Showing Posts For kylwilson.9137:

Ah OK so we get nerfed!

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Is this thread a joke? I mean, I’m a Mesmer main and can plainly see thieves were nerfed into the ground and we’re stronger than ever. What are you SERIOUSLY complaining about? Learn to kittening play.

We have lost a child. Can we all please take a moment to mourn.

Go watch Jebro duel thief post patch and realize how kittened and bad at this game you are.

What a shame they clearly don’t balance this game (lol) around top tier players. Alas I am not one (with an oceanic ping at least). So feel free to keep embarrassing yourself and taking cheap personal shots. I’m sure I’m not the only one entertained by it.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

Blinding dissipation

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


So, there’s basically no counterplay to it? That’s just stupid.

Edit: It actually hits you during your evade frame, so I don’t think there’s any way to avoid it.

EDIT: Also no ya’ll no, Mesmers suffer the most from the loss of extra stats from trait lines. That extra 300 in Chaos would have helped but A-net shot that in the foot by nerfing Chaotic Dampening far too hard.
Theif players just need to stop.



And yet another Mesmer nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


You have steal which essentially kind of shoots any argument you just put forward in the foot (twice if you still had those ricochet pistol traits there, my condolences). Seeing as you can simply wait until a Mesmer is revealed for even a moment, and continue to poison, damage, heal from them, and gain every boon in the game twice, all from out of line of sight.


And yet another Mesmer nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Do remind me how thieves managed to melanoma their way into the discussion though, don’t they have their own forums to kitten on about?

EDIT: PSA – Melanoma is a verb now and hopefully it will catch.


PU - learn to read your opponent

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Learn to read instant bursts from invisible targets that can stun you three times in a row while teleporting around like deranged poltergeists. Such a l2p issue, amirite?

So there is this new profession called thief



Ah OK so we get nerfed!

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Is this thread a joke? I mean, I’m a Mesmer main and can plainly see thieves were nerfed into the ground and we’re stronger than ever. What are you SERIOUSLY complaining about? Learn to kittening play.

We have lost a child. Can we all please take a moment to mourn.


Ah OK so we get nerfed!

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


The attached SS speaks for itself.

- Unlucky steal 2.5k (NP)
- C&D over 6k (OUCH!)
- into an over 11k BS

All that was near instant. Then came a 10k Heart Seeker at the end just to add insult to injury.

I’m so glad we got MtD nerfed! It was obviously OUT OF CONTROL!!!!

Did you dodge any skill?

Tell me how you dodge instant steal possibly out of stealth and backstab completly out of stealth? The only skill he could have dodge was CnD. Of course you can always do a lucky random dodge…

When a thief goes into stealth, you should almost always know that they will follow up with a back stab/steal/cnd, etc. Positioning yourself or baiting that out into a dodge/blurred frenzy is what most people should be doing.

Against thieves, it’s a proactive game play approach, not so much reactive.

Every stupid commend in regards to Mesmer vs Thief can and will be addressed with Mariah, our patron goddess.


And yet another Mesmer nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


@Vieux P:
I don’t understand your argument.

after contradicting yourself on the other thread, why am i not even surprise.

Except, there wasn’t a contradiction. Also, nice try to troll. You are now sidetracking a discussion into another thread, where it is harder for people to actually follow what happened. But well, that’s what trolls do.

@Vieux P:
I don’t understand your argument.

Really? I am at least trying to stay a bit more objective here. If you but throw useless emotional garbage at me and act like thieves have no limitations at all, then the discussion is worthless. The only thing you did was answer back to me figuratively: “Thieves can do anything”.

“Emotional garbage”, that’s rich.

Can we be objective when it comes to a profession that has no cool-down on their most potent weapons skills?

Yeah, and initiative is eternal in any given situation… This is becoming beyond ridiculous.

Entire Mesmer forum be like:

Because we’re honestly all at that point.

Also I take back any comments I said about the MtD nerf being necessary. Screw everyone else, it’s how every other profession forum acts. Why should I act act different. \o/



And yet another Mesmer nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


@Vieux P:
I don’t understand your argument.

Really? I am at least trying to stay a bit more objective here. If you but throw useless emotional garbage at me and act like thieves have no limitations at all, then the discussion is worthless. The only thing you did was answer back to me figuratively: “Thieves can do anything”.

“Emotional garbage”, that’s rich.

Can we be objective when it comes to a profession that has no cool-down on their most potent weapons skills?


Chronomancer is doomed.

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I really hate all the QQ over mesmer right now. It’s been 2 days and its already time to play whack-a-mole with balance. Did any of the other classes think to open their trait panel and maybe try to CHANGE their build to address mesmer instead of demanding sweeping nerfs?

This exactly. I didn’t see any change to the once patched OP pew pew’s… No we had to find a new build to counter it (how it should be).

Haha, OP huh? Coming from the greatest Ranger’s counter currently (chuckle). Having the easiest access of reflect of all classes is not enough huh?

For a whole day, what, two days so far? We didn’t before. We had to take a sub-par heal and slot feedback which can be stepped out of. Go to sleep.


Confusing Combatants... Why?...

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Why would they let us have nice things now? Absurd! I’m sure we can wait another three years!


And yet another Mesmer nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Wanted to clear something up:

Power Block had its damage unintentionally increased with the 6/23 release. The reduction wasn’t a “nerf” – it was a bug fix. It still does the same damage it did before the 6/23 release.

As for Maimed, we wanted to address it before the build went out but we ran out of time. I agree that it would have been better to have adjusted it before you guys got your hands on the new build, but there just wasn’t time. Sorry about this.

For staff cd trait – conditional recharge is something new we’re trying out. The high cd reduction uptime that we were seeing right out of the gate wasn’t something we felt comfortable with. If it feels really weak after this we’ll come back to it and look at it again.

Anyways, as Peters said, we’re keeping a really close eye on everything right now and things will definitely continue to shift as we discover and evaluate how things take shape across the game.

Hope that addresses a few of your questions.


The real question here is where do you get those knee jerk reactions to nerf mesmer? Traits or skills that have never been tested, you change or nerf or fix immediately. But with other classes stuff that are currently in game?
I never see you guys see that with Consume Plasma (which is undoubtedly OP, ask anyone)

For the bug fixes too, You guys fix Backstab bug ASAP when a lot of the thieves were crying, but how about our bugs that take ages to fix?

Dude no offense, it is just frustrating.

Needs to kittenoed because it’s continually Mesmer that is the first to be targeted for changes like this.
Maim, I could deal with. I saw it as an okay solution although not ideal. But the Chaotic Dampening nerf?

Really putting the jerk in kneejerk, guys.

It’s worse than Chaotic Dampening before you made ANY changes at all!

And something like double stealing plasma on a thief to have near permanent uptime of EVERY boon is something you all FAILED to address?

I find it hard to take this seriously. It’s the first time I’ve actually questioned why I play this game with such foolish balancing.


Revert Maim The Disillusioned

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Good. The damage it provided was simply absurd. Anyone who fails to see this is wilfully ignorant.


Advice for countering Rampage

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Tornado is OP. Only ability in the game where you can turn into a tornado, and since tornadoes in real life would one shot most players. Well you get the point… If you see a tornado, RUN!

Spread the word, we may get a nerf though. “Tornado no longer grants stability”. Asruantornadoball.

Hahaha TRUTH. If anything, a nerf to Tornado should make the launch affect the player in Tornado form also. Perma self-launch, it’d be the only way to balance it IMO.

On a less serious note, disengaging from Rampage is a fair call but indicates an imbalance in the skill, considering there aren’t any skills that boast the same “solution.”

best way is to just disengage.


Part of being a good pvp player is to know when you are in over your head.

I agree that that is a huge aspect of being a good PvP player, especially in organised teams where rotations play such a large role. So that’s the general consensus, then? Disengage and hope for balance patches to buff Tornado? Hahaha xD

Definitely echoing this because of something Fay posted in the Mesmer forums, and it was profound, because knowing when to disengage is maybe the biggest hurdle for most players, I’m still learning this and I’ve been playing since release.


Engineer Specialization, signets anyone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Well the engineer as a class doesn’t use magic, signets are magic based.

So no it don’t really make sense.

Assuming they don’t do a retcon and give engineers something based on magic that leaves

1: Stances

2: Mechanical minions

3: Venoms (could be an offensive utility based type)

4: Tricks/traps

or something completely new.

Personally my bet is on mechanical minions or venoms.

Skill types have nothing to do with theme.

If Engineer gets mantras for example, they will follow other mantras in the mechanical sense, how they work as a skill. So the charge then usage.

You could very easily have the mantra charge phase be prepping a drone and the charges being drone commands as someone else has mentioned for a mantra idea.

Same with signets.

An Engineer well for example could be a radiation field caused by an IED.

They have everything to do with theme. A-net are very staunch about this. So this nonsense about signets and now this hypothetical acquisition of mantras just doesn’t float as unfortunate as it is.

I really don’t think Anet are never going to give X class Y skill type because of something so (in my opinion) silly as this.

A class that gets a skill type that makes no sense lore wise is fine, because they will change the theme of the skill, even though it will work the same through game mechanics. Sure, the skill will be labeled as a mantra, or a signet, but the skill for Engineer will having nothing to do with magic.

Lets be real here.

Well I mean, you’re fully entitled to your wrong by opinion but when you’re arguing against the way A-Net has publicly stated they design skills and distribute professions you’re really smashing your head against a brick wall.

Let’s be real here.


What Class Do You Struggle With The Most?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


pyro: Are there any classes/builds you will not engage or have trouble killing?

I’ll engage anything, the real question is what I disengage against.

Just quoting this here in hopes that it will be tattooed onto every Mesmer’s backside, because I think it’s the single most important thing, knowing when to disengage and using that 1200 range blink to do so quickly so you can be of use elsewhere, immediately (portal, if you’re playing organised).

@chaos It’s a shame, because the torch phantasm sucks so dreadfully, but the extra stealth is so useful, we’re at the point where if the phantasm was buffed it would push pistol, focus and sword out of the meta entirely (more than they already have been). I’m a huge supporter of diversity and flavour so it’s something that weighs on my mind a lot (oh and I crafted Quip so there’s that >_>)

I can say that honestly, projectile reflection on all focus skills just straight up needs to be baseline. It would give us breathing room against some of the guardian pressure (whether it be scepter auto or flashing blades [I think it’s called? The wiki is an ENTIRE tab away \o/])


Advice for countering Rampage

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


The amount of warriors popping rampage in a 1v1 (I know I know, I should honestly disengage more and help elsewhere and just let them have a cap) and then coming out with the smack-talk is becoming more and more prevalent.

I’m not one to complain about something like rampage often because hey there are counters…I think..somewhere? But when you’re smacked with an 8k damage boulder you’ve got to wonder, where does the buck stop? :/
Come to think of it it’s not about how strong it is, it should be powerful, but the cooldown is far far too short. I could deal with it otherwise, for sure.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

Engineer Specialization, signets anyone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Well the engineer as a class doesn’t use magic, signets are magic based.

So no it don’t really make sense.

Assuming they don’t do a retcon and give engineers something based on magic that leaves

1: Stances

2: Mechanical minions

3: Venoms (could be an offensive utility based type)

4: Tricks/traps

or something completely new.

Personally my bet is on mechanical minions or venoms.

Skill types have nothing to do with theme.

If Engineer gets mantras for example, they will follow other mantras in the mechanical sense, how they work as a skill. So the charge then usage.

You could very easily have the mantra charge phase be prepping a drone and the charges being drone commands as someone else has mentioned for a mantra idea.

Same with signets.

An Engineer well for example could be a radiation field caused by an IED.

They have everything to do with theme. A-net are very staunch about this. So this nonsense about signets and now this hypothetical acquisition of mantras just doesn’t float as unfortunate as it is.


What Class Do You Struggle With The Most?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Playing your typical 4/4/6 lockdown, (good) Thieves mainly, and yeah Meditation Guardians are a pain in the kitten .

However I run S/P and Staff. I let the pressure from iDuellists burn through the aegis flying all over the place as well as the block they have on focus, and don’t chain-shatter my diversion until I can land my first stun when I know they’ve exhausted their own stun-breaks.
Once you’ve landed that first interrupt to trigger Bountiful Interruption it’s just a matter of time, as your duelists are getting stronger, bleeds and conditions (from staff clones as well) are also getting stronger, and if you can get them into an immobilize though ileap or any interrupt in general and then plop a chaos storm on them, it’ll make it really tough for them to come out of it unscathed.

But by far meditation guardians, I’ve had my most drawn out battles with them.

EDIT: I swear I hardly see any Mesmers running pistol. It’s saved me from the wrath of Thieves so many times.


Remember when enemies dropped loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I like how instead of fixing the poorly thought out design that resulted in ‘unlimited event spawns’, they gutted loot tables completely.


Thief rifle as a rope gun

in Thief

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


There is heavily speculation that thieves will get the rifle. I don’t think it will be a sniper weapon because of the overlap with warrior rifle and killshot.

I think it would be interesting if the rifle functioned as a rope gun instead.

Here’s some ideas:

Stealth Attack: Entangling Shot
Fires a bola at your enemy that immobilizes them.

1.) Garrote Shot:
Fires a split bullet with a garrote between the two ends. As it travels, the spinning garrote becomes larger and hits more enemies.

2.) Splinter Shot:
Fires a bag of nails at the enemy that deals damage then leaves a circle caltrops at the enemy’s location that cause bleeding.

3.) Tethered Shot:
Fires a harpoon at the enemy that tethers them to your gun with a cord. Causes torment as the enemy moves and bleeds any enemies that touch the wire connected between you and the target. If the enemy goes too far from you, it pulls them to you.

4.) Poisonious Dart:
Fires a dart at the enemy that deals poison and weakness. Moves twice as fast as normal shots.

5.) Intentional Misfire:
Create a smoke field at your location that blinds enemies, puts you in stealth, and blasts you backwards. Functions as a disengage/panic skill. Breaks stun.

I love this. As someone who tends to prefer to run setups that are more hybrid than full condition or full berserk, this is fantastic. This would make a good contender against the shortbow.


Direct damage trait?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Hmm I think with quickness the 1h Sword AA will be pretty strong, especially on boonless targets, and alacrity will reduce CD on BF, which means both more defense and offense in melee. (Which in turn synergizes with the post-evade trait, getting you 1.5s of reflection.)

Actually it words inversely when it comes to something like blurred frenzy. A faster activation means less defense from BF because you cycle through the blur effect faster meaning using it under quickness in most circumstances is in fact worse.


F5 and Shield available to all

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


OK – I haven’t read the entire thread because it seemed to start re-hashing itslelf… For my 2 cents though… the problem with the new skills not being baseline is that in PVP it is not at all unusual for there to be quite limited scope in what is an optimum build. My prediction will be that in PVP atleast we will therefore (more or less) ALL end up speccing into Chrono or ALL won’t be. If it’s the latter and Chrono is sub-optimal then we all just carry on doing the same thing we’ve been doing for years – which sucks. If Chrono is optimal then all the previous baselines become redundant and Chrono becomes ‘Psuedo baked-in’ baseline anyway, which is just bad game design. Time will tell but personally I’m concerned that this is more likely to further limit builds than diversify them.

We will be able to grandmaster in three separate trait lines after the trait overhaul. Builds will be nothing but more diverse after this change. Right off the bat we immediately have at least three specs that have been boosted to well beyond what they were in the past, with a staple IP being made baseline. So even if Chromomancy does bring something great to the table, everyone no matter who they are will be better off than they were.

I get the impression that people are kind of focusing on a theoretical scenario in which chronomancy impacts the highest levels of play in such a manner. I’m willing to bet that next to none of us play at that level.


F5 and Shield available to all

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Keep in mind that we dont have use shield to use everythink others.
Picking Chrono traits line give you:
-new weapon to chose
-new skill
-propably block few other gamebraking skills (moa/Sign of illusions)

But yea as Chrono you can run pistol/staff and stun/daze all day long(both have CD refresh on skills, dont mention we have f5 x)

tough f5 would work only using shield equiped?

The new shatter is (thankfully) not tied to the use of a shield, so you’re not forced to use a shield when you spec into Chronomancy. The option is simply there for you to equip one if you wish to do so.


Turret Engi Patch - How are we faring?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


If the engineers yapping on about turrets can’t play without them then I’m actually wondering how good they were at the profession in the first place, before the massive turret buffs happened.

Looks like it’s time to get good hey.


Can we get to be dwarves in the future?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Easily retconned. All it would take is an intrepid band of Stone Summit dwarves who stubbornly refused to undergo the Rite of the Great Dwarf and…

..and were killed off or died in between the events of Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2. This is precisely what happened, the devs did a pretty good job of setting their fate in stone, no pun intended.

And they were just plain filth, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to play as a character that’s the descendant of the absolute trash that the Stone Summit was.


[Suggestion] Main hand pistol for Mesmer spec

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


If you understand the semantics of what was said, it makes sense. I can’t remember specific examples, but we’ve have actually seen ANet use this kind of logic before.

Essentially for me, it’s this above all else. A-net has been known to mice their words using semantics, this may be a prime example of it. I can literally see it already “Remember we said no NEW weapons”. We all know what they’re like.
They do this.

Remember the Mesmer reveal and they had the ‘Ministrel’ displayed on release and it ended up being nothing but a fun jab at the community?

And before anyone steps in and flags me as someone who is too optimistic, we’re just using their use of language in the past as a precedent.

IF i can sum it up in one paragraph:

I’m expecting to be disappointed by only having shield available, but it they do end up giving us a mainhand pistol and it was all tricky semantics the entire time, I won’t be surprised


Hint at new specialization?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


i really hope the riffle thing with thieves is as fake as it can possibly be. It’s a dumb idea…

The only way this would be viable is if the rifle would have Massive damage(sniper like) and i doubt that, so it will just be an extra weapon the thief has no use for. And even if it has massive damage, leave it to everyone else that doesn’t play a Thief to whine about this until it’s nerfed so much, that we’d rather trow punches than use the rifle.

You LITERALLY have no 1200 range power option, it makes perfect sense. I know I for one would love a rifle to compliment a dagger/pistol setup. Who the hell wouldn’t? Consider the mechanics and synergy here for a second hey.

It’s the same people who are asking for friggin axes of theives that are screaming ‘RIFLE IS DUMB’. It’s just absolutely beyond me. Thematically, rifle makes the MOST sense.

Ya’ll know you’re not getting staves either, aside from the Dragon Festivals, we all know A-net are going to do as much as possible to make zero allusions to anything else Canthan or worse, tacky (those two terms are mutually exclusive I love Cantha to bits). I know I would. The issue is dead and buried now.


Getting interrupted through F4 Shatter

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I’ll just add, that whilst the ‘blur’ on Blurred Frenzy is counted as a separate effect for all intents and purposes, yesterday in a match a thief was heartseekering me THROUGH the blurr effect, multiple times in a row (as in within the single activation of Blurred Frenzy). So there may be a common factor between how blur functions and how distortion does that we aren’t entirely aware of; the same factor that is the link to the same distortion bug described.

I’ve only very recently been hit through distortion in a similar manner. Worth mentioning of course.


Aggression or Caution, which mesmer are you?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Since making a solid transition from shatter to playing lockdown (which I find has far superior benefits in team fights, and less of a liability against thieves [less, still a liability and they are still a hard counter to the core]), it’s actually hard to say.

I would say aggressive, in such a way that it baits an enemy into a response giving the opportunity to lock them down, immobilize and wail on them, then it’s purely a defensive game? Honestly I don’t think, playing lockdown, you can solely just act as one or the other, it’s all entering combat and retreating in succession to get the job done.

That being said I don’t use a single stealth skill, I might add that in there somewhere, it’s just so hard when Arcane Thievery is my primary condition removal, and it’s Mantra of Distraction and Blink in the other two spots, consistently taking Moa from to turn the tide of scrimmages.


Can we activate dishonor?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


But then how will I be able to log out when Skyhammer/Spirit Watch/Courtyard pops!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Well VeeWee, No. 1 Engi NA and world first rank 80 & No. 1 Frandliest person NA, I guess you’ll just have to stay playing like No. 1 Engi NA and world first rank 80 &
No. 1 Frandliest person NA, and not straight up leave everyone for dead!

This is one of the main reasons why dishonor was introduced in the first place! I guess it’s all a part of participating like a good team member!


Bye frand!



(edited by kylwilson.9137)

Feedback on HoT Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Have to say, the first story mission? Loved it.

It’s SO good to hear my character actually taking charge with active voice acting! And no more passive pacifistic responses, she sounded like a real bad-kitten ready to take charge. There was something about the whole progression of it which reminded me a little of Resident Evil. Taking charge and making a choice in what to do next, the whole ’There’s blood here’ and then following it down into a foreboding and unknown environment and, well I don’t know but it worked well for me.

Not to mention the environments being stunning.

I was a little disoriented, but this would be because I was in an alien environment, and I wasn’t playing my native profession but instead was playing the Revenant (which I didn’t take a shining to, just not my style really).

OH and even more importantly the challenge of clearing out the vines from the ship with the flamethrower, fantastic. It was a real challenge, with those immensely tanky and brutish husks coming at you from different sides and knocking you about so suddenly. I got a feeling lke “THIS is level 80 content”. It challenged me in ways that The Silverwastes challenged me when I first entered them (and they still do challenge me occasionally when I’m not paying enough attention to my surroundings).

Thad had to be the highlight. If it’s any indication of how challenging the content will be, then spot on A-net. VERY pleased.

Honorable mentions:

Condition stacks going past 25, amazing.

The break bar, also amazing.


Pretty Lady

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I was toying with the character creator for a new Elementalist and thought: with everyone making supermodels for characters, why not try to create something more exotic with human or norn? I’m seriously considering now updating my main mesmer for something this flavor: attachment below

Then, any of you guys have “exotic” (very very subjective) looking humans or norns around? Post your pictures!

This looks like Janice kitteninson who ironically is now a retired supermodel.

Your attempt at missing the mark was ironically, incredibly accurate.

EDIT: And I LOVE IT. Also WOW at this forum censoring her name. That’s made this even better. Richardinson.



(edited by kylwilson.9137)

new legendary weapon?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Yeah there’s new legendaries in HoT. I’m not saving any normal t6 mats we currently have access to now though cause the new weapons will probably require ingredients from the new areas – so rich players can’t just immediately buy them. To invest in lots of t6 mats is risky, it’s a gamble really – could go either way.

I can guarantee you that they will not do away with the need for Gift of Might and Gift of Magic, thus hoarding tier 6 mats is not unwise whatsoever. People are already forking out for the expansion, they won’t gib people further by introducing another bunch of T6 materials for the base required gifts.

New mats for individual specialized gifts depending on the legendary, yes (edit: as in yes possibly). But those of Might and Magic, no.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

Elites pulsing stability

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Long story short, Moa Morph has come back into play. Even if Warrior’s endure pain still triggers whilst transformed into a moa (seriously what is this crap?).


Port Changes Coming Tomorrow?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Because breaking line of sight is so kitten hard, make a thief and go against a ranger. Wonder what threads would you make then

Hint: If you don’t LOS, you dead.

I can’t tell or not if this is a thief post complaining about LOS when a good portion of the thief’s own skill set ignores LOS, Steal being a MASSIVE offender of this which is unbelievable on so many levels. I abuse it myself all the time and it’s kind of ridiculous. In which case even if you do LOS a thief you’re dead anyway so.


suggestion: remove Delaqua and Meade

in Living World

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Kasmeer has probably the best arc of all the characters we have as companions. She went from sheltered Nobility, to penniless sunbather, to part time investigator, her Mesmer powers detected the Tower of Nightmares (which she and Marjory were inside for a very long time and it still affects them), to falling for Marjory and finally going mad with rage and being the only person with us to rush and kill Scarlet at the end. She has her political past which links her to Anise and the group of powerful Mesmers in the heart of human society. She had to deal with being the partner of a strong person knocked hard by grief (even though Belinda was clearly introduced with ‘DEAD’ carved into her forehead).

Kasmeer is a nervous character who is unsecure in her place in the world because she lost it all once – she’s a pretty compelling character. It might just be Mesmer bias but she’s the person I most enjoy questing with because I feel she’s grown with us.

I feel like as a whole, Kasmeer would have been more enjoyable if she had a temperament that was more like Cynn’s.

For those not familiar:

Having a partly bratty character develop more humble habits would be both more realistic and entertaining to watch. In addition to this, she would then clash a little with Taimi which would be great to see, imagine the dialogue possibilities.

Unless they’re still saving Cynn’s trope for another future character. I miss that bitter girl.


Port Changes Coming Tomorrow?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Do we know this is true? Any confirmation (red post maybe)?

This is what we need first and foremost.

Otherwise if it is true, this is a vile update that is going to essentially, out of all professions, gut the Mesmer in the competitive scene (more than it already is).


Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I run with Improvisation as a staple.

Having Shadow Refuge or Shadow Step or Basilisk Venom instantly recharge is one of the most useful things to have happen. So taking deception, trickery and venom skills in your build will severely tip a fight in your favor, considering how ridiculously small the CD on steal is with 30 in Trickey.


suggestion: remove Delaqua and Meade

in Living World

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


So what is it exactly about Kasmeer and Marjory that you hate? You should let us know in detail so we can decide how seriously to take your suggestion!

From my point of view, with the lesbian glamour gone, we are left with pretty much abusive relationship, which is not much about love, but about dependency and possession.

Congratulations! #golf clap You have just described literally every single relationship (hetero or homosexual) in the history of the universe! “Love” goes hand in hand with ‘dependency and possession’. The only thing is you somehow equate this to ‘abuse’? Has this to do with lack of experience with relationships? I don’t know, that’s not for here.

And you know, additionally as a gay man who has actually had relationships, I certainly know what know what I’m talking about.

Nice to know that I’m ‘glamorous’ just because of my sexual preference though! Or does that only apply to lesbians?

You’re really not going the best way about this now are you? Getting rid of them would cause more problems. Don’t get me wrong, Kasmeer kittens me up the wall (that’s primary because her Mesmeric powers make me feel useless as a Mesmer player myself), so I’m not bias. But at least my reasoning for her ticking me off makes some sense.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


This thread was by all means definitely okay to necro, as the issue its-self is FAR from dead.

A fix to power-block would get me playing my Mesmer full time rather than now my Thief full-time. Too many blatant kicks to the teeth to the Mesmer as really killed it for me.


Fellow Lady Thieves! Show your style!

in Thief

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


elaine canterwell … norn thieves ftw

Hah I love the way the tattoo works with those leggings. Smart.

I can’t shake the sleek catsuit look. Transmuted my Quip to a more stealthy option.

Some heavy ScarJo inspo here.

What top are you wearing with that? I love the catsuit look.

So do I, practicality always wins for me in terms of looks.

It’s the Glorious chest piece.


Mesmer vs thief, what the actual hell

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


To compound your point; I mained Mesmer since the beginning of the game (and all through Guild Wars 1).

I made the mistake of running a thief for the past two months or so and I can tell you, I don’t see myself going back to Mesmer after this. Eating Mesmers’ purple gooey insides for yummy boons is just…yep.

Some changes do need to happen.


Fellow Lady Thieves! Show your style!

in Thief

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


elaine canterwell … norn thieves ftw

Hah I love the way the tattoo works with those leggings. Smart.

I can’t shake the sleek catsuit look. Transmuted my Quip to a more stealthy option.

Some heavy ScarJo inspo here.



Halting Strike

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


It’s very powerful, it crits and thus procs air and fire sigils, and you will on average proc halting strike more often for a better pay-off.


Changing Phantasms: -mancer/Stances/Traps

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I must say I love the way you envision the Mind Trapper mechanic wise. I wish I had something to add to it but if this replaced Phantasms but kept the visual effect or something or rather, ah, I would be very happy.


Paygated new boons and condis

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Well consider this scenario (which is real, btw). I’m more then willing to buy the x-pac. But supposing it launched and i did buy it.

Things still stay the same for our base professions. If i choose to not fight as my specialization, but my base profession, I’m still without access to new boons/condis. Cause money. That’s my beef.

So in this scenario, you choose to buy the expansion and then choose to ignore specializations entirely. And in addition you make the assumption that existing skills will not be altered to include the new boons and conditions. This is so dumb.


Taunt + PU?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Let go of your over-done D&D theorum, for the good of us all.

I’m sure I speak for more than just me here that I can envision spells from Guild Wars 1 like say, ‘Tease’ to apply a Taunt effect.

Taunt fits the Mesmer more thematically than any other class, since A-net has essentially pegged Mesmer as -the- dueling class (whether that’s true or not is a different story entirely but it’s what the class was intended to be).

A-net are really fantastic at sticking to their themes and the core concepts of professions.

I guarantee you Mesmer will get Taunt. There is too much synergy with it and the rest of the Mesmer’s proficiency for it not to happen.


Paygated new boons and condis

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Just by the kitten expansion.



Revenant = New Meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


We have literally not even seen a proper video of this class, can we just stop with this doomsday posting? Yes they’re going to make it look like an AMAZING class when they’re PROMOTING the new expansion. For kitten’s sake.
