There are a bunch of a**es in this game for sure. I came back to see if I wanted to play it again after my friends left because they found it boring. With this reception, I’m not surprised that they won’t come back.
For those who are nice and are wondering, I made it through with a mesmer.
How the bloody 4377 do you think one solo character with exotic armor only can defeat a boss and 20 adds? Are you kidding me. That’s the same problem I had with HOT. I solo this game. None of my friends play anymore. So I’m supposed to go into story mode with NPCs that die instantly and fight my way through and then go further in with no NPC helpers at all? Tune it down and up the rewards or most will never do the story modes at all. And where’s the dragon hunter’s bow.
I bought Path of Fire because of the open world. I doubt very much based on this that I will do the story mode at all.
And before you all criticize, I have a high level dragon hunter that does high level fractals. In fact, every one of my characters is level 80, medium to high level fractals. Solo story mode in these expansions is a pain in the kitten terrible rewards and dying every 2 minutes because you are one again 20 adds and a boss is ridiculous.
So I’m asking the devs to tune it down on the story mode content. Some of us don’t have a merry band of four/five that we can take into story mode.
two problems with your argument:
a) sexuality is a spectrum. There are no “homos” and “heteros”. regardless of how you identify, no one is 100% gay or straight. we are blobs in the universe with chemicals wizzing around our heads, and a lot of so-called “straight” people have homosexual experiences at some point in their life, and “gays” often have moments of heterosexualtiy. Penguins, horses, insects, and cows also have varying degrees of sexuality among populations. the gay-straight divide is fuzzier than you like to make it, and such is nature.
I absolutely disagree with this. I am completely not attracted to women nor am I at all interested in having relations with them. I have never had a homosexual relationship though I can’t say I haven’t twisted the hetero expectation. So no, there are 100% straight people who haven’t had homosexual experiences. I love men, all of them. Women, I’m not attracted to them at all.
And before you say it’s a religious thing or a psychological thing, my niece is gay and I love her to pieces. I am not religious at all. In fact, I write erotic novels, so I’m in no way a prude. As I said, I love men even when they’re jerks (lol, and many are.)
(edited by Tere.4759)
Absolute can’t say I agree. I liked the core game. I really don’t like HOT. I play it because my friends play it but honestly, I’d rather spend my time elsewhere and usually do. I’m in GW2 now probably 1 to 2 days a week.
I don’t regret it but I think the content is not accessible to many players especially solo players and I think they need to fix the nerfs they did to the elite specs. Some are atrocious.
Why shouldn’t someone be allowed to look like Tinker Bell. I say all wings should have matching gliders.
At level 80, XP is going towards core world masteries. If you level in Maguma, you get HOT mastery. You have to unlock the mastery points but you can’t use them unless you fill the bar. Also be watchful. If you level your bar at level 80 but don’t use the point, you won’t get more mastery XP (until the bar is empty). So use your mastery points as soon as you fill the xp bar.
Skill points have become hero points, so make sure you get all of the core world ones. Then there are 10pt ones in Maguma (HOT). Many of these are champion points so you’ll have to wait around until a bunch of players are around to help you.
Honestly, Anet should do 1 free realm transfer for new players without making them pay and yes, I did pay for the game and the most expensive xpac and yes, I have been here since beta. Plus it doesn’t take a lot of resources to actually put a large notification on the page where you choose a realm. It was an oversight on Anet’s part.
Yes, I have the winter outfit and can no longer use it. They get some transmutation money out of me if they did this.
And commander tag? Really…
I have mentor tag…finished the personal story, working in Maguma and have 80% world completion. Still working on it. I’ve been in game since beta. Does that make me not good enough to answer people’s questions.
But honestly, it’s a title only. Just like the commander tag, and I don’t use it.
Awesome. I’m happy for both of you.
I simply don’t use the staff, even a zerker staff seems weak to me. I have it as my second weapon but only because I’m trying to like it. I love the long bow and may just go back to my staples or I may try longbow, axe/warhorn.
The wyvern I just picked up, provides me with needed tanking, so I’m good with that (probably not it’s intended purpose but if it works, it works). My parrot from my privateer runes though seems to do more damage (yes, I said it. It’s the only way I can enjoy my ranger now and they’re pretty kitten ed good.)
Anyway, I thought both of the new pets need to be worked on. I use all the pets as diversionary tactics. Then again, I think the druid staff really stinks so I’d say that is more important. Those attacks are pitiful.
GL can’t be demoted and there can’t be co guild leaders. I tried the co guild leader. The most I could do is give my guy all privileges.
(edited by Tere.4759)
Ok Noein, I sent you an in game mail.
Excellent Noein, I definitely will.
We’re a small group of friends. We don’t mind the work, but one of our team doesn’t have HOT, the other doesn’t play anymore which leaves just 4 of us who are active with HOT. We need a fellowship of Tyria to help each other clear guild halls. My team is willing to help your team. We’re on Tarnished Coast though that doesn’t mean anything anymore. If you’re interested in this fellowship, please message me (we can message here right?) or post here. Let’s try to get as many small guilds as we can together to clear guild halls.
Thank goodness, I came here. I’m moaning and complaining in guild chat how pitiful druid is and now I know I’m not the only one who thinks so. My ranger is my first character in this game. I bought GW2 for the ranger and we just continue to get the Anet shaft. I have other 80s, but I really wanted to love my ranger again.
I thought I was the only one who thinks druid isn’t great until I read the forums. Phew. I think the #2 is pitiful.
LOL, well he did say Druid was good too…lol.
I like GW2 the way it is and I do play Wildstar also. They are both great games and lots of fun (in my opinion) just as they are
Looking forward to seeing what they are going to have. I love the holidays.
The way to avoid it is to turn off map chat. I never have it on. I only leave zone chat on in games that have mature players. The unfortunate thing is that in any game that is free to play, you are going to get it.
Report and ignore is all that you can do really but really, the people (youth) who are doing it are not reading these forums.
ESO’s trailers are beautiful and they should do a movie. The problem is that their game is boring and didn’t keep our attention even to end game of which they have none unless you want to WvW.
I’m thrilled. I feel most comfortable as healing/support. I play healing elementalist, support guardian but my first character was a ranger and it will be nice to do content with her again.
Dufly provides a service that no one else does. A little promotion isn’t going to hurt any one.
I like the idea of ranger, my first GW2 character, finally being able to do something worthy for my guild and not having to sit her out because we need power or support plus it will be nice to bring a healer. My guildees are very casual, play lots of games, but we do love clearing dungeons. It will be nice to have exclusive tank/healer roles.
Remember all, change is difficult especially if you love the game you’re playing. I went through it with SWTOR. Cut them some flak.
Since when were any of the Personal Story missions hard? Hell they got significantly easier since launch.
Also I wouldn’t say that you should say the “devs should be ashamed” when something is “too hard” for a “casual gamer”.
Remember the days when people didn’t go and whine on a forum or a blog just cuz they couldn’t beat a level in Super Mario Bros on the SNES? Oh right, we didn’t have forums, or blogs, or very much of the internet at all back then. They would just get frustrated, leave the game alone for a while then come back and try again because they -want- the feeling of accomplishment when they finally beat that level that busted their butt.
Wow, this reply is absolutely no help to the OP and really if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.
OP, ask in Zone Chat for someone to help you. I’m sure there are a lot of people that would be willing to help if you just ask. Frankly, I think the PS is poorly done and usually skip it after level 30 when I can get the armor skins for the pacts. Once you’ve done it on one character, there really is no reason to do it again. Just my opinion.
Every map has gradient enemies. If the zone is 25-35 and you are seeing level 30 enemies, you just need to go find the level 25 area. I’ve been able to avoid most over level enemies through out the zones.
The best thing about GW2, is that you can go and clear every zone and you aren’t penalized for going to a lower zone because you are down leveled for that zone. It makes leveling seem not a chore (except if you have 4 level 80s and several more to go).
Relax and enjoy the game for what it’s worth. If you go to a lower level zone, you still get your rewards, you still get loot, you still get karma. It’s a win.
Never gamble in any game, you will most likely lose just like in Vegas. RNG sucks in this game and all games but it is what it is. You can’t enjoy the game if you’re only in it to get those precious precursors. Playing the game to enjoy the game is the real win. All else is a loss.
I doubt there will be a GW3, so many reasons why not, and not many pros for it. As for Blade and Soul (NA), I’ll be playing it. I love the art work in that game. I love beautiful games which is why I play GW2.
As for MMOs, the time for sub MMOs is gone. There are too many free ones to compete with paid ones. The time for MMOs is not gone, but there will be a smaller audience since most players share their time with many MMOs. You can play all the free ones and find the few or several you like and play them. How WOW keeps its audience, I have no idea. I played it for about 4 months and got bored rather quickly.
I was happy. Black wings and several outfits. They did well by me and others in my guild.
By the way, as an owner of 3 cats, I can tell you plainly that they swish all the time, even when they’re sleeping. Cats swish when they’re happy, just not as swishy as dogs, that slow wagging back and forth is very cat like. Now if that tail starts swishing methodically, watch out.
Who doesn’t love running around with a mini Tybalt? He’ll be my rev’s favorite little toy.
But while I love Tybalt and even Asura mini’s (which looks like a toddler Asura), I do not like the miniature people.
And do you know how much money I’ve spent in the store. Of course you don’t. I’ve been a faithful supporter of this game through my purchases. Day one of HOT going on sale, I bought the most expensive edition. F2P can hurt games and despite what they said about protecting the economy, people would be fools to think they won’t sell privileges in the store, if not soon, then eventually. Even SWTOR does.
Not stressed…kittened that it went f2p even if there are restrictions since we all paid good money for the game and continue to support the game through gem purchases. An outfit it the least of what they should do.
Hmm, purchased copy, beta and early release and I didn’t get it. Is there a pic somewhere? I paid 60.00 for the base game and 100.00 for HOT. I love outfits and would love to know when I and my guildies can look forward to getting it so I can let them know. Give me a date Anet. Others already have it.
This is hilarious. Awesome work!
I love it but won’t be using it until I get my revenant.
I believe the reason why most people disapprove of Trahearne is because the game’s mantra “this is my story” ends up referring to Trahearne instead of the intended player-character. Nobody wants to be a side character in their own game.
This sums it up perfectly. It is not longer the PC’s story so why bother.
I would prefer delete the story quest after I get into the order and get the armor. After that, I don’t care to see the same thing with 10 characters.
I am shocked to find out that a lot of people dont like Traeharne, besides Tybalt those are the only 2 npc from the main story i like. tell me the reasons you dont like him i am curious.
Ps – Anet dont kill him , if you must kill him give us an option to spare him.
Personally i like him, he’s a good guy.
But most people seems to hate him because he is the leader of the Pact, while the player’s character is only the second in command. Basically, they are jealous of him because they feel he’s undeservedly stealing their spotlight. XD
It has nothing to do with jealousy. He was an unknown. The PC does all the work then you go before the Tree Mother and she gives the job to him instead of who should have been made the leader. That’s not jealousy. The story makes no sense at all. Why the heck is the tree mother chosing instead of the Pact voting.
Personally, I do not like how the story was written in the game. I avoid it by skipping through it all.
(edited by Tere.4759)
Because Anet did a terrible story with him getting all the credit for all the work the PC does. It’s ridiculous and they really should have thought it out better or hired someone who could actually write.
I feel I must respond to this post in full to make an argument for the gamers getting falsely reported for verbal abuse for typing in a word that the game allows them to type in. This post will probably approach that line, but, it all needs to be said….
Today I wanted to complete the map at last, I entered Cursed Shore and just started regular wandering to get all the stuff explored.
Good for you! Hopefully you 100% the map and get on your way to a Legendary weapon!
I saw a Pact outpost overrun by the undead and an event to defend it. I rushed in and started to pew pew at the enemies.
Seconds after that I get a whisper “Get the f out there need to fail”.Not sure he was trying to “Verbally Abuse” you if he also wrote in the “need to fail” part. He would have just said “Get the F out of there!” without explaining why at all. (That’s what I would have done if I were really wanting to “abuse” someone)
I was just shooting the undead, I did nothing to get the F part.
I backed off, even if this behaviour only encouraged me to do the opposite.
I told the player that maybe they could be nicer next time and reported them for verbal abuse, as I couldn’t think of a fitting category for such behaviour.This is a game connected to the Internet. You’re going to hear a lot worse things in the game than an F word being thrown at you from time to time. Besides the fact that there is a profanity filter in the game. If it really offends you so much that someone would throw a word at you that doesn’t fit you’re perfect exacting standards of human morality, use the profanity filter! Its the third option in the Option Menu, right under Language. You can set it to maximum, which blocks a lot of stuff
I don’t know what difference is there in rewards, but soon after the event failed, a huge zerg flooded the outpost, now taken by enemies.
I suggest changes are made to this, I don’t wish to receive such impolite messages simply because I stumbled across an event during my exploration.Difference is actually pretty large, which you would know if you asked the player why they told you to get out of the event instead of saying they weren’t nice and reporting them.
Just turn the profanity filter to maximum and go on your happy way playing the game, and don’t let the Zerg (That’s trying to play their way) bother you. And if there’s a case when someone actually does verbally abuse you (to the point they are actually going out of their way to make you feel bad and not just saying the second most common word on the internet), then report them! Otherwise, ignore that group of players and continue to play the game the way you want to play!
I suggest that things stay the way they are so both sides can continue to play how they want.
I just want to complete the map and take part in events if I happen to see any, without having to look over my shoulder that I may be disturbing a zerg wanting to fail for better rewards.
And they just want an event to fail so they can fight several Champions in one place and get the loot without having to play for an excruciatingly longer time for the same reward, and do it without having to watch a lone wolf run into the event without knowing (or pretending to not know) why there’s a zerg standing outside the event area. Neither way of playing seems more wrong than the other, until AFTER the point that the bad words get thrown around and the actual insults start. And its not always the zerg that’s guilty. I’ve read many slurs get thrown by the group of players (or solo player) wanting to do one thing instead of just ignoring the other side.
Seriously, turn on the language filter, give the other group of players the cold shoulder, and play the event anyways. Let Karma take care of the rest.
And I just have to say that you are totally and completely WRONG….WRONG……WRONG! If someone said that to me , I would do as I told the OP, report the offensive behavior, ignore the offensive person and fight on.
BTW, you ask like this. “Hello X, we are waiting for the event to fail so we can fight said bosses and get more X. Can you let it fail so we can do it and join us?”
There is a way to ask in a nice way or there is a way to demand. Someone demands something of me in any game, they won’t get it.
(edited by Tere.4759)
Ah yes, that is when you report them, stay in there and continue the fight. Screw them. They don’t like it tough. You are allowed the play the game how you want. Report them, ignore them and fight on.
Honestly, if they meant for the trinity, then they should have given everyone a taunt because without a taunt you can’t tank. I think they changed their statement because of the revenant, because they decided to design a class that has three specific roles built in which is fine. I loved the revenant. There isn’t another class in this game, though, that can tank not even warrior.
As for your combat comment, the full body covering armor is what is unrealistic. For one thing trying to bring a realism argument into a fantasy game is idiotic at best, but even in real life, you have armies than even in the 20th century would fight nude in certain circumstances because of the need for agility and mobility. If you want to talk realism, then skimpy armor would be a lot more realistic when fighting fantasy creatures because if you could face a dragon, someone in a bikini will survive longer than someone wearing full metal plate.
Knights in full plate armor were fairly mobile, and their armor actually weighed less then modern infantry full combat gear (IIRC).
If somebody was facing a dragon in a bikini, then they’ll die in a single hit. However somebody in full plate armor won’t have to worry about debris slicing their skin. If enchanted, even more protection is granted.
The “Agility and mobility” line comes into play is if the enemy’s attacks can and WILL one shot kill you from the start, and thus you focus on dodging more then ‘tanking’ the blows.
Have you ever seen someone in actual full plate knights armor because the fact you say they were fairly mobile suggests not. The exact opposite was true. They were very much immobile, slow, lumbering, the opposite of agile.
Flying debris would be the least of your worries if you were to face something like Claw of Jormag. You could be inside 1 inch thick metal armor and you would be one shot, and die quicker then someone who wasn’t so weighted down and had their joints free.
This is where I take issue with this whole debate. For a long time in MMO’s people screamed “give us a choice” and here came GW2 and in a way gave a choice. I say in a way, cause precious little armor in GW2 can truthfully be referred to as ‘skimpy’ and the full coverage armors dominate the fashion landscape yet people still complain about the skimpy armor demanding that NO ONE have the choice, thus showing that people who hate more revealing armor really wish to dictate for everyone.
As for your comments about the Phalanx armor, thank goodness it doesn’t look like male armor. I don’t want to dress like a man. I’ve never gone into Charlotte Russe or Forever 21 and heard anyone ever complain that the clothing didn’t look like men’s clothing. If you went by the icon and didn’t use the dressing room feature before you purchased it, then that frankly is your own fault. GW2 is one of the few games that even give some what honest representations of armor and weapons in their icons.
And for people who say that the skirt on the Phalanx is skimpy, it’s about the same length as the cheerleading skirt I wore at 14 and every other cheerleader wears. Do you go to cheerleading web sites decrying how skimpy the uniforms are?
+1 Absolutely agree.
Phalanx armor is sexy and will be on my guard at level 80. At the same time, I want heavy armor on my mesmer, so I have Balthazar armor outfit for her to wear. Two different characters with completely different looks. My guard needs agility so she wears armor that will allow her to move. My mes has clones do all her dirty work so she doesn’t. I love the choices that Anet gave us.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. The new revamped trait system is far superior. Not only is it better but now they’ve made room for specializations. Soon we’ll have even more trees and traits to choose from.
As someone with 3600 hours played I’m so thankful they finally edited the traits. So many stat sets have become viable now.
Not only was the trait editing smart it was completely necessary going forward for specializations.
I agree. I like the new way better than the old and I too have been around since the beginning. What I don’t like is that we can’t re-trait before level 80 but at level 80 everything is open anyway.
It’s utterly ridiculous. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea. It wasn’t.