You can if you fiddle around with Xpadder / joy to key etc. There’s a guy on youtube that post videos of him playing with a steam controller.
These changes scream “Buy our expansion or stay in the dust” even m,ore than HoT.
I can already see all the pet nerfs we will get.
Forget no 4K support no crossfire or SLI support.
No Vulkan API and multi core support in 2017 is worst. Both would help performances by a large marging and developing for Vulkan is quite easy, too. It took ID Software two months to port DOOM to Vulkan. And vulkan, unlike Directx13, work on older GPUs and Windows.
People wanted cloths and leathers harvest nodes for years, yet Anet never delivered.
I cannot wait if the April patch will change anything. The game as it is right now is atrocious for pvers that are not raiders.
Druid bored me to tears so much that i stopped playing the game, after the fact was clear that rangers cannot get nice things, aka getting nerfed 5-6 times after HoT release.
I took cleric then changed it into zealot’s thanks to the stats swapping ascended recipe.
meanwhile, druids got nothing new, and ranger weapons are still all over the place.
Nice changes for ranger, but no changes at all for druid?
You make it sound like i need a mount when i have 100% upkeep 33% faster running on my druid. Also, you can always restrict gliders in jumping puzzle areas.
Replaying Fallout New Vegas with TTW, since Fallout 4 was a disappointment and needs heavy modding via the G.E.C.K (released in January). Or cuting elder wood logs until my eyes bleed out.
I find it so funny that conquest is so cancerous that everyone is moving to stronghold to actually play pvp.
Stronghold was fun until people started realizing it was easy to climb divisions by running tempest cheese and facerolling.
Is that even a new thing? Be tempest or be dagger / dagger, they always end up face rolling.
I find it so funny that conquest is so cancerous that everyone is moving to stronghold to actually play pvp.
The biggest mistake is Anet not separating premade from solo queuers.
No energy which lead to skill spam is one of the reason why we are there now.
The tiger is now the best kitten for dps. Tiger > Stalker = Panther > Lynx > Snow Leopard. There are no reasons to not use a tiger in pve. In pvp, smokescale is still very good, despite getting hit by the nerf bat three times.
I always find it funny that Anet nerfed the druid / it’s new pets to the ground in less time than saying Lord Jebus, and yet, literal gods (Bunker Chronomancers, Revenants in general) are walking around untouched. And then there are berserkers / warriors in general. They are in a very bad state right now, it makes you want to bring them behind the barn with mister shotgun to end their suffering.
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I am concentrating on getting the masteries needed for Yggdrasil.
Funny how the only class that got nerfed in 8 of the 10 updates since the start of HoT was the druid. Dragonhunter and revenants having a field day.
I find it funny that Ranger got nerfed 8 times on the last 10 updates since HoT release and all other are getting free passes until the end of the PVP season.
Anet needs to learn that you balance BEFORE a pvp season, not after.
Anet is so funny. Instead of balancing their classes before a league, they are balancing them after it.
Colin posted on Reddit earlier that Anet did intend for the HoT release to be the balancing prior to the league.
It just didn’t work out for us because they changed so many things post-HoT release that we really wanted a further balancing.
I’m OK with waiting but I really want them to have a look into AF system. Something not so unforgiving but keeps with their intended function, like allowing us to go into CA form(after it’s 10sec CD) with whatever AF bar we have and then place a multiplier to determine how effective the healing will be depending on the amount of AF bar we had when we went in the CA form. Of course the system will have to remember the static multiplier because the AF bar will be degenerating until we go out of the CA form. Or something like that.
Most professions needed at least one more BWE. One BWE for acrobats and druid was not enough.
(edited by Lévis.5489)
Anet is so funny. Instead of balancing their classes before a league, they are balancing them after it.
I use a mix of ascended zealot armor + ascended cleric trinkets (ascended zerker’s trinkets when doing general pve)
I made a dozen ascended weapons by mining and cutting wood all by myself. It can be done for a legendary, too, it you do not want to throw 1,500g at the trading post. See it as a long term goal.
A step back? More like we moved forward one step, then backward 100 steps.
In pve, it was fun to hide behind the bristleback and spam auto attacks with Lingering Light. Too bad LL got nerfed into oblivion.
If you take beastmastery, Smoke Assault is now on a 16 seconds recharge, knock down is on a 16 seconds recharge and F2 give the very useful smoke field. It’s a very solid pet.
Getting bladed armor chest is impossible now, since you need T4 reward during the night defenses and all the Verdant Brink night maps i ever see have all, but one or two outposts taken by Mordrems and rarely reach lvl 2 reward.
*Change shortbow to what it was at release of the game
*Crossfire no longer require flanking to apply bleeding
Best place for exp and loot while doing events is still Cursed Shore and it’s events that can give up to 50-60k exp. Too bad it gives Tyria points.
(edited by Lévis.5489)
You get Resonating Fragments from guild missions.
By checking the Steam survey, there are:
Windows 7 64 bit 37.48%
Windows 10 64 bit 23.99%
Windows 8.1 64 bit18.62%
Windows 8 64 bit 2.41%
82% of the players on Steam have a 64 bit OS. And yet we are stuck with a decade old 32 bit, directx 9 Engine.
I am getting a lot of sprockets out of salvage in HoT lately. It seems to be helping a lot.
Ranger traps give good condition damage, but they are in dire need of secondary utilities linked to them.
Viper’s stats seems to be very good on berserker warriors.
I am using Ascended Zealot’s with an ascended Cleric Amulet (swapping to ascended Berserker’s amulet if in need for more dps) and Ascended Berserker’s trinket. My staff is ascended Zealot’s and my longbow is ascended berserker’s. I can dish out damage while having around 1100 healing power with food and maxed life sigil.
(edited by Lévis.5489)
Pet Ai is linked with PVE mob AI. A dev said years ago that changing something for ranger pets would open a whole can of wurms.
It can pull that off, have one of the best dps out of all the pets, but the bad thing about it is that it’s F2 is that it cannot hit anyone that’s not at the same height than the pet. So, if you try to hit someone in a flight of stairs, you won’t hit them.
Anet will never do it.Pet and minions AI is using the same AI file than PVE mobs. And Anet said a long time ago that if they want to change anything for pets, that would break their code.
I wonder how many people would cry about if it was still around.
That’s not a good comparison. You can’t compare an elite skill from gw1 that you had to cast to traits like LL or Blinding Ashes that are passive procs.
It’s also cast very quickly and blind was way more potent in GW 1. All good GvG teams had a Blinding Surge ele or melee train spikes was murdering their target. It’s a lot harder to break a spike with passive procs.
(edited by Lévis.5489)
I wonder how many people would cry about if it was still around.
They could pull a blinding surge (funny, here’s the PVP version with it’s 3 seconds recharge but no, they went the Smiter’s Boon way.
It can cost you around 430g, or a lot less if you plan to farm the materials yourself.
it’s pretty interesting.
every time when a random noob create a topic about a sepcific ranger nerf in the pvp section.
it takes around 1-2 days and you can see exatly this nerfs in the patch description.1 pet qq on pvp section => hard pet dmg nerf and hard pet range nerf (bm ranger)
1 sprit ranger qq on pvp section => some days later first spirit nerfs, followed by more
1 smokescale qq on pvp secition => 2 day later smokescale hard nerf
1 lingering light qq on pvp section => lingering light hard nerfetc etc. there is for sure more.
every time ranger gets good in pvp they nerf it verry fast down.of course anet don’t want to get ranger players viable in pvp.
in the same time it hurts ranger for pve aswell, but maybe they don’t want rangers to get viable anywhere.but this thief/mesmer combo and celestial ele cheese can faceroll for one year.
Do not forget:
BWE 1: Greatsword doing damage => 50% damage nerf to the auto attack
Shortbow being the best ranger weapon => Attack speed nerf + ranger nerf
Quickness too good on ranger => quickness goes from 100% to 50%
Poor druid. Getting nerfs after nerfs after each updates since October 23th. Time to nerf them again for having viable heals.
They removed it because the summoned pets trigger dragon hunter traps
You or your pet have to damage the dazed foe for ancient seeds to proc. Hilt Bash, point blank shot and Glyph of the Tides proc it since all of them do the require damage at the same time than the cc.
(edited by Lévis.5489)