Showing Posts For PSILO.4068:
I’ve been getting black screens a lot since the 13th. Just uninstalled and am currently re-installing. I hope this works. (This has never happened before. Scanned & cleaned my PC. nothing weird there. crosses fingers
Depending on my team comp, I’ll run staff & s/wh or a/wh with wh trait for team buffs. If I need to go DPS, Imma run LB &a/wh. Spike trap for unblockable interupts (good for rez)
Also, smokescale F2 + staff 3 or wh 5 = area stealth
(edited by PSILO.4068)
Warhorns are tiny. Know what’s kinda horny and not tiny? A tuba. Will you please make a tuba flavored warhorn skin. I’ll pay you.
I came up with this one the other day and have been having some pretty good luck with it. Thoughts?
Hey Anet, if you’re seriously asking what the difference between ranked and unranked is then I have to kittening wonder if any of you actually play this game. I’m pretty sure we can have ranked without a season. It’s happened before.
I just wanted to complain about necros having kitten for finishers. (At least we can pretend to have stability now.) I haven’t done it in a while, just wanted to remind you guys
Thanks and have a good day.
I’ve been using focus and wells a lot recently. I’m actually kinda stoked
Will we ever get to look at these in the “Hero” panel without actually having to use lf?
For as long as I can remember, once you kill a ranger and they re-spawn their pet re-spawns where you just killed it and hits you once. Just enough to put you “in combat,” thus making you run slow as crap to the next objective. This is annoying
Spent my 200+ hero points to unlock reaper and all I got is a great sword I can’t use.
What if the trait gave axe #2 a whirl finisher and axe #3 a blast finisher (that also affects the GM (spiteful spirit?) trait? Would you take it even if it didn’t have a damage increase or CD decrease?
A necro finisher?!?!? They don’t like us that much
I have tons of hours on all classes (excluding ranger) And, in my not so humble opinion, we are more versatile than any other class. Need power? I got it. Need condi? I got that too. Need support? Seriously, I have that covered too. Need a Bunker? Does 40k hp work? (for kitteny kitten kittenings sake we have Death Shroud) Sigh, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening…and feedback.
I’ve recently been using these in pvp and I am surprised at how much I like them. (It’s like using the worm without wasting a skill slot) Feedback from my fellow Necromancers…go:
the matchmaking is even more encouraging when you lose multiple matches by 200+ points but, don’t lose any ladder points. Seriously, if that’s the best match to be made then what’s the kittening point? Try and lose with style?
If you want some unbiased, detailed, quality data from a very active, very mediocre, and semi-intelligent player, well, I typically drink 12yr. Jameson.
I’m just kittening with you, Mr. ODell! I’ll let you know what I get in the next few days. But, the weekends are horrible for soloq. Also, I do appreciate the more (than before) effort you guys seem to be putting into pvp.
Never touch condis.
I usually run condi when solo roaming and can flip a camp in no time at all
I like it when I kill a ranger and when he spawns his pet hits me. I’ll be waiting on a point (for me to get out of combat so my hp goes back up) and then it’s like,
haha just kidding you’re in combat again
But everybody is way the kitten over there!?!
So?…run slow, mofo, run slow
-Courtyard = 500-0 first blood zergfest
-Spirit watch= totally favors teleporting classes
-Trollhammer = no words needed i think
500-0…really? That explains a lot
Teleports…really? Waste those skill slots
Trollhammer…hahahahaha…“Oh no, there’s a big red circle that tells me it’s gonna hurt! And a fourth point! dur dur dur dur dur”
Ranked should be about more competitive play. The three maps left out are gimmicky.
Define competitive? Using the same team, with the same set-up, doing the same thing, on the same maps? Kinda makes me loFl
“I hate Skyhammer because I can’t just run in a circle and spam whatever isn’t on cd!!” —every kitten kitten ever.
Seriously though, why not? If you know how to play and adapt your class to the given map/team comp/opposition team’s comp, well, this shouldn’t be an issue to all the esports pre-mades.
We still have Forest and Foefire…one bad, or out of place, player can throw a decent match in a heartbeat. (i.e. players going and dying to the npc’s)
And for all the kittens that’ll kitten about Skyhammer…the big red circle hurts, keep you back against the wall, or go mid, or bring stability. Adapt and overcome.
Hell, bring back Capricorn and let’s test these skills all around.
Variety…the spice of life…and the ‘meta-negater’!
So, for the last week or so I’ve been running a 0-6-1-4-3. And so far, it is one of my favorite variations on my necro. I’ve been using it in pve, pvp, wvw and it’s easily adaptable. Meaning that I can easily change my play style to fit the situation by just changing weapons, or swapping a couple of skills.
About the only constants are curses VIII, I do use different sigils depending on the situation. But, it’s usually good for getting the crit hit sigils to land twice. (Plus lots of cripple for them and lots of swiftness for us)…and Blood Magic VIII
Try it out and see what you think
(Note: I’ve used it with power and condi…liked them both)
(edited by PSILO.4068)
You really shouldn’t be afraid of assembling a new PC on your own.
I built my first one last Summer and, literally, the hardest thing about it was trying to read the Windows activation code.
I used and a youtube video.
Sarcasm…the forgotten language
The other day a thief and a ranger went for Svanir at the very start. He killed them. They rezzed and, being the beast that he is, he friggin’ did it again. I’m not sure what happened the rest of the match because I went to the beach and tried out the “/dance” emote thing because I had to pee and needed to make another drink. I’m pretty sure we lost though.
p.s. “/dance” works…even has sound effects and kitten
I mean, kitten, I kittening love you guys….oooh look a sammich
For kitten’s sake reward our drunken devotion!!!
Plenty of other point and click titles to get. Let us drunk kitten kitteners have one.
It’s like a 80g and a kitten ton of clicking…totally title worthy.
Buff necro…buff the ever-living kitten out of it!!! But, that’s just what I want
Time to relieve some stress,[/quote]
That video made me…shart
In my opinion, all we have are fields that mess up other players stuff and staff 4 finisher is a joke
Kinda makes me miss the “Glory” days. Really makes me miss, the Mystic Forge and all the skins I could make. But, I am thankful for the bank and tp. Also, I get the theory behind it but, my 4v5 rate feels like it has increased (because if someone dc’s they can’t get back in…that’s what I heard anyway) I think most players would rather have a 4v4 than a 4v5. If someone happens to dc would it be too hard to “lock” the gates for the opposing team and keep it 4v4? (Boom! New aspect!)
What’s a “map awareness?”
My bad, man. I thought you were somebody else. So, you have my most sincere apologies. But, for the record, I’m never bitter. This is a game. That is played for fun, right? I just don’t like my record being pointed out. I’m very sensitive and usually drunk. And, always stoned. So, good luck, have fun and all that other good kitten! Peace!!
I’ve only solo’ed since the new lb’s came out. So, maybe my wins counted for more. I don’t know. But, I do know that most of my losses were from 4v5’s. So, I will not try to justify my ranking. But, I will say I’m really good at being mediocre in five different classes!!!
I’m glad it did!!!
Especially since you’ve never beaten me. And you used to be (emphasis on ‘used to be’) on my “friends list” with the nickname ‘trash.’
But. I’m happy you remember me and keep me in your thoughts. Keep it up and you’ll earn yourself a reach-around!!! Happy holidays, buddy!!!
kittening sounds pretty sweet to me
1200+ tournament games in pvp I know what I am talking about
…and still uses worm
(edited by PSILO.4068)
Do you guys at anet have an office pool about how many people whine about this map? If not, you should. Seriously, it could be great way to make the new guy pay for drinks some kitten.
true story…is this a bug or what?
Blu deserves to go simply because of the time and effort he puts in to all things GW2.
+1 to Blu for making the post
-1 to the mofos hating him for making it
Oh yeah, one more thing for Blu, if he doesn’t make it he should totally make a “Kickstarter” thing. It worked for some guys potato salad
Well, at least the bird took some damage before you died.
I like the Skyhammer because: Your team is essentially fighting over four areas as opposed to three for the entire match. It forces one to use some environmental awareness. The map mechanics often forces one to alter or completely change builds. It also neutralizes many “cheese” builds/play styles. So, in theory, this should make one a better overall player.
Oh, and the insta-rage it creates is hilarious.
All I can say is that pulls are usually extremely buggy and don’t work properly most of the time. I hope they’re fixed eventually.
The only I’ve issues with is not getting points when I pull somebody into a hole on Skyhammer
or play the game a little more
I was just going on my experiences from 3k+ matches as a power necro. (6-x-x-x-6 type build)
I thought my description of the axe was pretty easy to understand and quite objective. As for melee > range. Is a range of 600 really a ranged weapon? I feel that it’s more like a melee with reach. And personally I think standing in 130 range with any other class that uses a lot of 130 range attacks is bad idea. (Think hammer, mace, greatswords, etc.) Think about how much thieves bounce around. That 600 is more valuable than the 130. And that +5 seconds of cripple from axe 3 that hits ‘em in stealth too, it’s pretty handy. As for axe 2, do you need to put forth some effort to position yourself and/or your oppent? Of course. Axe 2 vs Dag 2. Axe 2 has a shorter cd (cool down) a shorter cast time (like 30% shorter) and it hits harder especially with all the vulnerability you just put on your opponent that means it does more dps (that’s damage per second) than dagger 2. Also dagger 2 is just as easily interrupted/blocked as axe 2.
And I totally agree about a lb doing a ton of deeps (aka DPS aka damage per second) but death shroud doesn’t last for ever)
Maybe I will read the forums more. Because if I read it on the interwebs it must be true.
(edited by PSILO.4068)
Spite VIII. Axe. +10% damage, More base DPS. Period. Add retaliation, AOE cripple (that even hits those pesky little stealth users) easy vulnerability, and greater range + shorter cd’s = more crits.
Dagger is good for mm’s 1v1ing nubs, sacrificing DPS, condi dmg, or crit dmg/life force for a tiny heal (unless you sacrifice even more to make it seem like it’s worth it) And the perfectly timed immobilize on Skyhammer
Dagger gives the highest dps of all weapons including ds, if you can stay in melee forever.
I find the damage of axe rather terrible. It may be good for vulnerable stacking but necros have so many other options for that (traits,focus 4, well of suffereng etc).
Seriously? Have you ever used a necro?
Anyway, Spite VIII w/ axe always! In ten seconds w/ axe (3,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) = roughly 8k base not counting the crits, retaliation, or 10+% of vulnerability, or twice the life force dagger would give. Also axe compliments all the off hand weps better, at least that’s my opinion anyway.
With dagger you typically need to land #3 to maximize #2 (which is slower, weaker, and longer cd than axe 2)then just 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 and hope it chains =8k maybe, no retal, no vul. But you got healed for like 800, so it’s cool, right?
First off, if you from 67% win to 40% in a week you probably don’t have as much experience as you think.
Having different builds (and classes)that you are familiar with helps tremendously.
Also, sometimes there is literally nothing that you can do to win a match because the comp and/or the players make it impossible. My advice for those situations (if you’re really concerned about rank) is to play selfishly. i.e. only engage in fights you can win, and don’t be afraid to run like a mofo
Soloq, where it’s 5v5, 4v5 and the super sweet aww kitten 1v9’s!!!
with sparkles
glitter kittens?