Forced To Change My Name on Character Select
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Excursion.9752
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Excursion.9752
Character name: Eir Stagallkin
I’ve seen a bunch of other Eir impersonators out there and I was wondering why I have to change my name because it is close to a in game character? Because I’m sure its not offensive to anyone. I spent 2 Total Makeover Kits trying to get the look right and now I will probably have to use another if we are not allowed to use character names that closely resemble others?
What am I missing here?
My suggestion and I am not sure if someone else posted this.
Make it so that all trait roman numerals are linked to all professions in a Trait Line. Once you unlock a specific number it is then unlocked for all characters no matter the class.
Why do this? Doing a specific event or task one time is enough. The experience does not change if you are doing it with a Guardian or Mesmer. It’s just busy work and sure it’s great for new players to experience such things after your 3rd alt you start to hate the system. If the experience was different I could see some justification but its not it is the same for every class in the game .
I may be mistaken but I thought this game prided itself on not having crazy fetch quests? Well this seems to me just that, a crazy fetch quest.
Coming soon to the gem store , idle animations for 800 gems each.
+1 Holy Crap that made me laugh so hard.
Everyone cross your fingers to hope they ninja fix this come next patch.
Really getting tired of hanging out at Red Rock yes I know it is by choice but yeah… please fix.
If either pass is in their personal inventory they should not be booted out just to double click and get back in again its redundant and is annoying. I feel that we could be able to log out and log right back in without having to get the boot each time we log back in.
my 2 cents.
Over 60 Breaches and Zero Annihilator’s so much win happening over here!
But yeah there is no problem for sure winks
On a serious note if the spawn is going to be that rare give us a boss timer on him or something this is frustrating. People are starting to think I’m a NPC because I’m there so much…
Been trying for 3 to 4 hours a night for over a week and never have had this spawn. I’m starting to see the same players hang out around Red almost every night… It is getting pretty old I have to say. We need a full day with only this guy spawning once every hour for 24 hours.
I think something as simple as having a decent size mob spawn of veterans, elites, and champions attacking the players while the event is going on. In my mind you wouldn’t see a “leader” of sorts showing up without his army. The battle of claw island comes to mind.
Have new ways for mobs to attack like poison catapults, things that could do area damage to large numbers in a zerg, Maybe a event within an event like have a battle wagon full of bombs trying to head lets say to that right foot and if it gets there it kills everyone within a specified blast radius.
This way you would have to split off and take down different aspects so that you could keep killing the “boss” just a thought.
Why did they even talk about something they changed in the past feature pack back in April? I find it very funny they called the old trait system "needlessly complicated or obtuse " . They should try the new system and tell me how needlessly complicated or obtuse it is.
Just on the one fact alone it shows how wrong that statement was before you could spend a few gold and have all your traits in about the amount of time it took to run two dungeon runs so lets say an hour. Now to get all your traits how long does it take? I really do not know the answer because now is a variable moving part. A whole lot of luck is involved in being at the right place at the right time of day when one event happens to be up. I waited over 5 days to fight the Risen High Wizard because he was not available to fight during my play times.
Not really play how you want mentality.
If you are going to keep the system in place the tasks needed need to be adjusted to things that can be done 100% of the time any time of day. My suggestion would be link it to Vista’s, Hearts, and POI’s. I would even be willing to finish “X” amount of events in said area. Just not specialized events because not everyone can be there when the event is up.
I also would like to see once you unlock a trait it unlocks for every character in the future regardless of class that is linked to that task. Once you finish a task with an account then it is unlocked for good. How many times have you thought to yourself "god I wish I was on my “X Class” so I could have unlocked this trait…
All those changes are important because they fix the several flaws that GW2 has early game: the lack of a sense of progression, poor tutorials, directionless, forgottable rewards and jumpy story instances that forced you to level up midway, interrupting the flow of the story.
So far, this feature patch is great for new players, but, what about the veteran players? It doesn’t seems to offer much to make us stick to the game.
More information will be released next week about features that are more suited to veteran players.
Odd I don’t recall the exact wording but didn’t week two say something about enhancing the game for new players and veterans alike?
It’s not that these “enhancements” are not welcomed they are just 2 years to late for most of us and my honest point of view is I don’t really care about that portion of the game anymore because I will not make a new character until something is done about the trait system in its current form.
Out of all the blog posts only one item made me think wow that is a pretty good idea and that was the changes to the crafting system because that actually impacts all characters in a meaningful way.
Its not that I have all the answers for what I would like to see in these feature packs but for me this has shown me what I don’t want. I know I’m not speaking for everyone here because I’m sure some of these changes are welcomed by others. I would much rather see fixes that impacts the entire player base as a whole. Not just the Vets, New Players, PvX, WvW, or PvP portions of the game. I would like to see fixes that correct problems the community has in a whole.
For me right now what matters the most is something needs to be done about the trait system because its killing the game for me. I hate to say that because I really enjoy this game but thinking of what I have to do to enable one trait makes me want to sit at the bank and chat rather than go out there and get it done because the sure number of things needed to be done to enable all the traits is extremely overwhelming.
If I use an Experience Scroll, will I get the rewards from each level?
Good question there.
“We’ve also taken some of the systems that felt needlessly complicated or obtuse and simplified them to make them consistent, so leveling is the big way you gain new abilities. Our last feature pack also changed traits to no longer require going to a merchant and buying a book at each tier to unlock them; you unlock a tier for free as soon as you reach the appropriate level. "
I keep reading this part does this mean traits will be unlocked when you level now or do we still have to do the chores.
What I would like to see in the long term is when someone is kicked from a group that is in a instance like a dungeon or “other” that the person who initiated the kick must state the reason why they removed them from party via a drop down list and then has to submit the kick to a anet logging system.
The system then would log all of the people in the party for reference to the report. All Local,Party, and Whisper logs for each player in the group would also be kept for evidence. The system also will keep track of who takes the place of the kicked individual and should be able to track if the person who replaced them is on a friends or guild list.
Then an automated system would send a in game mail message to the person who was kicked listing the reason for the kick and a button at the bottom for a dispute. If the dispute was selected then it would trigger a red flag for anet to take action and review the materials took above.
After 48 hours you can no longer dispute a kick and records of that kick are purged.
Keep in mind you can not track things being said on Team Speak, vent, ect.. but an empty chat long even though it says nothing it actually says something.
If people knew a system like this was in place people wouldn’t be so trigger happy with kicking people. At least I think so.
What I would like to see changed.
1) Revert back to the old trait system via paying for books at your class trainer.
2)For all new traits they should keep the new system in tact so you have to earn them.
3)Once a new trait is unlocked make it available for all characters once they are of the proper level across all classes. None of this waiting for the Risen High Wizard event to spawn for 5 different characters or more. This would mean any trait that would be linked to beating the Risen High Wizard would be unlocked after completing the event one time.
This would make getting traits not as big of a chore as it is now. The way they are now it feels like a punishment to make a new character more than a gift. I would go out on a limb here and if you polled the main reason why people are not making a new characters it would be because of the new trait system.
To be honest I made a new character and I plan to level him to 80 and pray the change comes through because I do not plan to go after any traits that do not come from normal play.
“Our second week of September 2014 Feature Pack reveals is focused on improving the Guild Wars 2 experience for new and veteran players alike!”
Hope this means what I want it to mean. Adjustments need to be made because new characters have it way worse off than the veteran characters do. When it comes to the trait system.
I did it once by myself and finished it fine no deaths no problems. I tend to believe and there is no evidence to prove this but people that do not do a lot of dungeons or come into counter with things that can take you down quickly struggle in situations where you have to evade a lot. Most of the content in this game can be won with 1 (the 1 key).
Perfect example people in map chat people were wanting to team up so they could get through the content because they had failed it so many times. I decided to help went in with a full group and all 4 died by half way through the fight and I finished it off. This tells me people really have not experienced enough to make it through fights where you have to be aware of what’s going on during the fight and how to anticipate monster cues.
Its really about getting away from the smash the one key mentality and starting to study learn from past mistakes.
I miss the reward setup from season one living story. This whole season I feel like I’m being ripped off. Everything I get from all these bag, boxes, ect.. has been lackluster and under rewarding. If I was the “Hero” and getting rewarded with what we have been getting I would have told them to find someone else.
Some guaranteed rewards would be nice. I didn’t know Anet was going to be that guy that gives you a scratch off ticket and calls it a gift. When at the end of the day you would of just rather had the Dollar.
Crafting an expensive back piece does not count either. I just thought I would throw that out there.
The new trait system is the only reason stopping me from making a new character. To bad my account didn’t grandfathered in…
Why does he wield the Sohothin ? Only Rytlock has that sword.
looks like Rytlock Brimstone with some fire eyed pauldrons.
I find it funny when people are clearly using an external program and they wont admit to it. It really don’t matter to me I try not to contribute the esport known as bank sitting. If these people are as good as they sound then they should apply it to other aspects of the game other than entertaining bank sitters.
Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods
Cant wait till I finally have the chance. Its events like these that leave a bad taste for the new system. Its hard to achieve something that rarely occurs.
I like the “idea” but not with such specificity. Traits should not require you to do something that can not be done all the time. You should not have to wait for a specific event to start. I would like to see something more along the lines of finish “X” amount of events, hearts, POI in this “X” zone. To be honest this system turned me off of the game. I have come back for season 2 but I will not be trying to get any new traits for any of my alts nor do I want to make a new character knowing the current road ahead. That’s just my take on the whole situation.
It goes without saying something is going to happen to adjust to the new server system. When they are holding traits hostage by focusing everyone who is a veteran to go kill one specific thing was not probably the greatest concept.
I have one possible answer to fix the abundance of people trying to do specific events only for the traits. Keep in mind this would not be a cure all but it would help get some of the people out of the area because most I believe are there just to get their traits.
Put the trait for free on the karma vendor associated with that temple. People would come get their trait and leave. We wouldn’t have all kinds of people standing around wasting their day waiting for the event to pop.
“•Message Body length must at least be 15.”
Learn from Hobotron and wintersday.
Have a little encampment with a group of warriors there when you talk to them they ask you " Are you willing to help" once enough people have said yes spawn it. No reason to plan my day around spawn timers. Make it so you only get loot and XP from the major events once per day.
This change has made me not even want to log in. We have went from one extreme to the next.
I am so disappointed in the direction this game is heading in. This was the ONE build that I enjoyed playing. Now without a different option I am forced to either take a major hit or find some other build to use.
I may just be speaking out of frustration and anger but I feel it would be easier to find a different game to play.
Its a sad day when Blizzard out performs Anet. The changes made in their game “Diablo 3” actually made their game more enjoyable to play. When I log on to Guild Wars I find myself becoming angry and not enjoying the game.
I feel if you are going to change the runes so be it, just leave us a set of Boon Duration runes that are worth using.
Sorry I’m just highly aggravated at the changes. The only thing I have enjoyed are the Clothing and Dye changes…
What will this do to guesting to other servers or will there even be a need?
Finish the Behem Gauntlet jumping puzzle there will be water right below you with maybe a veteran shark. There should be one in that area. I go there once a month for my monthly.
1)Character Gear and Trait Profiles
2)Skin locker with the availability to save 15 skins. Anything after that would be purchased similar to Bank and Bag slots. (Because Anet has to pay the bills)
3)Have a place to deposit town clothes similar to the mini system we have currently. It stinks that we are punished for having to many town clothes that we purchased from the gem store.
4)Make an account bound bag that every character on your account can share. This way we can share unlimited tools and tonics. As well as a way to share Royal Terrace or Air Ship Pass.
5)For people that have a Airship or Royal Terrace Pass a way for the game to auto sense that they have the pass on them rather than kicking them out and sometimes forcing an additional loading screen.
6)A way to bookmark waypoints that way we can quickly get to where we want to go without having to pull up the whole map and sometimes having to wait for it to load in.
7)Better achievement tracker for when things require a bunch of different requirements to finish. Example Dungeon Master its hard to know what paths you have finished.
8)A way upon logging on with a character a way to toggle if you use an item when you log in. Such as a mini, halo ect…
9)Change the Home Instance to just your “Home” and have a place for us to store items in a box there. Sort of like a second bank that can only be access from your home instance.
10)If Number 9 was to happen make it so we could customize the place.
I enjoy my halo on my guard as well.
That’s awesome looking. How?
Legendary aura from the Kamohoali’i Kotaki.
I enjoy my halo on my guard as well.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Excursion.9752
Not only should these types of items be able to be used anywhere but also to auto launch them when you log into your character. I’ve thought this for mini’s as well for a long time now.
Its funny how the golem at the bottom can sense you having the ticket but the ship cannot. My main complaint is when you log out of a character on the ship you have to load onto the ship just to be kicked to the ground which you have to load for again.
The Royal Terrace has the same problem but it is not as bad because it does not require a loading screen.
To bad we can’t have Will Smith fly his plane into the lasers. I always feel like in in the movie Independence day…
1)The children escort event takes way to long. If there is a war going on around you, I don’t believe that you would walk like you have all the time in the world.
2)Instead of having a slightly altered event icon. It would have been nice to easily differentiate what is an escort event and what is a miasma event by using different color circles.
3)I would have liked to see more flow and streamlined event cycle. Meaning have countdown timers leading up to different attacks/escort events in the area you are in. It gets so chaotic right from the get go that there is no real way to organize any plan of attack and it would have been nice if the game naturally did that for us. You end up getting 10+ commanders going every which way trying to guess where the next event may spawn. If they guess wrong well you just took a pretty nice chunk out of the player base that could have been helping with something else.
4) This is just me being ridiculous and wanting a checks and balance for ascended recipes. Could we have a are you sure you want to learn this recipe because you don’t have this crafting profession would have really been helpful. I got excited when I purchased it and just used it up haha.
1)Thank you for the re-trait vendors that were put in both the Royal Terrace and the Air Ship
2)Nice rewards and love the back piece and its upgrading capabilities
3) Love the rework of LA. I was getting lost at first and it took some times to figure out where I was in some instances. I cant tell you how many times I tried to find the path that leads down to the plaza from the Lion statue.
4)Vigil keep and camps have been well thought out and love listening to the idle chat between npc’s
5) The feel of the event feels right on par with the mood of something this catastrophic.
I may add more later but that is all I can think of for now. Anyone want to add or take away from this?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Excursion.9752
Based on this update alone it tells us anything can happen. With that being said things can be rebuilt after this is all said and done.
I would guess it will be remade In some fashion. It may not be a total remake but I’m going to guess that those flames wont forever burn in LA. LA is basically the trade capital of Tyria and I think it will always will be.
I’ve seen this multiple times but I always fail to see what a mount would add to the game.
You dont need to run AH to give boons to teammates….
I never said it was the only way. But I’m glad you pointed that out…
If people would read threads in their entirety in this instance everyone would understand that I’m not discrediting any other build. I am simply trying to defend and show that all AH builds are not as bad as people make it out to be.
Its all about the player who is using the build not the build itself that makes something good. I was teamed last night doing HotW with a fellow guardian I asked him what build he was using and he said Meta. The guy died two times and was rallied 4. Not because his team was bad or the build was bad. He was simply inexperienced. I’m sure in time that will clear up. I’ve been teamed with other people using the meta and they did just fine.
What point am I trying to make you ask? Just because you have either not really gave a build a chance or it didn’t work for you doesn’t necessarily mean it is bad. It takes time to really master a build and use it to its full potential. There is just a negative stereotype associated with the AH build and it only being for bad players that only want to heal themselves but that’s really not the case.
Like some people have mentioned on here most people will never care what build you are using unless your team wipes. It would be nice if someone would actually post relative information about the Meta build other than its the best.
Anyway the best build in the game is and always will be the one you like/prefer. Do what is best for you because in the end that’s all you will ever do.
The meta build contains far more party support.
go on? Its funny how people say meta build the one that changes week to week. Also the only reason an AH guard can provide heals to themselves is if they hit others with boons. So that’s hardly selfish. AH does nothing for you when you hit no one with a boon.
Previously in this thread I explained what a AHEM Boon Guard does for the party and even displayed the build I run mostly. I don’t really need to hash that out again.
I thought the festivals where there to give the devs to work on other things. This would make them have to create new content to keep having them. right? That would be counterproductive one would think.
Well now that LA is going down in a blaze of glory what will happen to Dragon Bash and the Halloween festivals?
My theory is that we will take back LA at some point and rebuild it. This will probably be in the first living story plot of the second season.
I Yeah, gives up healing and all that stuff that you never need because you don’t facetank like a newbie…
That is a matter of opinion there and just because someone uses a particular build does not warrant them a title of newbie, novice , amateur, and or pro. Its nice how you reminded me how DPS builds are the only thing that matter in this game.
Its like you didn’t even read my first paragraph. I was simply showing it has more DPS than your common AH build. I also forgot how every pug group in this game includes a ele that knows what they are doing. (sarcasm). We are talking about what guards can provide for their party not what eles can do for guards.
Sure there are optimal groups for every situation I’m simply showing guards have a lot more to bring to the table. We are GUARDians not DPSians. Leave the dps to the classes that are focused on that aspect like warriors.
First off there is no bad/wrong build just bad players. Some builds work for some people because of their play style. I’ve seen builds where one person was great with it and another person was constantly downed. Most commonly used builds are typically good for the most part. Judging builds based just on DPS is about as valuable as basing builds on any other one attribute.
I strictly play Different versions of the AH build. My most commonly used build is the AHEM build. I will use any armor that has high precision on it ex: zerker/knights and I only run boon duration runes 2 traveler, 2 water, and 2 monk. I use Chocolate Omnomberry Cream for my food. All that along with traits brings me up to around 85% boon duration.
Since I am running Empowering Might trait every time I crit I’m helping with the dps because everyone is gaining might all the time and the might I apply last longer and is increasing the teams DPS as a whole. Not to mention if you use a sigil of Strength on your weapon you have a 30% chance to get two stacks of might for yourself in one swing.
Boons Boons Boons what does this mean practically every time you swing you are criting applying a boon to your party and healing yourself at the same time. Since your boons last longer they are more effective and nobody complains with swiftness that can go over 1 min 10 secs.
I have never had anyone complain about having me in a party while I was running my build it has actually been the opposite.
With the 25 stacks of might that I can generally keep up, jumps me from 3757.66 effective power to 5391.03 being a jump up of around 1633.57 effective power. Remember this is going towards the party as a whole so everyone is keeping their DPS at max most of the time.
(edited by Excursion.9752)
Life is hard for a solo PvE player. I find its best to get at the very least a core group of like minded friends to do dungeons and fractals with. This will help you with not getting bored/burned out to quickly especially if you are on some sort of voice server like team speak, mumble, or vent.
For a PvE player you have to set long term and short term goals for yourself so you have something to work towards. Some people its a specific look from a dungeon, trying to become fully ascended, or even working towards a legendary.
I would say find what trips your trigger and go out and try and get it. Remember nothing worth getting is easily obtained.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Excursion.9752
There is a working mystic forge in the Royal Terrace
I’m fairly sure there will be another one pop up some place.
I tried a guard meta build last night and it was horrible for my play style.
I think its best to give different builds a try and stick with the ones that match what you like to do. Don’t buy into elitism or people that claim they know what’s best for you.
Now the same people who left their homes during the flame and frost release can use the same path to go back where they came from. Maybe its time for the people of LA to go take a vacation to the lovely beaches of Southsun. haha!
The thing that interests me the most from all this is where will the people congregate now that LA will be lost for a while if not forever.
hoelbrak I believe over by keg brawl.
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