Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
^going defensive in HoT is the biggest way to fail. If you don’t kill the mob fast, you won’t be able to dodge all their attacks, and then you will die.
Having toughness will also attract more mobs to you, making you die that much faster, and that much more often.
Berserker, Marauder, Viper, or Sinister… pick one, and hide behind the noobs.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I get it, I suck. I’m old. My sore hands can’t do jumping puzzles. I suck at raids. I hate fractals… and so on… and so on….
…but should I really be punished with an exp bar that flashes every time I kill a mob? I need 56 HoT points, and god only knows how many from tyria…. and I’m never going to have them….
…so for the love of god turn off that big, yellow, flashing exp bar!
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I’d be happy if the regen just had a wider radius. That goes for Glint too.
…and it would be nice if the salvation line did more than just increase healing to other people. In big boss fights, the shards on the ground are pretty useless; you can’t see them, and they get stepped on by whoever’s walking by.
….it’s a ‘hot mess’
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
It’s the first day and speed clears are already a thing. 1 tank, 1 healer in zerker gear, and the rest is a mix of condi and zerker dps.
…and how many hours of spamming “cleric ele, or cele ele lfg” does it take for it to sink into a person’s head, that they’re not wanted.
“raid looking for 1 or 2 dps” …that’s all you ever see.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I know it’s hard to believe, but some of us don’t want to play zerker.
I went down to VB on my ele, where all the cool kids stand around (ensuring that bladed armor will never drop for anyone ever again), and I asked the crowd that had gathered “Anyone want a cleric ele?”
Syrian refugees get a warmer welcome in texas…..
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Ventari’s Tablet… It’s aoe regen has a 240 radius.
….I don’t have words for something that bad.
And the Salvation trait line, is all “to allies”
…I’m using cleric stuff, doly runes, and glint’s regen, and it kinda feels like I don’t even have a heal. Taking the whole healing traitline for almost no benefit to my own heals? That don’t seem right.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I spent my day in the jungle and only have maybe 100 points to show for it…. I’ll be in EOTM from now on… sounds like a much better deal.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
If you don’t grind your hero points now, you’ll never get a group to do them later….
If you don’t grind your tattered bat wings now, you won’t be able to afford to buy them later….
3am to 10pm today, I didn’t play the whole thing straight, but almost.
I grinded about 150 ToT bags, and got nothing… spent the rest of the time trying to find groups for the challenges with champions guarding them… my revs heal is unlocked… and that’s all I have to show for the effort….
The Living Story’s story-line is the expansion’s only saving grace, if I knew I’d have to grind 200+ hours just to unlock the elite specs on my alts, I’d have never bought it.
By time I can play my Herald, there won’t be anything left to do.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
When was it decided that reaper was a DPS spec?
Aoe, sure. Tanking, sure. Unstoppable horror film monster stalking it’s prey? Yup!
DPS? nah not really….
Condi reaper with a scepter; bleeds, poison, torment, and chill as a DoT… that’s going to be perfectly viable damage for raids… dumbfire isn’t the answer to everything.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
My 2 cents…
Survival traits, Refined Toxins; 6 seconds of poison on attack while at 90% health…. same level as Ambidexterity, which gives 150 condi damage… bleh!
Combine it with the GM trait Poison Master, which increases the damage your poison does.
So now there is an open space at the master level for a skill that adds a small about of healing on attack, similar to the guardian’s greatsword trait.
That small amount of healing can be used to proc Lingering Light’s Cosmic Wisp.
Proc’ing the Cosmic Wisp would allow any weapon to become a healing weapon, but not as good as the staff. The wisp isn’t huge self healing, so that isn’t an issue, and the location of the new trait, opposite Ambidexterity (torch/condi damage) also prevents torch offhand from becoming too op with healers.
I would also make the Staff 2 skill (Astral Wisp) last much longer, but you can only have one Astral Wisp at a time, so casting/recasting isn’t so traumatic if it’s cast on a mob that dies quickly, or on the wrong one, or the player just gets bored constantly casting it…. but only having the one won’t make things too OP.
As far as the avatar goes…. it feels weird…. the two sided coin nature of glyphs is rather overwhelming…. but the worst part is finding the players that need heals.
Classic whack-a-mole healing in games like wow means watching healthbars on the side of your screen… not fun, but GW2 doesn’t have many ways of making people stand out when they are on low health.
…perhaps a large area heal (900-1200 radius), that only heals a small amount, but gives the visual queue (green numbers) on people that need heals.
…maybe even add that smaller heal to the Avatar #1 skill’s normal heal.
…or an even simpler solution, massively increase the aoe range of shouts traited to give regen… i think the current radius is 240, which is sad.
…and that’s all i got.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Insta 80 my rev just for the swiftness buff…. running around the world collecting points without swiftness sounds horrid.
…and I’m starting to collect gear for my old characters I plan on playing in a new way, Condi necro → psy reaper. Bunker gear for my daredevil… stuff like that.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Reaper, awesome. For the love of gawd don’t fix what ain’t broken.
(oh yeah, scepter #1’s chain attack is broken, and once started can’t be stopped, but since pet AI works quite well now, I totally ain’t complaining)
Herald; it’s a bit too good? The only thing that makes herald “too good” is the total lack of swiftness for the other builds. Anything without swiftness, in-my-opinion, is not viable, and they don’t even have 25% runspeed.
Dragon Hunter… where to start… the arrow animation, alone, makes you feel weak. DH is a slow as molasses (when running), ranged dps, that can’t kite? no thanks.
Opps! did I say “dps” my mistake, cause this is not a dps class. The F1 burning tether thing…. why? I think I do more burning by just auto attacking…
the traps don’t have any umph, DH offers no support, and the dev team is taking the burning off the symbol in the next build… the only thing I found that worked was a burn-build that used the #4 symbol…
DH Fails Hard. The build is bad, and you should feel bad.
…and so does zerker. Again, what’s with the lack of runspeed? Runes are too good to give up, I say this, as a guy, with too many traveler’s runes in the bank.
The torch needs buffs. With traveler runes it’s weak, with something like flame legion it’s OP… I have no idea how to fix it…
the zerker stance, if you can call it that, is overly complicated, and it’s really hard to press the edge of the itty-bitty icon.
One trait line for bleeding, one for arrows that burn, and one for berserk, if Snow White stuck her foot in these slippers she’d be pigeon-toed.
…worst condi build ever. (admittedly a mild exaggeration)
Best condi build ever; the tempest! Ok, that’s a total exaggeration but it’s nice to do something different with my ele. I really don’t like this class anymore. Rotations just aren’t my thing. I was never very good at doing them with the old weapons, and I have no desire to learn new rotations…
Chrono; didn’t play it, but it has runspeed so kudos to this one…
DareDevil; a pleasant surprise. A lot of people are hating on this one, but myself, and a few others tested this with soldiers, and clerics, and knights, and as a tank, this really shines, and it’s a lot of fun.
The #1 staff skill locks you down, and makes the #3 dodge skill fairly pointless. The #4 blind skill is a bit too slow to use…. but it’s a lot of fun… DD could do with a bit more group support. Perhaps a heal for the #5 skill, or a protection buff for allies. Something for an “I’ll save you” feel
…in pve it’s fun. I assume in pvp a backstab thief would kill you in 1 hit.
So reaper, herald, or daredevil will be my choices for a main. (so far)
The zone itself is awesome. I enjoy being killed by tough mobs. The challenge is real, but it can feel pointless, and cheap, with some of the constant stuns, and one-shot kills the mobs can do.
Severely restricted, almost pointless, gliding would be much appreciated for the old world content. If only to prevent me from jumping off cliff in the future… (Oh Sh!!)
…and the traits for an effect when landing should work when you land while gliding.
…and I can only assume seeing someone gliding would be good for HoT’s sales.
And that’s all I have to say…. I think… yeah that’s everything….
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
(edited by Ezeriel.9574)
- should be a boring main attack, and #2-5 should be symbols.
symbol of might/weakness, symbol of cleansing/burning fire, symbol of blinding confusion, symbol of stealth, beyoches!
and they’re taking the burning off the #4 symbol….? it’s the ONLY thing the longbow has going for it… on some level it’s slightly better at spreading burning than a scepter, and that’s it.
….and where’s the swiftness? where’s the evades? where’s the anything that makes the guardian a viable dps class, capable of kiting around, and not getting smushed, while still having a health pool that’s as low as a thief?
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
me? well I played on my bunker/condi necro a bit. It doesn’t kill anyone, but it takes a while to be killed.
rabid/engi made me want to scratch my eyes out as two basi thieves took turns killing me over and over…. so I logged to my basi thief and killed some of them…
in several matches in the passed few days I’ve fought warriors with near perma-quickness, bull’s charge, mace stun, 100 blades quickness stomp…
…even if you catch them while bull’s charge is on cooldown, they still kill you so fast they don’t even need to pop defy pain.
Whatever, you guys can defend the game all you want, but there’s no skill involved in killing people in just a few seconds while they’re stunned, and I can’t see how that could be considered fun.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
no.. but 9 out of 10 zerker builds will die in the duration of a basilisk stunlock…
…it’s no different than a mesmer stunning you and then blowing up all his clones for an insta-kill.
…or whatever warriors do to pop quickness for in insta-gib 100 blades after a charge or rush or whatever it’s called….
…or a guard stacking 30 burns in a few seconds.
I can’t see how anyone is having fun.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I find myself longing for the old days of being stunlocked in WoW….
….it was far more fun than a match of ‘first one to land basilisk venom wins’
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
At one point Gaile said…
“…one keystroke per action. You may not program a single key to perform multiple functions.
For example, if you Press A and it results in the casting of a single skill, you’re ok. If you Press A and it casts multiple spells, you’re not ok.
You cannot program an “auto-clicker” macro that, for instance, opens chests while you play elsewhere."
Players point to that and say that a rapid fire key is not allowed for opening chests, but…
-A rapid fire key performs a single function, multiple times; it does not perform multiple functions.
-It requires the player to hold down the button, it’s not a complicated macro that allows the player to be doing other things.
So in my mind, it looks fine, but I would like a simple, black-and-white. yes or no, from someone at arena net, on the topic of rapid fire mouse keys.
Please, and Thank you.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I played a bit of pve in Orr, and these are my thoughts…
In general: Sooo slow… forget ventari’s tablet, how about channeling his runspeed?
Without weapon swap, there really is only one viable weapon, the hammer. No one wants to be melee only.
The traits are kinda boring. The damage in general feels low, and even in soldiers, you go squish pretty quick. But that may have more to do with defensive traits being fairly worthless….
Staff#1, damage feels low. 130 range is meh, 240 plz. The healing crystals are ok.
Staff#2, should be called the Sylvia Brown; you have to be a psychic to use it, you’ll usually get it wrong, but when you are right, you’ll want to tell everyone.
Bad skill, to slow to be useful, and it’s just weird.
Staff#3, spin looks ok, wouldn’t be bad if it lasted longer, the blind is unpredictable.
Staff#4, nice heal/condi cleanse. Good cooldown. I like it!
Staff#5, not the greatest, not a gap closer, good damage. It’ll do.
Mace#1, Lovin’it
Mace#2, the cast time is horrible, and slows everything down.
Considering the cast time, it might be a loss of damage over just auto attacking, but in the least, it’s so hard to land, there’s no way this will ever be good.
…the burning could certainly last longer, and if the field is going to be that narrow, it may as well be an instant cast skill.
Mace#3, Lovin’it. The triple blast… yummy.
Axe#4, I wish this had no cooldown, making it similar to a D/P thief’s #3 attack.
Axe#5, It’s a decent interrupt, but the whole “pulling” is not really… it’s weird.
Hammer#1, either a little weak, or the attack speed is a little slow.
Hammer#2, it’s ok.
Hammer#3, I like it, and combined with #2, revenant becomes a decent tagger in zergs.
Hammer#4, I’d like it to last longer, but I understand why it doesn’t. An animation bug, where when combo’d with #3, looks like a small army leaping… you guys should keep that. Or have #3 leap, a smoke version of the player, at each mob in the landing area.
Hammer#5, long cast, slow animation…. big ol’ hammer of meh.
Ventari: The tablet is good, but the #5 skill, I’ll never use.
Long cast, meager results, complicated.
Jalis: Forced Engagement is expensive and kinda pointless.
Rite of the Great Dwarf… there are times when this may be awesome…
The hammers are kinda weak – OR – kinda energy intensive.
Mallyx: Emrace the darkness…. greatest animation ever!
-Staff didn’t really work that well, the crystals are hard to see with particle effects, and the wrong people keep stepping on them. Staff #2 is worthless IMO. Over-all, the damage is just too low.
all-in-all, it’s not much of a ‘power pole’; it didn’t even extend…
-I liked the mace/axe condi build, but the Mace #2 was just too slow to use, and kinda ruined it. It’s not much of a condi stacking build, but it seemed to ‘get by’ in pve.
-Hammer/ventari tablet is pretty solid, and if I had to play today, this is how I’d do it. Good group support. Low but acceptable damage. Decent tagging for groups.
Edit: spacing
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
(edited by Ezeriel.9574)
It’s true.
Engineer has always been a class with on demand skills. Need a light field, water, fire.. no problem. But as a whole your build was still defined by your weapon.
Flamethrower had a build, EG had a build, and if you saw an engineer using pistols, it meant something.
Now none of that means anything. The class has lost all of it’s identity and become ele light. Engis now just cycle through all their highest dps skills, and start over. Rotations, rotations, rotations, with no identity.
Spec for flamethrower? Fine. 90% of the time you’ll use your rifle. Spec for pistols? Sorry, you can’t. Rotate through your conditions and do something else.
No identity, no specialization, and no fun.
The class, as-it-is, is just freaking bland.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
- Ignoring the bug on grenadier making it godly, how have grenades felt with the 900 range? Does mortar kit make up for it?
- What elite have you been taking? If you had to rate them from best to worst, how would you do it and why?
- Are you using Flamethrower, EGun or Bomb kit more at all?
- Engineers currently have a LOT of builds to work with. Which is your favorite so far? Please don’t include any builds that utilize bugs.
- Have you tried the new med kit? My experience has been it being a bit clunky.
- Are you using any heals besides Healing Turret now?
- I’ve heard from some people that the gadgeteer trait is a bit lackluster. Do you agree and if so, what do you think would make it better?
1/2 Mortar Kit is nice, good aoe for tagging, not really killing anyone with it in spvp, but I like it as it is. It’s a tough choice between it and supply drop… the other ones don’t matter.
3. My engi has always been a power based FlameThrower engi, and I am horribly depressed with it. The stability is nice, but losing 200 toughness with juggernaut is a big deal.
The FlameJet (FT #1) with my old cele spec, it took 4 or 5 streams to take down a large golem in mists, now it’s 7 or 8. The increased burn duration trait is opposite juggernaut. SO.. flame thrower damage is boosted (10%) by attacking things that are burning, but setting something on fire is a lot more complicated to do.
I’m also choosing between self-regulating defenses (elixir s) and Backpack Regenerator, and the 15% damage trait for flamethrower and elixir-gun is MIA.
It all adds up to very poor damage, and very poor survivability. Killing a mob in orr takes what feels like a lifetime, but a thief running by will kill the same mobs in a fraction of the time it takes me.
Perhaps having the burning on Flamethrower kick-in on the first tic of flamejet instead of the last, and something is needed for survivability ’cause this feel incredibly weak for having such low damage.
E-gun is really bad. Maybe it’s good for condi builds, but it losses 15% damage, cooldown reduction, range? I dunno, but it isn’t good…. I’ve replaced it with bomb kit, #2 and #3 skills are decent enough to make it worth using.
4. If it wasn’t for fire stacking, I think I’d shelf my engi. I haven’t worked out a build yet, but it gives me some hope for spvp.
5. no
6. no… engi is complicated enough without using complicated heals. Turret is simple to use. It’s cooldown is short. It can provide group support. And as fast paced as everything is, I like to keep it simple.
7. I can’t survive five hits, so I can’t think of any reason I would use gadgeteer. After taking 2 hits I use my rocket boots and pray that they go after somebody else.
So to give some perspective. I am thrilled with my hammer guard. Staff Ele is good. My mesmer is great in pvp, but a lot weaker in pve… every odd. LB ranger is good. My condi necro’s damage is down, but his survivability is up, and he’s group friendly now! My P/P thief is dead….
…and my FT engi is on life support.
edit: 2 hits is fine, but (5) ‘five hits’ is kitten lol
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
(edited by Ezeriel.9574)
The thieves aren’t to strong, neither are the glass cannon necros etc….
It’s the massive stat loss, that some builds have suffered, that is wrecking the game.
Let the rambling begin:
For example Flame Thrower Engineer.
Juggernaut used to give 200 armor, now it gives stability.
an engi used to pick up toughness and vitality from traits.
There goes 500 armor and 300 vitality.
The trait for drinking elixir S, and backpack rejuvenator, and 15% more damage were all in one trait line. Now you have to choose between the rejuv or the elixir, and you can forget about the damage boost. The incendiary powder, for 10% more flamethrower damage, that’s gone too.
As a result, you have to spec heavy into damage, just to see the same numbers, you used to get, when spec’d to bunker.
To make matters worse, there are no defensive traits to take. The elixirgun lost range, 15% damage, and it’s cooldown reduction. So what good is it?
What traits boost an engineer’s choice to go with toughness over power?
…and on the other hand. A zerker necro can bunker all day long in shroud, because of traits that give high survivability (corruptor’s fevor, 20% reduced condition damage AND 300 toughness for zerkers?), and a trait that gives 180 toughness while shrouded. That trait should instead increase toughness by 10% when shrouded. That way, bunkers can bunker, and zerkers still go squish.
As it is now, any necro that chooses the death magic traitline. gets a huge survivability buff no matter what stats they choose.
In conclusion:
Defensive Traits should reflect the stat choices that a player has made.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I agree with Trevor.
Yesterday, I was on my bunker heavy necro, and it was rough, but I did ok.
Today I tried out a cele/flamethrower engi… it was horrible. Shatter mesmers killed me so fast I couldn’t understand what was going on. I respeced into everything defensive I could find, used speed runes for the vitality boost…
….worthless. And as far as I can tell juggernaut is worthless, as rangers ping-ponged me with no trouble.
So I hopped on my guard, and before I got into a match, people were screaming in map about how little survivability guards have…..
…so I just logged instead. Zerker meta has been sucking all the fun out of this game for a long time. Who thinks it’s fun to die before you have a chance to react? not me.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Necros get so much…. your old build was bad… I didn’t even look at it, all of the old necro builds were bad.
You should be looking forward to the patch, the new stuff is amazing.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
The price of leather, is so low, that when I accidentally salvage something made of leather, I hate myself for wasting money….
Gossamer… bleah…
Nopale…. no profit…. I think you lose money from harvesting the stuff.
So I humbly request some new recipes. I don’t care what they do, just so long as they have some value.
Oh.. leather boots and bloodstone soup! You could feed it to enemies! or leather and cactus padding (maintenance oil) retaliation when hit!
I don’t care…. just something….
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
The current pets are so dull…..
Seeing a wolf next to the druid in the HoT trailer was so depressing.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
If they trait for it, yeah, necros can get crazy crit, but the other skills they give up are crazy good too.
Like stability, dhuumfire, life leech or 1% life force and might for hitting someone that is chilled…
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Better than HoT? no….
A completely awesome, attempt to breath some life back into the game, Yes!
Personally I can’t wait, as I am currently bored to tears.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
So I figure I better start making some ascended lewt now, before the prices go up, due to people making their legendaries….
So, mesmers, every third crit slows for 2 seconds… and illusions bleed when they crit… and you both inflict confusion when you crit….
And necros do the explody chill thing when they crit someone that is chilled… 3 times within 10 seconds… so it can be three hits in a row if they all crit.
Engis get all kinds of stuff when they crit….
I’m also guessing that if your crit is high enough, you will be able to play more with runes and sigils, and I’m guess there could be some new ones added that are too good to turn down.
Can only guess what the other classes are getting, but it’s looking like assassin is going to be better than zerkers for a lot of builds.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
At this point using anything, but zerker, just makes you a bad player.
You take longer to kill things, so you get less stuff.
You can take a hit or two, so you don’t research the fights.
You can take a hit or two, so you don’t learn to pay attention and dodge.
Some of the future is looking bright; the dragon hunter’s traps look like they could wreck a zerker. 3k burning ticks, alone, may bring the zerker meta to an end.
Let’s just hope Anet does something, otherwise all the other gear sets are just a cruel joke on new players.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
If one player was able to lock down your entire team with a zerker build I… I’m so sorry. You and your team probably shouldn’t do PVP ever again.
Yeah, I don’t know what the other people brought to the table, but my cleric/monk, healing bombs engineer wasn’t even a speed-bump for said fresh air, zerker ele.
…and that’s the point;
1. the defensive builds will never be able to protect the NPCs, against a zerker.
2. the best way to keep the other team’s players from killing your NPCs is to kill the other team.
3. the main object of the game is to kill the other team’s lord (and npcs) which can be healed, slowly, by the other team.
Every objective is best accomplished with a high burst build, and there is no higher burst than zerker.
….and with only 5 players, your forces are stretched thin, making 1 v 1’s very common, and zerker has always ruled in those situations.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
What are you guys doing while waiting on Hot?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ezeriel.9574
I was doing spvp, but stonghold is zerker bs and no fun… and now the queues are so long… I’m just miserable.
So I think I’ll watch game of thrones.. or ya’know… go to work.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
He who zerks the fastest wins the mostest.
I was in a match with a scepter ele on the opposing team. He had more than enough burst to nearly one-shot everyone on my team; we didn’t have anywhere near enough to hurt him…
he literally spawn camped us by himself….
…..lesson learned.
A full zerker can kill the adds, a full zerker can take out the other team’s bunkers, a full zerker can kill the lord. The team with the most zerkers wins.
If you’re not going in there with a full zerker burst damage spec, then you’re doing it wrong.
…if anet wanted to end the zerker meta they failed miserably.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
(edited by Ezeriel.9574)
For the night should be…
and full of mordrem…
Agreed! …and that should be the slogan for HoT.
This game is too pretty. We should lock the devs in a room and make them watch Game of Thrones marathons until they understand what war looks like.
…and it doesn’t look like a Tigger Backpack.
…it does look like fire, darkness and burning mordrem at the stake! We could have mordrem campfires, and use their severed arms for torches as we wander into the VERY dark jungles.
Honestly, torches are one of the best things this game has going for it. An environmental weapon/torch that non-torch classes can carry and throw on the floor for some lightning, would make dungeon crawling epic.
…and that could be one less space in people’s inventory, and we know how much Anet loves that.
The human gods are false gods, there is only one god, the god of light, and we pray to him, for the night is dark, and full of terrors…
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
(edited by Ezeriel.9574)
no.. no I don’t want a Quaggan key chain.
I get enough weird looks on my own
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
For the longest time every game has a dragoon/dragon slayer heavy armor class, so I’m just fine with the name….
…more important is the “I win button” a.k.a. traps that you can use on thieves.
FINALLY there is a thief counter-class!
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Why bother? Just make it a digital download. Let people download it slowly, bit-by-bit, over the course of a week or two, and then the servers won’t crash.
Save money, save time, save the planet.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Numbers for necro aren’t done…. nor mesmer… nor guard….
This week they skipped the preview, and I can only imagine it’s because nothing else was far enough along to preview.
I think december is optimistic.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
My hype-high has wore off…
…now I’m like Robert Baratheon waiting for the joust to start.
(which I really shouldn’t link to)
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I admit, I was really mad about the lack of condi build love, and missing group support…
…but now, I see reaper as being a rather decent tank. The (coming soon) vamp aura should be enough to get us into groups. I’ve worked out condi builds that I like. All-in-all I’m starting to see necro as being in a good place.
A lot of people are thinking it’s too good, but looking at what guards get with the massive burn stacking in multiple builds (my hammer guard is going to melt-faces), and the shatter mesmers that instantly respawn both a clone and a phantasm after using shatter (good god!)… I don’t see necro needing any nerfs.
So I’m feeling content, I think it’s looking good.
…the shouts are worthless, but the old utilities are looking more useful than ever, so I’m ok with that.
Now I’m just waiting for the release…. that and the druid reveal… I don’t care what druid does it’s gonna be awesome.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
For Condi Reapers….
Even with Lingering Curses, scepter is going to be a lousy weapon for Reapers, due to it’s poor life force generation.
Staff is looking far more practical, and it will allow you to pick up parasitic contagion, for more survivability.
….and depending on the viability of the Vampiric Aura, blood magic is also an option when using a staff.
Either one of those builds might make good use of the Ele Runes
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
A dagger/warhorn necro taking 7% less damage from poisoned opponents, and making good use of the vampiric traits, looks to be in a far better position for pvp than anything involving the reaper.
A condi build that bunkers in DS with vampiric traits and dumbfire looks quite viable as well
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
yeah 600 yards is nothing when fighting a ranger, or the dragon knight, and there’s the possibility of a thief rifle build…
A pistol/pistol or a pistol/dagger thief would wreck a reaper without even trying.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
so you mean the Necro like it is now will be better for pvp then the elite Spec?
it’s looking like it.
The GS is god-awful slow, and the reaper is melee…. the only melee classes in this game that are successful have large amounts of gap closers.
A guard with his GS leap, meditation teleport, sword teleport….
A warrior with sword/warhorn and GS charge…
Even now, a melee necro relies on DS/lich for range.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
It all boils down to how good Vamp Aura is.
The only reason necros get groups now, is because a lot of the content can be done with one player afk. Anything that has a level of complexity, difficulty or is unknown, and players would rather have anything but a necro.
A mesmer can do just as much condi damage as a necro, while clearing conditions and pumping out a 3k aoe heal every 3 or 4 seconds.
A good class in this game, makes other people’s characters feel stronger, and the necro never does that.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I think it’s safe to say that as-soon-as a person touches the reaper line, the staff will become mandatory… and possibly soul reaping traits as well.
Without a staff you can do nothing against kiters, and a good deal of PVE mobs are best dealt with at range as well.
The old DS is looking like it will still be the goto build for pvp for just that reason.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
There are some good things going on for the Reaper, but it’s lack of a 1200’ range gap closer is just not going to work. Spectral Grasp, rarely hits anything. I dunno if things dodge, or it’s LOS with a rock in the road… but it’s about as reliable as the minion’s AI.
…which they didn’t fix.
Necro should be a good condition class, but it’s really not. Other classes stack bleeds so much faster… and now they’ll be stacking burning…
….but from what I can see, necros won’t be stacking poison, and their burning delivery system, dumbfire, is severely lacking.
Chill is nice, but it isn’t everything. I’ve played a chill-o-mancer.. it’s highly overrated.
As-far-as group utility goes, the unknown changes to vampiric traits, and some aura they are working on, from what little is known, it looks good, and I have high hopes….
…but more-and-more, having high hopes for the necro, is a lot like having high hopes for your favorite character on game of thrones.
The Shouts are useless. No one is going to use them. Contrary to popular belief, necros are not amazing at dealing with conditions, and those utility slots will likely continue to be devoted to condition/boon removal, run speed, whatever…
Mesmers strait-up, got some amazing traits, and most important 25% run speed. There really is nothing bad with what Mesmers got, but as someone else mentioned, they really could have used a better main hand weapon.
Guards, sadly, did not get 25% run speed, but what they got blows my mind. And the possibility of a regen elite signet, yes please!
Being freed from AH+EM, or meditations, would be so amazing, and it’s the perfect time for it, because the trait changes they made… there are just so many good options for builds, and you don’t feel pigeon-toed like you do with the necro.
If the reveal video for dragon hunter had a distraught guard, crying because he couldn’t protect his friends, enraged, and with no one left to protect, vowing to kill every last one of the dragons, and anything they’ve come in contact with…. people would have thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I’ve been playing a lot of Path of Exile, and player housing done right is amazing.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Lingering Curses is 100% increased condition duration when using a scepter, and +150 condition damage…. same trait line has the 20% increased bleeding duration.
…if you want to use a scepter for conditions, you must take that trait line (curses), or you will give up 120% bleed duration.
Soul Marks, and Greater Marks are in two different trait lines, and you’ll have to take them both if you want use a staff. To make matters worse the 20% bleeding duration is in a third line.
If you want to do any condition damage while shrouded, you must take Dhuumfire.
In order to make a Terror build, you must take two lines, and you are prevented from using Lingering Curses, which prevents you from using a scepter.
None of these traits are in blood magic. If you want to bring anything to a group, you cannot spec for conditions.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.