Jade Quarry
Showing Posts For Sweetblue Huntress.9856:
Jade Quarry
Greetings Elrydia,
Welcome to Tyria! The Henge of Denravi realm is lovely, but do see if you can make your way to the Tarnished Coast. You’ll be sure to find a mass of like-minded folks there. May the Six guide you in your travels.
Leta Lorelei
Jade Quarry
(edited by Sweetblue Huntress.9856)
Aren’t there a few Anet people on BG? If T1 is the issue, they should have experienced there.
Jade Quarry
Having very curly, “mixed” hair, I’d love to have more curly hairstyles so I could create a mini-me…but if I understand correctly, curly hair is hard to design in game. Not that I’m an expert, but I really haven’t seen any game with curly hair options…true curly, not that wavy stuff. However, the twists and bantu knots should be doable.
Rha, I proposed some hairstyles, and I still work … But I do not know if the developers involved Asura like it, or do not want to deal with the Asuras.
Wow, those are really nice.
I’d like a sylvari hairstyle that has corn rows….like actual rows of corn. >.>
Hahahahaha!!!! That would be awesome!!
Jade Quarry
At least you got an achievement out of Ho-Ho Tron. The quaggan was a pure troll move on someone’s part (saw it in a POI episode).
Also, I never paid the gold. I ran in to get the badge and ran back out. A second time I went in and died. Never went in there again.
Jade Quarry
I haven’t even played Episode 8, but this single spoiler makes me not want to.
Makes me very sad to see your reaction Konig. I don’t think anyone has the same amount of knowledge about the universe as you do.
Please play the episode. I am very much interested in seeing your full review. I’ve always had immense respect for you and your input.Just wanted to second this. I’ve been a lurker on the lore forums and always respected your posts. I even read your posts on Guru way back in the day. You leaving the lore forum is like Lilith leaving the dungeon forums. You’re sort of irreplaceable. But, if you do seriously decide to move on, best of luck!
Konig, I came here specifically to see what you had to say. I’m a bit of a lurker as well, especially on the lore forums cause….most of this is over my head. However, I do respect the amount of knowledge you have and keeping logical in your arguments. Please do play the episode through.
The conversation with Wynne is very short and frankly, we are hearing her perceptions of the dream. She very well could be wrong…or misunderstanding her dream.
Jade Quarry
Snowflakes will not be a huge problem since they are used in crafting. The others might just have to toss out the clothing, after salvaging.
Nooooooooooo don’t toss out! Put in the bank until vendor is around or next Wintersday – you know it will be the same stuff again. :P
Jade Quarry
This is STILL happening and so frustrating. For me, this only happens when I enter a game that has already started. With the longer loading times for DR, leaving and coming back in take forever. I have experienced that leaving the stage and going back in, after the song finishes, fixes the issue. BUT that still leaves me with wasted time, and God forbid it was the last song, now I’m just screwed and need to leave all together to find a fresh game.
Btw, I LOVE this Bell Choir game and have looked forward to it for a long time…this bug is ruining that.
Jade Quarry
I’m glad this issue was brought up. I had a hard time with my mesmer as illusions were completely useless. And now that I’m reading what is here, I too had my mini pet protected but illusions were instantly killed.
Like others, I was stuck with just my non-illusion weapon skills and Mantra of Pain (and traited with Harmonious Mantras). So very slow, and painful not to be able to use most of my skills. If Ranger pets are getting protected, illusions should as well.
I’m glad there are people here to recommending Mesmers to use sword. What would we ever do without them?
Jade Quarry
I like the quest idea and I think that a lot of people enjoy quest type ideas. However, the rewards would need to be thought out…and as some has mentioned, cannot be more grindy than doing the dailies as is. And, some are already reaching their daily achievement max.
I do like the idea of a longer monthly quest. Harder the quest, better the reward.
Jade Quarry
- I love this thread and always smile when I see it back on the first page of the forums
- I wish I had a second account to use to post my true confessions. I’m not brave enough to confess things in a non anonymous way. More power to you all!
Jade Quarry
I’ve been pulled in a few times right before he’s about to die. By the time I get out of the whirlpool, he’s dead.
Jade Quarry
If it helps any, I’m not on TC and was able to find plenty of roleplayers without having any rp friends or guild. Since you would have both, I’m willing to bet you won’t have a problem at all.
Jade Quarry
May I suggest a competition?
Best ruining idea gets his/her wish at April 1st
Best idea yet!!
Jade Quarry
Some people should really do their math for armour and weapons properly before talking about some hilarious 0.6% and naming threads “Ascended gear is trash”. Even Wiki can tell you the difference.
Yeah, thanks for this – I was wondering about the OPs math.
Personally I decided to profit by selling the ascended mats I had sitting in my bank or farming the expensive stuff. I’ve only made one ascended weapon since it’s such a gold sink to just get the crafting to 500. However, I was doing jumping puzzles on my husband’s guardian one day – he’s fully decked out in ascended gear and the difference was quite noticeable…and that was just with auto attack. The stat increase in theory didn’t really impress me, but actual playing did. So…I’m thinking it’s not really that much of trash.
But…that was a few months ago. Still hasn’t motivated me to part with my gold.
Jade Quarry
I’ve seen a couple of topics here on the forums asking why they were naked and asking how they can get their gear back, so that might not be entirely inaccurate…
I’ve seen these posts too. It’s a shame it was changed.
Jade Quarry
- Various ranger pets now do the “butt scoot” animation when returning after being killed.
You’ve listed quite a few ideas that I genuinely like but this one has got to be my favorite!
Let’s add this animation to dog and cat minis too!
Jade Quarry
I have noticed the difference in my lowbie character, but not my 80s. I get way more armor and weapons suitable for him, in drops and as leveling rewards.
Jade Quarry
Sorry to the person who hates this phrase but….you don’t have to do it.
You know why I’ve grown to hate this phrase? Because it’s the rallying cry against anyone who ever complains about how an item is acquired in this game.
You know what the phrase accomplishes? Nothing. I mean, do people who say it honestly think that those they’re saying it to are so dumb that they don’t understand they have a choice in the matter? What exactly is the point?
You weren’t even the one that complained in this thread, but thank you for answering. No, I’m not trying to demean anyone. The point is that people are getting really ticked off about something that is not necessary to the game. There is a lot of hate for the Gem Store and I don’t quite get it.
Isn’t RNG a part of any MMO? Let’s complain about precursors then. Or better yet, Ambrite Weapons collection…how’s the RNG on the Unidentified Fossilized Insect?
People already complain about precursors all the time and I’ve seen some occasional complaints about the RNG of Ambrite Fossils as well. How is this thread surprising and different?
How this thread is surprising and different from other RNG threads – OP says that Bl skins are nearly unobtainable with casual game play (He does not talk about the impossible collection achievement) – that’s not true. If he were make the same complaint about a precursor or legendary….well I’d be a little more sympathetic. BL skins are much cheaper and I do believe the RNG on getting a ticket is much better.
Jade Quarry
Um.. isn’t this discussion also applicable on legendaries? Massive grind/gigantic currency wall, RNG, Collection achievement…
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Currently, there is no legendary collection.
I think ppl want alternative ways to get BL skins purely because of the collection, I never read any complain before the update, but it also may be result of the key farm nerf …
Unless they have removed it in september patch, there is still a Collection achievement for legendaries, though it isn’t under “Collections”. It says something like “Equipped X legendary weapons” I got tier one of it when I equipped Bolt, can’t remember now how many tiers it is in total.
Ashandar is correct – it’s under Explorer (though I have no idea if this has been changed since patch). http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Explorer
There used to be a chest looking thing on the character select screen that I guess shows progress (I have no legendaries to know), along with other things like cheevo points, PvP rank, Map completion…I think you have to scroll to see that screen now.
Jade Quarry
Your logic is flawed, somebody uses tickets to buy them, which means someone suffers the RNG cost. If they are paying for it, you are paying for it, hence the multiplication of the prices of the BL skins since the removal of BL key farming.
Conncept is correct. You are paying the “lottery” price whether you buy the keys or buy the skins. The whole reason the skins are expensive is that the person who put it up for sale had to spend time or money to get them. They pass that “cost” on to you.
That can be said of any skin on the TP and of any of the skins related to past living story events. If you are buying something on the TP, you are paying a lottery price. So…what’s the issue again? You want no RNG in game? Yay! Skins galore for everyone!
Jade Quarry
Isn’t RNG a part of any MMO? Let’s complain about precursors then. Or better yet, Ambrite Weapons collection…how’s the RNG on the Unidentified Fossilized Insect?
The difference is that the BL skins are not BARRED by RNG as you claim, since they can be BOUGHT…with GOLD! Not cash! It’s not hidden behind this “pay wall” everyone loves to complain about.
Maybe, like someone mentioned, the real issue is now there’s a nearly impossible achievement for collecting them. Sorry to the person who hates this phrase but….you don’t have to do it.
Jade Quarry
So there’s an achievement that maybe most people will never complete. So what? What about the player that only plays one toon or maybe only one race…and there are the achievements to collect all the racial armors? The list of achievements I can use as examples is quite the long one.
The argument was made that it’s unreasonable to expect anyone to collect these things…but who is setting that expectation? The achievement can simply be there for those special people who will go out and collect all the weapons (and do all those other way out there achievements).
The wintersday weapons weren’t RNG, how would you feel if you had dropped all of that and got none of the weapons you paid for? Because that is the result of the BL skins the majority of the time.
The point I was trying to make is that you don’t need to spend real cash for those skins. If OP wants BL skins, he can get them with gold.
Jade Quarry
Actually, someone posted exactly what you said in first page: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Logistics-and-QOL/first#post4392627
Proposal Overview:
Make letters not sent to guild members count towards excessive messaging or a way to send a message to an individual guild member on guild kick.Goal of Proposal
To enable a smoother elimination of inactive members and also give them a reason of why they are no longer part of the guild and who to contact when/if they come back.Proposal Functionality
Make messages sent to guild members not count towards excessive message limit. The other option is when kicking a guild member, give a prompt asking if you would like to send the member a message and if yes, open a new window to send it to them, much as mail currently works.Associated Risks
Possibility of spam through this, although the kick message would only be able to be sent once as they are then kicked.Below is my original post that I condensed into the above format.
One thing I would like as a guild leader is for letters that are sent to my guild mates not to count towards the excessive messaging limit. I like the idea already proposed about mass bulletins but this doesn’t address a problem we’ve had before.
To put this in perspective, I’m part of a larger guild which was made when the game launched. We have a policy of after a certain period of not logging in, kicking players for inactivity. When we kick those who are inactive, we send a mail explaining the reason for the guild kick and to re contact us if they start playing again and what not.
The problem with this is that we have officers/leaders sitting there just waiting to be able to send this mail to them as the game doesn’t give a kicked player any indication of when or why they were kicked from a guild. Another possible way to do this is when you kick players from guild, leave the ability to send a message which will persist until the member dismisses it.
Thanks for the CDI and I look forward to some great additions to the current guild system!
Now go add your two cents! The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Jade Quarry
The issue with no limitations on older accounts or higher characters are that accounts get hacked and then used for gold selling. I highly suggest adding this to the current CDI that is about guilds: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Logistics-and-QOL/first
If most of the mail you are trying to send is for guildmates, then possibly that could be something looked into in improving Guild QOL…at least as a Guild Leader (or Officer). It’s worth posting there.
Jade Quarry
I honestly forgot that SoR was even a server.
Really? This is exactly the sort of elitism Xivor is talking about.
Jade Quarry
I’m a causal player – when the Winter’s Day weapons skins first came out, I thought long and hard before I parted with my gold and converted them to gems to buy the skin. I did not have that much gold and this was a real splurge for my cheap self. GOLD. Not real money.
I completely disagree with your suggestions. I LOVE that my skin is not so common. I regularly get whispers asking about it. If a ticket were rewarded at the end of each monthly, there would be tons of these skins around.
I suggest doing things to earn you gold if there is a specific skin you want. If you want to try your luck, you can convert the gold to gems and buy keys. I have gotten 3 black lion skins from tickets only (the 4th, as I said above, I was able to get with gems). This isn’t an impossible or super lucky thing. I have never bought keys nor did I spend crazy gold to get them off the TP. And to prove how I’m not that lucky, I’ve been playing since release and have yet to get a precursor drop.
Just as fyi, they increased the chances for scraps and tickets in the last patch.
Jade Quarry
I wasn’t surprised to see that message. GW1 was the same – they only showed a limited amount of mini’s in crowded maps. Oh well.
Jade Quarry
I’ll have to agree with you, Andred. Most people are just complaining because they’ve already made up their mind that it’s going to be bad ever since reading about the changes in the blogposts.
Honestly, I’ve yet to try the new leveling system extensively, but from what I could tell from my guildmates leveling new characters, it’s not as horrible as people make it out to be. The only sensible suggestion from those raging is the option to go through the tutorial phase or not. Although it may be hard to implement as that would mean coding two different character types (one with more level-gated stuff and another that doesn’t).
I agree. OP complains that Guild Wars is too boring to “grind” 12 levels. If it’s so boring, why are you playing at all? But believe me, it’s not hard to gain levels – use an experience booster (Birthday booster is even better), food that gives experience, see if you can get a heroe’s banner buff and head to EoTM. You’ll be leveled up in no time. Did that with my thief, went from 55-80 in a few hours. Might be something different to try if you hate hearts…personally I found EoTM to be boring but at least it’s lucrative.
I should complain about the old TP then, I always had to click sellers price! New TP is not bad…maybe a little cumbersome, but not ruined that’s for sure. Something new to get used to.
Jade Quarry
The reason is that the first instance of the name, before the colon, is interactive. You can click to block/report on it. However, my biggest complaint is people who spam non-custom emotes over and over again, and those emotes weren’t effected. No way to ignore the /dance x1000 people yet.
Exactly! The clickability is not worth it.
Jade Quarry
I don’t know why this was changed. If it’s to help with griefing, having the names show up twice is worse. Think about the person with the super long character name…showing up twice! It’s definitely an eyesore and a disappointment. Reverting back to how it was trumps being able to click the name.
Jade Quarry
My brain hurts from the sheer stupidity I have read on this thread. Honestly people stop being a bunch of kittening whiners. You’re complaining because why? You did not get to make a profit off this when some people did? Oh they have information that I don’t because they look at guides and previews to the patch and put more effort in than I did. How dare people be like that.
Oh my god he worked more and put more effort in than I did, and got paid more than me for it, that is so unfair and my boss should compensate me for it. This is how most people on this thread sound like to me.
It’s not even true though…
For example, I’m arguing against it on principle. I probably wouldn’t have tried to profit off of it anyway, had I known sooner.
The announcement could be made in all venues at the same time. The fact would still stand that somebody would be sleeping/working/school/whatever at that time and miss out on making money. Such is life. There are people who spend their game time watching the market and flipping things. Hey, if that’s fun for them, more power to them…I prefer to be out and about in Tyria.
This happens every single patch, announcement, data mining, rumors, speculation. Something becomes the next big thing and the prices spike. You’ll also see that most things that spike come back down in price. There will always be people preying on the people that must have it now must have it first!
It really just sounds like a temper tantrum to me. Op wants more money…don’t we all…and feels cheated out. /shrugs
Jade Quarry
My brain hurts from the sheer stupidity I have read on this thread. Honestly people stop being a bunch of kittening whiners. You’re complaining because why? You did not get to make a profit off this when some people did? Oh they have information that I don’t because they look at guides and previews to the patch and put more effort in than I did. How dare people be like that.
Oh my god he worked more and put more effort in than I did, and got paid more than me for it, that is so unfair and my boss should compensate me for it. This is how most people on this thread sound like to me.
Jade Quarry
Whilst we are on the topic where did you hear the ‘rumor’ about said greatsword nerfs? Please post the link—if one exists—something someone heard from a guildy from a guildy from something overheard from the bloke down the pub doesn’t quite qualify Im afraid.
They were in Ready Up videos. Dulfy has a summary and links to the class particular changes. http://dulfy.net/2014/09/05/gw2-sept-feature-pack-summary/
Here’s the real deal video if you want to watch it. Apparently the changes are discussed somewhere towards the end. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/ready-up-episode-19/
Jade Quarry
(edited by Sweetblue Huntress.9856)
You say all that Anet needs to do is reply. So you will be checking the forums to see if there is a reply?
I read your original post and I understand why you felt cheated. It is most unfortunate but these things do happen in real life. I’m not making light of your complaint…but please…let it go. Stay gaming or not, it’s not healthy to stay here on the forums stewing at feeling cheated.
At this point, 5 months later…would an apology actually suffice?
Good luck to you.
Jade Quarry
well we loved , GVG HoH, Capes , Anet run mats/sats/dats , Hardmode , End game worlds
Lots of builds/templates/skills
all i can think of for now
What is it with the capes? I don’t understand. I logged into GW1 the other day and saw people running around with the raggedy capes….why so much love for these things?
If you miss it so much, there is the Guild Back Banner or any of the Guild Backpacks that show the emblem and look so much better than silly capes. I mean…really now.
Jade Quarry
I’ve noticed a lot of warriors using greatswords purely for the movement abilities. This happens mostly in WvW, but I’ve also seen it in sPvP.
Okay, so what’s the problem? The players who (ab)use these abilities have the option of ejecting themselves from a fight, with almost certainty that their enemies will not be able to catch them.
This seems to go completely against the philosophy of the warrior being the brave frontline damage dealers that they were designed to be.
Unfortunately these cowardly tactics are now very widespread in WvW. At least 50% of the roaming players that I’ve encountered in the past few weeks (bronze tier NA) are greatsword warriors who pick fights and then run away when they get below ~30% health. Even thieves who try to stealth away from a fight are less frustrating and easier to catch.
I recently heard a rumor that the movement abilities of warrior greatsword and elementalist fiery greatsword were being nerfed, but those changes do not appear to have been kept for the feature patch.
Can we please do something about this cowardly play style? It’s very frustrating when more than half of the people who pick a fight with you run away as soon as they start losing, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Running away screaming isn’t an acceptable solution to losing a fight? Hmm.
Jade Quarry
<snip> Or if you could exchange it for a title ( I know you get Been There, Done That), but maybe it could be something that people would recognize, Professional Explorer for example (similar to how you get a title if you made the same legendary weapon twice). <snip>
Beyond the title….you get a star next to your name!
That’s the virtual gold star, well done, good job for you!
Which you can’t even see yourself
Yes that does make me sad. I would love to see what title I’m sporting too. :/
Jade Quarry
<snip> Or if you could exchange it for a title ( I know you get Been There, Done That), but maybe it could be something that people would recognize, Professional Explorer for example (similar to how you get a title if you made the same legendary weapon twice). <snip>
Beyond the title….you get a star next to your name! That’s the virtual gold star, well done, good job for you!
Jade Quarry
Go to your hero panel and click the star icon on the left side bar-read through it. Not sure how far down you’d have to go to see it though.
Edit: It seems that the story before “Setting the Stage” is where you’ll find what order you chose.
Jade Quarry
(edited by Sweetblue Huntress.9856)
End content is there yes. I am one of those that ascribes to the original statement “the entire game is end game.” I’ve never claimed there wasn’t end game. In fact, I’ve argued that it does exist, it might just not be the type of endgame specific groups of people desire. <snip>
Thank you – my apologies, when I first wrote the response I confused you for the OP. I realized my mistake after I posted.
I agree that there is still more that those specific groups will like and should get. While I’m thinking, it’s only been two years! others are thinking it’s already been two years!. Perspective I guess.
I’d love for the OP to chime in again.
Jade Quarry
Because the rewards are extremely poor.
Just last week, I ran FOTM 49 every day and by the end of the week I had only “earned” around 20G.
It’s not worth the time and effort.
I’m well over 500 FOTM runs and I still haven’t received the skin I want, the RNG is too insane.
I did FoW and UW a lot – with guildies, with pugs, with heroes, even alone, just because I found them fun. As GW2 is the sequel to GW1, it’s not too unrealistic (imo) that these zones could return. Of course, I would expect to see changes to them. New tasks, new challenges.
Of course, I was not stating that these are the only types of end game content. Only pointing out the misconception that ‘casual’ players seemingly only desire ‘easy content.’ Which is quite untrue. I did go on to state that there are lot of different groups that would each like something a little different.
Nick, I think that is what people are truly complaining about. The problem is not that there isn’t content…it’s that the rewards are not worth it. That’s doesn’t mean there isn’t “end-game” content though.
Lanfear, you don’t answer the question though. So the end content is there, you just don’t like it? What would make it better, then?
Jade Quarry
<snip>I have made it known that I would like to see things like FoW, UW, and DoA come back. Even going as far to say that those areas should function similarly to how they did in GW1 – your party wipes, you start over. <snip>
I would like to see more bosses like Liadri. It required (a bit) of skill, you had to understand mechanics. You had to practice it. I never stumbled across someone who never played Liadri and finished it in one try. <snip>
When posts like these come up, I have a really hard time understanding what people mean by “end content” when they go one to describe what they want is in an old game.
So, can it be explained why things like TA Aetherblade path, Arah, Fractals aren’t being considered end-game content? Is it because the rewards don’t match the difficulty? So if TA guaranteed a particular skin like SAB…it would be worth it? If Arah and Fractals rewards were “better” (whether that be more expensive loot or more loot or unique loot), then it would be ok? So is the issue that the REWARDS are not great or is there really no “end-game” content?
In terms of bosses like Liadri….who kept on battling Liadri after defeating her and getting the mini? I have not heard of many people 1. bothering to fight her to the death and 2. fighting her again after she’s been beaten in the same year (cause maybe people tried again the second time she showed up). And on that note…what reward is there to beat Liadri except for the mini and achievement? What reward would there be to battle her again? On that same line of thinking, once the skin you wanted in SAB was obtained…what is the reward for doing it again?
I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything, I sincerely don’t understand it. I ran UW and FoW maybe once each and I don’t remember what the rewards were. UW I ran with a guildie as a way to farm ecto…I do miss that.
I agree with the party wipes, dungeon over…unless someone remembered to bring rez orbs. And really, I super enjoyed mapping solo in hard mode. However, I don’t remember there being a great reward for that other than personal satisfaction and a mark done towards the achievement.
Jade Quarry
<snip>Now the next point of improvement in the game: include downvote buttons on the forums so we can sink whiny people who never say anything constructive (and upvotes to give focus to good ideas and constructive criticism).
Yes, please!
Jade Quarry
Ignorant on this, have only done Arah exp once – if Lupi was skipped, why does this mean exploit? Is there no way to skip Lupi otherwise?
Jade Quarry
I’m pretty disappointed at all the negative comments here and really makes me sorry I came here. But I wanted to give my two cents:
Thank you, Anet!! This is a fantastic feature and I really look forward to checking it out!
Jade Quarry
I would be cool to have a Conan the Barbarian/Red Sonja look though.
but we definitely need real Norn female armor:
Completely agree. Why do Norns have all these fantastic tattoos and then cultural armor covers them up? The more naked a Norn, the better. I’m not sure about the other male races but I’d definitely like to see more scantily clad male Norns.
Jade Quarry
Sorry Lilith, but just because your hair is in a braid and has a bowtie doesn’t make every armorset you put on female. That armorset doesn’t look girl-ish at all, but it does appropriately match and accommodate your hair.
We’re talking about armor, not faces/hairs.
TA Armor absolutely looks girlish. The flair on the sleeves, the flowing leaves of the skirt, the “cleavage” window….GIRLY. I looked at the male human version and yeah….GIRLY.
And even the male asura just looks like a really ugly girl asura.
Also, she didn’t say that every armorset on female Asura is girly…she’s saying it’s possible. Could it be easier…yes, of course.
And exactly why can’t a certain hairstyle/facial features add to the girly look? Think babies…they all look the same until you add a headband to their head.
Jade Quarry
I agree. I really wanted a pair of tight pants for my mesmer and found it disappointing that really the only pants were the Embroidered ones…and those are just too fluffy. Oh and some ugly leather ones I think that made her look frumpy.
Also, lots of medium armors have tops that are long jackets or such and cover the butt of the pants.
But, I love that look you made. It does look thief-esque. I definitely would not think mesmer when first seeing your char.
Jade Quarry
Any of the light armors with pants that have no robe top. Oh…what I would do for a proper pair of pants for my mesmer. Actually, for my thief too. So many medium armor pants have something covering the butt.
That said, I did like most of the Monument and Norn armors…as well as some of the Canthan. I also would like to see the crazy headpieces of the ritualist!
And…yeah…I’m totally with this guy:
i’ll be “that guy”
Jade Quarry