I’m the odd man out here, I bought it because there was no monthly fee.
Far as I am concerned WoW did it right with stealth and the Rogue class, no I don’t play Wow for other reasons one being subscription, but they did do many things right and Stealth they did correctly, GW2 did not.
What I mean is this:
Stealth = able to be seen if close enough in front of someone and movement speed is reduced.
Invisibility = completely unseen and can move at full speed.
Stealth is bad enough, but Invisibility is way to much on top of that given a certain class can go stealth most of a fight coupled with massive DPS is just wrong. If we are honest we will all admit to this.
If you can not change invisibility do to programming issues, then at least give us one counter to it. Maybe a class that is able to see through invisibility at all times to counter it.
How about letting the Ranger pets see and attack invisible? Something besides random AOE blasts for a counter is needed.
I wish they would improve the weapons, I mean it would be nice to play without having to use kits, but the guns are just so weak, well I am talking in a PvP situation. Rifle can be ok, but still needs help, but the pistols are just terrible IMO.
Someone suggested a while back to just swap the borderlands with the EoTM map every now and then.
It would play differently to how EoTM plays right now as servers would attack and defend as they do in normal WvW but with the nice scenery of the newer map.
Keeps WvW fresh and requires next to no effort to implement.
That sounds like an idea. I really don’t care for the borderlands maps at all.
Problem with WvW has been from the start and will never be fixed and that is lag in large battles. Commanders can lead a large team back and forth, causing lag spikes and running over people before they can actually react. What is actually on the screen is behind what is actually occurring, top that off with massive skill lag as well. I’ve been on both sides of this and it isn’t really fun either way.
The smaller scale battles and skirmishes is where WvW shines, and might be why many go to EotM .
yep the finisher move button isn’t working or seems messed up some how.
So does this means a thief actually has a chance to lose to a Ranger. That is the end of roaming? lol
Only thing I can think to help stop it is to make it so you can only create characters on one server, if you switch servers all your characters have to move to the new server.
It may help not being able to create characters on different servers.
Of course they can still buy multiple accounts and do it that way, but not as many would want to do that just to spy.
Spying hurts WvW as well, as this sort of falls into the same category. Many guilds won’t run with tags because of the spying, forcing use of teamspeak to bypass it best they can.
Not sure exactly what can be done outside of limiting each account to one server only, but some people may own multiple game accounts and bypass this, although not a lot I would guess.
I feel your pain, WvW could be so much better if they put more effort into it, and apparently they do not realize it is probably the main draw for many of us even playing and buying the game.
When EQ Next comes out and if it is at good as it sounds like it could be, GW2 will probably take a hit to the player base and WvW will empty out even more.
YB has suffered. Doesn’t help we have faced some form of Maguuma/SOS/SBI every week with SBI every stinking week since season 1……
Our huge zergs are now doing world boss events….
Yep, about 7 weeks in a row outnumber on every turn facing SBI 7 weeks in a row, they won I think every match up, yet we still face them? How is this a good matchup system? why is YB still facing this obviously much larger WvW player base server every week. Most are just sick of it and logging off until things change.
What needs to be done is mass invisibility removed from the game along with portals.
Then next the invisibility of thieves needs to be nerfed greatly to only use about 30% of the fight instead of 95%.
Hands down Anet has basically ruined the WvW in this game with the over use of invisibility to epic scales never dreamed of.
Would that be a nice idea? Give the Ranger a little more usefulness and survivability.
Come to Yaks Bend friendly server with decent wvw coverage. We could use a few more good men and women.
Really? Lets see YB has been playing against SBI for about 7 weeks in a row now, SBI greatly outnumbers YB, and won almost every single match-up, yet we still face them. This isn’t working.
I guess when you are so l33t with your thief you just scare people off
VOLKON, you still seem to lack the points i have made in this post.
Even if you use the glitch to throw siege from below (making it semi-float in the air), at the very edge of the stairs leading up to the walls, it is still in range of AoE. (Meteor shower OP radius)WALLS ARE A BULLET HELL FOR DEFENDERS
So you can’t stand on a wall as a defender to shoot down the enemy AC that they build 4meter behing the gate. Every AC you build inside the courtyard can’t hit that 1 AC, so you lose ALL your siege.PvD isn’t the only problem with AoE, it’s the fact that walls are actually advantages to attackers (blocks arcing shots of trebs/mortars)/ and creates a safezone for the attackers since every defender stupid enough to go stand on the wall will pulled of, or nuked to death from AoE.
Defenders have to stand on the very edge (dead-zone) not to get a Line of sight problem to shoot down.
Attackers can hug the wall in their safe zone and just spam AoE on the top of the wall (no LoS needed to hit those on the wall)PvD has to go, once i made that clear to Anet, i’ll start a new thread: “Stop the Bullet Hell!” How to fix?
- NO skills can be casted on the side of walls (the circle will just appear as red and say ’can’t cast here’). Only on the horizontal surfaces should players be able to cast skills.
Once again I agree 100% with what you said, I seen this problem since beta, and it still has not been addressed at all by Anet. Why do we have to stand on the edge of the wall to target the enemy at the door? I mean this is stupid and should have been fixed long ago.
Eternal BG is easier to travel in mainly is why I like it, not such long open stretches to get ganked in, and not as many cliffs blocking your patch, and generally more action there as well.
It worked well in Warhammer, so it is possible. That game died for many other reasons, but collision detection did work.
At this point it would be too big of a change for them to add to GW2, but newer games should consider it.
It worked well in Warhammer, so it is possible.
It worked well in Warhammer
No it didn’t. It caused unbelievable lagstorms as 100+ players tried to cram up a ramp with a bunch of tanks blocking backed up with mages. Not to mention sync and interpolation issues or block-banding.
Sure when pvp was reduced to 20 man groups because the game became unpopular it worked, kinda.
Yes it did work and it was a nice idea, the lag has little to do with collision detection, it isn’t that hard of a thing for a CPU to calculate really.
Mesmer has limited stealth compared to thief perma stealth, they also do not have as much over the top burst damage like a thief either. Like the person above me said it takes up slots for stealth plus long cooldowns for them.
SBI vs SOS vs YB
Three weeks in a row.
Actually I think we (YB) has seen SBI 5 weeks in a row now. To top if off SBI greatly outnumbers us and SOS maybe slightly outnumbers us as well. Gee what fun being outnumbered week after week. This is just laziness on Anet part. WvW is only reason a large portion of the players even log in and they don’t even care about it.
Actually I agree with OP, this is a game anyways not real life. I think doors should only be destroyed by siege equipment, this would make them more easy to keep and defend.
Casual or not has nothing to do with zergs, and who is exactly “a casual” player? I mean get real.. Zergs will always be a part of this game type, if you want to avoid zergs then you must play structured PvP.
WvW, or RvR isn’t for you if you don’t like zergs.
As far as AOE goes, I think most people have enough sense to get out of the way of a big red circle if they can it doesn’t take some elite skill master to do that.
When I first heard about stealth in GW2 (I think it was long before Beta) it sounded more like this:
When you’re hit in stealth, you will be revealed for a short amount of time. Dots will reveal the stealthed character as long as he takes damage from it.
Wouldn’t this be a more interesting stealth-mechanic and more fun to 90% of the playerbase? What do you think?
and this is how it works in WoW last I remember, and how it should be I agree.
Face it, any MMORPG survives off of some kind of “grind to get gear” gameplay.
If you didn’t have that people would have no goal to aim for and quit to play something else. You always need a goal or something to accomplish now days it seems.
WvW could survive without goals or rewards, but I think many would complain if they didn’t get something for winning the match.
It is like some people don’t want gear grind but then if there wasn’t any at all they would complain they are bored because there is no reason to do anything.
I kind of like those waypoints, and it does makes those keeps more important because of it.
Maybe what they should do is make those waypoints automatic on caputre without an upgrade so smaller servers will get the benefit without trying to hold out for the upgrade to occur.
Nobody like walking forever trying to find the zerg just to get ganked on the way there.
I thought the same thing OP, why should I spend my gold on upgrading something that I get nothing out of it, and it will probably just be run over before the upgrade completes anyways. So right now it is basically it is a guild thing if they want to claim it and upgrade it so they can show off their banner.
I don’t think you can ever get away from (numbers = win) with any large battlefield game. Only in rare occasions can a perfect setup counter large numbers, and how can you program that into a game really, maybe with choke points and not letting one team be able to pass through the other. But then in real life, larger numbers win most often unless one side has a technical advantage in some way such as air power etc.
The only way I can see it easily being helped is to remove “downed state” and just turn it into a kill.
I agree the keeps and such should have more robust doors, walls and defenses even with no upgrade, they fall to easy still as is.
The attack angle from the top of the keeps are poor, you have to stand on the wall to be able to hit the target below, which shouldn’t have to be that way.
You should say where you are located as well and see if anyone else from your location has the same problem.
From with in the US I haven’t had any issues at all connecting over the holiday.
Kind of hard to say since this game has no monthly subscription, so people come and go and come back again all they want. Then you have to figure in the time zones and around the world if you are measuring how many people on at one time.
Lol, Why do you think….., that guys think……only guys play mmo’s?
Most guys know women play MMO’s, but the majority of the player base is probably still male I would guess. There really is no way to know the toon next to you is male or female.
Oh warriors have perma stealth now? didn’t know that, hmm I have to rebuild my warrior.
Try an older graphics driver and see if it helps, try 314.07 Geforce and see if it helps. It helps my frame rates over the newer drivers only with GW2 for whatever reason.
Just a note I noticed my older Nvida drivers work better with GW2 than the newer ones do, but this is only GW2 I noticed this so far with. With your card it may be a similar case, try older drivers and see if it helps.
Windows may think you are installing it on a new computer though and that could cause problems, but not for sure if that will happen.
If you are installing a new mother board and processor you really don’t need to worry about the BIOS, it is already in the new motherboard. BIOS isn’t stored on your hard drive it is flashed to the motherboard from my understanding.
Windows may give you some messeges when you change the mobo and CPU if you left the old hard drive drivers on there, it should change to it ok as long as you didn’t switch from Intel to AMD, or something like that it may cause some problems.
I would just like to see more ability to build roles into each class. DPS, Tank, Support, and Healing roles should be more defined with in each class. I think Rift did a nice job with this. But if you say want to make a healing build with a guardian, well it is pretty lame, and you don’t get any credit being support or healing compared to DPS.
Problem with this post is assuming everyone is using basically the same build and play style.
In group play it doesn’t matter much, but one class should not be able to take on 2 or 3 of another at a time and survive or even win in some cases for that matter. I seen this done with thieves and sometimes mesmers.
Maybe she was just born that way
Regardless of how many tantrums are thrown by the people who crafted them, more avenues to get the gear will open up, they stand to lose far more than they gain by not opening up ascended gear to WvW players or non crafters, and they have already acknowledged this.
We get Ascended gear in WvW all the time.
Really? I never seen one drop yet.
I agree the crafting to get one of these weapons is pretty complicated it seems.
Well you picked arguably the hardest one on one pvp class to play, I’m not very good with mine one vs one, so I can’t get good advice there.
For WvW if you want an easy to use build for running with a group just power, crit, toughness, and use your long bow, you can burn down one target pretty quickly with #2, and the aoe cripple is handy, but again for solo it isn’t the best because it is hard to keep a distance. Longbow is basically a good sniper weapon, but that’s it.
I came up with the same idea as you quite some time ago, I think it would make things interesting.
That was pretty cool, nice job.
Thanks for the input, well I was thinking more WvW and I like using the pistols which do apply lots of condition damage, I have the thing where crits will set target on fire as well. My crit% is like 36% currently.
I know burst damage is a big thing with PvP, maybe the extra damage from crits is worth more than the amount I gain from condition increase. Just wonder if anyone noticed a difference going one route or the other.
Really retaliation should only work against melee attacks, how exactly does person retaliate against a fire? or something at range? doesn’t even make sense.
I know it may be situational, but which do you think is better with 30 points in the Firearms tree. Adding gear with Crit damage increase or adding gear with condition damage?