Showing Posts For Nonfat.8742:

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


What you are missing is POWER – half the skills in D/D and P/P are useless with full dire you will hit for like 1k back stab lol

D/D and P/P are hybrid weapons – Dire is for pure condi which you would be better off with P/D and a SBow – Change gear or weapons

If you are set on pp and dd which I assume you are – try carrion armor with the dire/rabid trinkets – perplexity is good rune

Trait set-up is perfect so you got one thing down

Thank you for your input on this!

You’re absolutely right, my BS hits like a wet noodle although I rarely use BS since I mostly go for Sneak Attack wich gives more bleeds.

First I’ll give the weapon change a chance since it costs less then to regear entirely and slot new runes and infusions into the new gear. I’ve tried some theorycraft with the gear you proposed and it looks quite impressive on paper so I’m sure I’ll test that too.

What do you think about taking Bewildering Ambush over Sleight of Hand (trickery) since it gives 5 stacks of confusion 100% (well if your target doesn’t dodge the steal ofc) as opposed to Sleight of hand’s stun to trigger the runes 5 stacks of confusion isn’t 100%. Excuse my poor english, I hope you will understand what I am trying to ask.

[Piken Square]

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hello Thief community,

I already posted this build in this thread :

but now I have slightly changed the build for WvW solo roam. My main objective was to utilize P/P+D/D and to max condi damage as much as possible. Not sure if I succeeded but here it is :

I really enjoy this playstyle but I have the feeling I am missing something so I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions!

[Piken Square]

Any way to make P/P remotely viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Nonfat.8742



First of all I am a casual player who still clicks about half his skills – so you can’t really say I’m a pro or something

But still – here it is – my condition WvWvW troll build for solo/small group roaming :

It has pros and cons, biggest pro is that you’re tougher than most of the thiefs out there and the bleeds tick like a * and biggest con in my view the mobility or better said the lack of mobility.

If anyone will take the time and check the build out I would greatly appreciate any suggestions and comments.

[Piken Square]

Fractals of the Mists. Why, ArenaNet?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I have over 1k fractal runs (here from the very start of fractals, been playing them and enjoying them for over a year now) and was something above lvl 50 with 2 of my toons before the “fractured patch”. So you could say I have some experience and know what I am talking about.

Making lvls account bound was the smartest thing Anet did. Thank you Anet

What I don’t understand is:

- where are the actual rewards?! (really 1 gold for lvl 50? Seriously now Anet, don’t patronize us)

- where are more fractals?! (the patch was a move into the right direction – now upgrade it!!!)

- Whats with Dredge fractal? My friends and I started to joke around that the devs are evil and are laughing hard. Now I am starting to belive that to be a fact.
Come on, we all know it, dredge (regarding to other fractals) takes WAY to much time to complete. Only thing I can say in it’s defense is that at least we get those “heavy miner bags”. But that’s not a reason to leave the fractal as it is. URGENT rework needed asap.

[Piken Square]

Mist Angels [Mist] Fractals & Raids EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


We are still looking for friendly & active casual / semi-casual players.
If you a in search of a friendly drama free guild look no further

[Piken Square]

Mist Angels [Mist] Fractals & Raids EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Mist Angels are still looking for friendly casual/semi-casual players.

If you feel alone or lack the groups to do dungeons/fractals you are more than welcome to apply to the guild via our website –

[Piken Square]

Mist Angels [Mist] Fractals & Raids EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hey Lepidus,

if I’m not mistaken you’re about 6 hours behind our time (6am for us means midnight for you).
While we have quite a few “night owels” I feel that you could feel lonely sometimes as your late night gaming means early morning gaming for us.

As for guild missions goes we have them on sundays at 9pm (so basicly around 3pm for you).

If you decide to join us send us an app on guildsite and we’ll see how it goes

[Piken Square]

Mist Angels [Mist] Fractals & Raids EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Happy Holidays everyone!

Mist Angels are still searching for new recruits

[Piken Square]

[Piken Square] looking for a active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742



here’s the post to our recruitment thread, you’ll find links to our site too

[Piken Square]

[Piken Square] LF small/medium guild [PvE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742



Mist Angels are still recruiting nice people

Here’s the link —>

[Piken Square]

Mist Angels [Mist] Fractals & Raids EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Mist Angels are still searching for active people to join our lovely guild —→ check it out and write us an application if you decide to join us.

You can also PM me ingame if you want additional information – nonfat.8742

Kind regards,


[Piken Square]

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Seems decent enough, I don’t have problems that "cleansing ire " is missing.
I’m missing stability. If you’re infront of the zerg you need stability. In any case you need stability. Get rid of the stomp (you have earthshaker up every ~8s anyways) and put in either balanced stance (since you are using vigor with stance) or dolyak signet (more passive toughness+stability on activation).

[Piken Square]

Does Warrior need a nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Majority of people calling out to nerf warriors have no clue what are they talking about.
No clue, no data to support their clames.
Reason: they don’t have warr’s at 80 and geared, so they can’t jump on the fotm train – and that makes them angry – anger makes them feel bad about themself – so only logical solution – NERF NERF everything so I can pewpew and kill everyone and be the best.

No nerfs to warrior – BUFF other classes. No idea what to do with crybabys – get a life.

NERF Thief…actually delete thief from game like this fella wants to get rid of the hammer –

Yeah that sounds totally dumb – but still people call for it.

In the words of my favourite author – L2P.

[Piken Square]

Warriors Nerf them Now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


There’s absolutely no argument.
It’s a mom playing with her son and they got destroyed badly by some warriors. Now she can’t cope with the loss and the boy cries. Logical solution – nerf warrior to the ground.
And btw what kind of a grown up writes:
QUOTE : “Please nerf the warriors now or I and my son are done playing a game with only 1 fun class because all the other classes are second”

To calm things down for you – other classes are getting buffs so no worries there, you’ll be able to jump back on your thief and troll zergs.

[Piken Square]

Mist Angels [Mist] Fractals & Raids EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Beeing a semi casual player who loves all aspects of the game and beeing in this guild for over a year now I have to say that it’s been a wonderful experience!

We do lots of stuff, from guild missions to regular dungeons to Fractals 30+, from sPvP, tPvP to WvWvW. We also have special events organised by our council/members. For instance this weekend we have Princess doll tonics run in Malchor’s leap – I have no doubts it’s going to be epic!!!

If you are on Piken Square (or you are willing to transfer) and are in search of a friendly casual guild – Mist Angels [Mist] is the place you want to be!

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Post Your Hammer Builds!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


My WvWvW build :|c.1g.h1d.e.1g.h1l.0.0.0|2.1g.h17.0.0.0|1k.71g.1k.71g.1k.71g.1n.71h.1n.71h.1n.71h|2s.d1e.2s.d19.3s.d19.2s.0.3s.0.2u.0|0.0.u29b.k16.k36|16.2|5x.6c.6f.6h.6m|e

Still need to change around the gear to get more damage output since I was testing clerics out and tbh I was not too impressed

Anyhow if anyone is actually going to take a look at my build please comment on what you think I can improve. Thanks

[Piken Square]

honestly when is earthshaker getting polished

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I just wish it was compatible with the Y-Axis. It doesn’t work if you use it on someone below you.



P.S.: I am no expert on coding and programming but why not simply adjust the animation to be more like Savage Leap. That skill is pretty similiar and actually lands a hit 90% of the time opposed to Earthshaker that hits 50% (or less…).

[Piken Square]

BABY FRACTAL, initiation for new players

in In-game Events

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Bumping thread

Ingame name for invites and information on TS and other stuff : Nonfat Lowcarb or Ignor Eme

[Piken Square]

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


This sounds awsome!

I have a full exo/ascended warr and mesmer at my disposal atm.

Warr has “only” 35 AR (will get 40 in a week, 45 in two i hope) while mesmer is sitting on 45

[Piken Square]

How to play a Mesmer in PvE and like it?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I love my warrmes (warrior+mesmer=warrmes) in PvE.

It’s important to learn each boss’s mechanics and know when to dodge. If you’re down all the time (wich in zerker gear can happen in a second of not paying atention) you don’t really help your team.

Then get zerker gear (im 98% zerker except of the 2 ascended accessorys that are knight and i have ptv stats on my sword,amulet and back). Will soon change those for even more damage

I use 20[III,X] / 20[II,X] / 0 / 25[II,VIII) / 5 with GS/sword+focus.

The ranged damage is great, iZerker hits like a truck, sword provides decent melee damage, “blurred frenzy” is realy something I can’t live without in this game, phantasmal warden is awsome and with focus traited for reflects and -20% on focus skills cd you contribute to the team overall success quite well.

Healing is ether feast.
Utility skills are changed depending on the needs, but I mostly run with feedback,nullfield and mirror images.

Elite no doubt is Time Warp but can be switched to mass invisiblity for some parts of certain dungeons (p3 arah wink wink).

Guess your so-called war mess has been level 80 for so long already, you don’t even think about the possibility, people might actually talk about mesmers < 80.

Well you have a point there.
But talking about a viable mesmer build under lvl 80 is in my opinion pointless since the class only truley shines when you hit 80 and get good gear.

So my adivice to under lvl 80 mesmers is : get some toughness while leveling and try to hit 80 asap. Then go back to ym thread, try it out for yourself and then judge.


[Piken Square]

How to play a Mesmer in PvE and like it?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I love my warrmes (warrior+mesmer=warrmes) in PvE.

It’s important to learn each boss’s mechanics and know when to dodge. If you’re down all the time (wich in zerker gear can happen in a second of not paying atention) you don’t really help your team.

Then get zerker gear (im 98% zerker except of the 2 ascended accessorys that are knight and i have ptv stats on my sword,amulet and back). Will soon change those for even more damage

I use 20[III,X] / 20[II,X] / 0 / 25[II,VIII) / 5 with GS/sword+focus.

The ranged damage is great, iZerker hits like a truck, sword provides decent melee damage, “blurred frenzy” is realy something I can’t live without in this game, phantasmal warden is awsome and with focus traited for reflects and -20% on focus skills cd you contribute to the team overall success quite well.

Healing is ether feast.
Utility skills are changed depending on the needs, but I mostly run with feedback,nullfield and mirror images.

Elite no doubt is Time Warp but can be switched to mass invisiblity for some parts of certain dungeons (p3 arah wink wink).

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Any EU have it uncontested?

[Piken Square]

Connectivity Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


As there are quite a lot of people in different region experiencing the same problem the source of that problem is clearly not at the user. I would imagine that Anet is either doing a – planned or unplanned – update on their servers or they are just having some trouble with them.


[Piken Square]

Connectivity Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


You’re not alone.

I have problems with connection and are geting random dc’s. For bonus my guild chat isn’t working. I can clearly see myself in the guild but the game says “you’re not in a guild”.

What’s up with that?

EDIT: Seems like guild chat is buged for all of the guys in my guild atm.

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Vengeance should not result in death.

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


vengeance is quite a bit more powerful then the thieves teleport or the ele’s mist form.

honestly i look at people trying to change the warrior class with quite a bit of disdain. there are far far FAR more pressing problems on a lot of the other classes then to worry about your pet peeves.

instead of trying to press your own little ideas of what would make X better. how about you press instead for some bug fixes.

or at the very least present your suggestions to the suggestion forum.

Who pressing here? He wrote what he thought and asked us to do the same. I didn’t see this as a plea or pressing Anet to do us some kind of favour.

There are certainly more important things ANet should take care of…

[Piken Square]

Vengeance should not result in death.

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


If they want us to use vengeance then I agree with you, they should atleast make it so you don’t die at the end.

But I would rather see we get new downed skills that are the same as other classes.
The throw rock is absurd, hammer toss is one target only + it doesn’t work 80% of the time and vengence is for me “wtf i killed him, now im dead because i dont have it traited?!!”.

[Piken Square]

PvE oriented GS/Bow build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hmmm.. my main iffyness with this build lies with your reliance on omnom ghosts. Pretty much your main sustain in this build are ghosts, which isn’t even optimal with your low critical chance. I would much rather run this build in full berserker then PVT gear, just because the ghosts would proc even more to keep me alive and you kill mobs arguably faster.

Yes the unbuffed build looks a bit, like you said, iffy.


1. You are forgeting the passive regen that the defense trait gives you and the one from runes. You might argue that it’s kitten but I think it’s a nice addition to the overall surivivability.

2: With full adrenal, fury, 25 precision stacks and food (oils), the crit chance rises to about ~74% and even more when chilled/slowed/immobilized. It’s more enough to keep the heals from ghost going.

I am not saying zerker gear is worse for this build but since I don’t want to be a glasscannon and I’m not an uber pro gamer this gear+build is pretty forgiving.

Keep the Comments/suggestions coming guys, the feedback is appreciated!

[Piken Square]

PvE oriented GS/Bow build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I am working so I’ll privide the buffed stats a bit later on…

Here are the unbuffed stats:

1. bow
2. greatsword


[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Comprehensive list of Warrior issues.

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


@Hundred Blades

Learn to do the math. If you think Hundred Blades should be cut to 50% while moving then then that’s being stupid because you might as well be using normal attacks while moving. You’re nerfing GS to the ground with this suggestion when its completely fine as is.

I agree, 100b is probably the least problematic skill. If you’re not sure how to use it properly – well – do not use GS.

P.S.: @ANet: Make 100b w/o root!!!

[Piken Square]

Warrior PvE Builds Lvl 80 End-Game

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I run this build and as I’ve stated in the thread itself I find it the most fun and forgiving build for my playstyle :;0ZL-60;9;4JO-9E48-49;25;05;0L-V0-Rk0KJG4KJG45Rg

Here is what I’ve settled on after a lot of different builds. Any of the 3 heals work, use your favorite or jump around between them depending what your fighting and the blank utility I switch between Frenzy, Endure Pain, Balance Stance, or Shake it Off.

The gear started off as Full Knight (Toughness/Power/Precision) but I added in Berserker (Power/Precision/Critical Damage) every now and then for more damage and now I only have Knight Helmet, Legs, Chest, and GS everything else is Berserker.

I use Omnomberry Pie, Superior Sharpening Stone and Scale Venom(On Bosses) as my consumables.

If for some reason I decided I didn’t like Lyssa Runes I would switch in Ruby Orbs and change the build to:;0ZL-60;9;4JOE9-48-49-5;01;3L-V0-Rk0sV2DsV2D5RD

*You’ll need to copy the link into your browser to get them to work.

You two run the same exact build except the choices in equipment.
For equipment, I definitely would say berserker all as you get used to playing.

Questions for you two:
1. Do you guys use the GS burst skill? I have found a few people arguing that if you go with a build that traits Berserker’s Power and Heightened Focus, then you should not use burst unless you have multiple sources of fast adrenaline regen (not just fast attacking).
2. How do you guys fare in end-game content? Not trash mobs, but hard dungeons, fractal high levels, etc. What about in low level when helping? Solo roaming (tanking a group and killing them, etc.)?
3. What is your general playstyle? Do you guys initiate with longbow skills or charge right in and use LB only for boss fights (combo field w/ F1 and such). Why not Rifle over LB?

Oh, and why not 5 more points into Arms to get 10% To bleeding foes?
Also, how much crit % can you SUSTAIN indefinitely? (Food included)
^Realistically speaking w/ food.

Can you show me where my build is exactly the same as both Rez’s?

There are major differences between our builds and saying they are exactly the same is like saying my bike is as fast as my neighbour’s car. No sense in that

1.GS burst skill is kitten. Longbow burst skill is awsome. As I’ve said there are plenty of ways to get your adrenal back quickly. If not by hitting things then by using your healing skill.

2.I’m missing 3 explorable dungeons (3 paths, not 3 dungeons)for my “Dungeon Master” title and that’s only because I’m waiting to do them with my guildies. I’m lvl 34 in fractals, doing lvl 38 dailys with no problems. When I say trash mobs I mean mobs in dungeons before you get to the bosses. I don’t understand what u mean by low lvls when helping. If it’s working great in end game content there is no reason why it shouldn’t work even better in low lvls.
No problems with tanking/engaging multiple enemies. Solo gameplay is also super fun.

3. I’ve already wrote how to start playing when using my build. Read it again if you’re not sure…
Rifle has no combo field. Don’t get me wrong, it is good for single target dps but I prefer longbow. More aoe = more mobs hit = more stacks of precision.

4. I already explained my version of why not the extra 5 points for 10% dmg on bleeding foes.
Crit chance between 67% and 80%, depends on how much stacks of precision you have and on the group you’re in.

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Warrior PvE Builds Lvl 80 End-Game

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I run this build and as I’ve stated in the thread itself I find it the most fun and forgiving build for my playstyle :

[Piken Square]

PvE oriented GS/Bow build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I’ve tried exactly what you’re proposing but for me and my playstyle that wasn’t the optimal build.

I like having a bit more toughness and the extra regen the passive trait gives you combined with the dolyak runes is pretty sweet.
And when you use maitainance oil you loose precious precision due to having less toughness.

Turtle’s defense gives you 200 extra toughness while cripled, chilled, stuned or immobilized so that means extra % to your overall precision for the amount of time beeing slowed,stuned,etc… and it gives you that extra tankyness that I love in higher lvl fractals.

So in theory I get slowed/chilled, I pop “for great justice” and if needed “endure pain” and spam 100b in the mobs face till the condition goes away/is cleansed by group/I clean it myself and(or) whirwind away.

I personaly adore the Last stand trait as it gives me more space to …well… mess up

Maybe switching the “last stand” for “embrace the pain” (+adrenal when hit) also works but I usualy don’t use it since 100b + whirlwind = full adrenal in a short amount of time.

I don’t miss the extra 10% dmg that much cause I can still crit for 20k.
Only thing I miss in this build is the faster weapon swap.
The might on swaping is easly replacable with 100b (might stacking sigil), for great justice, elite signet and from your party (guard buffs, another war buffs,…etc…)

And it’s true that with the “signet mastery” you’re elite skill can be used more often,
but I personaly think that for this build spending 10 points into discipline tree is enough.

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

PvE oriented GS/Bow build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Correct me if I’m wrong, but you get about 7% extra crit chance from food.
+14% crit chance default with this build.
+ 9% crit chance from max adrenaline
+ 10% crit chance from trait.
Total of 40% crit chance.

Is that enough to merit having any critical based skills?
Just curious as I always aim for 50%+ when having any traits that rely on crit.

With all the buffs, stacks, food my crit chance varies from 76% to 80% (depends on the group composition and what traits ppl have) so I think it pays off.

[Piken Square]

PvE oriented GS/Bow build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Would you mind elaborating on the build’s playstyle?

~Step 1 :

Know your dungeon tactics, eat your food and get a good group.

~Step 2 :

Thrash mobs:

Start with “For great justice!” then use the GS to get some extra might stacks and to burn down some of the hp on trash mobs.
You can use your elite signet here aswell (depends on what dungeon/fractal part you are doing atm). I use it as often as I can but I also try not to burn it before certain encounters.

~ Step 3 :

When adrenal is at max I usualy switch to bow since I want the extra precision stacks (1 stack for each downed mob [as long as you hit it at least once] —> 25 mobs --> 25 stacks = 250 precision) and place the “Combustive shot” fire field on the mobs (F1 longbow ability).
[[The nr.3 aoe skill (arcing arrow) inside the fire field gives a blast combo finsher but also has nice dmg and I personaly love the animation.]]
This usualy means that the rest of the group goes a bit crazy with the combo finishers and they also place some of their own combo fields so we all can have a little fun

If the trash mobs take like 50% of your health while you’re in melee quickly switch to bow, use the F1 ability, heal, get some distance, regen a bit, shoot of the F1 ability again when it’s ready and go spam 100b some more or just wait in range and pewpew a bit. Your group mates will be thankful if you would immobilize the mob that’s chasing them if they have trouble kiting it so have that skill on save. (nr.5 bow skill)

~Step 4 :

Loot the dead mobs and hope for rares/exos/precursor(s)

~Step 5 :

Boss fights :

The longbow isn’t the best dps weapon out there, doesn’t have any “escape” skills (ok it has a blind and a root but I don’t like to think those are escape skills – more as a short interrupts).
GS on the other hand has realy nice dps, has “whirlwind” wich is also a free dodge and “rush” wich helps you to get out of melee as long as you don’t have a target – in that case you’ll be seeing eye to eye with a boss having only 2k health 15s cd on your heal and no endurance to dodge the bosses super attack yeeeey \o/ !

So having that in mind and knowing wich boss you are fighting (his elite skills, moving, type of dmg, etc…) you choose your weapon accordingly.

- For example dredge/elemental end boss of the dredge fractal :

My favourite tactic is to kite the boss between the two lava buckets on the left side.
Always stay infront of the boss, while kiting him you can shoot off every skill you have except the nr.5 immobilize – that you use when the boss is on the spot for the next lava debuff.
It realy helps if the guy who’s doing the levers misses the “drop” or if you loose aggro and the rest of your group is scattered all over the place and the boss is about to wander off just when the lava is about to fall on him …

That’s pretty much it, I hope I haven’t forgot anything – if I have I’ll try to add it in the future.

I hope I made some sense and excuse my english since it’s not even close to beeing my mother language

Kind regards,

[Piken Square]

PvE oriented GS/Bow build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hello fellow warriors!

I would like to share the build I’m using for PvE (maybe someone else already posted it but still…).

I’ve tried the “sonic boon build”, the axe+warhorn/rifle build, and some others but for me personaly the build I’m posting is an absolute favourite.

I have no trouble doing any dungeon and atm I’m at lvl 34 fractals and I have no worries whatsoever (highest i did was lvl 38 – no probs).

Imo it’s best to use this build with a group you know well and know how to work together – to get the most out of it.

The build is oriented towards survivability, damage and combos.

There are a few catches :

Nr.1 : it’s essential you have your adrenal bar full at all times since there are major traits that benefit largely from it BUT we’re using bow and it’s superfun combo field so the timing when to use it should be well thought since the burst ability munches all your adrenal away.

Nr.2 : this build lacks precision so I use the food (the oils) and the sigil on bow so I have on me as many stacks of precision as possible.

~Build (copy and paste to a new tab if the link doesn’t work):;TgAKbM2IsxajzGpNrIGZA

~Gear :

exo PVT gear with runes of dolyak
exo zerker accsessorys
ascended zerker amulet
ascended zerker rings
ascended PVT fractal capacitator

~Weapons :

exo zerker GS with superior sigil of strenght (might stacking)
exo zerker Bow with superior sigil of accuracy (precision stacking)

~Food :

precision :
healing :

~Utility skills :

I run with “Shake it off!”, “For great justice!” and “Endure pain”. I switch endure pain for “On my mark!” but it depends on the situation. You can use other skills too but that’s a personal preference thing.

Elite skill is “Signet of Rage” since the banner is too situational and I won’t debate about the rest of the “skills” available to us…

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Legendary Weapon rarity

in Crafting

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I am glad that they are sellable, I am trying to get one at which point I plan on sending it to a rl friend.

Man, you’re a nice friend. That’s a lot of work for something to give away

He’s probably hoping she’ll finaly love him back after he sends her the legendary.

If I’m wrong then you’re the niecest person I don’t know

[Piken Square]

whats the fastest cleartime for CoF p1 ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


My personal best: 1 guard, 3 war, 1 mes = 6min12s

I don’t think its impossible to do it just under 6 min but I could be wrong

From the first door or 2nd door?

I started my stopwatch exactly when the asura opens the first door and stoped it when the final boss was downed.

I do not have any video to prove it but I’m more than happy to team up with anyone and show them how to do it Group composition and dps builds are essential.

NOT fully “zerk” because in my opinion PPT gear (combined with the right build ofc) does more good than full glasscannon. But again I could be wrong

[Piken Square]

whats the fastest cleartime for CoF p1 ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


My personal best: 1 guard, 3 war, 1 mes = 6min12s

I don’t think its impossible to do it just under 6 min but I could be wrong

[Piken Square]

Warhorn condition convert changed

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hello my fellow warriors,

I can’t help it but I feel like I got mugged. Three times!!

Why was this horrible change made? Is there any official thread or anything where ANet explained why?

Please support this thread and together we have a chance to revert this unnecessary change.

[Piken Square]

A warrior solo's Arah Path 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Lol guys, just lol.

To the poster : Nice vid, awsome skill, best class
I would like to see more of these kind of vids.

And @ Insane Sociopath: No offence but if you really belive in what you wrote, then your nick is on spot. No dev in their right mind is going to nerf a class just cause a guy soloed a path in Arah.

[Piken Square]

Hammer PvE Build for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Check this and judge for yourself (not my build, took it out from the “post your warrior build” thread).

Kind regards,

[Piken Square]

best warrior food

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I agree with the rest of them, Pies and Ghost are great!

But for my “group play” build I prefer Superior Sharpening Stones and Plate of Truffle Steak Dinner.

[Piken Square]

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Thx all for your input! Greatly appreciated

I’ll be testing out the build, probably tonight.

Will post results here if anyone will be interested.

Kind regards,

[Piken Square]

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Noone as curious as me?

[Piken Square]

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hey fellow warriors!

I’m just curious how much power (with food buffs and all other buffs available) can you actualy achieve?


EDIT: I’m runing 20/20/10/0/20 build, PVT exo gear with sup runes of dolyak, 2swords(sup sigil of bloodlust&purity)/GS(sup sigil of fire) and with all buffs, food and sharpening stone I managed to get 3.6k power at some point.

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Warrior Banner problem in Fractals dungeon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nonfat.8742



first of all I am not sure if this is working as intended but here’s what I found:

in the mentioned fractal (don’t know the original name, the one where you transform into a Charr) there is a “bug” that makes picking up your banner after you plant it impossible or better said there’s no option for you to do so.

Has anyone noticed this and if so, is there a way around it?

Tbh it’s not that big of a deal but maybe they can fix then when they fix the “not beeing able to get back into the dungeon” thingy, wich I presume is going to happen soon (or at least should happen soon ).

[Piken Square]

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742



I’ve noticed that aswell. But I am not 100% sure because I used the banner maybe 3 times before the patch.
But yesterday I ran a couple of fractals and in one situation 2 of our groupmates died and when I used the banner only one acutaly got up, the other just stayed on the grown still fighting for his life. Not sure if that was because the boss just did a massive aoe or of the glitch. But I am 99% sure that if your ally dies (actually dies) then the banner doesnt work.

@Anet: In any case this “problem” should be looked at ASAP.

[Piken Square]

Looking for some ideas on a hybrid build

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I actually use this setup for pve and wvw and it puts out solid damage while being relatively hard to put down.;TsAA2CooyyklILbWuskZtEZQwmAA

With full “knight’s” armour and weapons and “berserker’s” trinket slots it sits at about

2850 power
49 (54 with sigil)% crit chance
52% crit damage
2700 toughness
23k health

Basically you can maintain perma fury through your utilities, 10+ stacks of might through weapon swapping and heavy condition removal and bonus healing with your shouts. It is a pure melee setup though which isn’t everyone’s thing plus some bosses really do need a ranged weapon. You can always swap out the axe/shield for a rifle though in these situations so it’s not crippling. Also with the high crit chance omnomberry pies will go a long way to extending your survivability while adding more precision to help your damage along.

Your build sounds interesting to me and it fits my needs for wvw, but the link isn’t working.


if you copy and paste the entire url in your browser, then the link works.
Just clicking on it doesnt work.

Kind regards,

[Piken Square]

Banner Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


My question is : do you think specing rifle instead of longbow for dungeon play is more effective since the rifle has a knockback,snare and the OP F1 ability wich name Ive forgotten

Yes and no. Utility is key in group situations, so the utilities are definitely handy, and the rifle snare is one of the best. Kill Shot, OP as it is, however, is pretty hard to justify in dungeons because of how long it takes to set up and fire, it keeps you too stationary when you are typically mobile.

In my experience, I only use ranged in groups when melee is not an option, but the tradeoff is the warhorn, which is so useful that the ranged becomes a very situational tool. That said, many boss fights are those situations. Like Path 1 in HotW, there is no reason for me to be melee during that encounter, so I focus on the totems while buffing with the warhorn until I have full adrenaline, then drop a flame field from my longbow F1 skill so that everyone gets some extra burn damage in, then switch back to my warhorn after CD is down.

Ultimately, how you play is how you feel most comfortable, and I am always most comfortable when I feel useful and needed in a group. In previous MMO, that meant being a tank (I have been a main raid tank since EQ and in every MMO that followed the same general flavour of playstyle). In GW2, without the “tanking” role, in the more traditional sense, that meant learning how to mitigate damage without soaking it up, so I heal and buff now.

THERE IS NO WRONG SPEC (not even 5 signets, all you nay-sayers can sit on your thumbs), so experiment and find a groove that makes the ladies wanna dance next to you.

In the immortal words of James Brown: If It’s good to ya, it’s good for ya.

UHH! Yeah!


first of all I have to tell you that I love the spec! And thank you for the detailed answer ofc.

Yesterday was the “respec day” and tried my 2nd dungeon (did only AC story before) and I ended up doing the new fractals dungeon. Perhaps I should first try out the build on some mobs but I didnt and had quite some problems with the placing of the banners and using the sword (I see now that melee can be quite painful) at the beginning.
But after a while I got used to it and my team didnt die once! I was proud and I think that for a moment my group had tears in their eyes…tears of happyness

But tbh I still have same problems with how to use this build effectivly in solo PvE.

Kind regards

[Piken Square]

Banner Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


I am a banner warrior, who uses a 1h Sword + Warhorn / Longbow.

My build:

25 :: Deep Cuts, Blademaster
15 :: Cull the Weak
30 :: Inspiring Banners, Quick Breathing, Inspiring Battle Standard

My preferred stats are Healing, Precision, Vita/Tough.

With this build, one banner, set to the side of an encounter, will heal my party (previously an entire raid in CS before they reduced the efficacy to only 5 people …) for 312 per tick (second) with 1320 healing. By placing your banners efficiently around the combat zone, you can blanket a very large area with a substantial regeneration field, and only 5 seconds of downtime. If you overlap banner fields, you can have a permanent regeneration field for your group.

Note: Banner heals do no stack, just the area of effect, so it is important to keep them spread out. Now, despite the nerf to 5 people per banner, 3 banners is still up to 15 people if a raid aware group can stay within a particular banner field.

Warhorn is indispensable with Quick Breathing. converting Conditions to Boons is priceless.

I use Defensive Banner, Shake It Off, Tactical Banner, and the elite Warbanner.

My healing skill is Healing Surge.

In solo play, I often switch that to Healing Signet because the regeneration from Adrenal Health, Healing Signet, and a banner do stack, so in solo play I have approximately 650 health regeneration per second. I will throw down two banners about 50 feet apart, and start kiting mobs in a circle around them, stacking bleeds with my sword, taking very little damage. Warhorn skills make me even harder to kill because I have 3 immobilization removal tools (two warhorn skills with QB, and shake it off).

This is obviously a character design geared for group play moreso than solo play, but it is very fun to play with, essentially, I am a very hard to kill combat medic. Oh ya, in combat, my revive ticks for 759, so downed players get up fast.

And I am a highly valued commodity in WvW.

I am sure I can say more, but this should give you an idea of how to use banners effectively.


I am a new player, a warrior who just hit lvl 80 (yeah noob:)).

My question is : do you think specing rifle instead of longbow for dungeon play is more effective since the rifle has a knockback,snare and the OP F1 ability wich name Ive forgotten

Thanks for the answer!

P.S.: Ill be trying out your banner build as soon as I can (but ill have to spend a lot of points :o)

[Piken Square]