Showing Posts For Yadda.2764:

Wanted: Trait tree adjustments

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Id like to second getting rid of reanimator. I hate this trait so much that I wouldn’t even care if they just deleted it and didn’t put anything in its place. I want it gone.

Big problem with keyboard. Plz HELP!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Any chance that you accidentally turned on “sticky. keys”?

Press the Shift key 5 times, then click ‘Cancel’.

(yes, I had to spell it that way – kitten filter)

Stickittenys wasn’t on but toggle keys was, good call. Hopefully this solves both mine and the OP’s issue.

Big problem with keyboard. Plz HELP!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


This is happening with me as well, it’s like the keys are digitally stuck until you press them again. It only happens in Guild Wars so I’m hesitant to to say it’s a hardware problem. The only way I have figured our how to resolve it is just press the button again until it unsticks itself. I’m using a Logitech G510 and my drivers are up to date.

I have zero issues with my keyboard in other games.

A drop in FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Just posting to second this, I’m getting severe FPS spikes while around WP’s and smoke particles, this started after the most recent maintenance. It’s incredibly annoying.

Completing All Paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Story mode perhaps? Not sure if you have done that or not but your post doesn’t state it.

Dungeons in this game, in my opinion.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Or people can wait until guilds do enough dungeons to waltz through them. As time progresses, people learn to cakewalk through these things.

People learned to cakewalk through Guild Wars 1 with clever build designs provided by the sheer depth that 1300 skills provided. All you can do in GW2 is dodge twice, use whatever get out of free utility skill you have and then pray to god it goes to attack someone.

For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!

in Crafting

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I love the little skritt in LA TP. Please don’t ruin him!

Also, the greets are so annoying. Every time a player clicks them.. oh my god. Why is this broadcasted to everyone?

What's the point with using a Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


It’s not going to be a fun day when all of these longbow sucks shortbow rules threads only result in the shortbow getting nerfed and the longbow still sucking.


Some of the best dungeons I have ever run..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’ll give you the birds but you have nothing on any of the other ones and actually show quite a bit of ignorance since you just cherry picked specific things from my sentences and replied to them and totally disregarded the context. Also, Rumblus AoE is gigantic relative to the size of its graphic.

Anyone else feels CoF gear is noob gear ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I like how it looks but I won’t respect anyone who wears it and be overly critical of them if they are in my group.

I am the same way with people in TA gear………or Arah gear…….

Arah takes akitten amount of time to do though so they actually jumped through a lot of hoops regardless of using an exploit or not. What’s the deal with TA though?

Anyone else feels CoF gear is noob gear ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I like how it looks but I won’t respect anyone who wears it and be overly critical of them if they are in my group.

Some of the best dungeons I have ever run..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Downed state is not dead. A lot of bosses have these 1 shot mechanics ON PURPOSE to put people in the downed state so that your OTHER team mates can get you back up. You people are stuck in the mentality that downed means dead and not taking any utilities that counter the downed state like warrior rez banner, ranger search and rescue etc.

Im done trying to teach people simple game mechanics. Team coordination isnt simply everyone speccing tankiness or dps. In fact the most successful teams are specced in a wide variety of abilities.

The game is NOT broken. The mentality of most of its players are because of weak gameplay of other MMO’s.

Except it does mean dead and in 90% of those cases your team mate reviving you will also result in them getting downed too because it’s used as a baiting mechanic and enemies focus on the downed player. I don’t even bother reviving people during a lot of encounters because it’s pointless and wastes my time and theirs.

I bet you’re that guy who tries to revive others during the fire elemental event, huh?

The Dungeons are Not Difficult - They are Mechanically Flawed - Here's Why...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I give up. This thread is a shining example of “you cant patch stupid”.

These dungeons are only engaging to the mentally challenged which actually says a lot about you if you find them any more than kite and kill. These dungeons are incredibly simple and easy. There is nothing at all challenging or remotely difficult about any of the dungeons. If you find them hard you seriously need to re-evalute your status as a gamer.

OP’s argument was that they are not difficult at all and boring and lack depth in terms of gameplay mechanics.

Stunlocking is not fun

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I think every profession has a skill that breaks stun/cc. The real issue is the amount of damage that comes in and the frequency of said stuns. The stun breakers are usually on gigantic cooldowns and enemies toss them out every couple of seconds so regardless if you were able to react on time there’s a very good possibility that you have another headed your way, assuming you didn’t die. Then you have time for it to refresh as you run back <3.

A good solution would be to add diminishing returns to cc on players from npcs or code the ai in a way that they won’t spam it on you.

Some of the best dungeons I have ever run..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764



You can see Kudu. He gets the charge-up effect, a lot of bosses have the same effect. This isn’t very hard to spot. You also have to remember he doesn’t have any follow up for it, so it’s easy to get up anyone who gets downed by it.

You’re right, you can see Kudu. That’s the worst part.. because one you see it, you’re dead. Just like CoE’s champion destroyer crab (not even a boss!). You can see his red patch, sure. Now you’re on fire, AWESOME. Or Subject Alpha’s earth spikes. I can very clearly see the red circle and if you aren’t already mid dodge, guess what? You’re dead.

Here’s one I love to cite though, our buddy Mr Rumblus in AC and his 270 degree screams. Oh me oh my, that’s fun considering there is no real tank and it’s basically just whack a mole, no telling who is about to get thrown up on. Those are just some of the more extreme and frustrating ones.

Or hey, hey.. what about this one. Butcher (I think that’s the path? Not 100% sure.) in Honor of the Waves and his freakin birds.. I love seeing my life get pecked down to nothing and there’s nothing you can do about it. Oh, you dodge? Still taking damage. Still dead.

*Spoilers* The Zhaitan fight was extremely anti-climatic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


This one bug is single handedly responsible for me telling my friends and others to steer clear of Guild Wars 2. I could tolerate the random bugs here and there, but what I cannot tolerate is a VERY important boss fight and part of the story just simply not functioning has severely impacted my opinion of ArenaNet, whether it gets fixed or was intended that way is irrelevant now as it’s just simply unacceptable on a professional level to allow something like this to pass into the general public and take their money for something that SHOULD function. There’s no “Oh, mistakes happen” like some quests, big deal. But something of this magnitude, a fundamental feature and gigantic advertising point (“This is your story!”) just simply not working? No no no, unacceptable.

*Spoilers* The Zhaitan fight was extremely anti-climatic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Your post is a lot more patient than mine was. I just assume it’s broken and not working as intended because of how stupid it was. That only annoyed me even more seeing as how it not only made it through the dozens of beta’s this way but also still remains in game despite the complaints.

I want an official response on whether this is intentional, unfinished or broken. I don’t even care if it’s considered “entitled”. I’m entitled to having a complete game considering I paid 60 bucks for it which funds their studio.

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yadda.2764


We’re reaching the point where very many people have 100g now. I personally have over 200g, I don’t want commander though. I don’t need to see who commanders are nor do I care about them or even respect them since it’s a gold bought title; I just see them as morons with zero qualifications.

More and more commanders are popping up on my server and I really don’t need to see them. Can we have commander title moved to a REAL achievement rather than gold? This is getting really stupid.

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m not sure if it’s more respectful to say it’s unfinished or broken. Either way, it’s a very anti climatic and upsetting way to end the story. Not to mention, that cutscene and character model is amazing! It seems so wasted killing the great elder dragon by shooting him in the face with roman candles.

I’m really hoping there’s more planned in additional content or expansion or something. Id be satisfied just to hear that that wasn’t the end of Zhaitan but nothing at all hints at that hence why I feel that it is incomplete.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Oh my god, please tell me you aren’t implying that I use a greatsword in DUNGEONS as a ranger just to satisfy your argument because instead of looking intelligent all you’re doing is looking ignorant about the current state of the game and of rangers.

You have the ability to switch weapons on the fly, no? Just because you equip a weapon to trigger a combo does not mean you have to use it the entire time you are in the dungeon. As far as I know elementalists are the only ones who cannot switch weapons in combat… Are you meaning to say that you do not utilize one of this games most important mechanics? Are you seriously stubbornly refusing to use something available to you because you are “dps”?

I’m not even going to dignify you with a real response because you have just made it blatantly clear that you don’t actually know what you’re talking about beyond citing spreadsheets. I’m convinced you don’t even play this game or you’re not even level 80 at this point.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Oh my god, please tell me you aren’t implying that I use a greatsword in DUNGEONS as a ranger just to satisfy your argument because instead of looking intelligent all you’re doing is looking ignorant about the current state of the game and of rangers.

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Nope, saw the cutscene. All he had was his tail cut off, even an iguana could have done better than that. I’m also not sure where you’re going with that comparison because instead of pressing 1231231234323 I pressed 22222222222222222 to kill a boss that was supposed to be one of 5 of the most powerful things on the planet.

Actually, I didn’t even need to press 2 since I went afk because I was bored and thirsty

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


And please, don’t come back and say none of these things prevent instagibs, or I will be forced to tell you that if the mob is instagibbing you, he is probably using an ability that is more than likely 1. avoidable in an obvious way or 2. meant to be stopped in some way (maybe a boulder or something else laying around that can be used?)

SE Grenadiers
Subject Alpha’s spammy rock spikes that WILL eventually hit you
Subject Alpha encasing and simultaneously slamming you with an AoE
Subject Alpha’s 10 minutes of health (can you tell I don’t like him yet?)
Kudu’s killshot
Arah Airship event
CoE champion destroyer crab fire patch
CoE front door path destroyer boss
CoF new door event
The boss in HotW with the birds (Butcher?). Likes to bug out and get stuck on a pillar and cast ranger birds while being glitched invulnerable. Pretty fun, I might add.
Rumblus and his 180 degree scream of death as he runs around the room derpderpderp can’t even predict who he is going to spew all over

Most of my experience is with CoE, I’m convinced that no one at Anet had run through this dungeon.

Edit: I might add, I play a ranger. I don’t bring jack to groups beyond water and sometimes fire fields. It’s a good thing regeneration is amazing, right? That must totally be my fault that my class severely lacks in synergy. My bad.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


2/3 of those kittens weren’t even swear words but I still giggled reading it

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m not even going to sugar coat this, I’m pretty annoyed. I’m sure by now you’re well aware exactly of what I’m referring to. I feel genuinely cheated, I haven’t felt this cheated since I saw Hankitten in the movie theaters and instead of an awesome super hero movie I got domestic violence.

Is this intentional? Is that the way an elder dragon is meant to go down? Have an epileptic seizure on his tower for 5 minuteskitten clowns shoot him with what appeared to be spitwads because they barely dented his health? The thing doesn’t even fight back. It doesn’t move beyond spasming out.

I’m trying to rationalize this in my head, I’m trying to be nice and think of something constructive but I can’t. I’m sorry, I just can’t. I’m an amateur programmer, I write things for fun. I’m by no means an expert on the subject however there is one thing that I do; I check my work to make sure it works. Was this thing just written up in note pad one day and copy pasted in with no one to check it? It’s IMPOSSIBLE 10000% IM-KITTEN-POSSIBLE someone checked this over. If they had, Zhaitan would have been a real boss fight instead of me going afk to take akitten and fill my water bottle up to come back to my group complaining about him having too much kitten hp and being bored.

I’m sorry if this comes off as rude, I realize it is, but I feel it’s justified. The culmination of MY STORY ended in a 100% straight up zerg rush airship battle to a crippled dragon seizuring in front of me. I don’t even care if it’s a bug or not.. that makes it worse. It shows it wasn’t checked. One of the most important and remembered aspects of any story ruined. Bioware couldn’t get away with this, Blizzard couldn’t get away with this. Guild Wars 2 certainly isn’t going to either.


(edited by Yadda.2764)

Personal Story Difficulty is fine.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Let me make this clear; I have not wiped on a single story mission. Not a single one.

I play a ranger and feel that I am an above average player, my friend however is not. If I felt some of these quests were nuts for a ranger they have to be difficult for other classes that don’t have several dedicated meat shields and a line of traps waiting for anything that gets near. The amount of enemies that get thrown at you during some missions is absurd.

Not only do I think of class disparity, but also skill disparity. Not everyone is as good as me and because I facerolled everything doesn’t mean it’s “easy”. Ranger is the defacto PvE king, I can kite stuff for ages and swap pets for near infinite HP. If I’m looking at these missions and thinking “Wtf?” something is definitely wrong. Apparently, my intuition is correct because a lot of people feel that the quests are very poorly tuned and too difficult, my friend included. I don’t particularly enjoy having to abuse leashing to get through something with no deaths because there are 9 enemies chasing me down.

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Questing with Tybalt felt like two best buddies doing missions together. Then.. Trahearne happened. And just, ugh… Trahearne. I hear his name and all I can think about are hernias and how Id rather have one than deal with him any longer. He’s such a disgusting mary sue.. I can’t even remember when my story was even about me any more.

To all the complainers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


AC is a terrible example, that was actually available in the BWE so it isn’t nearly as bad as some of the worst offenders. Go back and do a write up for CoE (any path, heck pick story mode if you want or front door if you’re feeling ballsy) or Arah. Or better yet, the new CoF door event!

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I wasn’t talking about CoF and I am rocking a Dungeon Master title….

I guess we all must suck since pretty much the rest of the world disagrees with you. Is that what you’re saying? Everyone sucks at this game except you? Maybe you should go pro, do some speed runs on twitch, make some phat loot and we’ll see you in the 2016 Olympics. Right? Show us all how to do it Mr. Dungeon master.

Don’t mind me, I’ll be here.. just pressing my 2 button in Arah like a plebeian, sighing to myself that I can’t be as legit as you, coming to the forums and talking down to ignorant masses because we just don’t understand.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


To everyone getting 1 shot and encountering unavoidable mechanics, you are doing things very wrong. Either your stats are just all in the wrong spots for dungeons or you are having a really hard time processing a mobs attack animations/attack patterns. Try dropping vitality, picking up toughness. Stop spending 90% of an instance on yourkitten and complaining that mobs have so much health. You will do a lot more damage dropping that 95% crit damage build and picking up some toughness, because you will actually be alive. Keep your conditions and boons stacked. Use consumables, both potions and food, they are dirt cheap and if you are farming dungeons worth the investment. Sure there are some fights where health is a wtf factor as the mobs lack any interesting abilities, but they are mostly all in the same dungeon, in which every run can be done in less than 30 minutes.

And then there’s this guy who just does CoF runs all day.

need help with the "kitten" and "iDefend" thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Kitten is to remove the abrasiveness of swear words. It also makes for some comical sentences sometimes (which is the intended effect!). I like it.

To all the complainers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


No but Id at least like something handed to me after all of my efforts.

Story Mode Dungeon Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I agree with this thread completely. Iv pretty much stopped trying to give dungeons a chance and have settled on them just not being fun. Not only are they not fun, but they aren’t even worth it to do even if they were fun so Id STILL complain even if the annoyance factor was reduce to zero.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I finally got around to doing CoE story after gathering more than 200 tokens from CoE explorable so I sort of already expected a certain amount of BS. However, the enemies in story have SO MUCH HEALTH it’s unreal. My group may have been bad, I don’t know, but we had one in a corner or what felt like 7-8 minutes just slowly whittling away at his health and reviving the occasional downed player because he would just outright one shot us without warning.

The fight wasn’t hard, it wasn’t challenging or entertaining, it was straight up BORING. Arah Zhaitan-tier BORING. All of the enemies in that dungeon are gigantic bags of health with 1 shot mechanics that you can’t avoid. It’s as if they were given a mandate to vindicate the downed player system.

What stats do you prefer?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m in the same boat. I’m using power/precision/crit but I feel that it isn’t good enough and enemies do ridiculous damage which makes me think I need more defenses, but at the same time I feel like my damage is trash so I can’t give up offensive stats.

I’m really confused at the design goals of the dungeons. Enemies just feel like big bags of health while simultaneously hitting like a freight train.

Are spirits as bad as people say they are?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Just bumping this to express my frustration with spirits. Everything that needs to be said has been. I like the spirits, I wish I could bring more utility to my groups but their fragility makes them pretty much useless. This is coming from the standpoint of a CoE ranger. All I do is run CoE because I want the armor, Subject Alpha, a re-occuring boss who has basically the worst types of AoE this game offers.

Not only does your pet die in seconds but spirits are typically dead before their buffs can even register. Getting hit by collateral AoE isn’t even the worst part, though. They are also targets for the boss. You can tell because his little ice patch forms under them, me and my pets, which makes this instance 3 times as fun because you have to dodge circles 3 times as large as everyone elses, should you be foolish enough to use spirits!

Iv tried and tried and tried and I just can’t find a use for spirits.. they have like a combined total of 8hp between the 4 of them. Indeed, they do have a trait that increases their health by double though.. but tell me, what’s 8×2?

These things seriously need to be completely redone so rangers can actually bring more to the table than water field and sometimes fire field.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Outmanned Buff: Pretty Much Salt In The Wound

in WvW

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I like Outmanned, earned me a lot of Karma last Sunday and Monday night.

Meanwhile, on Sea of Sorrows. Getting portal camped with arrow carts.

Outmanned Buff: Pretty Much Salt In The Wound

in WvW

Posted by: Yadda.2764


The current outmanned buff is totally ridiculous and borderline disrespectful. I have no idea who thought of it but I demand a 3 paragraph explanation on how it is beneficial in any way, shape or form to the losing team. In fact, all it does is tells me to leave because I already know we’re losing and I’m only wasting my time because we won’t get anything meaningful done.

+exp – so I can be more experience in the art of being a victim
+magic find – so I can find my teeth easier after they just got kicked out
+karma – what comes around goes around, doing the enemy team a favor so at least THEY can get something out of this. Eventually I’ll get something. Right guys….right? Yeah, no. Not this week.

Thanks Anet

Addendum: I might add, the orbs of power is a nice touch. It sure is nice seeing the enemy with the orbs of power giving them a 15% statistical advantage. Meanwhile, over here in not having fun land, we have magic find. Don’t mind me, JUST FARMING THE DIRT WITH MY MOUTH. Oh look, I found a copper.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

2.6 Silver and 17.7k XP?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


A test realm isn’t needed, however, testing IS needed. I still want to know how Zhaitan went public. Or is he legitimately supposed to just sit there as we beat him to death for 5 whole minutes as he doesn't move or do anything at all other than bore me?

I actually got up, went to the kitchen, got a drink and came back mid fight. That happened.

Are spirits as bad as people say they are?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


They are not useless because they suck or the buff range is too low, they are useless because they die in 1 hit to a level 3 doe. I don’t think it needs to be said that dungeon enemies hit far harder than a level 3 doe.

You might as well have an empty slot on your bar because you will be far more effective not wasting your time casting than trying to put the spirit in a right spot and watching it get killed instantly because not only do enemies target it but boss AoE specifically looks for them and kills them, too.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764



The TP is back up, my gold has been returned. All is well. As to those who legitimately lost stuff, I’m sorry. Maybe you can continue to use my thread as an example of just how extreme this bug can be.

The idea of losing 321 hours worth of work (which was more than 50 gold, which may not seem like much to others, but it was 321 hours of my time) due to a server malfunction only to come to the forums and realize just how lacking their customer support is is seriously distressing and Id go as far as demanding a refund and filing complaints with the BBB over it.

Anet should use this as an example to upgrade their customer support because I’m sure others have lost things of much more significance.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Does Anet have any numbers we can call? I’m not the kind of person who waits on answers. I don’t care if I have to call NCSoft to get Anets numbers, I will do it. I do not just idly complain at forums and hope for an answer, I will speak personally with a human being whether it’s my bank and the bbb or a representative from Anet addressing my issue.

When I needed customer support from Blizzard, CCP (EVE Online), SOE (EQ2) or even Square Enix, which I deem the worst customer support of all time, all had personel I could call and speak to to resolve my issues in a timely manner. This whole post on the forums, send in a ticket and pray it’s answered sometime this month is wholly unacceptable considering I JUST LOST EVERYTHING due to their database errors. It’s not like I lost my account due to me being hacked which, in the end, would be my fault for not exercising basic computer/account security. No, this is 100% their problem and they will 100% fix it by my standards or reimburse me. I did not buy this game for them to suddenly misplace an entire months worth of progress.

Right now, the TP is still down so my money may actually be back there but for some odd reason I still have the items that I received at the same time as the gold so I sincerely have my doubts on that. The only thing preventing me from going completely hulk mode is having faith that my gold is back in the TP waiting for it to revive itself and give it back to me.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Oh, my bad. It’s not 301, it’s 321.


Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


they wont do anything, you might get your stuff back because it was TP. if you look at my post you will see issues they WONT help.. lost items and progression int he game, they say they CANT fix this.. but what game cant create items in game?!?! They need to stop ignoring all the lost item problems as they are piling up.. im so ticked off after today Im not playing. I am just waiting for the husband to turn on Borderlands 2.. maybe shooting some psychos will ease my frustration.

That’s not an acceptable answer to me, 301 hours is a substantial amount of time. They can’t tell someone that they just lost 301 hours worth of progress because “Oops database error!”. This post will remain at the top of the list until I get an acceptable answer (ie; my progress returned) or a refund. That’s all there is to it. This is the last straw that has broken the camels back in the plethora of other issues Iv encountered.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


“So what are we supposed to do in this situation?”

I’ll save you the headache of refreshing the forums and looking for a update. No sugar coating, no “This happened to me too” I’ll just be blunt. “Sorry about your luck, send in a ticket to support and maybe the automated email you get in response will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling”

Hah, well I demand an answer or demand a refund. I’m going to get one or the other, I’m just waiting for the TP to come back to see if by some miracle it’s there again.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I experienced a roll back at approx 4pm EST as well. I had just spent the last hour trying to complete Lornars Pass, I had collected some rare dyes and other equipment, sold some etc.

Once I was done my exploration I tried logging into WvW. I was logged out and given some sort of error about router settings. I then tried logging back in, took a few mins to get it it allow me to log in. When I was able to get back in I was inside a cave I was in approx an hour ago. Upon further inspection all the Vistas, POI and Skill points I had discovered had turned back un discovered and all my items where gone and the ones I had sold were back.

So basically I was rolled back about and hour. I didnt notice if my EXP was gone as well.

So what are we supposed to do in this situation?


I’m glad I’m not the only one this is effecting.. I lost literally 301 hours worth of progress. Everything I had worked for since day 1 is gone. All I do is CoE because I want the gear and work the TP because it’s so hard to find a group. I went from 50 gold to nothing. It was all invested in buy orders, I cancelled them since if you let a buy order sit for more than 10 minutes you’ve already been outbid, took my gold and left. The weirdest thing? The items I had received at the same time are still in my inventory.

I mean, seriosuly, what am I supposed to do? I don’t care what anyone has to say, you don’t just tell someone that they lost 301 hours worth of progress and to go do it again. Let me re-iterate.


My gold was the culmination of my play time and about the only tangible thing you can have in this game and now it’s gone.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m not good at writing long descriptive paragraphs so I’m going to get straight to the point here.

I was using the TP before it went down and noticed none of my buy orders were going through so I cancelled my remaining buy orders, received my gold and logged out to clean and make lunch. Fastforward an hour or so I log back in, all is well. I notice the TP is down so I log out (3:50pm’ish EST? I noticed it at 3:58 when a guild member said he had been rolled back) to switch characters and log back in and everything is gone.

I’m pretty livid right now considering I just lost the only meaningful progress Iv made in this game since launch, which was quite a substantial amount.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I have “automatically attack switched targets” off and sometimes I randomly start shooting stuff after a fight if I hit attack again. My guess is it’s with the “automatically find target” and autoattack options working in tandem. I really don’t want to turn that off because it’s convenient when it isn’t screwing me over. It’s even worse because whether I hit or not, my pet still runs off for it even in passive mode. Also, those options names aren’t verbatim but if you looked you would be able to find them by my description.

Automatically find targets should only seek within your weapon distance, not a bear at the very edge of your line of sight.

Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Iv been doing dungeons frequently, there’s virtually no way to keep your pets alive through the massive AoE’s that go flying around. I actually moved points OUT OF BEASTMASTERY because my pets survival was too small to have a build based around it. Bears and drakes can survive stray hits, but not AoE and they make no attempt to move out of it. It’s completely ridiculous when the ranger seems to be built around the pet and it runs around and kills itself with abandon. Easily 25% of our skills are based around it and become totally useless the moment anything bigger than a veteran looks at it strange.

If you actually took the time to babysit it to keep it alive you wouldn’t be able to play the game any more, it’s simply not feasible. Also, Subject Alpha in CoE targets him for AoE. You think he’s bad already? Try having to dodge circles twice as big as everyone elses because your dead pet is attached to your hip and being targetted by AoE’s. His gimmick is his little donut circles he creates that you stand in the middle of. Well, not for rangers! Because your pets circle eclipses your safe zone. Enjoy.

(edited by Yadda.2764)