Showing Posts For Rirgul.5302:
As someone said above, It’s one of those you use when you need to make some space to cool off after taking a load of damage to increase your life-force and then go back in, or when there’s a load of boons to take of something.
I actually really like this idea. Even in PvE. Running Curses isn’t too bad anyway with the 30% Crit Chance you get from it and Rage Runes, which is comparable dps to Zerk when wearing Valk and using reaper. Really interesting.
For the best damage, go Vipers. Givers weapons are terrible because they don’t have any condition duration on them.
If you care more about survival, Dire/Rabid, anything really. Just make sure you get 100% condition duration from your food/runes. Krait runes are pretty cheap and a good place to get started before you go into raids or high level fractals.
Mobility comes from using an offhand warhorn and RS#2 to leap to places.
(edited by Rirgul.5302)
There you go. Condi’s get transferred by minions/Offhand D#4 etc etc.
I agree it does limit your build quite a bit, but I maintain that it’s not a bad trait.
There’s nothing wrong with this trait. 33% was very good before the elite spec. power creep, most other CD traits were 20% around the board (Ignoring elementalist). Getting more conditions from this trait actually helps the condi build’s DPS, especially in raids if using all 3 of the utilities. There isn’t any reason to use these skills in a power build, as there are better alternatives to them all elsewhere.
With food:
With bad/worse food:
On a budget and don’t plan on raiding?: (Use whatever gear with condition damage as main stat)
It’s not that bad, it’s 2000 damage minimum with even remotely half decent gear. It’ll do as a dps buff.
Aim for 100% condition duration on your main sources of damage:
1: Bleed
2: Poison
3: Torment/Burn (Much of a secondary)
If you can, use trinkets with condition duration as a main stat. Blood is power should be doing, at 0 might, over 16k bleed damage from the primary effect.
WvW gives you a currency which you can trade with a vendor there to give you either +1 or +10 skill points. This will comeplete the skill point from the overworld and you won’t have to do it, useful on maybe your second character. I think everyone would recommend taking your time as you said and just leveling as you do by roaming around comepleting events.
You must complete the core class traitlines and unlock all skills before being able to invest into the elite specialisation. There are Hero Point trains that run sometimes, (Check Reddit) which can unlock reaper for you by running through the maguuma jungle very efficiently.
Really really weird choices.
1) Off-Hand dagger isn’t great. Warhorn or focus are better choices for damage.
2) Utilities are kinda fine I guess. You’ve got options and damage there so I guess you’ve gone for flexible choices.
You can have a completely different build in WvW and templates are coming soon™ so that’s irrelevent to your choices. PvE and WvW are completely different places and require different builds.
3) In your reaper traitline you should really go for decimate defences, get that extra crit chance in fractals and open world events. With fury from your party you will be at 100% crit chance.
4) Your gear is a bit all over the place, but it seems as though you’re trying to be a bit more tanky while still doing decent damage. You should be able to survive in Beserker gear, but if you want to get your crit chance to 30% and use Valk. gear for everywhere else that’s fine. I’d recommend trying to get a rune with Power as a major stat. Scrapper Rune is pretty good if you’re trying to be a bit tankier. Perhaps even take “Rise” utility skill to get a 50% damage reduction.
The build should be fine in organised groups, but it won’t be optimal by a long shot. (Also celestial amulet ew try get a beserker one).
Having said that it won’t hamper you too badly. I’m running this at the moment, switching out pieces for a bit of valk/Soilder for WvW.
Using the “-condition duration” food to survive condition heavy encounters.
For an optimal fractal/dungeon build look towards people such as Brazil on Youtube. Some people like Nemesis’ builds too for the massive amount of effort put into making them.
I try not to. Nearly every encounter can be done in melee, but for that time where you need to recoup some hp because the pressure, or mechanics which make it impossible to melee Axe is the only option we have for power builds.
It’s not the best, but the only time you should be ranged is when you’ll die going melee or you’re recharging shroud for a shroud based build.
Dagger 2 is also a ranged attack and if you time it correctly, you can switch to Axe, drop your utilities (wells), use heal skill, focus skills, Axe 2, F1, RS#2… and you’re back in melee without wasting time pressing axe 1 a whole lot.
I’ve had something like this happen to me. Been in shroud for a little bit just auto attacking or pressing skills and then I’ll just be kicked out of shroud, no transformations or anything in PvE. Usually I have around half life force, more than enough to keep going. I’ve noticed it happening in the Uncategorized fractal. There was no chance of me pressing F1.
It’s the Dark and Poison clouds! They’re just so hard to see and wells are the same. There needs to be some sort of highlight on them.
Ta daaa.
There’s a whole video about it by a fairly popular Youtuber who seems to know what he’s talking about!
(Get ascended weapons, exotic armour is ok. Trinkets you’ll get ascended through raids anyway. Get the Mordrem loop from the HoT Final fight and you’ll be good to go. The DPS loss isn’t too noticeable at all with 4 stat gear combo’s)
You’re best off going for:
A heal
Well of Suffering
Well of Corruption
Something flavoursome
Blood Magic for reduced wells and increased surviveablity from life siphons. It DOES add up when using warhorn.
You can use Death Magic to get rid of your condi’s
Soul Reaping to just spam 1 in Death Shroud with 100% crit chance.
Spite to get more damage. (especially in Death Shroud)
Curses to get a much higher crit chance (You can pop in and out of shroud to get Fury to crit more)
As for gear, Use beserkers, It’ll be the most useful in the long run. It’s squishy but you’ll learn that your life force is your second health bar. If you’re about to take a bit hit absorb it with your life force.
The first set of runes I used was Pack runes. This gives you 100% swiftness uptime using traited warhorn which makes it great for just running around as well as some extra crit chance.
For open world stuff it can be worth slotting in Spectral Walk or flesh wurm for extra mobility. Flesh wurm can help you teleport places in some fractals too.
For Fractals and Dugeons the current Meta Battle build gives you a good CORE to a build. Of course if you want to spice it up a bit that’s also probably fine.
Fractal Builds are good for dungeons too.
I’d be happy with this change if they’d remove the ICD on “Chilling Darkness” to compensate for the nerf to “Deathly Chill”. Revert the trait back to introduce some great synergy with GS, the new wells etc. At least reduce it by a second or something.
Due to the nature of axe, it’s a hard weapon to buff. It’s a ranged non projectile based weapon, making counterplay limited. [PvP]
While there is some neat tricks you can do with it, such as giving quickness while channeling axe #2, and 100% Retaliation uptime with axe #3, traiting and boon duration I agree that overall it feels very weak as far as damage is concerned, but I think it isnt as dire as you think. It was given some love around HoT launch and if you dig far back enough you’ll find some threads about it then.
Physical Damage:
- Greatsword
- Dagger
- Axe
- Warhorn
- Focus
- Scepter
- Dagger
Staff is a utility weapon and should never be considered for damage. Don’t use a scepter/dagger set in beserkers gear, you’ll do no damage.
Reaper ranged options are.. not perfect, but whatever. If you need range for an encounter slot in lich form, or if the encounter is longer than 30 seconds you’ll have to resort to axe, or just suck it up, get your stability and use “Rise” and tank the damage in reapers shroud, use the blinds on Greatsword or rely on your wells leaching damage to keep you healthy.
You don’t need to use transmutaion charges to change your gear, just how it looks.
Made some quick builds in 30 secs, this is roughly what to aim for. Improvements can be made.
Standard power Reaper, adjust from here:
Power reaper gives you 100% crit chance with no effort if you’re running zerk, so you don’t need soul reaping.
Standard Condi Reaper, adjust from here:
You don’t need reaper to play condi necro, it doesn’t really add too much damage, around 1k dps and good burst from RS#4. The trait slot can be used for utility instead.
It’s playable but not meta. You’re not going to be holding back groups, but you’re not going to be leading on dps either if they’re using the meta builds and food. (Which lets be honest, most aren’t in fractals.)
Why have a dps chart when you can just check your dps in game with a damage meter. I think it’s been renamed to “gw2Specs”. I think power necro is better for the first 20-30 seconds, then after that condi necro gets better. If your horrors are being healed then condi necro gets better the more time that passes. .
I’ve actually looked at shroud flashing a whole lot. The options are there, but due to the spread of traits it’s too difficult to cut things out. By maxing Concentration and JUST popping shroud and for ease assuming dagger aa, assuming 1 traitline only is active at a time (You’ll get dual benefits e.g. +Healing Power or +Life Force Generation by using a combination etc.) Here we go:
Rending Shroud = (3 Vuln – 10 Seconds) on Shroud pop
Spiteful Spirit = 100% Retal. if more than 1 target
Furious Demise = 100% Fury
Target The Weak = Min 4%, Usually around 8-10%
– Weakening Shroud = 100% Weakness and Bleeding
– Path of Corruption = Some cheeky corrupts
Death Magic
Shrouded Removal = -1 Condi
Beyond the Vale = 85% Toughness
Unholy Sanctuary = Small Heal (130)HP + Safety net
Blood Magic
Mark of Evasion = 100% regen
Life From Death = AoE Heal (800) on Exit + 5% Revive
Unholy Martyr = Draw 1 Condi from ally +7% LF
Soul Reaping
Speed of Shadows = Shroud recharge is now 7secs (-30% from 10 seconds)
Foot in The Grave = 6secs Stability
Blighters Boon = Depending on other Traitlines and utilities you’d get a fair amount of stuff here, but really.. I’m not sure it’s worth it for what you give up.
So there’s a whole load of stuff here, and a fair amount of synergy. The issue is getting everything you want in a build. The issues I’ve had trying to get everything into a build is what makes this slightly an issue. You can make a really decent tanky build by doing this though, high uptime protection, stability, still a good crit chance with Commanders gear etc.
Something like this? Or this? I don’t know – It’s certainly not the best. The concept is a nice bit of fun when roaming around though.
Take a look at this:
Ignore the build, I’m sure you’ve already got one but the rotation and discussion in the OP is pretty fantastic. I’d suggest trying to use Soul Spiral in CPC for extra burst posion, especially if you’re doing red at VG.
If you’re still having issues turn on snap ground target, so you’ll just have to aim in the general direction if you’re having issues hitting the S2 (which is pretty important – should be 8.5k bleeds).
Just a quick on this time, as title suggests which of these will lead to higher damage over the course of an encounter. [u]This is for a Raid/Fractal scenario.[/u]
Condition Damage = 2000
Condition Duration = 80% (100% Bleed/Chill) Chill does damage.
Out of all the weapon swap sigils, on-crit sigils which will offer the most damage increase in a standard condition viper’s reaper rotation, or is bursting the best? I’m hoping there’s a source to this information, as I don’t fancy doing the math myself (Basically I’m lazy).
I’ve looked at other builds, and I’ve build this up trying to get the perfect 80% condi duration and now I’ve got it and a near enough perfect crit chance I’m trying to MinMax it. If someone wants to critique the build they can too, but I’m really after the damage of each of the sigil choices vs bursting.
Thanks for any help! – Rirgul
(Build I’m working on:
P.S. Ignore the smoldering, it’s just an idea that I’m trying to fit into the rotation so that you can get the 2.6k burns while going into DS waiting for the CD of the Core DPS utilities to expire.
You might as well create a new class for all the changes you’re making here. You’re gutting everything and changing things that are completely fine, or that just need a slight numbers adjustment. Maybe it would work out to be balanced and I’m interested to know what would happen if they made sweeping changes to all the classes like this but I’m highly sceptical of that. Is this meant to be feedback on the class or a fan creation of how you think a necromancer should be, because in all honesty I think a lot of the changes you’ve made here are terrible if you leave the rest of the game as it is. You’re overbuffing certain skills and nerfing others into the ground. I like the ideas behind some of the changes though but I don’t see this as realistic. It was a good read none the less and I can tell a lot of effort has gone into it.
(Sorry to say and I’m assuming that English isn’t your first language but some sections are quite hard to read due to grammatical imperfections).
Nemesis just released a video for a hybrid build ( which seems to be pretty solid. I’m not saying copy it but if you watch the whole thing and listen to the reasoning behind the choices you’ll be able to make a more in-depth decision about how you can alter your build.
For example, if you don’t want to ues toxic focusing crystals because they cost 60s+ then add more vipers gear, or a mallice sigil. Just keep tweaking until it’s something you’re happy with and want to play, what keeps the strong dps.
I see your build is very power based, but the condition drop off vs other builds is very high – you won’t be doing much condi damage at all.
Aim to get Blood is power to around 13-15k Bleed and Well of Suffering to 3.5k, that is a strong balance.
Good Luck!
I know that and I doubled checked it all before posting. The swiftness buff can be seen if in the Hero Panel if you hover over boon duration. I was level 80, above ground and yes I had all Pack Runes equipped. I understand that transmuting shouldn’t effect runes or the stats – which is why I posted this under the “Bugs” section :P
I don’t know why or how it occurred or how it was fixed, but the old “Turning it off and on again” fixed it. I logged in 3 hours later and the issue was not longer effecting me. “Eh” I guess
Cheers for the ideas,
I have a Zhed’s Mask (Exotic Zerk Stats Headgear) which I have reskinned to the Wintersday Earmuffs. When I equip this item it gives no bonus to any of my stats, nor does it give me my Rune of the Pack bonus. (Either of them). What should I do to fix this issue?
For clarity:
Wintersday Earmuffs (Transmuted Zhed’s Mask)
6th Rune of the Pack: +20% Swiftness and +125 Precision not applying to my character when I equip the item.
What?! No Utility for the first boss?
Break bar mechanics?
- Flesh Golem charge – which if I remember correctly knocks about half of it down.
- Spectral Grasp – Pull
- Fears – Staff 5, DS/RS 3, Spectral Wall
- RS 5
- Chilled To The Bone
Epidemic copying condi’s to an add and then back to the boss. (Boss2/3)
Our DPS is actually pretty good – so I don’t know where you got that idea from. Besides for the Vale Guardian you only need 6k DPS – which you’d get if you just sat there doing sceptre AA, maybe press your utility skills if you’re bored?
We have leaps (RS 2) and shroud to absorb the Green AoE damage and get there quickly.
We have transfusion to teleport downed people to us to get a quick res. if they go down in one of the thirds that is active.
I guess we have Vampiric Presence too – which is nice.
If you’re guild is stuck in the past thinking that the necromancer is below useless, find other people to raid with. Every class is viable to complete raids, you don’t need the best of the best to complete it, so long as everyone is roughly competent with their class you can easily complete the first boss. Necro is not the weakest class when it comes to raids, and it brings its fair share of utilities. It can be used, it can also not be used. You could even take a thief and complete it. Not saying it would be optimal – but it doesn’t matter – you can still complete the content if everyone knows what they’re doing.
Look! These people used a Necro, and they completed it…. so what’s the problem?
We’re not as hopeless as you and your friends think and our dps is fairly close to what other classes can bring to the table.
I use something like this in raids for power -
Well close enough. Using weapon skills for damage, and Shroud for CC phases, getting places fast with skill 2, and doing damage with 2 and 4, and going back to pressing Gravedigger and Nightfall below 50% and Dagger AA and Focus 4 above 50%.
Sometimes you can time it so that: (Starting on dagger)
Focus 4 → Wells → Weapon Swap → Nightfall → Gravedigger → Reaper shroud
→ RS 2 → RS 4 → Exit Shroud → GS until Gravedigger → Weapon Swap → Focus etc etc that kind of line of working.
It’s pretty decent damage, definately more than enough for the Vale Guardian.
Try to max out condi duration. There’s a point where it doesn’t matter as much higher up, but I just found it easier to max it and not worry about the 20/30 damage you’re missing from getting to 100% vs a tiny amount of Condi Damage.
Also there is NO WAY. Necro can get 12k burns solo.
Group settings that is very possible with Soul Spiral in a Fire Field, Sun Spirit, +Condi Group Traits etc..
HoTM you can get 5k burns, which suggests around 7k in the outside world in optimum solo conditions where you have your own 25 might and Vuln. Although having had time to reflect although burning is a fun build, it’s really not all that competitive if you focus on it. It’s useful to turtle up in shroud with, but then you have to take soul reaping, which isn’t too great in group settings.
Just to add to Lynnie’s build, tiny modifications for slightly higher DPS. Same basic theory though. However Vipers gear is so god kitten expsensive that it’s a horrible pain to get. Use something cheaper if that’s an issue, like sinister or something. (But even that’s pretty expensive and time gated.)
Duration > Damage. With trailblazer armour dps is much worse than sinister. With Vipers, which is a much better comparison, it is higher for all round conditions. Certain builds are better at certain things. That’s the best all round "Super"Defensive build that I’ve been able to make that you can use for multiple conditions. You can adjust it easily for burning. For something more competitive for PvE you should use something like the other build I referenced, as that has much higher DPS.
The defensive stats build I linked will of course be worst than sinister, but using vipers gear is better than sinister. However it’s a pretty good tank build for facerolling around all PvE content.
For an all round Condi build – not hybrid. This gives you 100% condi Duration of almost all the damaging important ones.
Ignore the build, but the gear there should get you to 100% on every condi (Apart from Fear)
If you’re looking for a hybrid I beleive is a pretty solid option that’s been discussed here on the forums.
There’s a load of options for you so experiment and don’t feel like there is a “right” build. Lots of builds accomplish the same kinda numbers in different ways and are better in some ways and worse in others.
Good Luck!
This is a condi build. Have a look if ya want:
So many options – so many options….
Be more specific – do you want a condition build, or a direct damage build?
If you’re using minions you’ll be pretty tanky through “Rise” and Death Magic so Vipers/Zerkers is viable.
Cleric is kinda fun – as you get 100% crit chance through traits.
Rabid is better without minions, and corruptions.
Maybe try out Crusader Gear set. Power/Toughness/Ferocity/Healing Power?
Experiment in HoTM and see what you like, then invest into the gear.
I like Vipers armour the most right now.
Beserkers: Vipers: Sinister:
Power = 2382 = 2069 = 1983
Crit Chance = 49.71% = 32.1% = 49.71
Ferocity = 214% = 152.67% = 152.67%
Condi Damage = 0 = 1006 = 1319
Condi Duration = 0% = 36.67% = 0
Death Shroud = 1026 = 892 = 854
Dhummfire = 395 = 1150 = 1008
Bug report:
Lingering Curses gives you +150 Condi damage while wielding a scepter in Death Shroud, but not Reapers Shroud, due to how it recognises RS as a hammer, not a scepter. Tiny issue but still.
What!? Spite is our best damage line! Perma 25 Might and I think 16/8 Vuln while in Death Shroud with a whole 20% damage modifier?! The minors aren’t fantastic, but they are usable. The only “meh” trait in my eyes is the Spiteful Spirit one. (And I guess the axe one – just because axe is “meh”)
Updated From Advice + Given basic idea of the burns.
Thanks for the ideas, most were oversights as origionally the build was with Dire gear xD!
I was using Dagger/Wh + Scepter origionally.
And yes – I know it’s not great overall with the out of shroud drop off time – but this is PvE. The worst thing about it is that shroud has a 10 second recharge and you’ve got to fill that with your other weapons.
For comparison I get 7k Burn ticks with Condi Gear.
If I may, what runes/sigils are you using, I can only get up to 4k ticks atm
Here!! Ignore the first one I forgot my food. Numbers should be higher when using Ascended gear/Food and the sigil’s I showed in my build. I can’t afford them yet xD -> But the same theory applies.
[Edit: Removed link]
[Edit: Re-applied Link]
(edited by Rirgul.5302)
For comparison I get 7k Burn ticks with Condi Gear.
If I may, what runes/sigils are you using, I can only get up to 4k ticks atm
(Veggie Pizza is replacement for the nerfed Koi Cake)
That’s my best case scenario – but I’ve got up to 7k using this:
That was in a group PvE setting Vs Mossman.
(edited by Rirgul.5302)
I’m trying to build a PvE Condi Reaper build, focusing on RS and burning damage – and I think this is the highest possible burn I can get. I threw Sinister in there for the raw damage too – but I’m thinking that I may need to reconfigure the choices when GW2Skills Updates to the Trailblazer and Vipers gear, so I don’t have to use Givers Weapons.
Hey just as an update – This is what you can get with a WORSE build in a team setup – Focus on the burn damage.
[Edit1: Build Updated]
[Edit2: Screenshots of Burning – With inferiror build, with the same theories]
(edited by Rirgul.5302)
For comparison I get 7k Burn ticks with Condi Gear.
Reaper also has a trait where if you hit somebody at low health I think it either transfers a condition or like…eats one and heals you?
Thats’s a minor in the spite Specialisation:
Spiteful Renewal (5)
Strike a foe under 25% HP
- -1 Condi
- Heal for Base 961
Also, you have the shout that Transfers condi’s in an AoE and i think chills as well.
Here, this is the ones I think we have – In build form. Traits and Utilities/Weapon Skills
Staff 4 –
Offhand Dagger 4
Plague Signet (Active)
Well of Power
Spite Adept Trait (2)
Death Magic Adept Trait (2) and Master trait (1)
(edited by Rirgul.5302)
I can’t even play the content because bugs – never mind even try to get full reaper.
I have the green dot on the edge of brisban wildlands – but when I enter the silverwastes I don’t get anything. I can’t progress the story at all.
I started to play as soon as the “playable” option came up on the start menu. It bugged out at the end of the silver wastes start, after talking to Destiny’s Edge 2.0 at the edge of Maguma Jungle.
Gw2 crashed at that point – so i stopped playing and let the game fully download. 2 patches later and it’s completely broken.
Squad and party UI is incredibly hard to make work. We needed to all be in the same shard to actually even try and create the squad.. then to get in the raid we had to try multiple times. “You must be in a raiding squad to enter a raid” – we were all in a sqaud.
It took until this point to get in! We’re gonna give it a go though!
(Also raid UI breaks combat mode mod.)