Showing Highly Rated Posts By Astralporing.1957:

Ascended Armor Needs Laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


And keep in mind that Ascended Armors are top of the line BiS gear. It’s not meant to be able to get easily or quickly.

Well, yeah, that’s exactly the problem, isn’kitten

Regardless of how you word it, one of your characters is your main.
No matter how exacting or equal you think you are being with each of your character’s playtime, one of them has been played longer than all the rest.

Interesting. By that definition, my main would be the character i don’t even play at all anymore.
And the character i consider my main would be a second alt.
Funny how that works, right?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Real life vs temporary availability of LS

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


There have been times in the recent past where I couldn’t log on for a certain period, causing me to miss out on certain parts of my personal story. No big deal, since I could always catch up later, when my personal life wasn’t so chaotic. But now, with the Living World Season 2, I suddenly have to pay for it?

You actually couldn’t catch up to Season 1 if you missed it – paying or no paying, so i’d say it’s an improvement. After all, you can farm gold for those gems and unlock it that way.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Hero Points & old characters: breach of trust

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If you don’t want to do map completion, that’s not Anet’s fault.

“it was not the developer’s fault that the game bombed. It was the players that didn’t want to play it.”
Uhm… nope, it doesn’t work like that.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

We Need a Hardened Leather Sink

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Hardened leather is way cheaper and more abundant than orichalcum or gossamer. Are there any plans to make a hardened leather sink?

At some time people were saying things like that about silk. It didn’t end well.
I’d rather not see a repeat.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Frankly, they have nothing to gain from posting anything that is not in FINAL stages of implementation.

Yes. On the other hand, they have something to lose by not posting. They can lose their players – and they are losing them. I personally knwo people that left the game not because it changed in a way they didn’t like, but because communication policy alone made them think that Anet either does not care about community, or doesn’t have a clue about what they are doing, or both. And frankly, i tend to slide more and more towards that last (“both”) opinion myself.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Features Patch 15.4.14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


“Dye unlocks in the CN version are account unlock instead of character unlocks.”


Haven’t you read the article? They intend to bring it here. But when they do, they will remove dyes from drop tables. You’d have to hit gemshop for them.
If that were to happen, i’d likely forget about getting any dyes ever again. And with only basic dyes (no, we don’t know what would happen to dyes we already have), i might as well forget about worrying about skins for my characters as well. They wouldn’t look good in them anyway, after all.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


A story mode (easy mode) was not intended for raids. This is explained in the dev post.

There’s a ton of things in the game that weren’t originally intended. Raids themselves are a good example. So, “not originally intended” is a weak argument nowadays.

This attitude of it’s not hard for me so it’s not hard is one of the things that make people resent raiding so much.


But making an easy mode is the worst possible way to make the game mode more accessible.

Why? Because you think so?

The sense of love and enjoyment and feeling of success that comes from overcoming raids at their current level of difficulty is so satisfying.

For those that are overcoming them at the current difficulty, perhaps. For the first few times, anyway (later on it’s just “the same as usual”). You forget however, that the difficulty is not an universal factor. Things difficult for one, are easy for another and impossible for some.

Additionally, not everyone find their enjoyment in the same things. Some will find success after many failures a thrilling and invigorating experience. For others it will be just a relief that the tedious and annoying part is already over.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It completely baffled me that it’s just not there.

Why would it baffle you there’s no pvp in pve in a game where both game modes were strictly separated from the very beginning, and that fact was one of the points specifically raised up in pre-launch advertising?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Ignore "black" list...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


When i blacklist people, it’s because i don’t want to deal with them. Not to bring their attention to me.
Besides, what it is, some sort of “who’s the biggest kitten” contest?

Spvp make a lot of ppl put me on black list

Then perhaps you should think about changing your behaviour, instead of laughing it off. Or wanting to compare who has kittened off more people. It’s nothing to be proud of.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

What was your biggest troll in gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Biggest troll? No gear progression, i’d guess.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


For a company who supposedly listens to the community they were incredibly tone deaf with this decision.

Nothing new here. Anet is very well known for granting the wishes of the community in ways that make said community wish they’ve never asked for it in the first place.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

On "OP" HoT Specs

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If you think about it, the power creep is a step in the right direction.

Power creep is never a step in a good direction.

Also, DH traps? Really?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You must also understand that fights such as the Marionnette one are meant as server events. The difficulty is set to an average level so that very skilled players compensate for lower skilled ones. This by itself should reinforce the community feeling as everyone can fit in. You would be right if the fight difficulty was set so high that it required to excluded lesser skilled players, but that is not the case for Marionnette.

That was the goal. To the extent that some still feel excluded, we did not perfectly reach it. We will continue to learn and iterate.

It’s not only that some people feel excluded. It’s also that the abovementioned design failed at it’s very core. Marionette is not a design where very skilled players compensate for lower ones (it can happen, but only if both those players are on the same platform, and even then there are notable exceptions). It is a design where the weak players drag the skilled ones down.

As of this writing my server (which is designated as having “Very High” population on the world select screen) has beaten Marionette exactly ZERO times. Does anything else have to be said?

Nope. I hear you. We’ll take that sort of feedback into consideration when designing future open world boss events. We want to figure out ways to keep the events challenging while also providing enough direction to increase a server’s chance of success.

As long as those events won’t scale down to give a much smaller (20-30 ppl) groups a reasonable chance of success, anything else will not accomplish much.

If you want the event to be done across the servers, and not only on few chosen ones, you just canot design them based on assumption that 100+ people will be always doing them.

I believe that the problem with this event, and why it’s so difficult to finish it, is not the difficulty itself, but the very restricting victory conditions versus the nature of an open-world event.
No matter how many casual players become more skillful out of this, there will always exist a few randoms, who stumble upon or try the event for the first time, and compromise the entire server’s victory. This is because the event’s success is heavily tied to the weakest links – and all the other, better players can’t do much to prevent the situation.

I agree. This is the weakest part of the design. If I could go back in time I’d make sure our brilliant designers and content people had the time to make it so after you break a regulator you can /cheer to res the nearest downed player.

Consider also the situations like Warden I and II , that hinge on aggro management in a game where this mechanic doesn’t exist. If the boss aggroes on a wrong, inexperienced player, there’s not much other players on the same platform can do about it.

Also, ressing, while helpful, would not change the situation in most cases i have seen – they usually were failed either because people on the platform failed at comprehending warden mechanic, or didn’t have enough dps. Or didn’t have enough dps because they failed at comprehending warden mechanic. Or ran into the infamous “one person on platform” situation. Death just magnifies other problems, that are already present. It is rarely the main cause of failure (except perhaps for the other infamous problem – “dead before finished loading”)

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

RE: The Tequatl-ization of all new content

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The wouldn’t even need to do a poll, they could just run their internal numbers.

A. How many people play the game fairly regularly.

B. How many people have tried the new Teq fight at least once.

C. How many of those people never tried it again?

D. How many people kept trying until they got their achievements?

E. How many of those players never played it again?

Just compare those numbers and that should give a solid result.

There’s one more important question, that unfortunately cannot be answered with “metrics”.

F. How many players are doing Teq now just for loot, but do not really find the event fun (or would be satisfied with an easier version)?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Raids benefit more than just the people who run them.

And Legendaries don’t?
Besides, i don’t need to remind you that at the moment it’s still highly debatable if the positive effects of Raids on the game even outweight the negative ones. And that is without considering the fact of clear developer shortage.
Seriously, if 6 developers from the legendary team can have such a great impact on the game that it outweights the massive publicity hit resulting from their repurposing, then having raid team pulled would have even better effect. And there would actually be a lot of people that would find it a good publicity.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Between all the cross talk here, it’s sometimes hard to isolate arguments. What’s yours again? Mine is that ascended and legendary armor is not a necessity.

It was part of an argument with maddoctor where he was surprised that someone might work on a legendary while not having ascended and/or considering ascended too costly.

Look, the only reason you’ve given for wanting legendary armor is “because I want it.”

There’s ton of reasons that contribute to this, but in the end yes, they all boil down to “because they exist”. Each of the partial reasons (stats, stat changing, skin, being a guarantee against possible new gear tier introduction, long term goal you can pursue in free time) are important, but in the end the most important part is that anet made once a decision that getting Legendaries will be the endgame activity. That worked.

I don’t think that’s a sufficient, especially when you admit legendaries are vanity gear. There are plenty of other vanity items in the game to shoot for, why single out legendaries?

Who said i’m not pursuing others too? Except i can pursue them.

And since they are vanity items, having them shows a measure of accomplishment — in this case raids.

Um, you do know that black lion skins, for example, are also vanity items? It’s a term much wider than prestige gear.

There are plenty of other vanity items in the game to shoot for, why single out legendaries?

Good question. The likely answer:

  1. L. items have been, from launch, the main endgame goal.
  2. ANet has been slow to add other endgame goals that have similar acquisition times. One reason for this is that anytime they try, there are tons of forum posts complaining about grind, takes too long, etc. The other reason is that ANet takes a long time to produce anything — or so it seems.
  3. A lot of the other goals the game offers (Achievement hunting, for example) are generally not mutually exclusive with L. pursuit — until lately.

Three is especially likely to be a main factor.

Exactly – on all 3 points. And yes, point 3 is very important.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Please add end game raiding (10-20 mans)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


People are against instanced raids because it means they actually have to work together with people, not leech and actually do their part. They just want to do their thing and not give a **** about anyone else, and therefore because of this, nobody deserves instanced raids because how dare others expect me to pull my weight.

And that is the perfect example of the reason why i don’t want raids in this game. Because of the attitute they bring with them.

But the thought of someone desiring a part of the game specifically to exclude other players? No. Thank. You.

Exactly this. I don’t want mechanics that intentionally separate the players, but even more i don’t want the people that think such mechanics are a good idea. I started playing gw2 specifically to avoid those things.

Here’s wondering what were to happen if they were to replace word Raids with Elite Missions.

People will be much less opposed, simply because “elite mission” sounds more guild wars and less WoW than “Raids”.

Packaging and communications are important. Especially on that matter.

Agreed. Perception is part of the problem here (yes, on both sides). Additionally, avoiding the term “raid” will mean far less people will get mentally locked into preconceptions taken from WoW raiding design.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Hellfire/Radiant price is to low.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You do realize, that less than 10% of people in this game have over 4k ap’s? And that “full set” (meaning gauntlets, shoulders and helmet, without boots, pants or chest) is at 9k (as that is when the helmet is unlocked)?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Nope. GW2 is just too antiquated to even notice any difference.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Can we have expansion 2 soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It’s better if they give us a finished product, instead of some betatest version. Unfortunately, for this we’ll have to wait.

Im glad they try out new stuff. If i wanted the same ol’ same ol’ – there are plenty of other games that deliever that.

Actually, the “new stuff” in gw2 is mostly new in GW2, while at the same time trying to make this game into somethivg more alike to those “plenty of other games”.

I hope that this time around Anet will not repeat the HoT mistakes, and will concentrate mostly on GW2’s strong sides, instead of trying to please some small minorities at the expense of core players.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So what’s left?

Veteran Kills (easy)
X Zone kills (easy)
X Zone Veteran (easy)
Gatherer (easy)
Crafter (easy)
Mystic Forge (easy)
Ambient (easy)
Laurel Vendor (easy)
Activity (easy)
X zone events (medium-ish)
Champion (easy)

Basically last night/today’s daily was the worst possible configuration you could get, and it was still easy…

It wasn’t the worst. There are also dungeons (both general and specifically story or explo) and fractals. They both take time and require a group of people. And personal story is a problem if you finished it on all your chars already.
Also, it’s not about how “easy” it’s going to be. It’s that we had an option to choose what we like and what we don’t – now we don’t have that choice anymore. This is a step backwards.

I can understand wanting to limit the amount of achievement points attainable from dailies.

They already did that, by introducing the total daily/monthly AP cap.

And as far as trying to get people interested in other game modes – reward tracks do it way better for pvp. Forcing people there through dailies on the other hand has a completely opposite effect on me – i absolutely hate such heavyhanded “marketing”, and may decide to drop PvP/WvW completely just to get my point across. Maybe PvE dailies as well (and then i’d have less reason to log in every day).

For kitten’s sake, Anet, when will you learn that as far as motivating players, carrots work way, way better than sticks?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Why change how you get Carapace Armor Pieces!

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Furthermore, the new Labyrinth actually helps speed up acquisition of Bandit Crests. You get more Crests each time the Labyrinth tiers go up, which means an additional ~50 Crests if you’re in a populated map with lots of people grabbing the Lesser Pods. This increases the average number of Crests you can earn within a single round of SW.

It may seem that way, but that’s not exactly true. Remember, that labyrinth farming happens in added time compared to previous round. Before, there was a 5 minute cooldown between Breach end and beginning of new round, now there’s a 16 minutes cooldown/labyrinth farming. In 10 minutes of SW events you should be able to earn more than 50 crests you get from labyrinth rewards.

(and the chance of getting the gloves chest from Pods – both lesser and greater – is so low, you really should not depend on it. Most people will never get it that way)

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Will we ever get a REAL leather solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Can’t we just have something in-between these 2 extremes?

No. Anet is institutionally unable to finetune anything, except maybe by accident. If they ever decide to do something about it again, expect it to either:
1. do nothing, or
2. be done by the way of a heavy-handed hammer approach, thus either overtuning it by a mile, or breaking something else in the process (or both).

Prices are not going to lower from it if players don’t do it.

Any design that assumes that a multitude of players will do something at a personal loss as a service to the rest of the community is flawed and bound to fail.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Dungeon Rewards what ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Seems that they already know that Fractals and Raids will not be as popular as dungeons, and try to force people to move by other means.

I really don’t like methods of “fixing” things by destroying everything else until it is worse than what we want to “fix”.

I still remember the time Anet tried that with Ranger Longbow, when instead of fixing what was wrong with it they instead tried to make it more desirable by nerfing shortbow into the ground. Which, incidentally, didn’t work at all, and in the end they did have to make the necessary fixes anyway. Notice however, that, Shortbow still remained nerfed.

Anet, if you want people to play the content you designed, do it by making that content appealing, not by making everything else unappealing.

ANet has pretty much abandoned dungeons since TA/AP received an underwhelming response.

That’s because Twilight Assault was just badly designed and almost noone liked it. It having bad rewards was just a last nail in its coffin.

Now, it seems they want to avoid the same problem repeating with raids by making sure they have no competition.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Living story?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Why don’t you hold your criticisms until you’ve played the content?

We don’t have to criticize any future content – and you are right, of course, that judging something we haven’t seen yet is not reasonable. We don’t have to criticize any future content, because there’s enough bad things that can be said about what we have already seen. Sorry – the Scarlet story up to this point is just very bad. Even if the future content will be completely brilliant, it’s not going to change that even one bit. You cannot change a bad writing into good with just adding something good at the end

At this point you’re all speculating on how it fits together and what you’ll be doing in the next release.

By now only a small number of people even keep speculating – mostly because they are desperately trying to believe something good can come out of this. Or they just like speculating in general. There’s however a lot of people that simply stopped caring about the story. I know, that personally i just want to see as few of her as possible, because so far the writers have consistently proved, time and time again, that they are not only not up to the task, but that they are completely unaware why.

Hint: it’s not the lack of explanation, background and buildup behind Scarlet actions that makes the story bad. It’s the fact that the story crossed the line of willing suspension of disbelief long ago. And then kept going. That the main villain is presented in a way that just can’t let me care about what she does is just an icing on a cake.

It’s not somehing that can be fixed by a few new living story updates.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Forcing condition meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Why is the Arena net balance team trying to push condition meta and builds so much?

Condition builds are boring to play, requires no skills, they are brain dead, half of the players have quit the game(from WvW and PvP), other half hates it and just hopes one day conditions will get nerfed because all condition meta doing is draining these players who are still left to quit the game. Condition meta is forcing players to quit the game. Everyday players are quiting literally because of this brain dead play style.

Funny, i remember hearing exactly the same about power meta before.

I understand wanting to make conditions “viable” but that shouldn’t make them stronger than power builds. To achieve the damage they did on power builds they had to be “glass cannons” but what do condition builds “sacrifice” for their damage?

Vipers are as glass as Berserkers, if you haven’t noticed. And in the end you do need vipers for the damage to be comparable with zerker builds.

I do understand that is slightly using the bug that came out with epi but here is another more reasonable video. Not saying he is a bad player but just that the amount of condi damage he can put out by himself is sickening. (he is also running a hybrid build but you can see just by looking at the bleeding stacks he puts out)

“Another video from viper reaper roaming this past two days.”
Yeah, a hybrid build, all right…
(for your information, if you haven’t noticed, viper is full glass build).

Please, don’t use damage from full glass builds and try to claim those builds sacrifice nothing to get those numbers.

Also, please do not use the postpatch epi videos as an argument against anything. I agree, you could get some really sick damage (the highest i saw was around 130k DPS i think, but i heard some people went even higher), but that was just a result of a bug, and it got already fixed.

Let me get this straight you’re saying anet don’t want class balance. Well that would explain a few things if true but I highly doubt that it is true.

Well, they did say several times that they prefer a form of “dynamic balance” that is a result of shifting the balance every now and them to make new builds rise to top, while nerfing former meta leaders.

I guess it’s easier to do than trying to aim at a true balance.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Colin Johanson on Twitch tomorrow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Hopefully this will silence some of the more vocal minority

I hear this every time one of the devs is about to make a statement. And any time it happens, i get more and more reasons to repeat:
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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Hellfire Greaves (boots) 21k AP!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Gotta be something to aim for…

5 years plans work only in Communism (well, in thuth they didn’t work there as well). People tend to plan for things that seem to be within their reach. If it’s too far away, then it as well might not be there at all, because it will not influence player’s behaviour even a tiny bit.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I think this is the philosophy they are adopting for 2016, they have said they will not be adding new features but expanding on what we have now.

So, more grind?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


“If you’re a casual player and can’t get an ascended weapon within 2 months then probably they need to reassess what kind of risk/time/reward they want from this game, and probably settle for rares/exotics. I quite frankly don’t like players who want all end-game content handed to them just for logging in.”

I think you just don’t realize the differences between your playing style and an “average” player. Almost no casual will be able to get an ascended weapon within 2 months. Average time to get one weapon is going to be way, way above two weeks. All those speed estimates the whole content is based on take in consideration only about top 10% of players – perhaps even less.
So, it’s not “if you’re a casual player and can’t get an ascended weapon within 2 months” but “if you are a casual player then you likely can’t get an ascended weapon within 2 months”.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

WvW no longer required for world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So does this mean we can be devoid of dungeons now to complete a legendary?

Yes, that’s what sPvP reward tracks are for.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Dev Blog: Changes to Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Thanks for the updates! Really excited about these changes!

Could you please also address concerns regarding early leveling difficulties for new players (especially for classes like Ele and Mesmers) since important defensive traits are now only obtainable starting at level 30 rather than at level 15?

We have done some tuning on monster stats pre-80 to account for players having less traits, and stats from traits. We wanted to push back traits to give characters more meaningful progression up to 80 and keep things simpler for a new player to learn over time.

It means that the difference between players with levels correct for the zone and downscaled 80’s will get even bigger than it is currently.

This will make returning to early zones more boring (and make farming in those zones easier). It will also create a problem with the world bosses and some dungeons.
If they get rebalanced for correct level players, downscaled 80’s will steamroll them. If they won’t get rebalanced, we’re back at the “new people will have it harder” problem we started this discussion with.

This is especially visible with current top tier world boss practices of requiring a full map. Both Tequatl and 3H Wurm events, if not rebalanced for new (and weakened) players, will be a clear message, telling them to GTFO from the zone because the big boys want to play.

The same applies for Living Story content. Just imagine having to do Marionette, knowing that some of players on warden platforms will not have even one master trait (let alone grandmaster).

TL/DR: original announced plan was to make it possible for new and old players to play together. The whole scaling system was supposedly devoted to this. Moving traits up towards higher levels runs counter to that idea.

I really, really hope you can still reconsider that part of the trait change.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Please add end game raiding (10-20 mans)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I am sure alot of the true gamer already meet the requirement.

So someone that plays differently than you do is not a “true” gamer?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

What do you think PVP on PVE maps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Hey guys, i had played Arche age a little, and i realy enjoyed the pvp system, but i cant play anymore because a lot of things.
So i think that NCSOFT really can make an update that have PVE at lvl 90-100. and those maps could have pvp system with new weapons, armors, and new things!
so, what do u think?

…level cap raising and pvp in pve areas in one post? With possible suggestions for new tier of gear?
Those are three very definite NOs. Or, more eloquently, Oh gods, please, no!

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Everyone that I have played with and know have multiple armour sets and weapons.

That pretty much explains why you have such skewed idea about the community.
Hint: that’s not common. Not even close. You are talking here about perhaps top few percent group.

Ascended chest drop quite often in fotm and there is no shortage of LFG for those. If you are new to the game them sure one set is most you can manage but for someone who has been here for at least 2 years you should have had chances of getting multiple sets.

I am here from the very beginning, with over 6000 hours of active play. I have 3 full ascended sets. Which means that most of my alts do not even have one. It will be a loooong time before any of my chars will have a second set. As far as i know, none of my guildies (who are also long-time players) have multiple armor sets on their chars either.

As i said, you have a really skewed vision of what’s normal in this game.

It might be more useful for a class like Chronomancer to adjust the amount of toughness you have between raids for tanking.

Adjusting toughness is something i’d really like to be able to do on my guardian. I have run into many situations where it would have been useful already, and i fully expect to run into those again.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Account Achievement reward system

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Well, WvW achievements being seriously undervalued and/or impossible to max is a problem in its own. Also, WvW players can do PvE dailies now without stepping out of WvW areas.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Ascended Earring Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That is right, some people have duty weekends, some people fly in and out – but you have to tailor your passtimes to suit your lifestyle mate – can’t expect Anet to help out there, so they reward those who can only spare an hour or two here and there to play. Those who can only binge play (as you seem to be stuck with) are lower on the representation – so get screwed for the sake of the vast majority.

“Vast majority” does not play every day, so no, it’s exactly the other way around – it’s the majority that gets to suffer for the sake of a minority. Not to mention, the laurel cost for ascended set is too big even for those that do play every day. It’s already 180 laurels for only 5 slots. with whole set we will be looking at over a year of laurel farming.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Golden bikinis :(...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You know another thing comes to mind. Women don’t exactly wear plated armor in public but they do wear mini skirts, tube tops and other apparel that leaves little to the imagination. Then, when it’s mirrored in a video game suddenly it’s impractical and too revealing?

You are not suggesting that plate miniskirts and bikinis are practical, i hope?
There’s a difference between dressing up for a party, or for a battle. Even if some social meetings can be really competitive.

Skimpy outfits are okay (especially for the Norn). What is not okay is the difference between male/female versions of the same armour. Want a skimpy female armour? Make an armour that is revealing for both (good example is the Gladiator armour set).

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Upcoming Cliffside changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The future of our 5 man end game content consists of 3 minute 1 room encounters with no intricacy in level design, am I the only person in this entire game who thinks this is absurd?

You weren’t saying anything about the short fractals. You were saying that it’s a good idea to buff the longest one. In this, yeah, i think you’re pretty much alone.

The fractal wasn’t difficult or long because of two things
[…a long list of completely irrelevant links]

Yeah, it wasn’t long due to Archdiviner fight. It was long and tedious due to seals (especially the third set). So? It was still the logest and most tedious of all fractals, and consequently least liked. Making the last boss fight more challenging on top of the already existing problem could only make this fractal even more disliked than it is now.

Which to me seems like a really, really bad idea.

If you think that fractals are too easy and need to be more challenging, cliffside is probably the last one you should pick to start that rework.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Death of daily rooms

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You cannot compare generalized PvE rewards to that of exclusive content

Why not? There are some rewards in there that were content-exclusives before those tracks got introduced. And they got introduced exactly because sPvP players did not want to play PvE.
(before you again claim that dungeons don’t count – no, they were not abandoned content yet when those tracks got introduced)

(also, pvp pots as a cost for pve-related guild unlocks was always a bad idea, and it’s not getting any better)

PvP dailies never should’ve attracted “non-PvPers” in the first place

Then they should not give rewards that non-pvp players might want (for example materials for strictly PvE guildhall upgrade).

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Something big is coming in 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


How many times do they need to say that content traditionally associated with expansions will be released through LS updates before people notice?

They can repeat that ad nauseum, but nobody’s gonna notice unless they actually make good on that. So far, they haven’t.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

World Boss Health Doubles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


please do the rest a favor and not show up at taco.

Yeah, that’s definitely the kind of thinking this community needs. Go pro or GTFO.
Good job anet [/sarcasm]

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

People use Meta for PVE. Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


No, they are just using a mental shortcut. Sure, the builds themselves aren’t technically “meta”. They are just a product of a metagame activity that is the build crafting. What you are calling a meta is just a subset of that (it doesn’t need to be restricted to pvp and predicting opponent’s choices).

So, the people were once saying that a build is a “part of meta” (meaning, accepted as good by the buildcrafting community). Nowadays we don’t bother with the first part, and just shorten it to meta.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

LFG Tool Quickly Going Down the Drain

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I think its not really the selling of spots for dungeon paths that is the issue.. its selling spots to complete the last 1% of the end boss that is the issue.
These open spots more often than not are of legit players from the group that suddenly find themselves booted in order for there to be spots to sell..

Now, this is a bannable offense. If reported, it ends up badly for the kickers (if you don’t believe me, look it up, there were enough threads about it on the forums). This is however, to my knowledge, not how the most sell offers come from. As i understand usually it’s the 5-man party that does the whole dungeon up to the last boss, where 4 people exchange their slots for paying customers (and then all 5 share the income).

that is the crux of my dislike of the double standards being set by ANET regarding LFG abuse rules.

LFG abuse and kick abuse is reportable and bannable. Selling the paths and advocating them through LFG is not considered abuse. I don’t see any double standard here.

If ANET are reluctant to police the system so that it utilised in the manner they set out, then why bother putting official stickies out…

So you’d know what you can report and what you shouldn’t.

the same players are abusing that day after day, night after night..

Perhaps noone has reported them yet. Maybe you could change that.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Can we spect more largos in future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Please. no. We really don’t need any more of that aggregation of cheap cliches glued together.

This, in spades.

The mysterious masked masters of stealth who sneak around with shortblades like the ridiculous stereotypes of the religious Assassin order, always with names that include ‘Al-’ and speaking in middle eastern accents. They are always members of secretive orders with a “if I tell you, I have to kill you” mentality, but somehow the player figure can always gain their trust somehow despite it being against traditions ‘thousands of years old, and never once broken’.


Add to that the fact that they are Underwater Winged Drow (some of them even carry double scimitars in a not so veiled reference to a certain known Forgotten Realm fiction hero), and that their females dress in bdsm gear, to get a complete description.

(though yeah, as people mentioned, their accent is no middle-eastern but fake russian. Which doesn’t make it any better)

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

The hidden truth about the "Chaos of Lyssa"

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Just increase the drop rate of the recipe

But if you increase the drop rate it will cost more. Wait! What?

You didn’t read that thread, right? The price of crafting the recipe might go up (not that much, i doubt that many people would actually craft it to affect the market in a visible way). The price of recipe itself would definitely go down.

Also, John: gratz on being lucky with Tequatl (never even seen a tequatl hoard myself). If you do play, however, then i don’t get why your posts seem to show complete lack of understanding of players psychology.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

New Character; Forced Mapping... Anet???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I was doing hearts and running around doing what the “story” section was telling me to do.. And it wasn’t very helpful.. I finished 6 hearts I think? And was maybe 75% to level 5? It takes time when you are running everywhere and they change so much after just changing so much!

Erm, a heart is about 3/4 of a level initially. The hearts alone would give you 3 levels (that would put you on level 5 already, since you leave the initial starting instance at level 2). Any event on your way gives you upward of half a level, and there are also mobs, pois and wps to consider. Something doesn’t add up.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I still can’t get over the time when you guys flat out said no new dungeons because it’s too much work. The one thing that would add any replay value to this game that wasn’t completely a waste of time/effort (fractals) was “too much work”.

That depends on their plans and desired target population. If, hypothetically speaking, they decided to aim the game purely at casuals, then they might indeed decide that dungeons is not something they should be concentrating on.
…except the Raiding CDI was specifically aimed at the same part of the community dungeons earlier were being made for. That’s one of the communication mixed signals i was thinking of in my earlier posts. Each of these alone might make sense, and would tell us something about planned game direction. Taken together, suggest that the vision is either insonsistend and conflicted, or simply missing.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Do people not understand you can mix and match WvW/PvP and PvE??

Do you not understand that lot of people just don’t want to pvp for any reason?

I probably could refer you to them if the search engine worked, but it doesn’t. So I can’t. However, other people have brought it up. Either you believe me or you don’t.

There were people tired of chasing all those points and some of them burned out and left. People have posted about it, whether you want to believe it or not.

Erm… yes, there were complains like that. They were addressed, by changes to the daily system and creating the dailies/monthlies AP cap. Then a new round of complains appeared, correctly pointing out that Anet limited the choices for players (see the pattern?). Which resulted in adding two more generic daily options.
That was the previous instance of the daily system. This change came completely out of the blue and wasn’t in response to player complains (unless those complains were so small to be practically invisible). And again the choices were limited. Against the player feedback that Anet already had.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Why is there no locking mechanic on our bank?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You think that is going to help you?

If your email got hacked and they got to your account, what is stopping them from hacking into your bank?

There most certainly would be a way reset a bank password, and they would hack their way past that too.

They wouldn’t even need to hack, since it would have to be (by necessity) email based, and they would already have access there.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November