Showing Posts For Jeheil.2516:


in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I have 25k HP and died in about 1.5 seconds to a backstab opener of 12k last night….followed by 4k, 5k and a sneeze Now I was running at the time, he was miles behind me, closed and deadski.

Who else can close, burst n be invisible.

I dont mind classes have a particular edge, its how paper, rock, scissors work….but really ….

How much armor?

Not enough, my gear is noob, but still, my exotic’d fully geared main couldn’t nail a naked Level 1 (80) in wvw with 3-4 shots, mind you he is a Ranger.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate


in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I have 25k HP and died in about 1.5 seconds to a backstab opener of 12k last night….followed by 4k, 5k and a sneeze Now I was running at the time, he was miles behind me, closed and deadski.

Who else can close, burst n be invisible.

I dont mind classes have a particular edge, its how paper, rock, scissors work….but really ….

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Firing a Catapult at Your Own Door

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


And with the advent of gunpowder or more specifically the cannon….the reign of the castle ended. Fundamentally castles stopped being the key component of warfare when cannons became cheap to manufacture and easy to move around.


Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Leveling in WvW as a viable 1-80 Option

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Also look at joining supply camp flip teams, go deep behind enemy lines, run if confronted and look to flip camps (kill dolyaks). Good quick XP.

Ive levelled my warrior from 1 to 63 and its been much more fun than repeating the PvE path.

Spending a bit of time to get weapon skills up outside in PvE and use server queue times (if you have them) to complete personal story/farm skill points. Skill points is the one area you miss out on considerably in WvW

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Any chance of a score update (for those poor peeps trapped at work )

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Firing a Catapult at Your Own Door

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Castles built in the 16th Century didn’t factor in ‘magic’. There was no real AoE. Arrows from a wall or via wall slits would massacre attackers. You need 5 to 10 times the force to kill a keep. Sieges lasted months and years. So we can’t rely on reality too much.

If a door was more like a door and AoE, swords, fear, defensive siege truly didn’t go through it, you would need to have a significant advantage defending on the ramparts.

At the moment standing on a castle wall shooting down is a disadvantage as 20 siegers can shut the wall down with AoE.

As it stands you need at least a 2:3 presence to defend a keep. So some advantage (eg cata’s on the door defensively) is really bringing balance.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


It’s world v world, I hate everyone who isn’t us.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Week of 11/16: SBI vs JQ vs SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Wow….now I know SBI are the comeback kids….but looks like Sea of Sparrows have gone madski….nice work SoS.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Why can't we have elected commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Its really not a problem. Join a squad. Then there is only one commander on the map.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Here is my measure.

Having looked forward to this patch for a few weeks, constantly checking the forum, patch notes for any inklings, I read the patch notes, had a few resultant infringement notices and havent logged onto my Ranger since.

I am still having to much fun on my warrior alt, who at 63 with blues n greens is outdamaging my ranger (in WvW) and has a far better set of ranged options.

I will check back every now and then to see if Ranger is viable yet.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Terror is looking for a new home

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


If you want to join a server that keeps on punching, has some solid commanders and has maintained a consistent ranking despite the pesky PvE, Transfer-a-thon and other shenanaghins then there is only one place for you.

Isle of Janthir. Come on over.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Hats off to the IoJ spirit again, the reset started pretty harshly for us with BG taking their entire zerg to our EB Overlook at the start of the match. In a horror of horrors IoJ opened up with the outmanned buff for over an hour on EB….woe is me I thought.

For the rest of the weekend we (IoJ) had to concentrate on 2 borderlands, then when BG went a stomping through EB, we consolidated all efforts on our own BL. In the last 16 hours our comeback, initatied by large oceanics and then followed through overnight got us some good PPT.

Will be interesting to see how it plays form here. We (IoJ) are already a mile behind. PvE is the 4th team in this weeks matchups and with another game launching midweek very much PvP focused…well…all bets are off.

As for 2v1, early on we IoJ felt very heavily wedged as it felt SoR seemed content on hitting us full bore. Indeed as we launched an attack on SoR at Ogres, we were wiped by a 40man BG zerg, with the gates on 20% they ran past and went on to Pang….this had a lot of grumpy monkeys in the BL.

Once we consolidated however and pushed back, we focused on what appeared to be the weaker ‘manned’ team. So I am sure SoR felt very much 2 to 1nd.

One side always will.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Utter communication fail. You posted a while back , 80,000 views. You set expectations, indeed moderators deleted my post expressing concern (without swearing) that expectations were too high.

No communication.

We have had no practical buffs, spirits are so bad that buffing them as has been done is it a bit like saying ‘we will only kick you in the goolies 5 times an hour instead of 6 times an hour’.

Our core weapons still underperform.

Our non auto-shot damage does NOT improve our damage output like that of other classes.

Our pets are still RUBBISH

AND you stealth nerfed traps.

PS you made Warrior bows, EVEN BETTER. Indeed Warriors are now better Rangers than Rangers.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Warrior changes in 15th Nov patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Warriors, if you are underwhelmed in your patches….go and entertain yourself by the utter despondence, wailing and gnashing of teeth taking place in the Ranger forums.

At least your bow skills got buffed.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Set my expectations to what I thought would be realistically conservative given the large PvE ‘shores’ patch.

Wow….just wow….Ranger patch changes are such a fail.

Playing warrior till WvW finally peters out then time to find a new game….such a dissapointment.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

D-Day 15th Nov!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Stowing your pet is now a perma-stow until you explicitly recall it.
Doing so increases all damage thingies by 33%.

Longbow now outranges anything else in the game (eg engineers throwing shizz)

Pets bow all attack on the move and all attacks have a 600 damage range minumum

Pets now have a passive AoE resistance / mitigation

Pet specials dont randomly take 1-5 seconds to actually cast

Canine Ranger pets can sniff out invisibles

That’ll do donkey, that’ll do.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

How to beat a turtle. Siege!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Turtles even in an organised guild require discipline and dont/cant move fast. As such if you meet them in the open field, simply stay at 1600 yards and skirt around them and head to your target, perhaps leave 3-4 suicidals to harass them for moment.

If you do meet them at an objective, well, you will have siege and when last I poured an arrowcart into a turtle, my biggest problem was being able to see the turtle over the pile of lootbags I was amassing.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

11/9 SoS/SoR/IoJ Thread 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Baek sadly I agree with you. However IoJ has lost its 24/7 coverage even at the basic level. This week in Oceanic timeslot 4-5 Aussie/Korean guilds have repeatadly taken IoJ for PPT’s in the sub 100’s to PPT’s circa 300.

However, crucially in the US and Euro timeslots our presence is so limited we are outmanned on EVERY BL. No commanders on many maps and as such we loose everything we had. We have basically an 8 hour window of where we are competative.

I think being T2 will require you to be at least able to defend when out of whatever your geo-prime is, or at least having two geo-primes. So unless IoJ can attract some EU/US guilds then we are going down.

By Christmas I cannot imagine there being more than 6 and perhaps only 3 servers with reasonable coverage, unless of course there is some sort of merge.

Thats also not taking into account things like PlanetSide2 which is a direct competitor to those who enjoy persistent WvW biffo.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516



Whenever you pass a friendly yack…..give it some speed

In a zerg travelling, help the zerg, equip that horn and give it a toot once other speed buffs have dropped.

Need to quickly kill an enemy…pop your speed buff…it hastens your finishing move

Each time you earn 50 silver in pvp be a good un and either buy a blue print or upgrade a keep/tower

Join a guild

Join the often free voice tool used by lots in your server

When being attacked at a keep…dont yell omg help attack at Nobbys Rest, instead, call out numbers, siege status and wall/gate percent, so you dont drag the whole zone (so 15 Sea of Sparrows have 2 cata’s up on North Wall of Garrison, Wall at 75% need help"

Someone will leave it to anyone who will expect noone to do it. Yelling will someone fix a the wall at Bazooka’s Hole will not make anything happen. Do it yourself and whisper local folks to come with you.

Yelling “Dont take supply from keeps” doesnt work. Explain taking supply slows down the upgrades, whisper the person who you saw taking it and be nice. If they are a plank name n shame them and their guild. There are on occasion valid reasons (fully upgraded, emergency siege equip for defence etc to take supplies)

Dont eat cannonballs. There is no point standing outside a heavily fortified enemy tower/keep with 20 other likeminded zombies jumping up and down killing archers when you have no siege or plan or supplies. You are basically being an idiot.

If a bridge/chockpoint is contested there are basically 3 options

1) go around
2) charge (if you have numbers)
3) Portal bomb if you have competent mezz / group

Standing on the edge of the chokepoint trying to kill enemies who then get rezz’d while being to scared to commit is basically pointless and once again, you are being an idiot.

If one piece of siege is down, build it first before dropping another piece (eg rams) to avoid having no supply left and two 80% built rams.

If you are sieging a keep that is lightly defended have guardians, fear wards, traps stopping re-inforcements getting in.

Everytime you have 0 supply you should go get some more from a supply camp.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate's getting really annoying when...

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Tis time for the 49th post

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Long Bow versus Short Bow -- casual Mists tests

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


The longbow as a weapon outranged all other weapons and so it still shoot. The idea an engineer can throw grenades as far as the longbow….facepalm…why have different professions and have no discernable difference. I am alting a Warrior at the moment and find their longbow as good at least as ours…and their rifle simply superior.

I really hope tomorrow delivers, otherwise I will struggle to put my warrior away.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Remove ability to rez defeated players in combat.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Downed is fine and with big maps and lots of travelling its actual a good idea. Also prevents as folks have pointed out rewarding glass-cannon/thieves from being rediculously OP.

Now Dead….I dont mind Dead being ressurected with 3 exceptions :

1) You cannot res dead in combat (leave downed as is)
2) When dead you go blind and mute (and if you are from Sea of Sorrows or Blackgate you have Kenny Loggins music played, you also cannot talk / whisper etc. Things go black…like for example when you are dead.
3) You cannot be res’d by stealthed players.

Thus teams that can win an engagement totally can rez their dead and rumble on. Folks who are downed can be brought back up as is (this creates and opportunity to use downed players as bait btw).

Oh yeh and when downed, other than perhaps stuns/knockbacks/fears you shouldnt be able to damage other players (other than those with pets who should guard their masters body/try to revive it)

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

About siege dumping spying at SBI border

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I will help you get this thread removed.

I believe that Anet moderators are responsible for climate change and many seals, unicorns and dolphins, predominantly baby ones have been killed as a result of their shonkiness. PS mesmer portals suck and we are being 2v1’d by invisible thiefs that stole our orb and stopped us capping our camps for eleventy-three-hours

There we go….

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

11/9 SoS/SoR/IoJ Thread 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


6 hours ago, when I left for work it was :
SoS +200
SoR +170
IoJ +325

Thankyou Smokey and noooooooooooooooo its all been lost again……like tears in the rain… is IoJ’s NA presence our weakest timezone now (compared to SoS and Sor) ?

No offence to NA players, by definition those playing are trying their hardest….its those not playing that is the problem.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

11/9 SoS/SoR/IoJ Thread 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Thanks Charlie…that seemed to be everything but the score

Re your meta description of all things, I actually thought on day one SoR did ‘go for it’ but were then struggling and midday Sunday returned to ‘hit Janthir’ dont make SoS angry approach…not as a collective strategy but just more of an inadvertent outcome.

Last night Oceanic time IoJ really got its butt in gear and did some well impressive clobbering which seemed to have continued on this morning before I went to work. But I wanna know whats a happening now…and the is rarely updated…….

Any chance on the score themselves.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

aNET development dudes/dudettes...represent

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


GW2 WvWvW is one of the most ambitious online persistent pvp efforts I have ever seen. In essence its brilliant, however to keep people interested and to provide a balanced environment I think you guys need to be more interactive in the forums.

As little as 3-5 posts a week. A general State of Play post where you discuss what games design things you are looking at…or just “hey guys were really busy doing the new pve zone, fixing rangers who we have horribly underpowered or whatever so nothing new in WvW this week”.

And the odd comment on an interesting thread “We have noted the general issue with blah and we think blah”. Be brave and bold, “yes we agree its a problem we are having some discussions as to what we can do” or no sorry its working as intended and we wont be changing it (and wear the flack etc).

We the gameplaying folks would need to respect this and on the whole, excluding the odd muppet, I think we would.

However providing forums, indeed moderated forums, so that’s good, without keeping up some conversation with the 10’s of thousands of punters out there is a recipe for disgruntlement.

Again I love my GW2 W3 and look forward to a continually improving engaging rewarding pile of fun. So thankyou and come on represent !

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

11/9 SoS/SoR/IoJ Thread 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Any update on current scores on the doors.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I don’t think they are game breaking but they are over-powered ability wise due to their use for porting massive armies. A chain of smart mesmers can swing a map.

Of course this particular skill combined with some other issues (invisible enemies, being able to hide in objects) exaggerates this imbalance.

I dont mind one class having a particular skill. Guardians shield, thieves invis supply camp capping powah…..however I do think portal is a little too op.

Some suggestions that wouldnt involve removing it.

Portal Sickness (3 minute debuff..or some such)
Portal only on party members, who were in party when portal opened
Portal Failure 10% chance any 1 person ported is to random location (non contested) on the map, 5% chance everyone is….
Portal Colour – Portals are coloured with the faciton colour

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Looking for good WvW server

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


IoJ, never give up (except at Halloween of course)…

No, seriously IoJ good community, good fun, fair amount of strategy and guild co-op (see and 20 man golem zergs on Monday nights of course.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

11/9 SoS/SoR/IoJ Thread 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


IoJ has less numbers than we had a couple of weeks ago…but I do like the fight we are showing this week. Twice down to 85 points, and in EB to holding nothing but our home WP…and twice coming back to hold the top 1/3rd/1/2 of the map. Last week we got pantsed in IoJ borderland and never recovered. This week we have held our own BL and done well in EB….just not enough numbers to do much more.

Had great fun last night with uA ripping up borderlands and then completing the evening with a 20 man golem rush….gotta say gates v golem zerg is butter v hot knife.

Put down so many golem BP that keep supply went from 1700 to 0 and still had 5 unbuilt…..need to do the maths better next time.

Seen some good commanders putting in the hours too, Victoria, Arctx, BlackHawke, Nomnom as well as the core guilds. I hope we can hold on to our T2 spot, smell more like a Rank 4-5 server than a 5-6 one which we have been slipping towards.

Props to SoS and SoR for the continuing biffo….hope next weeks PvE doesnt render WvW bare.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

(edited by Jeheil.2516)


in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


It also makes common sense if we see SoR are knocking on SoS’s watergate, then now is the time to X because both will be heavily committed.

X is selected because its adjacent/defendable for a long time or almost the opposite, its a ripe fortified target that would be hard to hold but great to flip.

Now if you own X you instantly feel double teamed.

I have played heaps and never broken off combat to go hit a 3rd party. Yes, we have skipped past, or let one knock the others door down….or even my favourite, when you realise you CAN’t take the blah gate…and you fall back ….and the enemy zerg sally’s forth to kick your fleeing butt….then the best thing to do is run away, ‘towards’ the other sides keep….then when you do die….you leave their zerg on your other enemies doorstep

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate


in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I had a good amount of time on both EB, SoS and Sor, BL this weekend.

From the get go, as an IoJ’er the feeling was omg..yay..we are not being double teamed. There was an appropriate amount of biffo in both directions….until the early evening my time (Australia) when all of a sudden we seemed to get caught in a sandwich.
Especially in EB, where SoS just went hardcore on us and SoR basically held or niggled us, other than fights we were in I saw NO crossed swords.

However later in the evening once again it seemed a jolly good three-way.

So I dont think SoR should be QQing about being double teamed, I think simply compared to last week, things are much more mixed up. SoS are superior, IoJ have turned up better numbers (still outmanned on 3-4 BL’s on Sunday arvo) at different times….but much better than last week.

I think often the ‘feeling’ of being double teamed is just the eb and flow of battle…fronts exhaust, zergs try a new angle and boom…now it feels like you are fighting everyone on everyfront.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Moving on

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Come to IoJ we are a couple of good guilds short of T1. You guys could make all the difference.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

2/11 [Sea of Sorrows] vs [Sanctum of Rall] vs [Isle of Janthir]

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


With 24hours to go SoS need to make up about 9,000 points on Blackgate.

That’s about 90 points a tick….at the moment…with SoR finally pushing into SoS they are only reaping about 30 points a tick.

Still pretty close with BG probably slight faves to stay up. But beware the last 3 hours of WvW where maps go bonkers.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Please make defending on a wall an advantage

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Castles in the 13th to 14th century (closest to those in GW2) didnt really have to consider as much magic as we perhaps encounter in GW2.

I find it particularly annoying in WvW. I am defending on a parapet and can see scores of baddies below. The only way for me to hit these enemies is to stand on TOP of the protective walling….thats not how castles work at all. However, the attackers, who cannot even see me, can put their AoE ‘ring’ half way up the wall and hit everyone from the walls edge to the back of the parapet, this is totally counter-intuitive to the so called advantage that defending a wall should have.

I should get

a) a LoS advantage
b) a height advantage
c) a damage mitigation for being behind a few feet of stone
d) only be at a disadvantage via defelation should the baddies hug the wall. Then of course I pour oil on their eads’

Instead, I am obstructed, clumped up and AoE able by targets I cannot target.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I find it particularly annoying in WvW. I am defending on a parapet and can see scores of baddies below. The only way for me to hit these enemies is to stand on TOP of the protective walling….thats not how castles work at all. However, the attackers, who cannot even see me, can put their AoE ‘ring’ half way up the wall and hit everyone from the walls edge to the back of the parapet, this is totally counter-intuitive to the so called advantage that defending a wall should have.

I should get

a) a LoS advantage
b) a height advantage
c) a damage mitigation for being behind a few feet of stone

Instead, I am obstructed, clumped up and AoE able by targets I cannot target.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

AoE Wall Caster - Necro vs. Elementalist

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I play my Ranger with a Necro mate and they have some very nice abilities when sieging a busy wall, switching boons to debuff’s and then spreading them plague style is a nice way of getting deeper damage into enemy’s. But for raw AoE / Denial of the wall Ele is superior.

I think defenders are almost at a disadvantage on the castle walls. Their LoS is obstucted too much and as they are playing in a tighter space, they are easier AoE pickings for the more spread out attackers.

Castle walls of the medievil times werent built with magic in mind !

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

How are rangers in WvWvW?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Good in Siege denial (defense) with our longbow and longbow AoE (would be better if standing on a castle wall didnt a) obstruct and b) allow a spread out siege force to focus fire many aoe’s on the wall).

Equally good in Siege offence where you can pick off opponents on the walls / aoe deny with Longbow.

In a zerg, I find we are best towards the back of the pack, picking off, trapping their players, at the front you will be cut down real fast. This is appropriate when in RANGED mode to me.

Our pets are all but useless unfortunately as you need to be a bit of a muppet to get hurt by them. Easily kiteable and struggle with terrain.

In one on one’s, barring a substantially skilled Ranger versus an average anything we dont fare well. We dont have that super burst damage that can know you down to 30% of health in a roll of the face. So unless you are trap spec’d you will be closed down and killed.

In two v two’s however we can make a very potent class if partnered with a melee oriented class. We can survive long enough to put enough constant damage up that you can turn it into a 2v1

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Corpse Scouting

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Vision fades to black…and if you are from SBI, Blackgate or Sea of Sorrows then soothing Billy Ray Cyrus music starts playing as you descend to hell. After a period of time you auto-respawn at nearest WP.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Remove Orange Swords and Other Propositions

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Get rid of orange swords….but replace them with blue swords.


Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

2/11 [Sea of Sorrows] vs [Sanctum of Rall] vs [Isle of Janthir]

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Spent a good few hours in IoJ (Australian) evening time last night, with relatively small forces biffing it out and making somewhat of an IoJ comeback….only to log on after sleep kitten me and my weak body/need to work) to see it all gone again….lost, like tears in the rain.

IoJ lost alot more than the bandwagon it had when it hit T1 we seem less of a force than we were 3 weeks ago. We rely on a few commanders, often not backed up by a guild and as such our siege is a pug siege both in defense and offense. As such we opposed by organised foe’s we get a whalloping.

T3 could be a real likliehood for IoJ. Makes me a sad panda.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

The Class for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


“ranger long bow , full berserker and you can insta kill ppl from 1500”

Really……love to see a screenie of a single Ranger shot hitting for more than 4k on a clothed opponent !!

At max range not only does a Rangers foe have to be almost AFK to get “insta” killed…the Ranger almost has to pretty much be able to maintain constant LoS and be stationary.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

2/11 [Sea of Sorrows] vs [Sanctum of Rall] vs [Isle of Janthir]

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


IoJ are not playing for second but with SoR very much focusing on IoJ and SoS playing as well as they did last week IoJ are feeling the squeeze, we are much down on numbers since our T1 adventure.

Hope the US day crew can get IoJ back into it.

I predict based on current viewing that SoS will win by a 4:2:1 ratio over IoJ second and Sanctum will be third. No idea what happened in our BL today but it looked nasty.

Been good fun tho. Hope it lasts the week

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Idea for bringing back improved orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Fighting for the orb would be a less valuable thing…thus hacking for the orb would also be a less valuable thing…but not totally a waste of time, they become more of a nice to have/status/we got an orb nah-ne-nah-na-na-na. Right now as has been said the orb just grinds the other servers into the ground to soon.

You could of course look at other orby attributes, hold 3 orb pay no repair bills.

However the karma and experience bit is tasty for those who choose to level in PvP and a team with 3 orbs may have a lot more ‘green arrows’ (sub 80’s turn up) which will of course open the door for their struggling rivals.

The other thing is, given these bonuses are already established in the game, changing how they are applied would not be an utter redesign.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Idea for bringing back improved orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Good work on taking the bold step to get rid of orbs till a solution is found/hacking issues fixed. Assuming hacking issues fixed then :

Longer term, simply swap orb and outmanned buff.

1 orb = 15% karma, magic find, experience buff
Outmanned 3:2= 1 current orb buff, 2:1 = 2 orbs, 5:2 or more = 3 orbs.

Voila. Two dead birds one orb (or stone).

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Well done and as an immediate solution tis a good thing.

Longer term, simply swap orb and outmanned buff.

1 orb = 15% karma, magic find, experience buff
Outmanned 3:2= 1 current orb buff, 2:1 = 2 orbs, 5:2 or more = 3 orbs.

Voila. Two dead birds one orb (or stone).

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Current rezz mechanics are detrimental to any kind of PvP

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Oh yeh and add terrible elevator music (maybe some Billy Ray Cyrus with a 6yo school recorder musical support or some such) as background music when you are dead…..dead should be bad after all.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Current rezz mechanics are detrimental to any kind of PvP

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Downed to Death is fine, I like it, its a good mechanic, well organised teams rez their downed etc.

However Dead for as long as you want is the silly bit. So a possible resolution would be a DEAD timer, If you arent rezz’d within 3 minutes (or whatever) you autoport to spawn.

Stops spies., but allows for attempts to rez. Then as the defender you would need to pressure the rezzers.

This as a defender is made harder as being on a rampart seems to be at a disadvantage to the attackers. Attackers can deny ramparts which block LoS to easily. This really needs fixing. If my torso is behind a wall by my upper body is over the parrapet, I shouldnt be blocked, I shouldnt have to stand on the very edge of the wall to shoot / magic down. Equally attackers should suffer a damage % penalty for targets on a rampart…..when they are in open ground.

Ramparts force defenders to ctush together to get LoS….attackers are all spread out with super duper range…..very pesky.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

The Portal Bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I believe this is referred to as Turtling or Stacking.

Portal bombing is when a large group materialise behind you having been portaled by a friendly (and ideally invisible) mesmer.

Turtling takes advantage of (maybe exploits the fact) that AoE only hurts 5 people and with well timed Guardian/Mes/Health springs combined with easy revives, a stack of 10+ becomes hard to kill.

Really the only counter is a larger turtle, truly massive and co-ordinated Zerg or siege equip (eg balista) which ignores the 5 man aoe cap.

As more people see the turtle the more it will be used (like drugs in cycling, tis the only way to compete).

Tricky one to solve mechanically too….as you can see the benefits of an AoE cap (eg imagine unlimited Necro Plague post boon to debuff conversion etc etc).

Eventually zergs will be 3 foot wide turtles moving slowly across the map in near invincible mode.

Blob v Blob v Blob

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Thank you Anet for WvW :).

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


Despite many of the gripes, I do think it is f the best and most ambitious PvP implementations to date and for that….well done folks.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate