Showing Highly Rated Posts By Astralporing.1957:

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Gee, there are many cool skins locked behind content I’m not interested in.

They are not the legendary armor skin. The only one.

It’s not a matter of locking out a single skin. It’s a matter of locking out a whole gear category. Yes, that armor does not offer higher stats, and its QoL effect is not really useful to everyone, but still it’s the armor that, by the mere fact that its name is colored purple, is the most important armor in the game.

Again, as Vayne said, it’s a matter of perception. By saying “you’re not worthy of that armor set”, you are sending a message telling all those people “you’re second-class citizens”. Many people are seeing it exactly like that. And if you have chat with some raiders (or even see some of the more extreme pro-raid posters on this forum), you will see that this view is shared among at least a part of raiding community as well. In fact, there are people for whom raids are interesting only because they divide the players into first and second class citizens (and the more painful and visible that division is, the better).

You, personally, you may not think of yourself as a second class citizen just because you don’t raid. There are people that think of themselves that way. There are people raiding that think of you that way. And, based on some dev statements, it seems that there are devs that think that way as well.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The higher the rating, generally, the more power the chef has, and the less stable the menu is. That’s why they hand write menus at high-end restaurants. Because they change often, based on what the chef is cooking that night.

This is after customer has already paid. For steak. not fish. A restaurant that’s going to change their customers’ orders (after taking their money) at their own discretion, is not going to get very far.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Ascended weapon handling is PERFECT.
Are you HC player ? You can get it by playing game. Hell, you dont have to be even hc player, if you play game long enough you have most of the mats anyway.
Are you cassual who cant commit time ? Buy gems, change it to gold and you can get it easy.

Are you cassual who cant commit nor time, nor real money ? You are playing wrong genre of games .

You seem to hame made some mistakes: let me fix what you said:
“Are you a HC player? You can easily farm for it in few days.
Are you a casual player? Even if you played from the very beginning, you won’t have neither money nor mats to level a single craft. Forget about actually trying to equip your char.”
This is much closer to the reality.

“There will be no gear treadmill in our game, cause its bad” well you have gear treadmill in your game now, and thats what we call being a hypocrite.

The hypocrite of this case is the community.
The ascended tier was introduced after a massive complaint from this community that lasted a whole month before they succumbed, it was not Anet’s idea.
Stop blaming them for your choices.

Only a tiny minority actually asked for a new tier of gear, and they were shouted down almost instantly. There were groups asking for things, that’s true (the majority of those people asked for mounts, holy trinity and raids, actually). Funny thing, most of those players have left long ago.

Saying that “we asked for it” is very, very far from truth.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If they cost less than the TP price of precursors it would crash the TP pre economy and have a knock on effect on the rest of the economy.

Untrue. That would happen only if it was a cheap easy, and fast option. Nobody (well, almost nobody) expected precursor crafting to be fast or easy. I doubt anyone asking for that system expected it to be also extremely costly on top of requiring a lot of time and effort.

Of the old systems, drops were cheap, not requiring much of dedicated effort, but also lengthy and unreliable. MF was faster, but required a bit more effort, was more costly and still unreliable (though to a lesser degree). TP was fast, reliable but costly.

The precursor crafting is long, requires a lot of dedicated effort, it’s prohibitively costly, and on top of that it’s also not very reliable. And thus there’s no point of actually picking it over any other option.

Pre crafting’s purpose was ONLY to give a non RNG method, and a non grindy method of gaining precursors.

Funny thing, it’s both RNG and grindy.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter.

That’s not the whole story however, as you well know already. After all, buying precursor from TP would have been a sufficient option, if it was only about that.

The idea of precursor crafting was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, while at the same time providing a different option than gold farming. Instead, we got something that combined the worst parts of the TP approach with the unreliability of the drop/forge option.

Basically, the new system was made by combining the worst parts of the old, already available ones. Those very parts that people wanted to avoid.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

For all those OMG TREADMILL Types

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Some people are complaining about the grind and some people are complaining about the time gating, and can live with the grind. It’s not all one party. You’re not all saying the same thing.

Except both the timegating and the grind are tied to VP. Again, neither would be the problem if not for the VP. VP would not be the problem if not for timegating and grind. All these three things are interconnected.

Also, i have noticed that while he was talking about tiers, he said absolutely nothing about raising level cap. And i still remember Anet’s statement that they’ll “definitely” do that.

My guess is they have metrics you have no access to. Of course, that doesn’t mean they interpreted the metrics correctly but given that they have those metrics and you do not, I’m guessing Anet had better information than you do.

Considering that the locust leaving was something that could have been predicted beforehand, and yet they still did panic, i have a reason to question their ability to interpret those metrics.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

The real patch notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


reduced all drop rates so that exotics are now at a 1% chance to drop off of anything,

I find it extremely funny that you consider this a drop reduction.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Knowing the information ahead of time, does not mean that things will play off as it seems like it would. Like e.g., the boss scheduling, as it is right now, you get a chance at it pretty much every hour. While that seems fine, how many people are actually participating in these events hour by hour? It varies by server I know, but you can’t tell me that these events are full all the time, every single hour.

No, they are not full everytime. Which is good – i’d rather do these events with smaller groups than with fullscale zerg.

Now with the update, you will have less spawn times yes, but it could turn out to be good, as having less of them means having enough people (most of the time at least, I would think) to be able to do these events and not worry that there is not enough.

Good for who? Most of those events can be done with only few people, you know. Most of the time they have enough people as it is now, too (i have seen a world boss event fail due to not enough people exactly once). Of course, i’m not talking here about Teq or Wurm, but looking at their schedule i won’t be attempting them in the future anyway. Before now i did manage sometimes to guest in Deso for succesful kill, which won’t be possible anymore – so that again is (for me) a loss.

And also, i wouldn’t call making the content zerged even more than it already is a good thing. Increasing the “zerg factor” on the events, is a definite negative. When it is glued on top of making the events harder to catch, it doesn’t leave much space for any positive feelings about the proposed change.

The wp’s and dungeons part I get it, but I’m taking pros over cons here, and the pros outweigh the cons imo. You may not agree with me on this one though.

Yeah. I do think that not only cons heavily outweight the pros, but also i am not certain that using such highly destructive means was really necessary for those pros.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

What to do about the Watchwork Mining Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I guess they prefer to pretend the problem doesn’t exist. Maybe if they ignore it long enough, it will go away?

But yeah, making the watchwork pick be superior to other infinite mining tools was an extremely bad decision.

Do you want cool animation or do you want the chance of sprockets. Everyone has the same decision to make.

Not true. I bought my molten picks (more than one) before watchwork one was created. I did it, because i believed Anet’s assurances that there will never be a better one that will make molten obsolete.
Those assurances turned out to be a lie.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

EOTM the aspect of killing another

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So when you die in PvE its ok? But if another player kills you it is not ok?

Yes, that sums it up pretty well. Especially if that other player is an active griefer (which in LS/WvW mix situation he usually is).

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Make better patch notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


To be fair, it’s probably because they don’t fully test their work, so no one signed off on this work as being tested and the changes slip through the cracks.

Those “slips” are too consistent to be chalked up to just an overlook. By now it’s clear that lot of changes are being hidden from us on purpose. Not sure why, because we learn about them within few hours anyway.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Still Too Much Thick Leather

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Exactly. What we need is more supply of t2-t4, not less supply of t5. It’s exactly the thinking OP proposes that led to the current prices of silk – we don’t need a repeat of that.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Wing Backpiece Physics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


People complained the wings were too stiff. Anet agreed.

And overshoot the mark in the other direction.
As usual.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Take away the exploited achievement points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So, yeah, keep complaining because ppl have likely 100 points ahead due to one patch fail.

He already answered he is not talking about that Monthly reset case, but about some mysterious massive exploit that supposedly some people used… and that noone except him has heard about.

…so yeah, roll eyes

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


And here’s the thing – you never had to do them. And the total ap dailies/monthlies cap made sure you didn’t even need to do them. All that change did to you was to deprive you of the choice do to things that you like.

And here’s another thing. You never had to do daily. Noone told you that you have to.

True, which is why i have separated what you have and need to do. With the AP cap you don’t need to do every daily there is, they will cap out all the same. I on the other hand need to do the daily achievements i am given (even if i don’t like them) if i want my laurel. Going with my option (more choices) doesn’t hurt you at all. Going with your options (less choices) does hurt me. See the difference?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


  • No, the game is not lacking direction. Nor is it lacking vision or goals, plans, ideas, concepts, or any of the other properties that guide our future. The quiet now is not an indicator of anything other than the fact that, at this time, the company is not talking about the future but is, instead, working on it.

Maybe. The problem is, we have absolutely no idea about what you are working on. And i don’t even mean specifics. You might be working on an expansion, new classes, maps, skill, gamemodes. Or on some changes in the NPE style. Or maybe just on a next LS arc, that will start half a year from now, and will consist of 5 parts (each done in 15 minutes) done at one month intervals, and based mostly on grind. We have no idea.

When we talk about having a vision, the last 2 years (and some of the CDIs) bring that into question. As i see it now, GW2 currently either has no guiding vision at all, one that keeps changing constantly, several confliction ones, or one that is so wide it can as well be nonexisting. It certainly doesn’t have the same vision that was communicated to the community before the game launched.

So, you saying you have the vision is not really helping, if you are not willing to share it with us.

  • The silence is decidedly not a distraction effort. As Mike O’Brien said, "We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: “We don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.”

Silence about things you are not planning to implement, and directions you are not willing to go should be also considered “stringing along”. Yes, there are people that keep playing, because they wait for things that will never arrive. Because you are too afraid to tell them they won’t.

  • Living World and holidays are important, yes. They are not the only thing on which the team is working, quite clearly, when you see substantial updates coming out on a regular basis. (Case in point: feature packs, the coming PvP update, etc.)

okay, i will bite. When will we see those substantial updates coming out on regular basis?

  • We are not “afraid” to lay out a roadmap. Quoting Mike again, “The intention of the CDI threads is to talk with you about the roadmap.”

Actually, no. Roadmap is the communication from devs to community. CDI’s are a communication in the opposite direction. Also, you have always been very careful to point out that they aren’t any roadmap – they are a sounding board, place where you can gather community opinion, but you are always very careful to remind us that the CDI’s are no indication that anything from those topics will ever be implemented (or even worked on).

  • No, we’re not fearful of player reaction to our plans; we’re simply choosing a different path in communicating in the here and now.

Yes, you have chosen to not communicate.

  • In general, with nearly anything, there are ebbs and flows in communication. If we’re in an ebb right now, you can count on there being a flow in the future. That’s just logical.

As has been mentioned already, what we have now is not an ebb. It’s the high tide. And yet it’s still telling us almost nothing.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Ascended vs Exotic (Math)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Do not count the straight damage difference. Count the percentage one. a 20 point difference on a 20k attack is insignificant, but on a 30 point attack would be massive, and you completely ignored that part.
Just to put it in relation: the base weapon difference already means a +5% damage increase. other stats can make it even better. Especially if you compare the whole exotic vs ascended sets, not only one piece of eq.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It takes about 10-15 minutes to get the three achievements needed for the daily, and it gives a free 10 AP, instead of grinding 10 achievements to get the 10 daily AP. Are we seriously kittening about simplified dailies that take less time?

They don’t take less time. That’s the point. Every minute of doing them is a minute playing content i wouldn’t have been doing otherwise, while the previous dailies (excluding WvW/PvP specific) all could have been done doing things that I wanted. And i still got more AP on monthly basis than i will get now.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Recount would be great

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


This is the very thing I hate in games like this.

why though? It can help you improve ur skills

But you don’t want it to improve your skills. You want it to “see who isn’t pulling their weight”. Or at least it was the main reason for it you supplied in your first post.

I see no problem with such a function built into training golems, but i wouldn’t want to see it being usable in normal gameplay.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


There are no real situations in this game that require stat-swapping on armor. The most plausible explanation I’ve heard was to increase toughness for the tank, but that is more cheaply achieved by getting toughness trinkets or weapons. (And personally, that is exactly what I do on my tank characters).

Keeping additional trinkets or weapons in inventory just for that decreases inventory space.

I agree that you’ll likely never make your money back with a permanent harvesting tool. (Or, it will take years to make your money back). I’m not sure how this bears on raids.

It doesn’t. What it shows is that things that offer Quality of Life improvements (like infinite harvesting tools, or legendary stat swapping) are desirable and people can want them even if they’re not the most cost-effective option.

You were ok for years without legendary armor – what changed?

It wasn’t there then.

I was also okay without cellular phone and internet before they were available. Now that they ae here, i’d hate to be denied access to them.

But, if you go to the dungeons and raids forums there is a discussion to indeed make obtaining Legendary Armor way way easier than Ascended Armor (something about a joke mode for Raids).

No, there isn’t. The only person claiming that is you.

(by the way, you are aware that you can do 3 high swamps daily with a non-meta casual pugs and get the ascended armor that way, right?)

Then read the post I quoted when I said that.

I did. You are inferring things that weren’t there at all.

Taking things out of context is never a good way to form valid arguments.

Oh, i fully agree.

I will note the “expensive to craft and if you have 1h a day to play then its quite difficult”. In the same post asking for easier Legendary Armor… They want a slow progression like the other Legendaries, but call Ascended “expensive”. If they find Ascended expensive, wouldn’t Legendary be way more expensive, so even further away of their reach?

I’ve had my first legendary before i had any ascended weapon (and yes, ascended weapons were already in game by then). I consider ascended gear to be really expensive. And yet, I am working on other legendaries right now. Does that answer your question?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Radiant and Hellfire Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Mentioned many times already, even before those pieces appeared. So far there’s no response, but considering how those last pieces were placed, it seems devs are perfectly okay with making skins noone will ever get.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Risk vs Reward [Challenging Content.]

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


^it doesnt cost way too much. ascended was introduced because exotic was too easy to get

Exotics were exactly as hard to get as original design warranted (casuals being able to get them as soon as they get to level 80).
…well, maybe they were even a bit harder than original design warranted.

Besides, there is a difference between somewhat harder to get, and much, much, much, much harder to get. Anet is simply very bad at finetuning, they tend to use the bigger hammer approach and overshoot their target by a mile. This happened to ascended. This (again) happened to Teq now.

Yes, Ascended cost way too much.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Lets say someone buys 100 gold worth of silver doubloons, and this patch rolls along. What happens then. Is the 100 gold gone because silver doubloon demand is gone too?

They didn’t take away money from people that bought 100g of doubloons before ascended rolled out and everyone went for legendaries, resulting in doubloons increasing in price 10-fold. If you can profit big on major market changes, then it follows that you should be prepared to lose big as well, if you fail to predict the shifts in prices in time.
So yes, if Anet were to introduce some of the proposed changes and doubloons went down hard, the money invested in them would be gone.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That he thought of dungeons as raid equivalents should tell you something.

Yes, it does, but then i do have a better memory. I remember, that dungeons were meant to be “gw2 equivalent of raids” not because Anet thought they will be as hardcore, but for a completely different reason. Anet didn’t want to have Raid-type content in their game then, because they were aiming at a more casual game. Thus dungeons being “raid- equivalent” means “where in other games are raids, our equivalent – dungeon explorables – will be way more open to the players”.

That they turned out easier, especially after more than 3 years, well, that’s a player thing.

That’s a dev thing. They were harder once, but Anet decided they didn’t want that and nerfed them hard. More than once, actually.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If a skin is easy to get it does not feel epic and rewarding.

If a skin is hard to get, it doesn’t feel any more epic. It’s just harder to get. I guess that there are some people that dress not according to aestethic reasons, but to showcase their more rare gear, but in the end, instead of prestigious, they just usually look bad.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I have not read all 22 pages.. But everytime i wonder what people are Talking About.

Yes. it’s hard to understand what people are talking about if you don’t listen to them.

(seriously, read the thread first)

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Obsidian Sanctum for achievement, really? [merged]

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The problem is not doing pvp in a pvp zone but ANet adding PvE content in a PvP zone. In no way can anyone make sense of that decision.

If the reason behind this is to lure PvE players into WvW, or to encourage them to check out the WvW maps, then that’s fine – a valid reason in my opinion.

If that was the reason, then Anet showed they have serious trouble in understanding basic human psychology. The only thing that this managed to do is to widen the rift between PvE and PvP community.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The only person that is suffering from the new dailies are the ones that do not want to try something new, which saddens me a lot.

That is patently not true. Don’t assume that everyone that dislikes pvp does that only because they didn’t play it yet. Quite often it’s the opposite – they dislike the game mode because they already know it all too well. I know it;s like that in my case, for example – the daylies show me nothing new, but they are showing me many things i strongly dislike.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That’s not in the cards.

I’m very sorry to hear that. I really am. Especially since it means that the whole “communication improvement” initiative is useless and was never meant to actually improve anything.

Oh well, i shouldn’t have had my hopes up that maybe something will change. Next time i will know better.

That’s taking what she said out of context, attaching your own meaning to it, and basically coming to the conclusion that because ArenaNet can’t “open the floodgates” and tell us everything that any attempts to improve communication must be worthless. In the very next sentence of her post she said that she would try to see what more can be done, but what’s off the table is a total reversal of the policy they have in place now. There is a wide field of potential improvement between there and what we currently have.

That policy whose reversal/change is “not in the cards” is the primary reason why the communications are bad. Without that change, any “improvements” can only be superficial. And we have been just told that this change simply won’t happen. No, i don’t think i am jumping to conclusions.

There can be more than one road to the destination… have a little faith. Things can always change.

I had a little faith. Unfortunately it seems to have been misplaced. Also, you know, it’s not the first time Anet “tried” to improv communications. Currently there’s no reason to suspect it’s going to end any better than the previous attempts. And the previous attempts ended in a lot of talk, but no substance.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Will open world PVP servers be considered?

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I can see it now. Anet decides to bow to “the majority”, and creates and open world PvP server and calls Grenth’s Bloodbath
All the “hardcore” PvPers flock to it.
How, exactly, would this not decimate WvW to where they are the only server that plays WvW?

Oh, that’s simple. Only griefers would move to the PvP servers – and then they would scream bloody murder after noticing they have noone to grief (because everyone else stayed in PvE environment).
The people that want open PvP are not the same that play WvW. The second group is interested in competition, while the first wants to prey on unsuspecting (and preferably defenceless) victims.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Discovered my Ascended anger was unfounded

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I could go back to GW and start a fresh character in Prophecies right now and have maxed out gear in less than a day. I could even shave a few hours off that if I permitted myself access to the expansion.

Show me how to do that in GW2, and I’ll stop believing that Ascended material and time costs aren’t absurd.

Ever considered that capability you had in GW was intentionally left out of GW2 because it’s dumb in terms of retaining players who spend real money in the cash shop?

No, because that is simply not true. According to Anet’s own info GW was actually doing very well financially until they dropped a bridge on it.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Leather Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It’s the best place: it’s out of the way of everything else on the map, so people can farm leather without interfering with anyone else’s activities.

I don’t think you understood me, so i will repeat. Killing white mantle mobs and doing events elsewhere is a better method of farming leather than this so called “leather farm”.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Kicking should stay anonymous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So it gives a notification the moment you make the kick request, rather than once it has gone through? Hmm.

I definitely think that there should be a notification of who is responsible for kicking someone, once that person has actually been kicked. Whether it should come up before then, though… it does seem more likely to cause toxicity if it does. If you want to get rid of an individual from your party, then you probably don’t want to give them a greater opportunity to cause drama. And if the kicking was improper, they still have the information they need to submit a report.

Yea, this I agree with. Didn’t think about that but it is so true. No notification untill player is kicked is better.

Yes, that’s what i think as well. There should definitely be a notification after a kick, but kicking process itself should be hidden, to avoid drama and speed-counterkicking.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I feel like the schedule is the unfortunate result of greater changes that will help to bring some life to otherwise dead PvE zones.

No, the best it would be able to do is to bring an illusion of some life. The dead zones are dead for a reason – there is nothing interesting in there. Megaserver doesn’t address that problem at all.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

The mastery system misconceptions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


“Here lies Knowledge. How we miss it now that it is gone.”

Tomes, not Tombs, please. Not sure why people insist on repeating the same mistake over and over again.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Hero Points & old characters: breach of trust

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


till we really know everything that will happen is it worth all this fighting?

Yes. Not bringing things up usually ends up in Anet doing something different, and then you will be stuck waiting the next two years for them to notice and maybe do something about it.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

About the Labyrinthine Horror

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


But isn’t the Deep Sea Dragon named Steve?

That was only an inside dev name for it. It’s real name is Bubbles.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Input on 8/23 Roll-back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


One rollback in 4 years of the game. Second long maintenance downtime in 4 years of the game. People cry havoc. That pretty much sums up how wonderful (relatively speaking) the situation has been so far in that regard.

Some people just got spoiled by Anet.

Seriously, other games have long scheduled and unscheduled maintenance downtimes, and rollbacks happen on more frequent basis, sometimes covering far longer than just a few hours. With no compensation whatsoever.
And anet is even trying to be nice here (see the comment about precursors).

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

[Merged] ...and now ascended gear hits... (Dec 10)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Ya like zudet said its a long goal if you were to get all the ascended gear in like a day it would make ascended armor look worthless just like exotics are now.

Ironically, exotics are worthless only because of the existence of ascended gear. Unless you meant TP price… which ascended don’t have at all

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

The irony in the criticism against RNG...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Of course the main problem is that this MMO (like most of them out there) won’t let you be a Steve Jobs. Unless the Steve Jobs game equivalent is the TP flipper, but i consider them as much of an aberration of the game idea as the farmers are.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I really dont understand the logic of , I must be able to do all the content in the game , or the game is no good.
No MMO has content that 100% of the player base will ever do.

It’s not about the “content for 100% of the playerbase”. It’s about the content in the spotlight.

GW2 has moved from “whole game is the endgame” to “raids are the endgame, and fractals are a stepping stone to raids”. It’s a completely different design approach. It’s a completely different marketing approach as well. Image does matter a lot – and the current image of the game, that can be derived from most of dev statements we see around here is that raids are the endgame, and every other content is only important as a pathway to them. Basically almost every dev action, no matter how seemingly unrelated, underscores that raids are special (see changes to ascended vendors, and how the raid one got exempted). If you add to it the apparent abandonment of WvW and sPvP…

In that regard, gw2 now is really a different game than when it launched. And it’s now very much more similar to other games on the market. Especially since all the other games look closely at GW2, deciding which of its better elements can be easily incorporated into them. If this direction continues, then who knows? GW2 may end not being the game for its initial target group.

We’re not there yet, but so far devs seem to put a lot of effort for this to happen as soon as possible.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Upcoming Daily/Monthly changes 12/10/14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Besides that, not all of us can log-in every day so not to break the chain

According to the same article, not logging for few days will not break the chain. It will simply mean the reward track will progress slower. I did pay special attention to that part, because my initial reaction was like yours.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


What’s remarkable about Anet’s intransigence on this is that not only does it kitten off/annoy about 99% of PvE players, from what’ I’ve read, even a healthy portion of the PvP crowd don’t think this is appropriate.

Maybe they had already made the content by the time they started hearing the feedback? I really hope that’s it, because I don’t want to believe them so deaf to the pleas of everyone that thinks it’s just plain wrong.

Unfortunately, that would be very typical of Anet. Sometimes they just get stubborn and refuse to admit that one of their ideas might have not been that well thought out – even when faced with a major player discontent(*). It’s entirely possible that this case is exactly what it seems – Anet hearing people criticizing their choices, and deciding to enforce more of those on people just to make their point and showing they disagree.

(* ) Of course, sometimes as a developer you just need to make unpopular but necessary choices – i am specificaly not talking about such situations.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guaranteed Blue Skins at Aetherpath

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Contrary to what you (and some other people) think, RPG stands for Role Playing Game, not Roll Playing Game. RNG is completely unnecessary.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


But you can get a legendary backpack from PvP or Fractals.

They added multiple legendary backpacks because it’s easy for them to do so. Legendary armor takes an insane amount of time to finish as we’ve already seen.

In that case they should have made a legedary raid backpack, not armor set. If they can only create one armor, then it should be put in content that is more widely played. But no, they wanted raids to be special for some reason or another. And that decision is one that implies change in the direction of the game. This decision (and a few others like it) is what makes a difference between “raids are a side content meant for a minority of players, equal to other side contents in the game” and “raids are a special content that’s above all others”.

And that’s definitely a change of the game identity.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Can't finish Map Completion because of WvW.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I have done full orr mapping just after ascended weapons … I have gotten to arah entrance on all of my alts.

No one cares about what you’ve done.

So? It still contradicts your claim of it being impossible.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

One core flaw in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


they have the general players opinion, they have data.

Data is not opinion, because while data is generally specific and precise . . . it is also unchanging.

Opinions change over time.

Data changes as well – unless you stop collecting it, of course.

Also, lol. Anet posts here only to threaten OP with thread deletion and insist that the posts contain only opinions (which everyone knows already). The content, of course, remains unaddressed.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Recount would be great

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


As long as they are contributing – but sometimes they’re not even doing that. Sometimes they’re just aggroing stuff and running around aimlessly.

If you need a dps meter to see that such people are a problem, then perhaps the problem lies also elsewhere…

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Seriously? No one has any opinion at all?

Seriosly, no one isn’t here really overhyperventilating ?

Dude, the current things we have are just the BEGINNING.
Don’t you see, that Anet is just implementing slowly part by part with their updates new ascendent items?

First, we don’t want new items – some of us at least would be happier if ascended were never introduced. Since they were, we’d at least have them representing all stat sets, instead of only a few.
Second, the devs have already acknowledged that the piecemeal addition of ascended eq (as far as stat sets and places where they can be acquired are concerned) was a big mistake. It is okay to slowly implement new slots. It is not okay to limit their acquisition methods or supported builds. People that use those missing builds should be treated equally with those that use Glass Cannons.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Allow Trolling in game and forum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


guys please keep topic on track.

are there any NON-MALICIOUS trolling that is fun and acceptable?

No. Trolling is inherently malicious – that’s the whole idea.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Update on the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Some players are likely not holding onto items to make things immediately, but for the what ifs.

They wouldn’t be holding on to tons of mats if said tons of mats were likely required for said “what ifs”.

tl;dr “the prices are out of whack, so to fix them, we’re doing nothing and hoping they’ll fix themselves”

This is why I’m not an economist. :-)

Actually by saying they are doing nothing, they are actually doing something.

It’s sending a catch 22 notice to hoarders, they can hoard all they want now, but that investment will more than likely fail in the long run once they start adjusting again.

I see it quite opposite – that they aren’t going to touch anything, so you should probably still hold onto the materials on the rise (and dump those going down).
Also, a subtle way of saying that they’re not touching ABML anytime soon.

I also see it as admittance that they let the market to become so messed up, they have no idea how to fix that, and are going to wait till it blows over on its own… somehow.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November