Showing Posts For Voodoo.1709:
Aside from the obvious light, medium, and heavy filter that is needed I think there should be a filter to sort by weapons and armor by stats. For instance if you want rabid stats and type in rabid in the search you get barely any results. It is a pain to click on every named item to try and find the right stats.
Thanks, now the question would be if an ally has only 1 condition does the rune remove their condition first or will pure of voice give them a boon first?
Just curious if the soldier runes bonus of removing a condition is only for me or for any player that is affected by my shout? If this works for other players as well I would think that pure of voice would not be as beneficial.
So if they change the way you downscale what happens when you want to run a low level dungeon? People already complain about the difficulty of AC and now you want to make it even harder?
Is there any way to get the tokens you deserve for completing a dungeon, if the dungeon bugs and does not finish?
Sure it is only an hour or so out of my time but I get really kitten that I got nothing for putting in that time on arah. I could have finished cof 6 or 7 times.
To avoid that problem, i used a build that is viable in Wvw and PvE. This weekend I wanted to check out a different build in wvw and opted to get a new set of Armour.
I got the exotic Karma gear fromm the Orr Temples, which cost 241k Karma.
This might sound a bit much but I have so much Karma that this is the cheapest solution for me compared to grind out dungeon tokens or money. I just needed to buy the runes and have 6 spaces less in my bank.
The problem is that not all classes have builds that excel at both pve and wvw. Plus the fact that you shouldn’t be forced to use a certain build just to avoid having to farm the same set of gear twice or having to remove the runes on them.
I would like to consistently change runes on my armor when switching between pve and wvw because I rearrange traits depending on what I am doing.
Currently you have 3 choices :
1 – Buy new runes every time you want to change them. (At 50s a pop for offer prices that can get costly).
2 – Earn a second set of exotic gear with the exact same stats just to apply different runes.
3 – Your last option is to change to a build that uses different armor stats.
I can’t be the only one that thinks these options are not reasonable. 3g to get new runes because a guildie wants to do a dungeon run and then another 1.5g to get the runes for wvw because now we are doing that. Or do dungeons to earn tokens for gear I already have…. Or to just find another build because I don’t want to pay that kind of money for runes and I don’t want to grind out the same set of gear again.
If you could please implement some way of getting the runes or sigils back WITHOUT destroying the item associated with it I would be very happy.
Definitely bring it back! Perfect looking necro gear.
Very good concept, I would buy in.
I would like to consistently change runes on my armor when switching between pve and wvw because I rearrange traits depending on what I am doing.
Currently you have 3 choices :
1 – Buy new runes every time you want to change them. (At 50s a pop for offer prices that can get costly).
2 – Earn a second set of exotic gear with the exact same stats just to apply diffent runes.
3 – Your last option is to change to a build that uses different armor stats.
I can’t be the only one that thinks these options are not reasonable. 3g to get new runes because a guildie wants to do a dungeon run and then another 1.5g to get the runes for wvw because now we are doing that. Or do dungeons to earn tokens for gear I already have…. Or to just find another build because I don’t want to pay that kind of money for runes and I don’t want to grind out the same set of gear again.
If you could please implement some way of getting the runes or sigils back WITHOUT destroying the item associated with it I would be very happy.
Is there any way to get sigils and runes off of armor and weapons without destroying the item?
I have a rabid set of armor and weapons that I use for pve and wvw but I need to change the runes and sigils because my traits change. There has to be a better way then grinding another set of armor with the same stats just to put different things in the item slots right?
What I don’t understand is why, out of the 50+ servers that they have, they couldn’t spare a single server for open world. 49+ servers to be just like it is now, with 1 “omg everyone is out to get me” server to guest to for open world PvP fun.
It would be like a PvP vacation land.
This would be epic and would offer yet another option for a PvP experience.
(edited by Voodoo.1709)
Of course this system is not without issues as you can be ganked and griefed but I chose a PvP server knowing that being ganked was a price I may have to pay.
.You answered your own question. Most people play these games to relax, so they like to go about their business in relative peace. Walking down the road towards your next quest and suddenly having a group of max-level players jump you and spend the next hour camping your corpse is not fun.
Age of Wu Shu and Darkfall – Unholy Wars were both released recently an appear to be open PVP-only games. There are options if you like that kind of thing, GW2 is not one of those options.
For you the trade off is not enough which is fine but why not have an option at least?
The point of this is not to get gw2 to change although I surely would not fight it. It is more to figure out why I seem to be in the minority for enjoying this kind of content.
I was just wondering why so many dislike open world PvP?
My first MMO experience was on a WOW PvP server and I remember the thrill of leveling up in “contested” areas. Something about the fact that I could be attacked at any moment by a real person playing for the opposition is exciting. I remember times when we would quest next to each other and simply talk by using emotes instead of fighting. Then there were the larger scale raids on faction cities which lagged like crazy but were still very rewarding. WoW itself began to abandon open world PvP when battlegrounds and such came into play.
Of course this system is not without issues as you can be ganked and griefed but I chose a PvP server knowing that being ganked was a price I may have to pay.
I suppose it just feels like spvp and wvw are too structured. Obviously games are moving away from the open world concept so there must be more people interested in a more structured PvP experience but there have to be others out there that enjoy open world PvP too.
I bet when it’s not activating your not in combat.. and thats where this problem stems from..
like being suprised attacked.. so you wep swap.. just before you were in combat and was like wtf where my sigil proc..
thats my guess anyways
Negative I tested 2 sigil of energies against lupi last night and they failed to proc. I never left combat and I could not get them to proc to save my life.
Waste of 2g ….
How would you like it if you ran out of stun breaks and then got feared for twenty seconds?
Considering you would need +2000% condition duration to fear someone for 20 seconds under the OP’s request your argument is invalid.
I don’t find it unreasonable.
Just curious as I have not done any of the living world stuff. If I continue to abstain from doing it will it ever disappear or will I not be able to access new living world stuff until the original is completed?
Also remember that a condition build’s greatest enemy is an inanimate object.
Omg screw anything that will not bleed.
My suggestion would be to make story mode like a dynamic event where every time you enter you get a different experience like you mentioned. So randomized boss mechanics and randomized puzzles or traps along the way. The story itself could remain the same. Then leave exp the same so people farming gear don’t complain.
Arah is fine… not every dungeon needs to be like cof. Put in the time to learn the dungeon and it won’t be so tedious.
So you are choosing to do 1 path of 1 dungeon and you think it takes too long? Other dungeons offer gear and weapons with the same stats so split time running them if you have already done your path 3 for the day. If you are set on the arah gear then you are only slowing yourself down by doing 1 path a day.
who told you I’m doing 1 path a day? I might have multiple characters
You do understand that you are choosing to farm the easiest arah path and then are complaining that it is too easy….
So you are choosing to do 1 path of 1 dungeon and you think it takes too long? Other dungeons offer gear and weapons with the same stats so split time running them if you have already done your path 3 for the day. If you are set on the arah gear then you are only slowing yourself down by doing 1 path a day.
If you are new and 17 is your highest you are looking at an expensive endeavor if you want to rush to 400. You won’t have access to many of the upper tier crafting materials until you are a higher level. My suggestion would be to craft as you go like you are doing, which means you won’t hit 400 until you are a much higher level.
Or if you must, use the link above and buy all the mats, although for those 2 crafts you are looking at around 20g.
You spend 25-30 minutes prepping for a 10 minute dungeon.
Perhaps try dungeons other than CoF…
We ran a path 3 the other night which worked quite well and I thank you for your teachings. I am definitely interested in learning some of the other paths at your convenience.
TRA is a great guild for all aspects of the game. We have a PvE side and a WvW side so you are welcome to participate on both fronts if you want. We schedule weekly guild bounties and dungeon runs.
Check out our site
Forgive me but I didn’t see anything stating what constitutes a natural infusion on the wiki.
Isn’t it only 5 and 5? Is there a way to get 10 and 5?
I can pretty much guess what theyre planning on doing with the level cap and it doesnt take a big imagination- itll be increased by a relatively small amount (say up to 100) and will be stupidly easy to get to, the same as is usual in GW2. By that time ascended armour and weapons will have been released and these will stay as ‘best in slot’ from 80-100. What will change is the infusions in that equipment. These will be the stat increase as time progresses and I can even see ANET allowing further customisation by allowing you to have both runes/sigils and infusions, allowing you to further adapt your character (eg: create a more tanky character by having +5def on all armour infusions)
I definitely see this as a possibility. Having ascended and legendary scale or stay as best in slot and then making the new infusions/runes/sigils what we grind for.
Name: X Baron Samedi (Voodoo.1709)
Profession: Necro
Traited: Hybrid
Gear: Full exotic Rampagers
Experience: P3 to Lupicus
Time: Evenings
If they raise the level cap they will have truly abandoned the idea of this game being a Guild Wars sequel.
I did not play gw1 so I can assume they only made expansions for it without cap increases?
So I just finished obtaining my first full set of exotics on my necro and was going to start farming for another set with different stats for alternate builds but got to thinking if it was really worth it. If the level cap gets increased I would rather have several level 80 chars instead of 1 80 with every exotic set I can since that armor will be void after reaching a new cap. My main question is do you see a level cap increase in the future and how far off would you estimate it to be?
Some other questions would be:
A- How will they raise the level cap without kitten off all the players that worked forever for legendaries?
B- Same thing with ascended items…
mesmer is hard to master, but does hell of a lot of damage if done right.
necromancer does close to no damage no matter how traited or geared, so the best thing with it is to go for a healing well build.
So then do you want to be a hard hitter that will take a lot of damage if hit, or do you want to do close to no damage, but be able to survive a lot?Edit: neither of those are easy classes. Warrior and Guardian would be the easiest to play really. However each class has different fun to play with mechanics, so try both of them out, I suppose?
Mirtas grasp of the necromancer profession has been tainted by reading these forums too much. Necromancers are viable burst and sustained damage dealers IF specced and geared properly. While I do admit at the current state of the game mesmers are more well rounded for all aspects of the game and can be fun. Do not discount necromancers because of the ignorance on these forums. Head to the necro forums and look at the posts from nemesis as he has a very solid grasp of the necro profession.
I just don’t see how adding a class that is more oriented towards group healing would hurt. It would please those that enjoy that role but would not be required for dungeons for all the reasons you all have already mentioned.
Because those classes ALREADY exist … For example: a deeply water traited staff Ele with very specific set of utilities and a very specific skill rotation can do wonders for a coordinated group of players that are famliar with a dungeon.
Same for Guardian and Engineers … hell, even the DPS monster known as, “the Warrior” can be a banner/shout beast if he desires … so a dedicated healing/regen/aegis alternative ALREADY exists – and in spades. So anyone that likes those roles has a plethora of choices …
The only thing a TRUE 100% heal the group class might do for this game is possibly make PUGGING easier (assuming he knows what he is doing, and assuming he LIKES the role …) … but the cost of having a class like this would be ruinous to every single other aspect of this game. Not to metion the gigantic overhaul of the core game the devs would have to make, as well as an overhaul to every single professions healing and regen mechanics …
Basically, if Anet wants to destroy their own game … then feel free to make a LotRO “Minstrel” class and put it in this game. Normally I would think they would never even entertain such nonsense, but hey … ya never know …
I am simply trying to understand your point here… Why would adding a class more oriented towards healing cause a MAJOR overhaul?
The way I see it you would still be able to do groups exactly how they are now (mesmer + 4 zerker warriors lol, sorry had to) or people could choose to spec more into damage and less on support/healing if they knew they could have a healer class with them.
It just adds more options IMO and doesn’t seem ground breaking in any way. Again I am not trying to make you mad just trying to figure out your point. Why couldn’t they just add a healing class and not change other classes?
Because then you end up with the same "lfg need “the healer” stuff you have in other games. Everyone will know that “class x” is the best healing class in the game and will only want them for their healing abilities, and they will be pigeon holed into that role permanently, because everyone else just wants to dps.
Same for “the best tank class”.
In the end it ends up taking away options because everyone will want “4dps + healer” It’s just in most peoples nature to want to dps like mad and not have to worry about survival. It’s easier. Since it is easier it would become the norm very fast.
Now before someone brings it up, I realize their are already preferred group make ups, but that is a failure of PvE balance and is unintended. Adding in further imbalance will not fix it.
Also, as stated above, devs would have to rework every healing skill in the game to make up for the extra group healing provided by this “healing class”. And what if you do not have the healing class? Guess what? You do not have enough healing. So you can’t just take any group makeup like you did before.
Hope that helps make the point.
How is that any different than 4 warriors looking for a mesmer? Again it doesn’t change anything because there will always be an “optimal” combination. I run plenty of dungeons without the aid of warriors and mesmers but I know that with them things might be a little easier because of the skills they have to offer. So if no changes are made to the other classes healing abilities how does that break the game?
I just don’t see how adding a class that is more oriented towards group healing would hurt. It would please those that enjoy that role but would not be required for dungeons for all the reasons you all have already mentioned.
Because those classes ALREADY exist … For example: a deeply water traited staff Ele with very specific set of utilities and a very specific skill rotation can do wonders for a coordinated group of players that are famliar with a dungeon.
Same for Guardian and Engineers … hell, even the DPS monster known as, “the Warrior” can be a banner/shout beast if he desires … so a dedicated healing/regen/aegis alternative ALREADY exists – and in spades. So anyone that likes those roles has a plethora of choices …
The only thing a TRUE 100% heal the group class might do for this game is possibly make PUGGING easier (assuming he knows what he is doing, and assuming he LIKES the role …) … but the cost of having a class like this would be ruinous to every single other aspect of this game. Not to metion the gigantic overhaul of the core game the devs would have to make, as well as an overhaul to every single professions healing and regen mechanics …
Basically, if Anet wants to destroy their own game … then feel free to make a LotRO “Minstrel” class and put it in this game. Normally I would think they would never even entertain such nonsense, but hey … ya never know …
I am simply trying to understand your point here… Why would adding a class more oriented towards healing cause a MAJOR overhaul?
The way I see it you would still be able to do groups exactly how they are now (mesmer + 4 zerker warriors lol, sorry had to) or people could choose to spec more into damage and less on support/healing if they knew they could have a healer class with them.
It just adds more options IMO and doesn’t seem ground breaking in any way. Again I am not trying to make you mad just trying to figure out your point. Why couldn’t they just add a healing class and not change other classes?
I just don’t see how adding a class that is more oriented towards group healing would hurt. It would please those that enjoy that role but would not be required for dungeons for all the reasons you all have already mentioned.
Are there any builds that work well with soldier prefix armor?
Since knights is eventually the armor set I want are there any dungeons or easy ways to obtain exotic lvl 80 knights armor?
I don’t do spvp often so out of curiosity how much effort or time does it take to acquire the set in PvP? If it is reasonable I wouldn’t mind giving it a try.
From what I understand it was in pve but the karma vendor that sold it was removed. I would love for it to be put back though as it is a nice looking set for a necro.
Yea anything that can be done in around 30 minutes is definitely a winner. Forgive me but I may have to go with Dolan on this one, 5 minutes for arah path 2 seems unreasonable. At least I have a starting point to look up YouTube videos on these paths now thanks all.
I enjoy dungeons but I find that I am on a time crunch many times I am on so I have not run many of the longer paths for fear of having to leave before we complete them. I was wondering (aside from cof 1) what dungeons/paths were the quickest?
Scepter is much more versatile and has numerous builds associated with it. Scepter also has a much more respectable range. If traited and geared properly there is nothing wrong with using the axe as your main weapon you just need to understand its limitations. It can be very effective in a glass cannon build or a hybrid build when used in conjunction with other skills. I use a hybrid build with axe focus as my second weapon set focus 4 drops vulnerability and axe 2 does nice burst.
Update the light karma exotic armor it looks terrible on a necro. Or maybe just add a different skin for each type of amor so all the sets aren’t the same.
I was hoping for any class specific ways to kite or assist with kiting vs simply dodging.
I am new to guardians and was wondering what skills are good for kiting champions or how one goes about kiting them with the limited amount of ranged weapons.
Goto the post by nemesis stickied at the top he has a video that has everything you need to know about both builds. Personally I have the hybrid build which seems to be more versatile and less squishy. Glass cannon can be fun but is much more situational IMO.
I was curious as to why items list 2 sets of the same stat with different numeric values. For instance one back piece I was looking at has the prec, tough, condition damage stats listed and then lists them a second time with different values.
Also some ascended items I saw list the same thing but the bottom set of stats are grayed out.
What does it all mean?
How about this helm?
It’s my personal favorite and only costs like 10 silverThats also my favorite but sadly it hides the Bull’s Mantle when equipped so is a nogo
Shame they removed Tribal from the game during the 2nd BWE, that armor set was amazing. My personal recommendation is the Arah helm if you don’t like the necro-only facepaint.
So they removed the tribal armor? I saw it on dulfy and was excited to go for the witch doctor look. =(
Very nice work, congrats!