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[Suggestion]Utility Slot/Food Slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I like this idea.

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Advanced design technics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


OK, technically, there is a nearly invisible line above and below our toons (see the attached screenshot I just took), I had to zoom the picture to over 200% to even realize there was anything there.

Can we get this changed to actually show in game? 1920×1080 is pretty standard, and those lines are basically non-existent at that resolution.

Agreed. in large squad that frame is hardly visible. I would give a few other suggestions though:

  • Instead of a highlight frame: Make your own square copper instead of green.
  • Highlight commanders with the tag colour.
  • Give the commander a golden frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Highlight Lieutenants with a Silver frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Give Lieutenants a Lieutenant tag.
  • Give the commander an option to mark subgroups with number tags that only those who are in the subgroup can see.

This would mean that

  • If you’re the commander, you’ll have a copper square with a golden highlight glow.
  • If you’re lieutenant you’ll have a copper square with a silver highlight glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, you’ll have a copper square with no high light glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, the lieutenants and commander is easy to locate.
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80 tomes of knowledge = 1 lvl 80 boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


We wouldn’t actually need any new items at all… just an option to right click the tomes and say “consume X tomes”… When using this option, only relevant levelling loot should be available and it should be added automatically to your inventory so you don’t have to spam the stupid “you made a level” token in the corner…

About the Scrolls of knowledge: Isn’t this item completely irrelevant to the game? I mean, sure, I might have used one or two of them, but rly… I’ll never need another and I have a lot of em just gathering dust… it’d be nice if we could just sell them of half the amount of tomes of knowledge or something?…

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Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


i wouldnt mind mounts but i didnt knew this game needed to be saved.

It doesn’t… its just all those stressed out people who don’t get what they want right here and now who are leaving because the game have some challenging moments that no other games provide…

It’s not a big problem if a couple of people leave because of this reason.

It becomes a huge problem when you have a mass exodus.

From 1-10 in terms of urgency, I’d say we’re at about 6 in terms of needing salvation.

A game like Diablo 3 would be at around 15. “Begone already.”

And where does this idea of an exodus come from? The only exodus I know of, is the one from wvw/pvp to pve…
Sure there’s a few people leaving because of the economy, but no, I don’t think the game needs saving… on the contrary as far as I can see the game is running smoothly as ever. People have been babbling about this since launch and yet, Anet have sold more than 5million copies of the game prior to HoT being released.
I can in no way feel in game that people should be leaving, on the contrary it seems more populated than ever…

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Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


First they walked, then they ran, then they ran a little faster, then they rode, then they rode a little faster, then they flew, then they flew a little faster. At each stage of the game the old ways became less relevant. At each stage of the game the community became more scattered. At each stage of the game some became materially superior to others in the game. At each stage the game became less and less about the players and more about the gimmicks and then the game became irrelevant.

But then, just as I had given up hope of finding another game, another community, I found GW2 and it’s community of friends. We all walked and ran and gated our way though a vast and completely open world where the game was relevant and the players were relevant and, for the most part, people actually help each other.

And, now you want to start the cycle all overt again? Now you need a mount? Why? To make the world smaller somehow, to make the people less friendly somehow, to divide rather than unite us somehow? Nay, and nay again say I, a thousand times nay. If you wish to ride there are other games where the people are disconnected from each other and the players and developers no longer speak the same language. But they ride and fly and are irrelevant.

Brethren, hear ye this man, for behold he speak truth!

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[Credit for Anet] Not a single hour waisted!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I have been playing this game for 6630hours. I’ve been here since the beta. I’ve enjoyed every single second, minute, hour, day and year spent in game. My only regret is, that I have not had more time to spend in here. Though, frankly, it would take quite an effort to squeeze any more playing time into a game this young…
What I enjoy the most is the fact that: Compared to any other game I’ve been playing, Guild Wars 2:

1: Have the smoothest, Largest and most steady new content, feature update and balancing release stream.
2: Have the best way to listen to players feedback.
3: Make the most player inspired updates.
4: Have the least bugs.
5: Have the best community in game.
6: Have a staff who genuinely Care about its players.

I could go on all night, but I don’t write this as a praise to A-net. I am grateful though; Thank you Arena Net, For caring about your community. I hear a lot of players complain, and babel high and low about how horrible it is that you don’t do this and don’t do that and don’t care and so on and so forth, just because there’s a small thing they cant fit into their head. I humbly disagree with those people. I Love that you both bother to Listen to us, Respond to us and take us seriously…
As a developer, I would be a little discouraged, reading some of the posts on forum from time to time. I hope that the year 2016, will offer more grateful people who understand the amount of work it takes to deliver the sky high quality you do deliver.

No people, we don’t get an expansion a year, and the expansion didn’t come all at the same time, as were clearly pointed out to us prior to the release of HoT. We do however get a fully thought through, fully operational and properly optimized game. Much in opposition to any other mmo-rpg out there.
We don’t have to wait for weeks and months after an expansion release on the important bug fixes like “log in client overflow” or “The game crashing every other second” or “skills not working” or “disconnected due to encumbered servers”. We don’t have to deal with servers closing down for hours once a week. We have grown used to Anet listening to us, and even ASKING us for our opinion, to a degree that No other game show. When we do get serious bugs, they are fixed within a day or at two at most…

I love this game. I could spend another 5.000 hours in here without any content releases without getting bored. That is, AS IT IS RIGHT NOW. But hey, we know Arena Net, new content and updates and polishing IS ON THE WAY… So I suppose that as long as the servers is up, I’ll keep playing. Keep giving ideas and inspiration on the forum… and keep making new friends in the amazing, amazing community you have created.

Thank you Arena net, for giving me, and my family and friends, this amazing world to to explore and play in, together.. Thank you for the time and the effort you put into Our lives… In return, we are some, who believe in you, in what you do to bring a little light into our world…

EDIT: Thank you for doing so much more, than you ever said you would.

Merry Christmas, All you people on Arena Net.

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(edited by Zelanard.5806)

so was kicked from raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


what should i have stacked on boss and let glenna die? it would of be a waste of 20 minutes. still it was a waste of 20 mins for me cause i was kicked

People insulting you and being rude towards you, is reportable. People being bad at what they’re doing or not knowing the mechanics, is not reportable.
In addition, and I’m sorry to break this to you, but If you did whatever you wanted in a raid, instead of doing what your commander told you to do, regardless of mechanics, you did more wrong than any of them.

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Class's-- Would u do it??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


They’ve already added the “Specializations”, which is a clever way to adjust your class to a different one at any time. Adding another class-changing option would simply be too complicated for its own good.

I do like the good/neutral/evil suggestion. To be honest, I expected GW2 to have it already when I bought it – simply because of the personal story. It seemed pointless to me to have a personal story where every choice you make ultimately adds up to you killing Zhaitan. Could you imagine how cool it would be if you were able to join him?

No, I cannot imagine that would be cool in any given way. I would find it game breaking and completely out of place. It simply would not be guild wars if we could be evil.

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Revamp - Gathering & Salvaging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Hunting & Fishing
As suggested above, it would be natural to be able to skin animals. I DO NOT think that this should apply to intelligent creatures. Even so, i think that theres a lot of materials that would fit into hunting and fishing: Leather, Pelts (this one does not exist yet, read suggestion later in this text), Bone, Scales, Blood, Teeth, Claws, Venom sacks,

Hunting animals
Leather: Leather could be farmed from a slain animal, with a fitting skin.
Bone: Animals that can be killed for leather and then farmed for skin, could provide bone as a bi product.

Tool: Hunting Knife

Pelt: Pelts could either be a trophy, that can be farmed from predators, or later on a common crafting material for towns clothing or exotic armor.

Teeth, Claws, Venom sacks, Blood: Predators that can be killed for their pelt, could provide these things as a bi product.

Tool: Hunting Knife

Teeth, Scales: Instead of providing skin, a fish could be farmed for its scales with teeth as a possible bi product.

Tool: Fishing rod – As an alternative to diving, and using a knife underwater, a fishing rod could be used, with a chance to catch either nothing, or something dangerous. That dangerous thing, such as a shark or barracuda, could provide a mini game, that if the character lose, the rod is destroyed or the character is pulled under watter and have to fight the fish.
To farm something of the catch: use a knife.

With the rest of the ideas we might as well throw tapping blood from animals into the fry. This could work quite simply by adding vials of blood to the gathering if the character have a any empty vials.
Tapping should be possible from both predators and hunting animals
• Tool: Bag of empty vials

Rich nodes in animals
All rare materials gather-able from animals, could have some veteran/champion creatures equivalent to rich nodes.

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so was kicked from raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


however is kicking someone right before the boss is dead reportable.
i belive it should be

If it means that much to you, you can try. But frankly, if I were you, I’d just get over it. I mean really, you’ve waisted another 20 minute at least being upset about it and writing on the forums. 20 minutes is simply not worth all that work, effort and bad feeling, now is it?
Grab another 20 minutes, and do the boss again with other people. Enjoy it, have fun, and forget the jerks who kicked you. just block those you didn’t enjoy playing with and move on.
That’s what I’d do anyway

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Enough hair, we need better BEARDS!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Beards, and the ability to dye hair accessories without a freaking hair style kit o.O

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Cross armor type transmutation.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Always wanted that. I’d pay for that.


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Sigil of air/fire nerf?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


and in accordance to your numbers, they will deal 1845 damage to an enemy with an exotic light armor with no toughness at all…

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I Sold My Soul For Ascended...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


so how is this positive?

The dude just told about how fun he had crafting… how is this not positive? xD

I hope you keep having fun usnedward.9023

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Eternity skin update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I am more crying about the fact that these swords are too flat and too wide… But honestly, if this was the skin, i wouldn’t care about that… These colours . gewsh…

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New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


yeah… right… It was a MAJOR issue with low levels trying to do tasks with high levels around… you never got to land a blow before the mob you were on your way to died off… it took a low level triple the time to do the same tasks that the high levels was bursting over like a kitten… HOPEFULLY they made the scaling harsh enough for it to be the same…

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Using Spears on Land

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I’ll throw my 5 cent of a brainstorm in this idea:
Warrior Elite Specialization: Knight
Skill 1 – Impale: Standard attack deals damage and cause vulnerability.
Skill 2 – Lancing strike: Deals massive damage and cause vulnerability.
Skill 3 – Phalanx volley: Attack 5 times and gain 2 seconds of Might for each attack.
Skill 4 – Defender: Gain protection and retaliation for 3 seconds.
Skill 5 – Present Spear: Channel for 5 seconds, Gain 1 stack of stability for 5 seconds, block one attack. If an attack was blocked, attacker takes damage.
Vows: The warrior gain vow skills. Each vow has a passive effect and cannot be activated. (all vows have Range 900 and affect Up to 5 targets, including the knight himself)

  • Healing Vow of Valour: The Knight regain X HP every 15-X second. X= the amount of allies within the vows range.
  • Vow of Purity: The knight loose X condition every 15-X second. X = The amount of allies within the vows range.
  • Vow of Stability: Every 13 – X seconds, The knight gain 2 stacks of stability for 5 seconds. X = the amount of allies within range.
  • Vow of Death: If the knight is downed, enemies within range takes X damage for every ally within range.
  • Vow of Life: The knight revive Downed allies 5% faster for each ally within range. If the kngiht is not in combat, Dead allies are revived 50% faster, for each ally, that is not in combat, within range.
  • Elite Vow of Order: Elite The knight gain 10 toughness, 10 vitality and 10 Concentration, for each ally within range.
    Class mechanic: Vow of Knightood When the Knights adrenaline is full, the knights healing power is increased by 100 for each ally in range.

Guardian Elite Specialization: Paragon
Skill 1 – Barbed spear: Standard attack that cause 1 stack of bleeding for 2 seconds.
Skill 2 – Blazing spear: Attack that cause 3 stacks of burning for 2 seconds.
Skill 3 – Symbol of Flames: A symbol that cause burning to enemies, puls 5 times over 5 seconds.
I do not agree that the spear should be limited to a shield combo only, since this was never the case in GW1.
Chants: Chants are cast instantly and can be cast simultaneously with other skills. They affect up to 5 allies within range. The allies gain a status effect which, when a trigger occur, does Something.

  • Healing Chant of Restoration: For 3 seconds, the next time an ally would take damage, he gain 1 second of a status that convert damage all incoming damage into health.
  • Chant of Fire: For 3 seconds, the next time an ally attacks, the attack cause 5 stacks of burning for 2 seconds.
  • Chant of Fury: For 3 seconds, the next time an ally attacks, the attack grant them 5 seconds of furry.
  • Chant of Power: For 3 seconds, allies gain might with every attack for the next 5 attacks.
  • Chant of Speed: For 3 seconds, if allies are in combat they gain 5 seconds of super speed and Vigor.
  • Elite Chant of Nullification: For 3 seconds, if an ally is affected by a condition, it gain 5 seconds of resistance and stability.
    *Class mechanic: The Paragon gain regeneration for 1 second, every time an ally is affected by a chant or shout.
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E Frag, B Dust and D Ore sink needed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Or, they could just remove the cap on how much the eater can consume… That’d give us all the sink we’d ever need…

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Ascended gear price increase - grind on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


yep, that´s the no1 reason why I left the game.

Not grinding the Silverwastes for hours everyday for months just to be able to raid. Too many other games to play.

So much for no required gear grind.

Because you need to grind SW for hours, days and months to play raids…….
Sarcasm Intended

I restrained myself… But now I cant stop xD
Dude… If you think you need to grind SW at all, for ANY reason, You’re doing something wrong xD

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The Dreamer - Sound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


The Dreamer was fine for a long time, but I don’t think there is a point in the games history where people weren’t whining about the sound it makes. So Anet keeps trying to fix it, and it keeps getting worse.
I’m tired of it being changed every time someone complains about it.
The sounds are fine, they do not need to be taken away, and there are people, such as myself, who have pointed out that a good compromise would be to have the horse sounds firing off randomly (once between every 5 to 10 shots). It would let the bow have it’s identifying sound, without making it annoyingly repetitive. However Anet’s only attempts to fix the issue have been the change the sound itself, which has had negative results.
I like the sounds, and I do not want them removed, however there are compromises that I feel are totally acceptable, it’s just that no-one seems to want to work on a compromise.

Sure, a compromise: Make an option to turn off legendary effects all together. Both graphics and sound. The legendary weapons often get in the way of other people trying to do puzzles (or other places that involve jumping, like the uncategorised fractal).

Or make a completely different sound for the dreamer that wouldn’t make the mad king thorn sparkle with rainbows when it shoots.. One that isn’t of the kind that goes straight in the nervous system and makes little gibs go down the spine like little needles poking in your bones.

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[Suggestion] Make this glow a shoulderskin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I am really in love with this bug. I ran around loving it for a while today and I would Love to see it as a skin. The golden glowing balls and stars acted Just the same way winters presence does.


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Mount Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I’d rather they make the broom and carpet into gliders. That’d be way more fitting.
I see neither need nor function in mounts in this game at all..

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Next expac: a new campaign?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I liked the expansion packs in GW1 because they let you really focus on a whole different story… a lot of the criticism of HoT was that it wasn’t welcoming for new players in the slightest. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I’d like to see something similar to nightfall where the focus is intense story telling

HoT was never meant to be for new players. Why would High level endgame content, be welcoming to new players?

Exactly. That was HoT’s failure.

I would like that too. I’d love to have both Cantha and Elona back.
However, GW2 is not the same kind of game as GW1. It’s not possible to do it in the same way unless they double their team size with each standalone game release…

They don’t need to do it the same way as gw1 campaigns (as a mergable standalone). Having a branching out expansion that is not centered on hardcore minority is still an option.

You’re allowed to want a low level only kinda game… But most of the player base wanted high level endgame content, which, HoT was designed to give them. I Fail to see any kind of mistake in that. If anyone is mistaken, it is the players who think they can go straight from noob to endgame, and then complain that they get their butts wooped. o.O

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Please Remove Map Completion from PvP Areas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Don’t take it all away… Just make a WvW completion achievement and a PvE completion achievement…

On small low end WvW servers, It takes longer to Complete WvW than it does to complete PvE. Even though WvW is only like what? 5 or 10% of the map completion?

Instead of giving us 2 gifts of exploration for world completion, Give us 1 for PvE completion and 1 for WvW completion. Like that the WvW’ers don’t have to go to PvE, and the PvEers aren’t forced to WvW.

You don’t force people to do PvP for PvE achievements, so why force them to do WvW for PvE achievements?

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I had high hopes for week 3...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Seriously… what did you expect? its a feature pack… Not an expansion.
I completely disagree with your idea abut Bad stuff. its not new stuff none asked for, its needed stuff everyone expected.

Balance changes is always a good thing. at least, in opposition to before, we get a chance to see them now.
The profession loot is a direct response to what the community is saying. maybe not on the forum but toss an ear in the game and see what people are saying.. I hear nothing but “WHY DO I GET LOOT I CANT USE RIGHT NOW?” from new payers.

And the UI Stuff is supper cool. No more searching for stuff for hours without end without being able to find it. No more “I ONLY NEED ONE MORE POI” searching he map for hours and hours and giving up… its just hit the button and run there.

And no, you don’t get precursor market fixing. they announced that a long time ago… they fixed some unintended stuff about it, but said they were not going to do more about it. Frankly, that is a good thing. weather you like it or not we don’t need anymore legendary items out there.

Don’t expect fixes to thing that are working, and working well…

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Mastery points hidden behind a paywall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Why are 8 mastery points hidden behind a paywall, named Living story 2?

Just give me one good reason, that does not involve greed.

This is such a slap in the face for people that purchased HoT, to get most of it we have to BUY more content?!

I can’t even finish my tyria mastery because i lack points, 8 hidden in LS2 and 3 in TT that’s nearly impossible to do, unless you get lucky to get a taxi in organized map…

Losing motivation, gained all the exp to rank up any mastery, but i can’t obtain the points for it. (Unless i pay to get 8 mastery points)

16 mastery points. (2 for each chapter)
And you don’t need the points to finish your masteries Nor do you need to pay anything but gold to get them… (merry Christmas)

Don’t be too disheartened. I have Living story 2 completely unlocked. Yet attempting to do the achievements is a buggy mess. Do not recommend.

Most of those bugs is fixed by now though…

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Revamp - Gathering & Salvaging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


About the tools: i was just thinking out loud ^^’ you are right about them

I agree. Coal, Tin and Primordium should indeed be mineable… Coal, wherever you mine Iron and Tin wherever you mine Copper i might add to that.

id say that as it is, the non gatherable minerals are rather unballanced to the normal materials… no?

In addition its a bit strange that there is some food materials, that you can only buy for karma, isnt it? oO

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(edited by Zelanard.5806)

[Suggestion] Town Clothes into Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I agree completely.
Also I would also love it if we could get it kitten separate sets of town clothing.
So Humans can use Norn or Asura or Sylvari or Charr town clothing and visa versa.
It would be awesome to have just one set as a standard unlock upon character creation… I hate running around naked when my armor breaks, the costumes deal with that… and having a standard set of costumes would be awesome…
I would probably by all 5 sets if they were put in the gemshop, maybe except the humies they are so ugly on the females o.O

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Ascended gear price increase - grind on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


So… let me get this straight… Because its expensive to craft, you shouldn’t get ascended gear?
Dude, 20 minutes a day for 2 weeks and I’ve got 4 ascended armour pieces and an ascended weapon…
Quit complaining about the prices and get into the fractals and raids… its a lot easier to get the ascended items now than it have ever been before…

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Please add a "pity timer" to BLCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I frankly hate the black lion chests. all the items in those chests should be available in the gem store for gems. Not through the stupid gambling chests… >.>

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Wintersday: ANET

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I didn’t buy this game for a grind fest, nor to have a nightmare time acquiring “GIFTS” for 10,000 drinks..

Sick and tired of the grind, you’re taking away all the fun in this game, you truly are.

I made those 10k drinks by running fractals… 1 set of daily = appriximately 1 stack. run 40 dailies (i’ve done so about now) and you have 10k drinks… having had mighty fun in the process…

If you are so sick and tired of the grind fest… STOP GRINDING… there’s no need for it… and no reason to do so… the only reason why you grind is because the whole rest of the gaming community have taught you how to grind… you have to go unlearn that if you want to enjoy this game…
Its like exploring the map… some of the vista you cant just run straight to… you’ll have to take a different approach…

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Anet been real silent lately

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Hoghwash, everyone knows that developers aren’t human, you just plug in the feeding tube and they’ll spew out code all day and all night. Maybe a little downtime for maintenance and cleaning like once a month.

Can’t Stop Laughing! :’D

Lately? Lately?!?!?!

They released HoT, completely broke WvW, made everyone angry and went dead silent. Not a single word. Of course they posted in every other forum – including pointless troll threads – arranged sPvP tournaments and released tons of patches. It was only some weeks ago that they finally said something about WvW, a vague promise that sometime in the future they might do stuff. WvW is still broken btw, theres more bugs than ever that essentially brings the game back to beta stage. They admit none of these bugs. Well except the walls thats been fixed multiple times (they are still bugged).

So Anet being “quiet” here on the general forum is just lol.

There is a couple of people complaining, the rest of us, the majority of the community, really enjoy HoT and Everything it came with… Those of you who don’t like it, is a very small minority of way too loud trolls…

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Too little Mastery Points in core tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806



I have the entire season unlocked. But the achievements are so buggy and masochistic. It’s asinine to do them.

Your best bet for easy mastery points is Triple Trouble. Just keep an eye out for those organizing for them on LFG. Weekends are usually best. I was scared trying it out for the first time after hearing all the horror stories. But really, it’s a breeze when it’s organized.

Most of the bugs have been fixed since release. Those that are left you hardly ever encounter. Sure, some of them are Hard to get, but they justify what you said here in NO GIVEN WAY…

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Class's-- Would u do it??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Dude… you have been playing Ragnarok Online haven’t you?
While I love the idea of having to chose a direction for you class, I disagree with the good/evil/neutral directions. I also disagree with the whole “start everything over”.
Instead, this could be done by choice of order alone, by adding order specific elite specializations.
It is however something that I strongly doubt we are going to get. At best, we’ll get order specific skill graphics. It would simply be too much balancing to try to make that many new classes.

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GEMS & My thoughts about the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


…You might want to go the the black lion windows tab 2… You will realize that anything you can buy with real money, you can buy with in game gold… That goes for cosmetics as well as character slots and bank tabs… would you really want to take away the extra character slots and bank tabs? Really?… And desperate? if they were desperate they wouldn’t make all that available for in game gold…

It ISN’T available in GOLDDDD

It’s about as available as the in-game coins are in iphone games – and how long would that take to save up enough to buy your item? Eighteen months?

Gimme a break

lol… 200 gems is about 40g last I checked… You can make 25 gold an hour just doing the wintersday jumping puzzle… outside that you can make 20g an hour running fractals… so yes, its is available in gold…
You are just not there yet because you are in the start of the game complaining about endgame things.

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that old chestnut, map completion W.V.W.

in WvW

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I think the problem is, that the PVE’ers wouldn’t mind exploring those 4 maps… If they could do it on PVE terms. The ghosting suggested earlier would allow that, so I’m going to build onto it further:
Entering WvW in ghost mode should not make anything invisible at all. It should simply toss you into a simplified instance of WvW for exploration and learning purposes.
In the instance, the player should be commander and have unlimited amounts of blue prints. 50 NPC fighters should follow the player all over the map, with options to move them to specific places, using the commanders Map Orders. ALL objectives around the map should be owned by an opposing NPC force of 30-50 units.
This could also be used to teach new players basic WvW, how to build siege engines, what value things have, etc etc. Without having to worry about other players spoiling their exploration. this game mode would make exploring WvW, interesting, and though still time consuming, it wouldn’t be months and years without end, waiting for an opening, while being a bother to the real WvW’ers, because, you cant spy, and you don’t fill up a slot on the server… because, you’re inside an instance… and hey! when you get outa there… you know a little bit about WvW, before rushing in there…

Of the people who had to do it before you? as Bold expressed it: I am quite sure that those people would be happy, not to have to do that again… And if they are not, they should stick their legendary up where it belongs… Yes… you got it right… there are a lot of players who doesn’t care about the legendaries… But do world exploration, for the freaking sake of world exploration… to those, WvW is a real pain… and those are often the ones annoyed with it, because, hey, We wanna PvE… We don’t care about WvW or them ugly legendaries with their horrible trail(I will just stop there because otherwise i’ll write a short book about how horrible i think they are and how sad i am that theres no cool looking legendary skins)… Sure, if you want a bragging stick, go for it, but why should that have to affect the rest of us, who just want to play the game and have fun? Why the heck do we have to run around like idiots (no offense) to feel the character have completed PvE? o.O but no… those numbers are still stuck on 99% instead of 100%, because, WvW…

That said… on long terms, its no more annoying than a flee on your shoe… just step on it and get it over with…

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An alternative to new races.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


This could work… However, I’d say only for dragons that have been slain. Atm I can see three sub races come into play this way:

Sylvari: Subrace – Mordrem Guard
Since the mordrem are left without a leader, some of the Mordrem guard might rejoin the Sylvari, having regained their own mind.

All races except Sylvari: Subrace – Rissen
Since the demise of Zaithan, the mightiest amongst his forces might have gained self control. These beings might have been good people in their life and in their unlife, they might be willing to fight for the living.

All races: Blighted
Beings that raised from victims bound to a blighting tree, might gain awareness of what they are and what their originals were. Such creatures could possibly form a wish to become more than draconic minions, just like the Sylvari are more than that.

EDIT: I could never see a destroyer as playable. However, whatever have happened to the flame legion, it is clear that they have been influenced by primordus. So I could see his corruption do things to people.

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119% - But what does this do?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


This is a technical question for the game developers: It is a fact, as you can see on my statistics on the image, that you can exceed 100% Critical Chance.

My logic tells me that the logical effect of this would be that one attack have 100% chance to Crit, and in my case, another 19% chance to double Crit.
However, I am not confident this is the case, and the other players I’ve been talking with in game, does not share this logic. they believe the exceeding 19% is a mere waist.
However, due to the possibility to exceed 100%, I believe there must be a purpose for it. And if there is not, then why is it possible at all? Is this, or is it not, a bug? And in case it isn’t a bug, what does it do?


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Please revert instant ground targeting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


“Fast with range indicator” does the same job just fine.

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Didn't get armor piece

in Living World

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


they changed it, it now a achievement reward instead meaning you can only get it once

ArenaNet said they don’t want us to grind and now they force us to grind if we want the new armor set for all three armor types. I think that sucks major balls.

I don’t think they ever said that they didn’t want there to be a grind in the game, but that GW2 is supposed to be less of a grind than what is in other games. If there wasn’t a grind in the game everyone would have every Legendary out there.

Please ANet go back to the reward system of Episode 5 and don’t continue with how Episode 6’s was done.

First thing A never ever gave us: They sure did say they don’t want us to grind…

Save for that, sure I agree… give us back the way of ep 5… this sucks… I liked the skin but im not gonna be able to get like this… at least not within the first month or two… o.O

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Could we get restriction-free crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Which unique rewards? o.O That equipment is available to ANYONE… o.O
However, It makes very little sense, that the stats are banded together the way they are, with 1 exception: Its simple. it is probably easier to make it the way it is now and have it Functional… And that is probably why it is the way it is… Quality sometimes demand simplicity… though that is sad to say…

That said, the uniqueness should come from skins not from attributes. at least thats what i think… :P

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Play GW2 the way you want to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I don’t get what you’re saying… my experience is that after HoT, People stopped caring about your stats… Until HoT: The only way to get a party was by being berserker and going zerker build… Now you can do whatever you want… People even bring 0point AR guys into 77 fractals… People no longer care about stats… so whats the big problem? o.O
(at least thats my experience)

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Discrimination of casual PvE palyers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


how is this discriminating against PvE players when PvP and WvW players aren’t getting these either?

Casual players have a real hard time with the raids. Thus they cant unlock the last masteries in hot. Thus they cant get the spirit shards.

At least that seems to be the logic.

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Make Carpet and Broom Able TO Glide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


Yeah then we can do carpet bombing in Tarir!

I also very much agree.

It would be a bit… You know, bombs from flying carpet migh show some connection with eastern culture ^^

So… Only western culture are allowed to throw bombs? o.O

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so was kicked from raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


they were too far away and glenna was starting to get stacks from not having anyone near her. he wouldn’t listen when i said that she was going to die so i went and stood near her. cause seekers still spawn at last fight.cause he told everyone too stack on boss at door so they could kill warg

That part is not reportable though…

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Sigil of air/fire nerf?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


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I want an AI assistant to do awful chores

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


How do you have a hard time managing your inventory when you can empty it by clicking 4 times?…
1: Right click salvage kit.
2: Click “salvalge all xxx”.
3: Click on the inventory options.
4: Click on deposit all materials.
BAM! Your inventory is cleaned… It takes less than 10 seconds…

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What to do with Dungeons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


The current dungeon difficulty are difficult enough for me personally. I’m glad I finally got my Dungeon masters achievement last month.

Having said that, I don’t really have problems with an additional, optional hard mode. Just don’t expect me to survive it tho.

Personally, I miss a mode where I cannot possibly solo the dungeons xD The raids is all good and fine, if you can pull a 10 man party together… Which is the greatest challenge in this game… getting a 5man party for a dungeon, that’s hard enough…

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I want an AI assistant to do awful chores

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


How do you have a hard time managing your inventory when you can empty it by clicking 4 times?…
1: Right click salvage kit.
2: Click “salvalge all xxx”.
3: Click on the inventory options.
4: Click on deposit all materials.
BAM! Your inventory is cleaned… It takes less than 10 seconds…

You are under the assumption that players aren’t lazy……

Nope… I’m just under the assumption that people who write complaint’s like this just don’t know about the game’s basic functions…
Thinking that it cannot be laziness, is a simple logical conclusion: If he were that lazy, he would be too lazy to bother writing on the forum too… That would be far too much work in comparison xD

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Any chance for Spears used on land?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I am not saying this will happen, just that it is possible within the frame of lore and game play…
The “human gods” are only worshipped by humans, but they are (Sylvari excepted) recognized by the other races.
We already channel Sylvari’s equivalent to a god, in terms of culture. Thus, it wouldn’t be too far off to assume that this could happen…

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