dead before they can get the vista/sp. if you are in wvw, you need to play the game as intended. that said, I have often escorted players, on whatever server I was on, to those vista’s/sp and covered them long enough for them to get credit. that too is part of the wvw game design.
it sounds super productive just hanging out in a ring with 15-20 of your guildies while the opposing forces run around taking the ppt structures. maybe if you moved this idea to a a non-borderland zone, say lions or div, then 15-20 slots would be open for players who willing to attack/defend
my run of bad luck has been ongoing since gw1. I never got a good item dropped in that game, and I have only gotten 1 ascended ring drop in 1220 wvw levels and daily playing.
nty, I like my maps fully tested and cleaned of bugs.
same maps. same skill sets. same color of troops. doesn’t matter what the server names are you wont get anything new out of the experience so there is no point in crying about how long you have fought the same server
ive traveled the ladder, up and down, and the grass was never greener on any server that I stopped. the players were always friendly and welcoming on each server, and every servers skill level is about the same, but I always moved on due to lack of fights during my game time slot. I ended up on the top tier because of the continuous number of people playing wvw. there is always a large group on the move, always a bunch of hardy corner defenders to work with, and always a few roamers to fight it out against. it was worth the gems to discover where I would be happy even if I did have to leave a lot of friends behind. whether or not you choose to move from bronze to silver wont matter eventually, anet will fold you together to save money by closing down low pop servers. that is the sad fact of all server divided mmos
Dear anet, when you resolve the problems please consider giving everyone +100/150 tickets extra… This will allow:
1. Everyone to get at least 1 shiny mistforged weapon.
2. The winners can get 2 of them (so you reward winners more)
3. The waiting period will be worth it
4. There are many weapons people want and it will still take a lot of seasons to get them all so this generosity will not cost you anything
5. You will get everyone in better spirits and invested before the start of new WvW season / LS season 2 etcPlease consider this as my humble advice…
What do you think guys?
having to be patient while a problem is fixed doesn’t put you into the anet Entitlement program…and your advice isn’t humble.
one of those skale outside of red keep on EB. has knockdown that never seems to miss. vomits a pool of acid and regens itself. put the vomit on the f2 and its pretty much good to go
Allright, Underworld got wrecked during the last tourny and might have give up on WvW as a server. But that doesn’t mean WvW needs to change into PvE with a world boss.
No PvE in WvW. What we want is less PvE in WvW.
exactly how much head trauma did underworld suffer for him to come up with that idea?
was slowly following a Mesmer to the top level of stonemist, and even though I was a bit behind her and not quite ready to launch my attack, she suddenly panicked and miscalculated the height of her drop to a hiding spot thereby committing suicide. she just laid there a minute then Pm’d me “oops lol” and left.
Guess this isnt the game for you. Try something else.
you cant satisfy a troll who has mastered the art of hyperbole
just interested in the rewards. I want the mystforged sword/gs and maybe shield. wasn’t able to participate in this one so looking forward to another.
there are recipes listed on the wiki. you can just pve them eventually
just choose one of the top six servers in the tournament ladder in your region.
the only thing you did wrong was not bring a friend like he did.
I thought spvp was the carebear mode for gw2?
nty, I would rather keep my excellent ping than care about how well or worse EU or China is.
I just had my gall bladder removed, I should have known it was related to video games.
what about woman hours you misogynist
there are 7 people between the 4 maps
3 more maps and everyone will have their own.
obsidian and 2 oddly empty overflow maps of eotm should cover it
the wvw tourney is a bad time to level a character as toast needs your firepower in that zerg and not your rally bot, that said, when the tourney is over you should be able to gain a couple levels an hour, more with a booster in place. BG,TC,JQ does karma trains every Friday for everyone to just earn some cash as the PPT is always decided by then. that’s the perfect time to break out your low levels.
Which server are you on? I don’t see that in T2.
most likely one of the server that’s getting 2v1 atm and is bleeding out players.
yes, all the pve chevo hunters will be wearing the same title at the end of the season, no matter which server they bandwagoned to.
Since I cant even mention the initials of X. So X will be in place of you all know who
Where are the players that only want easy wins, and only come out when they know they are stomping, The players who leave once they hit the T2 wall, Just wondering where they are going after they leave X and gut X of a lot of players and guilds, leaving X in a free fall and possible more guilds and players leaving until they balance out. Lots of us would like to know what your guys next plan is so the server and other servers can prepare their community and attempt to not be gutted and destroyed.
if you throw in some time travel and a bald british actor in a wheelchair, it could be the new xmen movie.
1. you cant judge who does a better job by basing it on server population, or time zone coverage.
2. its unfair to punish players by forcing them to split rewards with an entire population just because they had the common sense to move to a place where people actually log in to fight daily. if your sense of loyalty to your server keeps you in the bottom tier, that’s entirely on your back, not ours.
3. anet wants you to compress servers. the less servers they have to run, the more money they make. I don’t ever foresee a day that they don’t announce server positioning and then offer a sale to get ppl to transfer up.
badges fall like rain in the spring, the only people who will actually have to work to collect them are the pve only players who don’t stockpile thousands of the useless things. im sure you three will be just fine in getting your skins by the end of the tournament as long as you play casually in wvw
anet prolly took the bearbow joke thread serious and nerfed the pets.
how does this help wvw? your kills aren’t stopping the enemy and its not generating ppt. you need an entirely separate zone from wvw for gvg.
gz on finishing. please keep fighting so that your server has a better chance at good rewards.
you could read the really nice post anet made for the season. it explains everything and no one has to type it for you.
I’m not sure if you’re troll, but what do you mean you don’t need them? 250 points extra toughness and/or power is not wasted points if you ever fight anyone. Are you saying you never fight other players?
EOTM is 24h karmachamp PvD train so dont need thoughness – bersi better anyway to tag champs
this is what you get when invite only wvwproguilds to beta test a map^^
congratulations on expressing every wvw players fears about pve players involvement in eotm, and tournaments.
I like the siege fights and I hate farming pve zones or repeating story steps ive already done. so in between new content, I wvw.
You can complete the dark room portion without dropping stealth if you turn up your brightness to maximum.
Nah you can do it in full darkness too. Just need to be pro
but you still cant see my ranger traps along the wall under the fire spouts. 1.5 seconds of immob makes for endless enjoyment right there
it would be stolen to pay for pve content. so count me out.
none of it matters. weapon skins can be easily acquired thru multiple paths. achievements can be karma trained. 250k players can be farmed by a no skill on an arrowcart, and wxp can be bought with laurels and badges.
the one and only thing that does matter in this game is your name. toss the tournament skins in the trash and be known for leading raids, guarding a tower or scouting zergs for endless hours, not some skin waved around in lions arch.
yup, TESO or just the start of the work week in general cleared out the achievement hunter crowds. I managed to access EB early this morning and had quite a few good fights. TC/BG/JQ wvw veterans ftw.
ranger getting ya down? roll an elementalist and hit him from an even farther range than his bow with the splash of your fire staff 1 button. pew pew pew!
the LB AA with trait can reach 1800 range (level ground). It is a bug, and has been confirmed by ArenaNet as being “unfixable” for the time being as the bug is related to the targeting system itself..
So no, you cannot “outrange” a ranger. Oh and the only way to get 1500 range with ele is to use meteor shower. That means that you will have a RNG AOE vs a focused single target damage weapon. Fact is, you need to channel meteor shower, so you are likely to get killed by just trying.
it was posted in humor and you spent way to much time responding to it. go play wvw and help TC win.
defending will be possible when 5 players build 5 arrowcarts and wait patiently for the zerg to arrive. that’s all it takes.
ranger getting ya down? roll an elementalist and hit him from an even farther range than his bow with the splash of your fire staff 1 button. pew pew pew!
it was living story, content. now its a place for all three sides to fight over. the scarlet saga is over, so just run on thru and let the aetherblades have their fun with the pve bandwagoners that stop to play with them
The OS etiquette:
-Don’t interrupt duels at the duel spots, or finish a downed foe who was clearly involved in a duel
-Don’t grief GvGs
-Don’t spawncamp
-Don’t expect people not to attack you
there has never been etiquette in the wvw Jumping puzzles. where do you people come up with these ideas.
they left gw2 and got their own game.
Yep your stuck. Ignore the trolls though. Ideally you can build and use superior siege.
he can use siege but he will do far less damage than anyone who has the correct level and stats for the job. worse, he will die in situations in which a level 80 fully geared player would have lived and rally the enemy which will make everyone elses job that much harder. if you are unwilling to bring a level 80 fully geared character into the tournament please do not make posts looking for sympathy on the forums because someone hurt your feelings. you obviously deserved the lecture you received.
thief has a trait that gives +50% movement rate as it is
if you share the same skill level as the person you are fighting, and lack the ascended they have, you are screwed. math!
Just read this …
‘There will be spells to detect stealthed individuals’
What a crazy concept
was already done in numerous older games, so nothing new there.
No way
Lineage 2 all archers skill….
even in GW2 ranger have some counter ability for stealth'Em%22
that reveal is on the ranger and his pet, not the thief or Mesmer they are fighting. it is the most heinous nerf ever bestowed on a profession in the game. talk about pulling the last tooth in a starving dog. /facepalm
the problem with rekindling hope on the forums is that it eventually sets you on fire when they cant come thru with the promise.
sf is fine, you kids have fun storming the castle.
sword/torch axe/horn? cause that’s what I use to roam. unfortunately these days I need fat loot bags to make all the ascended so I spend more time tossing traps and barrage into the front end of zergs…which isn’t bad fun btw, if you put torment on axe and nullification on the bow you can help pull boons and keep the train tormented as it makes its passes.