Showing Highly Rated Posts By Astralporing.1957:

Punishment for going AFK

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I assume you have <1000 PvP ranked matches and are struggling to get that shiny backpiece because people afk in your matches. Did I get it right?
You would understand the afkers if you had activelly PvP’d in gw2 for 2+ years

I already have the backpiece. I still don’t understand those afkers that give up after the first minute of the game. Especially when they blame the loss on the rest of the team afterward, even if they were the one not playing at all. And especially when the game could have been salvaged if they have shown any spine at all instead of just wanting an easy blowout like some seem to think should be their due.
(also, they really should have the decency to at least disconnect for over 2 minutes, but no, they will stay in the game, just in case the team they so easily abandoned will manage to carry them anyway).

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Proof that AP means nothing....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The moral of the story is elitists are stupid for using AP as a basis of skill, which makes no sense because I could accrue 10k AP just doing dailies and jumping puzzles and never stepping foot in a dungeon.

thing is, “elitists”, or good players not wanting to spend their free time holding other people´s hands as I would like to call them, do not do that.

I call it “riding on my back”. Thats how it feels, when they all die in 1-st encounter and i have to kill all mobs by myself. Slowly and tediously

Of course, sometimes it’s the elitist that dies first, blames everyone else even if it was them that were just Leeroying, and ragequits. Seen that quite often.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Yes, that’s what i am afraid of. That they are not afraid of backlash from announcing things that will end up in the game. That they are afraid of people learning what will not be coming.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Take a look at this answer:

  • We do not intend to deploy another tier/rarity of loot such as Rare>Exotic. However we also do not intend to make promises that can be misinterpreted moving forward.
  • Ascended Gear will be introduced throughout next year,and accessible through many game play activities rather than just on. -Through infusions and existing Tiers there will be the opportunity to increase stats or abilities on a low power curve through multiple types of gameplay in GW2.
  • The opportunity to enhance existing tiers of loot will not be through a regular cadence of monthly updates instead it is more likely to come from expansions or very big drops of content.
  • In retrospect Ascended should have been deployed pre launch and earn able throughout most activities in the game (which is how we are moving forward).

I believe there has been no change to our philosophy regarding end game gear. We have learnt lessons for sure which is one of the main advantages of a live game and no doubt we will learn lessons moving forward. This does not however dilute our commitment to create a pioneering, accessible and fun world for players as we continue to build out GW2. And we very much rely on your and the communities feedback as we execute on these philosophy.

better look at this

That is why there is no plan for new Rarity Tiers of loot but there are plans to enhance or gain items within the existing rarity design whose properties continue on a shallow power curve.

Yep, no new tiers… they’ll just deploy rares with exotic stats, exotics with ascendant ones, and ascendants with even bigger ones.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Is this what raid gonna be like?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


PUGs migrated from Dungeons to Raids. Can’t be helped. AP has been replaced with Insights and Dungeon Master substituted with The Eternal.

The fun times are back, boys ‘n’ girls! x)

That means dungeons and raids will share the same fate?

Eventually, yes.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I would argue that the mayority of players is fine with a price of 1g BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRICE THEY ARE BUYING AND SELLING IT FOR.

I’m pretty sure that the majority of players do not, in fact, buy MC’s at that price. If i’m wrong, and the number of players is indeed that small, we have a really big population problem.

And thats not what I said. I said buying and selling. I didnt talk about players that neither buy or sell.

The mayority of new buy orders will be posted above 85s and most new listings wont be above 1.15g.

Sure, but that’s not a majority of players. Merely a majority of players that are buying and selling.

As a side matter, the fact that people are buying/selling at a certain price does not mean they are fine with it. Merely, that they can stomach it at the moment.

Since you get 20 Mystic Coins every 28 days by simply logging in, it takes about 11 months to get the Mystic Coins required to craft a Legendary. To amass the other required items takes about the same amount of time.

Only if you don’t do much beyond just logging in and out.
Remember, that by the time ascended gear got introduced (3 months after launch), there were already people with legendaries made. a year after launch i have personally knew more than one person that had several legendaries.
And getting the materials for legendaries now is easier than it was then.
Except for MC’s, that is.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Philosophy Shift to Less Choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Most days they will get zero if they’re stubborn and don’t want to put 20 minutes to get 10 points and that’s all it’s been since the patch 20 minutes.

that 20 minutes can be a significant part of the person’s daily gaming time. Most people do not play 10 hours a day, like you do.

Either you care about achievement points or you don’t.

World isn’t binary. There are degrees inbetween. In fact, almost noone would be at either of those extremes – and yet you are completely ignoring that fact in your theories.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Dungeons Gold Rewards Need Rebalance ! [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Anet purposely nerfed the rewards to move players away from dungeons as they have not had the means to support dungeons for years now and cannot modify them to adopt the new material introduced with HoT.

More like they did not have the will to continue working on them. Means could have been found if they really wanted, but they simply didn’t consider dungeons worth putting any effort into. Better have people working on Shiny New Things.

Can we get a mod to sticky a giant post at the top of this forum that states dungeons are dead and gone. Please stop posting about how to fix them.

Unfortunately, this. What dungeons need now is not thinking how to fix them (even though they do desperately need to be fixed), but persuading devs that they should bother. Currently, devs do not care a tiny bit about saving dungeons (quite the opposite, actually), and until that changes, any suggestions in that regard are meaningless.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

[Suggestion] Add English flag to LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I guess sometimes Americans forget where the English language really comes from.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You aren’t paying for them again. Nobody is paying for them, they are free. You get them for free. They have zero cost, and you are paying zero cost for them.

Oh, lol. Are truly thinking that noone’s paying for the core game that newcomers get? Anet is not offering it at no cost to themselves, you know, and those costs are being refunded somehow. You can guess three times who is going to ultimately pay for it.
And no, it’s not Santa Claus.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Where are the days of pizza eating nerds playing games?

Well, incidentally the fathers and wives are often the very same people that were “pizza-eating nerds” then.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Facebook Advertising +

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


With the nerf in loots, making money has become rather difficult. I would rather pretend I didn’t see anything than to report. That will give the company something to compete against.

Loot got a recent buff, not nerf. There’s no reason to support bots and gold sellers unless you personally profit from them, in which case you’re violating the EULA.

only according to official patch notes. Observation suggests something opposite.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild wars 2 IS alt friendly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Example: I spent 1,000 hours to get 500 Gold. The other player did the same thing, and got the same amount of Gold in 100 hours.

Question: How is that fair to me?

I don’t know, you should ask TP flippers that got the same amount of gold in only few hours. Or the person that got the Dusk from MF while you got only yellows. Also, if you got those 500 gold in the beginning of the game, and he did it later on, then your gold was worth much more than his.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Also because of the cap on AP over the course of time, you’ll stop getting AP from dailies anyway. How much time depends on how fast you do them, but if you’re around for the long haul, it’ll all get unlocked anyway.

Most of the players, even including those that both care about ap, and are there for the long haul, will never get close to that new cap (the 15k one, after it will get introduced). At least not with the current daily ap system.

Should they really build the game around people that for some arbitrary reason decide to not play the full game?

They had build this game around the assumption that PvE and PvP are fully separated, with no in-game reason to mix those modes. It has featured significantly in the prelaunch marketing. It’s only lately that they are changing their thoughts on this (most likely because PvP seems to not be doing that well).

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Please Support PokemonGO for GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


ArenaNet please consider supporting PokemonGO for GW2 so we can explore Tyria and find Pokemon while exploring and doing Jumping Puzzles and such!

Thank you! <3

The idea behind Pokemon Go (and one of the reasons behind its success) is that you should actually go out of your home, and visit places in real world.
What you propose runs counter to that.

Polymock, on the other hand…

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Halls and small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The livestream already made it really clear that it is balanced around 10 players

Har har har. At the same time when they give out their estimated values to max a guildhall, those happen to be the minimum times (the ones gated by aetherium). No, 10-man guilds will not be able to upgrade even close to the rate given. Again, what they say and what they do don’t match.

6 to 9 months is the minimum? Really? Some guilds already reach level 40 within a month, you really think it takes 6 to 9 months to upgrade to max?

Yes, those guilds that got to level 40 first already mentioned they have another approximate 4 months of queues till they max everything (based on aetherium production). (link here). So, Anet’s predictions were pretty much spot-on.

If you look at the comment below of that comment, that guy did a math and says it takes 5 months at optimal speed. 1 month extra for margin of error like forgetting to upgrade and so on. So, really 6 months? Nope.

the 6->5 months downgrade was likely due to reducing Arena requirements later on (originally the first stage was going to take a minimum of 1 month, got reduced to 1 week shortly before HoT launch). Also, at least two upgrades (perhaps more) are currently hidden and not shown in the upgrade options (nobody’s currently sure why, ‘cause Anet’s not telling).
Also, 5 months +1 extra for possible delays due to favour cap/wasting aetherium due to not upgrading immediately when possible is still 6 months. Notice how all that presumes not having any problems from gathering materials, it really is the max speed, which won’t be the case for a huge majority of the guilds out there.

So yeah, Anet’s predictions are still mostly correct. They still weren’t made with the 10-man guilds in mind.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Why Southsun Supply Crates are not gambling.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It’s not illegal gambling….

Has your state banned baseball (or Magic the Gathering and Pokemon) cards? Oh wait, they haven’t, because selling randomized packages of things is not considered gambling well..almost anywhere?

Yes, it’s not gambling according to most legistalions (most – not all). It’s because it uses some rather creative and relatively new loopholes, and gambling is tied to soo much money that any changes to law are bound to be very, very conservative (generally, rightly so). But in common meaning of the word? Yes, it’s a gambling. Gambling aimed at minors, at that.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Party Leader Authority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So, the host is now dependent on the good will of the rest of the party, right? Other players in the group have always been dependent on that same good will. Why is the “host” special? Because he started the LFG?

Yes. Precisely. All the other players in the group made conscious decision to join his group, instead of creating their own. If they don’t want to group with the party leader, they could have joined a different group or made one themselves.
Remember, currently when setting up LFG, you have no control at all on who will join, not even an accept/deny prompt – while the people that join do have some control (because they can pick and choose from all lfg offers). This puts group creator at disadvantage compared to other party members.

Also, i think that people should not be trivially able to ignore reasons behind group creation, and kick the person that created it.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Its clear that they don’t view it as a competitive leaderboard, just a “here’s our most dedicated players” list, so I don’t see the problem in just handing out 500 points for a 50/50 hall.

This. As a competitive leaderboard it is severely lacking i many other areas anyway, so there’s no sense in treating it like one.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guardian Hammer Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Hammer may be a good warrior weapon in PvP modes, but in PvE it doesn’t even come close to the guardian one. Slow autoattack may seem an issue in the beginning, but after you’ll get used to it you will realize how useful a weapon it is.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I mean just think about it for a second.

No, you think about it. The core game has a value. If it is free for new players, that only means either someone else is paying that cost, or that the cost has been included in something else.

So, i have to ask – if it is really free for new players, who pays for it? Because someone most certainly does. And no, it’s not Anet.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

A Statement Regarding Vertical Progression.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957



Counter points :-)
1) Forums as a medium as feedback are fine and no doubt devs read it, but saying that the forums represent the majority opinions of the game is silly. If we use WoW forums as a case study, less than 1% of the total player base actually comments on the forums. Now, that number won’t translate directly here because the gateway to being able to participate is different. But even if we assume 2-3x that number of people being active on the forums, you are still looking at only 3-5% of the total game population present on the forums.

In real life, using 1% of population as a sample for trend analysis is considered to be a huge overkill. Usually you can get pretty accurate results using a 1k sample (less than we have forum users) for a population of a big country (way more than we have GW2 accounts).

2) I think you need to reconsider defining the addition of Ascended as a massive change. True, there’s a minimal stat bump – but it’s hardly justification for saying its a massive change to design. Especially when you consider that they will be adding additional ways to get ascended gear, and had planned it from the start.

Changing from horizontal progression to vertical one (remember, they clearly stated now that ascended eq will NOT be the end – the progression will continue on) in opposition to the original stated design goals (and avery part of advertising they’ve done up to that point) is a massive change of design. Also, all evidence points out to them not planning it from the start. There wasn’t even a hint of introducing item progression prior to Nov 15th – there was however lot of suggestions that it won’t be introduced ever.

3) No, it’s not a binary design decision. There can be both — I played Guild Wars 1 as well, there was vertical progression. You didn’t start the game as level 20 with level 20 weapons — there was progression to get there. You worked the way up from lvl 1 to lvl 20. That, like it or not, is vertical progression.

This kind of “progression” was capped. The one in GW2 is not – they said they will continue with it even after ascended set is out. This is a difference between individual character level/eq progression in horizontal progression game, and a vertical progression game design. If the end game eq changes with time – regardless of how fast it happens, you don’t have a horizontal progression game anymore. This is a binary effect.

That the game was stagnant only when you stopped development is opinion, and as such totally unverifiable. Clearly the devs thought the game was stagnant before that point.

It’s interesting, then, that they didn’t even hint about it then – quite the opposite. Their stated reason for pursuing GW2 was the mechanical limitations of GW1 engine, not the design faults. Basically they said they decided to do GW2 when they realized that lot of their ideas for GW1 expansions could not be done with GW1 engine. You’d thnk that if they thought that GW1 was becoming stagnant, we’d have heard it at least once in those past 7 years.

And you can’t predict anything with good precision — you don’t hold any of the cards in this game. What you can do is predict what you think are going to be trends based on increases off of 3 pieces in the game — you assume what the other gear will look like.

4 pieces, actually – the stats for ascended weapons leaked out at one point, when they assigned them to legendaries by mistake. And since each tier stat increases follow a clear pattern, those 4 items are enough to predict stats of all the others with good accuracy.

So because the devs didn’t add something in the time frame you deemed appropriate means they won’t do it any time soon? If I were in their position, if I did have a rollout planned for the other ascended pieces, I would put it on hold because of the rage around the 3 pieces already in game.

I wasn’t saying anything about a rollout of NEW pieces – only of alternate ways of getting the ones we have (and remember, they claim these alternate ways were supposed to be available at the same time the first items were introduced, they were just delayed). I was also talking about cost adjustments to backpieces/infusions. Both of those cases were acknowledged by them as critical. You don’t take several months to fix critical problems unless it requires a significant amount of coding (all the coding for alternate availability is already in the game, used by exotic items, and adjusting prices don’t require much coding at all), or unless you don’t really consider it critical at all.

Patience is a good thing.

Only, if time is not of the essence.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You don’t design a system (a game, or really any system) around the exceptions, you design it around the average.

Agreed. And raiders are an exception, not an average.

Good. My point always was that (nearly) everybody can do raids, if they really want to.. (put in the effort of learning and training the skill) that’s how it’s designed.

Not around the few that might not be able to do it. And as we agree raids are designed this way, we can drop the “but some people can not do it” debate.

I actually don’t agree with you here. I am certain, that if the raids will be only as difficult as you claim they will, it won’t be enough for those that want challenge. And if they’ll be difficult enough to satisfy those people, then i really doubt that most people would be able to do it.

It seems, that what you really expect is for raids to be actually easy, but with a scary reputation that will keep people away and prevent thus others from having the same exclusives you will get. And i again say, that in such a case they have no reason to exist. No content should exist for the sole purpose of segregating players.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

180 turn on Bling-9009's purpose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Why has Anet done a turnabout?

If I had to guess, I’d guess that they did this because they thought it was better for the game overall to handle it this way.

Over the next six months they will find out if they were right, and if it doesn’t achieve their goals, forget about it.

Fixed that for you, based on the usual Anet behaviour.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

The hidden truth about the "Chaos of Lyssa"

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Think I missed the point, but how does having more players justify a borderline-punitive drop rate? Regardless of how many people are around you, it doesn’t change how you – as an individual player – would perceive a 1/20 chance versus a 1/100000 chance for a good reward.

You want rare loot to be rare. If you have 4 people playing a game then 1/20 is rare.

If you have 1,000,000 people playing a game, 1/20 is no longer rare.

This is primarily due to the difference in samples. With 4 loot rolls in total on a 1/20 chance item, it most likely won’t drop. With 1,000,000 loot rolls in total on a 1/20 chance item, you’re going to have approximately 50,000 items dropping.

For the individual person, however, all those 50 000 items dropping do not mean anything, if they don’t drop for them. The individual chance for drop is still 1/20, and that’s the only thing that counts.

I don’t care if in a mass lottery chances are big enough that every week someone usually wins the big one. That someone still wouldn’t be me. That’s where statistics and individual fun completely miss each other.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Ascended Armor Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Fascinating thread, and the comments made by the majority of posters is fascinating as well. Just imagine the majority response to this topic a mere 12 months ago …

So my oh my, just look how the demographics of the Gw2 player base have changed since November of 2012!

Well done Anet; you pulled it off.

I think the majority of players didn’t care about Ascended gear. I think the overzealous forum warriors who played GW1 were the ones who cared about Ascended gear. The majority of GW2 players now likely have never played GW1 and are not, and have never been, against Ascended gear.

Possible. At the same time this majority is not (and never was) for Ascended gear. Which is rather obvious, seeing as they will never get it.
All besides the point, as Ision was talking about majority of posters.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Have dungeons become easier since release?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Basically, all of the above.

you are likely to be better geared now (especially if you have ascended). From what we heard, dungeons were balanced around rare equipment.
You quite possibly had lower levels then.
There was a massive powercreep tied to the elite specs.
There was a condition rework
There was a defiance rework (that’s a massive indirect nerf to bosses)

At the same time, there were some nerfs to the content:
At least one general (and significant) nerf to all dungeon bosses (tied to the disabling the waypointing while in battle option)
Several reworks of scaling system, that generally made level 80 characters stronger in below 80 level zones and instances.
And, also, specifically ascalonian catacombs story mode has been made easier.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The leveling rewards make later leveling much more fun for me personally. More fun is an improvement to me.

I don’t see lot of people arguing about levelling rewards. The real rewards, i mean. Taking away things only to give it back later is no reward however, and doesn’t seem fun at all.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Unlock Past Achievement Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I have Mad Memoires: The Complete Edition.

I had to hand over the Mad Memoires to Tassi (I assume it was then destroyed) in order to make The Complete Edition.

No, you didn’t. I have both on every character i did this quest with (well, i had, after the wardrobe introduction i destroyed most of them). The second book was not an upgrade to the first, but a completely separate reward. I’m not even sure you had to finish the first book part to start the second one (though if it did require it, then yes, having the wardrobe treat it the same as upgraded gear would be reasonable).

In general, addressing OP’s proposal, it seems sensible, as long as it concerns only achievement-tied, account/soulbound gear.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Do accounts have "luck", and is it right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I wish that were so, I forge and throw a great deal of rares into the forge. I am not without luck, I have gotten 2 pre’s from the forge, but that is with far greater effort and cost. But others just throw in anything anytime and get a pre.

Are you sure? Do you really know everything they throw in the forge?
Because it may seem that someone that got a pre after throwing only 4 rares is really lucky, when you ignore all the previous (or possibly future) days of throwing stuff to Zommoros and getting nothing for it.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I don’t understand why so many people in the community seem to have zero imagination, vision or creativity.

Oh, i agree. Mounts are so cliche… can’t we ask for something new and creative instead?

None of you have provided a reasonable basis for them to not be on the game.

It’s not like people asking for mounts supply any reasonable reasons for their inclusion.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Forced into even more WvW that I despise

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


*Legendary Weapons are optional

Not since they became the “skip vertical progression” items.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The problem I have with RNG is that you disappoint 100 customers for each 1 that is happy. I don’t see how that’s a good business strategy.

When the 100 players combined spend 10% as much as the one satisfied player, Anet has more to lose by driving him away than the 100.

Except next time that person might end up among those 100 dissapointed ones. RNG cash grabs are indeed a very good strategy, but mainly aimed at low retention high turnover environments (like browser games). You lose a ton of disappointed players, but you don’t care – they wouldn’t have stayed long anyway, and you get new ones in their place. That’s why you plan to get as much money from them as you can manage in the first try – because you might not have a second one.
In MMOs it may work well in the beginning, but if you plan for long time (and aim for your game to be a big one), you’d better stay away from it because it will eventually result in more players leaving than you can replace by new ones.
Small population games can get away with it. Bigger ones won’t.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Non-HoT-Accounts [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Expansion – get the stuff that comes with it
no expansion – no extra stuff

How is this hard to understand when all games that have expansions do this? What would be the purpose of having an expansion in an MMO if you did not have this?

That’s not extra stuff. That’s stuff that was removed from core first and only then put behind HoT purchase.

Frankly, OP’s request seems really reasonable to me.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I remember Colin Johanson’s, “Is it fun” blog from before launch. That approach lasted exactly as long as it took initial adopters to get their dungeon set. It was not long after launch when the complaints about no goals, nothing to work toward, etc. approached critical mass. And we still hear such complaints. It was complaining players who disabused ANet of the idea that an MMO player base would repeat content long enough for fun so that ANet could produce more new stuff. At that point, they began adapting the game to rewards-based incentives — just like the other MMO’s.

Ironically, the dungeons from your example proved beyond all doubt that you don’t need unique/exclusive rewards for the content to be popular. It was the generic rewards that made (and then killed) dungeons. And it’s also not Ad Infinitum that makes Fractals popular.

There must be an incentive to revisit content you’ve tried.

Yes, there shoudl be. It’s called “fun”. And the only thing necessary for that incentive to work is to not disincentivize the content by having the generic rewards for that content be subpar compared to difficulty/time invested.

Nice utopia you have here. However, it just doesn’t work like this. Not for the amount of time ANet want their players to spend in their game. Like it or not, legendaries do keep players in the game for a long, long time after they would otherwise quit. It’s true for the weapons, it’s also true for the armor.

Maybe, but that works only for players that are either cool or at least ambivalent with the content where you can get them. Legendary armor does absolutely nothing to retain players that hate raids – quite the opposite, it may cause some of them to leave faster.

And farming content for the sake of obtaining specific rewards, instead of playing for fun and getting rewarded for it as a byproduct, often leads to a much faster burnout. That’s why you should never make a reward that for many players would completely overshadow the content. And legendary armor is such a badly thought-out reward.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

New skin: hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


This part is so you wouldn’t notice that your hair disappeared. And no, it’s not possible to get only the hat part of this skin (or just a part of any other skin piece, for that matter). You’d need a separate skin for that – maybe Anet will someday make one, but i wouldn’t count on it.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Hall needs more activity

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


This has nothing to do with the topic. It doesn’t matter whether you can access one guildhall of 5 as long as there’s no real reason to be in any at all.

If you ask the people that are in a single guild, you will find out they have the same problem.

(also, i disagree completely with your assesment of the multiguild system, but that’s completely offtopic)

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

New Infinity Tools Op

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


And why do you think there’s a skritt gathering tool, a cosmic gathering tool, fire, lightning, halloween, and many other themes? Because Anet is looking to give players a diverse aesthetic option.

And that’s all that it should be.

People make their purchases knowing what they’re getting

Yeah. I when i was buying mine, i knew (because that’s what Anet was saying at that time), that there won’t be any better versions of those tools in the future, and i can choose purely based on aestethics.

then throw a fit because something new comes out that adds a little extra, so what.

Did you see the backlash that introducing ascended armor generated? Do you see how people react to the idea, that new tiers that add “a little extra” should be introduced? It’s exactly the same situation. It’s just not everyone sees it, because there are no clearly visible stats to compare.

Are people gonna start griping that the older armors don’t look as flashy as the legendary ones next or that they allow changing stats? Doubtful.

First is about aestethics, so not relevant to what’s going on here. Second… yes, people actually are kittened off that the stat-swaping feature for armor is locked behind raids. Third, see my earlier response – this situation is more like introducing a new tier of armor.

For me, one has a superior animation, one has a horrid one, one has a decent economic fringe benefit, one has a more useful (to me) economic fringe benefit. Which is of those is objectively superior? They are just different.

Aestethics is subjective and is different for everyone. If we compare their non-subjective qualities however, watchwork pick and unbound set are definitely better than all other options.
Besides, i don’t think anyone should be penalized for their aestethic choices. That’s the very reason why we have skin transmutations in the game.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Is boycott the answer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


People keep shouting about all these massive issues that have been here since release and is not fixed and yet I have never actually seen anyone that have said WHAT these issues are and HOW to fix them.

erm ok jst a few to keep you amused.
zerk meta I havent used Zerker gear on my warrior in over a year
pvp lack of content I dont play much pvp, still plenty of AP to get there for me
condition in pve I simply dont play condi spec in pve
lack of challenging content enough challenging content in wvw/pvp every day
lack of rewarding content they continously add new reward schemes
gem conversion not a problem, more gold for my gems
precursor crafting i got my legendary long ago
zerg as the answer aka mindless and boring farming instead of fun content I spend less than 10% of my game time in a zerg
that would be a great start!

No issues here.

“I have never tried to go to the other side of the river, so it’s not true that the bridge is crumbling”

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

why shooting gallery challange sucks

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I’m talking about people complaining about the difficulty not about the ping
Hence the total noob thing.

And i am pointing out that MMORPGs and arcade games require different skillsets, and not being too good with arcades does not (or at least should not) mean you’re a noob at the game that at its core is not arcade one. Seriously, what is next? FPS shooter challenge? RTS micromanagement mastery? Winning a cooking show?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


For those asking for the current legendary armor to be made more accessible, ANet will not be doing that (I can say this safely). The Forsaken Thicket legendary armor is a big component of encouraging players to get better at the game and tackle raids, and ANet recognizes that.

So, they acknowledge that without it Raids would not have enough sustainability?

Also, they tried to “encourage people to play better” more than once in the game history. The players are still the same. It’s just there’s now way less of them.

That would be like making the PvP back piece legendary more accessible to PvP players who can’t progress past Emerald, which they simply won’t do in order to encourage devotion to the game mode.

Technically, you can get it without progressing past Emerald. It would just take you 2 and a half years.

Also, Raids are not like sPvP league. They are completely binary here – either you do all wings or you don’t get the armor. There’s no 50% effort getting you to goal slower. That would be like PvP backpack requiring progressing to Legendary Division. Which, curiously, it doesn’t.

If anything the unreasonable request being made is for Anet to 180 at the behest of a very vocal minority of players

Just as a very vocal minority making a request for Anet to do a 180 by bringing Raids in this game was unreasonable then?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Update on the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Only need 150 thick leather skins per day. You farm it the same way players used to farm T6 mats at launch.

There is a reason why Anet made t6 mats more easily obtainable since then.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Next Game Build: Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I’m giving constructive criticism. How could it make anet keep quiet?

Simple. Since things sometimes do get delayed, and no amount of screaming at them will make them be ready on previously announced schedule, if players will demand strict adherence of schedule, then the solution is obvious. Stop announcing the schedule.
We had it that way for nearly two years. I do not want to see them to return to that totat blackout information strategy.

then they announce ON THE PATCH DAY that they are moving it.

Yeah that’s my problem too. If you are going to delay something, don’t do it on the day of the deadline. You can’t convince me Anet didn’t realize they couldn’t make the deadline until the last moment.

If you are serious about quality, you keep doing testing even after the schedule is “set into stone”. Just in case. And if you happen to find a major bug on the day of the patch, if it is serious enough you should press the big red panic button and stop the release.
And if you think that situations like this never happen, i’d like you to get acquainted with Mr Murphy.

Anet is not known for pushing back release dates after they announce them. If they decided to do it this time, i must assume it’s something really serious. In that case, i’d rather see it delayed, but fixed, than have them release a broken content.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Final fights were overtuned and unenjoyable

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Most of my toons don’t have zerker gear, and I find the new content absurdly hard, when I play with them.

…and bugged.

Caithe’s recon squad… if I mine the corpses, I don’t get any credit. If i don’t mine the corpses, I don’t get any credit.

…and I see no way to repeat only this part. I have to start all over from the beginning of the series of quests.

I’m beyond frustrated.

You are aware, that to get the achievements you need to first finish the ls, and then do the achievements on the second run? When you get to that point, you will be able to repeat missions (or in case of the last mission, individual bosses) without reseting whole chain.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

I'm now grinding dailies without noticing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


- Doing a dungeon story again where I’d have preferred an explorable.

Bad design there. Sooner or later any person will get to a point where all the story dungeons are done – and they are not designed with repeating in mind. That daily should allow for any path (whether story or explore).

If you do everything, you will get dailies done regardless.

…yes, by definition, since “everything” includes “all dailies”. Your point was?

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Yes, any content does need rewards in order for players to draw full enjoyment from it (because we do like being rewarded), but those rewards do not need to be content exclusive.

Raids have Legendary Armour, Fractals have a unique Legendary Backpiece, PvP has a unique Legendary Backpiece. There are unique Legendary Rewards for all the high end content – harder content gives better rewards.

Both the fractal and spvp backpieces can be obtained by playing the mode on “easy” setting. It just takes longer.
So, would you be okay with raids having as rewards not legendary armor, but just a legendary backpiece, and one that could be grinded for by consistently failing (or running the first encounter in some toned down mode made for casuals)? Because that would be equality.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Why this game don't have capes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


i’m asking why not?

Because it is not a superhero game?

And more seriously – apparently Anet did experiment with adding capes, and ran into some serious clipping issues. It might have been changed later, seeing as we can actually see capelike elements in some of new armor pieces and costumes. Perhaps, in time, they will add cape backpieces.

Personally i don’t see where the “cape frenzy” comes from (especially when people mention GW1 capes, as those were really ugly looking), but if someone likes them, adding them certainly wouldn’t hurt.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Will Guild Missions need a levelled Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


@Waage I considered that we are missing information, but Anthony clearly states that the first Mission type requires Art of War level 5. If researchig Guild Bounties isn’t a requirement for the next Mission types, why would it be labelled as the first.

I think “first” means the “first to select from”. The “second type” and “third type” likely does not need Art of War (unless Anet has no common sense).

That is what i see it as. This is the first of the KILLING type or the Art of war guild missions.
The Gold rush is the first of the Economy guild missions and so on.

It is how i see it how i think it will be, but even if it is not and you need the Art of War 5 then that is no big deal. It is something to work towards and do as a guild. A thing to make you all work closer together.

Colin: It’s really spread out all over the game and it depends on which type of mission you’re doing. There are actually five completely different types of missions and based on which one it is – bounty hunts, for example, is the really basic one, that’s the one that you can get right off the bat when [February’s] release first goes out.

No, it seems that the bounty missions are the easiest to unlock at Art of War level 5 I don’t even want to know what the requirements for the rest are.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Fused Gauntlets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The only exception I can see be made is for RNG items like the jetpack in the molten alliance dungeon.

I don’t believe there should even be RNG-based time-limited items. I was there is simply not the same kind of message as i happened to be lucky at that time.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November

Make Masteries an Attunement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


One guy in a team of ten needs the requisite Mastery. Doesn’t mean the other nine do. Note the use of the word ‘probably’ in that snippet – if everyone in this forum is as inhumanly hardcore as they claim to be, then they’ll find a way to get by without the mastery.

People are supposed to fail and wipe on these things. That’s three quarters of the point of the groin-shatteringly ultrabrutal content people have been clamoring for, isn’kitten

Yeah for now, then when most of those super hardcore players can’t complete it with in the first week you’ll have the forums full of people saying. “I know I’m good and if I can’t do it, it must be too hard pls nerf”

Good. And i hope that this time Anet will listen and do nerf it (like they nerfed everything else so far). And that they won’t take too long to do it.

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Remember, remember, 15th of November