Showing Posts For Sardoni.8361:
Deleted local.dat. Still error 7ing. It’s a trace route issue apparently… so nothing we can do on our ends will resolve it.
Gotten worse since I entered Timberline Falls. Happens every 5 mins… literally. Can’t even do “Forging the Pact” story mission without getting error 7’d. So I thought it might have had a hint of zone relation, but instanced story missions aren’t technically in the same zone.
Issue is still persistent as mentioned in my earlier posts in this thread. Worse even. I’ve always been on Henge of Denravi server since 3 day head start.
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -diag
^From today attached
Still using “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” /clientport 80 to run the client to no avail with firewall and anti-virus turned off.
(edited by Sardoni.8361)
It was admittedly a slight tangent but my brain jumped over there and I followed. I getcha overall though =P
I’m level 80 and asking these questions about clone stats. Imagine the confusion of a new player picking up the class. It’d be nice to have some transparency in game (somewhere on the stats page or something) to this… but then people might treat them like “pets”.
Can’t win for losing.
I’ll stop derailing now =P
Well I won’t play with my low level friends. They only have like a 20c waypoint cost compared to my near 2silver waypoint cost to travel to the same place they want to go when we’re standing right next to each other.
This is a level 20 vs. a level 80 travel cost. It’s really really silly considering money accumulation doesn’t scale. It’s relatively flat.
I often wonder if the waypoint money tenders are profiling me because I’m level 80 and they expect me to be rolling cash… not spending it all on dyes/crafting/WvW.
The rumor is… zoom in completely on your mini map. Now zoom out two clicks. That’s the range between portals.
Also applies to z axis… i.e. top of building to bottom of building.
I’ll concede that. But the “general every day flow of combat” isn’t appealing enough for me to trod down the domination tree and the many daze/“increased damage for not doing anything” traits let alone rely on the delayed daze that may or may not make it there (depending on AOE… surrounding mobs/players etc etc).
Very obvious channel animations are welcome, but I will counter your stomp and point out that you first have to make sure to have a weapon that summons a clone right next to your target. If you have a staff or a sceptor (or both) on swap your clone/phantams MIGHT not make it there in time… unless you’re standing right next to the stomp channeler.
Now if I have a great sword or sword… hit 2… then daze. Again it depends on the weapon… and I kinda think that’s not a great design overall. I understand some of the reasons for putting clones on the target or away from the target… but it just feel wonky to me.
I always pictured clones as something to hide within… we may not always use them for that explicit purpose but the option to always do so regardless of your weapon swap would be nice.
OK. What determines how much a clone can crit? Is it my own crit rate?
If clones/phantasms are not pets (like some people insist) do they mirror my stats? We know they do not mirror my own vitality… so I’m curious now.
Explore moding just fine with 3 mesmers, a guardian, and a warrior. We all use staff too.
No one dies and we’re done in time for dinner o.o
Understanding how to synergize with other professions and with each other is important. So much butterfly spam though lol.
I think we beat every other class at our own survivability too. Plenty of tricks in this hat to come out alive.
I have a trait, that makes my clones do bleeding damage to enemies and so they do pretty good damage with me, plus I use sword. So they do bleeding and vul to enemies and cripple them when there killed. In all my clones are awesome.
Sword/Focus for the win
It’s bleed when they crit if I’m not mistaken. So when they crit for zero they apply a bleed -.- Honestly, that specifically is a leftover trait from when clones (not phantasms) used to do damage.
F1 95% of time. F2 .0001% of the time (if I see quickness on the enemy)
F3 0% of the time (delayed CC that I can’t rely to make it to my target because clones squishy) F4 5% of the time (cause clutch invulnerable is nice but situational…)
I’d like our shatters to be a bit more reliable and lot less situational. Speed walking to the target is meh.
In some of the betas clones did damage but they removed it on launch. Presumably to give people shatter fodder instead of just trying to keep up 3 clones/phantasms without shattering (which is what some people are doing now with three phantasms…)
Personally I love it when they crit for 0. Really glad the UI decided to show me that lol.
Don’t worry at level 80 the damage goes between 4 and 18 so it’s pretty a consistent “confused face” you wear throughout your leveling experience =P
Mesmers have great gimmicks right now. It’s only a matter of time before they ask to see the hat we pulled the rabbit out of and the jig is up! =p
Still having this issue.
Tried proxy. I don’t disconnect 11 times in a dungeon anymore. Only 2. So… it lessened the problem but didn’t’ solve it.
I want a quaggan plushie =(
The combo finisher is a skill which causes movement through or within the initiator’s field such as creating a projectile or spinning or jumping the player. An eligible initiator augments the finisher by adding damage or creating other effects. For example, using Cyclone Axe near a Flamewall throws fire projectiles in different directions. Finishers can only interact with one initiator at a time.
I’m not sure how to answer it accurately. The above is from the wiki. I know when a guardian uses a two handed hammer smash on a ranger healing spring is splashes the spring make a splash heal… that happens at the end of the smash.
1.) I’m assuming you’re an elementalist by your description. These are your downed skills: for 5 secs it allows you to move yourself to a safe distance so you can safely bandage yourself back to health away from danger (potentially) or you’ll have to kill a mob so that you may rally and not die. If you die in a downed state you’re defeated. While downed other players can revive you. When defeated other players can revive you. When you’re defeated if no other players are around you’ll have to revive at a waypoint to come back to life.
Think of the downed state as a different skill set given to you to fight back before true defeat.
2.) /map is zone wide chat. Mine tends to be pretty lively. Try and start a conversation =P
EDIT: Also, just like in GW1 you can type /wiki in game and it will take you to the official wiki. If you have a specific need like “/wiki ranger” type that in your chat tab and it will route you to that page on the wiki specifically. Enjoy the new lands of Tyria =P
(edited by Sardoni.8361)
You will need 1,200 tokens for a full exotic set.
(…)Here I see both a rare and an exotic set ( ). It is not clear to me, but doesn’t the rare costs a lot less and has the same skin as the exotic? That would significantly reduce the number of dungeon-runs needed for just the skin of the armour.
Or is there some caveat that I am not aware of?
The rare skins are generic cloth skins. All the of “rare” skins are the same across all of the vendors. If you go to the vendor(s) in Lion Arch’s near the WvW/Mists portals in Fort Marriner you’ll see a row of merchants. Each of those merchants has one of the dungeon set(s). There are two tabs for you to look at. You can also right click the gear there and preview it on your character.
The exotic skins are what is pictured at the bottom of your link. That is also the gear that requires ~1,200 tokens. The rare gear is just a generic armor set. All of the rare gear on all of the armor vendors have the same generic look. They also tend to be in the level range of the story mode encounter. Example: AC is level 30 and the rares are level 35. The exotics are level 60 in that vendor.
In theory (if you liked) you could run AC Explore when you hit level 30 and nothing but that to level and potentially get your exotic set before level 60 (why you would do that… is beyond me but I won’t judge). I’ll admit it might be rather unlikely, but who knows! I’m sure it’s possible though =) Other than that most of us will use that exotic gear to skin our level 80 gear. So we’re not getting it for the stats, but the skins.
tl;dr: The pictured armor in the link you posted is the expensive/exotic set. The rare armor has no unique skin/look.
Did that make sense?
Option to toggle my own name above my own head please. This would also help me catch if I am not representing my guild properly and would also help others realize they may not be representing their respective guilds.
(edited by Sardoni.8361)
The only OH weapon that’s weaker than the others ATM is the Torch, mainly because of iMage being useless but also the pointless channel of Prestige.
I think it was in BW2 that you could attack while the torch was “channeling” so I think it was a quick fix to prevent literal attacking from stealth. I don’t think they intended us mesmers to attack while stealthed but probably couldn’t get it to break stealth properly and still trigger it’s flame burst effect at the end if you ended the stealth early with an attack (hope that made sense o.o). I imagine there might be some more love to how prestige works later on down the line when all the bug fixes/passes are squared away for all classes. It’s still a clutch stealth get-away but overall I agree with your assessment of the torch in its current iteration.
They also made Veil on the focus more useful with the pull (used to just be a run speed line) but the phantasm on the focus still feels wonky to me. I wish it would place itself between me and my target consistently.
The stun on the pistol is nice, but I’m not feeling the phantasm. Doesn’t seem to be as flexible in its mobility as the staff or greatsword phantasm. Then again I’ll just blame it on the fact that my phantasm is trying to equip two pistols when I myself can’t and blame it on my phantasm being a noob. =P
Try as I might I just can’t get into the sword offhand. I’m sure it’s great for what it’s supposed to do, but it’s not my play style personally.
Unless it’s a crafted recipe drop/discoverable recipe/mystic forge recipe that look wasn’t in tailoring when I leveled it.
Never seen it before on a player.
So what and where do you get initial level 80 gear (non-exotic) that doesn’t break the bank? The Masterwork gear you could buy off the heart vendors while leveling up was pretty cheap. Is there an equivalent L80 set?
Honestly, there used to be the Vigil/Priory/Whispers gear but then the price was raised.
Level 79 gear is only a few stats shy of level 80 so you could buy some cheap on the trade post. This thread on reddit did the math better:
You don’t have to go for level 80 crafted exotics. There’s also level 80 crafted yellows/greens/blues of all armor sets.
I don’t think I saw a “level 80” karma set outside of the exotic orrian sets at each of the temples. Frost Gorge Sound heart vendors may have had some level 75-80 blue/green gear on them, but I don’t recall.
I crafted my own yellows until I mustered the mats together for my exotics. Now I’m working on my other sets.
I can’t guess how many times you’d have to run HoTW, but I’ll explain why below.
You will need 1,200 tokens for a full exotic set. You get 15 per explorable path clear per day plus 5 from each chest. So let’s say you only do one explorable clear a day and get 3 chests from that. So 30 tokens a day. You’ll have enough tokens for the full exotic set from that dungeon in 40 days. Cut down that time frame by doing two paths a day (giving you 60 tokens a day and purchase in 20 days). If you repeat a path you’ve already completed today the end reward is reduced to 5 tokens from 15 tokens currently.
Before we move on first let’s take a deep break and remove any preconceptions we have from other MMOs about “dungeon gear.” Now, let’s talk about what GW2 has done/tried to do from my perspective.
That gear you’re seeing is there to be a skin more than anything else. Yes, it does indeed have stats on it. If you want to look like that; farm here basically. It’s not meant to be your “first level 80 armor set” so to speak. Those stats might be available somewhere else (crafting/karma vendor/WvW). I’m not saying those aren’t without their own respective grinds, but there are different ways to get those stats.
Example: The stats I want are on the WvW vendor, but the look I want is on the Twilight Arbor vendor. So I’m going to be WvW-ing to get my stats… and then Twilight Arbor exploring to get my look. I farmed the mats to get a crafted set made. That’s my “starter set”. I’m working on the WvW badges to get the stats I want. Working on the TA dungeon to get the look I want. Additionally, Sorrow’s Embrace gear has the same stats as WvW… but I’m already farming one dungeon and want to vary my playstyle =P
From what I know, each day, each explorable path will give you 15 badges for completing it and 5 per chest opened along the way. Each explorable path has a certain number of bosses/events that trigger chest spawns. Some paths are “quicker” than others because people have gotten used to certain mechanics that exist down those paths. If you repeat a path you’ve already done that day the final reward is only 5 tokens.
This gear isn’t meant to be something you get overnight. It’s something for you to work toward for your character. The dungeons aren’t “easy” nor are they “hard.” Each fight/event/puzzle has a way that your class easily counters it. You can’t pigeon hole yourself into never equipping a ranged weapon/melee weapon. Most people just want to run in there and down everything immediately. Adaptability will unlock most explorables secrets.
If you have people who know how to play their own classes in synergy with your own, the dungeon experience is not nearly as painful as other people try to make it out to be. They do require coordination and communication. Some of them I find myself questioning if a PUG group could accomplish without voip communication (some explorables require you to basically do a countdown and attack/trigger something at the same time as everyone else in the group on different sides of the room within a limited time frame).
Vanity is truly the name of this game. Having a look that is hard for other people to obtain and wonder how on earth you were able to accomplish this momentous feat is what GW2 is about in my view.
Don’t even get me started on the requirements of crafting legendary weapons. The stats of legendary weapons are the EXACT same as exotic weapons, but they have unique skins that also allegedly change the colors and animations of your characters skills. I know plenty of people that dropped money on Legendary skins in some MOBAs just to look different. The same appeal is here.
I haven’t done explore CM yet so someone else will have to chime in on your other question. I hope this helps though! o.o
(edited by Sardoni.8361)
1.) If you damage every enemy you should have an equal chance at loot at every enemy. That being said not every mob is going to give you loot and I’ve noticed that some more active events have had loot tables turned off all together. There was also an interesting issue with Risen Drakes not dropping anything at all in Cursed Shore for a short time. I’d log in for the first time that day, slaughter the beach of drakes to no drops… then walk up to some risen guarding an ori node… kill it and have loot. The rumors of diminishing returns may have also set in with regard to loot dropping. I’m unaware of the exact time tables, perhaps someone else can provide that answer.
As a mesmer we don’t have as reliable of an AoE as say an elementalist (let me just sit back here and hit 5 all over everything). We Mesmers have to work for it more. Perhaps getting out a 1H sword and getting the trait that causes mine wrack to also explode around you might provide a complimentary AOE source for your playstyle. Although charging in melee does come with a bit more risk (the 1H sword can help mitigate that a little).
2.) Same boat, only nodes I’ve found. Not sure of the reset timers on them. I believe that the nodes are specific to your character. The solution may be to level another character(s) to 80 so you have more mules out there mining. It is meant to be a rare material after all.
3.) Salvage every piece of light armor that drops. Gossamer is a rare salvage off light armor. The better the kit, the better the chance of getting that rare. Worse case scenario trying to farm enough of something else to sell in order to buy gossamer off the trade post.
4.) The loot gods are sadly, random. Although you could try your luck in the mystic forge. If you chuck in 4 blues you have a chance to get 1 blue back or a 1 green… 4 greens to get 1 green or a yellow. 4 yellows to get 1 yellow or an exotic. If you through in 4 items of the same type you’ll get back the same item (i.e. throw in 4 great swords you’ll get a great sword back). That is also throwing things to lady luck, but another method.
Just a title would be rather dissapointing.
The title is currently unobtainable/bugged/really well hidden at the moment.
You get a gold star next to your name that everyone else can see (but surprisingly no option in the UI to put your own name above your head o.o).
The title is “Been there, done that” and it’s under the “Hero” section of the achievements. If you’re like the rest of us we’ve stalled at 97% complete on that title with 100% world completion on our maps. The theory is that there are areas on the map that do not have POIs that provide updates to each individual “Explorer” achievement area. Example: When you go into the jumping puzzle located in Mount Maelstrom map you get yellow text, with a small amount of exp, and a map reveal. This area is not a POI but it does progress that region. The other theory is that the POIs of the explorable dungeons count toward title completion.
I really hope we don’t have to scrape the map like we did in GW1 for cartographer =(
As I understand it; if you have out three phantasms and pop a clone skill the clone will destroy one of your phantasms and take its place.
If you have 2 clones and 1 phantasm out and use a clone skill, that new clone will destroy one of the two existing clones before it will destroy a phantasm.
Are you just trying to maintain three phantasms? I don’t think I understand your concept fully.
In general I would agree that any Clone / Phantasm currently not in explosion-distance should fly there as a ranged bolt, but this causes a few extra issues:
a) How do you handle the AE-effect of MF and CoF? If the bolt impacts, does it centre on the target? In that case it would be functionally very different from the current handling where the illusions explode as soon as their AE’s edge touches the target spot.
b) This would ruin staggered dazing with Diversion. How is this handled? Specifically, does Diversion need to be buffed to 1s + 0,5s per extra clone to compensate?
a.) Engineer pistol auto attack has a similar effect where it explodes on the target and shatters from there in a sphere around the target. Not sure the current size of mind wracks aoe (we don’t see the circle as it stands either). The behavior would mirror a homing projectile. If the target moves when you’re auto attacking with the bow/scepter/staff/rifle etc… there’s a maximum range and you can dodge/reflect projectile before impact.
b.) The projectiles would (in theory) shatter and leave from their current clone/phantasm location. So as long as they all eventually made it to their target (i.e. weren’t reflected or dodged) it would have the same delay effect. Actually it would the daze would arguably happen more quickly because the projectile would constantly follow the target not path A → B then realize that B moved to C and readjust pathing according.
I will say whole-heartedly that we Mesmers are a trollsy, evasive, “get-a-way in a flash when we need to” class… I love it and I can see some problems. Thanks for the suggestion and I knew about the illusion trait, I opted for 30 points in chaos for the additional stealth time/added toughness (WvW centric spec).
What I’m seeing are mesmers reluctant to shatter because phantasms are so good. Now… personally… I like phantasm damage where it is. It’s a tad unreliable (having to summon them all up) but even if you don’t spec “phatasm build” you still get some benefits from it.
Now there’s enough traits centered around not shattering your clones/phantasms that make me ask the question… why? If shattering is a “core class mechanic” why are there traits they encourage you not to? It doesn’t hurt to start thinking, I always try to encourage it personally! =)
If it’s to give players some diversity. All for it! Nice! Super! But as it stands… your clone generator is one skill on your weapon combination of choice that has five total skills. Your phantasm generator is a another out of those 5. If we are intentionally not shattering for whatever reason… that’s 6 skills we are intentionally avoiding to use (F1-F4, and your clone/phantasm generator to avoid over rides if applicable). We could also say some people have clone/phantasm generators for utilities but we’ll just let that go for now.
To me, intentionally not using the shatter mechanic and specing to not use it is odd. It’s not “wrong” or “right,” but why are people doing that? I’m not going to immediately jump to a nerf button… I’m going to ask why. I’m going to try to see from their side of the fence.
Phantasm damage output > shatter output when considering consistency… only if phantasms are not a danger zone.
Heck, I make it a point to get up three phantasms in explore dungeons on bosses that are “tank and spank.” Takes me longer to get up three phantasms once I shatter them. I’d rather have those phantasms unloading their auto attack rotation. But then I just have to baby sit the phantasms. No real excitement or skillful play involved here. I’m not making sure to hit clutch dazes or interrupts or anything that the Domination tree seems to insist we have some use for at some point. I’m just dodging and managing clones. Potentially rezzing people who are downed… popping some condition cleansers for the group… maybe a time warp… who knows.
Is that lazy? Is it amazing design? Is baby sitting my phantasm damage output really the way I’d like to play my mesmer? Not… really, but I understand. The inverse is that I don’t think I should be a machine gun poppoing out clones and mesmers to die glorious deaths in tribute to the purple butterfly gods that spawn them… ok maybe I’m getting a tad carried away here! =P
But like mentioned before and I will agree; I’ve found my own niche in the mesmer world. I like where I’ve settled with how I play my mesmer. I look around and I actually don’t want to discourage other people from playing mesmers. I want other people to enjoy the class I love.
I’m just looking at what we currently do and asking the question: Can we do this better? Can we do this smarter? Can we do this well at all?
They could add a 30 point major trait in Illusion that allows your clones when shattered to turn into a projectile and fly at their target, but that drastically changes the core mechanic of the class and prevents a barrier to entry to new players. It also forces a level cap on certain play style.
I just know that I shake an angry baby fist when someone ducks into the safety of their tower before my clones reach them and the clones stand there at the gate for a second before shattering and hitting nothing. I also know that my clone generator and phantasms are useless when trying to to attack a defender on a wall of a keep when I’m on the ground waiting for the door to go down. I prowl around trying to pull stragglers off the wall with my focus… then get angry that I had to equip an otherwise useless focus and get in combat with it just to fight someone on the playing field my class can fight them on.
I don’t have a perfect solution to the gaps I see, but I want to throw out solutions instead of complaints. Maybe something will stick… or spur someone else into a better idea. I’ll never settle for a status quo. =)
Also, the devs have taken our community feedback and incorporated it into the game. So we’re helping design and shape this game as much as they are. We can’t ever rest on the laurels that things weren’t designed to be this way. And I’m not trying to make this game out to be any other game I’ve ever played. I’m trying to make it a better stand alone product =)
Skill 5 on the trident sometimes causes all damage to reflect back to its source. Basically a griefing bug.
When an enemy target is under the effect of the anchor all the attacks made to it are reflected back to the source.
It’s a bug. When you apply the anchor you’re actually buffing the mob with reflect damage.
Woa…sad times.
I can’t say it happens 100% of the time… but I’ve noticed that I anchor a shark solo in the ater and suddenly I have confusion stacks all over me while they are anchored… sharks only bleed/poison.
I’ve opted to not use it. The underwater combat is a bit lack luster to me anyway. I feel like we do too little damage underwater compared to when I hop on the shore and kill things faster with equal level/quality weapons.
If traited… mantras can be situationally useful. I’d argue with a coordinated team. No matter how many times you get a “free cast” with your mantra there’s still the rub that you reach a point where you are pre-casting… i.e. can do nothing other than channel to prepare that spell.
In a game that promotes active combat/gameplay… the mantras don’t really seem to fit (in my opinion).
I’d rather they shatter into butterflies and turn into a projectile that flies toward the enemy. The power walk thing is… meh.
That’s where proper positioning comes into play as well as proper skill loadout. If your clones are too far away and you know they won’t make it to the target before being destroyed, shatter using distort to avoid incoming damage and close the distance, summon new clones closer to the target and shatter those.
There are also a few skills that summon the clones/phantasm at the target location rather than near you. Make use of those and shatter immediately.
I’m coping with it currently, but trying to provide solutions. =P
Please name me another class mechanic that is solved by blowing a cool down and moving closer just to use another skill effectively… every time. I get how we can use it now. I just think we can design it better.
There’s a barrier to entry for smart play for the Mesmer. The current shatter mechanics are simple. Push button… watch pink/purple butterfly explosion, but I wish it wasn’t of ACME quality design.
I’m thinking of how we can do things more intelligently. I love popping two clones and power walking to my target then flipping to something stealthy popping on them. It’s fun. But… it’s not effective for WvW defense… it’s not effective for shattering with terrain (and some dungeons/WvW/PVE content have terrain barriers you have to work within and not around and you can’t simply move closer).
I’m suggesting they shatter into projectiles knowing full well I’m going to lose my “power walk gank ability”. But I’m also keen enough to know that eventually… our gimmicks won’t work and we’ll be in desperate need for a tweak.
Carigan, you should delete that first paragraph and report that as an exploit. I guarantee you that is not an intended use of that weapons auto attacks.
(edited by Sardoni.8361)
You already have a ranged weapon in:
Great Sword
StaffThe main hand pistol would serve absolutely no purpose when its role has already been filled by another weapon.
What the Scepter does need is a few tweaks to actually make it desirable.
1H Scepter and 2H Staff are ranged condition based damage weapons.
2H Greatsword is a ranged direct damage weapon.
1H Sword is melee direct damage weapon.
Those are all the “MH” weapons for the Mesmer.
Mesmers have no one handed direct damage ranged weapon options (say that 10 times fast o.o). As a side note (but something worth pointing out) Mesmers also have no one handed melee condition damage weapon (maybe a dagger… debate for late on that one =P).
So basically, if you want to enjoy any of the off hands we have as a “ranged” Mesmer player better get used to clones popping out on every third damage rotation on your scepter (not to mention gearing and traiting for conditions). The 1H direct damage ranged weapon isn’t an unreasonable request. It’s missing from our arsenal of damage potential.
Unless Anet wants to say that all Mesmers are right handed and can’t hold a pistol in their left hand ever. I’ll have to cope with that =(
I see people with 2H staff and 2H greatsword swaps often. Because it’s reliable ranged damage. One is condition based, the other is direct damage. OP is just asking for the same for MH. It’s not like the weapons don’t already exist in game. The skill design and implementation is the only thing needed (not saying that isn’t its own feat in its own right mind you).
+1 on the idea. My two cents on the matter:
Pistol MH –
Skill 1 – Ethereal Bullets – ranged chain attack that damages target foe. Second rotation applies a bleed on target foe, third applies cripple (same cooldown as current auto-attack rotation of sceptor).
Skill 2 – Imagined Burden – flip backwards and summon a clone that fires Skill 1 animation at your previous location. (same cooldown as clones on other main-hand clone generators)
Skill 3 – Epidemic – Fires a bullet that transfers conditions on target foe to all nearby foes (ranged bullet and then AOE radius around target… similar to how the engineer’s bleed bullet determines the aoe radius… cooldown on par with scepter skill 3).
Names taken from GW1 Mesmer skills =P
I’d rather they shatter into butterflies and turn into a projectile that flies toward the enemy. The power walk thing is… meh.
Shatters should be a way supplement to AOE capability, but the implementation is… off putting and situational to new players.
Staff – scepter/torch.
I wish we had a one handed ranged direct damage weapon. I dislike the clone generator as an auto attack on the scepter (love confusion), but love the stealth of the torch =/
(edited by Sardoni.8361)
When an enemy target is under the effect of the anchor all the attacks made to it are reflected back to the source.
It’s a bug. When you apply the anchor you’re actually buffing the mob with reflect damage.
As it stands now if I ever choose to shatter my clones here’s my spread:
94% F1 (damage)
1% F2 (confusion)
0.0000001 F3 (daze)
F4 5% (invuln).
Damage hitting eventually > X secs complete invulnerability > stacks of confusion if quickness buff noticed on enemy >unpredictable daze to your enemy.
I might daze if someone is in melee range of all my clones at the same time and I know I’m dazing that person at the EXACT moment I’m hitting that daze button. Does anyone seriously think unreliable/delayed CC’d is a good idea?
I don’t like how the clones/phantasms have to power walk to their target. I REALLY don’t like it in WvW. Let’s prance through the AOEs together holding hands!
If I am point “A” you as a player are point “B” and I command my clones to shatter on you. You move from point “B” to “C”. The clones first powerwalk to “B” FIRST before readjusting to realize you’re now at point “C.” This makes any use of daze in a situation where you opponent (be it PVE or PVP) isn’t standing still for the duration of the power walk to be moot.
I wish they would shatter into butterfly projectiles and home in on the target like scepter/staff auto attacks… any ranged auto attack really. It would give people a reason to equip a “reflect projectile” skill even if situational…
Stun breakers and condition cleaners are “must haves” in my opinion in some way shape or form for PVP. Project reflecters are “meh” haves because there isn’t enough consistent projectile pain points.
Phantasms are better hitting people. The amount of damage a phantasm does makes me cry when I see the damage tick. I wish my own attacks were that nice. Clones are useful decoys before provide very little but fodder if you know how to hide in your clones (or stealth at the right moment to get away). They do 0-4 damage even at level 80. Let me tell you… as a low level watching your clones crit for 0 damage was slightly offensive that I would even be shown that. =(
I love the class and we mesmers have our fair share of gimmicks that are hilarious/effecitve and they are working well for us right now. But it’s only a matter of time before more people see through our various ruses and these shatter mechanics definitely have to be ironed out better.
It’s just really eerie to be standing in Grenth’s cathedral and seeing a line of people waiting in the hallway staring at people walking in telling them not to attack the priest.
On point 3… I solo’d the experience remembering little about GW1 and it took me 421 hours according to Steam to go from 0 to 30 points. I did this waiting for GW2 because there was nothing else worth playing on the market. I also followed a guide and used the wiki like crazy. And I got distracted staffing my menagerie with all the pets for my ritualist/ranger =P You have the full capability of buying GW1 right now and some or all of its expansions… linking it to your GW2 account and unlocking the rewards even now. A guildee was powered through his progression to 30 and made it in ~100 hours.
Would you want to? Probably not, but that gives those of us who have been supporting Anet a little gift bag for trying out their new game based on the game we’re familiar with. It’s all vanity and has no stats. They are skin items we put on items we had to craft ourselves or acquire in other fashions.
GW2 is by and large a much more engaging game experience for me personally. I don’t think I have the want/need/desire/patience to title grind in GW1 to get to the next few reward tiers in HoM… more power to those people who did/do =)
One thing I do wish I could carry over from GW1 would be the Chaos Gloves. I was hoping the 30 point HoM fire gloves would have as impressive of a glow as those, but alas =(
Perhaps new content for GW2 players to chase in the future <3
Be thankful jumping puzzles aren’t required >.>;
^Could probably use a more official touch to it while we’re on the topic.
As I understood magic find it only effects “corpse loot.” And it’s items >white. So you’ll have a better chance at finding higher quality items (blues/greens/yellows/exotics) but not necessarily a better chance at finding unidentified dyes.
Magic find also does not effect chest spawns. I.E. the world boss chest that spawns when you kill say the dragon Shatterer OR a boss at a certain dungeon. The corpse of the boss would have a magic find factor, but the chests have a set loot table.
I came to this conclusion because the chests in low level jumping puzzles always spit out that maps level bracket loot (for PVE). I could have all the magic find in the world but it wouldn’t get me a level 80 item out of that chest in the Norn jumping puzzle in Wayfarer Hills. Always going to be blue level 7 warhorns lolol. But in clearing random oozes I would sometimes get a level 74 blue item even though the ooze was level 20-ish. Needless to say I still had my bags filled with 20-ish loot.
It would be silly for someone to design a game that would encourage you to do dungeons in subpar gear JUST because you have magic find on it. What makes more logical sense is if I’m level 80 and running around helping a buddy at level 20 that putting on a magic find set would benefit me then into finding better items.
I have nothing to prove my theory other than faith in intelligent design.
That’s my two cents anyway. Spend it or save it =P
They should probably shift the world spawn timers a half hour or so =P They seem to patch at the top of the hour always. Might make sense for those world boss events to trigger at the half hour instead.
It’s strange because the only names that were reserved were those people who linked their GW1 accounts to GW2 accounts. So if the name is still listed as reserved it means the GW1 player has a GW2 account.
The other issue might be is that we had 8 character slots in GW1 compared to the 5 in GW2. I’ll concede that some slots were added with expansion packs (as a recall) so GW1 players MIGHT… MIGHT be trying to afford those character expansion slots.
As a side note: I know for a fact I have 8 reserved names from GW1 but only used like 3 of them in GW2 (~7 years is a long enough time to grow into some other online nicknames :P). So I also agree it’s beyond the time for the names to be released =)