Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I had a bank guild that I have been using for quite some time to add buffs in WvW and store extra stuff… Yesterday I hit the “Leave Guild” button instead of “Represent”, and then without thinking hit Yes instead of No on the confirmation box. I was looking for a recipe on the other monitor and not really paying attention to what I was doing.
I sent in a support ticket and got the response that “The support team does not have the ability to restore your membership in that guild. We won’t be able to assist you.”
I was the only member that the guild ever had. Does anyone know what happens to a guild when the last member leaves? Is there any way to re-join it?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I took axe since I dual wield axes on my warrior a fair bit and I thought that skin was way nicer than what I had. I really liked the shield and long bow though. If I could buy a 2nd just for the sake of having it I’d choose one of those…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I’ve gotten 1 ascended ring in about 500 total ranks across all characters, but it was useless to me. I get rares in rank chests fairly often, have gotten 2 or 3 exotics, but have never seen a precursor in any form of gameplay dating back to game launch.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
When you enter EOTM, you’re assigned to one of three servers depending on your colour. That means you’ll be paired up with all the people in other matches that are “Red” that week for example.
This means that there won’t ever really be a population issue since you’ll be playing with and against people from all the other servers in your region (EU can’t fight NA).
I hope every much that this concept extends to the borderlands at some point in the near future, or evolves into some other form of matchmaking that doesn’t rely on home server. Sounds like it’s the core mechanic needed to make that happen.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
If that is the case than either that server or your server is in the wrong tier. And if you are talking about Dragonbrand (and I know you are) than you should be able to roflstomp them in all other timezones except for Oceanic.
If they can beat you 3 out of 4 timezones than once again either you or them are in the wrong tier.
I wasn’t talking about anyone specific. Dragonbrand, sure, today they fit that bill. But I’ve been playing WvW almost exclusively since this game launched nearly a year and a half ago. In that time the story is always the same, the faces just change. It was Maguuma, it was Yaks Bend, it was Crystal Desert, it was even us for a few long stretches. You are taking it as a given that because a server is heavy in coverage in one zone then they are automatically light in another. That isn’t always the case, and in the specific example of Dragonbrand that you are putting forward, their coverage is more than adequate to fend off other time zones in their current tier of opponents long enough to secure victory… remember, all they have to do is not be zeroed out on the points board, not dominate.
You are also neglecting to allow for server #3 in the equation who also has varying coverage. To make up for a 4 hour blowout by 1 server, the two other servers need to split that servers points for nearly 4 times as long because neither has the population in any other time zone to match the feat. In some cases – like with DB – one server can hold that advantage for 6-8 hours out of a 24 hour window, meaning that the other two servers are never able to make up the gap because there simply isn’t enough hours in the day.
In the last 12 months I can count the number of compelling matchups where playing for PPT was an option on one hand. Dropping down a tier does us no good because for the servers down there we become the offending coverage heavy server. Raising the abnormal coverage server up does them no good because they can’t match up with the next tier above and the one that comes down has even better coverage than the one they replaced. The system of tiers and server versus server simply does not work for the majority of matches.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
EDIT; Thinking ahead, the warrior have a lot of legitimate complaints about it, this means that it will receive a good portion of nerfs or down-adjustments in the near future. Ranger’s will get buffs, and nerfs, but if even ONE of the hinted changes are coming through, the ranger as a whole will be in a very good place.
Hehe, I said the same thing nearly a year ago. :|
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
When a matchup simply cannot be won because there is a server that can tick 500+ for at least 4 hours of every day while your server has no more than a handful of players running around desperately trying to flip a camp or two to not be completely zeroed out, what is left but to play for fights and bags? What good is strategy? What good is tactics? Other than making a “we’re better than you” video to post in the matchup thread they simply don’t matter. So show up to engage on the battlefield and prove your metal – aka playing for fights bags.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
So, what if you only rallied allies when you stomped someone, rather than cleaving the body? This would be much more difficult to pull off in large-scale fights, but you would have added risk/reward for attempting. Would even-numbered fights still snowball?
I am personally a fan of the rally system as it sets your combat apart from other games… having said that, rallying off of a deer that happened to get caught by a couple of shots during the course of a battle is really lame. In large scale battles rallying off of stuff like that can be a backbreaker. It also makes skill groups fear being tagged along by the dreaded rally bot… heck look at my guild tag. :p
If you took that away and rallied only on spike I think that would make battles tremendously more challenging, and it may give rise to additional “necessary” builds inside the makeup of the general guild group comp. Classes specced to be highly mobile, survive burst damage and get quickness to stomp fast would become an asset. I’m always game for further diversity in play options, and lets face it the medium armor classes could really use something that they are desired for, even if this would only see a small bump to a couple of classes.
It would almost always affect players in small-scale fights as well. I’ve won plenty of 1v2’s in WvW and PvP from downstate, getting that clutch rally at the right moment – but that would go away too.
An excellent counter argument, as killing a downed player while downed and rallying is a hella exciting battle mechanic. So, in the spirit of spitballing… what if the stomp to rally mechanic only triggered when there were orange swords in the vicinity? Make those orange swords give like a 4000 range blanket “rally debuff” to downed players that can only be removed with a stomp?
What if you couldn’t hard rez downed allies? What are the positives and negatives?
I’m personally really on the fence about this. I can’t tell you how many times an epic open field battle has been won by a small group of players knifing off and hard rezzing a couple of players that could turn the tide – a portal/veil Mesmer that went down early who can start moving the group back around the battlefield more unpredictably for example. I would be really sad to see that go. If it absolutely had to though… what about not allowing rez while the rezzer is in combat? That way if you really wanted to keep someone down, you could even engage a stealthed player.
If you coupled that with a way to eject people from captured keeps after some time limit, I think that would satisfy most of the passionate people on the subject, right?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
1) Small to epic scale fights! Variety is the spice of life and I love that you can find it all.
2) WvW ranks and masteries. More please! Camp mastery, dolyak escort mastery, whatever!
3) The huge range of viable and competing builds available to some classes. Lets not nerf the GWEN, but rather re-examine why the others aren’t up to snuff in this game mode and do something about it, k?
1) Coverage wars and server versus server. Let’s get some population balance so that more than 1 matchup out of 8 is actually competitive.
2) PVD / Karma training. Less reward for the easy fights and more for the hard so that we get some real strategy into the general gameplay.
3) Defense/upgrading is not properly rewarded and upgrades themselves need to be more powerful. Lets reward the ones that make the effort, make the merchants automatic and replace the personnel upgrades with stuff that really helps the defenders.
4) (sorry went over) Rewards in WvW in general – especially as it relates to Ascended stuff. With guesting and 4 characters you can make upwards of 600 dragonite a day in PvE. In epic battles in WvW you’d be lucky to make 30. Lets seriously buff the rewards we get based on how hard and how many hours/people some of this stuff is to take.
Also, thanks for actually coming in and communicating with us. Please keep this up.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
(edited by Khayoss.2019)
- - a new class mechanic to replace pets that scales with power creep (ascended, and whatever is next), and doesn’t cripple us with shoddy AI.
- - Completely re-designed utilities that don’t force such deep training to make useful. I’m looking at you signets and shouts… Spirits too, for all their good in PvE they still blow chunks in WvW even when traited.
That’s all. Basically a complete class re-design in a way that is both effective and makes sense. Am I asking too much?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Good read, thanks for your efforts. I do appreciate what you are trying to do, but I remain very pessimistic that you will actually get a response. I actually use to try to drum up attention for this class that I want so badly to love…. I even wrote this over 6 months ago that contains some of the same things you discuss:
I never got a dev response, and while we did get a blast finisher after that post (and several others on the ranger forum), noting else has been touched. I have essentially given up on the class and moved on, but if you can get some traction at overhauling the pet part of this class so that we are not so severely handicapped I would come back to the ranger class and forum in a heartbeat. Keep up the good fight.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
But really, you should really become a poet… or a cult leader or something, very well written posts.
I vote cult leader… the world needs more good cult leaders.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Op claims that it is unfair that some people play when he/she is asleep and that because they worked hard during their day it shouldn’t be taken away. Following your logic and being Australian I think you should be banned from wvw or have your points reduced when I’m asleep because I can’t keep the towers I worked for during my day. However I suspect you’d disagree with that because it doesn’t fit into your incredibly self entitled view of the issue.
I would argue that it’s not a “self entitled” view, and here’s why. Look at this example:
This is our current match, and is representative of every match my server has with any opponent server ranked higher than it is. A matchup is not competitive or fun when the opponent can tick 500-600 uncontested for a significant portion every 24 hour period. There is absolutely no counter to this – other than what we did last week which was straight up accept 3rd place at reset and spend the entire week standing on their throat whenever we had a force online so that the other server could take 1st.
It’s not self entitled to want to have your contributions to be meaningful. The night capper side of this argument is that they feel persecuted by these complaints because it is an attack on their contributions. However their contributions are worth nearly 4x what anyone else’s are worth and they don’t want to lose it. In the end, you care as much about PPT as we do, otherwise you wouldn’t care that we are asking for some kind of mechanism to level the playing field… You WANT to have the 500+ tick 4-6 hour window so that your server insta-wins. That is a lot more self entitled than wanting a solution that creates an even playing field. If you don’t care about PPT, then what difference does it make if your PPT is downshifted when you don’t meet resistance? We’ve been forced not to care about PPT for nearly 1.5 years in this system while your side of the ocean has singlehandedly decided weeklong matchups 4 hours at a time… in the interest of fairness – considering that this is indeed a game with no rewards on the line and not a competitive sport – is it self entitled to ask that everyone who plays has reasonable opportunity to affect the outcome of a match?
Also, the far reaching consequences of this cycle is negatively impacting WvW as a whole. Every week that a server sees the matchup posted on Friday after reset and already knows what the final score is going to look like is one more week of people either giving up and not playing WvW at all, or transferring to a new server higher in the ranks. Its a self perpetuating problem that is driving people away from the game mode, not attracting them to it. Every week since leagues, less and less people show up to play WvW on my server – and universally the reason is because what they do simply does not matter in relation to the nighttime presence of opponents. Every week more people from my friends list show up on other servers where they would actually prefer to deal with high population queues than to simply not matter.
The ones that don’t matter asking to matter in the outcome are not self entitled. The ones telling them to shut up and accept the fact that they never will matter are self entitled.
You claim servers lose 90% of their population during the night, NEWSFLASH, that affects every server. The server your on is affected by this, the server your fighting is affected by this. If your enemy has an oceanic guild which outplays your night crew then that’s is YOUR SERVERS RESPONSIBILITY to rectify it either by:
a) getting your own oceanic guild to counter theirs
b) staying up late yourself
c) performing better during the server day to out do the efforts of the night crew
a) Oceanic guilds do not transfer to servers that don’t already have oceanic guilds. We’ve tried for over a year and had 2 willing to transfer, both of which left after being outmanned by our opponents for a couple of weeks. No one is willing to be “the one” to spearhead the growth.
b) staying up late is an acceptable counter to people from your own time zone staying up late… not a long term solution against servers who have people with daytime during your night time.
c) During the day you are still facing active opposition from TWO sides. You can perform well, but countering a 10k lead would require both other servers working in cooperation at all other times of the day to counter which would then severely punish the players in 19 hours of a 24 hour day for the actions of those in 5 of the 24 hours.
In the end, the final solution may not even be in this thread… but something does have to change because the way it is simply does not work for the greater number of players. We need an overall structural change to how scoring works or how matchups are made.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
because in reality, the most reliable (flurry) and the greatest source, is dependent on a 3rd mechanic, adrenaline, which recharges on attacks. Unfortunately, the recharge rate will prolong your casts by a few seconds. Within that timeframe, you will most likely loose 40% of the flurry immob. putting you down to ranger levels by far.
Unfortunately, even a warrior without adrenaline building traits fighting in a crowd builds more than enough adrenaline to be waiting on the cooldown of the skill rather than waiting on the adrenaline to build. Adrenaline specced warriors can safely use the F1 on both of their weapon sets as often as they swap weapons.
And once again, my point stands firm. Because the warrior Immob is SINGLE TARGET. While all but the Spider pet’s immob is AOE.
And when discussing something, AOE effect > single target effect. This is why people prefer an elementalist over an ranger. Because both is ranged but Ele has more hard hitting AOE skills then ranger. making it more capable against many enemies at once.
That’s true. But again, we go back to the fact that to get there on that full immob spec you posted the ranger has sacrificed tremendously in order to make a contribution while others are doing it in standard viable builds.
Having said all that, what they can offer is not negligible, you can make a case for having a ranger running an AoE immob build and hunting the outskirts with the assassin party for downed/fleeing. But even then, your skill group now has a defined spot for a single Ranger filling one highly specialized role. Beyond that person, and possibly a 2nd if you have a large enough force to be running multiple assassin parties, the group is going to be better served by ranger 2 instead bringing a high damage ranged class, or another front line specialist that can get into the middle of it and punch people in the face.
Your next argument will be “pets are unreliable”. And that is 100% true, if you do not micromanage them properly.
And yes, i agree with the above. LB4 spam is annoying as hell.
Even when micromanaged, they still aren’t great… ANet could fix them VERY easily, they have the power, but they haven’t in 1.5 years so there’s little hope of that ever happening.
1) If a Mesmer casts moa morph on ranger pet, suddenly the pet has no problems hitting moving targets. Why? Moa morph animation adds some kind of leap at the end of the pets standard attacks that overcomes the pet handicap.
2) Vet worm mobs have the ability to turn and track moving targets between casting time and throwing their stones. Unless you have movement speed buffs or actively dodge the attack, their projectile WILL hit you. Yet ranger pets are restricted to the moa/drake AI that takes stock of target location at the beginning of cast and then casts/channels to that location only regardless of movement between the time they first decided to cast, cast time, and then execution of ability.
3) Pets use to be able to get up onto walls and attack things that could be targeted- just like Mesmer clones. But apparently that isn’t fair to things on walls, so even birds are now restricted to a 5 foot ceiling. Ranged pets are also restricted with a range/arc that prevents them from being able to attack up a wall and in most cases down a wall, making them 100% ineffective in any siege situation regardless of which side of the wall they are on.
It’s a sad state of affairs that the class is in.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
can you play without stealth?
i thought so…
Sorry, do you think I’m a thief?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Age: 2010 hours
Deaths: 1024
Kills: 21,482
Achievements: 6454
Other: All crafts maxed (500/400), 100% map completion, 2 sets ascended armor, 8 ascended weapons, 0 legendary.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Would that be a nice idea?
No, it wouldn’t. My ranger brothers, seriously… quit kitten ing around and learn how to handle thieves properly.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Honestly, reading through most of the replies, i get the feeling that most of you, have made a ranger, got it up to level 80, and didn’t keep playing. Most likely for various reasons, but honestly, i think the denominator here is that people just didn’t bother to explore the profession, and just decided on their own that since zerker/PVT =/= faceroll in WvW, it is not worth it.
And most of you, probably played a ranger, long before the most recent buffs (Shout grants swiftness + regen, spirits unbound moved down a tier, longbow damage increased)
You may be right about that for many people, considering ANet claimed at one point that the Ranger is the most played class. However exploring the class and getting to know its intricacies still doesn’t overcome its shortfalls. It is a poorly designed class at its core that focuses too much attention on synergizing with what is quite literally the worst AI controlled pet system of any MMO in the last 15+ years, and not enough attention on synergizing with the player controlled characters around them that they are playing with. It is, by design, a selfish profession – which does not mesh well with large group play.
Don’t get me wrong, I find ways to enjoy my ranger. I mained the class for over a year, I have 1500+ hours played, I have a bank that is bursting with nearly every gear set you can equip from the rounds of theorycrafting and experimentation. I even had a full set of ascended armor made for my ranger because I still use it with my guild in WvW raiding when we have enough frontline players to allow me to alt it up. But none of this changes the fact that it is simply not designed in a way that allows it to have a meaningful contribution in group+ WvW play.
Your statement about the shout build illustrates well my comment about being too heavily reliant on traits to make skills effective. ANets brilliant idea on how to make rangers more group friendly and buff useless skills was: Spend 30 points into NM to provide perma swiftness/regen, PLUS you then have to waste a skill slot on guard, which without those 30 points is a completely useless skill. And now you’ve spent 30 points and used a utility slot to provide 2 buffs to your group that they can easily get in abundance from other professions that have spent 0 points and equipped a weapon or skill that they would have equipped anyways in their normal role in the encounter.
The Ranger class should either be a beastmaster, or an archer, it shouldn’t try to be both. And all of those slots the beastmaster wastes on archery skill trees should be geared towards making their pet more group friendly and player interactive, while all the archers slots wasted on pet management should be pointed towards that same goal… It’s a class with an identity crisis that tries to do too many things, and ends up doing none of them effectively.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Ranger is a class suffering from an identity crisis. Originally there was no Ranger class. There was a beastmaster and an archer. Then ANet couldn’t find enough stuff to round out two separate classes, so they merged them together into what we see as the Ranger today. Great idea in concept, but terrible in practice. So many of the rangers abilities require heavy training to get meaningful use from, and the fact that they actually are, at their core, supposed to be an archer class and manage to be so ineffective at this raned combat role speaks volumes to how poorly the class itself is put together.
Long fire and water fields are not any more useful than short ones because any group that stands in place for 10 seconds healing is going to get crushed by the group they are fighting. Water fields available from the backline for 2-3 seconds are just as useful and available more often… Which is a better key to staying alive. Also, those 2-3 other classes doing the job of the ranger are all filling those requirements as sidebars to their own meaningful contributions to the battlefield, not as their main role.
Also, WvW medium + scale encounters demand AoE damage for most effective performance, and that is something the ranger just isn’t good at. As a member of an outlying assassination group to support the main force by quick killing the downed/low/fleeing along with their thief brethren they can be effective and contribute immob at range to the main force, but that’s really their defining role in this play type, and honestly a thief will do the job faster.
Condi cleansing and stability is a major sore spot for the class as a whole, and yet those are the two most vital defensive tools for medium + battle situations. They rely too heavily on others to keep them standing.
Tack onto all those problems the fact that they sacrifice so much of their damage AND utility to a pet that only hits single targets, has no concept of group fighting, can’t dodge or avoid AoE, misses moving targets and cannot stop what it is doing to obey the commands of its master and you have a hobbled class fighting for relevance in this game mode.
Can it be fun to play? Sure, especially to solo and small group,roamers. But is it effective in larger scale conflicts? Sadly, no.
Apologies for spelling or grammar errors, this was tapped out on my phone.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
What would be great is if ANet had in game game-masters that would respond in person and in an expedient manner when something is reported. Their ability to witness what is happening, reverse it, and take immediate action against the offender would solve all kinds of cheating… One GM policing 3 or 4 matchups would probably be sufficient to respond to all kinds of hacking, cheating, exploiting and trolling complaints. The tools they would need to respond and un-do what is done though would probably be quite a bit of work on the development side…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Posting exploits on the forums is against the code of conduct, as is character assassination. Read this, it’s what you agree to when you come to post on these forums:
Report this kind of stuff inside the game and escalate using the support channels, as the rules state. Do not post videos/screenshots/accusations on matchup forums or the WvW discussion forum. It’s that simple. The fact that people keep doing what you just did here despite being told not to over and over and over and over and over and over is part of why the matchup forum is being closed.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
You certainly realize that your play time and the fact that you have 3 accounts is anything but commonplace. Hoping for drops of several materials needed, like Dragonite or Ectos, purely by WvW is also entirely unrealistic on any humane timescale.
Having 3 accounts is abnormal, yes, but doesn’t make me some crazy hardcore multiboxer. I have 2 family members that stopped playing GW2 nearly 9 months ago. When ascended armor came out I used their accounts to accelerate getting the time constrained items. Leveling armorsmith from 400-500 on those 2 extra accounts was cheap and easy, and still has nothing to do with the availability of silk scraps in WvW or my playtime.
I’m rank 290 or so on my highest of 4 characters, and rank 7 on my lowest. I’m by no means a casual player, but I’m not on 24-7 grinding either. What seems to have some people irked is the fact that I started actively saving all T2-6 mats I could get my hands on in preparation of ascended armor back in September – the second ascended weapons were first launched and gave us a clue of what was coming. Then when it came around time to launch ascended I had all my bases covered and then some. Somehow that makes me a bad guy for telling people that their complaints about WvWers being expected to spend astronomical amounts of gold on the TP unfounded.
It’s really, really simple. Salvage your loot, open your bags, bank every crafting component you get. In a month or two you’ll have ascended armor. It’s not complicated or unfair.
Dragonite is a whole other topic. WvW gets shafted in this department. The fact that I can get 600 dragonite in a day of PvE stuff versus maybe 40 in a great day in WvW is a colossal joke. But I only discovered that about 2 weeks ago when I wanted a 2nd set of ascended, and that’s not what this thread is about.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
So, you have enough money to get a second account, get that account up to level 500 in an ascended armor craft, and then claim you’re not rich? Please. And you’d have to have more than 2 account to have 2 full sets. So you have at least 3 accounts. Tell me you’re not rich. PLEASE.
This is still completely off topic and I really don’t understand why you are attacking me about it, but yes I have 3 accounts and no I’m not rich. I currently have about 60 gold. I have had all crafts at level 400 for over a year, when they bumped the cap to 500 it was an easy and cheap jump to go to 500 because I barely had to buy anything. Armorsmith cost around 5 gold and some karma and 20 minutes of my afternoon. The other two accounts are of no consequence to this discussion because you are trying to make it about the speed at which I acquired the components, whereas this thread is about the availability of the materials required to craft the ascended components. And on that subject I stand by my claim that you get everything you need by salvaging your loot. No one is forced to spend hundreds of gold buying anything. They CAN do that to fast track the process if they didn’t plan ahead and are desperate to have ascended armor for whatever reason… But in no way are they being forced into it by the lack of access to what is needed in WvW.
The stat differences are negligible, and having it isn’t making anyone a better player. If anyone wants ascended armor, salvage, save your mats and get it when you get it.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
You knew it was coming? So you just by chance thought i will stack on mass silk,cotton,linen and what other else is needed. Just by chance?
They announced that we would be getting ascended armor a long time before it was patched in. Ascended weapons gave us the blueprint for what we would need for armor, and the armor itself follows the pattern of crafting armor at levels below it, there is no chance about it… It was planned out on purpose based on information that was readily available. What exactly is bullkitten about that? I’m far from the only one who planned ahead. Do you not read the dev preview articles they post? Did ascended armor actually surprise you when it showed up in the patch notes?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Where’d you get the bolts of damask? Thin air? I’ve been crafting mine every day since ascended armor came out, and I don’t even have one full set. So don’t tell me you aren’t buying bolts from the TP.
More than one account = more than one bolt per day. But that’s irrelevant… this thread, and your initial comment, was directed at the fact that the crafting materials (silk specifically) isn’t readily available in WvW, and that we were being forced to buy them from the TP in order to make ascended armor. I dispute this notion because everything I used to get my first 2 weapons and almost my entire first suit of armor came exclusively from WvW, and I had it all before they launched ascended armor because I knew it was coming. If anyone else wanted ascended armor that badly they could have done the same thing… I have so much silk and mithril I had to start a bank guild to hold onto it. It is very abundant in WvW if you just salvage your loot.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
(edited by Khayoss.2019)
Why do you have to buy the scraps? Salvage your loot for goodness sake. I’ve got 2 sets of ascended armor already and I don’t exactly have a ton of cash… You get everything you need by salvaging.
No you don’t.
I have leveled 4 crafts to 500, crafted several weapons and now 2 sets of armor. I’d love for you to tell me what I’ve had to buy from the TP.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Why do you have to buy the scraps? Salvage your loot for goodness sake. I’ve got 2 sets of ascended armor already and I don’t exactly have a ton of cash… You get everything you need by salvaging.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Interesting… thank you. I hardly ever go out and actually do gathering, I usually just salvage all my loot for crafting. This must happen to be the first time I’ve ever done it with such a trait equipped.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Today I went out on one of my very infrequent gathering runs to restock on some items and I encountered something odd. Using mitril mining picks on platinum ore nodes in Sparkfly Fen I am getting “Chunks of Ruined Ore”. This usually happens when you use lower grade mining materials than the node being mined, however today this is happening still while using higher grade items than the node being mined and I’m wondering what’s up? It happened 5 or 6 times out of my first 100 attempts, so initially I didn’t really take note. But just now it actually happened twice in a row on 2 nodes, one giving me 1 platinum ore and 2 ruined chunks, while the other gave me only 3 ruined chunks.
What gives? Were the critical failure numbers adjusted and I’m just extremely unlucky? Or is this a bug that was introduced with a recent patch? I don’t ever remember this happening before…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
You can level quite quickly to 30-40 in PvE, most people have one of those insta-lvl20 items in the bank to start with, and then knocking off the starting areas will get you to 40 in a couple days.
Using guides from gw2crafts or another website is the best way to go on the crafting route. Each craft will give you roughly 10 levels of XP. Using a crafting booster and ensuring you have all the materials you need in advance you can do a craft from 0-400/500 in roughly 30 minutes. Since there are 8 professions you could technically go from 1-80 in less than 4 hours… gold/materials are the prohibiting factor to that plan. I personally leveled my guardian from 30-80 in just over 2 hours crafting, but I had almost all the materials I needed already and it cost very little.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
this has nothing to do with reports of exploits/bugs/hacks but rather the rampant accusations
Euh… no… people get infracted when they post a screenshot of someone from the other server exploiting. Even when ’ people post it, they all 4 get infracted; this has nothing to do with ‘OMG this-or-that server hacked’. I even remember posting ‘this person clearly hacked into the keep, but your server was so correct not to take the portal in’.
But… I can not tell you how incredible annoying it is to WWW, see someone cheat into a keep, sent in a screenshot and then get infracted YOURSELF.
Especially if the same cheater has been doing THE EXACT SAME THING for months.
But this is anet answer: shut down the forum. <deep, deep sigh>
You are getting infracted for breaking the forum regulations which explicitly tell you to refrain from posting screenshots of exploits.
•Take any action, upload, post, email, link to, or otherwise transmit any content as determined by ArenaNet in its sole discretion that contains any cheats, hacks, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information. If you would like to legitimately report such material, please contact our Customer Support Team;
•Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice. In-game violations should be reported directly to our Support Team. If you believe that using the support system did not result in a sufficient or timely response, you may post your concern in the Support section of the forums.
You don’t get infracted for using the proper channels. It’s really that simple. Do it once and get infracted, honest mistake… beyond that, you are just looking for trouble and posting it in a matchup thread is doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem. This heard headed attitude of continuing to do something that you KNOW is going to cause problems is exactly the reason that this forum has to be shut down.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the warrior’s land speed… as Have No Faith In Me astutely pointed out, land speed does not in any way shape or form equate to combat mobility. As a warrior, if I want to cover distance fast, I do the S/W + GS combo. When I run into a class that manages to stop me using this though, there’s literally no way to fight my way out of the situation because I’m a one trick pony. GS damage can be mitigated by taking one step sideways or backwards, sword is terrible and warhorn doesn’t do damage.
Also, thieves calling out a warrior for resetting a fight? Pot, meet kettle… you guys are absolutely the WORST for this. It’s the dumbest mechanic in the history of the internet.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Because their negative contribution might be from the following:
- New to WvW
- Trying out a new build
- Lag issues
- Temporarily pre-occupied by RL stuff
Someone else guild skill group / raid isn’t exactly the time or place for the first two to be showing up uninvited. The other two are easily forgiven and even protected by being in TS. If not it will probably be assumed that you are kitten ing around.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
@CEDWYN – this wouldn’t be such a problem if a player were asked to pick a primary WvW guild off of their list and then have that guilds leader sign up the whole guild to a team. Taking that one step further, allowing guilds to form alliances and appoint council leaders would then allow a few to sign up potentially thousands of players who want to be together in one quick action.
I’ve put this similar idea forward in the past. WvW should be decoupled from server choice if we are ever going to have any sort of even and competitive matches. Making some kind of Alliance vs Alliance system with a default match tied to home server for new to WvW players or guildless ones who aren’t sure where to go would be the best way to go I believe…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
They could add a mastery that would cost very little and didn’t stack with more people. If you are in the area of the doly it would get swiftness, regen, and even armor buffs. If you had 4 or 5 into the mastery chain it would be impossible to kill the doly without killing the player. Only real way to make escorting dolys worth the time and effort. People can’t be able to kill the yak in 3 seconds.
That is a really great idea. I would spend my points on that. Camp defender mastery line too!
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I actually agree, as the one soloing the camps, that they should be harder to take. I can solo a couple of them – depending on configuration, in about 40 seconds. With the 30 second lead time for white swords, that leaves no time to respond if you aren’t already there. Defend? Sure, you should. But you aren’t rewarded for defense of camps, so only people like me who don’t care do it. It is just too easy though. It should be harder. If you need a small group to take an undefended camp then you are doing it wrong.
More depressingly for me though is the dolyaks themselves. Quite often I run them to our keeps and stealth thieves or regen rangers will run in solo and snipe down the doly and there’s really nothing I or the guards could do about it. You would need a 2)3 man team to protect them at minimum, and ANet has made it very difficult to get support for that activity by not rewarding doing it. Dolys and their escorts desperately need more upgrades to help balance against the classes that migrate towards that activity.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
The difference in stats is literally 1 point per stat per piece. It’s not game breaking and no one that doesn’t want to go after it will be held back by sticking with exotics. Plus, as a full time WvW player I disagree with the notion that you have to do PvE to acquire ascended armor. I am wearing full ascended as of tomorrow’s timer reset for crafted ascended mats and I rarely, if ever, set foot outside of WvW. Crafting to 500 takes less than an hour with a good guide and a booster, and if you salvage all your loot (and bank it instead of selling it) you shouldn’t even have to spend more than a few gold to do it.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Epic battle in DB’s Lowlands to finish the night out for Void. Great job holding guys.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Thank you! you are a life saver.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I crafted 2 pieces of ascended gear for one character using another character on my account. I also added runes to the items before banking them to pass to the character I intended to use them on – an action that I didn’t realize was going to soulbind the two items to the character that created them. Now I’m unable to withdraw the items to use on the character I wanted to use them with. Am I screwed? Is there any way to undo this?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Well, I suppose mission accomplished?
Thank you! Honestly, my drunken rages on day one feel so much more assuaged! Its all down hill from here I suppose.
Maybe you can stop running me over in my golems now then…. :p I’m on pain meds from my surgery that make it so that I pretty much can’t fall asleep, but I can barely stay awake at the same time. I got nothing else to do and you guys are making this evening very expensive for me.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Well, I suppose mission accomplished?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Why do you also need to make money in order to craft? If you have the materials from salvaging and drops, the only other thing you need is karma for exotic recipes. Money only comes into play if you are trying to speed level a craft and you do not have the needed materials.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I just wish it wasn’t such an expensive kitten-ache getting up to 500 in a crafting discipline. Orichalcum and Ancient wood is in such a tiny supply in WvW and it’s not as if WvW can truly provide you with the adequate funds to buy those T6 materials in an appropriate time frame. Give us a separate WvW daily section with some T6 rewards for completion or something, just anything to lighten that PvE burden for us WvWers.
you know you can salvage any items that drop for crafting materials, right? Including T6 mats.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
What do you guys do with your loot that makes this seem so unattainable? All I do is WvW. I salvage everything that hits my inventory and I only farm nodes to complete dailies if I’m in a hurry. Today, with the help of a crafting booster, I leveled armorsmith from 400-500 in under 15 minutes and for under 5 gold (plus some karma for the exotic recipes) as I already had all the materials needed.
Next step is to craft ascended armor, and I already have banked everything needed for a full set except for the new cloth mat on the 24hr cool down. That will take 23 more days, or a drastic price drop to complete all 6 pieces. The point of this post is not to show off or brag… Rather, it is simply to point out that everything was acquired only in WvW, and 15 minutes of crafting can hardly be considered a grind. Ascended armor is dead easy to get and I really don’t understand what the big deal is. Dragonite takes some time to get, sure, but if you are in such a hurry then bite the bullet and kill a couple of dragons. Otherwise craft the stuff on the 24hr cool down and gather it slowly along the way. WvW really does not preclude you from stockpiling crafting materials and making this new stuff…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Finally BP is not fighting against Ehmry Bend this week…. Ebay, keep trying making an alliance with CD you might get a chance in winning.
Last Friday called, it wants its joke back.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Well, my personal excuse for reduced playtime this week is that I will be having knee surgery on Monday morning. I plan on playing -albeit less – throughout the week anyway, but will be in pain and heavily medicated… So when you see a Void warrior or ranger randomly run off cliffs, fear not… I probably just passed out on my keyboard. Hopefully this excuse is isolated to myself only as that would be a truly sad story if this is something that affects all servers in the same week.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
I don’t think there’s anything you can do, unless you are also recruiting those people into a guild that makes TS mandatory. Best bet is to assign 1 or 2 assistants to relay everything important into /t chant and relay what is said there back to you so that you don’t miss it. Active fighting of GW2 doesn’t lend itself to typing and fighting, really… But the stubborn ones or very casual gamers will never be convinced or care enough for it to make a difference.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
8. I spend some time in EBG, but the overlap of the toxic events made it harder to flip mercs than in the past, and with just the 3 left now that we have ruins it was just too much out of my way to do it. If we had no toxic events it would have been a lot easier, but half the time you go into a camp almost all the mobs are already dead. The 8 I got involved standing around waiting for a few mobs to respawn over and over…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]