Showing Posts For ViralVarda.2739:

So are we finally invited into raids?

in Thief

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Thieves are still missing the support component that PS Wars and Heralds bring.

[Suggestion] Selectable Difficulty for HP's

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I need to stop visiting these forums.. 90% of it is people crying cuzz “awww its to hard! Boo boo!” or " I can’t find enough people to help with this even tho I’m not asking in map chat! Boo boo"

My lord.. Tears tears tears. Ask in map chat u’ll get plenty of help, or just try it more than once? Ive yet to find a HP (yes even the harder ones) that can’t be done with 2-3 people. If u can’t find 1 other person to help u with harder content than there’s no hope for you at all. But… There is plains of Ashford

I’m glad you were able to find someone in a reasonable amount of time to help you out. Good for you! On the other hand, a lot of other players had to wait around for a long time to get one HP. I think this is a decent idea, especially as someone who doesn’t play at peak times.

if UA get nerfed, rest of swrd need buff

in Revenant

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Isn’t sword auto the strongest of the auto?

Classical Dungeon Camp & Grind Map Plz

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Congrats, you took an absolute boring grind fest and made it sociable. You can easily do this just by hanging out in LA, but you would never do that because you aren’t doing anything to progress your character.

why is it so hard for you

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Why do you need someone to convince you? Honestly. If I ever needed to ask someone “convince me on this thing,” I was already towards getting the thing. You have tons of positive feedback on the r/guildwars2 subreddit. Check that out if you want positivity.

Hammer skills and walls

in Revenant

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


So… Basically like Guardian does with staff? But I’m surprised if this does work because of how awful hammer is with terrain.

What happened to the legend dialogue?

in Revenant

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


They do talk! I know Glint groans very loudly when I turn on Infuse Light. And occasionally on swap they’ll say something, too.

Mad King Thorn and Revenants

in Revenant

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


How exactly does a Revenant even gain the ability to use Legendary heroes skills? Does he need to earn their favor? Defeat them? Have a common goal?

necromancer leveling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Power and minions with D/? and Staff for range. Don’t use conditions in PvE because some of the hearts require you to break stuff and conditions don’t help there.

Please change mark of evasion

in Necromancer

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Only change I would do to Mark of Evasion is to remove the ICD. At bare minimum, reduce its cooldown to match the actual Mark of Blood.


warriors get like 3k+ hits off of theirs which has no cooldown
ours does less than 500, 2 stacks of bleed, and a five second regeneration on a class where healing power is laughable and a game where condition damage is horrifyingly underperforming if not used in massive bursts

i also never noticed the twice-as-long-cooldown….

i hate comparing classes, but, plis doe

(edited for weird language filter proc on “five seconds”)

Oh huh. It’s way worse than staff’s Mark. Almost double CD, lower damage, lower radius, and a smaller heal.

How will vanilla zones stay populated

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I’m doing map completion on a character, and the low level zones are ridiculously occupied.

Botting still an issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


That guy you reported could’ve been doing auto-run and afk eating like you. I haven’t seen many bots lately even the whisper bots trying to sell gold.

PvE: the Three most promising elite specs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


why Reaper? it still does not offer much in terms of party support, or?
I understand that it has really strong damage dealing skills but what about everything else the necro was missing until now?

DPS and true melee.

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


A lot of issues I have with the Druid spec have been touched on and what I’m going to say comes from a primarily PvE point of view. Low healing power numbers, low damage, no boons, locked into staff to really get celestial form, glyphs are bad and low range, you can’t into celestial without form bar and if you leave you lose everything, no damage on avatar (not a big deal if HoT changed things and allows tagging based on healing or something but it would still be nice if a meteor did damage), and traits seem a bit mixed up.

For the ranger positives, love the new pets except the wyverns (the fire F2 should be targetable not based on wyvern position) and yeah. That’s all the positives. I’ve heard of some people using their pets as the dos and keeping it alive with staff and such, but that seems laughable because let AI is still a joke. Outside of raids (if it is truly that difficult) and WvW, I don’t see Druid doing well. No on demand stability keeps it out of PvP.

My main wish is for the Druid to become a support bot not a heal bot. If we can pump out boons and heals (especially in difficult PvE content where it’s one shot to die), I might actually use Druid in PvE.

(edited by ViralVarda.2739)

PvE: the Three most promising elite specs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Reaper/Chrono/Herald. These 3 seem to be the most polished and unique all around.

Daredevil is boring and not “new,” DH is just awful all around, Druid can’t deal damage and therefore can’t tag in events (maybe this’ll change with the actual release of HoT), Scrapper hammer seems amazing but the gyros are lackluster, and I don’t know enough about the others to say much. Also this is all from a PvE perspective.

"Please don't fix the Bristleback" campaign!

in Ranger

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Sure, but that’d mean a feature from HoT would have to be cut in order to make up the lost development time. Is that something you could live with?


What race you will play for new Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Probably human because then my armor would have the least chance of clipping

Waiting for Yaks Bend to lose in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Wait, let me understand this. You’re complaining YBs isn’t losing WvW. And then you’re upset you didn’t realize how difficult mapping WvW which is necessary for a legendary, the final cosmetic goal for weapons. If I ever go for the final of anything, I’ll make sure to do my research. Heck, even the wiki says to do map completion first. While I admit mapping can be difficult, but if your server is winning, you’ll probably flip the map at least once for that week. Just gotta pay attention.

[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


A lot of these are good ideas, but there’s a problem. The changes to looks and voices would be awesome, but I think if ANet did anything like that, it would be a gem store thing. But then unbreakable armor and get skins for karma are just not good to me. The unbreakable armor would be awesome in fractals or a WvW train or something, but it makes the repair canister all but obsolete. And then why give rare skins for karma? Just make karma zergs way more common. Something ANet says they want to shy away from. I would love to be able to actually get the jet back or scythe skin or something for karma, I just don’t realistically see it happening. If ANet can get cash from it, you better believe they’re gonna get cash from it.

Longest losing streak

in PvP

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I wanna say like 13. It was rough. And then there’s the games you play against Caed and Ostrich Eggs and get blown out. Or when it’s 5v4, you’re the 5, and you still lose because no one understands how to rotate. And then I just kinda take a break because holy cow, I shouldn’t be matched against people that have gone to high-end tournaments. I’m a casual.

There are too many chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Containers within containers is a problem anet did kinda address with a Wintersday hotfix. But those bonus chests aren’t a big deal at all to me. One or two a level from WvW, one from PvP, and one from a world boss or dungeon.

Crafting Ascended Armor & Possible Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Well, if you’re getting ascended armor because of the stat upgrade, don’t bother. If you do high end fractals, then you might want to hold off. But if I remember correctly, while assassins is the absolute best for engineer, berserker isn’t far off.

Where is the real Ho-ho-tron?

in Living World

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


He’s currently being upgraded into a Mordestroyer.

[Suggestion] Guild Wars Con

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Honestly, no. Unless for some reason it was within an hour of me. The only “big event” they could have would be PvP, and that would be about as exciting as any other tournament they’ve put out, which is not very exciting, at least to me. A WvW tournament? Ehhh. 3 different zergs playing for an hour or so trying to quickly cap? Ehhh. PvE? One big blog killing a boss? Ehhh. I just wouldn’t be too exciting about it. And I’d probably only watch the highlights reel, even if they were playing some new gamemode.

Acheivement Bug

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Wrong forum. And send a bug report. Or just spend another 25 badges because they’re easy to get.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I agree, but a mod is gonna merge them. I just struggled with the Snowden Drifts one. A lot of people were complaining about not being to tag because the events ended so quickly. It’s a common complaint.

For the Devs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Every class except Mesmer and Guardian have access to a permanent 25% speed boost.

Again, it’s WvW not PvP. If you don’t like your world save up your gold and switch.

That’s, like, your opinion, man. I don’t play Charr, but if I did the running on all fours would be the literal only reason.

Story modes aren’t meant to be replayed or anything. Do it once per character to unlock either the trait or be able to open explorable paths.

You mean axe? It’s a bouncing auto attack. Ranger pets are their mechanic, for better or for worse you’re stuck with them. Part of the reason I stopped playing my ranger.

I’m not saying a house wouldn’t be neat, but it’s so low on my list of wants, that I don’t care one way or the other if we get it.

For the Devs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


A mount that gives like 50% move speed you get from a story quest or something would be neat. But there’s wp all over.

More events would be more dead events. Improve old events to make them useful/fun. And not just forced like collecting the crown pieces.

Why do we need a house? Give me a guild hall first.

Improve the current ranger pets to be viable in aoe without having to devote everything to it.

Why would I enter a dungeon from anywhere? Do I carry a personal way point machine with me?

Agree on making things more Norn and Charr friendly.

Why more aoe? Almost everything in this game hits at least 2 people. Do you want a sword that cleaves through everything it touches? A mace that somehow doesn’t get stopped after the first swing?

Why would a Charr run on 2 legs?

What do you mean regular spells in underwater?

A new dungeon would be nifty. But a level 10 dungeon might be boring. All enemies around level 10? Ehhhh.

The entire trait system should be reworked. Maybe not level 2, though.

It’s called WvW not PvP for a reason.

Logan’s even in a dungeon? Beyond story mode, of course. Also, when has he actually done anything useful?

You can use transmutation stones to change your look at any level.

And if this is an indication about your other ideas, I don’t want them.

I'm quitting gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I’m not saying there’s a thread on the front page by “Nokturnal Lunacy.3186” complaining about cheese builds, and this thread is from “Nocturnal Lunacy.8563” talking about “cheese build white knights.” And I’m definitely not saying there’s a connection to the two.

Bandit Skeleton Chests Farm?

in Living World

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Keep your shovels, though. Come next patch, there might be another goodie in those chests.

Being a Guild Member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


What I’m gonna say is very loosely based on general nice player expectations.

1) Guilds expect different things. Your guild might have a website or a MotD that says what’s expected. Could be full rep, partial rep, daily dungeons, something like that.

2) If you’re gonna run a dungeon or a FotM or setting up a Teq or something, it’s generally better to invite guildmates before pugs because you generally know what you’re getting from guildmates. Plus, it shows your active with your guild, and you should enjoy doing stuff with said guild. Also, if you need to take a break or something, let an officer know in-game mail. You don’t wanna come back a week later and see you’ve been kicked for inactivity. Most guilds are very understanding of real life situations.

3) Ehhh. No. If a guild expects you to drop everything to join a dungeon run or anything, but you don’t want to, I personally wouldn’t be a part of that guild. But on the other hand, if you’re not busy and someone needs help killing a champ or something to get a skill point, speak up and offer to help. But again, it shouldn’t be expected for you to drop everything.

4) I actually don’t know what you’re talking about when you’re talking price. I’ve never been part of a guild that requires a weekly monetary price or anything like that. If someone says they’ll run a dungeon for you for a price, there’s at least 4 other people looking for that same dungeon. But if you have guildmates asking for money to run a dungeon with you, I would run from the guild.

Again, all personal views. Basically, just be polite. Say when you’re gonna start a dungeon, call out world bosses when they’re happening, say hi, start conversations, and just have fun.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I haven’t logged on yet for today’s dailies, but you had 2/3. I’m just going to assume one of the PvP ones was win or something like that, maybe capture a point or defend one, get some rank points. And then the WvW one could be cap a sentry or kill a yak or something. Also pretty ready. Hop onto EotM for the sentry or a BL for the yak. But again, I haven’t been on, don’t know what the dailies actually are. But that hour and a half you devoted to finding 4 events could’ve been devoted to 10 minutes in WvW or PvP. You did only need one for the actually daily.

Buying Living world Episodes!!

in Living World

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


It’s 200 gems which is 23g currently. That’s a tad over a full easy dungeon run. You said yourself they need to make money.

Key Binds Reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Just happened again.

wvw message suppressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I actually don’t understand what your problem is.

wvw message suppressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Wait, are kittens attacking you? That’s a pretty big bug. Definitely report that to ANet.

Key Binds Reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Every now and again, my key binds will be set to something different. I set stuff like the WvW tab, the BLTC, and the Guild tab to my num pad keys. I just logged in for the first time today, and those key binds are now set to use my skills, which are normally set to number 7, 8, 9, etc. So when I use the num pad to open up my Guild tab, which is num pad 5, it instead uses my skill 5. A way to bypass this is by setting my num pad skills using “alt + [number].” But then sometime later, maybe later tonight, maybe tomorrow, the key bindings will reset to let me use the num pad without having to press alt. Does anyone else run into this issue?

[Bug] Double Queuing

in PvP

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I got this message, too. Clicked no because I was already in a match, though.

Goemm's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Trying to run through Goemm’s Lab for the Monthly Jumping Puzzle, got the attunement for Windy, and went through the portal to take me to Stormy. Get sent to the beginning of the Windy again because I didn’t have the right attunement apparently. Go back through the starting portal to talk to the Golem, and he can send me to Stormy zone. Annoying glitch.

Happened again going from Chilly to Goemm’s Lab.

(edited by ViralVarda.2739)

Timberline Falls - Krewe Leader Dobbs stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


The fact that at least 2 collectibles come from this chain of events and ANet hasn’t done anything about it baffles me. Are they running from perfect servers when they create these? Can they share the perfect servers with the rest of the players?

Already Owned Pets Charm Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Hey brother, I don’t think you’ll get that message once you’ve gotten all the pets charmed. I haven’t see that charm message for ages.

If that’s true, then some people will get it forever because they won’t be able to get the 4 pets from GW1. It’s a glitch that should be looked at.

LFG bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Please fix this madness. It’s impossible to join a group. And then you get blocked from joining a group for about an hour.

Mesmer blink animation bug-present since Beta

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


You can literally jump or attack or do anything other than walking, and it’ll go away.

Sell window in TP, no autoclose after sale

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


The window stays open after you sold everything of whatever you were selling. This wasn’t the case pre-Tuesday patch. It’s annoying and another box you need to close. For power sellers or whatever, it could maybe come in handy, but then it should be an option not forced to use it. There was nothing about this new feature in the patch notes either.

Brewmaster NPC event not spawning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


It’s been broken for much longer than that.

I guess I really haven’t noticed because I had no reason to actually wait around for an event. It’s not like he gave needed item before the collectible patch.

Watchwork Mining Pick

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


I’m not noticing a difference. RNG man.

Brewmaster NPC event not spawning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


But that doesn’t fix Dobbs. He’s needed for another collectible. And that event chain has been broken since the entire collectible thing has been going on.

Caithe Stealthed when asura hostile

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Just happened to me. Got caught in the area before the mini boss fight with the Asuran guy. Couldn’t do anything.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Wasn’t the reason they moved it from bleed to vuln to make it a more power based weapon instead of hybrid?

The God of Guild Wars getting Balanced ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


How can the class most commonly cited as “in a good place” albeit boring and unchanged even think about needing a nerf?