A fully-customisable User Interface.
The option to tone down or turn off the particle effects.
Surely that’s not too much to ask for?
1. A proper expansion.
2. More weapon skills.
3. More utility skills.
4. A fully-customisable user interface.
5. Better dye options for armor.
The U.I. in this game is nothing short of terrible. The most prominent annoyance (and a real personal hate of mine) is the enemy target bar – it’s size and positioning serves only to obscure the view of the action, (especially in boss fights.)
Short of a fully-customisable U.I., can we not at the very least have scalable elements? Is that really too much to ask? Pfff.
At best I hope Arena.Net plan to release this as a “feature” at some point in the future. (Similar to the new L.F.G. tool which really should have been present when the game was released.)
Petty annoyances like this may not seem to be a big issue by themselves, but they do add up. The constricted camera zoom-function and the lack of food/consumables slots on the skill bar are but another two examples of where small adjustments could be made to immeasurably improve our “quality of life” and overall gaming experience.
(edited by Enmity.3428)
I’m only 120 Knowledge Crystals away from crafting The Predator.
I probably use the Longbow more but this rifle is just so good looking…
Anyway, less forum more dungeon. Hopefully I’ll have it done in a few hours.
Warrior, Greatsword and Rifle, 30/20/0/10/10, full Berserker.
Greatsword (Whirlwind) for evades in Phase 1.
Rifle for circle-strafing/kiting in Phase 2.
In the end, (after about 50+ attempts,) that’s all it took. That and well-timed dodges.
Personally, I don’t mind one-hit-kill mechanisms but I think where it tips over from challenging to frustrating is when there are two to contend with.
The ground AoE and the Visions of Mortality together were problematic and destroyed much of the enjoyment for me. Either would have been fine on their own.
In the end, (after about 50+ attempts,) I finally beat her but it was through sheer bloody-mindedness that I did so and it was not a pleasurable experience. Fun and anger do not mix well together!
Still, the mini is quite cool and defeating her did finish the achievement for me.
Warriors are getting shafted hard by everyone.
The best thing the “balance” team could do for us is to hand out some free anal-lube.
The only thing Warriors do that I didn’t really see anyone else do is chain stun/knockdown someone to death.
If you can catch them at all, aren’t blind yourself, they are not under stability and out of stun break CDs, and you got some DPS assist to burn their tankyness.
1. If you can catch them.
2. If you haven’t been blinded.
3. If they haven’t got stability.
4. If they’re out of stun breaks.
5. If you have help.
In other words, only if the stars align can Warriors do something better than any other class. Yeah, that sounds about right.
so why am i rooted for ~0.5 seconds longer when i use Staggering Blow (Warrior hammer skill 4)
because in the patchnotes it says that the aftercast for this skill was reduced by 0.25 seconds
can ANYONE explain why the exact opposite was done??…
… its actually worse than just increased aftercast because i cant move for some time now after using this skill and it really often interrupts my CC chain which is one of the few things that can help warrios in pvp
I would describe this change as brutally bad.
Dying is what sPvP Warriors do best.
Easily Killed Frequently.™
in every topic you only post bad things about a warrior and i agree it is not the best pvp class and that there are quite some things that could need change but you just exaggerate in every post…
you have to be the worst warrior in the game if you never win and only die (as the first one in your team)
from all your comments i have seen only 1 with constructive criticism
the rest is just brainless hate and exaggeration
Clearly my remark was tongue-in-cheek… but it has some truth in it, doesn’t it?
Perhaps I should post only good, positive things about the Warrior and ignore how bad the class actually is. If no one’s complaining, the class must be fine as it is, right?
Maybe I am the worst Warrior in the game, but where have I said that I never win and only die? (incidentally, even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.) It’s amusing how you accuse me of exaggerating then go on to exaggerate to make your own point.
As for “constructive criticism” – tell me again how the countless good ideas and suggestions the community have made over the last few months have been taken on board by the Developers who have in turn used them to improve the Warrior. Oh that’s right, they haven’t. What value does all this constructive criticism have when in the end the Developers choose to ignore it?
They’ve had ten months to fix the class and they have abjectly failed. But you carry on making positive, constructive posts if that’s what you want to do; carry on being happy with any scraps you’re thrown; carry on meekly accepting “a step in the right direction” month after month as the other classes actually grow in power. You do that, I won’t. I will simply call it as I see it – and yet through all of my “brainless hate and exaggeration,” the fact remains that Warriors are still the worst class in PvP. Full stop.
But just for you, I’ll try once again; what do Warriors do best in sPvP? Practically nothing that another class can’t do better.
How’s that?
(edited by Enmity.3428)
Dying is what sPvP Warriors do best.
Easily Killed Frequently.™
The majority of frustrated and dissatisfied [Warrior] players will simply and quietly exit the game.
ArenaNet hates PvP Warriors.
ArenaNet don’t give a f**k about anyone else’s ideas on how to improve the Warrior.
For months now experienced Warrior players have been posting suggestions about ways to go about fixing the class. There have literally been dozens of good, solid, reasonable, inventive, straight forward and relatively simple changes that could have been made, all of which would have seen the class improve (without over-powering it) to a point where it would have been firmly on-par with the most competitive classes.
But no. That’s just too much to expect. ArenaNet just can’t bring themselves to give the Warrior anything of significant value without taking away something of equal value. (I suppose to them this equates to “balancing.”) It would appear that the fear of creating “unstoppable beasts” looms large in their minds. The fact that well-played Thieves and Mesmers are unstoppable beasts to a Warrior doesn’t register at all.
So why have the balance team allowed this state of affairs to persist? Are they incompetent? Possibly. Are they ignorant of what this class needs? If they read the forums (and threads like this) then surely not. Are they quite happy with how balanced the game is? Given that it’s extremely unbalanced, I’d have to say no, how can they be? Or is it that they simply couldn’t care less? Very likely. The class has been utter pish in PvP for the last 10 months. They’ve had all this time to do something and yet they’ve still abjectly failed, time after time, to lift the Warrior from the very bottom of the pile. (It could probably be argued that they’ve actually made us worse.) I very much doubt they’re going to start listening now.
So make your suggestions. I know for certain that many of them will be far, far better than what ArenaNet’s team can come up with/have come up with/will come up with. I also know that ArenaNet won’t implement any of them.
It’s sad, really.
(edited by Enmity.3428)
Just wanted to come out of my lurk mode for a bit and let you guys know that we are watching this thread on the balance team.
Keep it constructive, but keep going, we love reading the debate!
There’s not much debate on which class is the worst though, is there?
They should make significant changes and hey..if they become OP..just nerf them back. It is way better than leaving a broken class and having players give up and leave the game.
We’ve been waiting since launch for them to fix Warriors for PvP and they haven’t yet. Nothing leads me to believe they ever will. They appear to be afraid of making decisive changes to the class and the changes they have made, (both in “buffs” and nerfs,) have been, (in my opinion,) largely ill-conceived and/or incompetent. It really does seem to me as if they don’t give a f**k.
Personally, I’ve had enough. It’s just a miserable experience playing as a Warrior in PvP.
No doubt I’m just one of a great many who’ve simply given up on this class being what it should be, and on this game being what it could be.
I’m now split between sharing what I’m doing, which I thought was super obvious but apparently not, which boosted my warrior’s performance immensely, or just stay quiet, hopefully avoid arbitrary “SOMETHING is working now? Can’t have that” nerfs (like what happened to the ranger) and just generally enjoying the ride of everyone crying their eyes out because they’re so focused on potential damage losses that they can’t even see the massive block of gold that was just dropped in front of them.
I’m not saying warriors are “LOLGDLKGG” now, but they are so much better in PvP/WvW that it’s not even funny. Yet all people seem to be focusing on is the loss of total DPS on full berserker CoF builds. You know the proverbial “box” in the whole “think outside the box” thing? You’re stuck in a box inside that box.
All wind and pish.
Grind for 4 months to get Twilight.
ArenaNet sh*ts all over it.
ArganthiumWell, everyone’s biased to some degree. The question is whether or not their beliefs are justified in spite of their biases.I simply stated that Enmity is not trustworthy because he (I’ll just refer to him/her as “he” for the sake of simplicity) does not provide comments with any sort of credibility to back them.
Being biased or lacking in credibility means nothing if the opinion expressed is fair comment. To automatically (and by default) disregard opinions based on any perceived bias or lack of credibility is naive and narrow-minded in the extreme. The question is solely one of the validity of my comments and not on my personal credibility – if my comments are valid then my credibility matters not. I’m not surprised that you seem unable or unwilling to grasp this salient and obvious point, as if you were to do so, you would undo most of your own argument against me. The last refuge of those who cannot attack an argument is to attack the person making the argument. With your “credibility and bias” nonsense you’re doing just that. Your continued focus on me and not on what I’ve said speaks volumes.
I found this out in another thread, one that I had made and he had hoped, perhaps, to derail. The fact of the matter is, if you’re going to make a claim (ie “Mes/thief/guard are OP”), then you need to have evidence to back it up. Enmity, across all threads, has not once provided evidence to back his claims, so I turn to see if Enmity has any sort of credibility behind his name, which would give at least some reason to believe him. Yet, across all threads, I have found absolutely nothing that supports his being a credible source.
Quote me where I claim that Mesmers, Guardians and Thieves are over-powered.
That aside, I have presented (in the post you choose not to respond to,) the “evidence” of my claims in the form of a reasoned argument which you have chosen not to refute at all. Instead of favouring this tact of trying to discredit me how about you try and discredit my actual argument? Banging on about “credibility” simply shows you’ve no counter to what I’ve said.
ArganthiumIn fact, if anything, his contradictions have shown quite the opposite. At least I have developed the spreadsheets and equations to help understand the game. At least I have worked on a now-stickied thread to help beginners find the build that suits them best in the thief forum. At least I am one of the primary founders of a professional all-thief team. Enmity has nothing to his name, and that’s why his claims are pointless. And I’d prefer to see the OP get a truthful answer.
Quote me where anything I’ve said has been contradictory.
All the things you’ve listed to prove your own “credibility” are irrelevant. Are all players who don’t make spreadsheets poor players who don’t know what they’re talking about? Are all players who don’t make beginner’s guides poor players who don’t know what they’re talking about? Are all players not in professional, same-class teams poor players who don’t know what they’re talking about? No, no and no. Unlike you, I don’t feel the egotistical need to spunk my so-called credentials all over the forum in an attempt to bolster my opinions. I’ll just let my arguments speak for themselves.
Finally my advice to the O.P. was; if you want to do well, play one of the strongest classes. What’s untruthful about that?
I know. Competitive players like myself will just remove GW2 when a different studio decides to take competitive PVP seriously.
I’m sure you’ll be a huge loss.
Exactly – PvP in this game is so popular and has so many people playing it that players leaving won’t be missed. Not one bit.
In fact, we should be encouraging as many to leave as possible.
“What’s next?”
Most probably a Warrior exodus.
In other words, Warriors – go get your f******g shinebox.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Art imitating life?
“Thieves are not effective in PvP.” © TheMightyAltroll
It means next to nothing in terms of actually balancing the Warrior.
Only marginally better than all the tool-tip fixes we’ve had, in my opinion.
All you need to do is roll a Mesmer, Guardian or Thief and you’ll dominate PvP.
*says the person who has literally zero credibility to anything he says
Again with the “credibility” nonsense, eh? Seriously? lmao.
Allow me to quote myself from another thread – “You can question my credibility all you want but what you can’t do is refute any of the points I’ve made.”
Here, go and challenge the points I made (in reply to one of your posts) in this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/OP-Thief-in-water/first#post2251756
If your opinions are more “credible” than mine then prove it…
… or is attacking the person and not the argument all you can do?
And back to what I said, (I’ll keep it simple for you) – In terms of both numbers and in effectiveness, do Mesmers, Guardians and Thieves not dominate PvP?
All you need to do is roll a Mesmer, Guardian or Thief and you’ll dominate PvP.
Personally, playing a Warrior in PvP has been nothing more than a combination of frustration and hope – frustration at how poor Warriors are and the hope that ArenaNet improve the class considerably.
After this patch comes out, one of these will disappear; if the changes are good, (ie. they finally make the Warrior competitive,) then the frustration will disappear and I will go on to actually enjoy playing the game.
If the changes aren’t good, (ie. the Warrior remains critically flawed,) then all hope will disappear and I will either abandon PvP altogether and concentrate on PvE, or I will simply find another game to play.
“Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.”
Warriors are masters of weaponry yet only carry two sets like everyone else. They rely on speed when they’re not Crippled, Stunned, Dazed, Immobilized or under Torment, strength for when they can actually land their hits, toughness which isn’t enough to sustain them in a fight, and heavy armor made from tissue paper to survive for a very short time in battle. Adrenaline hoarding both fuels and gimps their offensive power – the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more cool-downs they burn and the more dangerous their enemies become. Warriors are the punch-bag for all other classes.
As a Warrior:
Sensible reaction
Wait until the patch comes out and see how these new balance changes play-out.
Optimistic reaction
Looking forward to Warriors finally becoming truly competitive in PvP.
Pessimistic reaction
Preparing to completely abandon PvP and play PvE content only.
Despondent reaction
Find another game to play altogether.
Right now, I’ll opt for sensible with a touch of optimism.
Your “points” are all opinion pieces. If I create thirty threads about how OP necros are, does that make them OP? If I play a build without condition removal, and get mauled by a necro, am I justified in claiming that necros are OP? Of course not. Similarly, I have done the analysis on dual S/D thieves multiple times, and in all honesty, I’ve made many posts explaining how to counter them (see “Why 3 spam is not good S/D” in the thief forum), and why the build is dreadful in theory. So what? Why should I believe that it is the build that is OP, and not that whomever is losing against it is a bad player?
Yes, these are my opinions, but they’re also the opinions of no doubt hundreds of others too. Opinions shared by a great number and broad spectrum of other people tend to be more accurate than those shared by a subdivision.
If you create thirty threads about how over-powered Necromancers are then no, that does not make them over-powered. But, if thirty different people do so, then yes, it would be justified to assume that Necromancers may indeed be over-powered.
As I have said, I play Warrior and Thief and I love them both. I’m far more experienced with the Warrior class, [1200hrs on Warrior, 400hrs on Thief] yet I still found it comparatively easy to be effective with the Thief, (playing both D/D and then S/D.) Is it simply the case that I’m a better Thief than I am a Warrior? I doubt that severely. If I can do well with relatively little experience (using only a handful of skills) then those who actually main a Thief, well… I’d say this is at the core of “Thief-hate.” Simply put, when I play my Warrior I have to fight really hard to be effective. I find this not to be true when I play on my Thief. If you’re a good player then you’re a good player. If not, well then that’s fine too as the game needs low-skilled players as much as it needs high-skilled players.
I have never said that the Thief is over-powered. I have said that they’re overly strong in comparison to certain other classes. To my knowledge, I’ve always been very precise about this point. Having said that, as much as those who face Thieves and lose badly cannot all be simply bad players, the same must go for Thieves themselves; they’re not all good players. The only sensible conclusion must be that yes, the class itself offers more room for error and/or more opportunity for success. Skill is so subjective (and random) that a wider approach must be taken in these discussions. To simply say, “oh, they were bad players” isn’t accurate or meaningful, really. It’s a strong class verging on a little too strong in certain areas, so for the good of the game as a whole I think it needs some careful nerfs applied.
I realise this post has become longer than I intended so I’ll finish by addressing your comments about theory; Theory is just that – theory. In practise however, much of it goes out the window. In theory Warriors should be pretty potent in PvP – Great build diversity, lots of crowd-control, amazing damage, mobility, etc. Why then are Warriors unarguably one of the worst classes in PvP? It’s because theorising means absolutely nothing without taking into consideration the theorising that can be done with every other class. (Then, on top of it all, factor in the endless variables relating to"player-skill.") You state that, by your own analysis, the S/D build is “dreadful in theory.” It may well be but that hasn’t stopped it being insanely popular, extremely effective, frustratingly difficult to play against and so to it being the target of so many complaints.
I don’t want Thieves smashed into the ground but I do want to see them, (especially this build,) toned-down a degree. As much as I do enjoy playing my Thief I more want to play a game that’s as balanced and fair as possible for everyone, whichever class they choose to play.
It does seem strange not to give this new condition to the melee classes, (particularly Warriors.) After all, it’s this class (above all others) that needs it’s targets to be as stationary as possible to inflict damage upon them.
Never-the-less, we’ll just have to wait and see what other changes this balance patch brings… although giving Torment to Mesmers and Thieves does give cause for concern as to exactly what direction ArenaNet are taking this game.
Time will tell.
Yes, absolutely.
I genuinely want a new PvE goal to grind towards.
I go with the third which is Thief to be adjusted to some extend and people need to L2P, for both Thief User as well as Counter.
Yeah, it is a mixture of both, but I don’t think it’s an even mixture by any means.
As for Thief players learning more “skillful” play – that won’t happen without changes to the class as there’s little to no incentive to do so when mastering the basic, powerful and spammable attacks is so easy and so effective.
Actually, it’s inefficient, tactically and positionally inferior, and easily counterable.
My Thief disagrees with you.
So does my Warrior.
Cool. So where’s your credibility in the community?
Credibility? lmao.
1. The number of threads complaining about Thieves, (S/D in particular.) – Why do you think that is? No other class receives anywhere near as much negative attention as the Thief. This is not by coincidence.
If there wasn’t a problem, there wouldn’t be a deluge of threads complaining about them.
2. The validity of the criticisms made against this build – It’s almost universally recognised that it’s an overtly strong build, and one which takes comparatively little skill to be successful with. The complaints focus on the same skills.
If there wasn’t a problem, there wouldn’t be a consensus on which skills are problematic.
3. The popularity of this build – Players generally gravitate towards the most powerful and effective build. This explains why there are there so many [double] S/D Thieves. Builds which are “inefficient, tactically and positionally inferior, and easily counterable” are not used in as great a number as we see this one used.
If there wasn’t a problem, this build would not be so overly-represented in matches.
The Thief class receives the most criticism.
The complaints are all similar in nature.
The problematic build is extremely common.
You can question my credibility all you want but what you can’t do is refute any of the points I’ve made.
[Apologies to the OP for going off-topic.]
Yeah sure, let’s give the highest healings to the classes with highest HP pool. Perfect pvp balance!!!!!!111111111111
The two classes with the highest Health pools are unarguably the two worst classes in PvP.
Coincidence? No.
I go with the third which is Thief to be adjusted to some extend and people need to L2P, for both Thief User as well as Counter.
Yeah, it is a mixture of both, but I don’t think it’s an even mixture by any means.
As for Thief players learning more “skillful” play – that won’t happen without changes to the class as there’s little to no incentive to do so when mastering the basic, powerful and spammable attacks is so easy and so effective.
Actually, it’s inefficient, tactically and positionally inferior, and easily counterable.
My Thief disagrees with you.
So does my Warrior.
I go with the third which is Thief to be adjusted to some extend and people need to L2P, for both Thief User as well as Counter.
Yeah, it is a mixture of both, but I don’t think it’s an even mixture by any means.
As for Thief players learning more “skillful” play – that won’t happen without changes to the class as there’s little to no incentive to do so when mastering the basic, powerful and spammable attacks is so easy and so effective.
I was going to put phantasm mesmer on the list but as cheesy as it is, I don’t personally think its as strong as everyone is saying.
Well of course you don’t!
Practically everyone else, on the other hand…
or just higher the initiative cost from most spells
Et voilà !
Thread after thread after thread complaining about one class – the Thief.
1. The class isn’t too strong and everyone else just needs to L2P.
2. The class is too strong and needs toned-down slightly.
I wonder which one is closer to the truth?
Oh dear. Typing walls of text to defend a cheesy build that practically everyone recognises as being too strong, (spam two skills for the take-down,) too frustrating to play against, (Infiltrator’s Strike for 3 Initiative,) and overly-popular, (which tells it’s own story.)
Poor S/D Thieves; always the victim, never the victor. zzzzz
I don’t know why ArenaNet are so afraid of shaking things up a bit?
I’d like to see faster and more decisive changes made as the PvP in this game badly needs revitalised.
This is honestly the dumbest suggestion I have ever heard. The reason 100b roots a warrior is because otherwise the skill would be way way too strong.
L2P a warrior using a weapon that takes skill and then you will see why greatsword is balanced just the way it is.
Oh look, a Thief telling us to L2P. How original. Well done.
I bought 150 Dragon Coffers off of the B.L.T.P. for the off-chance of getting a ticket as I quite liked the Dragon Shield skin.
I got one ticket and two Holographic Risen Knights. (The rest was various amounts of fireworks and candies.)
Gambling with R.N.G. is cruelly unfair and I sympathise with those who have lost out to it. Players should be able to reasonably get any item they want for their character.
Thieves may indeed be slightly weaker than they were previously but they are still one of the top-tier classes in PvP.
Their main role, (which they do very well,) is to annoy the hell out of everyone else. :P
That would feel way to strong to have Fast Hands without traiting up into it. Rather than boosting things like this to where you don’t have to even think to play a warrior in PvP or decide on your build, I think Anet has the right idea on what they need to do. Dogged March is an example. It’s an excellent trait that compliments PvP builds = It doesn’t define them entirely. It doesn’t change the warrior completely. It doesn’t force you into a certain playstyle to be effective. Yet it is very effective when combined with everything else.
I’m not denying that things could use changing, A lot of our weapons, traits and utilities could use changing to make them more useful and competitive. I just don’t agree with things like this that will effect every single warrior out there.
To be honest, the last crop of buffs the Warrior received didn’t actually change anything. Although subjective, the broad consensus still places Warriors at the very bottom of the heap in PvP.
“A step in the right direction” is all well and good, but not when there are ninety-nine more steps to take before we become truly competitive. I see little point in having a variety of play-styles available to Warriors when none of them are particularly good… so for this reason I wouldn’t be adverse to changes that do somewhat “force” us into one specific play-style or build-type. Right now Warriors are defined overall by how bad we are in PvP so if we move from this to being defined by one or two changes or new class mechanics that we all run with, so be it. (For a time at least.)
umm You could have one banner on your back and if you want to run with more than one banner utility they can be on the ground like they are now and people could pick them up.
uhh you could have them persist on the ground after you get stomped or downed as well if you get downed with it on your back the banner could be planted on the ground again to gain it’s effect once more by another player
I don’t understand the no blast finisher comment I want to make the skills better and more usable in combat not remove them so idk what you meant there.
I see ALOT of improvements that can be made to banners. I think your arguing for the sake of arguing at this point and not putting much thought into this. Your arguing against changes to a class that is on the absolute bottom of the barrel I guess you have no shame or something but then again it is the internet.
Why are you doing ummm, uhhh, durrrr? No one mentioned any of the mechanics you just made up. So don’t act like I missed over you make pretend facts.
The current backpack idea that the topic is about is making banners more like an engineer kit. You can only have one active at a time. I think it was mentioned that possibly more could be active, but the banner would never leave your body.
The banner would never leave your body
This is the problem I have with this backpack idea. Due to our “arguing”, you came up with a new idea, which is good, you are actually thinking rather than yelling BUFF BUFF BUFF. Most changes never come without a bit of arguing the pros and cons.
Your current version could be good, it wouldn’t get rid of a huge mechanic of banners. But now, this version of banners would be pretty over powered. There would be almost no reason for a player to drop the banner (mainly since this would be a new mechanic and there are no other ‘backpack’ items to pick up). Now you have a player (doesn’t even have to be the warrior that summons it) who grants aoe buffs, AND have a few extra skills available to them, all at no cost to them.
I feel like this would make teams almost need a warrior. Just imagine 3 people in a 5v5 match running around with a banner on their backs at all times, all from 1 warrior! You would never want a warrior to run anything other than a banner build then. Maybe make it so only the warrior who summoned the banner can ‘backpack’ the banner?
But hey, you think your version is a perfect idea for banners and I see you don’t like to think of all of the different things the change will affect.
And since you don’t like arguing (part of what discussions are), lets just end this thread and every other thread on the gw2 forums since most of them involve arguing about different views of suggested changes… lol
To be fair, you’re making a lot of assumptions as to how a “backpack banner” would work. I’m sure if ArenaNet were to go with this idea, they’d ensure it wouldn’t be over-powered. For example; the backpacks could have very limited durations, long cooldowns, non-transferable to other players (or transferable only on death,) etc.
With something like this I’d imagine Warriors [or the team-mate who picks up the backpack from a dead Warrior] would become the lead player in an attack, where (to get the buffs the Warrior is carrying) team-mates would fight close to and alongside the Warrior… eh, like in a big zerg-ball, lol. You get the picture.
Look, I don’t know, and to be honest it’s not for the community to design the exact mechanics of the game, that’s ArenaNet’s job. But what we can (and should) do is offer ideas that we feel would make playing the class and the game better and more enjoyable. That’s what these threads are all about.
Golf-flag Banners are rubbish. Give us Banners we can carry and fight with using our actual weapon skills.
The backpack idea could be made into a workable mechanic. So too could the “Herald” idea, (which I would prefer.) There are a multitude of even small tweaks that could also make Banners… just perform better.
Regardless, as they are now I think it’s safe to say that while some players (like Klinch) have found a workable way to use them, the very fact that Banners see so little use means that the present implementation of them is poor. Essentially, they’re just one more thing to contend with on the battlefield that players would rather not have to deal with – I don’t want to be “tied” into micro-managing a buff “device” (if that’s the right word,) and it seems very, very few other Warriors do either.
I think we’re all in agreement that Banners are in need of some streamlining. Hopefully ArenaNet agree also and make some changes.
I would be in favour of removing the Down-state altogether from PvP, or at the very least, standardising Down-state skills for all classes.