I apologise if you felt there was a tone (I am assuming negative).
Most of my points would be the case for all AI builds, not just turrets.
The only advantages MM necro has is their condition defence and built in high health pools.
The drop and pop playstyle is something that some turrets need though due to their shorter range.
Most people talk about turrets like rocket turret is the only one. Flame turret is included and at 500 range and a 240 blind. The Nerf has stopped it being effective all together.
I am not saying turrets didn’t need looking at because some did. But that is the point, it was some not all. I just think it was a slightly lazy fix. You wouldn’t nerf all banners because war banner is OP. Just as you wouldn’t nerf all conjured weapons because Ice bow is OP. You would work on them individually.
I think the reason most people are upset is because of the over nerf, rather than a Nerf. We still have a long time to wait til HoT. So I think everything will be better when more resources can be used else where in the game. ATM engineer is going to suffer build diversity issues. But hopefully it will all be better when HoT arrives.
The engineer community has always been one of the smallest and we still survive. It’s not all doom and gloom.
I did a talk about this nerf, mainly for my channel subscribers.
The reason Turret Engineer was perceived to be overpowered was due to the skill required to kill them. People have only looked at the Pro side of the argument and really forgotten how this nerf is going to affect the game.
Let me summarise for you what has happened with the nerf.
In every other game type, excluding PvP. Turrets are now 100% useless.
I used to you my Turrets in a WvW support role. It seems that condi clear doesn’t affect turrets, so it is a rather large nerf as actually burning is very very strong.
Experimental Turrets have taken a hit, there is no way the turrets will last beyond the 10 seconds they need to pulse a second time. Also with long cool downs and poor uptime experimental turrets is a very poor grandmaster and I would even suggest it would be a mediocre master tier trait.
The overall damage increase Turrets have taken because of this nerf would be around the 200% mark if not more.
Who has benefited most from this nerf?
Well it’s the hybrid builds that are running rampant at the moment in high end PvP.
Celestial D/D ele, Shoutbow Warriors, and even celestial engis. Now all have a much easier time. Which in itself with hamper build diversity. The explanation will be below.
So why this nerf?
It is because Turrets are an “Easy mode” win for most people, this isn’t due to their abilities, it is due to the way they are played and that certain turrets are stronger than others. It was made at a low-mid end nerf. High end players would only run Turret Engineer if it was specifically to hard counter teams.
An example of this would be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbyk9Z-FUIY
This is the ESL Weekly where shoutbow rampage happened. If there was no turret nerf this could have changed a very cheese mode win into an actual competition.
So why is this a Learn to play issue?
This is where people will get grumpy, nobody likes getting told that a nerf could have been avoided because of a L2p issue and nobody likes when the response to most builds that are strong is L2p but it is just a fact on this nerf.
Engineers have weakness and so do turrets.
Cleave was always an effective was to remove turrets, There are certain specs that will win 1v1 and there are hard counters.
So if you were power based, you would have to remove the turrets that were a threat first before trying to bunker a point. That’s the same with any class, you have to take out the part of the class that is the strong bit before you attack. I would never attack a signet heal warrior without covering them in poison, it just makes my life harder.
Power meant you had to control the engineers turrets.
But condition players didn’t have a chance?! you scream. Well actually this is totally untrue, A Traditional Turret engineer would be able to condition clear about every 20 seconds. and that is only 2 conditions. So the way you dealt with an engineer as condition is to in fact put the full pressure on to an engineer. When he dies that will be him and his turrets gone.
If you were a hybrid brawler character. I am sorry to tell you this, but you were the Turret engineer hard counter, just like the power necro and condi necro was their hard counter. You don’t get to have it all. It’s one of the best things about PvP (or it was) you have to decide and work together to get a good result. If you are losing 1v1 figure out why and come up with a tactic to improve. Maybe that tactic is as simple as, bring a friend. Bunkers, will be controlled by a turret engineer, but a little stability can go a long way.
So you see, It wasn’t a turret nerf that was needed, it was a skill increase that was. Maybe some of the turrets needed looking at but with the current metas showing that sword/warhorn warriors are dominating most aspects of competitive game play at the moment, there is no wonder Engineers are getting upset that a pretty harsh nerf has landed and before it’s even sunk in we see how it’s buffed other classes.
Thanks for reading.
P.s. If you watched the Dragonhunter video….ask how turrets will manage against 4.3k burning and 3k bleeding, when chieftain lasted less than 10 seconds.
(edited by FreekPalmer.2839)
but surely people would do that if they had more of a reason to?
So I still need to get Zerker stats for Light, Heavy and Medium.
I would collect more sets if I could get them as an unlock.
I would probably have at least got 5 or 6 different stat combos ascended if it was worthwhile, but as you said Exotic works fine. Therefore I won’t be gold sinking into ascended.
You could even make it more of a gold sink by saying each time you change you have to use a thermocatalytic. Means more people would buy them and more gold would be sunk. As that’s the only true gold sink from Ascended gear.
TBH I would add Legendaries to the wardrobe list as well.
I agree you can bounce them around characters. It’s just seems a little clunky to do so, especially if you play more than one profession in multiple rolls.
I think this would be a decent QoL function, and save me having to hunt for days for my gear.
Could we have a function where all our Ascended gear goes into a tab like the wardrobe and we can equip it from there.
So once I have unlocked Heavy Zerker gear or Heavy Clerics I can just equip those stats onto my gear on my heavy character as a drop down menu. It would be like legendary weapons but I could only select the ones I have unlocked through getting that ascended gear.
It would also be useful if when this happens my gear looks the same, so I am transmuting the slot (Ascended gear outfit slot) anything that goes into this slot ascended would look like that.
The only reason I am reluctant to gather more and more ascended gear is because the stat increase isn’t huge and the swapping round means gear can sometimes get lost in the process.
That’s how I would play it.
It pretty much the PvP meta atm.
It should work well for you.
If you wanna run with the zerg. Check this out.
I am running a celestial build and most of these fights we are outnumbered.
The more people around the better this gets
If you want to be all-round take celestial gear.
On my channel I run celestial builds mainly and switch them up a lot.
If you get yourself celestial armour and then switch your builds depending on situation you will find you are effective in different roles.
Link to my builds are in my signature.
I have nade builds, FT builds and even frontline survival builds.
All now how footage
Hope it helps
If you wanna know a little bit a bout Ring of Fire. Here it comes.
Ring of Fire is a great community Server.
We have lots of events that run most weeks.
We have a lot of great players.
When we play, we are playing still small-scale. Although We team up sometimes we mainly run as smaller guilds. (I’m talking 15-20) This tends to be our sweet spot.
We work amazingly together so when you see those “Big Zergs” from RoF, Actually what you are facing is the combined might of an amazing community banding together at that moment to face any problem.
We have always been a strong server, What we lack in numbers we definitely make up for with in skill, class and all-round Awesomeness.
We are looking for Guilds and individuals to join our amazing community. Everyone is Welcome here. Guilds have ventured to other servers only to come back. That is a sign of our great community.
When it comes to Events we have many in the works and will be informing you of them as soon as they are available to watch or enter.
We have Drunken raids, Pizza raids, PvP, Asuraball WILL be returning (Just trying to fine tune everything to make it better.) As well as guild events, We run open guild missions through many of our guilds.
When you join Ring of Fire you become part of the community. Guilds are not so Important here, We are Individuals that form Guilds and Guilds that Form a community. Making the largest and greatest group of people you will ever have the pleasure of spending time with.
If you are interested in joining the server, Let anyone of these Fine people know.
Visit our Community Site: http://rof-community.com/
or just jump in and find out what we are all about.
Thanks for reading
Zipp Tinker
I have several builds on my channel
I also talk about cheaper options.
I will summarise what I have been discussing for a while now.
If you want a good all round cheap build with long term use. Go celestial with might stacking runs (Even privateer runes) This means that you don’t have to buy lots and lots of gear sets but will still be competitive especially in WvW due to the way stat conversion works.
If you have plenty of badges of honor (they get thrown around alot) you can run my frontline build both roaming and Zerg. That can run PVT soldiers gear and you will still be strong.
If you keep everything cheap, just choose cheap foods like saffron bread/koi cakes.
DON’T STICK WITH ONE BUILD! this annoys me when people say “Park in this build, Link” people will learn to counter each build because it’s popular. If you wanna be strong (why celestial rocks) change it up. You just lost to that burst ranger because he has just burst ya to hell and you are more sustain pressure? Change to a S/D build and jump that dude with more burst than he can handle. Switch back and laugh as you still get that camp he is defending.
There is nothing Wrong with playing cheap and less effectively when you are learning to love a build. It just means that all that time you spend on your back calling for help will mean when you stop doing that and upgrade your gear you will laugh in the face of you enemies as you’ll end up with skill and gear.
Personally I would run Either strength or hoelbrak runes as might stacking is the main source of your damage.
Run Lemongrass food or if you can’t Saffron bread is a cheaper alternative as it also offers damage reduction on heavy control builds.
Tbh it’s up to you how you play. Celestial offers the most stats in the game. So any stat conversion really helps.
It’s also less about how you set yourself up, but whether you can play that build effectively, If you are struggling with certain classes (Condi heavy necros bleurgh) just run away. It may not be the best option but if it’s something you can’t fight you will just get frustrated.
My final tip for this even though you only asked for runes (long post time).
If you want to be the best at roaming, be ready to switch it up. You will find out that certain professions are weaker to certain build/utilities, use them. There is no shame in realising that one guy can outburst you in X build for you to break combat, change a couple of traits then come back and blow them up with Elixir U nade burst. XD
Unfortunately I don’t have much footage of me running it front line. I have plenty of Roamer stuff.
Due to the fact I am Asuran. so unless you wanna see a lot of Hairy Norn and Charr A** you wouldn’t catch alot haha.
I have recently Leveled a Human thats a little bigger so I will be getting better future footage.
If you want some footage I will happily put some stuff together for you as I do have some saved.
Hello fellow Asuran!
I am Zipp Tinker.
I literally use my celestial stats for everything. I use strength runes and then build round the flexibilty of the engineer.
I also have lots of guides on my channel https://youtube.com/zipptinker
I have fontline builds, roamer, pve and even tower defence builds. Feel free to check them out and I hope they help ya XD
It could also backlash and getting people to rage about new people joining WvW because it removes their outnumbered status, which might end up hurting more than it is helping.
WvW is in need of more people, not less. Scaring people away because you want to be able to sneak-attack won’t really help anyone.
Tbh it would be very difficult to say that X person joining caused this, rather than other team leaving did.
It may cause backlash, but then on the flipside. You not having outnumbered means you are on a level playing field.
I would just like to start by saying I haven’t searched through all the forums for individual feedback about this. I am just starting my own thread for my personal opinions.
Firstly WvW sneak attack was good in part and terrible in others. We all know there is a huge issue with Low WvW population versus High WvW population. Sneak attack was the start of addressing that. It did some things right and some things very wrong.
The things is did right. It allowed more people to play smaller groups and sometimes get that important sneak in. It allowed people to cap camps without fear of being steamrolled by the megablob. It also meant spreading out the high population servers to having to scout as smaller groups meaning slightly more balanced fights.
The thing it did wrong was mainly the basic logic look at the idea of war. Sneak attack is designed for smaller groups not large ones. This sneak attack allowed large groups the same advantage as a small group. That is terrible.
So how would I fix this?
Firstly I believe that cross-swords have their place. That place should be on the huge mega blob. That should be there all the time. This should be the case always, If you have say more than 30 people on you at one time. Towers should go cross swords the whole time you are near it. Not just when you hit it. I have seen so many rams on gates that sometimes the tower has been capped before the swords even appear. Yet that 5 man group has to have swords up for so long that mega blob can walk over to it and still stop you. It makes no sense.
Tower Zerg Scout. I Think there should be an upgrade for towers that allow it to place swords on larger groups. You wanna run around with a 50 man group, go a head, but when you are anywhere near a tower with this scout on you will have swords on your head. Meaning we can track you easily.
When you are outnumbered you shouldn’t trigger swords ever. This would allow you to sneak attack. If you have numbers you can scout. If you don’t have the numbers no cross swords will alert the enemy to your location. This is an easy fix that would make a huge difference.
Encouraging more people to defend towers Sneak attack showed that sitting in a tower to scout is important. Why is there not more rewards for it? Examples could be getting bonus XP for refreshing siege. A buff that if you stay within the same tower it stacks giving you more WvW Xp and WvW MF. Could be as easy as 1% every 1 minute you are inside. 100% would mean you have been there for 1hr 40mins. that’s a long time scouting. it could also be a flat base boost say 50% but the duration increases the longer you are there. You have a raid in a hour? why not scout out before hand and give yourself a one hour WvW boost?
Siege limit This needs to be addressed in terms of larger groups. Sure its all fun to have 500 supply on you and drop 6 Superior Flame rams at a gate and get inside in less that 10 seconds. but actually that just encourages blobbing. Upgrades should not only work on making your walls more powerful but controlling the offensive siege placed. T3 towers should not have a gate melt that quickly to anyone. Limiting how much you can put down is a good move. Also people that place siege should have the ability to blow it up as a last ditch attempt at damage. Flame rams detonating at the door could do 3x its damage in one blast. This would mean that a limit wouldn’t be as bad. You have larger numbers you can put down 2 rams. when they are nearly dead, detonate and build 2 more. None of this build 6 and smash the gate twice GG.
PVD I think this has probably been thrown around too much anyway. But PVD sucks. It ruins the idea of siege and should be addressed. If you have the highest numbers your PVD can be enough for a gate before siege. please fix that.
These are really simple steps to help balance WvW and not punish smaller servers. I think the Idea was to help smaller ones. but It just meant that in fact blob more there’s no downside.
TL;DR version: Cross swords should be visible based on numbers not just on/off
Try restarting your router. I had success with that.
but seems like high traffic
Oh sorry, I think I just misunderstood.
There are ways you can increase personal survivability. I think this is a way to assist in Team support.
Also for quiet a lot of the engineers abilities you need to specifically go into different lines for maximum effectiveness.
This is a very easy pick up and play build. With a very good all round aspect for the game. This is what it is designed for.
There are probably better solo builds and zerg builds with higher skill floors. This is supposed to allow you to do both effectively, and you can work your way out into new builds once you realise that Engineer is awesome.
Flame Turret is there for Blind, Blast, Fire field + might stacking
Thumper Turret is there for 3 blast, Stun breaker, Launch and protection.
Both also increase the number of targets in an area reducing damage taken by the group.
Hey guys,
Been making videos for engineer for a while now. So here is the latest version
Its a long guide and will explain a lot.
I hope you guys enjoy it and feel free to leave feedback
Catch ya next time
I would argue against the Ele having more damage especially in a WvW situation.
If you can shut down an Ele you will stop all damage. They are so focused in any WvW situation.
If you want to try engineer go for it. you will notice you can probably play the role you want. You may not hit as hard in a burst situation, but overall you will do more damage as you will be alive a lot longer.
Engineer can fill multiple roles. The best advice I can give you is look up guides, forums and just try it out. You will learn a lot playing the class. but also you may find that role you have been looking for.
As for PVE you will easily be stacking vulnerability, and doing decent damage. Just remember to play how you want, rather than just that pew pew go zerk or go home. If you want to stand and press 2 engi isn’t for you. You won’t be bored I’ll tell ya that
I have some defending videos on my channel.
Put I would say that a glass nade engi with celestial stats works so well.
You can sit on the wall and rain nades on the area.
When they get down the gate you can switch at the last few % to a bomb build and place area defence with the lord.
So many times I have held a tower for a long period of time by those methods. It allows you to hold both inside and out the tower.
It totally depends on which one of my many builds I am running.
What role I am taking when I “roam”
But mainly I am pistol/shield I feel it’s the strongest all round set you can have. used well it has more variety meaning you can face different professions easily.
but it’s all how you play.
that being said main weapons fill a niche not the norm. you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on them anyway.
I do some videos, but would not say I am one of the best.
To be honest all engineers are good in terms of videos. They’ll give you loads of tips that some others might miss.
Unlike warriors we have so much variety that picking one would be silly. Try them all and see which one you like the play style of.
I have big issues with WvW being that having suffered the outnumbered buff most of the time I play is just frustrating.
WvW is less about Skill and more about numbers. Numbers aren’t a bad thing until you get to the point where it is just pure numbers.
Let me give you an example. When you have 10 people in WvW without co-ordination you can do a few things and when you encounter an organised guild you will most likely lose. That’s fine. When you are that co-ordinated guild and you have 10-15 people and you encounter the mega blob… I’m talking 30+ you will lose. Regardless. The damage that thing can put out with almost definitely destroy you. Now there are groups out there that will beat them but it’s rare.
That is what needs to be addressed. The score isn’t determined by the skill of the serv but by the blob they carry. Being able to walk to a t3 keep and drop 5 Superior rams and PvD through defences is just a mindless karma train. It also means if you suffer fewer numbers you will not even get a chance to defend. I would like to see a balance against larger numbers.
A buff like over-confidence. It would be a stacking buff that you will receive a 1% increase to damage taken and 1% damage dealt for every player you have with you over the cap of say 10. This means that a 50 man blob would suffer a 40% damage drop and 40% more damage taken. It would give the groups a chance and make it very difficult to troll people. Unless you can get 40+ people together to troll (at which point you need help) it would give the smaller groups a chance and break up the mindless blobbing. This would stop karma trains.
Holding bases should also be easier if you are outnumbered. Siege should be more potent (only in defense) also if you are outnumbered walls and gates should only fall at a % per second (regardless of how much siege or PvD people do) 1% for wood, 0.5% for reinforced, and T3 walls should be 0.25%. this means that it would take at least 100 seconds for the blob to get through wood. 200 seconds for T2 and 400 for T3 obviously gates will only get to t2 so 200 seconds would mean 3mins and 20 seconds to get in. This would allow for people to get a defense ready. and if a sudden influx came into the map. The buff would disappear and boom the blob can smash through.
It will help balance numbers and coverage. because the biggest damage to coverage is the feeling of powerlessness against the huge numbers of another server. School holidays in countries around europe are different so national servers get an advantage gain if they are all off together. If you are a group of 5 with seige you should have a chance to defend your towers (it doesn’t have to be easy, but should be possible) anything 30+ will build enough siege to smash through anything you have regardless of level in a few seconds. You should be able to put more pressure on when defending, it shouldn’t be what has become the norm of “We’ll wait for them to leave and try and recapture.”
See this is why it would work. you want a legendary. you will take it.
The affect on T6 wouldn’t be huge, everyone can get one. It would balance out in reality. you grind T6 mats through various sources. everyone has access. so you can sell them for gold or buy them. It balances.
Ascended weapons x4 may not be worth it but if you think of it this way
If time = gold, gold = time. Precursors are random so expensive. Ascended is cheap but takes time.
so surely therefore we have a great balance. If it takes 30 days and 500+ gold that would balance to 0 days and 1000g.
I don’t see ascended as much of a grind as people make out, I get the materials by playing the game. Mostly ascended weapons on characters (9 total) still haven’t seen a precursor drop. have lots of ascended materials still sat in the bank as well. Would like to see them go to some use.
To put it in perspective. I main an engi. getting legendaries is pointless. I may consider it if it wasn’t RNG fest.
RNG doesn’t equal fun, neither does grinding. but having a way to secure something through a little bit of work its better than hope and luck out.
Why is this taking so long?
There is such an easy way to get this to work
Why not allow players to throw different ascended weapons of the same type into the mystic forge (one of which celestial adds a time gate) and then you will get that precursor.
So for example 3 different stated ascended weapons and a celestial ascended stat will give you a precursor/ precursor equivalent. Then you can use it to make your legendary. It would have to be all greatsword for Dusk or all rifle for the hunter.
It will fit in lore/logic/ease etc.
I think it’s a simple fast fix that will allow people to get legendary that feels we get there through skill not a gold grind/RNG god prayers
Proposal Overview
A re-work on the whole guild system.
Goal of Proposal
To make guilds feel more like guilds again.
Proposal Functionality
Creating new way to make you feel like you are actually part of a guild and that being their makes a difference.
Examples would be a whole new UI to give us more of an opening feel to the game. I could log on and there is my guild’s shiny UI saying these are our guild objectives for the week, here are the events, these people would like to do this dungeon.
I would also like more of a personal and guild related reward system. Similar to the guild commendation but something we could work towards as a guild that is specific to your guild. Examples could be Capturing and holding towers for X period of time. It could unlock certain bonuses for the week or month. Similar to the way WvW boosts the world. Your guild can boost your guild members.
Guild Event’s based on current maps. Having a guild instance based map for example where you have challenge runs (which scale) to complete certain objectives in certain amount of time. multiple events happening with a large raid boss at the end. Like the Harathi hinterlands, but for guilds. Giving them rewards for the guild and players based on how well it went. If you do it really well (score system) increase the loot to high level rewards.
Guild Quests, I would love a way to post objectives I would like my guild to achieve during different parts of the game. WvW, PvP and PvE it is difficult to see if they have finished these objectives or not. To then be able to automatically reward them and gain something would be awesome.
Improve the guild bank to have it’s own version of material storage, This could be capped and should be the last upgrade, this could allow guilds to gather materials to sell to it’s members at prices they determine, maybe based on tier rather than individual basis. I would also like a way to gather guild funds like a tax that means we generate gold and materials to fill the guild bank, getting players to deposit the whole time can be awkward.
Obvious one is a guild hall, a more in game visual representation of the UI being placed in the game. I would like to see a message board and possible NPC versions of off line guild members sat around. It would be a good place to log on to and then venture out in to the world from. (I know this is being discussed else where, so I’ll save all these crazy rants til then)
Better ways to upgrade rather than influence, using crafting materials, weapons and other items to make upgrades. This could help balance out the current difference in materials and possible remove some from the economy, especially if each week there was a guild event that require you to gather X number of items to get a big reward for the week. maybe a large increase to magic find, karma, gold, tokens etc any currency could be used.
Associated Risks
The design for these would take a long time to get together and balance so people couldn’t exploit the system to allow themselves bigger and better rewards. It would also potentially damage the in game trade system if bigger guilds no longer have to use the black lion trading post.
People who represent multiple guilds may find it difficult to keep up with all the requirements for them all. So maybe we will have less guild straddlers but also mean at least at the start the number of guild may increase.
It would be a longer design process that most but it would be nice to see guilds working together more than the current log in on Sunday do all the events, then go back to doing WvW with lots of random people.
Proposal for Guilds
1. Guild experience. Allowing you to rank up in your guild. Or even a way for guild managers to kitten players work in a guild.
2. Guild taxes. To be able to set taxes for players to allow a guild to build up its own currency.
3. Converting merits to guild commendations. This would then be added to the guild currency list. Higher guild numbers lead to a better conversion rate.
4. The guild currency list. Similar to the wallet. But for guilds. The guild can then use them all to help gear it’s members. Can only be used as rewards for missions controlled by guild leader for access
5. Guild halls. A general meeting place that would require crafting materials and builders to create. Nothing automated. You have to gather materials and manually build. Leveling the guilds building experience.
6. Guild mission board. Leaders can assign quests or missions to get materials they need for the guild and offer rewards. From the guild currency.
7. Guild achievements. Workung together to unlock rewards for the guild.
8. Better overall management tools. Better guild UI. Maybe like a family tree of guild members from leader down to members. With more information about a player by click them.
9. Guild member cards. With a checknkist for them to add main, all classes played, crafting, comander tags etc.
10. Guild raids and guild instanced scaling world events with increased rewards. World boss fractals essentially.
I have more but they are my top 10
Match making system
This is a little flawed from my experience. It has cause my server a lot of issues and I’m sure it’s affected others. We have been experiencing the same match ups for weeks now. not just the same few servers. I mean the same 2 servers on repeat. This has caused most of the WvW guilds on our server to leave. I quote one “This is not fun for us any more, we are just getting the same match up and we just face blob after blob after blob. with no guild competition” They transferred to different servers just to get a different match. That’s not right. surely there should be some kind of cooldown system where you can’t fight the same servers week after week. It would increase game diversity.
The system has got our server many times. with our push up to the next league we kept getting matched with games that could only lowered our ranking. With the same matches being dropped on us our wvw guilds leave. this is literally just down to a flaw in the system that could be fixed. by adding a cooldown on servers you have already faced.
My last suggestion:
World Identity
We are a server fighting another server. Why can’t we have more of an identity. Now I’m not suggesting a game breaking idea. more of a skin. guild can customise their keeps and towers. They can choose if they want it to look more like a charr fortress or human castle. Just little tweaks. give us tweaks we can do on all sorts of things as a server. maybe with a voting system. We want our borderlands to look more like Frostgorge than fireheart rise. or even it could look more like Orr. With similar enemies running round in those zones. It would just be a skin and could be voted for over the previous week. Even if these gave an advantage it would make the game more interesting. For example if say we had a damage increase similar to one we all know well. Fire beats forest, Ice beats fire, Forest beats Ice. (obviously there would be more) each with their own buff. but if we knew the servers we were gonna face and what they liked to use you could try and guess which would help you against them. The voting would have to be anonymous until we got the next week up and running.
I personally think these would help break the rut WvW seems to have got in especially since the tournament.
I’m sure there will be lots of “not going to happen” posts but if we don’t put ideas forward nothing will change. Even if only on suggestion from this post is used it was worth my time.
Thanks for reading.
Please also don’t use this as a hate thread.
Continuation of Further upgrades.
Upgrading your towers and keep should give you a buff that means when you are within a certain distance of your own tower you have more stats. I’m not saying a huge amount but say +10 to all stats for each tower you control in that battleground capping at 40. Keeps could give you an increase in healing and boon duration say 10%.
Also with the more towers and keeps you capture they should have an effect on the area in general. The more Towers you hold the better your defences are and It should scale with location into your borderland. I’ll use Eternal battlegrounds as an example.
If you hold your corner. Keep and all 4 towers. You keep should have a buff that means it has 200% more health and defences. 50% for each tower. Your 2 back towers should have 100% more health and defences 50% for each of the front towers. the front 2 towers should remain the same.
This would stop again larger groups just bombing the keep down. because they just have numbers.
Some more Edge of the mist mechanics.
A supply generator being built in you keep that can double you supply. you have to manually carry supply from the depot to the machine but it would allow you to double your reserves. Tunnels you could build or portals to your outer towers. These are big upgrades so would require a long time to build up.
Manual supply running.
Being able to run supplies to your own tower would be good. If you could take 10 from the supply depot and drop off only 5. It would allow you to help but not allow zergs to take advantage. With the upgrade running it would reach 10 as long as you kept it up and running.
I agree this sounds like a “hate the zerg game” but surely we all do now. If you have a sudden influx of players to one server the numbers just make it impossible to deal with. It’s no longer lets get organised it becomes well we can’t deal with those numbers lets just wait for them to leave.
So recently I have been in WvW quite a lot and I feel it needs some fine tuning to stop the current Idea that huge groups with spam stun is going to be the best way to play.
There are quite a few issues in WvW at the moment and a lot of them is due to the fact that there’s hasn’t be a change in WvW in a long time. I do appreciate the effort that goes into making something like this and I don’t expect to see an overnight change. That being said some of the changes I will suggest will be manageable on a small scale and could be trickled out over say a period of a few weeks and the larger ones over a few months.
Let’s start with the basics. At the moment all I see is large blobs of players running around in a mindless group. This doesn’t encourage team work. It encourages players to mindlessly run in a large group capping towers and getting loot. It’s becoming the new queensdale train. This is obviously more of an issue in edge of the mists, but is still the case with a lot of WvW.
How would I Fix this?
Firstly I would add a debuff to the game called “over confidence” this would be a global buff that would be added to players when they are in a large group. for each player nearby they would take 1% more damage and deal 1% less damage. It would start when there is more than say 10 people with in a a certain range of you. This would mean that if a 10 man organised group encountered a 40+ group of random players they would be able to stop them more effectively rather than being rolled over by just pure damage.
Most people will say that this would be a L2P issue, but honestly when you are outnumber 4:1 you will more than likely lose regardless of skill.
Further upgrades
This is a real issue again in regards to the larger population servers. It doesn’t really matter how much you upgrade a keep or tower. If you are on a lower population server you will get rolled over if they other server can drop 5-6 catas/flame rams and just smash through before you get a chance to react. Scaling Keep defences would allow for this. but it should be an upgrade. The more people that attack the more powerful all the defences should be, It would also not stop small servers as it is a scaling defence. This would mean there was a set time to get into a tower or keep. not the current We have 50+ people lets just build 10 flame rams and get through in 3 seconds. This would allow more tactical defence play from small servers and allow the to compete with servers that just have the population to faceroll. How I would see it is that you summon a device (most likely asuran) that puts a buff on the walls or doors and all NPC that they can only have a percentage of their health lost every interval. for example 1% every second, meaning it would take a minimum of 1min40s to get in and 1min 40 to kill the npcs. This could also be destroyed once inside but would be defended by the lord and some guards. It could also scale the NPCs so they do more damage.
To make it less overpowered it should run on supply. This would allow you to starve them out by cutting supply lines.
Because it should do this
Bruiser Hybrid- Bunker, Decap, Support.
Very versatile and work well in team plays.
Have all 8 Professions levelled.
1500+ hours on Engineer.
Looking for a solid team to push more events and tournaments. Looking for high rating.
Message me here or in game for more details.
Bunker down and use knockbacks.
We are just squishy enough to be burst down if we are dps. but as a bunker Thieves either get bored or get killed.
I have a build in my sig. but mainly just bunker.
Also Throw mine/thumper Turret. If the let you get out of stun even once they can’t get the damage on you again.
Throw mine is pretty devastating in zerg fights. Try it out
tbh no need to take that trait, just use melandru runes
i have some in my channel, tanky damage build for commanding. I have tweaked it since then and will be adding more straight after the next patch.
That’s a tweaked version
Hey my signature has a link to my channel. I have put guides on there originally for my guildies so they can learn to play engi again. they have been pretty popular.
In a couple of weeks it will all change anyway so use this time to experiment. and if you check back i will be updating all my builds as soon as the patch is released.
Honestly hgh is outdated with the modified ammo buff.
i personally find the engineer has much better might stacking options.
i haven’t taken anything in alchemy and can still get 18+ might when needed.
check my sig for the build.
You cant have both. Doesn’t work that way. If you can burst people they will kill you just as easily.
its the balance of the game. If you want something like that try thief but any decent bunker will beat you everyday of the week.
pistol shield can be replaced by the rifle easily. But again you wont do amazing damage.
try the build first, the damage is suprising. You’ll catch a few people off guard
Check my signature
The celestial nerf isn’t going to be a nerf as such. They have announced that their attempt to lower zerker damage will affect celestial so they will be increasing stats to compensate.
Possible nerf but all in all could end up as a buff to most builds.
Dolyak is Bad. Look for Hgh builds if you like elixirs. The damage is awesome but a thief is always hard for power engis. Ostricheggs twitch channel shows some good builds. Take his power grenade build and change grenades with bombs. You will see how much stronger it is
This is wrong. Dolyak isn’t bad if played well. You can also try melandru runes. They work very well.
I don’t understand when people claim thief is hard counter. My PTV PvP build (linked in my signature) works against all classes even the full zerker thief builds.
Don’t just try and use elixirs, try other builds. Thumper Turret is the king vs Thief and any burst class. I have more issues with a condi based necro.
the only way you will kill a thief is to surprise burst them before the stealth away. but killing in PvP doesn’t mean a win. The game type is all about holding a point and if you don’t die, you hold the point. Everything will have to leave or call for help. So it becomes who will hold out before they bring in help.
The answer is almost always going to be you.
Check my signature
Berserker gear is based around the most direct damage you can achieve.
as a newbie i would move away from that until you get better at the game.
the reason being that you will die very quickly to most things.
engineer nades has a large advantage of throwing multiple grenades this means that a low crit chance still has good results.
the other point of nades is a condition based. This means you can put lots of little damaging buffs on an enemy and even while you are moving to a better position you will be doing damage.
enigneer is very complex as a class. And i agree when i started named sets were hard to understand.
just separate them and you will be fine. Use the guild wars 2 wiki to help with sets.
my advice is try and work towards a celestial set as engineer is great in it. This means you have a small number of all stats. It means you will be effective in most situations but if you want to change your build you can explore for yourself.
engineer has lots of options when it comes to builds and you can make any set work. The issue is it will be hard to do so. Start with only getting rare gear and playing with stats.
the best combination for nades are rabid with rampagers. This gives you a condition based spec, concentrating on stacking bleeding and other damage that way.
or try beserkers and knights. Start with more knights gear and gradually replace it with berserkers and you survive longer. This will allow you to do direct damage, but it is based mainly around bombs and using a rifle.
i hope that helps. Without explaining everything which would be a huge post, that should be enough to get you started
I have a pvp bunker/decap build i use. Works well to put pressure down. But revolves around the control you have over your opponent.
i personally feel that if you want to put pressure in pvp you control rather than dps. As you say you get focused you die. Try and avoid the we need dps roles as there are many classes that can do that but decap engi bunker will beat them everytime.
link is in my signature.
check it out and if you would like some help feel free to message me.
(edited by FreekPalmer.2839)
Check my signature. I have various builds but my made one seems great for wvw.
if you want to modify your build a little give it a look as i talk about the build rather than just showing where to add traits.
Hi there.
im my signature is a link to my channel regarding various builds. For pve mainly as its what i enjoy. But there are some others.
i try to add more than just build info.
please give it a look and feel free to message me and ask anything you want.
Zipp Tinker
Actually my bomb build counters their.
the reason is actually thumper turret is the thief hard counter.
for this reason. If it is overcharged as soon as the thief pops out of stealth to hit you it fires and launches them. They return and you can detonate knocking them back again. By which point they have lost all their suprise. You can block. Ht knock back and bomb blind with smoke field.
all in all it works really effectively. Try it out.
this is my celestial guide
i have another video in there as well based around flamethrower.
hgh i think is over rated for celestial, but the best bit of advice i can give you is to look around and find your playstyle. Not the meta