Showing Posts For Psychrome.9281:

[thought] New Elite Skill: Reveal

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


All i know is that if this were added it would be my last priority when choosing an ability. stealth is not that useful and only with gimmicks like backstab builds or the extremely annoying “permastealth” builds. the permastealth builds are really jsut annoying…they cna hardly cap points and the fights take forever essentially removing the burst that thieves claim is important . the backstab buids have been steadily toned down each patch and people are still complaining

im a ranger and i swear this is NOT needed. i personally feel that again stealth should be removed form MMOS entirely, but you do not ned a reveal skill in this game. and i will make a point to mention this isn every “stealth reveal” thread that gets created.

its a waste of time energy on a skill that once they made it, people would still not use it and basically gie theves a way to counter anyoen saying they are OP.

Ranger: OMG you jsut hit me for 10k in one shot!! WTF OP.
Thief: You have reveal…
Ranger: but i dont use it since i prefer an ability that actually improves my damage.
Thief: should have taken reveal.

please do not create this utility /elite skill

Theorycraft: PvP:how they want us to play it

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


Leuca is correct it is ALL conditions

Pet not holding certain Risen?

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


Pets are not supposed to be tanks

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


getting close to 100k views thats pretty significant

[thought] New Elite Skill: Reveal

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i am still trying to really understand why people want a reveal skill anyways…id rather give it to warriors or some other class i dont want to be pigeonholed into using a useless ability. if they were to introduce stealth detection id prefer it the RIFT style where you could drink a potion and for its duration would show ALL players on your minimap, stealthed or not.

either way once they fix stealth rendering issues i really think that stealth will be very weak mechanic outside of escapes or initiating the fight on the thieves standards.

again as i mentioned earlier i HATE stealth and stealth mechanics but this game it barely bothers me, due to short durations, and they cannot cap a point while stealthed in spvp. i have taken a point by simply standing there and avoiding thieves bursts long enough for him to restealth and i cap by default…while i may end up losing sometimes i still would have capped the point for my team. or at least neutralized it.

again reveal would be a waste of a utility/elite/passive trait/class ability and pigeon hole ranger in to it being a mandatory (and still useless trait as opposed to maybe QZ or LR or even signet of renewal or traps) entangle, RAO, or even the horrible spirit of nature would be far better choice than that as an elite skill. and if they did add a crappy reveal rangers would be pressured by teams to take that over any other elite/utility.

if they added it as a trait then again it would take the place of one of our current traits , which would you give up ..piercng arrows…empathic bond, protection on dodge roll, how about the faster pet swapping, would you trade that for a reveal for stealth? i sure as heck would not. maybe you would give up bleeds on crit or faster pet movement. because you only have 70 poitns to spare, in your current build how would changing any of your current traits to add in reveal. where would they put it…nature magic? anyone running a spirit build would be screwed since they would have to drop almost mandatory spirits enhancers for a skill like that.

would adding a reveal really increase your survivibility? put in the wilderness tree and get rid of lowering sword cool downs or 2 seconds stealth on stun or empathic bond… maybe you dont like those traits maybe it doesnt affect you but you have to make a choice and maybe for your build that choice wouldnt be worth it. hell what if Anet put it as a grandmaster trait in the BM tree. how would that affect your power crit builds or your condition builds.

adding a new elite or utility that would do this would pretty much break any build i am currently using, all the points i have spent are very synergystic down to the elite skill i use.

again i feel that within the current meta stealth reveal is un-needed , fairly useless and would only serve to break any builds that are currently barely close to viable.

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


So let me get this straight Thieves should get there stealth that makes them unique and has been the traditional role of there class. Which has also made them the most represented and played class in both tpvp and spvp

Your animal companion called. I couldn’t really understand what it was saying, but I think it was along the lines of “Stop ignoring me.”

brilliant! 4 paws and 2 thumbs up!

[thought] New Elite Skill: Reveal

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


this is ridiculous, i already posted a response in another thread about this im not going to repeat myself but seriously stealth detection is not needed in this game at all

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


Am i the only person here who thinks that Steal is the thieves class mechanic not stealth. granted no other class has as many opportunities or stealth like abilites as a thief, but the mesmer comes really frickin close. i personally believe that Rangers who also have a very minor stealth ability dont really need stealth detection. and to be honest when they fix the rendering bugs involved with stealth the stealth in this game is very tame compared to most MMOs.

I personally hate stealth dependent classes both playing and fighting against them. and i really feel that stealth should be phased out of MMOs altogether. However within the current game having stealth detection in a utility slot or as a passive ability would severely limit build versatility and be pretty much useless.

if the choice were up to me between using barrage or burning a 60 second cd for a stealth detection i would use barrage every time since the longest amount of time a person can stay in stealth is 6 seconds and if they are in stealth then they are not capping my node, and i can afford to wait 6 seconds while using barrage and probably damage him without even trying hard. * insert any aoe in place of barrage if you do not use a long bow(sword 1 GS 1 torch 5 lay down traps…)

as much as i absolutely hate stealth classes in any game i have ever played, the stealth in this game is fairly manageable and will be even more so when the rendering bugs are fixed. spending time and resources on adding something as useless as tracking or stealth detection i feel could be better spent on improving pet AI, improving weapon damage, improving signets, improving spirits.

all in all id rather be brought along for my full capabilities not just because of one small trick that would be pretty useless anyhow.

My thoughts on Ranger balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i personally feel that if you buff bows so much that melee is completely pointless it is then that i wll finally reroll another class…melee ranger is why i actually love the ranger class so much.

i mean if i thought the way you did, i would say they should rename the ranger to the Scout and remove all access to bows and buff the heck out of melee weapons.

but i dont think that, i think that if they buff weapon damage by around 25-30% then we will be right about where we should be, and i mean ALL weapon damage including the recently buffed GS ability maul.

Porcine (pig) Rangers spvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


and you can test this for yourself.

the items “Scavenged” can be picked up by the enemy so another reason pigs are useless…

Ranger tPvP - Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


good song, good vid, but fast forward made my eyes bleed. slow it down!!!

Lick Wounds Never Works

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i had read somewhere where terrain affects it negatively but i have also seen that it fails while sitting on a point in Spvp when i wasnt taking damage…so meh its broken and anyone who claims its not is either lucky as hell or not very observant

Masters Bond + Lashtail = OP

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


Somebody needs to invent a word that means both ‘awesome’ and ‘frustrating’.

pretty sure GW2 already did …its called Ranger

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


turn off auto attack in the mean time this generally removes the issue with dodge rolling

Ranger HP Bug or what ?!

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


this feels liek a troll post i mean i could do the same thing and post 2 screeeies of one wearing gear the other wearing town clothes… your stats dont change in town clothes, you just cant go into combat without it defaulting to your actual gear. if this isnt a troll post then it is definitely a bug and im hoping you reported it.

Good bye ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


what would toatly make my day is if every single ranged weapon player switched to warrior and then maybe the devs would increase damage on melee rangers and make them viable before the bows since no one will be playing a ranged ranger anymore

What would you change about the spear?

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i am not quite sure about that honestly honestly if all pets had the reactiveness and the damage in there F2 that jellyfish have it would make the entire class a lot better

lack of signature features

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i do agree that long bow needs a fix

lack of signature features

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i personally hate the bows and wish i could go pure melee with my ranger, but the lack of the range weapon means i give up alot of damage if a target starts blinking or shadow stepping away or if the target is on a ledge above me i have to go find the way up and by the time i get to where he was hes gone or moved easily to where i was. so when you say ALL RANGERS want bows i happen to be a ranger and id rather not have a bow.

What would you change about the spear?

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


heh i like the spear the way it is, what i want to do is have that jellyfish pet on land i truly believe it is one of the best pets in the game!

Sword, sPvP Boxes and Stealthed Enemies

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i actually like the leap effect its almost like a heartseeker light in that it allows you to stay on kiting targets…although i agree with the OP something needs to be done about jumping to random boxes in Spvp

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i am surprised at the belief about troll ungent. it heals for more than heal as one and healing spring once you step out of the circle the heal can be stripped very easily. with troll ungent it cannot be stripped, and has no positional requirement. in a movement heavy game i would seriously look at getting away from having a heal(even as big as it is ) that requires you to stay in one spot for any duration.

to be fair i dont think you have to be down health to get the full effect of it i look at troll ungent as a precast ability before entering combat that will absorb that instant burst that most people put into there first few strikes, to end the fight quick. i use it before i am entering combat and right as it wears off i switch to GS for the block and then dodge auto attack for 2 cycles and interrupt usually about this time troll ungent is back up depending on the fight. but i guess that comes down to practice and skill with the class and weapon set to do well . ( i dont claim to be a badaxe but i think i am pretty ok)

i like the sword, in fact it is probably my favorite weapon, but even with my autoattack off of the sword eliminating the root issue, it still doesnt give me the utility of the GS. the 3 second block from counter attack which can also be a interrupt+knockback for solid damage is really really to good to pass up. swoop can be used as a gap closer or an escape without the irritation of monarchs leap and the maneuvering required to make it an escape.

also the bugginess of serpents strike not connecting with the target is annoying to me, although i love the animation and when it works its amazing! i think it comes down to personal choice. and honestly with the build either could be used.

either way i am trying empathic bond and either its working amazingly well or i havent been fighting any heavy condition builds so far. although the few conditions i do get are pretty much gone before i notice them (except caltrops…god i hate caltrops…apply more bleeds than an appropriate crossfire and can be dropped with a dodge…grrr)anyway i appreciate the discussion and i am going to be updating my build with permanent changes soon.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


clerics: 16k hp
total healing during troll ungent 11440 during cooldown: 2070
over during the first ten seconds i take 8,5kittenage next 15 i take(this made me cry) 27930

with soldiers:
21k HP

during troll ungent: 10002 during cd 1365

damage taken 9998 during heal. during cooldown 28635

clerics after ten seconds i have ~7500 health left
soldiers i have ~11000 health left

so it seems against burstier opponents clerics is more efficient but against steadier more balanced damage soldiers wins out.

either way i think within the scope of the current meta either works well and you can swap depending on your target environment. although with all the extra things this build provides these numbers drastically change.

but if my math and thinking are correct soldiers beats steady damage clerics beats burst.

(edited by Psychrome.9281)

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i am really digging this talk about healing power vs vitality . in reality it coems down to this with soldiers on i have somewhere around
21k hp
troll ungent heals for 911 per second over 10 seconds=9110 hp every 25 seconds

signet heals for 91 per second

with the modified clerics amulet i use(with knights jewel)
16k hp
troll ungent 1006 hps over 10 seconds every 25 seconds

signet heals for 138hps

my toughness remains the same and my power goes up with soliders.
so its not even an 8k deficit we are talking about its merely a 5k deficit. im not a huge math guy so i am not sure how that effects your discussion. either way the lack of healing does come into play in some fights. with clerics amulet i found i was straight healing through a bunch of damage but with soliders i had the extra hp but i went through it too.

im going to make this simple for me and talk it out:

lets say i get hit for 1000 damage per second.

with clerics for the first ten seconds of the fight i am basically over healing the damage and my hp remains unchanged. afterwards for the next 15seconds i am healing 138hps(not including procs from dwaynas or traited free regen at 75%.) so for 15secodns assuming i just stand there and not dodge or block or evade. dude hits me for 15k damage leaving me with 3070hp (total HP-damage taken +total healing done from signet) left when heal comes back up.

assuming all of the same as above with soldiers amulet:
first 10 seconds i exactly heal for damage done
during the 15seconds of cooldown on heal i again take 15k damage but now i have 7365 hp left (same formula as above)

so when i take 1000 damage per second soliders wins out. but at 2000 damage per second i think it changes.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@ Gareth i decided to try one of your suggesstions out. i swapped amulets to the soliders and i saw no change in my survivability. that being said i did like the extra cushion of HP against high burst specs, and gave a bit of room for error in case i was stunned or heal got interrupted. i am also going to try a build similar to my original with the empathic bond, it seems like every condition necro was after me today and i got fed up with it. with the new set up i will lose some HP from the nature tree and of course lose free regen:( but i am very nervous about running anything that puts extra damage on the pets.

do you know if there is a range on the ability as the tool tip doesnt specify. like the signet of renewal has a funky range on it. i also assume if my pet does die it wont take the conditions either.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@ Unspecified Great! hope it works out for you as well as it does for me

@Mrs. Larson the link to the build including runes amulets and sigils is linked in the first post, however i currently use Clerics.

@Gareth this one cleanse is usually all i need unless going against a super conditon build liek a necro even condition rangers this does really well against.

the purpose of this build is to keep my pet alive and on target, with this build i basically tank for my pet, i control my target and the pet does the damage.

30 points in beastmastery is never a waste when you are focussing on a pet build. i also have swapped to the raven and snow owl for my two pets and have updated the OP.

the sigils on the weapons are easily the most customizable part of this build, you can use whatever you want, sigils of energy would probably best from a min/max point of view. i use sigil of rage because extra quickness is awesome and it does proc every 45 seconds even with next to no crit chance. the sigil of nullification i like but it doesnt work as good as i thought it would so i am now using the one that chills the target for extra protection.

greatsword is probably our best weapon as far as defense and control in my opinion the block now is amazing, swoop has always been good the interrupt daze is good for many different things, including stoppping stomps and rezzes catching kiters and interupting long cast time spells form eles or the guardian elite. and maul with its damage boost is pretty good damage. the evade on the “auto attack” is pretty good especially when petswapping or random sigil of rage procs lots of evades without effort.

as far as healing power, im not sure on the math, but in reality (not on paper) i heal for 1k per second jsut from troll ungent so to answer your 8k of hp that literally takes 8 seconds to regain.healing power scales horribly with regen butwith burst healing and troll ungent it scales beautifully. although i have been toying around with other amulets as i am always tweaking and re adjusting things as i go. it will work ok with a knights amulet although the lack of toughness makes you paper thin so you really need the extra hp. i even tried berserkers and it works alright too but there you dont have much more hp and the insiginifcant damage from our own weapons is not much at all and will not make up for the lack of toughness at all. the soldiers amulet works pretty good, i think its a matter of preference here .

i went with dwaynas runes because of the procs it gives which is even more self healing.

i think what some people dont understand with this build is that my pet does the damage, not me, i control the target so that my pet (with its horrible AI) can catch up to and stay on target. i personally would love to go with GS and Sword/dagger but without ranged attack that is too much of a disadvantage and of course since pets cant climb up cliffs or jump off of them i need a weapon that can at least force the target to my level. by using SB it either deters a target from jumping down and staying in my LOS or it makes them cheer at the small DPS and jumps down to my level allowing my pet to do its job.

oh and in regards to empathic bond while it may be the best cleanse in the game it is so counterproductive to the build that it wouldn’t fit at all, why would i want to get rid of my one actual source of damage.

again i think you should try the build if only for a few matches you will see that while it may not be your personal playstyle (alot of rangers prefer there damage comes from there own weapons) it is a perfectly viable build with the tools we are given .

this build is not the end all be all of ranger builds and i think alot of rangers will not like it especially the ones up in arms about a petless ranger. however this build does its job well and survives long enough for the pet to do the damage it needs to or until help arrives.

other classes do everything better than us but this at least gives a way to do something other than conditions and traps.

Buff pet swap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


apparently everyone above my post believes that pets should tank for the player well most of them..i was simply saying that your pet isnt soupposed to be some mini pet that takes aggro for you.

for gods sake…pet swap…use heal when your pet needs it not just when you need it…remember F3 and F1 are your friends not just F2… keeping a pet alive is difficult, but without that difficulty the class would be as boring and mindless as thieves are

Lightning reflexes... most wanted fix

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i love lightning reflexes it is a great utility skill and if they got rid of the vigor then that would screw up the ability and make it useless, although it would be nice if it broke immob, i dont mind it the way it is

Buff pet swap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281



they are your partner, they arent supposed to take your damage for you like a tank would in other games. “protect me” being the only ability that should do this for you. i dont understand why people think the pet is supposed to tank bad guys for you. honestly i think it is the player who should tank for the pet, maybe that is just me.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i disagree completely the pet should be here to stay i love the pet and its uses, while it is buggy and sometimes nonfunctional when those bugs get fixed and the tweak them a bit it will be amazing, i believe if you want a class without pets then you should play a class with out pets.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i am aware of that friend but as i pointed out a few posts ago healing spring is only good IF you stay in it the entire time and while i may be able to do that in Spvp my pet surely will not. so i use troll ungent so both me and my pet can get the full heal over the ten seconds whether i am near my pet or not.

so i am missing self heals by not having the combo field i makeup for it in pet survivability which as we all know the pet is a large portion of our damage. keeping the pet alive so they can do the damage is what is important. at least for this build anyhow.

again thanks for your input:) although healing spring is a great heal, i personally find it not as effective as troll ungent. with so many knockbacks that fly around in Spvp i found i never get to stand in the entire healing spring for the full effect.

with my current build:
healing spring aborbing the whole effect with both me and my pet we get somewhere around 13k HP heal(tool tip reads 5k burst heal with 6 k regen which does not include extra stacks from extended regen time)

troll ungent gives 10k heal over 10 seconds with out a requirement to stand still or within a circle the entire time allowing the freedom to dodge wherever i need to dodge. and this is for both me and my pet as well.

considering that my pet is usually fighting a distance away i would have to use F3 and put him on passive during the duration for us both to get the full effect with healing spring. this limits my movement and stops pet damage completely. if i dont use this method, my pet will only get the burst heal that i get and will not get the extra stacks of regen ( unless tratied for boon sharing, which would change the build entirely.)

in reality it comes to healing spring i get 11k hp heal (considering i can stand in the full healing spring with minor dodges out of it) and my pet will probably only get the initial burst heal of 5k around a total of 16k hp in total.

with troll ungent both me and my pet each get the full 10k over ten seconds which si a total of 20k hp
troll ungent is in my opinion the stronger heal for a mobile dodge heavy build especially with pet survivability being crucial to the build

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i could see that … i just have never been all that interested in wvw so i guess it never occurred to me

Need a Beastmaster build

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


hey friend i have been meaning to reply to this post for a few days but i thought i would share my build with you. i posted a guide and a link here n the forums, please remember to cut and paste the link instead of clicking on i. not sure why it has to be done that way

there is a decent discussion about this build and it seems to work amazingly for alot of people.

this build is not for WvWvW only Spvp and PVE (any build works in pve) but pls try this out an i think you will be happy with it

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i looked into your suggestion while first making this build and the issue is that the protection is only 2 seconds long initially. so with the 10% boon duration from traits and the set bonuses it comes to a total of 45% extra boon duration which doesnt even extend it a full second. the extra healing from dwaynas and extra healing power over all give more healing/regen uptime.

half a second of protection vs 10 seconds of regen i dont know it would be a toss up i guess but for me the more healing power and free regen are alot better.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


As a side note i thought interesting that my build seems to solve alot of the problems allowing the pet to do its damage properly like it should has anyone else noticed this?

it seems the rest of the community is still having issues with pets doing damage and dying alot …

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@william Maia hey not a prob im glad you enjoy it !!

im actually thinking of grabbing the crit chance instead of speed increase since i am sold on the birds now… the up time of the birds is good with all the healing they get and i believe the swiftness they give themselves doesnt actually stack with the 30% speed increase i think it just over writes it (someone correct me if i am wrong). I will test some tomorrow and see if my pet stays on target well enough without the speed increase.

and i have swapped the dog trait for the bird trait which is giving me alot more uptime on vigor during swaps.

i tested the pact ability as was suggested and i just dont keep the same pet for very long, although it is great! if you can get all stacks on the pet… i swap way to often.

i am always swapping on cool down for vigor buff and for quickness so the bond is pretty useless for me although with another build it may actually end up being worth it !!

and Arrys is correct about making sure you dodge before healing so you can take advantage of the vigor. what i like to do is dodge heal lightning reflexes and dodge again.

its a nice long stretch of vigor and by the time all that is done you can probably dodge again right afterwards. which is ALOT of protection and damage avoidance. mean while your pet should be tearing the crap out of it.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i was hoping that more of the community would respond here id really like to get a large general opinion on this build

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


hey bud it looks like you posted the wrong build iused it and it went directly to my build you probably posted the wrong deal:) i look forward to seeing the real one

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@King Jon i believe you havent tried the build yet. and i also believe that this strictly for Spvp or even PVE there are numerous WVW builds that are out there if you are looking for one to help you out.

i have also been able to take on at least 2 skilled opponents until help arrives. warrior and an elementalist i believe they were i dont record anything so you will have to take my word for it, or even try the build out for a few matches.

i said early on that this build is not for everyone, and maybe it isnt for you. but until you try it i dont think you can appreciate the build for what it is. and of course i would ask for you to keep your comments respectful. either way i do appreciate your input regardless of its form.

i also dont like trap builds it is boring and way to squishy and has almost no survivability for my taste. again if i wanted to build for damage or conditions i would have done so.

again if you like the idea of the build try it out, if you dont thats ok too:)

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@Dante this is a big reason why i built this because i was sick of “IFS” i was sick of hoping my cats would do ther damage and i was sick of aoe destroying them. i was sick of people just casually strolling away from my pets even though when during testing with my friend just standing still my pet was the biggest contributor to damage. so i worked on the build to enhance pet uptime and pet actually hitting the target.

@Irie Healing spring is a great heal although in a Spvp environment for me and my pet to get the FULL effect of healing spring we have to stand within the circle of healing spring and that means my pet is either not doing damage or the enemy is attacking me in the circle. and it is very easy to get pushed out of it or people jsut run out of range and the pet leaves the circle and losing stacks of regen. in PVE i would probably use healing spring for combo fields and it is far easier to stand in healing spring due to monsters not having the smarts to run out of the heal area. even with troll ungent the regen from dwaynas procs more vigor while i have a more reliable and actually stronger heal, with the freedom to move anywhere i need to and my pet gets all of the heal as well being able to do damage where ever the enemy goes.

Hey man, you linked to Troll Unguent both in your skill build and your explanation above, but you talk about Healing Spring in this post.

yes this was in response to questions above i still use troll ungent and i still feel it is the best heal for the build for Spvp

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


ok so i have tried out the birds and luckily for me when i swapped out the trait specific for the dogs…apparently the birds give you AOE vigor…so it actually fits really nicely in with the idea of the build and the damage is pretty good as well so i like the dogs but the birds are also good…jsut make sure you adjust the trait in beastmastery to compensate if you are attempting to use my build

i will update the original post to add in the idea of the birds

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@fjandi i agree that 15 seconds of vigor would be really nice but alot of this build focuses on aggressive dodging and constanly moving to maintain protection up time standing still to get the FULL effect of healing spring is almost contrary to the build, again in a pve environment i definitely would go with healing spring since its a alot more turret friendly. also the birds are ok however the AOE cripples gained from traits with the dogs are infinitely better for allowing your pet to stay on target. on top of the heavy CC that your GS and SB have. im willing to try them out though and see what happens.

@Demon yes that was probably me you saw in the Hot Joins my guild is still training up and i have changed the focus of my guild to be a learning environment for new players and new players to pvp so i do hot joins quite a bit (thank god for 5v5 in hot join). as far as the long bow goes i pretty much hate the long bow, for its attack speed and range requirements. although i have faced a few long bow rangers and that knockback is annoying as hell. oh and try copying and pasting the link posted in a new tab it will work that way.

@sonicsix im glad you found a build that works for you! i primarily run Spvp so pigs in my opinion are sub par for that environment, although they have the survivability the f2 is clunky at best and they have approximately the same damage out put of the dogs with less cc. also i have always felt that Axe is more of a condition damage build weapon and when i do use axe i pair it with torch for more conditions. I would love to see a link to your build, however, it sounds interesting for when i do pve.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


@Dante this is a big reason why i built this because i was sick of “IFS” i was sick of hoping my cats would do ther damage and i was sick of aoe destroying them. i was sick of people just casually strolling away from my pets even though when during testing with my friend just standing still my pet was the biggest contributor to damage. so i worked on the build to enhance pet uptime and pet actually hitting the target.

@Irie Healing spring is a great heal although in a Spvp environment for me and my pet to get the FULL effect of healing spring we have to stand within the circle of healing spring and that means my pet is either not doing damage or the enemy is attacking me in the circle. and it is very easy to get pushed out of it or people jsut run out of range and the pet leaves the circle and losing stacks of regen. in PVE i would probably use healing spring for combo fields and it is far easier to stand in healing spring due to monsters not having the smarts to run out of the heal area. even with troll ungent the regen from dwaynas procs more vigor while i have a more reliable and actually stronger heal, with the freedom to move anywhere i need to and my pet gets all of the heal as well being able to do damage where ever the enemy goes.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


I like the build OP. Very survivable and you don’t do much damage but I’ve been holding off people in 3v1 until I get backup and it’s very impressive. Good job

thank you sir im glad im not the only one doing well with it, im off to bed now ill check back to see what any of the more"pro rangers" say.

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


Here is my build. I’ll be honest with you I don’t like your build at all. I’ve found more aggressive build seems to work better.

for sure man i have tried builds similar to that but in the current game with high burst classes i found myself getting really really angry when i would miss a dodge or a stun break and end up instantly downed, although the damage was good it still felt like i was uselss compared to the other bursty classes, which is why i made the Justice Ranger:) but thanks for the build input and it looks fun! ill try it out in the future for now im loving this build

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281



Heal: Troll ungent the most reliable strongest heal we have in my opinion. it is not a burst heal so you have to use it proactively but to getits full efective ness you dont have to stand in a circle, and both you and your pet get all of the heal without traiting to give your pet your boons. with my build it heals for 1k per second for 10 seconds for both you and your pet with out a range restriction. so if you are standing on a node and a curious elementalist decides to poke his head up you can send your pet out and chase him. this heal basically heals its full amount and you can do it again 15 seconds later.

the 6 piece bonus on dwaynas set this procs regen on heal use so on top of 1k per second you also receive another 30-40 hps on top of this. this will also proc vigor boon to allow more dodging which procs more protection!

Lightning reflexes: gives 11 seconds of vigor(more Dodging!!) and is a pure evade skill to get you out of a jam does decent damage too.

Signet of Renewal: both of my signets are made to be strictly passive at all times. this one however can be used in extreme emergencies (condition necros) the passive is usually enough to carry you through most 1v1s and 2v1s DO NOT STAND IN CALTROPS! it will remove bleeds but not that many that quickly since they are reapplying themselves extremely fast.

Signet of the Wild: again should always remain Passive(wish i could get a bonus for passive signets grumble dumb warriors grumble) this is MOAR healing!! an additional 138 HPS. which is almsot a full 200HPS all the time just from passive signet and dwaynas set. and for 10 seconds out of 25 its actually about 1200HPS while Troll ungent is up!!!!

The Elite is Entangle although this can be swapped for RAO suit to taste i guess i prefer the roots for escapes and are amazing damage potential for warriors/thieves on your team. Nature Spirit would ALSO rock if the spirits werent so squishy and go alot better with the build. ( mine heals for 480 hps when the secondary ability is activated)


with almost 50% up time of protection from aggressive dodging 25% up time of free evades 75% up time of 1200 hps and high toughness and moderate HP pool this build does alot for surviability and with AOE cripples, stuns, and single target cripples it allows your pet to do damage and all around cause havoc.

Again this build is hard to use. if you are a thief or warrior, guardian , or necro you will find this build to be extremely difficult to maintain its survivability. the damage out put against bunkers is dismal, but against glass cannons and “balanced” builds is is pretty decent and can not only control your opponent but hold them up long enough for help to arrive if not out right kill them.

Note: against glass Cannons, remember other classes can actually spec to be glass cannons while you can kill them easily they can still do alot of damage to you if your troll ungent is not ticking. and this build does not use protect me due to your reliance on your pet for damage. you could swap protect me for lightning reflexes but i dont think it would be a fair trade. 6 seconds of invulnerability every 60 seconds or 11 seconds of vigor(which equals more protection up time) and a free evade+stun break every 45 seconds.

I welcome critiques let me know what you think!

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


SO I have been playing this game since release and i have been theory cratfting builds on my ranger since then. while i am not a famous streamer and i dont have alot of “street cred” id like to show my new build since i did not find it anywhere else, and it works amazingly.

To be fair this build takes alot of proactive and aggressive fighting, and may not be what alot of ragners like. its not high damage and its not high conditions it is a high survival pet build with alot of ways for allowing your pets to do what they are supposed to do in Spvp.

please copy and paste this link;ToAgzCoouxcj4G7Nubk3MG5QC

UPDATE this build is also able to use Birds as Pets jsut make sure to swap out the appropriate trait in the best master line for birds instead of dogs
thanks Fjandi for your suggestion on the birds

i love this editor but the links it provides have to be copied and pasted for me and maybe the rest of you as well.

The Build: Justice Ranger

The Trait lines, weapon sets, pets and Runes synergize well to provide maximum control over your target, and allow your pet to do the damage the build lacks.

to begin

the most important part of this build comes from survival of the ranger

in the wilderness survival trait line:
Vigorous Renewal and the 15 point minor trait Companions Defense.
and in the Nature magic line:
Natures Bounty

these are key to the Rangers survival., you will note i use Troll Ungent as a heal which does not count as regeneration, however the trait applies to the 4 and 6 piece bonus for the rune set “Dwaynas”

and the second half of this build is Allowing your pet to do the damage it should.

In the Skirmishing trait line :
Agility Training

In the Beastmastery Trait line:

Commanding Voice
Intimidation Training
Natural Healing

Intimidation Training is a rarely used choice due to its specific nature and forcing the Ranger into a small group of pets. however in my opinion the canine pets are naturally gravitated to for Spvp due to there more resilient nature, multiple cc options and moderate to good damage they can out put.

with commanding voice my choice of fern dog and Wolf drops there F2 ability down to very very reasonable cooldowns and allowing me with the help of Intimidation Training to maintain a strong AOE cripple for a good portion of the fight. unfortunately the fern dogs regen does not proc the dwaynas set, but is super nice healing to add to the already insane healing you have.

my Weapon choices should be obvious from the intention of the build, but for new rangers or future rangers ill go a bit into them.

Shortbow: arguably the best weapon we have for Ranged i use it for the 2,3,4, and 5 abilities.

2: Poison Volley best used at melee range to get max effectiveness used for the heal debuff and minor posion damage

3: Quick Shot used at any range for an awesome endurance free dodge and gives you swiftness. it can be used in practically any direction very useful for avoidng attacks that you just cant quite dodge roll out of (giant elementalist aoes). it is an actual evade so it will work even if you are rooted. but it will not break the root.
4: Crippling Shot this synergizes with teh AOE cripples you will be dropping with canine F2 and makes yoru pets next attack deal bleeding
5: Concussion Shot this i save primarily for stopping rezzes and stomps but can be used in a pinch when trying to chase down that pesky kiter.

Great Sword: my favorite Weapon that actually works right for ranger(my favorite is Sword, but self rooting on Auto attack is dumb)

i also use every ability on this weapon ( i use them all on shortbow but auto attack on SB is not exactly useful to this build outside of extra damage and filler when everything is on CD)

anyways the abilities

1: Autoattack chain with a built in evade on the thrid part ( moderate damage, pure awesome)
2: Maul great animation great damage(since patch) it doesnt fit with the build but its sexy what can i say
3: Swoop great animation again!very important for chasing down runaways or escaping lost causes
4: Counter Attack, after the patch is now probably the most amazing ability it is a 3 part skill first you block for 3 seconds or until hit in melee range. this enables us to have a 3 second block against ranged attackers on a 16 second cd (traited) yay! the second part is if you block a melee attack from any direction you will knock them back and interupt there attack locking it out for 3-4 seconds. and the third part is a 600 range cripple this only happens if you do not block any melee attacks and activate the ability a second time within the 3 seconds.
5: Hilt Bash This is a great ability used in conjunction with Swoop. i primarily use this ability again to stop rezzes or stomps but can be used for the runaways.

(edited by Psychrome.9281)

Huge greatsword buff

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


this is my build that i mentioned earlier in the post i am making a new post with a full write up about it. pls make comments about the build in that post

pretty sure you will have to cut and paste the link;ToAgzCoouxcj4G7Nubk3MG5QC

Huge greatsword buff

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i think what really irritates me, and dont get me wrong, i love GS and i have been wishing for buffs to it forever…but with my BM greatswrod build i feel really reall tanky and can do some good damge, but then i fight a guardian and realize that this “bunkerish” spec is garbage, i cant kill anything and compared to a guardian or other “Full Bunker” i have half the survivability and half the damage.

when i take on a guardian with the current retaliation “nerf” i kill myself for a quarter my HP with just retaliation. 6k retaliation damage, sure i can last logn enough till my friends get there against one person, but if i get any kind of condition or cc i am pretty much done.

so while i LOVE the new GS and what they did with it i am still irritated ina full defenseive spec a guardian out damages my “balanced” spec.

moderate to low damage from weapons, high healing power+troll ungent or healing spring depending on the day+healing signet. with a strong dash of stealth kitty and fear doggy dealing most of my damage since i can control targets with GS and SB i still feel half as useful as i do on my necro or guardian.

i tried glass cannon again full on berserkers with GS and Sword+horn and i was excited for 3k crits on my greatsword attacks.

i was excited for 3k crits and 2500 on a sword attack. thieves get nerfed and they can still do 4k crits

i love what they did and i love my high survival build on my ranger, but it just feels like i am using a crap ton of all my abilities every fight using elite on CD using all utilities and dodge rolling like mad in every fight, jsut to compete. then i watch a really bad thief heartseeker hopping at me and i kill them but i take a lot of damage from him even with 2k toughness and 22k hp and a warrior comes along just as i down the thief and he charges me and finishes me off.

all that survivability and all that hard work to beat a horrible thief and i get crushed a second later because everything i have is on CD and i NEED everything to be competitve. a warrior can bull rush hundred blades and do what i can do using all my tricks, he still has 2 utilities that he can use to shout heal or some other thing and switch to a hammer and cc the hell out of you. i have my GS stun and my block but i am still waiting on protect me to come back up so i can survive another burst.

it is just really disheartening to use everything i have to win a fight only to be dropped by the next guy to show up because they can do it simpler and better faster.

I found a really great synergy of abilities traits and runes that are pretty kitten amazing im going to test more tomorrow and post the build with a write up regarding it but right now its sweet as hell.

(edited by Psychrome.9281)

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


So has any 3rd party website “data mined” the stats or skins for these new armors? i mean does anyone have any SOLID PROOF that this is actually going to be a gear UPGRADE from exotics.

from what i have seen even the legendary weapons arent upgrades, just different skins that are pretty amazing (except for the bows).

I guess when we have seen these new Armors and stats we will see that maybe this is just a way to have your stats presented on your gear(similar to PVP amulets).

this argument is in the realm of fanatical over reaction with a dash of elite fanboism and a whole bunch of I dont know.