Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Or rework the daily system so that it doesn’t end up forcing a bunch of players onto random professions that they don’t want to play and are awful at when a large portion of the community prefers to only play a single (or very small number) of professions.
I’d prefer if they are gonna bribe people with phat lewtz that they just rework the whole darn thing. Give us like 5 gems for a loss and 10 gems for a win or something and maybe bonus gems for certain achievements. People who are dedicated to spvp seem only to care about skins.
They used to give out gems actually.
Don’t recall that. Do remember getting skins and dyes from forge when I first drifted from wvw to spvp.
This was way back after launch. Like right after launch, when tournaments costed tickets and the rewards were gems. Also it was one map per week, and temple of the silent storm didn’t exist yet.
That was a lot of fun. Miss those days of SPvP, made a nice chunk of gems that way.
I find the most annoying part of the puzzle is at the very start. Far too often I catch up with the respawning flakes so I have to wait for them to respawn before I can continue which completely breaks the flow of the jumping. And adds as much as 10-15 seconds to the first part.
I hate the soldiers with the BB guns with a passion. They were by far the worst wave to deal with when soloing the Infinirarium. Bop-bop-bop-bop until I was downed so many times.
Once per day per account for each of the end chests.
Nope, Anet somehow decided that it would be a great decision to make you be stuck with a color based on the stat you place on the ascended.
Better than most weapons which only have a single colour option.
the last time i raged at a video game was when i was 14 or 15…. TM has no place in an MMORPG imo… but hey, they gotta to cater to the 0.1% though…
Sure it does, different content should cater to different people. Like progression raiding catering to the more hardcore in other MMOs, TM caters to the hardcore in GW2. And if you don’t like it, no need to do it. You’re not forced to any more than you are forced to raid or whatever in other games.
If you use the 2 skill on the white cloud it turns into a flagpole that serves as a mini-checkpoint. Not sure if it works on the angry clouds, though.
Tbh you should not be able to enter WvW on any other server than the first one for the duration of the season. That makes it so that people can transfer if they wish, but they won’t be able to play for another team or even advance their meta achievement if they decide to leave their server.
Infantile Mode exists for that reason. If I remember correctly, all of the old SAB world 1 achievements could be completed in Infantile Mode. The only difference was that the end chests did not reward Bauble Bubbles, but you could still earn them by gathering Baubles and trading them in to Moto anyway.
You could also not get the non-account bound skins from the end chest.
Any level. Your level or class doesn’t matter at all. You get a new set of skills and a standardized size and health pool so that your choice of race or class has no impact on your ability to complete the SAB.
Your reward will be based on the server you log into the first time once the season starts. You can transfer as much as you like, but you will still get the reward from that first server.
Which means everyone is going to transfer off low tier servers now. Why hasn’t ANET done anything to promote people coming to lower tier servers? I mean transfers to bottom tier servers should be free. That would be a good start. You can also do server type buffs (WvW exp, magic find, gold increases) to also promote these servers.
Do what my guild and about half a dozen other guilds did back shortly after release. Get organised, pick a low tier server, gather up and smash face. We brought Blacktide from one of the lowest brackets to being number 1 for ~1 month straight.
If you want your server to perform well in WvW you have to put in the effort to make it so.
Tribulation Mode is ridiculously difficult and time consuming.
Are there any plans to make SAB permanent someday? Anything “time consuming” isn’t likely to work well within the confines of temporary content or the 2-week cycle Anet has set up for its releases.
I would like to try Tribulation Mode, but I’m afraid between getting all of this round’s achievements plus any Living Story content added in mid-September there isn’t going to be much opportunity.
You’ll have a full month of SAB this time as well. Really looking forward to tribulation mode. Gonna kick some 8bit kitten .
I couldn’t agree more with the OP.
It is great that Anet creates these awesome content patches for us but somethings just clash so bad here!
It was enough that there was one of these already during April fools – which actually made the content seem actually like a prank and as a “Funny thing”… but now.. Why!?
Keep the SAB in SAB. Don’t corrupt the beatiful world you’ve created with this junk. It’s horrible.The best thing about these recent patches is that I don’t need to take part in them if I don’t want to. Anet, please make sure that you do this again.
“Guild wars 2 is stylized, painterly illustrated, esthetic. Everything in our world feels handcrafted – artisanal.” -Daniel Dociu – Art Director (not copied from word to word)
“When you see art in our game – you say: Whoa that’s Visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” – Colin Johanson – Game designer
What happened to these promises? The SAB doesn’t match either of those things said. I’ve always adored your art and style you created for this game but SAB is just a letdown.
And yes.. I played the Manifesto card! QQ
They decided to expand on SAB because the feedback from the playerbase was so overwhelmingly positive. Sure, a few people dislike it, but the vast majority of the players really enjoyed it, and so it was worth putting actual dev time towards it.
I like the IDEA, but I feel like this is half-done.
The invasions should be from key, fortified points, her troops should move to strategic locations, build up towns & outposts & take resources.
Players should make important decisions as to what to attack first, stop her supply caravans, sabotage equipment & kill commanders.
it should kinda be like WvW. the “kill next circle” is… its cool, but.. dunno.. doesn’t seem well thought out.
As for being a “big reveal!” or “something you’ve never seen!” uhh… no. it’s just random kill mobs DEs popping in random locations.. not new..
Considering that the events take place over so many different zones that’s a bit much to ask when it’s released on such a short schedule If the event was limited to 2-3 zones then I agree it should be much more like that.
I’ve rallied plenty of times while in Vapour Form. I’ve done so many times during the Queen’s Jubilee farming, so any change is either a localized bug or a very new bug that has cropped up in the last few days.
Arenanet writers can only kill off important human characters.
Any important charcters that died in the LS? Only the Ascalonian Theo Ashford.
Any city getting attacked and burned down? Ofc it is DR.
But still looking forward for it. Just seems unfair.
Important NPC’s died among the Asura, Sylvari, Charr, and Norn throughout the personal story for all races.
Well… maybe not Asura. I can’t think of any Asura.
But still, my point remains.
And I’m still talking about the living story not the personal… why is it so hard to understand guys?
I don’t get why you are limiting it to important characters. Flame and Frost might not have killed important characters, but it killed and displaced a lot of Charr and Norns. Not to mention it was a huge attack on Charr/Norn areas. So I don’t get where you’re getting the ‘bad stuff only happens to humans’ thing from.
Is it not time to make only the initial tick of Arc Lightning proc retal? Or at least limit it to once per second per target? As it stands if I hit 5 targets with retal up (hello centaurs in the pavilion) I will be downed in ONE channel. With 14k health I will be downed by retaliation alone in one attack. Doesn’t that sound a little bit over the top for a single boon?
Since is’s the anniversary update my guess is “Queen’s Surprise”.
So I looked into this, and I thought it was fixed. Are you still seeing it? Where are you seeing it? What’s getting through? Keep in mind that condition damage will still tick, but NEW condies should not be able to go through.
Since we can no longer cleanse conditions in mist form I think it’s a bad idea to let them still tick. Even if it does not remove the conditions it should at least prevent the damage.
considering you can ezmode farm deadeye at 20g/hour, you put 2 and 2 together and what do you get? inflation!
Except we’re not.
I kept reading about people complaining about Liandri ever since the release.
I tried her for the first time yesterday, but I went straight for the 8 orb achievement. I wasted 8 hours on that, but as soon as I decided to beat her straight forward, I got it in 3 tries.
I don’t know why you guys want to nerf a boss that is pretty straightforward and predictable. I’m thinking you guys either want faceroll content or you don’t know your class.
Took you 8 hours to beat a pretty straight forward fight?
I think point proven. Beating her on your 3rd try after 8 hrs, thats like saying once I learned the fight, studied the pattern after my 50th try, I nailed it on my first….makes no sense.
Read it again, he spent 8 hours trying to do the orb achievement without having killed her normally first. So when he decided to just kill her normally it took 3 tries.
Love it. Going to take some time tomorrow to properly try it. Got about 70 tries before I have to return to farming the events below.
I’ve gone through 4 stacks of sprockets buying nothing but tickets and I still cant beat this crap. im overwhelmed by everything thrown at me at once, if I pay attention to one thing im caught by another. It needs to be nerfed. if I cant get this kitten mini then my miniature collection is pretty much useless, guess I wont be buying any of the minis from the gem store anymore. Way to burn a repeat paying customer. hope the 10% of elites can make up for the lost miniature collectors not paying anymore.
I pretty much agree with this. I also have gone through 4 stacks and am quite discouraged by now. Not being able to get that mini seriously makes me want to quit playing all together. I’ll keep trying until the end of the event but if I fail I’m done supporting the gemstore. Hope they can make enough money from the elitist player base they cater to.
So one part of a single event being designed to be very hard is enough to put you off the game entirely? Wow. You must not enjoy the rest of the game particularly much if that’s all it takes to make you quit.
So, why is it acceptable to exclude one group (people who seek challenge) but not another group (those who don’t)?
It isn’t. I think what these events need is a normal mode/hard mode choice. That might make everyone happy.
On the condition that everything else is given a normal/hard mode choice.
And like I said, this challenge is limited not just by aptitude but by how much gold you can pay out.
That is absolutely not true.. There is no direct causal link between the gold you pay in the tournament & winning. I’m sure there are some people good enough to get it on the 2nd & 1st try, just because they are better players.
I think we also need some perspective on things too. The way people talk about this it’s like they’ll never get to see their son again as he goes off to a Colombian prison.
The mere existence of players who got it in the first or second try does not negate the fact that there’s a connection. If I didn’t have 14g to spare, there’s no way I would have been able to afford the 150 or so tries it took for me to finally beat her.
come on cheer up, you got the mini in the end. isn’t it worth it?
It was a pretty horrible experience and not one that I’m eager to ever repeat again. Two weeks later if Anet brings out more impossible stuff like this, my obsessive need to get loot might just give me a heart attack and die.
I was able to do it this time. What if next time I can’t? Content should be tough in such a way that a dedicated player with time and patience, skill, and the inclination to observe and learn should be able to beat it eventually.
This particular challenge though…seems that some people will never be able to do it no matter what they’re willing to put in.
why do you say that even though you cleared it through patience, skill and inclination to observe and learn eventually? what makes you think others won’t be able to do the same?
1. It’s a time bound event.
2. It costs money – like 13g for me
3. You need top of the line gear. Easy enough for those who’ve been around. But not for others
4. Even if you’re fully geared your build might not be suitable.Hold this in the heart of the mists and you’ll suddenly see the complaints die out.
Costs money? I have about 100 tickets (after about a dozen tries on Liadri) and I haven’t purchased a single one. I’ve gotten them all as drops while making ~60 gold over the past few days.
This is a different kind of work to earn this one. Rather directly making progress at the task itself, you have to make progress towards making yourself better. It’s a learning experience.
1. If they really wanted it to be only about skill and improving yourself, they would have put it in the heart of the mists. No armor repair, no tokens costing money.
2. Suppose they designed content so that exactly one person in the entire GW2 playerbase was good enough to do it after a lot of effort. It that reasonable? Probably not. So once we’ve established a limit, the philosophical question comes into play again.
Strangely everyone here seems to think that there are only two options – insanely difficult and impossible to beat for most people….or faceroll. Why have so many completely ignored the middle ground? Requires skilled play…but no such skilled play that most people simply can’t do it regardless of how hard they try to improve?
The thing is, there is only 2 options for most people. Something they’re good enough to beat already (ie easy). Or stuff they can’t beat easily (hard/impossible depending on their patience). Degrees within that aren’t really important to most people.
Personally I want content that I find challenging. Most of the PvE content so far has been extremely easy (excepting high level fractals) unless I’m playing with a group that is a lot less skilled than me at the game, at which point it just becomes frustrating. Liadri is perfect for this, I find it challenging + I don’t have to rely on other people to be of comparable skill to beat it.
Another part of wanting challenging content is the knowledge that some other people can’t complete it. That’s what makes it an achievement to actually do it. If everyone can do something doing it is no longer special and the reward loses its significance.
It’s luck. If you want guaranteed exotic bags kill lvl 70-80 champs. You can also still get the new skins from white bags.
All of Scepter’s water skills need work, the autoattack is useless, Shatterstone and Water Trident are afterthoughts.
How about something like this… increase the channel time and add 3x vulnerability to the autoattack (analogous to the the earth auto), increase the radius of Shatterstone and have it cause chill instead of vulnerability, and increase the heal and radius of Water Trident. A projectile finisher chance for the auto and/or a blast finisher somewhere in there wouldn’t hurt either.
Shatterstone should go back to its beta version (hitting faster and harder).
Fix bugs yes. Nerf, no way. While I haven’t beaten her yet as I have only had time for a few tries per day, it seems just the right kind of difficult. The mechanics are fairly obvious, they are consistent and punish inattentiveness. It’s basically a 1 man raid encounter.
I wish I could have played beta ele, sounded fun.
All that I know about is that:
-Staff air #2 = instant
-Staff air #5 = larger and 3 seconds stun
-Lower cooldowns(?)
-Some autoattacks were less underwhelming (?)
Meteor Shower did almost twice as much damage with shorter cooldown. Scepter Air AA was ridiculously powerful. I think I got it to 5k in one channel in spvp in non-zerker gear. Dragon’s Tooth hit much harder. Scepter water #2 hit faster, harder and shorter cooldown.
Basically, if it had gone live, ele would be doing well over twice the damage of a zerker warrior with almost any weapon set.
Get real. Forget Liadri, a good number of the other bosses are too hard already. I’ll never even see Liadri because too many of the other fights are luck-based. When you’re fighting things that ignore the combat tools that work everywhere else in the game, like evading for example, it becomes a frustrating exercise of trial-and-error. ArenaNet, word of advice: players hate it when the game cheats.
What? Which boss exactly can you not evade? Trial and error is part of any challenge, when you get an Achievement its because you’ve Achieved something.
I’m guessing the mines. They still hit you through evade.
I have yet to see even 2 minutes queue, but it would be nice if it only ported us out downed, or at least had a waypoint up top.
Who the hell salvages their blues&greens?
Blues get vendor´ed and greens toilet´ed, thought everybody does that.
I only salvage blues for the monthly achievement. Otherwise they go straight to vendor. Same with greens, since the cost of rares is so low that the amount of greens you can expect to put into the toilet before you get a rare vendor for far more than most rares.
I don’t see this 10g you are guys are talking about. Maybe if you are selling mats and drops on the trading post and such, but just from drops alone? No. You are not making 10g in 40 minutes.
Did this for about an hour, and made around 2g. That is from looting everything that dropped and doing all the events in the area a few times. I salvage everything I get for mats and then sold the junk. Didn’t sell anything on the trading post.
You’d make a lot more if you didn’t salvage all the greens/blues.
They’re crafting mats. So they go in the collectibles tab of your bank.
Prices for T6 mats and Destroyer lodestones in particular are going to crash hard. There’s so much stuff flooding the market right now. So you won’t be able to sustain this cash flow for long.
Um, well, now they are all saying Ellen won. What the flip is going on here Anet? Can we get an official response?
You got trolled by this thread.
As stupid as it sounds, AFAIK WoW is still the only MMO to date that has successfully implemented mass transportation without loading screens. Take the zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Thunder’s Bluff and enjoy. You can cram 100 people in there and still no one is warping or glitching one bit. And you can jump off any time you like, just make sure you’ve got your flying mount or parachute ready.
And it looks like something that was made in 1999. You cannot compare such an old game with ho-hum gfx to gw2.
Yes because GW2 looks like it was made in 2012, right? With DX9 and all the bells and whistles?
Anyhow, it has absolutely nothing to do with graphics and everything to do with server-client communication and architechture.
It has a lot to do with graphics, namely the size of the assets. WoW has very low-res textures and low-polygon models making for quick loading so that you can always keep the areas you need loaded before you need to show them. As models and textures become more detailed they take up more space leading to slower loading which makes seamless travel much harder to pull off. It has very little to do with server/client communication. That comes in purely for mob positions and updating your own position.
If you get lucky.
Aren’t there no champions (except maybe the squire dude from the Ascalon one)? Aren’t all end bosses legendary (or whatever the purple is)?
There are lots of champs in fractals. Uncategorized for example has a room with four (Rabbit, human, charr, jotun/ettin?) and there are others in a variety of them too!
the only champs in fractals are the rabbit, ettin, shaman and old tom in uncategorized, the drake in swamp whom nobody ever kills, dulfy and the squire(again, not killed) in ascalon, the grawl shaman in volcanic but you can’t kill him and rabsovich. on average this is 2 champions/full fractal run, which is not a lot. i just hope that they give this to legendaries and make them drop better loot.
Legendaries give the loot bags same as champions. So all end bosses from fractals will give the bags.
Note the huge caveat: “if you qualify” for the loot, you get the bag. No one’s said what qualifies you. There could be a bag limit per day.
If you would have a chance at regular loot from the mob (as in you’re above the minimum damage done to get loot) you get the bonus. So basically hit it a few times, collect loot.
The more interesting question is, will WvW champion lords have a unique loot bag or will they share it with other mob types in PvE?
And what types if so.
Probably whatever race that particular keep lord is. So a human would give human (or bandit?) bags, a charr would give charr bags etc.
After seeing that both are apparently at the very same percents as before, the idea that this election is fake is really seeming plausible now.
The larger the vote totals are, the more “difficult” it is to change the percentages.Personally, if I were faking this thing, I think I would change the numbers in an attempt to make it look more real.
Because it’s not one vote per person, and initially the results should have been severely skewed by people running both candidates for the achievements.
People switching off to support a single candidate after getting their achievements, and people putting in progressively more votes for a single candidate would make it spectacularly unlikely that they would remain even at all, let alone remain the same percent split they were the week before.
Those numbers are just way, way too unlikely to be real.
Having the listed numbers be practically even while still supporting Kiel also just happens to align perfectly with their interests; they’ve spent a lot of time building up Kiel and clearly have a vested interest in her, whereas Evon has appeared completely out of nowhere for the sole purpose of this election. And having them remain relatively even means that people will not see it as a lost cause and continue to spend loads of both Gems and Gold on more votes in an effort to shift the results, as well as having good reason to continue playing the content without feeling terribly bored of it.
They probably didn’t even put in the tech to track votes, because it would have taken a lot of time and effort.
I don’t think the people supporting both for achievement will matter at all. I’ve almost everything I need from Evon and I’ve only dropped 2 votes for him, compared to ~400 for Kiel.
Yea but they’re probably going to put achievements for the different gambits, seeing how they put achievements for everything (not getting hit by lasers for AR, not getting hit by the cannon barrage, T1/T2/T3/T4, etc)
Then you simply need to learn to play with all those gambits if you feel the need to have all achievements.
Achievements are supposed to actually require people to achieve something, which is quite clearly not the case for most of the current Achievement in this game but they seems to be working on adding more.You don’t NEED to complete all achievements after all.
Yup. People should look up the word “achievement” in their dictionaries.
The thing about the gambit is that there is a specific one that removes dodges, which is the only form of damage mitigation a Necro (which I main) has. If the boss monster does any form of OHKO, then the Necro would have absolutely no chance to survive.
I know what achievements are. Achievements are supposed to be difficult, but they aren’t supposed to be impossible. If a boss monster uses a OHKO skill on a necro, who has no way of blocking the skill, then that is impossible. It is not a matter of “l2p” because there is no option to block/evade an attack like that on a necro once dodge is removed. I am a completionist, and I’m sure there are many others like me, who get every single achievement. I am not complaining about difficulty. So far there have not been any achievements that are impossible for me to complete.
You are not meant to be able to complete all achievements with a single character. Or would you complain that axe master isn’t possible to do with an elementalist? Or how you can’t complete all story achievements on a single character?
would you rather see screenshots of the human gods or more boring golems? The Abaddon fractal, if played or not, reveals quite a bit of how stuff looks… Abaddon, the gods, Margonytes, the crystal sea,…
this is a vote for lore
Both of the options are very interesting lore-wise. Also remember that ANet has been very careful in the past with showing the true form of the gods. And I like it better that they are shrouded in mystery (also I have no interest in puny human gods).
Yay!, today.. more 850 votes for Kiel. Mine ones.
Lol how much gold is a vote? I would like to know how much money did ppl burned when this voting is over. There is no way you accumulated 850 tickets by just playing.
I haven’t played all that much this past week and I’ve still grabbed ~400 tokens. If I was playing as much as I was at release (stupid uni stuff getting in the way) I would probably be far beyond 1000 from drops alone.
Though if you want to spend gold, 1g = 10 votes.
The Jubilee will last 1 month, and there will be a another event at the 2 week mark of the Jubilee (which will probably include the proper anniversary rewards).
Yes, in Fractals you can change a number to increase the difficulty of the Fractals. Gambits are completely different, however, in that you activate a specific condition. For example, completing the challenge without being able to dodge.
Ohh, sounds fun Any special rewards for gambits or just better chance at normal rewards?
Fake. If they go berserk, they will go do CoF p1 speedruns. That’s what the cool kids are doing these days.
Naah, no speedruns anymore from tuesday on…
Well, 1 speedrun per day, then p2, then AC, and so on :P
Also, I predict that the final mob in the Gauntlet will be a dragon of some sort.
You must be pretty kitten ed about Breath of Jormag, then. That’s just a reskin of the flame sword from HoM and it’s been ingame since release.
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