also, inb4 someone shouts misogyny, patriarchy or whatever…
What do bikinis have to do with partiarchy? Are bikinis more prevalent in patriarchic cultures, or something?
For those of you who don’t know it (I didn’t until recently), Reddit also has a dev tracker:
In the past few days, some devs posted many interesting comments on reddit.
Seems you got two very balanced matchups. Sorry for the loss, but you can hardly blame Anet for that.
I don’t understand the complaint about matchmaking. It’s the purpose of matchmaking to give you balanced matchups.
I thought this was about a legendary weapon effect.
The main question would be if it works for the higher divisions. Time will tell.
I see a lot of complaining…is there any evidence that this is actually occurring?
Then get the bagel before you queue. Problem solved?
I’m fairly new to PvP myself and I’ve never been insulted/blamed for anything until now (~100 unranked games)
Also, if people complain about you, tell them you’re a noob and blame matchmaking.
Yup, wasted an entire day yesterday only to end up where I started- zero pips. Guess I need to finally l2p now.
Apparently, you need to l2p MMR.
I just wanted to address the issue on the forum and see if devs are gonna comment on it. It’s clearly an exploit of the MMR system (which is ridiculous btw) and something has to be done about it as it’s preventing people from enjoying pvp.
If you want a dev comment, better try your luck on reddit.
Guys sry I’m gonna white knight over here this couls turnnoutno be kitten but matchmaking is not somerhing you get right from the first time look at LoL Dota smite HoN …
Give em some time to let the matchmaking and devisions settle first ???? if this is not gonna happen you have all right to complain but i thing over time this will fix matchmaking more or less ?Hope you understand
It’s hardly the first time Anet had to deal with matchmaking…
Pips are small but easily countable items.
Here they are used to show your progress to the next PvP division.
(edited by saturn.4810)
Leagues are there to (1) say that we have leagues, (2) give shiny rewards, and (3) allow premades to stomp solo queuers even better.
Possibly (4) to make it even more obvious how messed up matchmaking is.
If this actually works, then leagues are indeed quite messed up.
Thank you so much for your fast answers. Is that the only way? I read something about map completion, but don’t know if that means zones or world. And, I read something about some bosses like Karka and Triple, but can’t verify this any where.
Yes, that is the only way. Map completion, karka, triple trouble etc. have corresponding achievements.
I heard some personal story achievements don’t show the mastery point, even though they give one, but even then you can get mastery points only by completing achievements.
No.1 of EU at the moment farmed Solo/Duo’s all night.
It’s not like they have any other option…
Sorry, I guess I wasn’t clear. I mean how do I acquire them. I only have 6 left for Central Tyria and my experience bar keeps going up, so I’m starting to panic. Not sure where to get more points.
You acquire them by completing achievements with a mastery point icon.
Official information is posted here, but for personal comments devs seem to like r/Guildwars2 more.
Was already posted in another thread, but for better visibility I make a new thread.
Thanks folks, I passed this discussion along to the folks driving the project on combat visibility.
Combat visibility in general isn’t driven by any sort of “esports” stuff though I realize that’s the easy out that’s cool thing to blame things on this week. Despite some of the insane assumptions I’ve seen lately, the PvP pro league is pretty much entirely a marketing team thing and has almost no impact on the dev team. Though we all think it’s really cool, and seriously some of those games monday were awesome!From a marketing standpoint, it (and the ESL weekly cups and WTS tournaments before it) has been extremely successful so far, among the most successful projects our marketing team has ever launched to grow our title in the history of the Guild Wars franchise in return for the cost. If you don’t like it more power to you, don’t watch, but it’s absolutely helping our marketing folks make Gw2 a bigger game which I’d hope we’re all excited about. If you want to see the game fail I’m not sure what you’re doing here, but rooting against programs like pro league is basically rooting against Gw2 growing. When folks come here and rip on stuff like PvP, you’re basically hurting the games ability to grow – and personally I would say shame on you, if you truly love the game, be constructive and give awesome feedback and suggestions: but don’t knock it just cause it’s not PvE. And let’s be honest, it beats spending marketing funds on taxi confession ads or people spray painting wall cinematics if you ask me.
The reality about FX visibility is it’s consistent feedback we’ve had on every part of Gw2 for years that people can’t always see what’s going on in combat; our design, gameplay programming and FX team are putting a focus on resolving this issue together. This is most important in WvW and open world PvE where it’s the most problematic and where we need to solve this the most, though certainly impacts other parts of the game from Raids to Fractals to PvP.
Seeing what’s going on in combat isn’t a PvP problem – it’s a Gw2 problem, and it’s why our teams are trying to address it. I will say last time I saw the backlog of combat visibility cleanup work, the vast majority of stuff was along the lines of what you’re all suggesting below. More programming solutions at the systemic level and going after a lot of the side-FX like noise generated by other players rather than directly impacting your own FX 100% of the time. That’s the type of stuff you should be seeing in the future as this project ramps up, and looking at more options so you can opt into more noise if you want seems pretty logical. Along with that I imagine they will have opportunities to revisit some of the concerns raised here in relation to needing to see stuff that is important and how some FX have now become unreadable that should be, it’s (mostly) great constructive and totally fair feedback imho.
(edited by saturn.4810)
While we’re at it could we please introduce a solo mode for WvW as I don’t want to rely on on others?
That’s already implemented, just join the new borderlands.
I do want to reinforce – we absolutely plan to do a major quarterly balance updates every 3 months (with a short period after each update to make small tweaks before the next PvP league season begins). The next one is due to arrive after this current PvP season ends.
There are loads of reasons why HoT was considered for us the first big balance update (and the month that followed it) for this PvP League and we couldn’t do any more balance updates before this one, but the reality is none of them really matter since they are just words. What you all care about is action.
As we’ve said before: in 2016 we’ll do one major balance update every 3 months; shortly the balance team will start discussing with you the next big balance update for early 2016 with everyone to gather feedback; and hopefully in the future action will reinforce expectations.
I realize it’s not the immediate answer everyone wants to hear this second, but it’s the realistic one of where we are today – and where we will be when 2016 starts. I’m not entirely sure why this wasn’t clear before now, and I’ll try and get to the bottom of why that messaging wasn’t provided, but that’s exactly where we stand today.
Balance is super important in a world where WvW, Raids, Fractals, PvP, etc. are key components to Gw2’s success. And ensuring we have a new major balance update you can count on every 3 months is one of our keys to accomplishing that goal.
Yeah I agree that really should have been more clear, I think we felt it was and clear that HoT was setting up the first season and obviously it was not.
In regards to balance – balance is NOT driven by our PvP Pro League, the pro league is a marketing effort that has almost zero impact on our dev team. Drawing parallels between the two is at best disingenuous.
As for viewers when it comes to the marketing side since you commented on it…pro league week one had over 400,000 unique viewers (non view bots) watch for a reasonable amount of time. That’s beyond awesome and a huge return on the investment. Are we LoL? Hell no we’re not. But PvP has been steadily growing for the last 2 years and it keeps growing faster and faster. Rather than knock it- let’s all get behind it and root for it. PvP was DoA when Gw2 first shipped, it’s amazing to watch what it has grown and turned into, how freaking cool is that?And while we’re at it, get behind rooting for WvW and PvE to grow as well; we’re all in this together, it’s silly to knock things that are working. We have plenty of other stuff that we can make better to focus our energy on trying to improve
(edited by saturn.4810)
Because if everyone completes their content, we’d be crying for more. Atleast this way they get to fix every broke thing they released before the majority complete it and then want more content.
I already complete all the content, all the HoT achievements, story achievements, elite spec achievements, auric/leystone, chak achievements.
Now what?
Now you can start crying on the forum for more content.
I hope this kitten is just kitten: are some bad things mentioned in this.
The OP there even admits the information is outdated, and he might have misheard some things.
Aren’t guilds server specific? can I join any guild announced here?
You can join any guild. You can play across server boundaries, however, you can only play with either EU or NA players (depending where your server is).
I think they said you can still be matched against people from other leagues so gl with that :P Matchmaking will likely be exactly the same.
Is that for real? What the kitten is the point of leagues then?
So that people stop complaining about GvG.
I won’t suffer, since I stopped caring about this game some time ago.
Anet dishonores people with slow loading times. Thus, you are dishonored.
Official Anet policy.
I’ll let it slide for this week, cuz leagues might’ve been quite a bit of work, but I sure hope for a proper balance-patch next week.
Hope + Anet = Disappointment
Maybe in 2 weeks, if we’re lucky.
Oh wait, no, they need the time to increase the fractal rewards.
This season’s balance update was called HoT.
Note that they said “League play will generally begin about two weeks after a balance update”. This league was just delayed by a month.
Yesterday DH was overpowered, today Revenant is overpowered, and tomorrow Chronomancer will be overpowered.
Looks balanced to me xD
Fractal rewards will be updated right after the fractal leaderboards are implemented.
They should also make Triple Trouble soloable, as for most parts, events are soloable.
I suppose it will be free if you login in at that time while you have HoT purchased.
After LS3 is over, I forsee a huge discount to HoT (obviously without LS3 included).
The only part about Triple Trouble that isn’t world-group appropriate is the simultaneous-kill portion. Otherwise, the event objectives are somewhat easy to grasp. Execution is harder, but that’s a skill challenge.
Even the simultaneous-kill objective isn’t so difficult with attentive players and commanders. It’s still not appropriate, but it requires just paying attention and coordinating.
I initially would have agreed except people have been consistently succeeding the AB meta which requires synchronized kills.
I wondered about that, too. Honestly, I expected a lot more trolling and drama there.
I suppose if everyone doing TT would know what to do, and had good dps gear, TT would be really easy.
Obviously, only people not interested in rewards run dungeons atm. These people are generally nice and welcoming towards other people, thus depriving us of a great thread.
Story dungeon paths (the primary dungeon paths you would do when leveling) weren’t nerfed as hard. I’m actually not sure if they were nerfed at all.
If you’re level 80, low level fractals are easier than most explorable dungeons paths imo.
The point remains that it doesn’t make much sense to run dungeons at level 80. Anet killed a big part of instanced content, just to force people to buy HoT and to “encourage” them to raid.
There is the arena in the guild hall, and I think if you make a custom pvp arena, you can limit the number of players.
(edited by saturn.4810)
Yeah, for other game modes they would immediately disable the feature, and maybe fix it in a month.
You don’t need voice comm for VB T4. The only thing you need is to do is force people to spread out to the rally points.
Where as TD might fail even with the best voice comm.
Only rings/backpack can be infused. E.g this backpack:
Do you have HoT? With that, you can attune rings to get another agony slot, and you can upgrade your +5 versatile infusions to +7.
If you use +10 agony infusions, you get 6*7 (versatile per trinket/back) plus 5*10 (agony infusions, 2 per ring, 1 in back)=92 AR, without crafting.
(edited by saturn.4810)
Yes, the second recommended fractal needs masteries, and thus HoT.
replacing EB with a EOTM style map will most likely kill WvW for good!
No doubt about that. If they have an EB replacement in the works, they’d best delete it right now before wasting any more time on it.
There goes the major WvW overhaul.
Do what you like to do. There is no such thing as “acceptable” or “unacceptable” in GW2.
The only reason to rush to lvl 80 is if you’re eager to do the “endgame” content (fractals, raids, HoT expansion map…).
Also, if you’re not F2P, and log in daily, you will acquire 10-16 “tomes of knowledge” per month, each of which gives a free level up.
All who buy HOT support Rev or Elite specs in general but what else do we have to justify our $50?
Challenging group content.
Buff thief and warrior!
Yes we prefer them to the current ones.
But they are still 3 year old maps which have become stagnant.
Bringing those back will again just be a temporary measure to keep whats left here for just a little longer.I want new WvW maps, not new EOTM maps!
So you agree that Anet should replace EB asap, as it’s clearly the oldest map? /s
If you think Triple Trouble is hard, try Chak Gerent in Tangled Depths xD
TT has at least a high success rate for organized attempts.
Note that almost all TT achievements can be reached by only doing one head, which should be doable without too much organization.