Showing Posts For Hexyn.8462:

Condition Damage.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


It’s important to consider that condition damage can be cleaned before having the chance to apply the damage, a condi class could pour out their rotation to get high bleed stacks worth many thousands of damaged cleared by 1 condition clear.

Piken Square

Why the sand theme for Scourge?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


It’s extremely relevant and thematic.
Tapping into the themes of Palawa joko, mummies, desert curses.
Reminds me of

Piken Square

Sylvari Solidarity Achievement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


On the flip-side, I just spent all my level up tomes and spent a day grinding lab to complete this achievement.. so if they decide to knee-jerk and change yet more stuff I would like those refunded

Piken Square

Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hexyn.8462




Piken Square

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


VB completed 100% on my Necro, no reward.. I had 100% completion prior to HoT.

Piken Square

Silverwastes design

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


@Walhalla – That’s the point of my post, there is a divide in “how to play the map” and some players get abusive towards the others.

@Electro – I agree, doesnt make any sense

@Algreg – nope.

Piken Square

Silverwastes design

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I think you need to review the design of the silverwastes before making any other maps of this type.

Getting verbally abused by a gaggle of chest farmers because they don’t want the zone event to progress is not particularly a positive experience. The farm-ability of the zone as a zerg collecting chests is too rewarding and seems to breed players who harbor contempt for any other play style. (this was a post 50% progress zone)

Piken Square

After the HoT release,will every update...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I get the feeling that initial GW2 maps will become the hub maps for all future expansions and much of the LW will still be present in these zones. Each expansion will then be a standalone season in it’s own right with the story gated in some way, and once that story is complete they will kickstart livingworld season 3 after the climax of the HOT story, taking place in areas back in the olds zones leading up to a new expansion etc, bringing in another dragon, specialisation and story arch.

Piken Square

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I think they only look at suggestions over 1000 replies.. salvation is near!

Piken Square

Golden bikinis :(...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I don’t get it.. there are plenty of heavy duty armors that make both male and female look like mobile fortresses. Just use one of those? Variety is most certainly available.

Piken Square

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Piken Square

"Too many here: GTFO" = bad design

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I think the mechanic is fine, it’s very similar to the marrionette. What could be improved is the tools available to the player to see the status of each quadrant.

e.g. all health bars visible to all players in the event notifier. and perhaps a visual scaling “enrage” symbol that indicates which bosses are scaling up and by how much.

This would help the casual player understand what is going on and reduce the pressure on specific guilds organising a successful attempt at the event.

Piken Square

Gauntlet tickets to chances.. worth it?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Had to add this, I redact my previous comment as the chance bags have worked out for me. I used a few hundred and got myself a monocle last night that was listed for 193g.

So, in my experience yes it has been worth it however RNG was in my favor

Piken Square

Gauntlet tickets to chances.. worth it?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


No numbers sorry, but both seem to be pretty poor. If you’re looking to make gold it’s not going to be in the pavillion this year.

Piken Square

Static Deflect build

in Engineer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Hey all,

Just wanted to make a quick post regarding turrets and deflect, I’m not coming across many roamers using the new trait to the best effect and wanted to point out a few bits (if they have been mentioned before I apologise).

I’m currently using the following build and finding it a heap of fun, especially vs ranged users.

Some areas of variance:
+/- 5 points Alchemy/Tools for access to deadly Mixture/speedy gadgets
I switch out elixir for rocket boots and even sometimes toolkit dependent on type of fight I’m encountering, if we’re outnumbered I prefer speedy gadgets with rocket boots to run from 1vZerg however normally running with elix.

Build description:
So firstly this is pretty standard SD build, currently using knights however I’m sure some skilled players would be able to drop in a few more zerk into the mix.

The key to this set is to utilise the deflection bubbles on the turrets to maximum effect, cycling the turrets for as much deflect up time as possible then picking up the turret to get the shortest possible reuse.

surprise shot, instantly followed with rifle turret (x2click for overcharge) gives you 4 seconds of deflect, then pick it up.
Follow this with Flame turret’s 4 seconds, pick it up.
At this point if no damage is taken you make your riskier moves (e.g. jumpshot) then cycle in healing turret 4 seconds pick it up.

if you can ( and obviously it’s not always possible) maintain this cycle without having to detonate a turret you can almost maintain perm reflect. At present this seems to be destroying a fair few roamers that havent had to deal with this build yet.

it’s important to weave in your discharges to the rotation, and in a burst situation you can get x2 discharge from detonate and then the standard toolbelt skill for each turret.

flame turret.. this thing is actually pretty amazing.. not for the damage but for the shear utility.

Melee on you? smash it twice for a smoke field to mitigate some damage.
To many heading your way, smash it twice and rocketboots/jumpshot for stealth
Need a quick stomp? smash it twice on the downed enemy for smooth sailing
all on a 20 sec cooldown nicey.

and those oh cr-p need heals! moments, access to sooo many blasts for area heals its unreal.

Anyways, I’m no expert.. but I’ve noticed allot of people asking for power builds and can say that I’m having fun with this.

Piken Square

(edited by Hexyn.8462)

So, I'm the leader of Destiny's Edge vol 2?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Chinese players right now are a little confused I bet

Piken Square

So China is starting after season 1

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


it just seems to be a strange way to start LS for them, especially as you have Bhram and Marj talking about his leg and her face, without any context it’s a very strange introduction to these characters.

However I guess it does introduce them well, and perhaps the discussion in the chinese version is slightly different.

Piken Square

Ok I'll take a break

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Alright cya.

I’ll be continuing to enjoy both LS and the static game content like 99.9% of other players as they have 0 detrimental effects on each other.

Piken Square

Aspect Arena Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


last night I jumped into aspect arena for a quick round to figure out how it worked, I was using the wind set (although I think it doesn’t matter which one you use). As I was playing and learning the skills I noticed that some of my opponents would just instantly drop dead, at first I was frantically reading my abilities to try and understand if there was some crazy combo effect with a team-mate but it didnt seem that way.

I think my out of minigame weapon sigil of fire was still working in the arena somehow, and randomly proccing and instagibbing the enemy.

I haven’t tried to recreate the bug (I’ll see if the same happens tonight) but just wanted to bring this to your attention.


Edit: I’m not sure if damage in the minigame is normalised in anyway, but I’ve just realised something that was happening with another aspect of my build ~ I’d rather not post here to make this a possible exploitable thing. Happy to pass info onto mod, PM me through forums.

Piken Square

(edited by Hexyn.8462)

So China is starting after season 1

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


How are they being brought up to date with everything that has already happened? Are they getting a extra cut scene or living story mini arch to explain to them everything thats been happening in Tyria for the last year?

Piken Square

Ranged/Reflect Class disparity

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I’ve noticed that Mesmers ranged greatsword attacks cannot be reflected like other ranged attacks, does anyone know the reason for this (has it ever been explained?). Are there any other ranged attacks that surpass this mechanic?

Piken Square

Why not add Duel.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


The reason this thread keeps appearing is because a large proportion of the community would like it as a feature.

The argument posed by the ojectionists “no pvp in pve” is moot, costume brawl exists and which is a player vs player activity and ultimately brings a similar impact to the PvE enviroment.

Add the feature, allow users to ignore duel requests and everyone is happy.

Piken Square

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Add it! for those so opposed.. why not complain about costume brawl instead?

Piken Square

A Festive bar containing.....

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Beigarth being the smith that took scarlet on as his protege, his links to deldridor iron compound your theory.

Piken Square

The baseline of any epic is hardship.

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


So I’ve just seen the new living story advert that shows broken asura gates, maybe just maybe the travel network is going to get nuked?

Piken Square


in Guild Missions

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Could I get an invite? I would be guesting but would like to attend. I might have a few others from my small guild that would like to come along I’ll ask them to post here if they are interested.

Piken Square

Dervish Scythes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Hope this comes in as a weapon choice for necro, aoe scythe melee it would suit necro down to the ground.

Less talk about greatswords, more talk about scythes!

Piken Square

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I think this is a bad idea, ultimately this is a competitive game with aspirations of being an e-sport.

Rivalries and competitition need a way to goad each other, ultimately anyone with an ounce of sense doesnt take any of the flame wars seriously, it’s competative banter.

It’s the equivalent of football teams or hockey teams rivalry, post a disclaimer on that subforum for the faint of heart and leave it be.

I recieved my first infraction last week, I was replying to a thread in the PvE forums were the OP was full on ranting regarding the living story.

I suggested that he take a few months break if the game was causing emotional stress.


It’s getting quite ubsurd!

Piken Square

(edited by Hexyn.8462)

Transferring backpiece visuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462



Piken Square

Transferring backpiece visuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Hi all,

Back when the game launched I completed the Halloween 2012 event for the animated book backpiece, I’ve since changed to another character and would love to transfer that visual to my new main.

I havnt found any white backpeice items that will allow me to transmute to make the item account bound rather than soulbound, does anyone know of a way to do this?

Someone mentioned the gem store backpieces come as a white item in which it could work, but I’d like some confirmation before sinking some gold into gems to find it’s a no-go.

Anyone attempted this yet or have another method?


Piken Square

necro minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462



must troll harder

Piken Square

How to counter? Prismatic Understanding

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


This thread says it all really, the best way to beat a PU mesmer is with a PU mesmer…
..something is wrong here

Piken Square

Season 2 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


It’s more the case that I don’t care to follow a shopping list of to-do’s to get the title of season 1 veteran.

My opinion is that if you spend allot of time in WvW during season one, you should have access to that title.

I’m sure there are plenty of players that have played many hours in WvW this season, that didnt complete the achievements. It should be renamed to “Season 1 WvW achievement hunter” rather than veteran. Because its essentially what it is.

But reading these replies, it works differently than I thought – you didnt have to get all of them to get this?

I might have looted the key and not realised on an alt. Will check tonight

Piken Square

(edited by Hexyn.8462)

Would this build work?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Thanks for the replies guys, I’ll experiment with both shouded removal and the current, the benefit of being at the same tier.

Piken Square

Would this build work?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I’m close to hitting 80 and trying to plan for my first set of gear, I enjoy wvw roaming and small scale with friends.

I was reading MindX’s (props to him) design for an attrition build and liked the concept but have adapted it slightly.

playstyle goals:
To utilise the multiple methods of generating lifeforce (spectrals and locust) to stay within it as long as possible to benefit from the 50% crit rate. I’ve geared to include this 50% crit, which is why base crit chance looks low but pushing crit damage up with cavalier accessories.

I’ve kept some of the retaliation traits, not sure if this is a good choice rather than the might on LB but it can be easily switch out of combat.

Using golem as the elite for the knock down and extra DPS (does he benefit from the DS 50% buff?)

Anyway, please critique or let me know if this is already tried tested and debunked.

Piken Square

Need a little help..

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I’m looking for some advice from experienced Necro’s that fully understand the implications this latest patch has on the current meta.

I’m leveling up a Necro and for the most part enjoy the theme of the class, however I’m not a rich player and really want to avoid purchasing the wrong equipment at 80.

I like to WvW(small group/roam) and PVE, and understand that Necro’s are on the backheel with this patch (specifically wvw roaming) however can I get your positive opinions on gear/weapon/utility setups that will be a decent first choice for purchase?

Ideally I’d like a setup that I can comfortabley use while I gain access to more gear for experiementing.

Many thanks

Piken Square

Season 2 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Hi Anet,

I’m an avid WvW fan however I rarely focus on achievements, I like to roam with a small group trying to maintain control of the ruins and have fun in my own way.

Over the last Season I missed out on some key achievements
(Primarily the EB achieves) which I needed to gain access to the reward chest even though I WvW 5 days a week at least.

Could you perhaps consider adding a more flexible way of gaining a credit towards the total achievement completion in the next season, something akin to the daily updates you can get in LS updates. Perhaps a daily kill x amount of invaders.

This would be much appriciated.

Piken Square

Scarlet needs to go. Now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


You do realize the majority of the updates are already in the works and have been for months now? The last should be started soon now that the Wintersday patch is live. The teams have four months to work on the content. One of those teams should be just about done. There’s no logical way they can just scrap the rest of the Scarlet arc.


Piken Square

GW1 players are a minority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


I would say yes, they are different games. GW2 being much more accessible to new players, so GW1 vet’s are probably a minority to players not experienced in the IP.

I was there for the launch of GW1 and GW2 and one thing I can say for certain (which is similar to all MMO’s) The people you play with in the first 6 months rapidly changes compared to the people that are playing for 12 months +

Accessible polished mmo’s tend to have a greater retention of 1st timers, as it a totally new experience and they have no benchmarks. The group that I pve/wvw with at the moment have never played anything else and enjoy the game.

Rose tinted glasses can sometimes be such a hinderance to an individuals enjoyment. Just try to take it for what it is.

Piken Square

March 4th; The End of Scarlet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


such a shame.

I hope we get some more fractals with her in it.

Piken Square

Scarlet needs to go. Now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


She’s good where she is atm.. 4 patches to tidy everything up in a neat little bundle.

You may not of liked a non-generic villain like her but lots of people inc myself do.

And if it was anyone else it would be the same.

I agree, the endless whinging is hilarious.

Veruca Salt syndrome!

Piken Square

new holiday minis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


In that context you fail,
as your recital also misses the mark,
next time you’ll get it

Piken Square

The baseline of any epic is hardship.

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


yeah, it would be annoying and that would be the point. It would make the primary evildoers that much more meaningful, that are actually affecting your playstyle due to their actions. Right now in PvE its possible to pretty much ignore LS, and in my opinion if you can ignore it, then it’s too lightweight and disposable.

The above was an example, I mean it could be anything..

For example, these posions etc we are getting from the tower, I’d prefer it if they were a little more dangerous. level 80 players gaining a permenant debuff to damage or something, perhaps a visual “plauge” effect to your characters face so you look sick.

Obviously give a way to remove the plauge and perhaps immunise against it (through an instanced dungeon or story chain), but until you do you have this debuff in all PvE.

Affect the players, otherwise it’s just a temporary attraction that can be ignored and holds no weight.

@mad queen – yeah agreed, it’s not just the consequences that matter, but it certainly does help. Looking at older games like original eq, having to retrieve your gear once you were killed is an extreme example of this, the hardship of having to figure out how to get that gear back proved the base of some amazing stories. This would in no way fit gw2’s casual feel, but there must be some middle ground.

Piken Square

The baseline of any epic is hardship.

in Living World

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Hi LS writers and the lead design teams.

I wanted to write a quick message to emplore you to stay risky, and continue to make changes/choices that make sense to you and your story. I fear that community feedback that you receive regarding almost every aspect/choice that you make may bring design paralysis potentially meaning we will miss out on something that could of been great.

Imagine the scenario:
A living story threat occurs that disables the use of waypoints for travel, enforcing tyrians to travel widely on foot to reunite with friends and loved ones.

Yes many wouldnt like it, (thats the point!) a convenience taken away to establish a hardship that would unite players together to take out the threat and regain the travel network over a month. It would be fighting for something and be much more rememberable for that reason.

Get Scarlet to destroy our waypoint network, get some real consequences for her existance give players a real reason to care thats shes out on the rampage!

Oh the communities tears would be fantastic..

.. but epic at the same time

Piken Square

looping sound black screen crash no errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


They need to pick up the ball with this issue, its too commonly linked to only this game to be able to brush off as hardware issues.

Piken Square

25 SP for a heal skill !!!

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Correct me if I’m wrong (and I definately could be as I’m in work and can’t login to check) but the Krait historian achievement ~ don’t the obelisks that you locate provide a single SP per location?

Piken Square

23/08: Riverside | Piken | Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Cheers to all the Riverside players than joined in on the impromptu dueling arena on RS BL tonight.

was a blast

Piken Square

Poll: Profession Over Level 40 Demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Mesmer – 80
Engineer – 80
Guardian – 80
Elementalist – 80
Thief – 80
Necromancer – 41

Piken Square

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hexyn.8462



I was experiencing this last night when I logged in for some WvW, I didnt test PvE zones but it was happening on multiple borderlands. The symptoms I’m seeing is sporadic skill delay and pauses. Every few seconds the action would halt and then would catch up. This does look like network lag, but I’m not entirely convinced, I believe it has something to do with your new patch and your servers directly.

using the /IP command ingame I took the IP of that server and ran a tracert against it, all hops were at a clean 32ms to a NCSOFT domain but the lag was continuing.

I had other guildmembers experience the same thing on completely different ISP’s. Even one member that was perfectly fine until he and a few other crashed out (at the same time in wvw) and apon relogging was experiecing the same warping effect.

I’m not entirely sure what is causing it for some and not others, but I do believe this is related to your new patch.

Piken Square

Augury Rock Vs Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexyn.8462


Nice skirmishes on AR border last night for us, we were fielding just under 10 but were pleasantly surprised finding similar sized group fights one after the other all over the map.

Thanks all

Piken Square