Showing Posts For Hlord.5940:

Why are we doing this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


I understand your fustration but first take a look at greatsword ambush skill, now look back, do we need more threads? Definitely.

Start Mirage over from scratch, PLEASE.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Wait, what? clones used to be able to do damage? if so then did the dev increase our damage to compensate for the nerf of clones? If not then this explain a lot of things.

They didn’t, the whole point was that a Thief died in PvP, so they had to fix that.

So since 2012 mesmer has been gutted and nothing was done? Is this the reason why mesmer has the lowest dps? The dev still believe mesmer has high dps since 2012?

Start Mirage over from scratch, PLEASE.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Frankly it’s lame that the game is 5 years old now, and we never got a rework of how clones and phantasms work.

Because yeah, either, clones should do actual damage an in return phantasms are just removed without replacement, or as the quoted guy said, phantasm is a fourth type of illusion which is separate from the shatterable clones.

Clones actually did nice damage during the first beta weekend(s ?) in 2012. They just changed it because they thought it would make Mesmer too strong. I just wish Anet would bring this back into the game.

And the separation between Clone- and Phantasm-Slots was a suggestion that I read before Anet changed the way how Clone generation would overwrite the Phantasms (it overwrote always the oldest Illusion, no matter its type) even if there were other Clones out.

Wait, what? clones used to be able to do damage? if so then did the dev increase our damage to compensate for the nerf of clones? If not then this explain a lot of things.

Mirage Demo Weekend Feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Axe 2 is a very unreliable clone generator in pvp.

False Oasis is as the name imply, false, you have to stand in the same location for 5 sec to get the full heal.

Jaunt, 400 range? seriously? at least make it 600 but the confusion and the remove condition are nice.

Deception skills, create mirage mirror then you have to walk there to collect them, you aren’t gonna fool any one with the new mirage cloak.

Ambush skills are nice except sword and greatsword.
For sword ambush skill, the daze and the dash is good but damage is very very very underwhelming, same as or lower than sword auto? why?
For greatsword ambush skill, what is this? a new lootstick skill? dev know that clones deal little to no damage right? seriously greatsword and spear auto need apply a condition either bleed or vulnerability but greatsword ambush skill look really cool, I am still not using it.

On the plus side:
Guardian got mantras, yep the old mantras, long cooldown and long caste time. People have been say that the casting time is too long, now we will have more voice from the guardian.
The best one is the warrior full counter, give illusionary riposte to warrior, including the damage with 300 range! The original skill was already bad but at least warrior doesn’t have that awkward animation after the counter like illusionary riposte.

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Not enough!
they should get their accounts completely banned.
This punishment is a Joke for what they did.

.Real money transactions
.Account Share

and only pvp ban, what a joke.

They didn’t cheat but won the tournament fair and square.

The only they are guilty of is account sharing.

You really can’t go with real world money transactions in light of they were paid by a net to play in proleague and make money off of twitch streams.

The competitive integrity of the tournament wasn’t compromised since the results of the tournament were never in question. What’s actually done is people put a price tag on thed rewards.

How is impersonating a person to play and won in a tournament not cheating when anet clearly stated it in the ToS/UA?

The competitive integrity of the tournament was clearly compromised in this case.

If they all bought new accounts and used those by your definition thats cheating.

They gained literally ZERO advantage by using another players account.

Did they break the ToS? Yes but that’s not always cheating. If it was then swearing in map chat would considered cheating along with naming ur character a racial slur.

Starting to understand now?

They didn’t bought new accounts, they were paid to impersonate some one to enter the tournament and win for them.

They didn’t get dishonor because they won the tournament, this point was completely mute, they got dishonor because they impersonate other people and enter the tournament for them which broke the ToS/UA

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Not enough!
they should get their accounts completely banned.
This punishment is a Joke for what they did.

.Real money transactions
.Account Share

and only pvp ban, what a joke.

They didn’t cheat but won the tournament fair and square.

The only they are guilty of is account sharing.

You really can’t go with real world money transactions in light of they were paid by a net to play in proleague and make money off of twitch streams.

The competitive integrity of the tournament wasn’t compromised since the results of the tournament were never in question. What’s actually done is people put a price tag on thed rewards.

How is impersonating a person to play and won in a tournament not cheating when anet clearly stated it in the ToS/UA?

The competitive integrity of the tournament was clearly compromised in this case.

Mesmers one shotting people

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Are you implying that a full berserker mesmer with all trait focus on damage should not be able to one shot low health and low armor with zero trait for defense class?

By you logic mesmer should deal no damage? Actually scratch that, it’s the class with the lowest damage and you want it to be a free kill, a dead weight to the team?

chronomancer dps way too low

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Count dps from alacrity and quicknes you provide to raid group and you are the best dps in raid. This is how you need to think now about mesmer.

The buffs of PS Warrior or Druid actually increase a parties dps even more.

Ofcourse you are right. But afaik ps war or support druid don’t have big dps too. They are suposed to be support classes for other raid members – all of them in another way. So theirs buffs are compensatiom for theirs lower dps.
i am not sure how will you take this, give or take it’s at least 10k higher than mesmer

Okay, but are those benchmarks with or without buffs? I mean can PS war do 10k more dps without alacrity and guickness? I don’t know….

Just click on the build, they pretty much tell us every thing, even including a a video

chronomancer dps way too low

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Count dps from alacrity and quicknes you provide to raid group and you are the best dps in raid. This is how you need to think now about mesmer.

The buffs of PS Warrior or Druid actually increase a parties dps even more.

Ofcourse you are right. But afaik ps war or support druid don’t have big dps too. They are suposed to be support classes for other raid members – all of them in another way. So theirs buffs are compensatiom for theirs lower dps.
i am not sure how will you take this, give or take it’s at least 10k higher than mesmer

Is the mesmer a good main character?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


That is quite a large margin there, a big jump from 13k and 20k

ty for the data, now i am convinced to change my gear to condi

(edited by Hlord.5940)

Quote from patch about added summon effects

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


The buff on focus would be, again would be, good if only the Phantasmal Warden doesn’t have to whirl his axe for 5 sec

Oh ANet, Might doesn't affect phantasms...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Make Phantasmal Swordsman a melee attack skill WITH a cast time of 1 sec

Very practical usage (sarcasm), is there any other melee attack with a cast time of 1 sec?

Quote from patch about added summon effects

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


“a bit more constant pressure on your target”, I only see burst damage or Mind Wrack is considered to be a constant pressure damage now?

Just increase mesmer auto attack damage, all of them, is it so hard? Oh and remove the range penalty on greatsword too

Can we raise the skill floors next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Remove HoT specs from pvp – suddenly the skill floor is raised kek.

Doesnt the 2 God of PvP players both play DH? how many in top 250 in both season are DH players?

Yup. 50% of the leaderboard is thieves and guards, there are 0 mesmer players in the top 25, the number of rangers this season has gone down significantly, the number of revs in the top 100 has drastically increased (I don’t mind this), and I’m the only warrior main in top 25.

Wat? Have you checked EU LB recently? Do you know Misha is mes main and he and Sind take top two spots? Funny enough EU LB is full of warriors (Vaans alone with all his alts took few spots). Not so many thieves.

How do i check on EU leaderboard when i am on NA? also how do i know which class they play most/main class is?

Same way as all these people claiming that there is 0 mesmers on LB.

What? no seriously, you just said that top two of EU LB are mesmers, so there must be a way no? or these info are all bs?

Can we raise the skill floors next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Remove HoT specs from pvp – suddenly the skill floor is raised kek.

Doesnt the 2 God of PvP players both play DH? how many in top 250 in both season are DH players?

Yup. 50% of the leaderboard is thieves and guards, there are 0 mesmer players in the top 25, the number of rangers this season has gone down significantly, the number of revs in the top 100 has drastically increased (I don’t mind this), and I’m the only warrior main in top 25.

Wat? Have you checked EU LB recently? Do you know Misha is mes main and he and Sind take top two spots? Funny enough EU LB is full of warriors (Vaans alone with all his alts took few spots). Not so many thieves.

How do i check on EU leaderboard when i am on NA? also how do i know which class they play most/main class is?

Inspiration - CS bug

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


So we play the entier season with the bug? wow

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


The plural is referring to the condition itself, if it was “condition removed: 1” it implies that it only removes 1 type of condition, like immobilise but nothing else. It’s not a bug nor is it incorrect.

I see, this I accept

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


speaking of bug, what about Restorative Illusions? it still said “Conditions Removed: 1”


Conditions, plural, not Condition.
The old one, before the merge with healing, it was remove a condition per clone and no heal so it was ok to use conditions.
Spelling mistake? I hope so or is it a “bug” like the mantra recharge?

[Bug][Echo of Memory][ Evade]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


speaking of bug, what about Restorative Illusions? it still said “Conditions Removed: 1”

Mirror Image bug in Seed of Truth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hlord.5940


During No Refuge(final boss fight) in Seed of Truth if you join a party and not a leader you get to play in your class, but if you are a mesmer and try to use mirror image during the the fight, it wouldn’t spawn clones but you still break stun

Auto-attack DPS Ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Mesmer Sword third strike, is that the damage with or with out boon? Because in pvp every one has boon and the dps will be even lower
No wonder they buff blurred frenzy in pve by 100%

Thought: Spatial Surge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Actually this is pretty great idea, maximum edge!

Mesmer literally 1/6th dps of other classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Oh god, Azukas didn’t even read the description on the dps test thread, Azukas literally take it as the bible of mesmer.

The tester cleary stat that: This build doesn’t support a group in any way and relies heavily on a group’s ability to maintain as many different conditions as possible on the boss for its DPS

That build require you to put boons and alacrity ON phantasmal warlock NOT ON other player, it’s impossible to do it in pvp or wvw or even pve, sure the number look really good but you can’t even do it on wvw gate, better look at realistic number: 19.9k

And the worst part about the realistic test is that it require 3 phantasmal warlock up, which is again impossible in pvp or wvw, let alone stacking 25 might on mesmer by himself.

ps. what a bumber, was happy when the realistic number actually beat ranger and war but after checking the condition it still impossible to do it

Mesmer literally 1/6th dps of other classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


At least post the whole thread from reddit, not a piece of info and mislead the other people.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Originally wasn’t this post started in pvp forum?
As far as I can see is the that they buff utilitiies that no one is using or not in current the meta.
How the hell did this thread turn to mesmer is op when the buff have nearly 0% effect on the build and power shatter is op too?

Shatter Mesmer Roaming Montage #5!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Very impressive Wyrden, say could you go into detail how you deal with thieves and trap from dragon hunter? I use a similiar build in pvp but instead of GS i use staff instead because of phase retreat and chaos storm, they help me to get out of those oh kitten moment when i got backstap or step into a dh trap.

mes in pvp class rank

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


I see only S, A, and B tier. Are they trying to be considerate?

Sarcasm aside, I am more interest in solo queue tier list since I play alot of solo queue, wasn’t our “hight burst” damage support to save us in our low dps department?

Mmmm what does it means I wonder?
Is it because of mesmer set up time for each burst and we have to wait for each clone/phantasm skills to cooldown for each burst?
Or because of “I swear to god is not our L.O.W. auto attack”?

Mesmer literally 1/6th dps of other classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


I’ve said it many a time.

Mesmer DPS is low because it has such innately high burst on shatters. Is it fair? Sort of, but that’s why chrono had to give support: high personal DPS would allow it to replace pretty much everything else considering the amount of support it provides (which is enough to mandate taking one).

If the mesmer wants a DPS option, it needs a specialization that removes its shatters. That’s up to the mesmer community to decide and deliberate on if they want it, but that’s what needs to happen to enable such high damage.

What the hell are you talking about, arcing slice and eviscerate outscale any shatter damage you can do. kittening Vault on a staff thief hits harder than a shatter on a power build.

Eviscerate: 3.0; Berserker Decapitate 2.5+2.5 (if both hit, secondary damage not affected by anything)
Arcing Slice: 1.2/1.8 below 50%; Berserker Arc Divider 1.32/2.31
Vault: 2.25
Mind Wrack: 3.105

You’re not hitting as hard because you’re not playing offensive traits and boons, while the people who hit so hard with those abilities are.

I’ve said it many a time.

Mesmer DPS is low because it has such innately high burst on shatters. Is it fair? Sort of, but that’s why chrono had to give support: high personal DPS would allow it to replace pretty much everything else considering the amount of support it provides (which is enough to mandate taking one).

If the mesmer wants a DPS option, it needs a specialization that removes its shatters. That’s up to the mesmer community to decide and deliberate on if they want it, but that’s what needs to happen to enable such high damage.

Is this another thief expert telling mesmer what to do again?
look here:

I take it you didn’t look at the wiki notes because you probably aren’t aware of what the coefficients actually are.

Or that for backstab (same coefficient as Blurred Frenzy) to hit harder than shatter, a thief needs to run at least two damage trait lines to match baseline no-might no-bonus MR, since it’d need external modifiers of about 30%.

I mean c’mon. I’m no expert mesmer, and I’ve never bothered to look at the exact math as to what damage numbers should be to account for trade-offs, but I know the coefficients better than the so-called experts insulting me for not knowing the class?

If you’re gonna be super arrogant and dismissive of the fact that having huge burst baseline on top of high DPS and the best offensive support in the game is a bad idea in the making, at least be somewhat correct about what you’re saying when accusing other people of having no authority when discussing facts to tell you what’s good and bad conceptual design.

dude, it’s there, look:
hey aren’t you the one with 5k per clone guy?
wow so now mesmer have best dps too?

Mesmer literally 1/6th dps of other classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


I’ve said it many a time.

Mesmer DPS is low because it has such innately high burst on shatters. Is it fair? Sort of, but that’s why chrono had to give support: high personal DPS would allow it to replace pretty much everything else considering the amount of support it provides (which is enough to mandate taking one).

If the mesmer wants a DPS option, it needs a specialization that removes its shatters. That’s up to the mesmer community to decide and deliberate on if they want it, but that’s what needs to happen to enable such high damage.

Is this another thief expert telling mesmer what to do again?
look here:

Mesmer game-breaking

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Is this a thief main thing to go in other class board and cry for nerf? I don’t see other class main go to other class board and cry nerf except in pvp forum.
Also he said he see power shatter alot in pvp, did the meta just change?

Mesmer UI Suggestion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Very nice idea! I agree with OriOri’s suggestion, just a simple QoL that will immensely help mesmer in zerg train and world boss fight

Add 1 sec cd stealth on mesmers too

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


So OP want to remove mesmer stealth skill CD and add in 1 sec stealth cd?
I am up for it!

Perma evade

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Let’s get back to the point people, I know scrapper have semi same issue but we will be derail if don’t focus on thief issue.
The build is indeed broken, the ability to be in perma evade and deal damage at the same time is too powerful. Anet has shown in the past that any class with this kind of ability is broken and will be nerf. Hope Anet did the rignt thing soon because we in pvp are crying for balance right now.

Perma evade

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


any build with perma or semi perma evade,block or even invulnerability is op and should be nerf, other class had been nerf so there is no reason not to nerf this

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


VERY low cooldown and unblockable, at least make it 60 sec, even Toss Elixir X is 120 cd

And its an AoE transform. That is currently a 92sec CD on the meta build anyway.

Do you realize the difference ?

What i am trying to say is it completely shutdown your target, also basilisk vendon can be traited and have it’s cd reduce AND also APPLY to your allies, you can’t give elixir x to your allies can you?
If it’s only petrify one target it might not be certain kill move but it is unblockable and come with 2 stack, also it is a thief skill, the class with the highest damage.


(edited by Hlord.5940)

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


VERY low cooldown and unblockable, at least make it 60 sec, even Toss Elixir X is 120 cd

Mental Defence cooldown

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


I actually had it on but it is debatable if it’s better than illusionary inspiration or not because i’ve never really rely on it much because it doesn’t active every time like Deceptive Evasion, must have been a really op trait like all the phantasm utilities with 1.5 sec cast time that no one bring in pvp
BTW there are complains about illusionary inspriation too! must have been one hell of a trait too, it might get nerf too


Mesmer Stats Select

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Even with berserker stat, power, precision and ferocity, staff will out damage GS due to illusionary warlock, by alot but if you really like GS there is no harm done because mesmer is the lowest damage dealer, you only have to throw in well for alacrity and time warp for quickness and your party will love you

This hole Mesmer Nerf is Stupid!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


People play this game competitively for money and Anet wants it to work for them. Call it whatever makes you happy. my point changes none.

Imagine how dull league of legends would be if it only had 10 champions and one single optimal way to build each one. There would be little to no variety in each match, just variations and repetitions of the same tired strategies, the same rotations; nothing interesting, new, or entertaining. That’s GW2 pvp right now.

Hell will freeze over before they successfully make an eSport out of this game as long as the diversity and complexity of pvp builds and fights stays at the bare minimum level. I appreciate the difficulty involved with balancing for multiple viable builds, but if they want their precious esports to succeed, they need to step up their balancing game enormously.

I think you pretty much nail what is wrong with gw2 pvp right now.

This hole Mesmer Nerf is Stupid!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Josh XT.6053 Your missing the point & i’m not surprised coming from a Necro player. I’m voicing up my opinion on this continuances nerfing of the mesmer to the point that we only have one playable build. In the past nerfs, we had at least 3 to 4 viable builds to work with. So……..Why dont you wait till your main gets nerfed to the ground before posting idiocies on this thread.

PS: Chrono is top meta. Your point is irrelevant.

Let me be clear with you here – I play every class, but main Dagger/Warhorn Elementalist. I don’t know where you would be coming from thinking I only play necro and its the only reason I would think mesmer is strong still. Maybe you just aren’t very good at mesmer? I’m pretty decent at mesmer and I’ve won plenty of PvP fights, WvW fights and duels on my mesmer.

Mesmer has been way too strong for way too long, it can almost infinitely be in stealth and apply a lot of conditions or burst VERY hard with shatters. Now with chrono, it has a long block, access to aegis and still invuln from sword 2 lol.

And if what you’re trying to say is that mesmer isn’t strong without Chrono, that is also wrong because the old shatter meta is very strong to this day. It really sounds like a L2P issue that you’re having.

I call this a liar, at least show some hard fact not some thing you feel like it and make it into a fact.

here is one:
Was mesmer the worst and no one pick the class? No, but compare to the rest of them you might call it the second worst, not counting that no one pick thief and warrior
And this was before the nerf so there is no excuse for that mesmer was “always strong”.
Our “long” block is 1.5 sec and if we get to block we get another 1.5 sec block which add up to 3 sec block, same as every other shield blocking skill except we require a block to make it to full duration
Finally, Mind Wrack, are you one of those people that said Mind Wrack hit you for 5k per clone? Because that is bullkitten.

No, but I have played my shatter mesmer quite a bit and have seen my mind wrack shatter on people for 5k per clone before. Granted, it is on things like full zerk thieves or rangers when I ran full zerk on my mesmer.

I really wonder what kind of builds you people are playing making you think like this lol.. A lot of L2Play and L2Build issues.

Edit: Let me help you out here:

So your claim is that your build can do 5k per clone right? Only in wvwvw with ideal condition right? 25might and the target have 25 vul right? And the target come with light armor right?
Now i’ll admit this true if you post some screen shot because I try, I really do, except i just can’t get the target with 25 vul and me with 25 might at the same time

This hole Mesmer Nerf is Stupid!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Josh XT.6053 Your missing the point & i’m not surprised coming from a Necro player. I’m voicing up my opinion on this continuances nerfing of the mesmer to the point that we only have one playable build. In the past nerfs, we had at least 3 to 4 viable builds to work with. So……..Why dont you wait till your main gets nerfed to the ground before posting idiocies on this thread.

PS: Chrono is top meta. Your point is irrelevant.

Let me be clear with you here – I play every class, but main Dagger/Warhorn Elementalist. I don’t know where you would be coming from thinking I only play necro and its the only reason I would think mesmer is strong still. Maybe you just aren’t very good at mesmer? I’m pretty decent at mesmer and I’ve won plenty of PvP fights, WvW fights and duels on my mesmer.

Mesmer has been way too strong for way too long, it can almost infinitely be in stealth and apply a lot of conditions or burst VERY hard with shatters. Now with chrono, it has a long block, access to aegis and still invuln from sword 2 lol.

And if what you’re trying to say is that mesmer isn’t strong without Chrono, that is also wrong because the old shatter meta is very strong to this day. It really sounds like a L2P issue that you’re having.

I call this a liar, at least show some hard fact not some thing you feel like it and make it into a fact.

here is one:
Was mesmer the worst and no one pick the class? No, but compare to the rest of them you might call it the second worst, not counting that no one pick thief and warrior
And this was before the nerf so there is no excuse for that mesmer was “always strong”.
Our “long” block is 1.5 sec and if we get to block we get another 1.5 sec block which add up to 3 sec block, same as every other shield blocking skill except we require a block to make it to full duration
Finally, Mind Wrack, are you one of those people that said Mind Wrack hit you for 5k per clone? Because that is bullkitten.

Mesmer Pets

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Keep posting in this thread and Anet will add in an option that allow you to auto target the real mesmer.

Mercenary Amulet Being Removed for S3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Why is an obvious thief player pretending to be a mesmer player?

He or She is using stealth

Back to playing Elementalist I guess

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


So I imagine that that alot of these Moa nerf in mesmer forum are not exactly from mesmer? Wow I am surprised

QQ about mes is getting more ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


“and it ignores the fact that mes has trash damage in team fight also is countered by war , condi necro , and DH even DD could beat a condi mes on its own .”

“core necro ,power reaper seems better now "

You are a real clown, a guy who should be banned from the forums because of the amount of bs you’re spreading. Or is it just some kind of a social experiment? Just checking how people react to your insane babble?
Teams would run at least 3 mesmers with maybe 2 revs or 1rev/ele just to add sth else than condi dmg if they could and I’m sure of it. Simply because moa counters everything, mes survi is great and you cover all the points with portals.

You simply have no clue about what you’re writing.

And for gods sake learn to use all the punctation marks or simply disappear until you learn sth about this game.

“3 mes and 2 rev” This got me interested, do tell when and where a team run 3 mes? before the recent update? before the no stacking rule? ESL?

no he’s probably right. “if they could” he said btw.
but yeah if there was no class stackign rule I’d expect 3 mes 1 rev 1 ele/druid tbh. Maybe -1 mes for another ele/druid.

Well they could before the no stacking rule but i’ve never seen any team taking mesmer, let alone staking 2 mesmer in their team, before the staking rule come in mesmer got alacrity nerf by 50% and their so call chrono bunker got guts, so I wonder when does these 3 mes, 1 rev and 1 ele/druid come in

You’ve never seen a team with a mesmer?every game in both seasons has had at least 1 mesmer and usually 2, and in season 1 most had 4 in each game 2 for each team

If possible could you give me a link to them? Especially the last two season

QQ about mes is getting more ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


“and it ignores the fact that mes has trash damage in team fight also is countered by war , condi necro , and DH even DD could beat a condi mes on its own .”

“core necro ,power reaper seems better now "

You are a real clown, a guy who should be banned from the forums because of the amount of bs you’re spreading. Or is it just some kind of a social experiment? Just checking how people react to your insane babble?
Teams would run at least 3 mesmers with maybe 2 revs or 1rev/ele just to add sth else than condi dmg if they could and I’m sure of it. Simply because moa counters everything, mes survi is great and you cover all the points with portals.

You simply have no clue about what you’re writing.

And for gods sake learn to use all the punctation marks or simply disappear until you learn sth about this game.

“3 mes and 2 rev” This got me interested, do tell when and where a team run 3 mes? before the recent update? before the no stacking rule? ESL?

no he’s probably right. “if they could” he said btw.
but yeah if there was no class stackign rule I’d expect 3 mes 1 rev 1 ele/druid tbh. Maybe -1 mes for another ele/druid.

Well they could before the no stacking rule but i’ve never seen any team taking mesmer, let alone staking 2 mesmer in their team, before the staking rule come in mesmer got alacrity nerf by 50% and their so call chrono bunker got guts, so I wonder when does these 3 mes, 1 rev and 1 ele/druid come in

QQ about mes is getting more ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Hlord.5940


this stupid nonsense :
quote “Recent changes have been all buffs for the mesmer, which has only make this class even better than it was before. Running the same meta build, Flow of Time’s increase in alacrity uptime has only made this stronger which puts mesmer at the top of the charts.”

and it ignores the fact that mes has trash damage in team fight also is countered by war , condi necro , and DH even DD could beat a condi mes on its own .

and its titled as By Storm & Pro Leaguers

more ridiculous it puts tempest below chronomancer lol in A tier

and this is following the trend mes hate in pvp forum i wonder if some so called pro team intended to make false info to make mes nerfed into ground again hint there is only few good mes in pvp tournament and not every team gets one .

srsly , i would like to see any team in tournament without a tempest or rev . If they really see mes being that powerful , please run double mes or more vs another team with equal skill .

this kinda of article matter nothing , since now they calling mes S tier , later in tournament they run tempest ,rev ,scrapper and war .the words have no consequence in those peoples mind and hence why they never ever tried to prove their words by facts and action .

honorable mention :scepter condi mes was totally dominating pvp!

are you kittened? pro league teams don’t run double mes because you’re not allowed to class stack.

if it was allowed, EVERY single team would run double mes, double rev and an ele.

It was allowed, before no stacking rule, and no one, well maybe one team did bring one mesmer and they lost.

I’ll even bet that no one read the recent update note for mesmer but once they heard there was no nerf every one one yell op.
They buff scepter that no was using
They buff off hand sword which no one was and will be using
They try to normalize flow of time by increasing its duration from 0.75 sec to 1 sec per clone and people forgot about the last nerf, nerf alacirty by 50%

Basically nothing change for mesmer for the metabattle condition build

CS is not needed for PvE viability

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Excuse me?
We do use CS for double gravity well for cc and alacrity
We do use CS for double time warp
They are effective in burst time frame
You calculation show optimum build for support but for some other are hybrid build meaning they are not optimise for boon duration but they add in some survival for their buld
Your trouble with moa is getting out of hand

Pro League started (Shocker!)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Every one seem to forget that mesmer is the lowest dps
Also if you are not using scepter or off-hand sword we are still in nerf state, anet nerf alacrity by 50%, from 66% to 33%, they buff flow of time from 0.75 sec to 1 sec, not 1.25 sec

Create a clone when you dodge.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


You need to be in range (1200 iirc), and be in combat. You don’t need to have a target, that is false. The clone created via dodging will also not target the last enemy you damage like Hlord suggests; the clone actually targets the enemy closest to you when you dodge (this includes pets).

Yeah, he is right, in combat, ie the enemy hit you or you hit them(can’t change your skill bar), clone target the closet enemy. Tested out on golems in PVP area.

My bad.