(edited by Yifang.8260)
Still broken or they’ve been assimilated into the Borg Collective.
Last time I had this issue was last friday, didn’t get 1141 thankfully on saturday to see if it was still bugged.
If you make any achiefments for any map, pleas do the unpinning thing as well, and thank you! Very much! Unranked became an alternative again
That’s awfully selfish if the achievements are temporary and it gives the devs better feedback if everyone plays the new maps a lot. The people that insist on always playing the old maps are the reason why pvp hasn’t progressed in 4yrs!
If the achievements really are temporary there’s no sense making the map random at all, let alone not being pinned! You are making winning 25games take over 200 from 60 initially (Assume you win 50% and 20% of votes don’t pick that map, chances of getting the wanted map less now when unpinned). How is that good for anyone?
To appease the people that are stuck in their ways and want to only play the deadend old maps make them use a separate queue, all are satisfied that way. Yes you could say the coliseum was pinned for a long time but not everyone was here that duration for various reasons, do not be selfish and let people have a choice! Am sure people have been tempted to or actually do quit matches if they don’t get the beta map, that just harms the game for everyone so some sense with map choices! No one wants to play something they don’t want to, overall best to separate beta maps or just don’t give them achievements. That’s a cheap way to exploit people to beta test them unpaid.
Would help if the search function works here, had to dig for this thread and won’t bother to find others that officially state Coliseum achievements are permanent, will take your word for it.
The capricorn achievements were not handled very well initially. Most ppl didn’t even know there was an expiration date. And capri was dropped in the game on a time when you wanted to do ranked instead of those achis. The entire situation was poorly handled.
The same mistake was not repeated with Coliseum however, and when these achis go away, I hope it will be permanent.
I agree they were handled badly as with all events in the game, they should just write when the event ends INGAME instead of people needing to check the forum. Also yes they have a nasty habit of dumping events together, ranked pvp and festivals. Not to mention Halloween 2015 and the HoT release. It leads to a more broken game and more hotfixes needed, divided interest for the events too… Chaos.
(edited by Yifang.8260)
From today the Beta Coliseum often doesn’t appear in the conquest selection, assume this is intended. As many people still want to complete the achievements tied into this map for rated games:-
I suggest either bringing the Coliseum back as a default choice for conquest pvp or make it a separate queue, do NOT make it an occasional map when it’s a temporary achievement list! If people have had enough let them vote against it, don’t take that choice away at least till you remove the achievements. OR make the achievements permanent if you want it to be a roulette challenge, (If matchmaking wasn’t already random enough) winning a match by default is 50/50, coupled with not only if the roulette chooses the desired map but now there’s a good chance it won’t even appear as a selection?! You are turning what would have been 60 games to win 25times (50% wins and 10 games not the desired map) to at least 200games?! How is this acceptable for a temporary achievement list? And if you dare say we had 3months to do this, not everyone was able to then and there are newcomers to the game all the time. Remove the random factor of beta maps if you want to give them achievements!
Thanks, same problem.
Rewards can be delayed by as much as 24hrs, that’s a new ‘feature’ that I never experienced pre expansion minus rare occasions where we didn’t get merits.
Have tried repeatedly to access the poll from https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/polling-all-world-vs-world-players/ but it won’t redirect despite me entering my login details repeatedly, I am signed in to be able to make this thread so what’s going on?
Not sure if this helps
My mac client still works
Try https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/28148006-Repairing-the-Game-Client
Can’t say it’s helped me in any way yet. Am on the mac version btw. As for hard crashes, that problem only plagues me with tp2, if you are fullscreen and the tp is broken, closing the tp crashes the game, the music persists however but I can’t shrink the game so I always minimise it now if the tp fails as a precaution. For some unknown senseless reason as of september the processes to allow the tp to work has become vital for GW2 to run, if that process breaks the game breaks, if you are lucky the game will have a failed to create browser view message and at least that closes the client.
I’ve never had problematic patching myself, sure patches often have problems from GW2 but the downloading was always smooth for me, Tomerant, 22hrs?! Ouch, took me 4hrs total, 1-2 was to get that elusive last file…
You’re on my friendslist Khisanth.
After a little digging found for the mac client there’s a bit more work needed, need to enter this in Terminal (Accessed from Utilities)
Can’t confirm that has done anything as there are no outstanding dls atm, trying the file repair however never seems to happen
/applications/guild\ wars\ 2.app/contents/MacOS/cider —use-dos-cwd C:Gw2 -- C:\\GW2\\GW2.exe –StreamingClient
Taken from https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/28148006-Repairing-the-Game-Client
(edited by Yifang.8260)
I tried that and it even completed an upgrade several days ahead of time, even so what a silly bug.
Was told using -StreamingClient helps, https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/coming-soon-beta-version-of-streaming-client/
I didn’t see any marker as such, perhaps I wouldn’t have as there was 1 file left anyway but anyhow the dl completed, hrs it has taken not pleased, wonder what was downloaded at all if the patch was meant to be <1GB and I’ve downloaded at least 1.5gb…. With the many foul ups Anet has made, worst for me tp2.0 that STILL causes crashes though at least not daily anymore I always at least had smooth patching. After dinner I’ll try the latest build, if the forums are anything to go by it isn’t pleasant.
Doesn’t work for me, there’s no marker
Took many minutes even for the game to boot up to start downloading, am at 1433mb still 1%…. Anet really should have some sense and display download remaining as a % or memory size (like everywhere else), no. of files tells us nothing!
Also UK, sky broadband, every other update (the patching) has been smooth btw as was downloading the game for me. If guild chat’s broken I’ll assume the whisper lag still persists then.
Exactly why I’m not excited for future updates and even less so for the expansion. Last year was a stream of kitten ups and this year we have many problems already such as the whisper lags. My game patching’s still at 99% after a very long time, now why don’t Anet make download progress appear as a % or size of the content that’s downloading rather than listing the number of files to be downloaded?! Really is unique, totally useless as well I have no idea how large this last file is. If/when the game does complete updating perhaps I’ll return to the forum to report more bugs….
Sounds like they didn’t think the update through fully, nothing new here.
Deleting the bin folder had no effect for me btw, in the past it sometimes helped though very rarely.
I very rarely had any whisper lag till 2015, it’s gotten worse each week, worst was yesterday took 1hr+ after login for any whispers to work, as ever they magically work when in battle, interrupting whatever you were doing…. That’s an extreme case usually first few mins after logging whispers don’t work, strange whatever it is, 2013-14 graphics and sound were always slower to generate but nowadays whispers and guild data can often be delayed…. I am able to reply to a pm instantly however and mails aren’t affected, party requests and invites are almost unaffected as well, albeit a second oh less delay at times. (Names in parties don’t always change after a player swaps character)
My client was very slow to even boot up, the GUI took several minutes to appear, patches have always been smooth for me, this one however is very slow. 37% After 1hr +, do hope they fixed the whisper lag and guild info lag.
The problem fixed itself for me, took several minutes for the client to even boot up to even start downloading, which is proceeding very slowly. To date the worst patching I’ve had, everyother one was smooth.
The quaggan emissary Bleepdoop constantly gets stuck in rocks in Urgulp, was told this has persisted almost a year. Not acceptable and this isn’t the 1st bugged event that went unfixed for so long!
Sounds plausible, my girlfriend’s went through an insane amount of orr chests and no ornament, didn’t think to check if she had space at the time, orr’s a crazy map full of mobs that want to kill or be turned into loot and her bags are small so very probable she was overloaded many times as the risen aren’t considerate enough to let us clear our bags for long. Will give that a shot, charr and krytan were fine but then we went there fresh with free space. Norn took many tries, asura two… Be glad when it’s over, thanks for the post. I considered this possibility only after she gave up after 3-4hrs in orr.
To clear things up JP chests are not a requirement neither do the chest have to be found in the racial region. My asuran ornament was collected at the lab JP in Caledon forest and my girlfriend got hers from Bloodtide coast’s JP.
I also got my Orrian ball from the 1st small chest I found in Straits of Devastation.
Now while every chest gave me what I needed, my girlfriend has either very bad luck or there’s some bugs present. Charr ornament was easy enough, 1st JP presto and same for Krytan. Asuran she didn’t get, we opened a non JP sylvari chest same result. Morgan’s leap, again…. Chest in the ground level of the dark reverie same, she didn’t complete that JP but was able to get the ornament from the easy Caledon JP. The Norn ornament proved very laborious, went to at least 5 JP chests all failed, was the chest in the windy cave in Lornar’s Pass that gave her the ornament! Asuran was given 2nd JP so not so bad….
So that leaves Orr, the easy one. Nope, we looted maybe 20 chests over several hrs, stubbornly the game won’t give her what she needs, just wrecked and broken junk. We went to all but 1 of Orr’s JPs, something’s wrong here!
Good luck with that, haven’t had much success despite their ‘help’.
Well last patch Sanctum sprint was crashing the game too, mini game related crashes…. Hope it’s fixed fast as I struggle on jps as it is.
That’s a very nice view you have of Anet, sadly probably very accurate when reviewing the last year and as you put it none or nearly no new content for these categories. 1 new pvp map at the cost of another… eotm, mess that it is and golem traits…. That’s it for new content if we don’t include LS!
Punish the rank farmers even more!
I honestly find it hard to believe people care about PvE.
A meta which is exclusively about stacking zerker stats and boons, content that can be easily skipped if you know how to exploit certain glitches, and super epic boss fights where you lure the boss in a corner and spank him down next to a wall.
It was an interesting experiment to make a game which does not utilize holy trinity roles in PvE, but it turned out total garbage. There were MMOs around in 2002 that offered better PvE content than this.
Perhaps though irrelevant regarding pvp and vast majority of the game is pve anyway.
Anyhow one of the esteemed staff replied with this garbage…
‘We appreciate the time you have taken to submit your suggestion for Guild Wars 2. It’s great to know that you have posted this input on the official Guild Wars 2 Forums. The forums truly are the best way to share your thoughts and ideas with the Development Team. When they are considering future Guild Wars 2 development, one of the most significant elements they consider is whether there’s a strong desire for a particular feature or change within the Guild Wars 2 player community. So thank you for posting in the forums, and do be aware that while members of the Development Team are not always able to respond, having suggestions available in a public area helps them gauge the level of interest in a specific idea, and also allows other players to discuss it and offer feedback of their own.
I’ve included a link to the forums for your convenience: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum Please continue to post your ideas there – they will be seen!
We appreciate your cooperation. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
Seemed fixed and come new patch broken again….
Very poor decision to lump EVERYTHING together! Bad enough to do that on any forum but for one that has no working search or sort function?!
There are endless bugs for this game as it is, countless threads are created for the same problems repeatedly thanks to how disorganised the forum is but of course the threads that get the most attention are the ones with the most recent activity. Very bad.
The tp crash bug’s still very much alive for me sadly, nearly 3months now, great job Anet.
I suggest the bug threads should be split between pve, wvw, pvp, ui, tp etc… Also between platforms, that will save people needlessly posting their system specs and cut down on thread duplication.
you might as well give up again my friend….
i’ve quit and come back to gw2 several times, and all for the same reason… the FPS is UNBEREABLE!
They never paid any attention to it. and now after a long time that i’ve quit, and by checking the forums… kitten won’t be done anytime soon.
It’s very sad to admit that we’ve been ripped off but that’s the truth
I’m very frustrated right now because i came back to the forums to see if the game now runs decently on mac (fixing the fps issue) and i see that it’s EXACTLY (im not exaggerating) THE SAME kitten AS IT WAS SEPTEMBER 2012!
At least I got the game at a discounted value, small consolation but yeah had the trial period been this year especially after september’s pack AND that new tp I’d never have got it.
Same MBP as me different OS, have reopened my support ticket seeing the staff here clearly have treated themselves to an early Xmas break.
That sounds like bad news seeing how little support the mac threads get as it is, having them buried with the far greater in quantity PC threads… In a forum that has no working search function!
That sounds like bad news seeing how little support the mac threads get as it is, having them buried with the far greater in quantity PC threads… In a forum that has no working search function!
its been bug reported, just waiting for anet to fix this issue. Seems they broke something with the selling process.
Broke something after an update…. Always snakes and ladders with them (YAWN)
So now after you have sold an item using the tp it doesn’t vanish, you need to click the x to close it or try to sell a nonexistent item for the system to tell you it’s not there.
Brilliant work devs, you have just doubled the work needed to sell items!
So now after you have sold an item it doesn’t vanish, you need to click the x to close it or try to sell a nonexistent item for the system to tell you it’s not there.
Brilliant work devs, you have just doubled the work needed to sell items!
Same problem on and off, lately the game had not been overdriving my fan despite the myriad issues september’s feature brought us (That still linger!). Fan wise there were no problems till sunday, all was fine till after I quit GW2 and since then it struggles to hit the fan’s top speed and so makes a horrid sound…
Makes me wonder really why they bothered to make a new tp, that’s only been a nuisance in the 2.5 months it went live.
To date the community has helped me far more than any Anet employee has. New patch, so sanctum sprint crashes my game, great…. At least two others have reported that today, don’t think they are mac users.
The tp problems still persist! To make it worse items sold do not vanish from the tp until you click the x, really….
(edited by Yifang.8260)
Same, ‘A serious error has occurred ….. exception c0000….5’
Tried several games longest I was able to play was under 1min, no daily activity then, well done devs, can’t we ever have a patch day with no problems?
For me running the game with no browser open is the biggest change, was used to <15 as standard somehow that was more than enough for most things except the fast paced jps namely that clock tower but as of september’s patch the game runs very poorly when other net related apps are on, playing without my browser open my fps is 20+ at mid-higher settings, 30+ at lowest settings. More importantly my loading times are a lot faster now as are the map generations. Well I’m more than used to low fps but it sure is frustrating in the busy parts of the game namely things like world bosses and wvw so anything over 20 does wonders for me hehe.
(I was barely good enough to beat Liadri with <15 fps with an elementalist)
Game still crashes about one out of every five times I try to change zones. These crashes don’t require force-quitting from Activity Monitor or rebooting…just annoying, especially since so many of the zone changes are in WvW and I wind up either being well behind the zerg once I get back in, or, when I’m running in a havoc group the group has to wait for me.
27-inch, late 2009 iMac
OS X 10.10
2.8 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
That’s strange as my game still needs a force quit, one way to circumvent that is to waypoint while the failed tp’s still open. Now when trying to load the tp an error message may appears saying timeout failed to create browser view, report will be sent to determine the cause etc…. At the very least some evidence is sent to the company so they know it’s not all roses. If I have to bury them in an endless stream of crash reports from the tp then so be it!
Yes Foxx has been that long since a handful (!) of us have reported we still have problems as well as our system specs. I have nothing but scorn for the patch notes that claimed the tp crash was fixed as clearly not true for me! If I had played a trial period since tp 2.0 came I’d never have became a GW2 player seeing how much grief it has given me!
I honestly find it hard to believe people care about rank.
They care for the dungeon tracks that are very lucrative, I myself have got ascended items from them. I’d rather actually play than be paid for exploiting a weak system (At least in games, real life and real cash a different matter!)
Anet are either very slow or very bad at keeping players honest, shame as I believed they were the opposite as their party system unlike most mmorpgs doesn’t split exp and loot meaning players can’t freeload.
Any game can be abused but when it’s being done as brazenly as servers being named rank farms with clear instructions of how to play instead of genuine matches but nothing is done to curb this despite my several reports of servers exploiting the system?
Really lack any respect for Anet with PvP I’ve barely played it at all since the rank farms become so blatant.
P.S They should have kept Capricorn, why have the water pvp training in the mists now if we can’t partake in any water fights now?
For those of you having TP freeze/crash:
What browser is your default browser?
I don’t know if this is causing it but I keep having a java error pop up when I’m using Chrome, which I had set for default. I also had the TP crash happening frequently. I switched my default browser to Firefox and I haven’t had it crash once.
Just wondering if that’ll help other people too. If the TP is accessing a browser to pull up the data it might be that it’s using your default browser to do it and accessing java which is having problems right now with the latest update.
Chrome? Hideous… Safari’s my main and from experience it’s the most stable browser, Firefox has many issues though for some things such as Flash it’s more reliable than Safari that often has stuttering problems with clips in HD. Had my 1st tp crash since this latest patch so of course Anet didn’t fix it, I really do wonder why they claimed to have last month, yes has been a month nearly!
For sure that’s the right direction to go, it’s internet application related, from my experience as well browsers have the biggest effect, even Teamspeak and mailbox has some, Skype doesn’t seem to. Note though my Safari has not been cleaned for over 2 years, browser history could have some bearing seeing that some people were able to fix their tps by deleting temp files. I echo all sentiments of frustration over this, september was my worst GW2 month by far and most of october was fine but since that Halloween update I’d be spared from any tp crashes at most 3days, not acceptable!
Yes indeed more communication with us would solve the problems faster as we’re the actual end users, whatever troubleshooting Anet attempts with their own staff won’t be as effective as actually drawing on the experiences and issues the actual customers are suffering….
Tip for Anet, when testing to see if you have truly fixed the crashing problem, deliberately kill the processes that run the tp and if no crash happens after several minutes even then you may be onto something… Shouldn’t need to be said but I do wonder…. Make sure also to test all supported OS X’s, Lion, Cougar, Mavericks and Yosemite but better still do communicate with the actual end users of the game more!
To add to browsers and the game not running well in tandem, since September’s feature pack it’s much slower to load the game with a browser open and often the game refuses to even startup with a browser open, I played the game from April last year and it certainly wasn’t that unplayable then, something with the last feature’s very rotten.
(edited by Yifang.8260)
I really don’t think that’s the case Yifang.8260, for ArenaNet is trying their hardest to help out the backend engine that runs the Mac Beta, and that is Cider by Transgaming. It is a graphics “interrupter” for the Mac platform that runs most of the games that have been ported over from Windows. I’m sure every time they want to bring it out of beta, they end up getting large issues arising like the recent graphics issue that is affecting most people.
I think you’re a little misguided to fight their corner, for certain their support team is inadequate for the support of Mac users so I do not believe they are pushing themselves to better the Mac experience either. Just take the forums and the very few and far between actual feedback we get, if this were the case those like you wouldn’t have to post in defence of the company as they should be doing that themselves and haha another tp crash.
‘Still having problems since oct’s patch?’ It’s mid November now!
Also, I’m just gonna throw this out there since no other Mac user has said it on this post, but when the crap are we gonna get a non buggy version of the game that’s not still in beta stage after 2 years being active? Mac users are people too…. Lol
Plenty have said this, threads have been posted, we’ve been demoralised to the point of not voicing this anymore. Utterly ridiculous it is but just take a look at this website, most recent posts on a thread has no timestamp from the threads tree but the biggest crime is that the forum search does not work at all! A 2 year + game and they can’t even get that right, in many ways for some rudimentary features Anet have proven to be very unprofessional indeed. It took over a year to even have a LFG tool, which is very basic anyway.
The UI for traits, hero, the level up system and old tp were all better personally for me pre feature pack too, the megaserver system is not much to boast about either.
If Anet are serious about getting out of beta they do need to communicate with us unpaid beta testers far better, I wonder how many of the ‘adopted devs’ played alongside us OS X players, if none they really need to so they see how poorly they have done in some respects. (15 days since any staff response here and I’m pretty sure at least the tp issues are unrelated to any system specs)
(edited by Yifang.8260)
I’ve been the most vocal user on this issue, prior to finding out myself how to nearly eradicate this issue at least for me I was crashing well over 9/10 times since the new tp came in september, after I saw the tp and game itself runs far better without any browsers on I would get a tp crash less than 5% of the time, a nice change from the 100(!) I had in two days!
Anyway they decided to ‘fix’ the issue for mac users according to october’s patch and actually they’ve worsened it, I can’t last more than 2 days without one tp crash, welldone!!!
Easily the worst trading post I’ve seen in any game, old tp with all its faults never crashed my game once. The fault lies with the new processes needed for the tp, as the tps are the work of 3rd parties Anet know no more than we do seemingly.
My advice is do not try any radical fixes such as redownloading the whole game, there’s a fair chance the tp problem will persist anyway. If I can roll back to the old tp I would in less than a micro second!
(Yes I am here as I’ve just had a tp crash, am fed up of these 7weeks should have been ample time to eradicate this issue I should think!)
I fear any future feature packs.