Showing Posts For Forsty.7968:

You forgot

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Skills like dash arent good for the game. Something that can remove any movement impairing condi on demand is stupidly overpowered and nullifies some things completely. Do you like playing against the DH survivability mechanic? Now imagine that without any unblockable skills. Fun and interactive right?

Please tell me more about how the 3 dodge endurance bar with your signet of agility arent enough dodges to remove an immob at any time. If you seriously think that you must be using your dodges very wisely.

Even if the trait would have a 10s icd on immob remove it would always still be picked over bound as long as any movement impairing effects have an impact in the game. A trait that makes your dodges give you a damage modifier. Along with damage. Its like a good trait on steroids for any other profession and im talking about bound not even dash.

Before the mad thieves attack, im saying the trait is overpowered, not that thief is. Though thief is in a far better state than any of you think.

Remove reveal on demand, make stealth more viable again and we can talk about nerfing dash. Once again, the hell do you do as thief to stay alive? Every time i ask this question, i always get same answer “dodge” since thief can’t take more than one hit. But here you are complaining that thief uses dodges and has counter to condi that otherwise would prevent them from using dodge. Honestly people, why do you not get it? Thief doesn’t have 28k HP, endure pain etc. to just stand there like training golem and take them beating in the face but this is exactly what you are asking for.

Frosty, i know why you ask for dash nerf. So you can do your mesmer combo wombo without any timing/counting dodges etc. This has nothing to do with balance.

Shatter and shield skills on mesmer are not good for the game, they should be removed. They render player being completely unable to do anything. See, i can do it too.

Except your argument makes no sense, all professions have access to cc and most have access to blocks as well. Im not asking for a dash nerf because i know there wont be one, im just saying dash is overpowered and not good for the game.

Reveal on demand? Stealth more viable again? None of what youre saying makes sense. You wont stand there like a training golem in the case of this nerf. Most of the time it wont even have an effect on the game at all since you barely ever get immobed twice in 10 seconds. And im not even considering every other way you have to move from immob.

I thought my extra sentences would stop triggered thief mains from responding but apparently its not enough if i say I DONT THINK THIEF IS OP.

Id like to add its funny how you think i want changes for my own benefit. Especially when i have so many problems counting those dodges and timing skills with the level i play on.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

You forgot

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Skills like dash arent good for the game. Something that can remove any movement impairing condi on demand is stupidly overpowered and nullifies some things completely. Do you like playing against the DH survivability mechanic? Now imagine that without any unblockable skills. Fun and interactive right?

Please tell me more about how the 3 dodge endurance bar with your signet of agility arent enough dodges to remove an immob at any time. If you seriously think that you must be using your dodges very wisely.

Even if the trait would have a 10s icd on immob remove it would always still be picked over bound as long as any movement impairing effects have an impact in the game. A trait that makes your dodges give you a damage modifier. Along with damage. Its like a good trait on steroids for any other profession and im talking about bound not even dash.

Before the mad thieves attack, im saying the trait is overpowered, not that thief is. Though thief is in a far better state than any of you think.

Bad news about the next Mesmer specialization

in Mesmer

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I saw it yesterday. The first icon (gray) is the main weapon like in all professions, the second icon represents different things depending of the profession, but like Firebrand and Spellbreaker, in our case is the off-hand weapon, so we’ll wield two axes. If I’m right.

My doubt is if it’ll be ranged or melee.

While I would like dual axes since Warrior gets dual daggers, If it works like the first lot of elite specs the second icon will be the first minor trait that just gives us access to the new/replacement F skills.

Uhmmm in the Firebrand you can see the tome there and a dagger in the Spellbreaker. We’ll see, they are changing the system in some way, at least the location of the icons, so nothing is sure, of course.

Tomes are their F skills.

You also get a whole new set of F skills. As in your shatters are replaced.

Edit: I also heard it is/was very good in pve. It will get toned down from that for sure though but you get me, probably not to abysmal levels.

Have they said what the new f skills are?

If i interpret? right, they should just be new shatters but im not 100% sure if they are since it sounds a bit silly considering i dont know how that would help mesmer in PVE to the extent it has. Maybe its just a crazy buff to them or some mechanic within them that helps so much.

Could just be utilities and elite as well i guess that did it, who knows.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

Bad news about the next Mesmer specialization

in Mesmer

Posted by: Forsty.7968


You also get a whole new set of F skills. As in your shatters are replaced.

Edit: I also heard it is/was very good in pve. It will get toned down from that for sure though but you get me, probably not to abysmal levels.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Everyone quit due to the balance changes, or the lack of. We played the same boring specs vs the same boring specs for at least 6 months. And we wait eagerly for a balance patch, and nothing changes at all.

Its like a kid at christmas gets super excited about whats to come because he never gets given anything except at christmas.

Then for christmas he gets literally nothing. It makes people demoralised and give up on the game.

So now that the game is actually the most balanced its been in ages, you could argue most balanced ever, youre complaining about it being boring? Its time to stop man, youll never be happy with the game.

Just because the game is balanced doesn’t mean it’s fun. If everyone can kill anyone with little to no effort it’s no fun. If passive traits and procs do half the work it isn’t fun. If you barely need to time your skills but just keep spamming your rotation until someone dies it isn’t fun.

No idea where youre pulling the little effort to kill from. Passive traits and procs have always been a thing. Spamming a rotation will never work in this game properly. To be efficient you need to actively make decisions when youre fighting.

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


And of course you know about that “high level” PvP first-hand …

You dont get away with spamming skills. Overall, HoT has a lower skill floor but a much higher skill cap which is very good. Unfortunately, for a lot of people this creates the illusion that the game requires no skill at high level as well because theyre unable to get close to the cap.

I dont understand how you can say that.

How does the HOT create a higher skill cap when the same players in the game are at the same level?

Take the top 15 NA players and the top 15 EU players pre hot and post hot. Guess what the list is the exact same.

These are the kind of people that most people in the forums agree with nowadays, amazing isnt it.

I can say that because i play at that level. HoT complicated the game. I mean if you take for example mesmer youd be crazy to think pre hot power mesmer was harder to play perfectly than condi. Even the skill floor raised on mesmer.

Wow explain to me then.

If the skill floor changed why are the exact same players the meta?

Tarcis was still the number 1 warrior ( or 2nd) and it didnt matter if he played core or HOT version. He stayed at that level.

Helseth Pre HOT was probably the best mesmer in the game, crazy thing happened he was still the best mesmer after.

You and crinn talk about how the skill level increased, my question is for who since all the best players easily adjusted to it?

You and crinn have just argued my points and if i may say. Its a weak rebuttal at best.

Your “point” doesnt make sense. The good people dont suddenly get bad at the game when it gets harder and the bad people dont suddenly get good at the game when it gets harder.

Why do you think the top players were the top players before HoT? Why would you ever think some other people would replace them? Skill floor has nothing to do with the top players. Complicating the game doesnt mean the game is going to change into a completely new one. What the kitten is going through your mind even, are you actually kittened?

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Everyone quit due to the balance changes, or the lack of. We played the same boring specs vs the same boring specs for at least 6 months. And we wait eagerly for a balance patch, and nothing changes at all.

Its like a kid at christmas gets super excited about whats to come because he never gets given anything except at christmas.

Then for christmas he gets literally nothing. It makes people demoralised and give up on the game.

So now that the game is actually the most balanced its been in ages, you could argue most balanced ever, youre complaining about it being boring? Its time to stop man, youll never be happy with the game.

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


And of course you know about that “high level” PvP first-hand …

You dont get away with spamming skills. Overall, HoT has a lower skill floor but a much higher skill cap which is very good. Unfortunately, for a lot of people this creates the illusion that the game requires no skill at high level as well because theyre unable to get close to the cap.

I dont understand how you can say that.

How does the HOT create a higher skill cap when the same players in the game are at the same level?

Take the top 15 NA players and the top 15 EU players pre hot and post hot. Guess what the list is the exact same.

These are the kind of people that most people in the forums agree with nowadays, amazing isnt it.

I can say that because i play at that level. HoT complicated the game. I mean if you take for example mesmer youd be crazy to think pre hot power mesmer was harder to play perfectly than condi. Even the skill floor raised on mesmer.

Can we get rid of re-queues

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I can give a little more info on this i guess. Before it kicks you out the top of your screen is in “about to have a qpop” mode, as well as your pvp panel. Then it just never pops up and eventually requeues you and kicks you out of the queue after a bit of waiting. Thats what has happened to me at least.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I think this is how rankings work out:

Bronze: Trash

Silver: Trash

Gold: Trash

Platinum: Trash/decent

Legendary: match fix/good

i fixed it for you

If you think there is no difference between bronze and gold then that is your problem. Also, bronze players lack experience and skill. This doesn’t make them “trash.” If you know you are dealing with newer players you should try to help them get better. You may think “that’s not my job” but if everyone thinks the same and no one helps…these players won’t get better. Calling them trash only makes it more likely they will quit playing pvp before they play enough to get better without anyone’s help. Then we get players who complain about population issues in pvp while attacking entry level players.

Rewards drew in new players last season. If we want those people to stay and get better we need to work on our collective attitude towards inexperienced players.

I was mostly joking with that but what i depict with trash is players who dont have the potential to play on a high level. People that have the potential for it learn things by themselves as well. Trash can get to grade 4 trash with practise and advice. New players of course being exceptions.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


And of course you know about that “high level” PvP first-hand …

You dont get away with spamming skills. Overall, HoT has a lower skill floor but a much higher skill cap which is very good. Unfortunately, for a lot of people this creates the illusion that the game requires no skill at high level as well because theyre unable to get close to the cap.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I think this is how rankings work out:

Bronze: Trash

Silver: Trash

Gold: Trash

Platinum: Trash/decent

Legendary: match fix/good

i fixed it for you

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


3) Same meta kitten, boring af no change at all – balance fail

No, the balance is better than it’s been in years. But yes there has been no meta change.

It seems that Anet is trying to achieve balance, while the playerbase just wants change.

As for your other points. ESL doesn’t matter to the queuing population. The plat in match with silvers is the result of population and isn’t something that can be fixed. (unless the devs want to just prevent plat players from getting matches)

You could make the legit case that every glass (except thief) had 2 legit ESL builds. Since HOT came out we have had 1-2 classes be completely useless at high level play.

You wat lol

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


3) Same meta kitten, boring af no change at all – balance fail

No, the balance is better than it’s been in years. But yes there has been no meta change.

It seems that Anet is trying to achieve balance, while the playerbase just wants change.

As for your other points. ESL doesn’t matter to the queuing population. The plat in match with silvers is the result of population and isn’t something that can be fixed. (unless the devs want to just prevent plat players from getting matches)

Well, the lack of pro league follow up does matter quite a lot due to the good people now quitting because of it. Much less streams about the game etc. And im willing to believe some people quit because the top players did. ESL didnt matter at all in the first place, it was just a tweet that people misinterpreted and went nuts about. That probably lost some players as well, it was really badly announced and the clarification for it came up too late. As for balance though youre completely right but i dont think the majority of the population actually wants a change.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


but game based on 500point and good player stuck in silver/bronze is fine ?
and as i’ve say , i can carry with ingi/war/thief/guard/necro and do beetween 25-40% on all statistcal with these. ( and i don’t care about metabattle or other thing for ppl who can’t connect brain by their own )
there are only noob player no brain can easely play necro/guard to win to think its the only way to win.

i will say again by an other way , who is more usefull :
-someone who protect our point , and fight on point and do kill after kill ?
-someone 1v3 who fight out of point , and don’t kill anyone , and just take risk to die ?

Even if he dies, as long as he stalls for some time it should be enough for your team to kill the rest of the map. That is what carrying is in this game, stalling or killing multiple people at once. If youre good you most likely wont even die, just stall as long as you can safely but sometimes its better to sacrifice as well. If the rest of your team cannot 4v2 the enemies in the rest of the map they deserve to lose.

So now ill ask you a question. Which is better, the rest of your team is 4v4 or 4v2? The first being your team obviously. Youve been playing the wrong way if you really think thats how you carry. Good players are not stuck in gold/silver.

Oh and at silver/gold you can easily kill many people alone, its kind of a scrub tier.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

Toughness is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968



No, I dont remember Minstrel druid, because once HoT beta hit, I already saw what direction this game was going and jumped off ship.

Im saying people actually do have to rely on them because thats the system we have now, its full of them. Look at the warrior, basically everything is passive trigger and their one of the ones who can actually take toughness while also being viable because of so many passive defenses they have ontop of being more tanky.

PvP was dropping long before, even teams that were going for Esports explained why they didnt find Gw2 pvp enjoyable.Balance was out of wack but they shouldnt be balancing the game around amulets in the first place. They should have been balancing it on class skills and traits. Bunker was healthy for the game, it allowed for team synergy, roles and even class diversity. But they way they implemented it just wasn’t the best.

Game honestly is a lot worse with them gone for those reasons, Its now focused around burst damage, less then 5 second fights unless loads of damage negation is available. Its not fun to watch, its really not fun to play imo. The quick TTK just makes for “eh ok”, moments instead of learning what to do against certain abilities and skills like the old days where you could actually understand what was going on in fights more then now.

Okay so you dont even know what the bunker meta is. “Bunker was healthy for the game, it allowed for team synergy, roles and even class diversity”. Straight up making toughness a stronger stat will not do any of what you said and would be incredibly bad for the game. Youre saying balancing the pvp around amulets is not what they should do but youre advocating for a buff for a stat that comes off of amulets mainly. If you think the game is centered around burst damage at the moment you must not have played the game for very long. Anyway im done with this, you dont know what happened in the past of the game so it doesnt make sense to talk about something you dont understand.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


“His grammar is so bad”
im so sorry Forsty.7968 to not be born english man. really , excuse me.

Lord Hammer Hand.4815 ,
so the solution is to do nothing and let good player who have a platinium or gold skill level stuck with silver or bronze , right ?

-you agree the win team win point , and loose team loose point , so you agree win team are better than loose team ; and for this win/loose , you refer to point/500 , right ?
-but you don’t agree the last player from win team is worst and need loose point or the best player from loose team need win point , to refer to statistical point ? right ?

say no more ><

“im so usefull i do 1% dammage 1% heal 1%kill 40% death 0% defend 0% atk but it dos’nt mean nothing , let me trust im usefull”
and maybe accept reallity and stop troll is an option ?

because if statistcal doesn’t mean nothing , a team who win 500-123 mean nothing ? you didn’t agree with that ? roooo what a surprise…..

its based on statistical , that you want or not. sry.

Im not born english either mate but your suggestion paired with that just gives a very bad vibe. The suggestions been gone over many times already and it wouldnt work.

Firstly Anet does not want to promote stat centric gameplay because people would stray from trying to win to just trying to get top stats.

Secondly there are some professions that have a clear advantage over others stat wise which would obviously be bad.

Thirdly people could also exploit the system and try to target players that they want not to get rating and gank them. Actually i could probably go on for a while about this, some things i didnt say are in the replies already but you get my point, it doesnt work.

dragon hunters are not ok

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Dragonhunter should be nerfed because of how easy it is to have an impact in the game with it as well as because its simply not fun to play against. Not because of its power level. It doesnt matter how good you are at the game, unless youre playing a complete counter to it like druid you wont have fun fighting them and it doesnt matter if you kill them or not.

Its a stupid waiting game. 90% of DH players blow their f3, elite and f3 again which results in a kittenton of seconds on which you cant really pressure him. Its obviously a bad way of playing DH but its still effective because of how badly DH was designed. Nobody wants to play against this. There are other builds that are “easy to play” as well but nothing comes close to DH. The traps are really not the problem of DH since they finally got rid of the dazing effect on them. Sure they can be annoying when someone sets them randomly up off node when you werent anywhere near there and then walk into them and die because someone is running all traps but imo its not the main reason DH is a badly designed spec.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


His grammar is so bad i took this for a troll in an instant but for others : Please dont bother. The suggestion would never work.

Toughness is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


This is honestly a good idea imo. Toughness really is a useless stat to take at any point because no matter how much armor you have you will still be burst down within seconds.


We have considered toughness as pretty much the most important stat in the game for some time. It obviously depends on what youre playing but toughness should not be made any more effective than it is.

In PvP? Are you serious? Looking at peoples builds its mostly anything that provides vital unless its a full glass build. Toughness is rarely chosen or even needed by many classes. Look at how the Meta is right now it shows how underused any form of toughness is.

And why do you think that is? All the amulets that had good stat combinations with toughness are gone. That hard to understand? They needed to be removed. Now if you could be kitten d to even look at what youre talking about before you say something, you would scroll down this page and see that every single one of the runes and amulets that were removed had toughness in them. Toughness was something that should never be brought to that level again as it was creating incredibly stale gameplay.

One could even argue to nerf toughness as a stat but since the amulets are not in the game anymore its not needed, at least in pvp. Toughness is fine as it is as long as they keep giving us badly stated toughness amulets or ones with low toughness like wanderer and paladins although paladins is almost going too far with it already.

Yes, because the removal of those amulets surely made the pvp 100% fail proof. With the powercreep and overtuned damage this game literally has dropped to an all time low because the only counterplay really is having a class with large amounts of evades, blocks, invulns and condition clears. Even with 1200 toughness with the current amulets you are still basically glass regardless if these amulets made a comeback or not.

Toughness is not fine as it is by itself, it doesnt serve much of a purpose when players cant build to withstand more damage without relying on passives procs to do most of the work for them. Even worse now since basically every attack applies a condition in this game.

Do you remember minstrel druid? kitten i can remember how fast it died how glassy it was and how it got completely deleted in each game. Oh. Wait. It was near unkillable without moa. Youre saying people need to rely on passive procs to do the most work for them. What do you need to do with toughness apart from putting it in your build? Its passive.

Also the game has dropped to an all time low in pvp because there have been no tournaments for a long time, saying its because of the state of the meta would be ridiculous. The game had a much bigger playerbase in pro league season 1 when the meta was in one of the worst states its ever been in. Why? Tournaments.

I dont understand what fail proof means to you because what it seems to mean to you is if you die in under 10 seconds while being afk against another player the game balance has failed. Im not saying anywhere that doing the removal of all those amulets was the perfect route to go with when only thinking about further balancing and diversity but even if it might be too big a thing to hammer in your head things are not always this simple. Anet did not have time to come up with and test a working toughness nerf that would allow the amulets to stay in so they made the best decision at the time. Im also not saying that the game would be perfect currently with the amulets out but it sure as hell is much better.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

Toughness is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


This is honestly a good idea imo. Toughness really is a useless stat to take at any point because no matter how much armor you have you will still be burst down within seconds.


We have considered toughness as pretty much the most important stat in the game for some time. It obviously depends on what youre playing but toughness should not be made any more effective than it is.

In PvP? Are you serious? Looking at peoples builds its mostly anything that provides vital unless its a full glass build. Toughness is rarely chosen or even needed by many classes. Look at how the Meta is right now it shows how underused any form of toughness is.

And why do you think that is? All the amulets that had good stat combinations with toughness are gone. That hard to understand? They needed to be removed. Now if you could be kitten d to even look at what youre talking about before you say something, you would scroll down this page and see that every single one of the runes and amulets that were removed had toughness in them. Toughness was something that should never be brought to that level again as it was creating incredibly stale gameplay.

One could even argue to nerf toughness as a stat but since the amulets are not in the game anymore its not needed, at least in pvp. Toughness is fine as it is as long as they keep giving us badly statted toughness amulets or ones with low toughness like wanderer and paladins although paladins is almost going too far with it already.

Toughness is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


This is honestly a good idea imo. Toughness really is a useless stat to take at any point because no matter how much armor you have you will still be burst down within seconds.


We have considered toughness as pretty much the most important stat in the game for some time. It obviously depends on what youre playing but toughness should not be made any more effective than it is.

Will we get competitive PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


There are gonna be some tournaments coming up. Dont know about the frequency of the tournaments but people will definitely compete. “Unity PvP Tournament Org.” Should be on first page. Anyone interested can join the discord.

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


What do you think that could do better and be more valuable for a group, a DH or a Druid?

On druid you actually need to somewhat know what youre doing to have a significant impact on the game but its also much more versatile. It depends entirely on enemy team comp, dh can get completely negated while druid cant. But a lot of the time when you can play dh without counters it does more than druid.

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Atm, Guardian at low level, then Warrior, Thief and Druid. Thief is hard to master but when you do you kill everyone or at last become totally unkillable. The same with the Druid, you become unkillable and have even better dps and can hold the point if you need to.
If you like toe support role, a good elementalist make a team win. In a match, if a team have an ele and the other one don’t, the second one lose at 90%.

Don’t chose Necomancer for any reason on this world.
Also mesmers are bad to carry, but still better to play.

Mesmer is much better than druid at carrying as long as you can play mesmer.

[Suggest] Make instant teleports recognizable

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


oh… i wich it would be as simple as that… :\

Yep. Devs have friends in different games and speak to each other. They speak to players and get told about new bots. They visit bot sites where people make and sell bots and talk about botting on their forums. They buy bots and take them apart to see how they tick. They get bots from banned accounts and study them. Sometimes they even think of this stuff themselves, coding being what they do for a living after all.

(The idea of variable timing isn’t all that new. Even I’ve heard about it)

If players see someone who appears to be using a macro, report it. The computers can see actions that are both too fast and that have the same repeated time signatures.

I think mechanical macros cant be baned from the game, stil i hardly believe players have been punished for macro using.

In other words, you think ANet has a policy that macros are against TOS yet has no ability to see macros and does not ban people for using macros. It’s all empty words, all bark and no bite.

/shrug. Believe what you want.

However I suggest you don’t put your beliefs into action.

They for sure dont have an automated detection system for it and since they dont its not worth it for them to go through the players that are reported for macros. People call macros ridiculously easily, i remember getting that when i was playing fresh air ele. Ive played the game since launch and have known some people that have used macros and never heard of anyone of them or anyone else for that matter get banned for it. They most likely do have something that they can detect macros with but not with enough efficiency. Anyway macros are really not needed in this game at all and it barely helps with most things that are playable nowadays.

Is Vault bugged or are people DPS hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


^ i doubt its possible to make one anyway and yeah, completely normal for vault

Sticky to tell people about reporting hacks?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I feel like we could use one with all these posts popping up and getting deleted. Yeah i get it some will probably still make posts of it but it could actually do some good like it could also increase the amount of reports.

I understand why the posts get deleted and i am not complaining about it. Just to clarify, what i mean is something that pretty much says dont make topics of this, dont report it here but to the mail.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

Kyhlo map vote for s6

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


this isnt a democracy

with no transparency to the community

Just saying, they could be digging themselves kitten by doing unwanted things, im asking for 1 vote and transparency in the future as to what theyre up to so they wont harm their own game more than they have. If the transparency to you means democracy im sorry for the people that have to deal with you.

Does Chrono feel a little "meh" to you?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


1v1s arent really the main area of condi mes anymore but its still very good at them which is nice. I like a more roam based play style every once in a while anyways.

Kyhlo map vote for s6

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I just want to say I think that the clocktower roof needed to go. The amount of times I’ve seen someone LoS away to there and survive at 5%… I may just be grumpy, who knows.

The only reasonable argument for removing the roof is the camera problem, and that is if it was an actual problem. Even that doesnt really reason with changing a big part of the map along with it. They couldve also just removed the camera issues and had some platforms like the ones existing up there.

(edited by Forsty.7968)

Kyhlo map vote for s6

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I love it. Great design and i have not any camera issues. There is no more teleport to roof or hide behind the window wall. Pure pvp ofcourse not for terrian slackers

Looking forward to anet changing every map to the eternal coliseum just with different side objectives? Those 2 pillars at the mid node straight out scream “Great design”. To me the rest of the changes of the map were pretty much on the same level as these things, although the side jumps do look nice, there was no reason to change them to simplify them other than catering to people like you who cant press two keys somewhat simultaneously consistently.

Kyhlo map vote for s6

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


this isnt a democracy
start learning the map instead of complaining

Learning a dumbed down version of an old, more complex map? I mean sure i might as well learn to walk again, not like id need to. I think making big changes like this to maps that are already good with no transparency to the community about said is really bad. Why put work time to where its honestly not needed or wanted for that matter?

Kyhlo map vote for s6

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I think it could be nice if Anet could consider adding old kyhlo vs new kyhlo as a vote along with the vote for solo/duo only. I dont know for other people but i never had any camera issues specifically in kyhlo. In my opinion the new version of the map is simply a dumbed down ugly version of the old, it removed the identity of the map and what i and i bet many others loved it for. Removing complexity from maps doesnt seem nice, all of the new maps and remakes of maps seem to be doing exactly that. I can see why you wouldnt want to add a vote if the camera thing is actually a huge issue for some but i cant imagine that.

Next season, what can people get banned for?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


“We have received several reports of players participating in activities that are detrimental to the accuracy and fair competition of the Leagues Season 5 leaderboards. After conducting an investigation of the current leaderboards, we’ve decided to take action against a number of accounts. These accounts will be removed from the leaderboard and restricted from playing in rated arenas for the remainder of the season.”

Now im not asking for an exact criteria but itd be nice if we knew for example : can i get banned if i have 2 accounts in top 250 will i get banned due to taking up two slots in the leaderboard? I understand match manipulation of any kind will get you banned but ive heard of some bans that MIGHT not have anything to do with said, which makes me curious about whether or not to play on my second account in the next season. I know that most people have had no problem playing with alts and mains in top 250 but there are also a lot of match manipulators that didnt get banned.

[[Developers]] Want GW2 Tournament Worthy?!

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Frosty.7968 // alemfi.5107
Balance is not based on the lower end.
Don’t be afraid of the game getting harder for you. It will not.
When I was calling for concepts that can allow infinite potential for the greatest of us to linearly separate ourselves from the rest it was nothing to make you upset. It was assuming GW2 still wanted a tournament worthy game.

My point was that you said the skill ceiling is easily reachable and that many people have reached it which is just outright not true

[[Developers]] Want GW2 Tournament Worthy?!

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


There are plenty of people at the skill ceiling who know exactly what the original poster is talking about. Even if there wasn’t, it’s irrelevant considering what the original poster said. The skill ceiling should not be reachable or limited. So this is regardless of how easily reachable it is.

It being easily reachable(which is true) is just icing on the cake.

Come on now, this game might be more skill based than other MMO’s but it’s still a pretty low ceiling.

You really think anyone has even reached the skill ceiling? Naivety intensifies

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Legendary – Decent
Platinum – Half trash
Gold- Trash
Silver – Trash
Bronze – Trash

[[Developers]] Want GW2 Tournament Worthy?!

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I have not seen a single person reach any professions skill ceiling yet.

GW2 PvP doesn't require enough skill to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


wtf are you talking about?
We are saying that gw2 is not a based on your own skill, but based on the build you play.
What do you come here with rotation? this is not the topic.

Im not sure who youre talking to but in case it was me, i read the tldr and answered. Not based on your own skill but based on the build you play? You one of those people that wants every build to work on every profession or you just hurt because the spec you liked isnt usable anymore? My point was simply to say having most things be reactionary instead of rotation based will not make the game harder to play.

GW2 PvP doesn't require enough skill to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I couldnt bother reading the whole post because its too kitten long and has no tldr. Why do you think the game caters for casuals in pvp? Why do you think its too easy?

Why are you asking questions that are answered in the post you didn’t read?

If you really are interested in the specific details on what/why you might as well read it.

Regardless, I added a TL;DR.

The game has become different from what it was to begin with, yes. But it doesnt exactly make it cater more to casuals, id say it does the opposite. Most people dont know how to play the rotation game as well as just a reactionary game with a few buttons that you need to press. You just like reactionary fast paced gameplay more than the rotation based one, which is understandable but it doesnt make the game worse.

Necro soloq

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


If you dont have an ele in your team id suggest to swap what you play unless youre masochist/the enemy team is bad

Long term PvPrs how do you do it.

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I soloqd into legend on first 2 days and went to play overwatch

GW2 PvP doesn't require enough skill to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


I couldnt bother reading the whole post because its too kitten long and has no tldr. Why do you think the game caters for casuals in pvp? Why do you think its too easy? The only thing relating to this that i can see as a problem is that there are not enough players for there to be good players but i dont see why youd complain about that either.

New division badges, why why why?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Preview /15chars

It certainly looks much more distinguishable but dont others think the badges had a bit too much detail on them to begin with considering their size in game?

Upcoming seasons, a concern

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Note this is not a complaint about the start of this season, just a concern for upcoming ones.

Kinda looking for a dev response here. How are upcoming seasons placements going to be handled? Will there be a full reset in rating (all last seasons uneffective) or such? If the system ends up working out, having a really volatile rating at the start of upcoming seasons seems a bit unnecessary.

Just trying to make sure the same incident that happened with overwatchs starts of seasons 1 and 2 wont happen in here. Having to play the first few weeks of ranked with somewhat unbalanced matchups due to the placements being so meaningful isnt really fun for anyone in the long run. Its less meaningful for a very good player since theyll win most of their games anyway but thats a very small percentage of the players. People below that can get unlucky/lucky streaks that can throw them all across the scale.

Are the devs doing anything about Macros?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?

You can usually pick out someone who’s pushing buttons at a rate beyond possibility.

An example would be a player who is doing like 4 button strokes instantaneously. Back in the day the fresh air eles who macro the entire burst chain you could easily spot.

An easy spot is a rev who changes legends and throws up 3 or more buffs the the same time in the middle of a fight.

I got told plenty im using macros during the fresh air times. Never used any. Dont think theres really a way for people to identify macros for sure either, even with the in game logs(dont think theyre accurate enough).

Class choice if I want to DPS ?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


that is a very interesting account name

red or blue ( for fun thread )

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


red on skyhammer cuz i like the left entrance to blue base