(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
All of this info has been available shorty after the update went live…and they never batted an eye.
Now months later they are finally looking into it? and as incing on the cake we have Gaile giving us what is essentially an “have you tried turning it off, then back on again?” post….
It is so, so hard to find you guys credible anymore.
I like how you use the word “force” but how does it apply?
I I forgot the hidden clause in the ToS that requires players to hunt achievements in order to progress through all and any content provided….o wait
…do you only use 1 weapon set?
I am mainly a PvP/WvW oriented player…and never once do I look at a build and plan on using only 1 weapon. Weapon swaps are what will separate you from bad players, learn to use them, and then you won’t have the dilemma in the first place…
GS + Hammer works perfectly for me in WvW.
But if you want to be exclusive to PvE, then GS + LB is probably a better option since most champs and world-bosses cannot be effectively CCed by the hammer.
This is kinda stupid to think of, it kinda makes my brain hurt.
Numerous PvE maps being added and changed all the time, and the grand ol’ Lion’s Arch being changed and recreated over and over.
But Heart of the Mists gets no love.
People are forced to sit there and wait when queued for matches, but the map offers nothing to do, and is simply bland and uninteresting.
Why is there apparently so much time and resources spent on maps that are temporary and simply show “stages” but nothing can be done to make HotM an interesting place to be?
Even WvW is getting new Bordlerlands, new mechanics, map changes (ruin update) and even EotM.
Grenades should have a fuse…like actual grenades, they should hit the ground, cause a red circle, and detonate a few seconds later, like enhanced throwable traps.
Maybe give them a bounce or 2 so people have to think about how they are throwing them rather than point-click-win
I freaking hated that mission. 20+ minutes are spent literally standing there, killing quickly-killed mobs, waiting for more things to kill.
You must have played it after the nerf
oh i was about to start a tread lol. Hello
You would start a tread, because you run around as a Yak….this guy is the biggest troll on SF :P
On topic….its our night coverage, yay!
The designer behind the Vinewraith was Lisa Davis. You might remember her from such releases such as the Marionette, and Super Adventure Box! (But really, there isn’t just one boss designer on the Living World as all the designers contribute to the encounters in both design, implementation, and feedback. They all deserve cookies.)
All great encounters….unfortunately, 2/3 of those are unavailable to players…such a shame
Who know, they did completely miss the opportunity to add a connection/small zone in between Southsun and Sparkfly (you can visually see the pathway on the leftside of Sparkfly that would lead directly to Southsun, instead it just looks like endless ocean)
They have done a mediocre job adding zones, Lab Cliffs was amazing..but for some strange reason, temporary, yet they keep the !$@# southsun area as permanent.
I am still hoping they add a small zone between Sparkfly and Southsun anyways >.>
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
It really should be 1 per day, instead of a week, and this is coming from someone who never Key farmed :/
If I see Skyhammer in that little window, I click the X on my own window to make it disappear >.>
They respond on Reddit, they probably aren;t allowed to come here anymore, new company policy /s
adds onto and inserts more depth and story into the existing map, instead of just tossing in a brand new map with a load of content.
Sorry Mal, I would have to disagree. The total amount of story we got was about a single step…it is essentially: we are trying to find the master of peace -> we found the master of peace.
We don’t need a load of content, just a few new things to do. The labyrinth isn’t even open as an area outside the story, and isn’t interesting when doing it in the first place, so the majority of players that play for open world, got nothing new other than a tent and some mechanical siege devourers.
dont forget weapon skins! for BL tickets ofc – how else!
looking into what that_shaman was able to datamine:
Gem Store related: (29 items)
Jungle Explorer Outfit
Pact Fleet Weapons (16 weapons)
Enchanted Hourglass
6 Dyes (Glint themed)
Salvager’s Supplies
3 World Tournament Finishers (each region)
Chickenado Finisher
The only thing that made last patch’s episode (we are talking strictly about the STORY component after all) was that it took loads of time to read all the books in the Priory instance. If you only rushed straight through it and only did what you had to, it was just as short as this episode.
I didn’t read the majority of the books, and it took longer, maybe not that much, but the fights in the Lair were interesting. The first mission (with Belinda’s ghost) was story fluff and about as short of these though :/
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
There never has been a time that armor and outfits could mix and match. I’m not sure why you thought it would be different in this one case.
There was a time, long long ago, when you could use the bottom portion of a costume with your own helmet, or use the helm of a costume with your own armor…
This time was called Guild Wars 1
Someone asked this question in the AMA, and the answer I heard was you can certainly do this if you want too. You’re not restricted to going straight across the board and selecting one of each level…they specifically mentioned you could select 2 Grand Master Traits if you wanted too.
I highly doubt this is the case, they never showed any sign of being able to backtrack through the trait tree.
The fact the “Distinction in Applied Jumping” title is NOT related to jumping puzzles baffles me. Knowing there is also a “Honors in Applied Jumping” that isn’t either linked to JP simply makes me cringe.
The entirety of SAB is an elaborate jumping puzzle, so it makes sense to me, completing the required achievements requires alot of runs in SAB, which in turn, is a giant JP.
The only way i can see the system being abused is in pre-ruby divisions. Sitting at a 0 pip tier, losing a bunch to get the 2 pip bonus, then going for win streak? So you would get 2, 1, 1, 2—-?
Seems like a waste of time…for a “guaranteed pip”
What I don’t understand is why solo queue doesn’t work like the random arena system in GW1. If your team wins then it keeps your roster together for the next round. If you lose, the team is disbanded. If you win enough games in a row then you get put into team queue automatically.
If the roster loses anyone at all between rounds the counter until your random team gets put into team queue resets. If you leave the roster you can’t rejoin it unless you want to go straight into team queue.
What do people think about that?
@John C If you wanted to remove solo queue and just allow people to queue up for team queue by themselves if they wanted to, you’d still need to have some kind of buffer against premades. And even then, the fact that many premades use voice chat gives them a huge advantage. So again I’d ask for in-game voice chat, or some other game mode to queue for where voice chat amplified teamwork doesn’t give such a huge advantage.
I agree with people that want the option to solo queue and try to play seriously. Solo queue as it is right now reminds me of TF2lobby and some IRC rooms designed to setup random scrims in other games. The biggest boon solo queue has over those options in other games is that it completely eliminates premades.
I would have to agree, that every system they had in place for GW1 was optimal.
Automated Tournament system
These were all core PvP modes, and the systems in place worked immaculately.
Unfortunately, we will have to wait until we have some other game-modes are introduced into GW2 before we can actually compare what we have (which is just a cut-down, miniature version of Alliance Battles)
If you drain out the water its a default 3 point map…hows that interesting …
well underwater combat is just terrible to start with….replace sharks with some land based animal and really its not a huge difference, just less annoying.
Interesting thoughts here. I always think of it as a gentle reminder of my need to use care in what I do. Especially that #%@$ jumping puzzle amongst the trees… at which I died multiple times.
You know, “Play more wisely.” I don’t love the runs to the repair NPC, but I don’t resent them.
It’s good to see other players’ thoughts on the matter.
I feel the complete opposite.
I don’t even realize the mechanic exists until a piece of armor is broken
It basically gives you 6 free lives before it starts making you rethink anything….then you can just talk to some NPC, and not have to think about it anymore.
It is pointless, doesn’t add any sense of caution and does nothing until an armor peice is broken, when it simply becomes a slight annoyance at that point.
I vote for Aoe/Control
Hammer + Longbow
Burst usage and mastering weapon swaps is key
Decent defense with the capability of pressuring a point from any range
For a guide, make sure you mention small details that others may not know, such as specific combo fields, or skill canceling. (depending on your weapon choice, leap/blast finishers into allies light fields / fire fields / water fields) You would be surprised how many people don’t know the effects.
The professions/builds you face, which ones to target first and burst using the build you decide to choose. (like 3-2-1ing a monk in GW1! or pressuring an enemy frontline to protect your backline…too bad that doesn’t exist in GW2 though)
In case people have forgotten what an extended team fight while leveraging momentum looks like in high end PvP
Your skill level is a combination of how mechanically inclined you are, your ability to play with teammates, your ability to play against opponents, and your knowledge of maps and their objectives.
You cannot simply say “this is my skill level” because it doesn’t really exist that way.
Season 7 updates:
More buffs! yay
- Changed Death Perception for Foot in the Grave (more CC spam now than ever)
- New Sigil reworks slightly nerf the build through removing Chill application. Swapped sigils for Courage (Might + Blighter’s Boon synergy) and Cleansing (to aid in removing mobility impairing effects) on both sets.
Another issue is that it isn’t linked to anything, it just spawns, and very frequently for that matter.
There doesn’t feel like a reason to fight it, even though the fight is insanely easy.
you don’t have to quit for the entire match, just going to character select and logging back into the same character will put you back into the match, but give you a roughly 40s death timer for respawn, and no dishonor
I may as well chime in with my top 3 reason why this is not yet an E-Sport:
1.) SPAM : The spammy nature of the game, no mana/energy system (other than thief) means that players have to think INCREDIBLY little about their skill usage, and mainly just use them on recharge, leading to a chaotic mess of particle effects and impossible to follow skill usage.
2.) Game-modes : Currently the game does not have, what I would call, a “singular-objective gamemode”. What this means is that the only goal the entire team is working towards is simply score, “have higher points than the other guys”.
such game modes as GvG (GW1), and Towers / Nexus (LoL) are great example of team-based singular objectives. The only way to win, is to make the other team quit, or kill the nexus/lord.
The start of the game can be as 1v1, 2v2, #v# as it wants to be (solo lanes in LoL, flag runners and gankers in GvG) but in the end the team needs to work towards the singular objective, and cap points does not fit that role at all, in fact, in the end it promotes split-play, and not team-play…..which is bad.
3.) Particle Effects : Mentioned already, the particle effects are 2 things: a.) massive and flashy (due to spamming of skills it is just effects everywhere) and b.) not very indicative of the skill being used most of the time, if the skills are going to have animations, they need to be clear, and show anyone seeing them, WHAT skill it is, and what it is doing.
I love this! What a great idea!
This solves both the “troll portal” issue and the issue of being a mesmer and being unsure if you’re too far away to drop your portal exeunt.
I think the tether should only be visible if you’re targetting/mousing over the portal, to avoid graphical clutter (unless you are a mesmer in the act of making a portal).
I think they could use a less intrusive graphical showing for the tether, such as the leyline energy style look they have in Drytop, still very transparent, but visible.
My main reason for suggesting this is so that it’s easier to tell which portals are paired when there are multiple mesmers using their portals.
Ah, that makes sense, but having it on mouse over would be too clunky in WvW/sPvP scenarios in combat.
Perhaps something similar to Spectral Walk from necro would work as well, just, not as neon bright.
So with this current patch, if you type /Rank (anywhere except WvW) you will get the rank finisher animation….through your head, and it will move with your character.
Sometimes to rather humorous results, but I can guess it is definitely a bug :P
Here is some footage of what I mean:
I doubt this would split the community much…since these matches would actually START without playing the wait-in-line simulator for 10 minutes aka Unranked/Ranked Queue in Heart of the Mists.
Meaning people would actually get to pvp, and more people would probably use this instead.
Did CoF SM for the first time the other day.
Overall fun place, and I gotta say, props to whoever designed the last boss. Man that was one of the better fights of any SM or EM I’ve done in some time.
Iirc, that was the one with the lava boulders and the transformations? Yes, this is definitely an example of a fun boss encounter, that still was challenging, this is the type of thing I want to see more of in the future.
The first encounter you come across though (the guy with enchanted weapons) is the complete opposite, this is what I want to see LESS of.
This is one thing that is lingering in the back of my mind, bugging me a little bit.
The Z-Axis in this game is still in need of fixing, for many abilities, skills, movement, etc.
With that in mind, does anyone believe that unless these types of issues become resolved, they would lessen your enjoyment of the HoT areas? These areas are supposedly the most vertical and difficult to traverse that we will encounter in the game.
In case anyone wonders what I mean by Z-axis issues, a few examples would be:
- Stairs/Hills causing multiple instance of falling damage while moving
- Leaps not registering, or redirecting due to slight height changes
- Ranger GS 3 standing still and breaking when moving over uneven terrain
- Warrior F1 Hammer not reacting, or lag/teleporting a player when used on uneven terrain
- Projectile obstruction over uneven terrain
- Projectiles not traveling through the “air”, instead follow the ground at a certain height, so they never hit targets over gaps.
- Teleports cause players to appear at the start of a gap instead of its intended location.
There are plenty of issues involving movement, projectiles, and other game mechanics that simply break when they encounter the Z-axis, I can only hope they get resolved before the big release.
Anyone else worried?
would be actually interesting if they completely remade LA into a lvl 30-ish hostile zone, instead of some kind of story instance….hmmm
we need more 80 zones though (not with BS karka style mobs!)
Eye of the North came out on August 31st, 2007, so that is about how old this news is…
Silvary, cause the rest is more or less too mainstream.
-Norn/Charr Warrior: see them everywhere
-Human Wa-: it’s Human, ’nuff said.
-Asura Warrior: the amount of ppl doing Warrior/Guardian on the tiny race is prolly even higher than ppl doing it on the big ones.So, walking salad.
uh oh, watch out for the new breed of Hipster Warriors ;p
Imma bump this, sometimes the loggin can really do some strange things.
In Sparkfly, I quickly relogged from an area on the western side of the map, and it teleported me all the way to the Braggi’s Stead Waypoint! (North-East)
i use curses for boon removel and it does work really good this season winning 75-80% of the games.
Boon removal is quite strong, I just prefer Spite just because you still get the boon removal from Spinal Shivers and Spiteful Sprit, as well as more burst potential and chill application through using those combined with Hydro procs
oh so you just became dishonorable, BIG DEAL, i got 3 months of sospension due to verbal abuse, harassement, intimidatory behaviour and abuse of in-game mechanics !
by your current attitude, it was more than likely your fault, and well deserved.
The lag + random kicks giving people dishonorable is what’s being discussed here.
Or lets do it the other way around:
No more soloq, only full teams. No more QQ as it’s a teamgame after all. Less stress put on the matchmaking.
Would at least create a more competitive scene.But this won’t happen of course.
You don’t see that this would more than likely kill the pvp scene entirely? a large chunk of the playerbase would not waste the time making teams to wait in line for a match each time. The amount of players would dwindle down to a point where you would only have a few teams fighting at a time all together.
better than the current:
Step 1: Pick Target
Step 2: Spam everything at them as fast as you can
Step 3: Hope your team does the same
Step 4: Start a snowball that changes the games tempo from 0-100
The pace needs to slow down tenfold in order to start being competitive again, the spam needs to be more punishing, rather than forgiving like it currently is. Setting up several skills and positioning to combo damage back at launch is the equivalent to a single skill with a bunch of passive trait procs now.
GW1 was all about restraint, if you rushed in, you would most likely get rekt (most competitive games play this way, fighting games, mobas, hell even CS:GO)
GW2 is the complete opposite though, you wanna full rush and get someone down as fast as possible to start a snowball. It is less about player skill, and more about gaining a power advantage through sheer numbers and aggression by dogpiling the most vulnerable target (I guess that is a “tactic” in it’s own right, but boring, and uninteresting)
I think alot of it comes down to the game type. Conquest does not reward a team’s tactical play, but more an individual’s positioning and mobility, over everything else, so giving your team a numbers advantage means you can cover mistakes your team makes easier.
And even with the snowballing, there is less consequence for dying in this game than other competitive games due to the fact that the shiny circles are the objectives, not winning a teamfight (that just helps a bit) just because there are 3 permanently active objectives to go for, so if the enemy team gets that early advantage but kitten s on defending said shiny circles, the game swings back like it has schizophrenia.
The game needs some modes that do not rely on a completely variable progression bar (0-500, variable based on amount of circles held) such as:
- Annihilation: 0 respawn Team DeathMatch (like most GW1 PvP modes, random arena, team arena, HoH, GvG)
- Keep/Nexus Assault: GW1 GvG/Moba/Fort Aspenwood objective-style “kill lord/destroy nexus” to win. (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild)
- Capture the Flag
- Lattice-style Tug-of-War TDM (respawns enabled, requires capturing points in linear sequence to win, push/pull)
I wish they would add the GW1 weapons as skins, I think ANET would probably get swamped if they were put in as skins because they look so much better than 95% of ANY of the GW2 weapons/armors.
Also GW1’s ability to dye the weapon! why was this removed? the people that actually have good ideas down at the Anet offices get a harsh stare and are thrown into the basement for a few months I think…
I will just use the current tPvP maps for examples:
Legacy of the Foefire:
-Change side node to: "Each captured side node grants 5% bonus stats to the team who controls each.
-Center Node: Controlling the center node causes the gates of the enemy team to become vulnerable.
-Main Objective: Kill the enemy team’s Lord.
Battle of Khylo:
-Remove all nodes
-Change Side Nodes would become new Trebuchet locations (destroyable)
-Change Repair Kits to become team-colored Flags
-Change previous trebuchet location to become a flag stand.
-Main Objective: Bring the enemy teams flag to your flag stand 3 times.
Note: Players can pick up their own flag if it is dropped by an enemy player, will be dropped after 10 seconds, and removes the players weapon skills (allowing to re-position their flag)
Forest of Niflhel:
-Change side nodes to be Bomb Sites.
-Carrying a bomb removes weapon skills, and slows the player by 25%
-Remove middle node, change gate nearby to be destroyable.
-Change mob locations to be capturable, capturing these locations causes a wave of “minions” to assault the enemy bomb site.
Main Objective: Destroy the gate, place and defend a bomb on the alter for 15 seconds.
Secondary Objective: Have minions destroy the enemy bomb site, the team with the remaining bomb site wins.
Temple of the Silent Storm:
-Remove Nodes
-Change each node to a Primary Shrine
-Primary Shrines (node replacements) equate to 50 points on capture. 3 Minute respawn.
-Secondary Shrines (current shrines) equate to 10 points on capture. 1 minute respawn.
Primary Objective: Reach 500 points.
You know what would be great,,,making the game more fun to actually play and compete in, rather than trying to bribe players with more and more rewards…
This change is about balancing, removing bad builds and OP builds, and at the same time opening the door more more viable diversity.
Yes, being forced to have one trait from each tier will break some builds, but I believe it will open the door to other builds that will take their place. And now stats are not tied to the trait lines, we should (in theory) gain access to more builds than we had before, while at the same time increasing the odds these new builds will be viable. It also allows Anet to keep a tighter control on balancing, which is very important.
The removal of stats from traits AND the limitation of the traits within their tiers are both good moves in my opinion. There will be collateral damage, but I think the end result will outweight the cost.
We have very different opinions then, I never really balanced any of my builds around the stats in the first place. So this is nearly a non-factor for me, I based my traits on my playstyle, now it will be the opposite almost.
The new system means there is much lower finite amount of trait combinations overall, many of which will more than likely be unviable, limiting the amount even further. (Warrior defense tree for example, every single warrior not using a mace, will have the same trait pretty much, there are only 2 options overall in the end of the line, how is that diverse?)
And with how the buffs seem to be looking from the AMA, they most definitely are NOT trying to remove OP builds overall, they are creating an amount of new ones to take a stand. Power creeping the entirety of every class (pretty much the game) in a single patch.
(side note: they are also not appearing to be making any older PvE content any more difficult, so these buffs will just cause PvE to become a trivial task)
It is less Company Policies, and more Company Policing. We used to have some fun, energetic, vocal and interesting people to talk to (see: Josh Foreman)
But it seems whenever someone over there wants to talk, someone higher up pulls out the duct tape, and who knows whatever else behind the curtains to stop them…maybe even being fearful of keeping their job or not, or how their job will be effected (see: Martin Kerstein)
This Company Policy seems incredibly inclusive and anti-transparency, like they are actively trying to stop us from knowing anything ever…
If this was some fictional fantasy setting, the GW2 community are now part of a city-state, and Arena Net are the black veiled government abducting people and killing ideas behind the shadows. :P (ok maybe that was a little strong >.>)
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
No…you still gain adrenaline just as fast as before, so filling the bars isnt a problem. They are most effective at max power, so using adrenaline would reduce this (which is why they are not often taken into WvW/sPvP)
Aside from some pure zerker power builds that get destroyed in a few seconds, these traits don’t have a place in many others.
What part of them do you feel is underpowered afterward the patch anyways?
– using adrenaline on burst skills? defeats the purpose of the traits all together, it is a slow ramp up in power until you ultimately spend that power and have to restart. Which leaves many other traits in a much better position.
– losing adrenaline out of combat? wouldn’t even matter…not like you are fighting anything…
You make it sound like this huge nerf, as you call it, will be the end all for anything that uses adrenaline, and you couldn’t be more mistaken.
Because there is lore in Guild Wars 2 that I genuinely find interesting, such as about …
- The Elder Dragons
- Eir’s relationship with her son, Braham.
- How Rytlock managed to get Sohothin
- Why Tequatl got more powerful
- What the Genie of the Box was
- Where the steam creatures come from
- What happened in the Thaumanova Explosion
- Why the Tengu fled Cantha
- Why the Sylvari are immune to elder dragon corruption
- Whether Zhaitan is truly dead or not
- What the bandits at Fort Vandal are doing guarding the entrance to the Maguuma Wastes.
- What Bubbles’ name is.
- What caused Scarlet to go insane.
Just to name a few.
Alot of this is just questions you want answers to…so technically this lore isn’t in the game. That is the issue I am having, is that they have opened alot of opportunities for good stories, and lore options…..but give us nothing.
I am torn because there is alot of very un-interesting pieces of lore they are trying to cram into the game, for reasons they won’t tell us about, adding terrible canned characters and not adding any substance or purpose to the established lore that is built into the background of the Guild Wars universe.
Guess what…Gunflame is bugged and really strong…and it STILL doesnt make a rifle build actually viable for longer than 10 seconds.
i also laugh when people say things make them “literally insane”. so are you in a mental hospital now?
There is a t-shirt that says “the misuse of literally makes me figuratively insane”
Problem is that, due to a stark lowering of IQ to whomever is in control over Merriam-Webster, the word literally, no longer means literally :/