Showing Posts For Hakuryuu.8634:

Shield 5 does not work with CS

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


The stun duration in the tooltip stays the same whether you traited CS not, while SoD and F3 works as intended. Is this just an oversight or the interaction is really bugged? I can’t really count the extra 0.25s so I’d be appreciated if anyone can confirm this.

Thief got a buff, but what about Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


My god you rangers are so selfish ego pricks!! Bleeehhhh makes me wanna hit mybhead against the wall!

You want more dps on autoattack like longbow? Why???? This weapon does high dmg on insaaaaane range.. Because rev/dh does good dmg also? Look what happend to rev? Maby compare your autoattack dmg and range and speed with warrior longbow or rifle. And then tell me if you still want more..

You guys are whats wrong in this game and that is: Powercreep!
And then on top of it all.. You compare it to thief.. My god!! So you want thief dmg on 1800 range with druid sustain. Because why not right? bleeeh i am out here.. Cya.

I don’t have a ranger, but I feel sorry for you lots having this kind of warrior parasite on your profession forum.

DS a solution for AFKers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


The problem is in the map, not the players. I couldn’t care less about Mordremoth, even less getting orders from the no-lifers with their circling strats, all I want is the merchant and the noxious pod, which only opens up at the end of a mostly 2 hours long meta.
The design of this map brings out the worst of human nature: AFK to get the rewards, flame other lanes seeing the boss revives, AFK to get access to the noxious pod and enter survival of the fittest mode to see if you can gather more than the next guy who is now laying dead on the ground. Once again, please blame the map, don’t blame the players. This is not your typical Queensdale.

No details yet, but...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


ANet’s logic: “The class with lowest sustained damage in the game is wrecking havoc in PvP conquest matches, a mode which heavily promotes sitting on a point? Let’s listen to the whiners and hammer the class’s core mechanics to oblivion to further deincentivize bringing a chronomancer in your PvE raid/party and kill it altogether!”
Good thing I never decice to main a class. The implications in that blog post was so disgusting I could have puked on the spot.

I wonder how ppl manage to die as mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


OP post history is full of keks, check it out for a good laugh!

Option to remove the Disco Disc

in Revenant

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


inb4 “I like it please leave it be”

10,000 Drinks? Why such a grind?

in Living World

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


From the way I see it, 10000 drinks forcibly drain the gold from the rich and the hoarder, and allow the casual players to fill their pockets during the holiday time. That’s why I really appreciate the thoughts went into designing this item, and any prestigious skins which comes after this.

When balance hits, how will raid teams fare?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Considering ANet is deadset on not splitting PvP and PvE, either all the elite specs will remain a power creep or you’ll have a lot more problems against the raid bosses when everyone power scaling is down to the level of warriors and thieves. What would be the more likely scenario here?

What level Fractals give Ascended Chests?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


It’s a 12.5% chance from the champion chest. I’m not sure about the veteran chest, but I did get an ascended weapon box from it once. Considering it my late christmas present.

Interrupt, daze and breakbars

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I have conducted some research on the arrowhead hatchlings in Auric Basin for the interactions between the interrupt traits in the Domination/Chaos/Chrono lines and break bar on bosses, and here are some interesting results:
- Confounding Suggestions will drain more of the break bar. A f3 with a single iLeap without this trait takes away approximately 50%, and 65% with it.
- Dazzling works everytime, even when the bar is broken
- Illusions of Vulnerability (minor), Furious Interruption, Power Block, Chaotic Interuption and Delayed Reactions do not work at all.
What does this mean? All the interrupt traits/sigils are effectively useless in a boss encounter, they won’t activate even if you break the bar, only when the interrupt text appears. Granted there are better options in PvE, however this was done for the purpose of clarity. It’s also worth noting that Illusions of Vulnerability is unavoidable as a minor trait. We should have a change on this.

Raids Need Their Own LFG Tab [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


RAids are not for random pugs.

“random pugs” do better than your dedicated raid guild

So why wasn't gliding in new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Something something balance

Arcane/Tempest: Fire or Air?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I know Arcane isn’t the meta. But I definitely want it in my build. Which is the better option for a standard zerker staff ele with scholar runes? Thanks in advance.

Ascended Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I only invest enough AR for 20+ and to an extent, 50+ fractals for my main. If you have all ascended weapons and trinkets, it effectively equals to 8 + 7 versatile infusion slots, 56 AR. Attuning 2 ascended rings, and put a + 10 in each which is cheap and easy give you another 20 AR. Infused backpiece is costlier, but gives another slot for + 10 which is suffice. So far I’m running around with 86 AR and do just fine in 77 Mossman.
If you get lucky with shard drops, you can infuse your rings for more slots. It’s definitely more favorable when you factor in the 800+ gold cost of a full ascended set.

Ascended Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


You can definitely do daily 50+ fractals without ascended armor.

Arena-net please listen to us?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Can’t hear us over the sound of cash counter and Colin screaming on Reddit

Best Elite Specialization Idea Ever

in Thief

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


This specialization already existed. It’s called Devastation.

Save Yourselves and Feel My Wrath question

in Guardian

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Why isn’t the former an elite skill while the latter is? Because I think that’s how they should be. Is it because of the 5s quickness given overpowers 10s of protection, retaliation, regen, swiftness and vigor combined ? Perhaps a balance decision which forces you to abandon other elites for FmW? I’d be appreciated if somebody can help me understand.

(edited by Hakuryuu.8634)

Is Shattered Strength bad?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I can maintain an average of 5-8 stacks of might in combat along with a superior sigil of strength and air. I wonder if it’s more efficient to grab a sigil of force and take Phantasmal Haste instead?

600gold gone, due to websites lying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Just to ask, did they ever claim legendaries would be less expensive than they were previously? They’ve just made the system feel more rewarding and more progressive than before. In fact it’s cheaper

>Fact it’s cheaper
>It’s cheaper


Reaper - good testimony to a bad decision.

in PvP

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


ITT: My class is balanced, please buff
I’d give a perfect 5/7

Which weapon you want next?

in Revenant

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


As much as I hate the idea of an Eir legend, she is pretty much the next one.

We need ascended Scribing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Only 15 spiritwood planks and a dozen of resonating lodestones for a giant dining table with ghostly aura! Who wouldn’t want more tables?

Elite Concept (Just for fun)

in Thief

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


No counter play to Moa form

in PvP

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


If it was really overpowered, you would see every single mesmer run around with that signet over mass invis and gravity well.
Do you?
It’s an undeniable fact that moa is the ultimate 1v1 skill and has literally no counterplay coming from stealth, but it pales in comparison with the other elites. Because PvP is all about 5v5 and not 1v1, so you’ll just have to suck it up, sadly.
Edit: OP is a bundle of stick peasant warrior hating on mesmer. Pffft

(edited by Hakuryuu.8634)

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I’ll just put this here


Would you quit if Thief don't get rifle next?

in Thief

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I’m just curious about the general consensus of fellow Thieves about a rifle spec.

Pay To Win?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


“buy-to-win”? Is that some kind of new buzzword or just for made up on the spot in order to sound cool?

Alacrity should of never been added

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


How on Earth can you as a mesmer main complain about alacrity?

It seems like everyone and their mother mains a mesmer nowaday. Legit source I tell ya, I have 500 hours+ on mesmer and my knowledge, mechanical skills about my own class isn’t even remotely comparable those mesmer mains.

(edited by Hakuryuu.8634)

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


You’re complain about grinding for COMESTICS. They’re entirely optional, and no one force you to do so. No one is going to crap on you for not having one. You won’t die without it. You choose to commit to the grind yourself, and even though ANet has been a kitten lately, don’t stab yourself and blame it on them.

Delusion - Does it still drop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I’d pay 100 gold for that skin, honestly.

To devs: Suggestions for balancing revs

in Revenant

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Whatever you’re smoking, I want some of it.

Please modify the Facet ground effect!

in Revenant

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


It’s a look-at-me-now “special effect” exclusive to the revenant. Removing it and how will ANet be able to sell more copies of HoT thanks to this broken class’s seizure-inducing appeal?

Small mesmer nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


It’s a meh change but as long as they hammer Revenants, I’m a happy man

Flaming the whole day - noone is nice anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I logged in just to tell you that laughing at others this way is also a pretty rude thing to do. You can laugh all you want behind the screen, but rubbing it in their faces like that makes you worst than the two guys who PMed you. I also hardly think that you’re actually angry about their accusations, this is more about the bragging in winning a 2v1 than sincerely wanting people to be nice to one another considering you’re yourself a hypocrite to begin with.

This guy, he speak the truth

Which weapon you want next?

in Revenant

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


It must sucks playing Revenant knowing that you’ll NEVER get to use Twilight c:

Do all classes have too much of everything?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Based on your complain, how must they be adjusted in order to sell the next elite specs?
Elite spec do everything core do, just better: QQ p2w confirmed power creep qq
Elite spec offer an alternative and refreshing play style: QQ other class can stealth/tank/dps now qq
Such kittens.

Standard models not working on revenant?

in PvP

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Are you serious?
If you really are, it’ll bring the meaning of “Revenant is broken” to a whole new level

Fresh lvl 80 newbies : what to do now ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


/15 characters.'s 2015 Best DLC/Expansion (MMO)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Now I know where the rest of the sale apart from $200.000 went !

Condi necro and diamond skin ele.

in PvP

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Nedless to say the result of this matchup is pretty obvious. Can someone tell me why is this still here? I don’t see traits that go “When above 90% health you take no direct damage” or something.

As I see, the only condition amulets without any power included are Rabid, Settler and Wanderer. Given that I haven’t seen any necro with the latter two amulets, can you prove that you absolutely can’t chip away 2k health off a full HP elementalist as a Rabid necromancer?

Mordremoth' true weakness is fire?

in Lore

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


This is not Pokemon

Casual Thief user can't do raid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I think it’s trying to communicate ;D

Nothing to do now :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Don’t find a raid guild. You’ll most likely have to carry some casuals. You can went full kitten elitist gear check legendary armor 69k AP in PUGs and no one will disagree.

Comments about Communications

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


Nothing on WvW. No apologies from them for destroying WvW. No acknowledgment from them that everything they have done up to this point has been detrimental to WvW. All they care about is their craptastic PvE and selling useless items on the AH.

If they had any honor they would communicate, but instead they only hide. And to think I use to admire ANET.

Thank you, this is exactly the quote I need. Wake up sheeple!

Visual noice, auras and Chaotic release

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


That’s how they sold the Revenants. Pathetic, I know.

Contested Waypoints = annoying.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


I wonder which kitten’s brilliant idea was to make 4/7 only waypoints on the map contested during a map wide meta to create engaging and fun gameplay, in which one of those was due to players dragging a HP champ to the waypoint itself.
Coming to the gem store at the nearest holiday season: Bunny Outfit bundle which includes the New Year Glider, and with Royal Waypoint Pass which allows you to teleport to any waypoint in the game without restrictions and five Item boosters. All for just 2000 gem!

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


OP is just trying to drive attention away from its broken revenant

so 52 games in a row lost? how is that?

in PvP

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634



I’d say 0/10. OP didn’t even bother to capitalize the first words.

An Actual Thanks

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634


ANet will remember your thanks when they finally burn down in flames