Showing Posts For SparkStormrider.4512:

Little Niggles That Nark Me Off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Not sure why people are reacting to the OP’s choice of the word “Niggles”

Common usage over here and dictionary meaning

“a slight or trivial objection or complaint”

Because we Americans can be extremely ignorant at times.

Not to mention we are also United States of the Offended

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Hoelbrak needs work.

in Norn

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I like the massive buildings that the Norn have made. It is a testament to the power and prowess they posses on the battle field, in my opinion. The giant halls, the huge caves. It gives you the sense that, you have a very hearty group of people, who have a great sense of honor and glory.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Is it just me or is Minion AI a little "whack"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


It’s not just you, it’s all necros. My buddy’s flesh golem stands around for the most part, not doing anything. When he does decide to do something, he’s banging on the side of the mountain, mean while my buddy is getting smashed. There are plenty of issues regarding Necro’s pets, and hopefully Anet addresses those issues soon.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

A complaint..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


When it comes to nerfing, no one is a fan of it. You get used to a certain way your character plays, and then all of a sudden things change. You have to unlearn your previous way to play and “learn to play” all over again. I understand the frustrations that go with that, I think everyone can say they do too.

Now with that said, it’s my personal opinion that NO nerf on any character should be performed WHILE there are bugs with other skills not being addressed at the same time. Anet has done this with GW2, and that is the only issue I have with them. Please Please Please, if a skill needs nerfing/toning down, please fix the other skills that are bugged/broken at the same time.

Overall I am satisfied with Anet. They have an amazing game on their hands, and I thoroughly enjoy it.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Does magic find gear make a real difference?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I will not be using any MF in this game, or very low amounts of it. To me it just isn’t fun wiping like mad or relying on my group mates to carry me because I want a greater chance of nice loot.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Lets talk about that GW2 Article on Gamespy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I really want to refute what was written in that article, but sadly I can’t. I have seen the exact same stuff happen on my server, though I haven’t found any racist guilds. I love this game and think Anet/NCSoft has a wonderful game, and it’s a shame that despite all the reports those exact same bots are many levels higher and continuing to do the same exact thing weeks after reporting them. It’s getting to the point, of why bother.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


38 and loving the game very much! There are are a few things that need tweaking, just like any game, but for the most part, I’m loving this game.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Fighting in water = how many resets can I get today?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I have been getting this quite a bit. I will be fighting in the water on a hard mob (veteran shark) and after it gets to 1/4 life left it just turns around, becomes invulnerable and heals to full, and then I have to either swim away and come back later when cooldowns are up, or just continue to fight.

In order to help Anet with this, I am going to start to go a step further and do a bug report right then and there, with screenshot of area and mob. This doesn’t happen all the time, just sometimes.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

WvW suggestion to combat nightcapping: Off-primetime Borderlands lock

in Suggestions

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


So people who are not in the US should have penalties when doing WvW, or play at times that suits US only. Sorry, any suggestion like this is not going to get much consideration. Anet has already stated that they will NOT enforce some “penalty” simply because they play at a different time because others are in bed.

Well guess what, technically the US is “night capping” on people who play in other countries and there should be a penalty in place. You should play during the times that people from the EU and other countries play.

Rather than having US and EU only servers. How about recruiting guilds/people from those other countries to your server. Organize a nightcrew that can hold the line at night. Anet has already made it clear that they will not institute ANY “penalties” simply because some people play the game at different hours.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Playable race Tengu

in Suggestions

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Nah, I feel that Hylek should be, tongue lash would be a great racial elite! XD

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Norn Thieves- Dude what?

in Norn

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Lets also not forget one of the most famous thieves was Conan the Barbarian. If anyone could qualify a Norn Thief, it would be him.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Anyone else not able to download patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


everyone trying to download at the same time is probably overloading the servers. Anet DoS’ing their own servers. heh

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Anyone else not able to download patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Same here. Was going to create topic on this but saw your post.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Please change Buy Orders to forbid pricing lower than NPC price...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I agree with Direwolf. The lowest price you can sell for on the TP should should take into account the 15% take of the TP.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Looking for somewhere to land... PVE and WvW populations. Suggestions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I would say, any of those people who want to change to a different server, I say come to Yak’s Bend. We have a good night shift but the 9am – 3pm area seems to be one of our biggest weak points for WvW players. So I say come to Yak’s Bend, and stay here.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Norn Guardian and water...

in Guardian

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Yeah I use most of those skills underwater, Ultramatum. I was just wondering why only 1 elite was available to Norn Guardians in water. Like why not bearform or snow leopard? And don’t say its because its underwater, I have my aquatic helm on. XD

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


This thead is flawed. Hilarious, but flawed.

The 15% is not a tax, but a commission to Black Lion Trading Company. They are the only service provider (and have somehow managed to disable even direct barter between people) so they can charge what they want. And as a private company, they can also spend the profits as they see fit. If it’s narcotics and w… courtesans, they are entitled to it (as long as both are legal in Tyria).

Live with it or don’t trade

Tyria needs to have something to stop the monopoly strangle hold that the Black Lion Trading Company has. This 15% tax, is keeping us down! I’m part of the 100%!!!!

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Norn Guardian and water...

in Guardian

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


And when I mean our I’m talking about being the race Norn and profession Guardian.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Norn Guardian and water...

in Guardian

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Am I missing something or all of our elite skills except 1 are not usable under water?? I noticed this lastnight as I was leveling. Bug? Intended?

I have been reading the forums and haven’t seen any threads regarding this, so please forgive me if it has been brought up before.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Engineer don't live up to its name

in Engineer

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Before any nerfs go into the equation for Engineer, Anet needs to fix the bugs with skills first and foremost.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!


in Suggestions

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I have to say, that dueling would be neat to have. I am unsure if GW1 had it or not, but either way, I think dueling would be a nice feature.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


That’s debatable, as evidenced by these threads. I don’t claim to know one way or the other, myself. But what I see is a lot of folks on both sides of the issue barking about it. Whether the perception of its impact is wrong or not, it’s obviously become a problem for the social aspect of the game.

Irrelevant. If Magic Find didn’t exist, these same OCD people would still be posting trying to control how other people play and skill/equip their characters. Today it is Magic Find. Tomorrow it will be which consumable you use, or which Trait Line you HAVE to take or you are a waste to the group, the server, and humankind.

They will never be appeased until they can inspect and judge every stat, piece of armor, and trait point spent on every character they come in contact with.

I have to agree with this. I see both sides of this argument. The MF gear doesn’t provide enough defensive stats to make it worth while for the entire group. Survivability is no where near as good as with armor that has defensive stats on them.

But as Cortechs has stated. This becomes a very slippery slope. Today we want an inspect so we can see what armor you are wearing, and make a decision based on that inspection of whether or not to let someone come to a dungeon or do whatever. What’s stopping the scenario there?? Next you’ll have people wanting the ability to look at someone’s traits. "Oh I’m sorry, you aren’t allowed to come because your traits are in areas that is not “efficient” enough for my liking. I know that some people in this thread will say, that wouldn’t happen, but I have seen it in other games and MMOs. You will Spec this way, you will wear this armor, you will play this way, and if you don’t want to be in that pigeon hole, guess what, too bad.

So in short, I think it is a VERY bad idea to have an inspection of someone’s gear. Simply put, don’t PUG. Go with a group of people that you know, or get with a group of people and get to know them, and go do your dungeons. Forcing others to play the game the way you want them to, no matter how much it makes sense to you, is not a good precedent to set.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

What Is Your Fav/Least Favorite GW2 Race!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


NPC Favorite: Skritt

NPC Least Favorite: Dredge (omg I swear they are part rabbit with the way they constantly spawn)

Favorite PC: Norn (Sorry but I love how big these guys look. Nothing says intimidation on the battlefield like some big muscle bound brute.)

Least Favorite PC: Don’t have one really. All the other races, are pretty cool.

*Side Note: The Charr and Sylvani are really cool race concepts. I have not seen these type of races before in any other MMO or RPG.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Armor skins question - do I unlock the skin only for one of each piece?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


As long as you have transmuting stones (or whatever they are called) then you can continue to put that graphic on newer items.

I got a greatsword when I was around lvl 22, and I’m lvl 44 now and I still use the same graphic, and I have probably transmuted about 4 or 5 times now.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

The most ridiculous piece of gear i have EVER seen.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Those look so great on a Charr! WTF! lol

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Very much so. I have so enjoyed this game, and continuing to enjoy this game. There have been other games that I have bought that cost more (limited editions and such) that were nowhere near as good as this game. Though I do have 1 lvl 80, and one alt that I’m leveling now, I am truly have a blast not racing through content to get to end game. This is the first MMO where I didn’t care what level I was because it didn’t matter as much. There are a few things the game needs attention in, and Anet is working that, and what game doesn’t have faults?

Over all I’m extremely satisfied. This isn’t some fanboi response, this just the honest truth.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Please do something to make distant NPC shouts sound more distant (and more like shouts).

in Audio

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I was going to report this as a bug, good to see there is a thread already talking about this. At one point I thought it was just me, but after a while, of random shouts I came to the conclusion that its a bug. This definitely needs some tweaking.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Where be them dragons? :(

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Tequatl the Sunless I have to say is pretty dang cool when I first saw him/her appear. Truly an epic feeling.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Platinum Medal for Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


To be honest there needs to be some mechanism in place for those that want to contribute when they help downed players, heal, and buff. Right now the only way (as I understand it) to get any medal is by damaging and that’s it.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Gold sellers now including 1 copper in their mail so you can't delete it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I like the system that Eve has for this. People outside your friends list would be charged a fee for sending a message to you. You had the option of turning this on or off, and how much it would charge.

I say let us charge 1 gold per message and it will stop the gold farmers from spamming.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Best $60 I've Spent in Over Ten Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I totally agree as well. While this game does have its faults (what game doesn’t??) I love to play this game.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I tried to make a Sylvari Engineer called Salad Shooter… Someone beat me to it!

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I have wondered this myself. If the TP won’t allow me to sell for below vendor price, then why does the TP allow you to post a bid under vendors??? Hopefully this is being addressed by Anet.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Why do gems cost more for Brits?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Aga: You probably have noticed that it’s not just in this game, but in just about everything the English buy is at a higher cost than to US. That is because of the high taxes that your country has on everything. Simply put, it costs ANet/NCSoft more to do business in England, therefore it’s going to cost the consumer more.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

I don't read the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


That’s how it goes for me as well, vidiot. I like reading the forums as well. People don’t come to the forums when things are running smoothly. It’s like working on a trouble line. No news is good news, same could be said about the forums.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

How much Gold do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


About 10g or so, but I’m not really trying to accumulate any.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Couldn’t agree with Roga more. It is appalling how often Darkhaven will just randomly attack Anvil for no reason, squabbling over oftentimes the only supply camp on the map that isn’t owned by Yaks.

When we made a run for Yak orb in Yak border yesterday we launched our assault from one of their towers, it was the only point on Yak’s we controlled, not 10minutes in a 35man Darkhaven zerg shows up out of nowhere and tries to attack our tower, just .. why, at that point in time yaks still owned 3 orbs and were 455+ pts to 75, 70.

But the saddest point I had seen yet, was yesterday morning 9am est, in eternal, every point on the map was blue except the supply camp closest to anvils spawn(speldan), and 10 darkhaven players ran all the way up from their spawn across the map, and attacked it. They would have had to run by 2 other supply camps a keep 3 towers plus the dredge cave to get there, but hey, cant have red owning a supply camp right?

That’s crazy. I would assume that if two sides are getting beat as badly as Darkhaven and Anvil that they would agree not to attack each other, and go after Yak’s. To keep attacking each other would most definitely mean your demise. With some coordinated effort, those two realms should give Yak’s major issues.

Good luck to you guys, and if you see me on the battle field, at least give me a wave before taking me out! :P

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


They need to do something about this. I’m on Yak’s bend and while I don’t play WvW, there needs to be some balancing so that even if you are down (even considerably) that there is a way to have a chance. I was reading about other realms using siege weapons against respawn areas. If that is the case, then something needs to be done so that the other sides can at least have a chance of climbing out of the trenches and actually do something worthwhile.

I’m not asking ArenaNet to all of a sudden make the winning team take on a severe handicap, but there should be things in place that would stop the camping of respawns and the like and to give the other two realms the opportunity to try and change things around.

I feel bad for Anvil Rock and Darkhaven. I like healthy competition, I like to win, but I don’t think this would be any fun for me if I were playing. :-/

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Good luck to you guys. I am not a WvW player yet, but I am on Yak’s Bend. I just saw the stats, I know it must not be fun at the moment for you guys. :-/

It’s certainly not. The most frustrating part of it was the first night of combat we actually held a slim lead over Yak’s and AR and it was great fun for all three sides I imagine.

The issue came when we woke up the next day and Yak’s had pretty much everything under control on all three maps with gobs of siege protecting each tower / keep and a nasty 20k+ deficit.

During primetime the three servers are a great match, but off peak it’s no contest. And once one server gains all the points and get’s deeply entrenched with siege it breaks the spirit of the average player. Thusly the snowballing effect we currently see occurs.


That is one thing that Yak’s has, and that is the “latenight” pvp’ers/wvw’ers. We were getting stomped last week in other matches when they were 24 hours. Some days we did decent, others not so hot, and some we won.

I just hope ArenaNet is looking into situations like this, and improve the overall experience. Imo, I don’t like ANY fight that is too one sided, whether I’m winning or losing. I like the ones where there is a lot of give and take. It’s alright to be in the lead, and have a decent lead, but its another to totally dominate the entire map and camp respawns.

Good luck to you guys! (Oh and should anyone from Yak’s ask you about this, pretend I didn’t say anything! lol jk

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


Good luck to you guys. I am not a WvW player yet, but I am on Yak’s Bend. I just saw the stats, I know it must not be fun at the moment for you guys. :-/

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Let's talk about grenades

in Engineer

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I agree with you Brawson. I used grenades on land, and thought that they were cool and powerful. I started using them in water, and thought I had turned on cheat codes! lol

Nah it wasn’t that huge of a difference, but dang I can put out some serious damage under water with grenades.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!