Showing Posts For Maketso.5602:

How's Warrior for PvP & WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Depends what you’re into bud. If you run with the zerg then Hammer & S/WH shout build is the way to go imho. You provide good damage to the melee train, good support with heals and condi cleanse and you have great survivability. have a lot of up to date builds on there. Check it out

Ehh…. what heals? You mean the nerfed shout warrior heals? They are not worth taking at all. The heal is half what it was. Get out of shouts as fast as you can, because they also nerfed the warhorn capabilities along with it. So removing conditions with shouts + warhorn is also destroyed. Survivability for warrior is pretty kitten in those regards, you must find another build. Also, they ruined the adrenaline heal so healing signet is the only viable option anymore imo.

Help choosing a Race...

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I would go for the Sylvari, looks better imo.

Warrior it is!...or is it?

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


After playing 6 professions – the MOST fun have been Necromancer/Warrior/Engineer.
Now, if your thinking of playing WvW (big group fighting) you should strive for Warrior, Guardian, Necromancer, Mesmer, and Elementalist.
Spvp which is smaller fights, I do not have alot of experience. Its always up to you.

Armor in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Honestly, my threshpoint is roughly 3300. But I know someone else will have the diminishing returns number that once you hit a certain defense number, increasing it is not worth it at all. I sit around 3350 and do great.

Main-Hand Sigil [WvW]

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Mostly groups, hardly solo. We are talking hard heavy gvg or zerg vs zerg fights. Thanks for the input guys. Will try them out!

Main-Hand Sigil [WvW]

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


What is the best sigil for a sword in WvW? (This is after you have maxed your 25 stacks from your stacking weapon)

Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Mesmers have been nerfed pretty constantly,



in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


As if the profession ever deserved the compensation considering it’s meta status for the last 3 months.

Are you forgetting about considering the classes status since before this new ‘’stun meta’’? No, you did not. So dont complain about the under-dog class that got a boost.

Wish wvw was more like.

in WvW

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Lets be real, they say they cannot do any of our requests, yet they cannot even add new WvW maps after what, 1 year into game release? fail.

Healing Signet Outhealing 2 WvW cannons

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


If I had the power to ban one person from the forums and sacrifice my ability to post in the process, it would be Excalibur.9748. And I would do it in a heartbeat.

That’s cute. All I see in your post history is you trying to get thieves nerfed. Now that someone is doing the exactly same thing you’ve been doing you call foul. How ironic.

Go back to your thief forums where you can brag about highest burst or something. You claimed this signet is most OP heal in game, okay, why dont you roll a necromancer and use the blood fiend on a half-healing build? It is on par if not better per/s health regen, as Dae has said. Secondly, if you burst a Warrior with it – their done. If you wish for Thieves to have stealth, their regen ability, AND be on par with open-field fighting of a Warrior then you should quit.

Healing Signet bug.

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Healing signet doesn’t scale that well with healing power, I doubt it hits 500hps from 392hps. Also doubt a shaman warrior can reach 850hps (with regen/adrenal health, etc) with 3500 armour and even if he does, he’s only gimping himself because he’ll do little to no-damage.

Overall, it’s not a bug. It was intended and this is clearly a L2P issue.

You can.

If for some reason you’re running 30 in defense (for healing power) as well as 30 in tactics for healing banners, you’d have 944 healing power with shaman gear.

The healing per second works out to

392+47.2 — healing signet
130+118 — regen boon
120+47.2 — adrenaline heal
854.4 total

At which point you’re never using adrenaline to keep the passive adrenaline regeneration, and carrying around a banner everywhere. Your offense is being supported solely by a paltry 900 condition damage and whatever you spend your other 10 trait points on. So you basically give up all burst healing, and have terrible offense in return for a lot of regeneration and nothing else.

Someone please stop this build before it gets out of hand. e_e

Uh…..Adrenal heal is per 3 seconds?

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


So Heizero’s build is not, ‘’fair and square’‘? He uses the tricks given to him by his class, just because you dont simply means your loosing at your own hand. We all know that Thief mobility is stupidly high and ya it gets complained about, not much we can do about it really. If your loosing to a warrior with healing signet, its your lost cause. Running with it is like waiting for a piece of corn to pop. Any burst will blow a hole in the warrior so big his ’’active’’ heal wont move the HP bar enough to run away 5 steps.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

You need to leave the Warrior forums and play one, bud. HIGHEST SUSTAIN, LOL? They are on the low-end of sustain, aside from the NEW healing signet. Which is still easy to pass if you burst a warrior, their done because the active heal is absolute garbage. As per damage, alot of classes can out-damage a warrior. Why? because if you want to survive as a warrior you NEED to build tanky, thus loosing damage posiblities BECAUSE WE LACK SUSTAIN. Where is it? Hmmm, a Healing signet which is only useful in a few situations, Adrenal Health which is a crap every 3 second regen? Cant think of many more.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Warriors are overtuned for 1v1; they need to be brought down a notch or two, if they can do fine vs 2 or even 3 people.

It’s the combination of stun, mobility, and sustain that makes them a problem. Nerf either 1 of those 3 significantly or all 3 slightly and warrior will be balanced again.

Please stop talking out of your behind. You should probably stop posting on the forums and start learning how to play.

Warrior is balanced.

Warrior is not balanced, it’s not normal to be an offensive powerhouse when you have the mobility that you do. Either 1 needs to be nerfed, and i expect it to happen in the next patch.

As for you, the only ’’sustained’’ warriors are those using the FINALLY buffed Healing Signet, which is hardly OP considering Warriors are not hard at all to kill, and finally have a way of staying alive for once instead of just being slowly bursted? Go complain to every other class about how they have sustaining abilities if your gonna say Warrior is OP for 1v1. If they were, Sir, why are they so low on the sPvp list? Play a kitten Warrior long enough to realize that

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Let me start by saying i have 5 lvl 80s, a warrior included and over 8.5k achi points so i have been around.

During all my time in WvW and sPVP i have yet to see a more overpowered build than this.

Skull crack with sigil of paralysis gives 3.75 sec stun which can be followed by a 100b which has a total channel time of 3.30 sec. This usually results in death unless you use a stunbreaker. Thats nice and all except for the fact this combo can be repeated EVERY 7.5 SECONDS due to burst mastery. IN addition, due to fast hands weapon swap = 5 sec cooldown as well as gives adren.

Let me repeat it: You can perform a 3.75 sec stun due to skull crack —> 100b EVERY 7.5 Seconds. I am repeating this before some “pro” warrior comes to tell me to bring stun breakers. I have tried to go against this build with various builds on D/D ele, thief, guard and mis each bringing from 1-3 stun breakers and eventually you run out of em, At this point, you die.

Also, you can add in a shield stun which ADDS into stun duration. It can also help to land a skull crack due to the mobility it provides.

Last but not least, HEALING SIGNET IS EXTREMELY OP. 400 Hp/sec in addition to regen based on adrenaline (2nd minor trait in defense line) makes for quite a ridiculous regen which is unconditional and can be further enhanced by regeneration.

Now, have come flocking in here trying to defend your OP build. I will not be replying this thread because i know most of you have been longing for a buff for so long and now that you finally go it, you wanna clench to it, but at least show some objectivity in your responses

The build i am talking about is this:

Might as well make it popular so they “adjust” it sooner than later

Whats to adjust? Warriors were meant to deal damage and kill. They have the least survivability, are are easy as hell to kill. So what if they finally have something half decent going for them? Go post somewhere else

Adding more masteries makes the problem worse

in WvW

Posted by: Maketso.5602


To be honest I can see where he is coming from. This being in a T1 server, its quite easy to gain ranks fighting and killing so much, especially if your on a talented side. I can only guess that lower tier servers do not have as many battles, less people, and thus making it harder to take objectives and kill others for WxP.

T1 WvW Zerg Warriors, what are your stats?

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Health: At least 28,000
Armor: 3150
Attack: 3100
Crit: 12% without oil, 22% with oil
Crit Dmg: 47

T1 Meta is basically you need to tank up to be able to last large field fights, or any zerging. You should be traited defensively by all means.

Love us, nerf us, forget about us

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Anet could take a hint from Blizzard when it comes to balancing classes though.

NO. Blizzard tried to balance the classes so much that each clkitten up pretty much the same. Rouges lost stealth, pally’s lost summons and reduced healing, mages were turned into just dps machines, and ranger pet’s were nerfed so that they were basically worthless.

Why would ANET take a hint from a failing MMO?

While pretty much everything in this post is wrong, I understand this isn’t WoW so I won’t nitpick.

I’ve been playing GW2 for about 3 weeks – I rolled a Thief main and I absolutely love it. I feel like ANet did a wonderful job in terms of class balance. While Thieves are definitely squishier than Heavy classes (which is to be expected, amirite), you have leeway with your build in that you can take that squishiness and roll with it, just adding more DPS, OR you can counteract that squishiness with some points in Shadow/Acro depending on your playstyle.

From what I’ve seen so far – aside from Rangers – every class has its niche and is viable in all aspects of the game. WvW solo or zerg, sPvP, even PvE – every class has multiple roles it can fill in any situation, it just depends on how you build your character. So it comes down to that: your build, your skill level, your opponent, and your playstyle. You can’t blame your losses on ANet’s balancing techniques or recent patches.

I’ve been playing for 3 weeks and I consistently win 1v1s and some 2v1s in sPvP and WvW. You have no excuse. Btw I’m P/P + SB.

Play for longer and you will realize Thieves are always at an advantage due to stealth and other things. They only fall apart in Zerging and tpvp (subjetively).

Love us, nerf us, forget about us

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Im not sure what your wanting from replies, but I will tell you that Thieves in GW2 are completely balanced if not on the OP side indefinitely. This of course does not count for Zerging in WvW, then again why is a Thief in the middle of a zerg? Although to counter-act that, you can still build tanky and survive in one for sure. So if your a thief here you are probably loving the stupidly OP backstabs and stealthing abilities. Notice the lack of complaints about this class compared to other profession sections.

Guardians need a fourth virtue for mobilty

in Guardian

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Why do I need to point them out over and over again? Why dont you ask why this conversation is even started. Otherwise, why dont you add something useful to the thread, Mr. KnowsItAll?

Guardians need a fourth virtue for mobilty

in Guardian

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I feel guardians are underpowered for this area. To make a decent build you have to sacrifice the shout mobilities in order to be hard enough to duel. Staff guardians were created with support in mind. Guardians need a forth virtue what can be triggered lower than resolve/aegis what teleports to he target something like virtue of intervention. Guardians have none increased movement speed trait as of this moment. I run a fairly if not most mobile build but it comes up short constantly in duels or 1v1. I find myself chasing as I use sword and shield I have stun breakers but the imbolization we have is far to short for what we deal with. Guardians are one of the most pvp underpowered classes in the game.

Cant tell if trolling. You have 100% uptime swiftness if you want it, why complain? Guardians can chase easily if they want to as well. You have teleports for a reason. You also have gap closers, immobilizes. Also always come out on top as best Heavy Armour profession. end of thread

Why Necro's are the New Tanks

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Or….that when Warriors loose HP, they cannot sustain themselves. A 4 second invuln with Endure Pain, garbage. Warriors are far from tankiest. In any PVP, Guardians Necromancers Engineers and sometimes Rangers can out-tank a Warrior so easily.

An Idea for Warrior Sustain

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I find it sad that you couldnt extract that Daecollo was exxagerating, I mean honestly. And im 100% with the people saying even though we have Heavy Armour and High HP, it means little to nothing in this game. Why are you arguing otherwise when Guardians have lowest HP pool, heavy armour, and are arguably the tankiest/best surviving class in the game?!
We have no sustain. End of story. Arena net needs to get off their couch and do something instead of constantly adding boring content. [I suppose the most recent one was decent]

My best play ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Oh.My.Goodness. That was actually good playing and absolutely hilarious at the end. Well done haha! I had a great chuckle.

Thief is broke.

in WvW

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Well I would agree stealth would be op if thieves had access to regeneration, protection, stability, retaliation, confusion…

Oh wait, they don’t.

If stealth was taken away from thieves, what you would have is a class without any defensive capabilities.

And if you took stealth away and gave them most of the boons that i mentioned, and gave them a pet, then you would have a ranger…

Some Regen on Health skill but not much. Btw you would have a class that is much more powerful than a Ranger thus it being better. If you want to talk about those boons – why does a frontline class (Warrior) not have any of those? Hmm? And Thieves can just run around any Warrior if they want to and just burst. Thieves are unbalanced and need tweaking at least.

Against Imbaneers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Elixir R makes the engineer’s already amazing downed skill set, even more amazing by allowing them to rez themselves.

I stopped reading there. Why? Because you sincerely just made the stupidest comment I have ever seen. ‘’Amazing downed skill set?’’ Im sorry, can you not press F whilst he is downed? Yea, #2 pulls right away but after thakittens insta death due to the extremely long cooldown on #3. Yes, Elixir R toolbelt skill will revive him if he can get it down. Thats just one of their skills. Man, Im sorry but their downed skills are not amazing.

Your highest backstab ever?

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


What’s the point of the most powerful BS…?
even you can to 20k BS, you won’t be able to take down a Guardian…

I give up trying to be an BS Assassin.
It’s much better to use S/D to stay in a longer battle

Umm….go play a Guardian and see if you get over 20k HP comfortably with other stats.


How to counter get out of jail free button?

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


The best way to beat a thief is to play a thief. This is coming from a warrior main and let me tell you, it really works.

I play a thief as well. Their frailty is exaggerated as are their “counters”. The only thing my glass thief fears is binding blades.

Then perhaps it is your playstyle as an engineer and not the the thief. Personally I would of never used turrets against a thief. I would of probably went grenade or bomb kid.

The fact that he did that well against a theif with Turrets is beyond my understanding. Because turrets are the worst thing in this game (arguably). So it seems he did his fair share of well timed and played movements. Its ignorant to deny the fact that Thieves have it way too good for engaging/disengaging. Its a shame Arena Net gave them massive burst too. Oh well – their the favoured class for this game. Shame…

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


L2P issue. Stealth is balanced. You should just hit thief not air.

Go back to the Thief forums. He clearly posted a video, and stated thakittens not a L2P issue. He covered the basics of attempting to kill any annoying Thief, and its obvious their Anet’s golden child, its ridiculous at this point.

How many times has this happened to you?

in Warrior

Posted by: Maketso.5602


2v1 and then lept off a cliff to avoid death penalty…more than I care to speak to

You lost because you don’t have ranged and are playing a zerg CC/frontline-spec that is highly vulnerable to blinds. In your case, you should of turned and went into Langor.

Warrior Class is vulnerable to blinds in general…..little condition removal :s

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I agree with swinsk…
I’m glad that you enjoy playing with the unicorn build, but it’s not fair that I have to change gear and playstyle

Lmfao, go look at the other classes. Every patch classes are being nerfed and people have to switch builds all the time. Recently, Elemenalist was nerfed with their D/D, but also got a sneaky focus nerf which killed off anyone using it. Engineers – grenade build was nerfed. Kit Refinement build nerfed. Anything else?

Theives have the least to worry about other than mesmers, Cant believe the amount of complaining a class like this does. On my thief its the only class, if you L2P, that is fun. Stealth helps the squishy nature, evasion and running away tactics as well. Damage is obviously high, feels almost too high but w/e. Mostly smaller group fights ofc. Go play WvW and see how many traps you see. I have seen one.

thief nerf required in www

in WvW

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Easy, don’t fight thieves, problem solved!

Too bad their common appearance in WvW is through the roof.

Request: Nerf bunks

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


No, I wont nerf bunks, I would increase the base damage for the single target weapons (or all thiefweapons), because they are to low and every other class do more dmg on 3 targets and because the thief is or should be THE class to break bunkerbuilds.

Go play a D/D ele or a pistol Engineer. The single target hit is disgustingly low. Maybe you forgot that Thieves got boon stealing with the sword? Besides – good thieves didnt even need that buff. If your a thief that cannot kill a bunker than you need to L2P. Why? Because often they are slow, you have stealth and massive mobility. I dont think you have played any class other than thief if you are saying theif weapons are weak. Become a decent player and then re-post, dude. My thief does more damage than all my other classes by far.

DD eles what you been doing post patch?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I just find it interesting how everyone’s convinced their profession is underpowered, except maybe Guardians.

Uhm.. Well alot of classes have weak points. Relatively speaking, Guardians/Thieves/Mesmers are the classes that should have nothing to complain about. Mesmers and Thieves are the biggest trolls. Whoever got the idea that ele’s zerg bust, seriously needs to run out in WvW more often.

Uhm.. Well alot of classes have weak points. Relatively speaking, Guardians/Thieves/Mesmers are the classes that should have nothing to complain about. Mesmers and Thieves are the biggest trolls. Whoever got the idea that ele’s zerg bust, seriously needs to run out in WvW more often.Lets not forget that Thieves got boon stealing, making fighting them stupid now. Thieves did not deserve that bloody crap. Sure, it helps them against bunker Guards or whatnot. Yet, completely puts them at advantage against LOW HP/LOW ARMOUR elementalists that rely on boons more than most classes considering the squishy nature.
Just my 2 cents.

Elementalists in outnumbered PVP... possible?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Elementalists are too kitten squishy. Thieves have stealth, high burst attacks, No wonder they can do it. Its different for the ONLY class with Light Armour/Lowest Health pool. Considering we have no immediate get-aways other than RTL which was nerfed, or LF. The class requires alot of practice to play effectively…..its not hard to burst down an ele

Apparently every body roles the same builds

in Thief

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Title should be: Apparently everybody roles Thieves.

(Spvp, WvW)

Mist Form Nerf - Care to explain Anet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Great explanation. The only problem is your relating it to a warriors skill, a profession bound for the front lines. Whereas an elementalist dies fast (relatively). Get a better comparison, lol.

I’m a little confused here since I’m not sure what’s your point other than to show that the design is pretty much justified, which is reinforcing what I’m trying to say here. :P

Just a little food for thought: The other 3 skills of similar purpose are Signet of Stone, Elixir S and Renewed Focus.

Signet of Stone is 6s but requires a grandmaster trait to work, which is Signet of the Beastmaster and is on a 80s CD. Plus suffer from the same problems as Endure Pain.

Elixir S is the only one that works closely similar to the Mist Form but it locks their toolkit in addition. But has a 60s CD. Looks perfectly justified to me.

Lastly, Renewed Focus is an Elite, requires channeling means you can’t do anything else during that period granted it refreshes virtues. It’s only 2s too, by the way. 90s CD.

If you ask me, in my humble opinion, Mist Form is in a perfectly good place at the moment because after all, the ability to heal while bring invulnerable pre-nerf was a tad overpowered whether you wish to admit it or not.

Well, you do have correct interpretations and I know what your point is. Mine, however, is simply that Guardians are WAY tankier than an Elementalist. Their invulnerability does not need to be more than a 2-3s elite skill. If it was ANY more it would be stupid, for arguably the tankiest class. Second thing you forgot is Engineers trait giving them elixir S at 25% health which in turn can give them TWO full Elixir S. Although thats not really bad because the escape abilities of an Engineer are lackluster. ( Mine is my main, I know this XD) Running away on an Engineer is a lost kitten cause. I hardly play him due to the many issues with it in WvW. Anyways, as for Signet of Stone I have no experience with it.

Sure the change wasent completely awful, Im just saying the developers are screwing the class over little by little. Its stupid – A low health pool, light armour class getting nerfs to survive skills is……unorthodox (or stupid).

Uhh... they destroyed ele lol.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Welcome to Nerfsville, previous population: Thief


Yeah….except thiefs are still completely viable. They have nothing wrong – high burst, extremely good escape abilities, yeah. Their nerf did nothing – fighting thiefs feels the same as always.

Ele nerf, dumb. ( I play Engineer and Guardian ). My first 80 was a Thief, though, and my last one currently has been an Elementalist. They were kinda background characters.

End of story, Arena Net is trash at balancing. They are loosing players every patch, its hilarious. If it keeps up im sure I will be gone as well with more charge ahead decisions.

Mist Form Nerf - Care to explain Anet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Great explanation. The only problem is your relating it to a warriors skill, a profession bound for the front lines. Whereas an elementalist dies fast (relatively). Get a better comparison, lol.

Kit Refinement (effects post patch)

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Developers yet again kitten in the faces of engineers. Where do they get off thinking this helps a class like ours, which needs alot more attention. They murdered kit refinement, and buffed a few useless kitten turrets that nobody uses in wvw/spvp or even pve that much. Turrets still not viable. GG arena net. Failed the class once more

Protectors Strike

in Guardian

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Remove protectors strike damage? Horrible idea considering its what MAKES the mace. My god, yeah just make it useless…. It already has a block, then some damage. Its fine the way it is.

Stop whining the ultra engie has landed

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I think this build was not meant to kill anyone. By the looks of it, its so you dont die. So his ‘’class saving’’ build is basically worthless to ‘’save the whiners, and the class’‘. He fails to realize and read all of the other threads posted on the flaws the engineer has, too many. But good try on this build, if I ever want to just troll it might be a good build to choose. If I want to kill someone ( which most people do ) i’ll look elsewhere.

Day 184: Deployable Turrets Still Broken

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


blown away to simply see a dev post in the engie forums. Maybe they can stand up and own up to this class for once.

how it actually should be.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Admittedly, I was speaking from a PvE standpoint.
Chilled stacks in duration, so if you land all three grenades (and you will if you have any aim) you can get off 6 seconds of chill on an enemy without any +condition duration.
If you’re wondering why chill is even useful, its because of something very important to a PvE player, Unshakable. Chill and cripple slow down champs when nothing else does because of all the defiant stacks preventing any kind of CCs.
Bomb kit adds another cc (which helps burn through those defiant stacks) and comes with two damage mitigators in the form of a blind field and and 5 stacks of confusion. I don’t know why anyone would call blinds, ccs and confusion a joke, but I assume you just wan’t big numbers to pop up and rarely pay attention to the little things.

Well, since we’re engineers big numbers are not exactly a specialty, so no. Besides, the two builds I run are condition/tank and rifle/medium tank. Good shot though. And in PvE sure. Yea, don’t forget any attack is dodgeable. Any decent pvp player can dodge alot of your bombs. In fact, all.

how it actually should be.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Freeze grenade does what… 3 or 4 seconds of chill? IN my experience, it’s never got anyone off me. And I try to use it exactly for that reason. Otherwise it’s still an alright skill. As for bombs, I laugh at the kit – it’s just a joke.

The Engineer and its gameplay - Your Feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


It’s odd, I’m on jade quarry too. Nevertheless, your the only one supporting your biased ideas. Not once do you provide constructive feedback, which is what this thread and class needs. And I don’t have a lick of trouble with my rifle tank build, it’s hilariously fun and successful on WvW. Anyways. One other think I would mention to add for the engineer would be re arranging the trait stats that are doubled together. What awful combinations

Is there a dmg tax on engi weapons?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


Most of the kits are fine.

Grenade kit is perfect exactly where it is. High damage and utility.

Elixir Gun is mostly fine. It’s great healing, but skills 2 and 3 need some work. It isn’t clear if they are working and swiftness during a battle is slightly weak.

Tool Kit is fantastic. The auto attack could use some work, but overall it does it’s job well. Utility. It even has a really powerful strike in there for when you jump in.

Flamethrower is the worst kit we have. It only has one thing going for it: the CC. If you are switching to flamethrower for damage, you’re doing engineer wrong.

Bomb Kit is fantastic for defense and condition spreading. Nothing to change here. Fantastic kit.

Med Kit is probably the best kit. Up there with grenade kit. Fantastic healing and the ability to prepare an area by placing bandages ahead of time is super useful.

The weapons aren’t really that low of damage, so I don’t know what they are talking about. The rifle is purely for spiking. Blunderbust is huge AoE damage and so is Jump shot. Overcharged shot is just plain bad kitten One of the better defense/offense skills.

Pistol Pistol is great condition damage. The poison skill could be a bit better however. Glue shot is just friggin money.

Pistol Shield is fantastic defense.

Anyone who complains that Engineers are total kitten is a terrible Engineer. If you say that there are some terrible things in there, you’re correct. It’s far from a terrible class. Far far from it. And damage wise, you can DEFINITELY get up there with 100nades.

Study the engineer. It’s worth it.

I agree with you mostly on all of this. The only things I can say is that bomb kit is trash. No use In WvW , and is spvp, any experienced spvp’er will, and does kick a bomb kit engineers kitten Defending nodes with bombs is horridly useless due to small range (since that’s all I can see them ever being used for ) other than that the tool belt skill has the only good part about the kit. Good cc for nodes. And as for damage, you Absolutey have to use that grenade build to maximize damage. That’s IF you hit them with your slow moving grenades. It’s a shame we are so restricted. Lastly, glue shot is the worst skill have ever seen. 1 second immobilize and 1 second cripple? Anet is purposely trolling.

Is there a dmg tax on engi weapons?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


That post by sharp makes me laugh so hard I need to cry a little. Or more cry from the fact that what he posted, makes absolutely no sense. MAYBE if the kits were all “good” we could not complain so much. But seriously, our kits are for the most part weaker than our mainhand rifle(if your talking DPS or damage wise) . Elixir gun? Half the damage. Grenades? Nerfed 30% because oh wow sigils now work on kits! Yeah, because that definitely warranted a 30% reduction. Absolute stupidity. Sigil of fire adds 12% more damage boost on a crit ( gotta be a good crit build). Anyways. Not to mention they just put this class together while they were getting drunk or something. This class had/has so much more potential for versatility, awesomeness ( go see sniper kit post haha) and balancing. But they ignore every engineer thread. Always. They are ignorant


in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


I just want to add…… its extremely easy to get full exotic, and then ascended trinkets. LOL.

So, obvious troll.

Too little regular weapons?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maketso.5602


They could introduce some awesome huge monkey wrench as a normal weapon. Muaha