Showing Posts For Sinzaku.2980:

Revert Moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Moa is still very strong. 10 sec moa was just way to OP.
This is a good balance change.

On 180cd.
Aoe, no tell and on 96cd. Balanced.
You do realize that moa became useless to core mesmer? Last time i checked out moa wasnt chrono skill.

Its the same logic as it was with revenant and ranger.

Double stab dodge op? Nerf core rev, leave herald broken trait alone? Result? Rev is pushed into herald even more than before and what it fixed? Nothing, you can still keep up perma stab.

Druid dazes too op? Nerf a trait which increased duration by 100% that was absolutely fine in core ranger.

I have no idea who can defend that kind of crap as it has no logic whatsoever, those are just a LAZY changes HURTING build diversity. But i guess people are fine with having 1 build top per class.

It has 3 sec duration dude its exactly how it should be on base mesmer then additional 1sec per illusions but ehh thats done by a great team of devs right ?

10 sec was way too much and everyone saying its not r obviously players which dont know how play the game.

Deal with it i main necro we got bigger nerf than 4sec cd removed on elite

I dont have to deal with it cause i dont play mes but it seems that you lack any sense of logic like many on this forum so have a good day.

I raised apoint about the fact that they nerf core classes to balance out current elite crap, thats all. How op next elite spec has to be for mes to make moa viable on it? Only devs know.

Typical answer from someone QQing and dont like being quoted lol

This kind of win button skill should not even exist in game in first place soo in fact u guys got 3/6 or 10 sec u better be happy already whatever the CD is.

Now to answer proprely, the main problem with it is the lack of animation, the thing appear when its already at 99% cast basicaly same as spite signet from necro.

Every mesmer obviously use the fact it can be blinded, dodged ect but thats a non sense argument cuz its totally random if u manage avoid this kind of skill soo stop using poor logic and try defend something broken just cuz u guys cant manage play against players when they’r not transformed into something unbalanced

You still assume that i play mesmer? Ahahahaaha omfg. Sounds like you are terrible player btw. A mesmer points finger at you+he glows pink while casting moa. Unless he used stealth its definitely dodgeable. Its l2p issue on your part here. Pvp forum is full of baddies either way so no surprise.

Your life must be really amazing if u spend ur time posting there bout something u dont care then.

Anyway with all animations in pvp its not like the actual one for SoH is good enuf, compare it with revenant everything is more obvious …

Thats a kind of unbalanced and if u can avoid being moaed its cool for u but that doesnt solve the prob’s and ur answers r not helpful in any ways

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

WoodenPotatoes on Moa nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


But there is still a prob with the animation so even 4 sec removed from it wont change much the QQer’s lol

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Revert Moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Moa is still very strong. 10 sec moa was just way to OP.
This is a good balance change.

On 180cd.
Aoe, no tell and on 96cd. Balanced.
You do realize that moa became useless to core mesmer? Last time i checked out moa wasnt chrono skill.

Its the same logic as it was with revenant and ranger.

Double stab dodge op? Nerf core rev, leave herald broken trait alone? Result? Rev is pushed into herald even more than before and what it fixed? Nothing, you can still keep up perma stab.

Druid dazes too op? Nerf a trait which increased duration by 100% that was absolutely fine in core ranger.

I have no idea who can defend that kind of crap as it has no logic whatsoever, those are just a LAZY changes HURTING build diversity. But i guess people are fine with having 1 build top per class.

It has 3 sec duration dude its exactly how it should be on base mesmer then additional 1sec per illusions but ehh thats done by a great team of devs right ?

10 sec was way too much and everyone saying its not r obviously players which dont know how play the game.

Deal with it i main necro we got bigger nerf than 4sec cd removed on elite

I dont have to deal with it cause i dont play mes but it seems that you lack any sense of logic like many on this forum so have a good day.

I raised apoint about the fact that they nerf core classes to balance out current elite crap, thats all. How op next elite spec has to be for mes to make moa viable on it? Only devs know.

Typical answer from someone QQing and dont like being quoted lol

This kind of win button skill should not even exist in game in first place soo in fact u guys got 3/6 or 10 sec u better be happy already whatever the CD is.

Now to answer proprely, the main problem with it is the lack of animation, the thing appear when its already at 99% cast basicaly same as spite signet from necro.

Every mesmer obviously use the fact it can be blinded, dodged ect but thats a non sense argument cuz its totally random if u manage avoid this kind of skill soo stop using poor logic and try defend something broken just cuz u guys cant manage play against players when they’r not transformed into something unbalanced

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Moa got nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


The lack of animation from this skill is the main prob for counter it, tho the nerf was necessary and people still complaining about better move on cuz they dont revert anything.

Maybe get lower cd on it thats all u can expect.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Revert Moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Moa is still very strong. 10 sec moa was just way to OP.
This is a good balance change.

On 180cd.
Aoe, no tell and on 96cd. Balanced.
You do realize that moa became useless to core mesmer? Last time i checked out moa wasnt chrono skill.

Its the same logic as it was with revenant and ranger.

Double stab dodge op? Nerf core rev, leave herald broken trait alone? Result? Rev is pushed into herald even more than before and what it fixed? Nothing, you can still keep up perma stab.

Druid dazes too op? Nerf a trait which increased duration by 100% that was absolutely fine in core ranger.

I have no idea who can defend that kind of crap as it has no logic whatsoever, those are just a LAZY changes HURTING build diversity. But i guess people are fine with having 1 build top per class.

It has 3 sec duration dude its exactly how it should be on base mesmer then additional 1sec per illusions but ehh thats done by a great team of devs right ?

10 sec was way too much and everyone saying its not r obviously players which dont know how play the game.

Deal with it i main necro we got bigger nerf than 4sec cd removed on elite

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-


in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Cuz they dont know how to make this class works proprely since devs dont play it at all.

They make something powerful cuz yolo whynot then it was tooooo powerful and they dont test it so they destroy what they just made and we have to deal with their non sense changes everytimes.

Lot of good feedback are on our subforum made by the community but they dont listen to us they listen to the others subforum mainly QQ post from PvP which is where they all rage bout necro being too OP meanwhile burnzerker insta put 20 stack of burn with mass CC so u cant clean and send it back either but thats balanced cuz its warrior bro

The prob with this game they split too much btw WvW / PvE and PvP soo skills are obviously unbalanced, they nerfed epidemic on last patch it was near insta cast now the delay is soo long if u use it in pve lets say on veteran, time to stack some good condis and cast epidemic the mob gonna die before the endcast lol

The game has a great potential but being wasted by poor changes we have to deal with it :/

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

I'm here!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Welcome in the dark side of the force

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Bleed->Burn on Deathly Chill please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Agreed there since fear =chill it should be chill = torment.
The bleed like it is right now looks exactly like the prob is DC is a freaky GM and the potential of a GM from elite spe shouldnt be equal to a passive trait in adept tier …

Dev’s should read more from our community and stop doing changes from themself cuz they always do something wrong at every patch and destroy the fun out of the class :/

New change : DC now apply one stack of torment, same duration still no icd + merge it with and find something else in curse.

Terror in its current form is not worth in any game mode the dmg and the amount of fear we do isnt enuf to justify using it.
Well people will obviously say stab > corrupt > fear but btw Path of Corruption which u can corrupt 2 boons every 5 sec and Terror … -.-

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

Guardian's becoming out dated?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


If only u were playing necro so u could feel our pain
At least guard is pretty strong in pvp atm

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

4/19 Balance Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


I can’t wait for the next pvp season, just to watch all the back-pedaling on here as at least one if not multiple reapers using DC make it to the finals. You guys will be giving lessons to politicians on how to do a 180.

If they’re using Deathly Chill, it’s because there is literally no other option for a Reaper Grandmaster. Not because it is any good.

Yea the change from a pvp view is hurting hard, next season will be trash if they dont do something about it :/

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

To all necros that feel nerfed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


From a pvp perspective anyone claiming this wasn’t a HUGE nerf is either really bad at the game or just hear to try and troll people.

The facts are pretty clear. It was across the board nerfs. Repear shroud got significantly nerfed which effects every spec. It would be like lowering initative regen for thief or increasing the cd on guardian virtues. Its a nerf to the class as a whole.

The trait changes are also clearly nerfs except in the case of deathly chill which some bad players might see as a buff. But from a pvp perspective this is actually the biggest nerf of all because spreading damage across condis = win. Also the build up time to the amount of bleeds (from chill) required to do equal damage is just impossible to reach in the power creeped gw2 combat system where every class has infinite and spammable condi removal.

So you need burst condis. Previously chill hit a foe and instantly did good damage. Now it stacks up slowly in the form of bleeds. Which is not spike damage. It is no damage because it will get cleansed before it even outweighs the perma regen every class in pvp has.

There is really no debate to be had. If you disagree with me then you are just bad at the game really.

No other class receives the amount of monster nerfs necro does. I am not talking small changes to healing signet or whatever like other classes get that gradually nerf a class. I am talking instantly making a class terrible like with the dhumfire and chill nerfs. That is instant massive nerfs.

And yet there are growing number of people who have created reaper builds with the new DC and have testified to it working really well in pve and pvp. Those builds are posted in several threads. If they can succeed with this new version of DC, maybe you should ask them what you’re doing wrong.

Not trying to be offensive, but seriously guys, change is inevitable, in life and in games. Adapt, learn, and move forward, or get left behind. I’d rather you did the former. The latter is just sad.

Ofc there are DC builds that work on pvp, but they are still bad compared to the old necro and not wven close to meta.

Not according to those that are using them.

Not my fault they are bad at pvp

The prob with this change we lost our insta chill dmg for 1k bleed over 10 sec, talking there about pvp cuz we know this is a buff in pve but still very situational, we cant chose to whirl on ice field when people spawn others combo field …

They should have tested better options before proc this version cuz now they wont touch before the end of next pvp league, if they even care about touch it again at all :/

We had some fun with reaper at beta but the elite spe now is not even looking like a elite spe at all.

BB is not working If u dont use reaper with spite which is anti-diversity build and im pretty sure they said they dont want that but do it anyway and the other “GM” option is something working only in WvW and open world so GG dev’s lol

Back to vanilla necro since reaper is lame in its current stats we r used to have fun with something and then its removed right after, the game is disapointing at every patch deal with it.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

FIX "Friend of the Owl Spirit"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


U r not the first one i see saying that and i dont understand why cuz i finished nevermore 2 days ago and the event needed for this trophy is definitly not the one people looks for.

Defeat the Svanir hunters before they kill all the owls around Owl’s Abattoir in Snowden Drifts.

The event proc at waypoint the veteran spawn with 3 or 4 little adds and u need to kill them before they reach the abattoir …

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Is this normal?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Just got back on my Necro today and used “Death Shroud” until the green bar — the life force I’m guessing? — was fully depleted(probably hit 0 as soon as I killed the enemy[ies]). and noticed this. Anyway, She just happened to turn transparent for a few seconds to about a minute. Is this normal?

Thats a food effect u turn into a ghost.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-


in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Hi there,

My english isnt good enuf for write a mountain buuuuuut i can share my pvp build with the editor soo its fine =P

Played more than 6k matchs soo i tested tons of build, i use this one since a while now cuz it worked fine even in legendary league so i think its worth sharing it to our community.

I use wall mainly for the cc but also for the combo field with reaper shroud 4 and its Life force regen from trait.
I also use spectral armor mostly before entering in shroud when i know i wont need it as a stunbreak to build life force while in shroud and reducing input dmg obviously.

Using mercenary amulet reduce crit chance which give a better control of plague signet when switching on staff.

Traveler rune for its boon duration for spectrals skills + conditions duration and perma 25% speed.

If any questions i will try answer it =D

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(Delete Thread)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Nerfing us like they always do

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

sigil of intelligence

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


so a few pro league necros were using sigil of intell and (hydromancy?) I believe on the staff. was just wondering what the method behind their madness was on these sigil choices. seems like leeching or geomancy would be a better choice.

Int+hydro on staff give a total control on plague signet from curse line and full marks dmg.

As long as u lower ur crit chance intentionaly so u dont proc plague at a wrong moment.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Okay, i am disappointed with this.
However, I cannot fathom why people would still go about saying HoT was a half expansion. Does it have problems? Yes. Was it an expensive expansion? Maybe. But we all knew what this expansion was coming in. Alot of what HoT has been about is implementing new/final ideas and systems, not just pure mass of contents. Also did people feel so cheated when they received several dozens of free updates until the expansion? Sure gw2 was sold on that, but lets be realistic. Running an mmo without subsciption is itself a huge handicap. There cant be a half a thousand devs like wow delivering big. Anet does with what its got, and it did good to stand by and deliver all the free contents in the first few years. Not having subscriptions obviously takes its toll over the years as players leave, and im sure anet has to give in gradually more towards projects like expac2 and gemstores to pay the bills.

Please dont rage at the first sight of bad news, try to think about the shoes they might be in.

We all love the game we wouldnt spend time writting there otherwise, we just dont like the decisions about priority in their projects since most of HoT contents turns around legendary so without this project in the game, all the news contents adds are useless, unrewarding and not fun to play at all.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


I need to say something which bothers me a lot in past weeks

I crafted Nevermoore.I had no last 2 mastery lines in Legendary crafting.That’s 15 Tyria mastery points.

I had no HoT maps completed,nor i had any of ascanded materials map rewards as Sparks,Crstal ores,Airship Parts…

I did not have 2500 gold,i had 1400,after almost 20 days of farming.

But let me tell you something,not counting those 20 days of gold farming,i managed to craft legendary item,and to complete all 4 maps with 4x 250x ascended materials in 10 days and farmed 16 mastery points.Played 3 hours each day.

Now when we cleared that out,do not dare to tell me its not possible to get legendary items,do not dare…Before i started 250 ascended mats collection,i was looking at some topics where people complain how hard is to get those,i was afraid AF…I understood those materials are not impossible to get…When i started collection,i was getting 20-40 ascended materials per meta,and i could not believe how many lazy people there are…

Everyone wants everything without effort…It comes down to simple thing,if you want it,you can get it.If you want it,but sitting in LA whole day,and linking items you “got” (ye sure…)and talking about pointless things,you will never get anything.

I spent good chunk of my “life” in sw,and i saw people dying to poison at amber,as soon as poison phase start,and they waiting for other to ress them for over 4 minutes,while nearest wp is 20 sec away,then i realized,those are people who complain how game is hard,and how raids are impossible…Ofc it is impossible when you standing in damage circle and losing 5 k hp each second…

What the hell are you talking about dude, u feel pro managed to get ur stuff while u got carried by others peoples, u wouldnt be able to get anything without players and since hot maps were adds mainly for the legendary collection, based on past, we all know the current new means they canceled weapons from their futur plans so less and less players gonna do maguuma events.

Also they are bugged pretty often so it wont give people the feel to do them, you should be less selfish before write there next time, because you managed to get something u think can be rude with the community -.-

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Not to play devil’s advocate, but we should give these guys a rest.

Of course I am also saddened we won’t get new legendaries (aside from the bow) anytime soon. But this way, you can hope to craft all the ones we already have?

Joking aside, if they decided to focus on something bigger, let them do so! As Mo said, we are ALWAYS complaining about lack of content (not just a shiny new skin), and now they’re focusing on content (leaving skins aside), we’re not happy. Are we such spoiled rotten brats?

While I agree with you regarding the gemstore flooding us with skins (some could be delivered as collections), the rest is just pure emotions talking.

Think, do you want some new shiny greatsword, or some story that would bring you to new regions? Imagine: just the 6 devs that were working on the new legendary collections could create new maps. So, which one do you pick, a sword or a map? I would honestly content myself with the legendaries we have now if it means Cantha or Elona (or even new and unknown regions!), yet in the end they will be released. Not as soon as expected, but they will in the end.

Also, there were things that were advertised as coming with the xpac but didn’t make it, but we also had new things that weren’t advertised: new system, new animations, new bases… The xpac wasn’t only to add content, it was to modify GW2 as we knew it for it to become better. Now the bases are set, maybe things will go faster?

I’ve been bored because of the lack of content, just like you. I’ve been upset by the new WvW, just like you. But they are saying things are changing, they talk about reverting back to Alpine Borderlands, they are talking about focusing on rich content. They’re not deserting a sinking ship, they’re sustaining our anger and disappointment to show us we’re heading to a better place. Mo is reading this topic, he is answering your questions, and he agrees his decisions upset people. But he’s no rookie, he knows what he does.

So stop acting as if it were the end of the world, GW2 is just a bunch of code and pixels and, just like in real life, kitten happens and some things are now what they were supposed to be. If you are so upset, change game for a while to see if it’s better, and if it is, good for you (not to be condescending, but some people want GW2 to be like the rest while being different: as rich as a charged game, but for free, and faster, and more often, and better…)

So thank you Mo for the heads up, angry and upset people, please think of the great possibilities that sacrificing new legendaries mean…

We dont want them to work on xPac3 when the current one is not even half finished thats simple … There shouldnt be any sacrifices kitten we paid for something and they produce an other patch which gonna be again under a paywall AND unfinished too !!!

This is a really wong decision they take and gonna impact hard the futur of this game. #Ls3 Failure incoming.

I rather have them work on expac 2 (It is not expac 3 it will be the second expac) than putting dev time on (in my opinion) useless grind for skinns that clutters the screen more and at that are usually pretty ugly anyway. Now as I said before, I don’t know what difference it makes becouse how could I know? I don’t work there. But I know that if what they say is true that not working on Legendary can be good for the LW work, so be it.

Yea u still hope i get it, with all we have seen from this company, after such news, its just impossible for them to be trusted anymore by most of the community.

I was defending HoT hard especialy cuz i main necro and the patch affected something i love in a better way but you can be sure this was temporary and it will get rekt soon or later which will definitly make me leave this game for good and tons of people too ofc.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Not to play devil’s advocate, but we should give these guys a rest.

Of course I am also saddened we won’t get new legendaries (aside from the bow) anytime soon. But this way, you can hope to craft all the ones we already have?

Joking aside, if they decided to focus on something bigger, let them do so! As Mo said, we are ALWAYS complaining about lack of content (not just a shiny new skin), and now they’re focusing on content (leaving skins aside), we’re not happy. Are we such spoiled rotten brats?

While I agree with you regarding the gemstore flooding us with skins (some could be delivered as collections), the rest is just pure emotions talking.

Think, do you want some new shiny greatsword, or some story that would bring you to new regions? Imagine: just the 6 devs that were working on the new legendary collections could create new maps. So, which one do you pick, a sword or a map? I would honestly content myself with the legendaries we have now if it means Cantha or Elona (or even new and unknown regions!), yet in the end they will be released. Not as soon as expected, but they will in the end.

Also, there were things that were advertised as coming with the xpac but didn’t make it, but we also had new things that weren’t advertised: new system, new animations, new bases… The xpac wasn’t only to add content, it was to modify GW2 as we knew it for it to become better. Now the bases are set, maybe things will go faster?

I’ve been bored because of the lack of content, just like you. I’ve been upset by the new WvW, just like you. But they are saying things are changing, they talk about reverting back to Alpine Borderlands, they are talking about focusing on rich content. They’re not deserting a sinking ship, they’re sustaining our anger and disappointment to show us we’re heading to a better place. Mo is reading this topic, he is answering your questions, and he agrees his decisions upset people. But he’s no rookie, he knows what he does.

So stop acting as if it were the end of the world, GW2 is just a bunch of code and pixels and, just like in real life, kitten happens and some things are now what they were supposed to be. If you are so upset, change game for a while to see if it’s better, and if it is, good for you (not to be condescending, but some people want GW2 to be like the rest while being different: as rich as a charged game, but for free, and faster, and more often, and better…)

So thank you Mo for the heads up, angry and upset people, please think of the great possibilities that sacrificing new legendaries mean…

We dont want them to work on xPac3 when the current one is not even half finished thats simple … There shouldnt be any sacrifices, we paid for something and they produce an other patch which gonna be again under a paywall AND unfinished too !!!

This is a really wong decision they take and gonna impact hard the futur of this game. #Ls3 Failure incoming.

Well, at the very least this explains Colin’s exit. I don’t believe for ONE second the "being closer to home " excuse now.

Question is, is there a future? I know it’s only a game but this news has shaken my confidence in the game.

This ^

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Actualy i laugh hard cuz i remember someone from anet writting on AMA #reddit, they do not want us to prepare the fun but having fun right now. While they works on xPac3 and remove devs working on stuff from xPac2 …

People find fair having to sacrifice this developement while half of the devs work on something we dont care by now.

This company need to learn priority and actualy its to deliver the promises from xPac2 not trying to make a dream about things coming in xPac3 when u didnt finished the current one.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Ascended Confusion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


There are builds that work without using Decimate Defenses. Chilling Victory is great for Shroud builds and Soul Eater is great for max dps builds.

Having precision from equipment or trinkets opens more build possibilities. Both Ele and Mes can use it, too.

For pvp DD is a waste yea but we were talking about pve since he wasnt sure about hes ascended stats =P

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Ascended Confusion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


It’s quite easy to transmute ascended items if you need to, so problem isn’t that big.

If you play power build, go for Berserker. If you play condi, build whatever and transmute it into Viper – that thing is painful to craft proper way.

If you aren’t sure what to build, I’d suggest to go for Viper – while not min-max, it’s a pretty decent power set on its own.

Did u really said berserker ? O_o


What if he did ? Bers allows you to run solo with constant 100% crit chance thanks to this trait, instead of 4% outside and 104% inside shroud. Also you can add burning to the mix which in zerker gear ticks for 1200-1500/s (depending if you use blighter’s boon or reaper’s onslaught) which isnt so bad.

Idk how u play this game but if u plan on solo then yes berserker is ur thing, otherwise u shouldnt aim for a self 100% crit since war banner fury boon and ranger buff will overcap it which is pointless.

This is a shroud build in valk gear with bers weapons u reach 30% base crit so 80 with DD (obvious) wells and gs 3 u insta reach it then keep it while in shroud.

U still can reach 100% on short fight alone if u care about consumable :

Medical Pack (small heal + swiftness & fury for 10s) – purchased in Snowden Drifts for 77 karma.

Thats how i play my reaper shroud, we can still talk about Gs-D/W build or condi if u mind

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Ascended Confusion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


It’s quite easy to transmute ascended items if you need to, so problem isn’t that big.

If you play power build, go for Berserker. If you play condi, build whatever and transmute it into Viper – that thing is painful to craft proper way.

If you aren’t sure what to build, I’d suggest to go for Viper – while not min-max, it’s a pretty decent power set on its own.

Did u really said berserker ? O_o


“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Bored of HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Anet themselves stated raids would not be doable by most players.And that small percentage are geting a new raid wing next week wile the rest of us get to replay hot metas for the several hundredth time.I have hive master and golden child titles and 163 mastery points.Time they gave the majority of there players something else to do.
Bored of hot yip.

Maybe actually try and raid? I mean it really isn’t that hard. I made my account at release but quit and came back periodically including for a week or so at HoT release. Ive got barely 385 hours across all my chars over 1,267 days. I’ve almost got an entire toon in ascended pieces(4 more to go!) That means since the roughly 30,408 hours since GW2 core release, in less then 0.01% of the time I’ve almost got full ascended and 1/3 raid bosses down probably clear the rest this weekend but it took less than 10 tries for my first kill. I don’t consider myself elite, if anything my playtime heavily shows I’m a casual. I also don’t use meta builds and haven’t had any trouble finding pugs. Maybe you’re just going about it all the wrong way with a kittenty attitude?

U got carried in raid it doesnt count =D

Anet themselves stated raids would not be doable by most players.

They never stated that. Stop making facts out of thin air.

They did but based on fact it can be done with only 5 ppl, i can say they failed their hardcore content, if the rest of us cant even manage raid with a full team its only cuz its not working as fractals or dungeons which u just need spam 1 to death.

Raid need communication and coordination, which was never needed beside Teq / Wurm, and people cant deal with it.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

Suggested Soul Eater buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Why do we need more neglitcible useless lifesteal? We got blood magic for that once anet decides to combine and adjust all numbers into 1 solid thing

The secondary effect of shouts and GS trait is currently a regular abysmall lifesteal.

Ive always voted for shouts STEALING 1 boon, to not have another corrupt AND the whole up line of reaper traits is meant as tanky brawler. It works with blighters boon.
I would definetly put something boon related to gs to further fuel that theme.

Beside boonsteal, maybe each gs skill generating a specific bbon? Might stab fury prot swiftnes. On 1-5 for example all short 2s

Soul Eater
Reduces recharge on Greatsword skills. (20%)
All attacks whilst wielding a Greatsword cause Life steal. (50 damage/40 healing)
Greatsword attack speed is increased by 15%.


Very interesting suggestion, right now this trait is useless compared with the other options. The Life steal. (50 damage/40 healing) wouldn’t be that bad if you consider that GS can hit 3~5 targets, even if is slow. But what really would shine is the CD reduction and 15% atk speed.

Also, the Life steal could trigger with any skill while GS is equiped, something like Zealous Blade trait of Guardian (would work on utilities).

That was my point, this trait should stay a life steal thing but reworked proprely thats all cuz actualy, for anyone using this trait, its definitly not a good idea.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

Suggested Soul Eater buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Soul Eater
Reduces recharge on Greatsword skills. (20%)
All attacks whilst wielding a Greatsword cause Life steal. (50 damage/40 healing)
Greatsword attack speed is increased by 15%.


agree but life steal is bad it only work with dagger because you can spam 1 fast but on gs it need to be more to compensate the slow hits.

my idea would be increase the attack speed by 15%( like you say) and add a damage modifier 10% more dmage

Can make sense but i do prefer a life steal well scaled over a dmg modif tbh

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Legendary Weapons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


U can also switch with any stats in game even news ones like vipers and such

Beside that and the skin it has nothing more than ascended version

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Just wasted an hour of my time in DS.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


We were killing The Mouth, there was no reason to kill the map, we had basically beaten the Meta!

Happend to me twice i feel ur pain ^^

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Gift of Gliding?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Never went for new legendaries so I have no idea if there is non merchant way of getting it.

You faster than me was going to post right after getting wiki link =P

There no other way to get it beside buying with maguuma tokens tho

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

More legendaries ?!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


He is just trolling sorry there’s no info.


They got you to buy the expansion didn’t they? That’s why.

The less sarcastic answer? When they did the announcement in January of 2015, they said “new legendaries”. Then in March in Linsey Murdock’s blog, at the very bottom of the post it said “handful of new legendaries”. Then it got whittled down to 3 during gamescom or PAX Prime. I don’t remember which and then the post you cited as having “regular intervals”. 3+ months later and we still havent even had information on what “regular” means. It’s awful communication. I feel your pain, Malchior. It’s one of the main reasons I refrained from purchasing the expansion. Too much lawyer talk and not enough just being straight about what was or wasn’t actually going to be in the x-pac.

Its all about market actualy, anything they would announce by now will impact the trading post and im pretty sure they wait the good moment to announce things to make sure nothing goes in a wrong direction, i guess …

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

A drop in players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Before HOT came out i was always around the 850-950 on the leader board when it came to achievement points. I havent done many of the PvE achievement points and the new event stuff. Ive tried to join raids but every group i join fails and its a big blame game. I didnt enjoy the new WvW and PvP has been stale.

There is alot of people defending HOT and i agree that the PvE areas are amazing but for someone who plays all of the game and mostly sticks to PvP and WvW this expansion didnt do much for me. I for the last 2-3 weeks have been only doing dailies and started to play other games. Yet i am now at 756 on the AP leader board. Which means that the 200+ people who were always in front of me quit playing the game.

People will probably sit here and say ohhh we dont need them this game is great. Others will say whats not to like we got raids, PvP, WvW, updated bosses, this game is great.

I sit here in the middle since i love core GW2. Before HOT came out there were only a few things i didnt like and i loved the rest of it. Ive played alot hours with the new HOT and i just want to state like in my other posts that i didnt enjoy it but i didnt hate it. I hate the story of HOT, love the PvE area and gliders, i wished we had mounts, i wanted more PvP maps, fractals are what they are, WvW was destroyed, Guild halls look amazing but simply put they are huge toilets for mats and no one goes there.

Its just hard that this game was a game for a good 1-2 years when it came out that my guild loved this game and came on daily. Now with little patch updates, no new content, frustrating parts of the game such as bugs and unfulfilling story content and the biggest seperation of a player base that was already dwindling. Im just wondering if anyone else is noticing that the game seems to have less and less people playing it? And if you guys are just wondering if Anet is working on making the game fun again and not just for PvE players.

Cant rly rally on AP, i gave up on it since months before HoT cuz it doesnt impact on my gaming and i dont like most of daylis they offers :/

I mostly camp fractals and craft cuz nothing else to do and nothing of what i do has a place in that daylis board soo i dont force myself into activity i dislike for 10 AP

I miss old time when daylis was a monthly thing you could spend ur time on it then no need to worry till the next month

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Suggested Soul Eater buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Soul Eater
Reduces recharge on Greatsword skills. (20%)
All attacks whilst wielding a Greatsword cause Life steal. (50 damage/40 healing)
Greatsword attack speed is increased by 15%.


+1 Definitly a good idea

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

What if utility skills could replace elites

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Yes, Let me have both Moa and Gravity well.

and be able to mimic both of them!
also, CS to get quad usages!

OP post was more about replace elite slot with any others utility, not being able to use utility slot for multiple elite …

Idea which i rly like it could happen

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

Please, nerf us.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


I am honnestly a necromancer, Leinhart Nox, if you want to talk directly to me IG…

Go back to your ELe necro is not the class for u

Why the necro isn’t a class for me? I played it since the release with no problem at all…

I just give my personal feedback about the reaper. Too strong, not enough challenging. If you like to play an easy class, it’s OK for me, I don’t judge you… I just want to launch a real debate about the reaper. Now, a lot of people are necromancer because the prof is strong. Before HoT, we were a huge minority IG, rejected by the mass because of our “lack of DPS and general utility”.

The “mass reroll effect” isn’t a coincidence… Just admit it. It’s better to communicate with the devs for a correct nerf than a surprised one, isn’kitten

Strong and fair point but dont write “pls nerf necro” in ur tittle cuz i wasnt even looking for read it in first place, got bored before bed just wanted report for troll.

Now, we already got a terribad change on BB trait even if we asked it ( we knew it was too strong ) but they stomped it with a huge hammer because ppl complain too much and dont take the time to share positive ideas.
Asking for a nerf, without share ideas about what to touch and how change it, is not good at all for the futur of this class.

I play necromancer since the first day i discovered this game and tryed all others class for at least 1 full month each to learn more about their weakness (pvp view).
I main it for solids reasons which cant be understood by most of players in this game because of zerk meta.

My english is rly bad thats a main reason i dont like write that much but i love this class and everytimes i see this kind of thread it make me cry :/

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


So what about making it so BB procs on allies defensive boons like regen/prot/vigor/resistance/aegis on top of any boons the Reaper aplies to himself(as we pretty much only stack might) ? It would stop the excessive boon spam as it mostly comes from outside might and swiftness. From this point foward it could use some testing to see if it stills needs a ICD.
The way it was nerfed, just completely removing the factor that made Reapers good at team fights was just too harsh…

Its exactly what i was thinking about.

The fact they completly remove incoming support from ally is a really bad move for us.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


This is just a joke lol. Reaper has to go in melee to be effective and every class has ways to kite it. When under focus no amount of boon application on the reaper would save it since the healing/LF you got would be capped. We have no vigor for extra dodges, no blocks, no invuls. We have to soak and face tank everything and in a team setting it would make sense that our allies would help us through this limited scaling option. Now that’s gone as well. The other traits have their uses. One is for condi builds and the other is for max DPS. Not sure why this had to be touched at all.

Its like everything is balanced around 1v1 for necro but not so the case for everyone else. Why not reduce Rev buff application to allies for example? The amount of boons they output by themselves is already arguably OP but nope… Reaper is at fault cause of our sustain trait lol.

The logic….its painful

Pretty much this … What have u done Gee -.-

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Masteries and the Three new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980



I am a player who didn’t like any of the old legendaries, and so didn’t want to begin the adventure to make one. But when I saw the three new one, I was happy with the design and I wanted to begin the precursor quest right now, I farmed the first precursor mastery in the hope of being able to make the precursor while I discover HoT, but then I discover the horrible truth, Arena Net force us to farm ALL FOUR level of the legendary masteries ONLY to begin to make the precursor, it mean a lot of experience to farm to get this, and while I do this, I can’t farm to get fractals masteries …
I don’t want to make one of the old ugly legendaries, I want to make one of the new, I don’t understand why Arena Net force us to farm all four level like that …
I only wanted to begin the adventure of crafting a legendary as soon as possible, knowing how long the adventure is, like that my discover of the expansion would have been profitable for my first legendary =/

A disapointed player …

Even if u had tier 4 we cant start work on the new precs atm

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Updated Reaper Changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


I still dont like how gs5 casts. Its better now. But you need to face your target. I really want it to just be a ground target skill like whirlwind attack. And there are still loads of times where it will hit but not actually pull the mobs. Which is annoying to say the least.

Actualy the skill is working really well, when i know how it was while beta, but i agree it would be a great QoL if it was an AoE with a forcing effect to turn over the targets.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Halloween Event Info

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Unacceptable. It’s just that simple. Unacceptable.

Of course. I’m not playing anymore since you’ve managed to destroy P/P thieves. So why should I care how you’ve managed to further crash your game?

Dat rage, you dont play anymore but you still come on forum for share your negativity ? Logic pls

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

To those who say we're whining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


This game feels like a Korean F2P at the moment…

grind grind grind for weeks just to unlock a class you want to play.

You guys are soo funny its hilarious, my neighbor start getting mad !

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Take out the stupid hero points so we don’t have to grind and just have it as a slot in our masteries to level up to gain hero points. Easy, there, fixed. Wala. How in the world do you expect us to level our alts elite specs after leveling one is taking forever.

What about removing endboss in fractal/raids and dungeons so you get rewarded right after u enter without playing the game mechanic ?

Peoples still dont get what a game is made for and lack alot of logic.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Updated Reaper Changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Gs 5 :
BW3 ~> 600 range and slow
Now ~> 750 range and pretty fast

Didnt noticed something else atm but no any nerf thats a great new.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Upcoming Global Change to Player Minions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Currently, this is set to 95% reduction as we feel like it’s a good starting place, but we’ll continue to monitor and adjust it.

I would like to point out that Banners, which can equally be considered as a portion of damage from a Warrior, remain indestructible. Providing a constant 170 Stat and/or 10% Boon Duration, to 5 targets within 600 Radius for 95 Seconds.

While a Banner does not have skills, nor will it target and destroy alone, it is still a major source of damage from 5 targets within 600 radius; that is irremovable and indestructible.

I suggest Banners take the same damage as any other object, that is placed as influence for incoming and outgoing damage. The actual Toughness and Health of the Banner could be adjusted with respect to the current function of ‘Last Man Standing’.

Good point there !

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

necro counter

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Wait fews weeks after patch before going crazy on speculation about how powerful reaper is, they already said what we touched on BW3 wasnt even the final changes made on every specs ….

3 more days for the full patch notes and we can argue about how insane is reaper ………….. or not

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Dagger life force necros

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


tbh, necros should get either 25% or 50% life force out of the gate anyway.

That’s basically bullkitten, Necros should have 100% life force to start with. Does any other class start with completely unuable class mechanics? Do mesmers have all shatters on cooldown to start a fight? Do thieves start with 0 initiative?

Warriors start with 0 adrenaline until they actually get into combat.

Take in fact we dont have access to vigor, block, immune and some others things tho.
It would make sense to start with at least 10%.

Ok so there are some questions to what i posted and this is how it went

It was kylo map and he went to his home my far. I ran over there and im playing rifle/GS with 3 stances and rampage. Im pure glass running strength with zerk ammy. I dont attack him when he pops the blue ghost face icon which helps him can life force.

About 10 sec into our fight i see him pop that skill and i run out of range with the gs for 3 sec and start to run back switch to rifle fire a kill shot and miss and go into rampage. Once i went into rampage he used death shroud and he had 100% full.

Say what you guys want about the necro life force skills and ability’s and whats fair and not but he had full life force and i know the dagger bug is still working. When he popped it it was less then 25 sec into the fight for sure. I didnt hit him when he popped his life force skill and i thought it was something that needed to be brought up.

Its not for me to say what changes necros should have but i know currently i cant get that much life force on my necro and thats cause i go axe/ warhorn with staff. So its either me crying cause its too easy for him to get or a bug. Maybe the map but thats what happened.

Its not a bug from our class, its a map “default” i do say.
Destructible structures count as a target and like i said earlier on skyhammer actualy crystal as the same effect.

There is nothing to change this is not gamebreaking, but if u talk about this trick like you could have won against him cuz he “shouldn’t” had any LF at this moment, this is an other problem cuz you could have met him fews mins later with filled bar from the deaths of your party members =D

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)

Dagger life force necros

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


This still hasnt been fixed. I did a ranked game earlier and ran to far and the necro had a full 2nd life bar. Jumping out of the starting area and getting fall dmg and smashing 1 shouldnt give them life force.

It doesn’t. Necros have to actually hit something to generate life force, and being in combat only matters for Signet of Undeath (which nobody takes).

And my guess is that he did not have full life force when you started to fight him, but built a fair bit in combat before entering Death Shroud. If you run to Far immedietly on Khylo, the Necro can, at best, have around 30% life force by the time you arrive (and that invloves already using Flesh Wurm once). If he had full life force when he first entered Death Shroud, it means he built the other 70% up in fighting you.

D/W at blue side only, u can build 100% in fews sec with the gate.
Same with Skyhammer crystal.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Potion of PVP Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


It’s unfortunate you’re having difficulty understanding the change.
I assure you I’m not trying to trick you into believing something that isn’t true.

Lol u crazy

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

necro counter

in PvP

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Nerco is the easiest class to counter. If you cant counter nerco its mostly a l2p issue.
let’s break down the most common build

signet, corrupt boon build—-this build is good against heavy condi build
power well—— this build is extremely strong when fighting on point
power well bunker——this is the bunker version of power well build
standard powe nerco——low sustain but high burst in ds

all the build have common weakeness
1. Range….just cc and range by the time they reach you half hp gone
2. 0 disengage ability—— the only class tht have 0 disengage skill
3. Spike damage———nerco is bad against spike damage cause they don’t have block, etc
4. Stability——-class that have near to 0 stability

Duel me senpai

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980



I’m here to talk about how to nerf Reaper.
As I do not know how it’ll be at the launch of Heart of Thorns, the beta make me feeling like it’s way too powerful O_O
And I’m playing an Asura Necromancer, I’ll welcome the Reaper as soon as it’s available.

In your opinion, if they want to reduce Reaper power, how should they do it?

As for my opinion on the topic, only two components actually make me think the Reaper is “too op”.

Major Master Trait: Decimate Defenses
Increase Critical Chance by 1% per stack of Vulnerability (downed from 2%)

Greatsword #2: Gravedigger
Recharge reduced by 50% against a downed or low health foe (downed from 100%)

No you dont play a necro, a real necro wouldnt do this thread.

Asking a nerf on something not even out … Human’s stupidity scare me a lil more everyday :/

Won’t waste time trying explain why and what about our class if you don’t either take time learning others profession before rush in our community and write such salty things.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

(edited by Sinzaku.2980)