you think we havent tried? we got 30man zerg camping the gate, he still slips pass… he hits the gate and instantly restealth… you cant even see him, the npc guards dont even have time to react…
Sounds like either Revealed isn’t working properly or you guys have really slow reaction times.
Well taking the OP on face value if the thief immediately restealthed that means revealed isn’t working properly, and I’ve personally fought a thief recently that was able to restealth immediately after attacking me.
there was no change to thieves at all that affected their ability to stealth repeatedly and continuously whatsoever.
there was no change to the “revealed” mechanic or any thief mechanic that would change this. the change that was announced to address this situation was reverted/cancelled before it was ever implemented.
What is interesting is that their game mode for competitive play seems to have all but flopped as far as most competitive groups are concerned.
Whereas their “casual” game mode seems to be home to some of the most large, organized, and highly competitive groups i’ve ever seen in an online game.
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what your mission statement is, what matters is what the customer wants.
Simple solution. Put a cap on the number of non-NA players allowed on any one NA server based on a +/- percentage of the total number of non-NA players on NA servers with the objective of fairly balancing the the population of non-NA players across all the NA servers to make game play more competitive 7/24.
This is the type of server AFS and OCX went to, lol.
The type of server that has at least one player on it with less than stellar ideas on how Arenanet should improve their game?
Yes, that is correct.
Good luck finding a server that isn’t of that type.
really though any T1 server or the one you are on will work if you WvW often. otherwise just keep an eye on that site and watch for one that looks like its turning all one color often.
if there were some sort of indicator as to which borderland had the fewest people queued for it, what my position in the queue is, or just an average wait time for each individual map.. they could possibly get away with lowering the map caps.
you think we havent tried? we got 30man zerg camping the gate, he still slips pass… he hits the gate and instantly restealth… you cant even see him, the npc guards dont even have time to react…
Another post reagarding OP class in WvW. I just talked about stealth is OP, and there you are a good example XD. 1 vs 30 and nothing can be done. :P
Those 30 players should be embarrassed.
i’m not sure. i think 30 is enough to say they were about average.
you guys should take confusion more seriously.
i got killed by confusion once back in October/November or so…
it can happen.
The portal ability would be still be very useful to a party or a small group(not partied up) in any situation. If your only reason not to is because it would nerf the “portal bomb” tactic then my reason is more logical. And items are items and are in your inventory, while people are people and are external to the player, so the 250 port is a straw man argument.
I appreciate your input.
You are correct about the straw man argument.
I will instead argue that limiting portal capacity to party size is no more or less arbitrary than limiting them to squad size.
Squad size is much larger than 20 though, maybe 60 or so? Is there even a limit aside from the map size limit?
My suggestion is so the ability isn’t too overtly powerful we split the difference between party size limits and squad size limits, say at 20 or so. That sounds like a fair compromise.
If we go by traditional army definitions a squad is 8-13 in size, a platoon is 26-64, and a company is 80-225. So if we reduced the portal limit to 8-13 I would be satisfied.
Why would you go by (i’m assuming United States Army, but the French Foreign Legion is equally irrelevant) standards rather than GW2 WvW standards? A squad in WvW is more like 60, not 8-13. Use 60, not 8-13.
still, in none of this have I seen a reason portal needs a nerf anyways. In almost every case on my server when a group portal bombs in they get wiped.
There was a very rare exception yesterday where BG got 2 portals behind a group of SOR and wiped them. Usually though it doesn’t work. It takes some effort, knowledge/preparation, and a bit of luck to pull off a portal bomb that actually doesn’t get your whole group killed. Its a risk. Especially these days with everyone catching on to static field. That all seems the way it should.
This is in T1 though, are things different in the tier you play? Has your meta not gotten to that point? Maybe that’s a separate discussion then?
(edited by fivekiller.1432)
Technically I think “Army” implies some sort of organization is involved. Zerg is a more accurate term to describe the mindless 80 man masses that we see in WvW.
According to this though all the large groups in tier 1 would be “armies” as they all have some sort of organization. All of the T1 servers have commanders leading the maps and communication both voice and across /t and /m chat.
I don’t care what anyone calls it, but that is technically some sort of organization.
I feel people too often look at a massive group of organized individuals and call them a mindless zerg. Large groups in WvW very often have leadership and some degree of organization. Its usually the group of 10 fighting at stonemist gate for 3 hours at a time achieving nothing that are unorganized.
At times on some servers there are no commanders on the map and there is noone in voice comms and there is no real organization but on every T1 server that happens much less often than not.
The portal ability would be still be very useful to a party or a small group(not partied up) in any situation. If your only reason not to is because it would nerf the “portal bomb” tactic then my reason is more logical. And items are items and are in your inventory, while people are people and are external to the player, so the 250 port is a straw man argument.
I appreciate your input.
You are correct about the straw man argument.
I will instead argue that limiting portal capacity to party size is no more or less arbitrary than limiting them to squad size.
Squad size is much larger than 20 though, maybe 60 or so? Is there even a limit aside from the map size limit?
My suggestion is so the ability isn’t too overtly powerful we split the difference between party size limits and squad size limits, say at 20 or so. That sounds like a fair compromise.
So does anyone have a solution based idea to add to or expand on my ideas? i.e. A way to balance the mesmer, not how to spot a mesmer and such.
I do.
Work on the viability of some of the builds of other classes.
Mesmers are fairly useful in large groups and small and they aren’t instawrecking anyone who isn’t asking for it.. They are in an ok place.
It sounds like you’re having trouble spotting the real mesmer. That is a “learn to play” issue (no offense intended, we all have to learn to be better before we are better) and we shouldn’t really be discussing class balance from that standpoint.
You come close to being constructive, but you still are missing the point of the discussion. My portal suggestion is quite a logical extension of the party size limits put on us. My clone suggestion needs work but I believe the clone functions should be more curtailed. So far most responses have been, “learn to play”, “my thief can take them”, “don’t play crap build”, and the like. None of which address my post’s ideas.
Do you have any reason to nerf portal other than “5 is the size of a group so it should be 5?” That seems an arbitrary reason to nerf a useful utility to the point where it would see little to no use. I don’t see any more logic in your reasoning than if you were to say “the max stack size of items is 250 so why not allow 250 people to portal.”
If, however, portals were only useable by group members I would see a basis for your reasoning, but that mechanic would make the max number irrelevant.
With my main point being rather than nerf portal, work on the other classes abilities so that they are more useful and more in line with the mesmer’s usefulness, I wonder if it is really me who missed the point.
Bear in mind, disagreement with your point does not indicate that I have missed your point.
No one is talking retaliation. Reflects.
Anything that can be reflected could be reflected back…
I think you missed the part where I was comparing it to retaliation. In a comparison kind of way.
To simplify my statements further though.
If reflects worked on siege, I and some proportion between 1% and 10% of the WvW population would play the class that could reflect best and we would ensure no serious threat would ever come to our important objectives. ever.
Your siege would all be dead (yes, ALL of it) within a few shots at my tower and everyone would be crying for the change to be reverted within hours of the patch.
Imagine if swirling winds destroyed the siege it was blocking. That is pretty much what you are asking for and it would pretty much mean anything but a flame ram would be useless in WvW.
So does anyone have a solution based idea to add to or expand on my ideas? i.e. A way to balance the mesmer, not how to spot a mesmer and such.
I do.
Work on the viability of some of the builds of other classes.
Mesmers are fairly useful in large groups and small and they aren’t instawrecking anyone who isn’t asking for it.. They are in an ok place.
It sounds like you’re having trouble spotting the real mesmer. That is a “learn to play” issue (no offense intended, we all have to learn to be better before we are better) and we shouldn’t really be discussing class balance from that standpoint.
I don’t get why anyone would want to nerf portals to 5. Its a strong utility skill that can be put to good tactical use in an organized group situation. Changing it to 5 would diminish its usefulness far below the other competitive utility skills down into the realm of mantras or lower.
As for the “cloning ability,” its not an ability making the clones. Its many utility abilities, weapon abilities, and traits. Clones are already extremely fragile and do no damage. I’m not sure why they are in need of a nerf. They are only there to distract and their extremely basic AI means they dont’ do a very good job of that against any experienced player.
and as master of timespace said, i’m still waiting to find a mesmer that can beat my p/d thief. i don’t think its going to happen.
(edited by fivekiller.1432)
I do remember when retaliation worked on siege.
Much like how it was with retaliation, siege would be completely worthless against any organized group.
I don’t feel it would be good for the game for siege to be worthless if there is just 1 or 2 people on the opposing team who know what they are doing.
it really makes a big difference how you play and who you play with.
Take RIOT from Blackgate. Before I started zerging hard I spent a lot of time hanging out with those guys doing small group stuff. They rarely run with groups larger than 10 or so and have a lot of fun.
I know SF from JQ has groups that do this kind of play. Its a bit harder to learn how to play small group stuff in this game but the groups that know how do well.
I’m not saying it won’t be better or easier for you to have fun in T8 on Ferguson’s Crossing or something like that. But the possibility is still there in T1/T2.
Actually I did play SWTOR. I was an assassin and imperial so we were the ones spawn camping the underpopulated rebels. As an assassin it was my job to pull enemies out from near their safe zone into our zerg so they would die.
I guess I get that you just don’t like zergs. But many of us enjoy it. My issues aren’t with zergs themselves but how some of the game mechanics work with them.
I’ve no argument though, your perspective is as valid as mine and it seems to just be a matter of what we enjoy.
I understand the complaints about the AOE cap and how everyone stacked up in my fire field should be burned rather than rewarded for being dumb enough to stack up in my fire field.
What I don’t understand is why we want to punish people who play in large groups just for playing in large groups.
I feel that if my group is outnumbered I should be able to outplay my enemy. Taking a percentage of their stats away or just maybe having the game automatically explode a few of their players until we are on a more even playing field doesn’t really interest me.
I prefer a game that is set up with its individual systems such that if I am coordinated with my group and my map as a whole we can overcome greater less coordinated and less skilled opponents.
I understand the WvW game mode isn’t such that a large coordinated group can really win, but thats a different matter.
that was also before free transfers ended. theres no reason to assume a balanced matchup now will devolve into what it was before.
This is true!
I will wager the same thing will occur with or without free transfers. In 6 weeks maybe we will see!
My hypothesis is:
Players dislike playing games they cannot win.
Players will stop playing games they dislike at a greater rate than players who are winning a game.
Perhaps time will tell.
its fine to get stuck in a tier if the matchup is balanced. and according to the scores, its pretty balnced
Its really not fine though. This is why i’m such a strong advocate of allowing more mobility between the tiers. Problems with a matchup exacerbate when servers are locked together.
Look at the first week Sorrow’s Furnace was in T8.
The most balanced matchup of the week. Some thought T8 was finally where it needed to be and could just stay that way and be fun for all indefinitely.
it ended 211k 215k and 189k. a fairly OK matchup compared to what it eventually became.
You perhaps missed my implication that it is not apparent from your post that this exploit you speak of is what is actually happening.
It doesn’t matter though, if i’m wrong or not you should send proof of exploits to if you don’t already.
exploits are bad for all of us and ensuring arenanet knows about them and giving them as much evidence as possible only helps them to fix problems.
(edited by Moderator)
personally, in my time here in GW2 i’ve seen some epic horrible posts from members of every server.
Certain servers do seem to have more active forum trolls, but its not really indicative of what the community on that server is like.
Can someone tell me what really is going on with all these talks about bg imploding,etc. ?
Two semi-small guilds from SOS that were only on the server a couple of weeks decided to move to Tier 8. Also, an important BG HB commander quit playing the game. That is all as far as I know. The server is fine.
If TSYM was the reason SoS imploded, looks like TSYM will be the reason for Blackgate too bahahhaha. TSYM was said to be the “catalyst” for SoS failing in WvW. But it looks that has some truth to it cos TSYM is the catalyst for the ex SoS guilds failing on Blackgate too bahahha.
Transferring guilds is always a difficult and delicate process. Usually only the most tight knit guilds survive, especially when there is an underlying cost.
which guild died from transferring? honest question.
seems almost every guild in this game has transferred and survived. AGG and Foe are still around. MERC, RIOT, PRX, SF.. the list can get long fast.
PRX and SF are still around and not dead I can assure you
Aye, my point was that these guilds did NOT die after transferring. Perhaps my word choice was poor.
That gap is pretty indicative of tier strength, at least in the upper tiers. Any currently tier 3 server will be blown out in tier 2, which is why it’s so hard for them to move up. Pretty sure it’s the same way for t2 and t1.
I’ve heard this before but it doesn’t always seem to actually work that way. The new matchups don’t often seem to “blowout” more than the previous matchups. They at times seem to work better.
I wonder if maybe the server strength difference is just as great within tiers as it is between tiers. wouldn’t that make sense?
Personally I would love to drop to t2, T1 is still unplayable even with the culling fix. Skill lag only bennefits the zergs. Smaller scale coordination goes out the window when you can’t use your skills.
You guys act like T2 is the sticks lol. T2 is really no different than t1 except coverage.
These days T1 servers don’t have near the coverage they used to.
Even JQ has to consolidate a bit during non NA. BG and SOR can barely fill a map when its not NA primetime.
lol ya i’m with ya, i had mine get stuck like that once soon after release and i loved it.
i doubt its going to change though.
i’d even be happy with a better field of view.
amazing shot Fannwong!
Did you know if you’re on the blue server, you often don’t see the fights that happen between red and green. At the same time, you see nearly every fight that involves blue.
It can make it sorta look like everyone is just fighting blue and not each other, if you’re on the blue team of course.
there is always the problem that you have to be close to the foes to use the ranger pet :/
i’ve never failed to pop all the siege whenever i’ve tried.
i enjoy it though so maybe that is why i find success.
Or if you simply absolutely must kill their siege just get a ranger alt and kill it all from the spawn point with your pet.
i love 1v1 vids. thanks for sharing.
would be interested in seeing the build.
Are you able to kill the person doing it and maintain proactive scouts at your keeps?
Scouts have nothing to do with the situation. If you have 2 or 3 skilled players at every door of your keep I and any other thief with 1/2 my talent (which is not extremely talented compared to some) will contest your keep as long as we need it contested, all day if I wish.
I have no opinion on whether I support the OP’s wishes or not. But scouts are irrelevant, they cannot and do not keep a waypoint from becoming contested.
And theres no reason not to have a scout independent of waypoints. You need advance warning if a zerg is rolling up to your keep, not just white X’s. If you wait for the first golem to hit the door you’ve already lost.
I misspoke. I only meant scouts were irrelevant in regards to the contesting of keeps. As someone who spent 3 hours last night watching a garrison watergate for incoming golems I agree wholeheartedly that scouts are useful.
But useless at stopping a point from being contested.
Are you able to kill the person doing it and maintain proactive scouts at your keeps?
Scouts have nothing to do with the situation. If you have 2 or 3 skilled players at every door of your keep I and any other thief with 1/2 my talent (which is not extremely talented compared to some) will contest your keep as long as we need it contested, all day if I wish.
I have no opinion on whether I support the OP’s wishes or not. But scouts are irrelevant, they cannot and do not keep a waypoint from becoming contested.
Not really sure how WULD would help, and it’s definitely not worth the risk to find out.
Your assessment seems reasonable in my opinion.
WULD would not help and i’m not certain I have ever heard anyone make the claim. As I said earlier, WvW is incapable of good matchups. There is no matchup method (WULD, Glicko, Manually setting tiers, etc..) on the earth that will create good matchups.
Its not really a risk though to find out. Anyone who knows what is happening with the different servers in the game, as yourself, has a good idea how it will all play out.
There will be many bad matchups and a very few OK matchups. The only difference being there will be no matchups that will last for more than a week.
I don’t understand the answers to this thread. While various client side settings may make visual rendering faster, ability lag is almost entirely due to server side engine, hardware, and network limitations. You’re going to drive your self crazy trying to fix a problem from your end that can only be fixed by ANet at their end (which they probably won’t, by the way, since it is expensive in terms of hardware, purchased bandwidth, and coding time).
Lag will eventually go away, though, as soon as enough players leave WvW because of it. It’s kind of a self-fulfilling solution, and probably one that ANet is counting on.
Many players do not understand the difference and use the word lag to describe both the skill lag you are speaking of and the frames per second drop they experience from hardware issues.
The OP doesn’t inspire confidence that he is tech savvy (no offense, i’m not extremely so myself) and as such many of us are assuming he is probably experiencing both.
Cactus is correct that you cannot improve your skill lag if your internet connection is acceptable. Skill lag being the thing that happens when you hit your abilities and they do not work.
if your computer is at least minimum specs though. turn all your settings to minimum. the problems you are seeing after doing that are likely the problems you cannot fix yourself.
Did the IQ in the room just drop by thirty points? It doesn’t matter which is Tier A and which is Tier B … it’s an example, and it’s an example that has existed in the past, probably exists now, and for certain is capable of existing in the future.
And you really, really need to improve your reading comprehension. I never said anything about there being four tiers or eight tiers. There were six servers involved in my TierA/TierB example, four of which would experience a blowout from one side or the other under a WULD scenario. Get it?? Four servers … nothing was said about four tiers.
Good lord …
You assume too much as usual. You know nothing about my IQ and want to assume things. Yes i read your post incorrectly. No it doesn’t really make a strong point when read correctly.
In any case, the heart of my response was accurate. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about four servers or four tiers. Your example is irrelevant as it isn’t really representative of the WvW game we are playing and discussing. My points being that WULD wouldn’t generate worse matchups than we are currently seeing.
To say that its possible that someday in some tier somewhere there may be a good matchup and WULD would break up that matchup every other week isnt’ really a strong argument.
IQ or whatever particular arbirtrary measurement of intelligence (whatever that is) you wish to support has nothing to do with the fact that nearly every match is a blowout and the WvW system isn’t really capable of balanced matches. Until you can address this issue and discuss the situation reasonably from here theres no reason to continue this particular argument.
(edited by fivekiller.1432)
what i did was went to stonemist castle during a 3 way fight and after i died on the floor adjusted my settings while the fighting was going on until it was acceptable enough.
i found the new WvW settings did make a big difference on my computer. I ended up turning the model culling on a bit and the generic models up a bit. i don’t notice the model culling as much as before the patch because you can still see the nametags and know where they are standing even if you dont’ see the models. usually all anyone sees these days is nametags anyways :P
would probably work during any large engagement, but if you can handle a stonemist 3 way you can handle anything.
Super easy fix ANet, almost no changes are needed to the scoring system using the following:
Separate the server ranking list, from the match line-up list. Done. I’ll explain:
The list of servers rank by glicko score will not change. This will still be the ordered list of 1st to last place.
The list of server match-ups though would now be determined by winner move up loser move down. This will keep match-ups from going stale and tiers becoming out of scale with each other. This means that the list of current match-ups will be close, but not equal to the list of server ranking in order.That’s a really dumb idea as dozens of players have pointed out in other threads. It just makes blowouts happen more often.
as pointed out in other threads, this is not true. The WvW system is not capable of balanced matches. Nearly every match is a blowout. WULD won’t change that.
I hope arenanet doesnt’ share your misguided view
as someone on a server who’s only won maybe 2 games in 3 or 4 months I would love to go down a tier now and then and win a game here and there. I like winning sometimes.
I never said that WvW is capable of even matches, with or without WULD. If you read my post just above yours you’ll see that I said exactly the opposite.
It is true, however, that WULD would generate even more blowouts. If all the servers in Tier A are evenly matched and all of those in Tier B are as well, all six servers enjoy a reasonably equitable match. WULD means that the following week four out of the six servers are likely to experience a blowout. The server that got bumped up to Tier A likely loses big, the server that got bumped down likely wins big, and the other two servers in Tier B likely lose big. This scenario is GUARANTEED to play out like that any time there are significant differences in populations from one tier to another … in other words, pretty often.
At least in my “misguided view” I can understand that four is more than zero.
Which tier is tier A and tier B? I think you’re assuming too much. You assume these tiers exist and you assume the shift would play out as you describe it. There is evidence that moving tiers doesn’t guarantee a blowout worse than the previous tier.
Regardless, your math is flawed and I wouldn’t analyze it this way anyways. As for the math, there are 8 tiers, not 4. Most all of which are bad matchups and unwinnable by at least one team. This is why you shouldn’t use data from a hypothetical example to prove a hypothesis.
Even so, the new tiers experiencing blowouts as you say would not be the same tiers as the previous matchup. it would be the red teams getting a chance to win and green teams getting a chance to lose. my whole point was this is better for the game as outside of tier1 and tier 8 no team will stagnate in months long losing streaks. And tier 8 will at least get new servers to sit as green.
@Mausler, I’m not experienced or familiar enough with the europe servers to really say much about it. I can tell you when i look at the last matchup i don’t see the balance to which you’re referring.
We may just have a different view of balance.
You need to insult others
As for the liar comment, we have rolled a 50+ zerg with I think 7 it was, didnt lose anyone either, not even a person going down. Epic fight against a guild that had no idea what they were doing outside of stacking. Is that normal, no I said it was not, but anyone that has fought our guild can attest to what we can do against zergs.Video or it didn’t happen.
In almost all “zerg owning” videos, no real zerg is getting owned. Same as all those 1vX videos that are actually videos about trolling clueless upscales.
I guarantee he didn’t defeat a 50+ zerg with 7 people even if they were all upscaled.
Some folks will just say anything to back their point rather than admit their point is just not very good.
The AOE cap is a problem.. but i am not sure it is a problemt hat Anet can really easily resolve. lag issues are already a problem with large groups and just raising the cap would tax the servers that much harder.
(edited by fivekiller.1432)
Super easy fix ANet, almost no changes are needed to the scoring system using the following:
Separate the server ranking list, from the match line-up list. Done. I’ll explain:
The list of servers rank by glicko score will not change. This will still be the ordered list of 1st to last place.
The list of server match-ups though would now be determined by winner move up loser move down. This will keep match-ups from going stale and tiers becoming out of scale with each other. This means that the list of current match-ups will be close, but not equal to the list of server ranking in order.That’s a really dumb idea as dozens of players have pointed out in other threads. It just makes blowouts happen more often.
as pointed out in other threads, this is not true. The WvW system is not capable of balanced matches. Nearly every match is a blowout. WULD won’t change that.
I hope arenanet doesnt’ share your misguided view as someone on a server who’s only won maybe 2 games in 3 or 4 months I would love to go down a tier now and then and win a game here and there. I like winning sometimes.
Another Opinions! one that I forgot to add:
- Make the first Tower, Keep and possibly Stonemist Castle capture per day reward players with a rare or better item, similar to how world events had added in the February patch Just a nice little reward for getting something done in WvW each day
that is an amazing idea :P
Dam now everybody will roll ranger once they see this, y must u show people our hidden strength!
already got mine going.
level 10 so far but on my way to 50k hits! won’t be long now!
Every time I got to loot a wooden chest from a dolyak.. THERE IS NOTHING. It isnt that I have not seen the loot… THERE IS NOTHING, EVER… NOT ONCE HAS THERE BEEN A DROP FOR ME. THIS HAS TO STOP!
it could have 5 supply.
or -5 supply if you have 15.
so it is the consumer’s responsibility to be satsfied with a product.
that is interesting.
If you can select a target and can get into spell range i dont see the problem. It’s a stone dropping out of midair you dont need a direct line of sight. In fact if the aiming mechanism was’nt badly designed i’d even say Ele’s should be able (and rangers with Barrage and Engineers with mortars or whatever else similar they have) to drop it straight over the wall in to the inner courtyard of the keep/tower without seeing what’s exactly on the other side. Same as a mortar is specifically designed to fire at a very steep angle and over walls as well as a treb.
So unless this actually somehow exceeds the spells normal range then it should be fixed. Otherwise simply build your siege out of those kind off spells range.
I thought similar thoughts on the mesmer greatsword ability.
I also thought the “guard” ability of rangers was intended to do this as well as it had no other use.
It seems though arenanet has a history of considering spell behavior of this sort a bug and fixing it. I dont’ doubt dragon’s tooth has just been overlooked.
You need to insult others a little less and critically think about what you’re talking about a little harder. Saying that the AOE cap is low is a valid argument, saying that argument is “drivel” doesn’t really address the point and just shows you lack a valid counter.
Second, don’t start off your entire counter argument with a lie. Your 5-8 man has never rolled a 50+ zerg. You didn’t really address the point anyways. I’m bored as well but not this bored so i’ll just concede my point and do something else.
… because my fellow players are to lazy to play better, they have to form up into larger and larger zergs that think stacking and blasting combo fields shows signs of tactical brilliance.
just get a small organized group together and defeat them.
but it doesn’t really work that way
AOE cap at 5 means if they have 10 more people than you they’ll just roll over you anyways.
in other words, its a game design issue and not the fault of your fellow players.
Part of the issue is that folks keep passing on this drivel as if it is true.
counter the argument and try to carry a conversation intelligently. Calling an argument drivel doesn’t really add anything to the discussion unless you can convey your idea on why that is so.
(edited by fivekiller.1432)
It was like this at release too. Eternal and your home map has the longest wait. Start in one of the others, then when in, que home or eternal if that’s what you were aiming for. Still a long wait, but at least you can do something while you wait… after you wait.
Otherwise play more on weekdays or off hours. Friday starts the match and is usually loaded at peak.
Negative. There isn’t one other MMO that you have to wait like this. ANET needs to make multiple instances or figure something else out. The wait is ridiculous and ANYONE that apologizes for ANET is crazy. Simply make 2 instances of this map and be done with it. There should be minimal wait. Period. I cannot believe that players actually stand up for ANET in this matter. It’s crazy.
Some people like the queues. We like knowing that we are fighting roughly even forces. thats just one reason why we’re on T1 servers.
If you want more room in the maps than you have players just go to T8. Server transfers there are free right now.
Now you can play your non-capped maps and I can play my capped maps and we can all be happy without having to take away what either of us like about the game.