kiting and enemy manipulation to properly position them for a CC kill.
Everyone is getting carried away here with very subjective ideas. Please refrain from “This or that is crap” “learn to play” “learn to build your class” “remove this map from tpvp” posts. They accomplish nothing. Take that elsewhere please.
I posted this on Reddit, I’ll post it here:
Some of the aspects of this map are awesome. Some not so much. However, I am one of the few that honestly believe this can be tournament viable.
1) the cannon fight area is fantastic. It basically becomes a 1v1 with a mini game inside it: dodge/blind/stability block the knock backs. The 1 thing that is very wrong with this: Ele’s can mistform reconfigure the cannon. Which means I walk in, knockdown, commune then mistform. I have control of the cannon, and if I have full health and stability I can fire a shot at the point we need it. (Yes, you can activate and shoot while being damaged. Just don’t go in without stability or you’ll get banished out lol)2) falling kills. Adds another level and it basically is a new meta within the map. I honestly think this is fine. People complain that you need new builds for this map. Why? That awesome! Lets you make builds that wouldn’t normally work on this map. Sure, fears and banishes and pulls suck. Does it hinder some classes? I don’t think so. Those classes just need to build different. Like a condi vs. power meta. Just because a map doesn’t have set roles for it and you have to build differently doesn’t mean it’s bad IMO. Promotes skill! Do you know how to honestly play this map? Your build will show that. However, I think that if it takes a short time to kill someone by banishing someone, you should res faster. Like 10-8 seconds as opposed to 15. No stomp required, so you shouldn’t be punished for that. Something to try at least.
As a note, please please PLEASE give us build templates. PLEASE.
3) jump pads. So much fun. Adds another level of skill, as you can’t be chased right away. Makes the map more like a playground. If they fix some of the bugs that come with verticality, I think this is really awesome
4) cannon being undodgeable. Ok so here’s the thing. It has a delay. So if you could dodge it, it becomes a lot like treb but no knockback. This is a giant laser! I dunno if it should be dodge able in all honesty. Something’s could be tweaked, but I’m not sure…damage reduced, area reduced, increased cool down, etc etc. Play around with it but right now i think its too strong.
Also, why did I see so few ele’s yesterday? Protection prevents 33% of the damage from the cannon. We have stability on a 10 second cooldown. We can get from point a to c in under 10 seconds. We also have 2 OP skills for cannon right now…
Anyway. That’s my 2 cents
1) The cannon fight area is hardly ever a 1v1. Which is fine, just understand the reality that with 5 player resources at your disposal being required to (most of the time) send at least 2 to the cannon stretches your team thin. This is different with the trebs on kyhlo. On kyhlo you can rotate resources because trebs get killed etc. I agree mistform configuring needs to be fixed.
2) The argument isn’t “oh they made me change my build now I’m mad”. The argument is that someone who throws together a lackluster build for 2 buttons that will garner instant kills is not a viable way to compete, especially in tpvp. Also, you can’t just tell people to change their builds because they’re doing it wrong. Keep in mind not all classes have access to viable sources of knockbacks, fears, and stability to be able to perform as well as other classes. Also, the glass floor ‘cheese’ mechanics play to the favor of classes that are already strong to begin with such as engineer, guardian, necromancer, and elementalist.
3) jump pads cool whatever.
4) The undodgeable cannon damage isn’t even what makes the cannon so strong. The real strength is the area control that comes with it. You are suggesting that people simply abandon a node when a blast is incoming and you’ll be fine. That is a pretty over powered mechanic that 1 blast from a cannon can almost guarantee a node is neutralized with intelligent ground support. You are better off just sending that player resource to the cannon to, at the very least, contest the cannon because floating from node to node is not viable when the cannon can rotate exponentially faster than you can run, even as an elementalist. And if that is the logical resource distribution then we arrive back at the conclusion that ‘cheese’ builds win this map because the cannon controls the game.
Protection may protect 33% cannon damage but that takes a 10k blast down to a 7k blast. You are welcome to come fight me at a node anytime if you’re just going to eat 7k knock downs all day =P
This thread is for objective skyhammer feedback only. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Whining is not.
I’ll start it off. The question in my mind with skyhammer is: am I outplaying the player, or outplaying the map?
Map mechanics are fun and add variety, but should not do the heavy lifting for the player. It is Player versus Player afterall. Can you capture an orb, treb a node, attune to stillness, and kill svanir or a lord to aid your team in victory? Absolutely. Do you camp there all game and rely solely on the effectiveness of these mechanics to win the game? Probably not.
The cannon ‘attunement’ mechanic is a smart and creative way to control a neutral siege. However, like most people have already said, the fall-away floors tend to encourage cheese play. I think the fall-away floors should remain as-is in the cannon room, but leave the one’s around the nodes static or only have them break when the cannon hits them. This will force people at the nodes to still outplay the player, not the map.
Also, considering the high amount of damage and area control the skyhammer provides I think the turning speed should be decreased. ex. if you are blasting B and turn to blast A it should take a couple seconds to swing that monster cannon over to A. That way the skyhammer will be a supporting mechanic instead of the ‘be all, end all’ answer to controlling the entire map. If you want to keep the turning speed as-is then maybe a longer CD , cast time, or a smaller AoE will help balance it out.
edit spelling
(edited by Drek Thalon.5490)
It’s a cheese map, Build Wars trumps Guild Wars. I.e. if you spec for kittentons of CC + fear you will do better than someone who is more talented and runs a build where the goal is to actuall kill another player or bunker the point.
It’s fine for hotjoin/having fun trolling people, but it’s an awful competitive map
Spot on.
Skyhammer is not PvP it is PvM. Player versus Map. You don’t truly outplay a person if you just wait for their balance to drop and then fear bomb or knock them off a ledge.
PS – Im a Necro, guardian, warrior.
There are so many things wrong with that pyramid it quite literally made me lol. If you think thieves are near the top and guardians /elementalist are near the bottom you need some more experience under your belt before you qq.
Add Team Deathmatch.
They can test the mode by enabling a function in the custom arena options to ‘disable nodes’. This will allow a completely new dynamic of game play without having to create any new maps from the ground up, which can take a very long time and a lot of man hours. After an appropriate amount of developer testing, and player based spvp testing it can later be implemented to tpvp.
Warriors are great in team fights. They get cleansing, healing, and additional cc support from other classes which allows the warrior to be what it was meant to be: a mobile dps machine.
Berserker Stance should have a 10 second CD.
I agree a reduced CD would be nice, but they’d have to greatly reduce the adrenaline gained or it would be op combined with cleansing Ire.
I don’t think hybrid is a good choice. You don’t really do anything well. Your conditions are meh and your crits are meh because you spread your points too thin.
Full out condition build is one of the strongest warrior 1v1 builds. It gives you the tools you need to do well against a lot of the other classes. Great aoe, great single target, lots of immob, interupts, balance, condi protection, easy access to condi cleansing via Cleansing Ire.