Showing Posts For Matt Stacey.7415:

Scourge analysis

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

“In-depth analysis of pure speculation”


wow this is toxic

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Why would I want to play a Revenant healer? Might as well go play druid to heal effectively and reliably

Quick Build Question

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

You’re not applying enough conditions for it to be worth an investment in traits. Also, based on your weapons and gear (armor/trinkets) selection you have nothing that benefits conditions. Some of your traits also rely on incoming conditions when open world and PVE in general does not have many. HoT is an exception depending on the map

Hammer skins - which are your favorites?

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Fractal Hammer. And yes, you can preview all hammer skins at any bank/crafting station, as well as transmute any hammer to use a skin you have unlocked

Is Revenant really that bad?

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

In before precision strike Nerf as well as removing evade frames from unrelenting assault as well as might generated from the skill

Precision strike has seen more than enough nerfs.

Is Revenant really that bad?

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

With the poor state of rev I am actually optimistic for the balance patch. ANet created a new, unfinished and buggy profession that required purchase of HoT then nerfed it out of the meta. At this point it can’t really get much worse

Why ranger will never be viable in WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

“Why ranger will never be viable in WvW” OP in WvW

Don’t feed the troll guys

Axe / Focus MM - One of the Best [PVE]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Axe/Focus has awful cleave, I would not recommend it for PVE

Greatsword auto does less dmg than sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

GS AA has less DPS than sword? This just in: obvious information

Why do you love guard?

in Guardian

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Hello all, I’m coming from a long break from GW2 and got a bit of an urge to play my guard. I have all 80’s, some leveled straight and some boosted (tomes etc), and the tie for least time played for me would be guard/engi – though I believe it’s a close win for guard. There are many different archetypes I gravitate towards in RPGs, and the holy paladin is one I typically enjoy – however for some reason I didn’t gravitate towards it in GW2. Anyhow, I’ve asked this type of question before , but I’m wondering from the guardian community of GW2, what makes you love your guard? I’d love to hear from some of you guardian vets what has kept you playing on your guard – PVE/WvW/PVP input welcome. With about 2k hours I am very aware of the “play what you enjoy,” I’m just curious as I am trying to get myself back into GW2 again, I imagine some of you have been here before :P Thanks all

Guardian Main for Lyfe

in Guardian

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

As a mesmer main I find your lack of F-keys frightening

Asking a favor from Anet

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Persistent issue, useless thread title. It’s about time for this fix

Make permanent UTILITY & METABOLIC primer.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Never going to happen. /closethread

Mad King’s Labyrinth update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Awesome now if we could just revert SoI and Lich Form we’d be all set

The day WvW proven "more important" than PVE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Mark it on your calendars everyone. It has been formally made clear that WvW is more important a gamemode than PVE. For those other mesmers like myself who do not WvW much and now suffer as a result of this, I feel for you!

How many are still playing full zerk in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I have all 80s and I struggle the most with my ele in HOT, running full zerker (as I have been used to with every class). At least for ele is it common enough to actually start switching out trinkets for survivability? I have no issue admitting my low playtime on ele, but I’m a decent player who is starting to notice ele squishiness… a bit more. Pretty much referring to solo HOT content as I’m typically solo in open world

Race for Engi...which?

in Engineer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Charr fits better. Bombs/grenades/turrets are low-tech compared to anything Asura you see in the game

Why do you love engineer? (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Engineer is now the only 80 I don’t have, so I’m a bit curious about you engineers. Having played <2 hours on engineer total (tested in HOTM) it’s safe to say my knowledge about engi is pretty much nil. I’m a PVE player, so I’m interested in some PVE perspective from those who main engineer

EDIT: Also, since I know nothing about engi gameplay/rotations, anyone have a handy vid of some (relevant) power engi gameplay? Would be interested to see what it plays like compared to my other toons

Why you can't find a Ranger's Leveling Build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I’m not sure the point of this thread, literally anything works for leveling/open world as a ranger

Please explain energy AND cooldowns on skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

“PvE revs are used to sit on a single legend all the time”
Untrue. Refer metabattle recommended skill rotation for PVE rev as a reference. Swop legends on cooldown to generate energy.

I think he meant that is what new revenants tend to do. He says that regenerate twice as much energy by switching. He is not advocating camping a legend.

I definitely understand that switching is beneficial due to the fact that it gives additional energy back, so that is something I am getting more used to doing. My main gripe is still the fact that skills and utilities don’t see as much use as they would had there not been an energy requirement. Many professions ignore many weapon skills due to the fact that they are either a DPS decrease or too little utility, so that is unfortunate. With rev I just feel a magnification of that where I truly might as well just keep strong passives on and autoattack until energy is gone, then swap and repeat, instead of using skills more. Again, something I’m getting used to – but I still wish that I felt like I was doing more than auto-ing

Please explain energy AND cooldowns on skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Why do skills have both energy consumption AND cooldowns? So much of rev’s utilities (and elite) are based on skills that constantly drain energy, so much so that you essentially have to choose between using utilities or skills. I am just starting to use my rev more but honestly it seems that just as much as ranger was pigeonholed into a buffbot, rev is pigeonholed into an autoattack-only class. I’m honestly looking for input – I didn’t come here just to troll

All zones are pointless after you´re lvl 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Down-scaling works pretty will up until level 80, but at 80 – due to changes in gear and traits – you are extremely overpowered in every Tyria map. I would be happier going for map completion if they fixed down-scaling by reducing player stats by ~30% (negotiable) so that I am not just 2-shot killing every mob on the map. One of the advertised perks of GW2 is that down-scaling, but at 80 it feels broken

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Warrior is by far the most boring class. If you want to play something that doesn’t require thought, go warrior. Thief requires much more skill

Sword Auto Attack Animation

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

As much as I hated the root, the animations were much better. Now sword AA chain looks like waving a pool noodle around. Not to mention the fact that DPS was decreased…

reverse sword #2

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I would support this change for the simple fact that the current design of the skill doesn’t make sense. Having to run up to an enemy just to launch yourself back after a single attack, with the option of launching yourself at them again for another single hit…it’s just very odd. And obviously the evade frame is laughable. It feels like a kittentier reversed version of thief’s sword #2 Infiltrator’s Strike. The only thing I like about the skill is the animation

(edited by Matt Stacey.7415)

Hanging up the Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

This isn’t strictly a Ranger/Druid problem. Everyone is just innately tanky now and the skill floor is abysmally low.

Adrenal health double endure pain berserkers have pretty much made me stop roaming. What is the point? It’s not fun for anyone involved.

Yep. Let’s take the profession with the lowest skill requirement, and then buff it’s damage and survivability more. Next patch is going to double the healing from Healing Signet and add a new feature for warriors that will play the game for them at the click of a button

Hanging up the Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Condi longbow… yeah I’d probably give up on ranger too if I played that

Help me love my ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I’m also trying to find a reason to play my ranger… How about weapons? What weapons/weapon combos make you guys enjoy ranger?

im so hurt about ranger [PVE/WVW]

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I feel you OP. I’ve resigned to the fact that, as much as I love rangers in RPG’s, I won’t be able to get my fill from GW2. So I’m playing other RPGs for that

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Everyone welcome the newest troll to the ranger forums

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Fix your useless title to something slightly more accurate

dream weapon?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon

Ranger PvE, Fractal build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Why does your comment say that staff is better than longbow, when you link a build that uses longbow instead of staff?

Please ANet, add legendary effects to RS!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

For the love of god, no. I’m still waiting for a way to turn off those awful visual and sound effects they already have. The skins are already awful, why make us suffer more by seeing them in shroud?

1k hours on my Ranger: A look at the class

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Hopefully ANet realizes how one-sided this buff-bot class has been and does the exact opposite with the next elite spec

2 patches in a row we got a damage nerf. One was on our main DPS weapon (sword) and second on our most used pets.
I wouldn’t bet my shoes on your statement.

Honestly I wouldn’t bet anything either, I’m just trying to have semblance of hope for the ranger class because at the moment it is just not fun for me. I’d like to think it will turn around soon…but it is not easy

1k hours on my Ranger: A look at the class

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Pre-HoT rangers weren’t brought into dungeons for DPS (well they were at one point, but that was a loong time ago). Now? Bringing a power ranger for DPS is even more laughable. Hopefully ANet realizes how one-sided this buff-bot class has been and does the exact opposite with the next elite spec

Seeds of Life Issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Honestly I think seeds were almost as useless as staff #2. I think of this nerf the same way I would if they somehow managed to take staff #2 (whatever the skill is isn’t even worth me looking up the correct name), the worst skill in the entire game, and nerfing the kitten out of the miniscule value it had. In other words, yes patch after patch ranger gets nerfs, but I’m more focused on the important stuff like bristleback and smokescale nerfs. Rangers finally had pets that did damage and of course everyone cried because for the first time since like 2013 ranger had burst and DPS. “Waaah why does ranger have DPS again it’s not fair” “ANet: lol whoops… patch

Patch Notes 5-17

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

And just when I thought I’d try my ranger again… Jesus the ranger class is so hated by the development team

Gravedigger = 33k dps ?? ...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Quwestion: When you say 33 thousand damage per second do you actually mean 3300 damage per second? 33k sounds a bit far fetched at the least.

Pathetic DPS testers put all buffs on themselves and then whack the DPS golem for a few hours. The sad part is they use these numbers to determine how viable builds are, even though by doing this it kittens up the entire perspective. By doing this it takes boon generation out of the equation completely, and assumes 100% ideal situations

Crafting on a Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Level whatever crafting skill on whatever profession you like, eventually you will max out each crafting skill between your characters and it will just be a matter of switching to that character

New Sword Breakdowns!

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

DPS on sword post-patch is abysmal. Sigh. I had such hope when I first saw the teaser clip on Twitter

[Suggestion] Next elite spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I want an elite spec that can take longbow and make it feel more rewarding

If the next Elite Spec...

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I’m surprised no one has mentioned the “it doesn’t fit with ranger lore” yet. Personally I don’t see a rifle working very well as a sniper, it just doesn’t seem like it would fit thematically or mechanically. This may go against the grain, but I could be perfectly content without a new weapon with the elite. What I want is an elite spec that repurposes the longbow to function more like a greatbow. The combination of that, some stealth, maybe some better traps? Is what I would like. Maybe not traps exactly because obviously dragon hunter got that, but something similar.

Ele compared to Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I had no idea the difference between ele and ranger was this large. Honestly it’s embarrassing for rangers. A good start would be a 15% weapon skill damage across the board, allow us to rely slightly less on pets or make the next elite spec focus on pets and pet damage even more. Only after fixing pet path finding, and giving all pets some kind of leap-like ability in their auto attack to keep them from endlessly chasing targets and missing

Consensus on staff for open world PVE?

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Title. How is staff? Damage wise it looks pitiful on paper, but I have yet to try. I am wondering how it is for open world/solo/world bosses etc. Worth it, or garbage weapon? I’ve seen mixed things about #5, heard 2/3 of the 5 skills are useless…just wondering if people who have experience with it here could comment


[Suggestion] Next elite spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I like the idea of a mordrem sniper or some kind of tracker. I’ll try to find that post Tragic was referring to, at some point… If anyone has it handy I’d love to take a look

Ranger at heart, even in different games

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

More often than not, I end up as a ranger/hunter in the various RPGs I play. I do love a combination of skulking/stealth and beastmastery – but I don’t think GW2 captures this feeling as well as other RPGs do. The longbow is the weapon I want to be my favorite, but by itself it is kind of lackluster. I know this is obviously because PVP and PVE balances are done together, so by buffing longbow to the point where it is fun to use just longbow would result in an unbalanced PVP. I am a huge fan of the hunter archetype, and I am really hoping the next elite spec might capture this better. Longbows, stalking, straps, poisons, pets – those some things that come to mind in my ideal ranger.

How many rangers feel "robbed" by druid spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I’m playing a wait and see game at this point. I suspect that there will be other elite specs (all of which will only go in the 3rd spec spot to keep them exclusive) and I want to see what else they come up with. I love druid (can it be improved, yes, but everything is like that), and I’m curious to see what else they come up with.

Yup, this would be my attitude as well.
But one thing I know for sure. I’m not buying any expansion until they actually do something right for once.

I can’t be the only one still wondering how the hell did we get powers to control cosmos, stars, black holes and what not. Weren’t we rangers before? Whole Ranger fiasco feels like they do not know and still think they know better.

I am also playing the waiting game currently, when it comes to my ranger. As much as I want to play it more, I find it hard to because I’m not exactly motivated to do so. I truly hope I don’t have to wait years for the next elite specs – a different elite spec could definitely bring me back to my ranger. As someone who works full time, I truly don’t mind paying more another expansion if it means elite specs I’d enjoy and more content to play. Of course, I pray that the next time around the ranger elite is the first spec to be released, instead of the last. In the meantime, I’m enjoying my condi reaper in HoT content, so that will hold me over until the next expansion. Until then, good on you for all you rangers here, I wish I had the motivation to keep playing my own

Necro is too OP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Can someone just close out this trash of a thread?

Viper/Sinister reaper for HoT

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

I am heavily considering a viper/sinister with nightmare runes build because while I love my power reaper, I want to try something different. The viper armor is an easy sell, the sinister trinkets, however, are not. 1000 bandit crests + 10g + living story PER trinket? That just seems absurd. Are sinister trinkets even worth it?