Showing Posts For Monkeymonger.9235:

[EU] Domisium [DM] [FSP] | WvW & PvP Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Shameless bump for a guild that cured cancer.

(Switched to Gh)

Best 5 man Havoc group?

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


They just provide too much support and double empower means they still do great damage. It’s a class that fits well into every setup and provides a solid backbone.

Best 5 man Havoc group?

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


The most effective setup i’ve seen so far was
- 2 support/tank guardians
- 1 mesmer with signet of inspiration
- 1 Warrior
- 1 Necro or some aoe dps spec

This setup relies quite heavily on pre-fight boon stacking, but there is some sweet stuff you can do with soi.
As long as you build close to the standard aoe builds most party compositions work though. I eventually got fed up with 5man groups since it involved too much kiting and running away.

Since they didn’t get the attention they deserved, here is a video from PSY:

Sick of Hammer Trains

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Calling it a “hammer train” is misleading since there is a lot more to it than earthshakers and mighty blows.

What is the current guardian meta?

in Guardian

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


It depends on your guilds party setup. If you run melandru, soldiers or boon duration, if you are in a double or triple guardian party etc.

However, 30-30-10 gs/staff is the most commonly seen build (as was pointed out already). Depending on your guilds playstyle hammer or gs are the standard weapons.
5-30-30-5 is another variant.

30-20-20 gs/staff just means you use one or two consecrations instead of tripple shout.

20-30-20, 10-30-30 have both the same issue of losing ah which is a major part of the survivability. Since you usually use m/f- staff for it you’ll have a hard time surviving proper bursts anyway. 30-20-20 with ~1k hp is the build i’d recommend for clerics.

For roaming or small scale there’s a lot more variations.

I just love these "guild raids"

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Again the debate about close raids? Can’t you just let it go and accept a concept that has been here for a year now?

To the op: Congratulations, you found team nobhead.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Dumb wvw guilds might have fixed templates. Other actually think and try to find ways to improve every class and gameplay.
Just because you don’t know the class doesn’t mean it sucks. Have you got a ranger ? Have you tried melee signet builds ? Have you tried shout/support builds ? Have you tried condi/bunker builds ? Have you tried to come up with new gameplay ideas ?
No, probably not. You just read a post saying rangers sucked and decided to jump in the bandwagon…

I’m in a t1 server consistently being in the top servers and spent most of my time in wvw. I’m not a “ranger lover” or whatever, i used to play thief and happened to like the ranger more than it or my warrior so i always try to find ways to improve the effectiveness of my ranger for my guild. I eventually switch to warrior when needed (ie when there are not enough of them for a raid) but raid much more with my ranger. And as far as it goes, i’m doing pretty good.

First off, no i don’t have great experience on my ranger. But i’ve played wvw (in organized guilds for the greatest part) since the headstart. So for my judgement i’m reliant on experience, theory crafting and the verdict of players with extensive experience on ranger.
That being said, what’s your point besides insulting me? That you believe ranger is viable? Seriously, condi bunker?
I was talking about raid guilds of 15+ that try to min max at every opportunity.

what is a good wvw build atm

in Guardian

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I use:
1. for solo roaming:

2. for small group roaming:

3. for leading guild raids:

All of these builds are standard in their own way. Berserker is definitely survivable, but i prefer a bit of knights for 1vx scenarios.

Edit: It might be helpful to know how you’d like to play. I prefer good burst damage, the poster below me a more balanced approach. The magic build that allows you to do everything doesn’t exits.

(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Wvw guilds have fixed templates. There every class/spec has to justify itself against it’s competitors.
1. Melee ranger: It requires a double guard party for stability, so it competes against warriors. Gs is nice and all, but provides no cc. Both flurry and hammer have it’s weaknesses, but they are still essential to a melee train.

2. Caster pressure: Why would you pick it over a thief? It’s also the natural role for necros and mesmers in between their aoe bursts. Most casters in guilds run pvt heavy, so you won’t burst them down.

It might be “good enough” for a zerg where you don’t compete with anybody, but for fixed templates they just don’t provide enough. The only useful utility is muddy terrain, which is great and all, but it’s just not enough.
Just be happy with a class that is good in pve, spvp and small scale wvw.

Zerker Necro in Zergs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


0-20-0-20-30 is a standard necro build for guild runs (probably the most common one) and provides a lot of utility (esp. chilling darkness and transfusion). It’s not the highest possible dps setup, but a good compromise.
You rarely see high hits like 7k in transfusion because the targeting switches so often. In full berserker with that setup you’ll get that number on a squishy target though.

[PvX]Conditions wars 2

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I see a lot of thieves and mesmers running condis in pvp, guards, obviously not because they CANT, the only damage condi they have access to is burning, if there were a possible way to make a condi guard viable, people would do it. eles are the same, they can reliably apply burning, but other than that have minimal access to other dps condis, and again, if there WAS a way for them to use a condi build, you would see loads of them.

I’m sorry but i have neither seen nor heard of any players using it (effectively) in tpvp or solo queue. The simple reason is that they can’t kill anybody in a reasonable timeframe, while at the same time being unable to hold a point.
They are rather common in wvw because there it doesn’t matter nearly as much how long it takes to kill.

one of the biggest reasons condi is so strong is that many classes dont have very much condi removal, or to get it they have to spec completely towards condi removal, which makes the build practically useless. Add on the fact that you can get insane durations using runes/traits/food, AND can reapply every condi that someone had on them right after they do use their mandatory removals and it becomes ridiculous.

With the exception of engineer and ranger (to an extent) i don’t see which classes don’t have “very much condi removal”. If you don’t take condition damage into account you will of course be weak towards it. It’s a conscious choice.
It’s the same as playing a build without stunbreakers then complaining about being cc’d.

Since apparently a lot of people here believe that conditions get reapplied constantly and aren’t aware of the skills that apply them, maybe try playing a condi build for a while. It might help.

[PvX]Conditions wars 2

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Hey Anet,

we gonna see any changes to conditions meta any time soon? You guys were soooo eager to nerf direct dmg in wvw but idk if you are aware, conditions rule pvp/wvw side of this game atm.

I argued that this is simply not the case. Since it is your core argument i didn’t bother to comment on the specifics.

I think condition dmg needs to be reworked and be similar to direct dmg: if you want to do dmg you have to run power/prec.. for condis atm condi stats alone is already more than enough.

Dire is a strong defensive set, but condition specs profit from both power and precision (a solid crit chance of ~20-30% is needed for engis and necros to trigger burning reliably). Pure dire specs don’t have the amazing damage output you make it appear.

Furthermore, while direct dmg builds rely on direct dmg and hardly get any profit from conditions, condi builds profit from condi and still do certain amount of direct dmg.

Conditions do a base damage at lvl 80, the same as weapon skills for condition specs.

1. make condis tick slower (see pt. 2 why) and reduce duration

2. I think condi stat needs to be split in 2:
- condi dmg: stat needs to have value lowered (by half for example, arguable) but do the same what it does now – make condi tick for higher dmg
- condi haste: makes conditions tick faster.. i understand that controll condis like confusion and fear won’t profit from it but that way the players would be more interested in stacking condi duration

I’m not entirely sure on the values you imagine, but cutting condition damage by ~2/3 seems a bit … extreme.
That is if i would even agree with the basic assumption that conditions are overpowered.

3. Add condi/condi haste/condi duration armor(kind of like zerker)… you still can run dire/rabid but since condi dmg stats itself would get lowered, stacking that set alone shouldn’t provide as good; condi/prec gear needs to be removed imo, but it is arguable

Same as nr.2. It’s an extreme “solution” to a nonissue.

4. amount of condi stacks you can get on player should be lowered

I can’t remember the last time i’ve been in a situation where i’ve had 25 stacks of anything on me in a pvp scenario.

5. PVE only (wvw should stay as pvp): players should have own condi stack on NPC. Meaning: i play necro, my teammate is thief, i have 15 stacks of bleeds on NPC, thief has own 10 stacks of bleed on NPC. In any other MMO i have played so far it was common practice and DoTs were pretty good in pve, idk why it is not the case in gw2.

Okay (i really don’t care about pve).

6. spells that apply high amount of condi stacks, should have low direct dmg coefficient (arguable)

What spells specifically are you talking about?

7. condi food needs values lowered, by a lot

I actually do agree as long as it entails both plus and minus condition duration.

8. spells/traits that apply burning need to have higher costs…some of them right now (hello IP) are too easy to apply

Dhuumfire will be almost useless after the patch. Ip has been made a master trait. I don’t like the design of the traits myself.

[PvX]Conditions wars 2

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Why do people always claim that “everybody runs condition specs”?

Pvp: Thieves, Guardians, Mesmers, Eles have no viable condition specs. Warriors have, but primarily run hambow. Condi necro will be pretty much eliminated after the next patch (and already there are more mm and power than condition necros ). You have a point for engis and rangers, but there simply isn’t a viable power alternative for them.

Wvw: Condition builds are popular for pure roamers. Even for them i see a lot more power than condition specs. The other 99% of the wvw population that switch between small and large scale don’t run condition specs because they are useless in big battles.

[Solo-Roam] 60 ranks in 12hrs

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Someone get this civilian out of the war zone!

MM necro is getting ridiculous..

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


An easy to play build that has good 1v1 potential, but can be outsmarted and has very litttle teamfight presence? Sounds pretty balanced to me.

Edit: Why play MM in tpvp?

(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)

Condi tanks

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I don’t believe that anybody doubts that warrior needs a minor toning down.
What about the rest of your outlandish claims?

Is the PvP comunity that bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


You can turn off team chat in solo queue.

Then again, why not just tell them how you feel? It usually helps yourself and facilitates team communication.
A:“Hi, i’m a dps guard”
B:“you are useless”
A:“Eat a kitten you kittened kitten”
C:“Who close?”

Condi tanks

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Since you apparently play a different game, let me reply to the greatest pieces of nonsense.

your responses made me laugh a lot.

Thanks. Always willing to help people on the internet.

stuff + perplexity

Thanks for writing down the abilities of longbow and s/s. I do agree that condition warrior is a strong 1v1 spec, but neither is it invincible nor does it come without drawbacks.
To my real question: Why are you making a nonsense thread in the spvp subforum while playing wvw? All the stats that you posted are rubbish and either unatainable or would require a very weird build.

Engi can apply 3 condi at once on pistol auto if traited i think to mask thier burns. Poison/burn/confusion. Necro has to auto atk if dhuumfire is there then throw in sig and continue auto attackin to GG. Because you can easily down ppl with just auto atk after sig of spite. Rangers evade for days and heal while throwin constant poision/burns/bleeds while being able to regen and rely on easy 3k armor.

I like this passage. I really do.
You spend an entire passage detailing your warriors weapon skills but at the same time can’t be asked to check what the engi pistol does?

A lot of condi build.. well every condi build will have near 3k armor or more unless you go full rampagers but idk if anyone does full rampagers.

I have to admit it: I’m curious now. Why am i never close to 3k armor?
Maybe take a look at the popular condition builds in pvp:
Spirit ranger:;1wEFw-n2wDk-0;9-8E;19-TT-2;332A36A;1VN17;2Rk06Rk061FG

You see, we come closer to the real issue. You play warrior and obviously like to duel the bots in the mists. I know, on paper you look like a god and all your conditions last soooooo long and do soooo much damage. Maybe try to play against people that know how to evade, how to cleanse conditions and how to apply pressure on you.

condi ele

Yes, condi ele. Maybe make a video of your condi ele adventures and post it in the ele section. They’ve been looking for a messiah for quite some time now.

Best Classes for Solo Queue: Ratings

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I don’t necessarily agree with a guardian as a necessity for solo queue. [I’m talking about clerics 0-0-10-30-30 guard]

The problem is that people view guard as a point bunker. In most matches your team will be content with having a guard going afk on middle, however there are quite a bunch of other specs that are harder to kill, can actually win 1v1’s and have less risk of getting decapped.
Soldier hambows or condi bunker specs (rangers, engis) are examples.

Guardian is an amazing class, but it shines in teams that can rotate him properly to the teamfights. An afk bunker is a waste, whereas might stacks, healing, safe stomps, sanctuary res, condi removal etc. decide fights.

For solo queue i argue that a soldiers meditation guard is a better choice in most scenarios. On the list i would put it below ranger.

Combat Medic Engi- WvW Experiment

in Engineer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


How big is large-ish?

-I don’t see the point for incendiary powder. It won’t do much. You can either leave 20 in explosives, but should take short fuse or explosive powder instead. Or you move the 10 points to speedy kits and get stabilized armor instead.

-Depending on how large and organized your group is, it might be worth it to switch from rifle to p/s. It gives you an extra blast finisher for restacks and a block to push through chokepoints. You won’t stay outside of bomb kit for too long anyway and rifle doesn’t provide much outside of small scale.

-Again, depending on group size i’d switch the food to either loaf of saffron bread or Kralkachocolate bar.
Gear seems overall fine to me with the mix of clerics and soldiers. Celestial is rather useless since you don’t need half the stats it provides.

Teldo's build

in Engineer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Everything that kills one is considered mindless spam, whereas oneself carefully makes decisions as to when to use his abilities to maximum effect. Of course it’s a pile of horse kitten.

I like Teldos build, but i don’t like using it. It seems too squishy for my taste, particularly since it lacks a stunbreak. I watched his stream the other day and saw him getting absolutely demolished by warriors and in teamfights (he hasn’t played in a long time though).

Condi tanks

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


how to make power crit builds viable again?
would greatly increasing the damage from power traits help? O_O

i.e. warrior’s strength trait line

Increased damage based [sic] how much adrenaline you have built.
Adrenaline stage 1: 5%
Adrenaline stage 2: 10%
Adrenaline stage 3: 15%

what if
Adrenaline stage 1: 25%
Adrenaline stage 2: 60%
Adrenaline stage 3: 100%

overkill much? O_O

or this …
Gain bonus critical-hit chance for each stage of adrenaline you have.
Critical Chance.png Adrenaline stage 1: 5%
Critical Chance.png Adrenaline stage 2: 10%
Critical Chance.png Adrenaline stage 3: 15%

what if it became this instead?

Gain bonus critical-hit chance and critical damage for each stage of adrenaline you have.

Adrenaline stage 1: 15% critical chance & damage
Adrenaline stage 2: 30% critical chance & damage
Adrenaline stage 3: 50% critical chance & damage

would this cause kamikaze warriors to roll 30/10/0/0/30 for the uber damage potential?

this means no adrenal health, no cleansing ire, but would the extra damage be worth it?

What the kitten are you smoking?

i dun smoke kittens sorry.

but nowadays, do you see any warriors who run their traits 30/10/0/0/30 and choose both berserker power and heightened focus to great success in hotjoin / solo arena / team arena?

given the amount of conditions flying around etc.

i dun think healing signet alone can save the warrior if without the aid of cleansing ire and adrenal health.

plus, berserker stance, endure pain had really long recharge time.

I also don’t see a lot of 30-30-10-0-0 guardians around. Therefore i demand a buff to guardian dps traits.

Whereas the rest of the civilized forum world seems to agree that the sustain of warriors needs to be toned down, you argue that they need a buff to their dps? I’m not even sure if a 100% damage increase counts as a buff anymore.
Since you haven’t smoked anything, have you maybe taken any mushrooms?

Condi tanks

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235



So anet dosent want certian classes to be tanky and deal dmg, but now any class that specs for condi can tank AND deal dmg. Sure you can pack lots of condi removal but condis can be easily rethrown and since you are a tank it is very easy to throw condis and kite.

Apparently you don’t play a condition class. What does “condis can easily be rethrown” even mean? Condition specs have cooldowns as well and removing their main source of damage hurts them of course.
Kiting is essential for any ranged build or if you get focused (by, for example, a hammer swinging warrior that is immune to your attacks…)

Which is why the condi kite meta is so strong right now.

What condition meta? In the last weeks no team i fought had more than 2 condi specs, the vast majority had one and some ran without any.
No team had any overall strategy that relied heavily on conditions.

Does anyone see a way to balance condis? Because a necros sig of spite with some auto atks is GG most the time.

Most condi necros i see run a build like forsaker (corrupt boon, spectral walk, flesh wurm, flesh golem, lyssa runes). I don’t see spite around that much.
Also, spite doesn’t kill you. It provides cover conditions for the burst which consists of terror, burning and bleed stacks.
The dhuumfire-terror burst build has very few defences and gets destroyed in teamfights once focused. It also isn’t a great nodefighter. It’s not a tank.

Or an eles condi burst while being able to heal like no tomorrow.

What? (Anyhow, no tank)

Or the warrior which we all know already

It’s more of a solo queue build and isn’t that great in teams (however warrior balancing is an issue of it’s own). The spec is great against some, but kills specs with decent removal rather slowly and doesn’t provide much in teamfights.
It can be built to be a tank.

and then we haz the thief

P/d is seen in wvw, duel events and very occasionally hotjoins. It’s not even particularly popular and quite weak. Thieves aren’t tanks.

and engi.

Condi engi has been strong for a long time but is in no way overpowered. The vigor toned it down a bit and was a good change. There is a constant balance act between damage and survivability and you can’t get both very effectively in one build.
They can be built to be tanks but suffer from lack of condition removal and stability. If tanky (e.g. settler) they also give up a lot of damage.

What if healing is reduced in condi builds while keeping vit/toughness? Because there is lots of healing thrown in condi builds. All of the classes that spec for condi have massive heal gens.

Nonsense. With the exception of very few builds use settlers amulet. None of the builds you used as examples use it in their standard builds.

Where as power builds dont have that kind of healing as you would go for tanky ness with power and not have room for healing. The amount of healing on condi builds can get pretty ridiculous.

Same as above, but for example meditation dps guardians have decent sustain, so does the hambow.

What are your guys thoughts on healing condi tanks balance state?

It’s fine.

Red Guard is back!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Good. Now everybody can copy their tactics and builds again until the first video with voice com comes out and every raid leader sounds like Sacrx again.

Dear lord, please let this video inspire people so from now on we see 25+ berserker dps builds instead of the same ol’ 25+ pvt bunkers. This would actually make large scale interesting again.

PvD has to go

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Weaken attackers? if defenders kill enemy siege they deserve to win because the enemy group does not have any supplies left to build new siege and they cannot attack gates and walls with auto attack.

@Monkeymonger, true to you first part about population. And you know why people dont want to defend, build siege and escort dollies? Because of PvD. Just join the karma train and PvD everything and capture everything. That is how WvW is now being played by many servers and guilds. But withouth PvD there will be more time put in the more important things like escorting dollies, building siege and defend something. Because without enemy siege the enemy should not enter!

Yes, that definitely sounds like a fun game mode. Running yaks and supply to build fort awesome.

I do agree that karma trains aren’t good for the game, but at the same time i was bored to death attacking objectives that were so stacked with siege that you could only treb them (with the countertreb to the countreb etc.).
Even if the ability to pvd gates was removed, it wouldn’t stop karma trains since it’s still the most rewarding, safest and (for the players that join it) most fun way to play.

PvD has to go

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


First of all, given the amount of players who either join the karma trains or wvw guilds that look for open field fights compared to the amount of players who build ac’s, escort yaks etc., sieging doesn’t seem to be a particularly popular part of wvw.

Second, you shouldn’t expect to hold a tower 5v50. That’s not asking for a “small advantage to the defenders”. Your siege should merely slow down and weaken the enemy so that your own force can help out and wipe the enemy.

How great is the asura advantage?

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


It used to be a big deal, but by now most experienced players have gotten used to asura.

By “have gotten used to asura” you mean that everyone has rolled asura already and nobody give a kitten about animations anymore?

When i’m not concentrating i get hit by earthshakers from charrs as well. From my experience most players dodge “randomly”, meaning they use it for positional changes or dodge after they’ve been hit by a big attack. If you only dodge the most telegraphed atttacks (es, churning, bob etc.), it doesn’t really matter if you fight an asura.

Since the game is so fast, there is a lot of muscle memory involved with dodging. To me it matters more to have an idea of the enemies spec and know when to dodge to break their rotation. Also, i don’t see that many asura around anymore.

I agree that asura have an advantage, but it’s not a big one.

How great is the asura advantage?

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


In general the higher the skill level of the enemy the less it matters. It used to be a big deal, but by now most experienced players have gotten used to asura. I played asura, norn and charr with the same specs and i haven’t noticed being targeted less.

In teamfights it’s mostly about calling targets and aoe. If you get focused it won’t matter much if you are asura or charr.

Gw2 spvp: the comunity is kind of kittenty

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Only had a handful of games where people were behaving like kittens. Just ignore it for the time being and after the game think about if he had a valid point. At least in top 100 solo queue people are friendly although not particularly social.

I don't understand Skyhammer Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I used to cry myself to sleep over this map with my grenades engi. Then i switched to bombs, shield and flamethrower and took my rightful place as the god of skyhammer! How dare mere mortals reach my seat of power? How dare you complain after you got struck by my bolts of awesomeness?

[Seriously, this map is kitten. I’d rather bunker the ruins on capricorn than play this.]

Why so much Healermancer hate in wvw?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I’m sorry if there has been a misunderstanding. I thought Op was talking about organized groups (aka guilds). If you simply join your commander just play whatever you like.

Most of the arguments for support necro are the same as for a standard dps-well necro (like debuffing, cc, boon removal etc.). The only reliable forms of healing are
- regeneration, which is fairly weak as a hot and usually overabundant.
- transfusion, which doesn’t scale that well and already provides 3k with the 200 hp you get from blood.
- well of blood, which is gimmicky at best in group play. There are very few times when you can afford to stay in one place for more than a couple of seconds.

Compared to the loss in dps this seems like a waste to me.


in PvP

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


… Don’t trivialize these discussions by guessing devs or players don’t take these seriously especially when conditions are a hot topic these days.

Wait, what? In a world dominated by bunker guardians, hambows, minion masters and dp thieves, people still complain about conditions?

I do agree that some condition applying attacks need more counterplay and that passive procs are a bad idea, but overall condi specs aren’t all that strong at the moment. They aren’t dominant in 1v1 and they are relatively weak in teamfights until the bunker guard is down.

Why so much Healermancer hate in wvw?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Transfusion heals for quite a bit (~4,8k with 1200hp). However with 20 points into blood it already heals for 3k. I can’t imagine this to be worth it.

Well of blood heals for a lot. But in what scenario do you or your allies want to stand in a tiny field for 10s? If you are blocking a choke you want water, not light.

Regeneration is alright with mark 2, but the melee train already gets perma regen from hold the line, virtue of resolve, converted poisons etc. Also group play is dominated by spike damage. Regen isn’t an important boon.
Protection on wells has it’s uses, but you don’t need to run support gear for that.

Deathly invigoration has a tiny radius.

Roaming guardians: a dying breed

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Although this feels increasingly futile:
If you have problems getting kited in a sword-gs build, use sigils of hydromancy; If you have problems setting up a burst try a 0-30-30-5-5 build with s/f and sword/t.

Guardian is the favorite against most warrior builds, particularly hammer.

Marin's Mobile Necro Guide - WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


But I even use this build with my full celestial necro who does amazingly with it b/c yes the stats are overall but it still allows me to have a decent amount of hp around 25 ro 26k while still doing amazing dps.

Now yes all you burst necros out there will not do the “omg look he just died to 3 wells in like 5 secs build” this is a build that does take time to learn how to play and win with. I am surprised at how many think u lack crazy amount of dps with this build. I can clearly dish out nice dps with this build and still keep the high survivability.

So for those bursty people yes you can do 50k in 5secs while I can port out survive and kill u with my dps while all yours is on cd b/c u tried to burst.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This isn’t a massively different build than the standard condi one. The differences are:
- giving up terror for spectral attunement. In my opinion it is a bad trade since you will miss the dps against dangerous targets (any form of dps/burst build). Your group will miss the dps when there aren’t any bearbows around and the “easiest” target is a bunker guard or mesmer.
- giving up master of terror for soul marks. Not nearly as bad although i only do it in spvp (when i get heavily focused) or occasionally in duels when i believe i have to facetank quite a bit or expect a prolonged duel (e.g. condi bunkers). It’s still possible to get the second terror tick.

Spectral wurm has always been a decent utility and i haven’t been roaming in a very long time without spectral walk. I’ve used them both in conjunction while solo roaming for around half a year now and occasionally in groups.
Occasionally because it very much depends on your group and the enemies you encounter. When i run with a group composed of mesmers and thieves and all we find that day are mini hammer trains i feel that i need the wurm to survive. Most nights though i’m better off running an offensive utility.

That doesn’t mean that i don’t believe that MethaneGas does nicely with this setup and i very much enjoyed the video. If it works out for him and his group then who am i to tell him otherwise. However you will miss out on damage, that is pretty evident.

Why so much Healermancer hate in wvw?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Despite you being the first necro i’ve heard of that wants to run healing power, the simply answer is: you aren’t needed.

Zerg and guild healing comes from water fields + empowers during restacks; tomes, warrior shouts, virtue of resolve during movement; coupled with all the other sources of healing like water ele skills or guardian dodge rolls.

Tranfusion is a good choice if you go 20 in blood for well cd reduction. But please, stay with a dps spec. Any halfway organized group has enough was to heal already.

Koroshi's Guide thread [Updated Regularly]

in Engineer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


How do you handle ranged kiters (e.g. phantasm mesmers) that are actually capable of dodging magnet?

Do you play this build in group scenarios as well? Bomb kit always seems a bit suicidal to me compared to grenades.

Marin's Mobile Necro Guide - WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Nice video and guide (your choice in music though…).

I don’t necessarily agree on your trait choices since i believe you give up too much damage, but i’ve been too used to a dhuumfire-terror-geomancy burst build to really give anything else a chance.

Roaming guardians: a dying breed

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Yes, guardians can disengage from a fight (Sword 2, Judges, GS 3). If you have problems with little access to swiftness outside of retreat/staff, then pick up runes of the traveler or speed.

Guardians can keep swiftness up almost full time but they still cannot escape from thieves, warriors, elementalists or rangers (ok this last one they probably don’t need to escape from). Getting away requires burst speed and the guardian only has one of those. Their best escape mechanism is getting to safety through bunker which does not make for good roaming.

As for their ability to beat any dueling spec, yeah no. Guardians are powerful group fighters but lack the spike damage of many other classes, do not deal with condi-spammers and have zero answer for condi-bunkers and shatter mesmers.

I’m sorry, but i listed three abilities that give you burst speed.

Also there are roaming necros, engis and a lot of specs that don’t want to give up fighting power for escapability. It simply means picking fights more carefully.

Guardians don’t lack burst damage. A x-30-30-x-x build has amazing burst capabilities.
I can only speak for meditation dps builds, but their “damage spam” does well against “condi-spammers”. I haven’t seen any shatter builds in wvw for a very long time, so i can’t comment on that.

Roaming guardians: a dying breed

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Yes, guardians can disengage from a fight (Sword 2, Judges, GS 3). If you have problems with little access to swiftness outside of retreat/staff, then pick up runes of the traveler or speed.

Dps guardian is a very strong 1v1 spec that actually has a good shot against every popular duel spec (although there are slight differences between a right-hand strength build and a gs/s-f build).

Please stop the whining.

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Turning someone into a moa is legitimate trolling and gets my approval. Continue the lords work son!

What can Anet do about the hammer trains?

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


I hate to mention in, but earthshaker is only a follow up to the initial static field, judges or whatever initiation. They don’t even matter that much against most guilds since they have such have stability uptime.

Also, Anet doesn’t have any interest in changing large scale wvw (unless as a byproduct of spvp balancing). If you are looking for change, await master Sacrx glorious return and wait for all the guilds to change their playstyle depending on what he’s doing.

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Do you have problems with dps-meditation or teamfight-shout guardians? Or whats the playstyle/weapons of the ones that kill you?

Both require different approaches from both the guardian and necro. Contrary to your opinion guardians have a rather limited amount of condition removals (that depend heavily on the spec).

Roaming guardians: a dying breed

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


There you go, Shino.
It’s suboptimal for a dps build, but has insane amounts of condition removal and mobility. It even gives purpose to the oh so weak rf.
Oh, btw: Try to avoid conditions instead of focusing too much on curing them.

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Tbh I wouldn’t say the PvD was extremely fun I was hoping a GH zerg would come to defend their border, but they didn’t and if that’s the case, then, well, we’ll take it all.


At least back in the day there was some interesting trolling or bragging in the threads. Now it’s simply a pathetic display of pompous self-adulation. How will we continue living without knowing which zerg was more successful at getting dat loot? Or which roamer has lost his honor, uses an evil build and ran into a tower?
Oh, the drama we will miss out on!

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


The mere suggestion that you need supply shows that your zerg isn’t big enough. Get your mates organized and help our your server!!

Do you even play proper wvw?

Diamond Skin is going too far.

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Because going full condi-bunker and being able to stack 19 seconds of each condition (except burning) with Signet of Spite is just as ridiculous.

You might confuse signet of spite with a nuclear missile.

It applies 2 stacks of bleed and poison along with cover conditions. It is dodgeable and has a 60s (48 if traited) cooldown.

Can this be countered?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Giving specific advice largely depends on your spec.

In general, take it slow and kill their minions. In order for the minions to hit you, they need cc (d3, flesh golem, rigor mortis) or soft cc (cripples, chills). Dodge those and cure them as fast as you can. Usually mm necros either take soldiers or clerics amulet, so once the minions are down they are easy to kill.

Help against Warrior

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Learn to dodge earthshakers. A lot of the other problems can be circumvented, but if you can’t dodge their primary skill it’s all for naught.
Once you got that settled, the biggest problem is to avoid the setups people use to land their es.

Since berserker stance seems to be a big issue for you either try to use mobility (flesh golem, spectral walk) to waste his time and burst once it wears off; or outtank him with plague and drop out for a burst once it comes off; or kite with los and dodge his setup for es.

The common hambow stance warrior only has one source of stability. If you find one with signet too, it’s bad luck and you’ll have to deal with it (although he’ll either give up a gap closer or endure pain). Corrupting stabilty will be a safe choice in almost all scenarios.

For runes, he’ll either has lyssa which, if he saves it for condi cleanse, means he won’t have swiftness. Try to bait out lyssa with cripples/chills. The boons only last for 5s
The other option is melandru, which means you’ll have less overall damage, but you can savely burst without worrying about a total cleanse.

In general try to start in staff since you want to swap to your scepter which has a better autoattack. You never want to be stuck in staff for ~7-8s without marks.

Diamond Skin is going too far.

in WvW

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


There are actually eles that go 30 into earth instead of using the other ways to make them almost immune to condition classes anyway? Why do they hurt themselves like this?
I do believe it’s bad design, but overall i haven’t met many players that were successful with this.