People in small guilds seem to forget one thing. If everyone can do everything in a small guild, lots of people won’t join larger guilds which are far harder to run, and generally do far more for the community.
So I’ve invested tons of hours, gold even real life money in my guild. I have 200 people. Some are there from the start, but many aren’t. We always need to find new players.
Part of the reason new players come to a guild is that there are reason to come to a guild. By removing every reason to be in a larger guild, you’re encouraging people to make hundreds, thousands maybe of small guilds that are self serving and add very little to the community as a whole. Yes, it’s great you and your two friends can play together, but you can all play together without a guild as well. Hell you can join a bigger guild and STILL play together. Nothing stops anyone from doing this.
It’s already harder for large guilds to recruit. It’s a constant competitive battle with other guilds, some of whom are bigger than mine.
The point is, there needs to be some encouragement for people to join established guilds or at least, some encouragement to not just make single player guilds, because bigger guilds suffer.
Generally speaking you seem to approach most things in this game with a level head but I can’t believe this one. You’re basically saying because you have a big guild smaller guilds shouldn’t be able to exist because you invested your time and money into it.
Well I got news for you. I invested just as much of my time and money into my small guild but now I’m being told nope, you’re effort means nothing. Go join a big guild. Why do you deserve special treatment? Because you think you do more for the game?
Get over yourself. All your reasons for locking small guilds out of content are selfish and that entire post only serves to feed your ego.
There is not a single reason why small guilds should not be able to make their own guild hall.
Here’s the deal. I’ll care about bigger guilds and their suffering when bigger guilds care about how much more effort it requires to build up and grow a guild with few people.
Again. Get over yourself.
Not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying there has to be a balance. That is, there has to be a reason for large guilds to exist.
This game has been here for three years, and with the exception of WvW, ALL PvE content could be five manned, until guild missions started. The entire game pre guild missions was for five people. There was no real reason for a big guild to exist, other than to have a big guild. It was hard for big guilds to keep players because no one needed a guild.
To a degree, more people started joining the guild when guild missions came about. Why? Because suddenly there was a reason to join guilds.
I’m not saying that small guilds shouldn’texist at all, and no where will you ever find me saying that.
What I am saying is there is a threshold. WIthout a threshold, there are going to be a lot less bigger guilds and bigger guilds do do things for the community. You may not believe it, but it’s true.
Why did EVOS form to take down the great jungle wurm. Because it was one of the few ways that people could take it down. They needed a TTS or Evos, because that specific event is hell to pug.
A guild hall is a selling point for a guild. And Anet isn’t saying you can have one. They’re saying it will take a very very long time to get one if you do it alone.
Their job is to find the right balance between something you can solo and something that encourages people to play together. That’s something they’ve pretty much said themselves.
On the original FAQ (no idea where to find it now), there was the question can Guild Wars 2 be soloed. The answer was that you can get to max level solo, but by the same token we believe there are certain challenges that should require the community to come together. Guild Halls simply seem to be that type of content. Content made for guilds.
No one is saying that a smaller guild can’t have one. But a smaller guild should have a harder time getting on.
The other option would have been to design some scaled down guild hall for small guilds without all the bells and whistles, which would take developer time. I’m not sure they have the extra time to make that content.
I’m very level headed about this. When you’ve run a guild the size of mine for 2 years, you understand the problems big guilds face. And they’re just as important to us as the problem small guilds face.
We’ve gone through years of trying to keep our bigger guilds going, without a ton of support from Anet. It’s not unreasonable that something should exist for us, as well as for smaller guilds.
Remember 90 plus percent of the game is for smaller guilds.
Can you please enlighten me as to what your guild/other large guilds do “for the community”? It seems that you’re implying that small guilds are worthless because they don’t do things “for the community”, and yet you don’t provide any specific information on what exactly this means.