Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I seriously hate when players choose to play bad.
On the other hand I was briefly farming trash on Cursed Shore and one of them dropped Dusk.
I don’t know what you guys are talking about I’m generally doing better with a condition build, survivability could be better but dmg is good.
If I could upload some footage of my own gameplay I would, but a power build will out damage a condition one, I assure you.
I’m a beginner Mesmer and I thought that the GS would see some action in dungeons due to iZerker. Could you shed a light on that weapon choice?
The greatsword does see use, but to be honest I’m not really sure why. I think it’s just that people got in to the habit of using it and never really grew beyond it (a lot like how dungeons normally only accept warriors, guardians and mesmers even though every single class is good besides necros).
The problem with using greatsword for the iZerker is that off-hand pistol and off-hand sword have equally as strong phantasms, the sword’s autoattack is better than the greatsword, and blurred frenzy is incredibly good to keep you doing a damage while a boss does some one-shot of doom since you go invulnerable.
As a point of comparison, greatsword offers you a weak autoattack, a useless second ability, a barely useful third ability and if you use the fifth ability, groups will hate you. Main hand sword offers you a stronger autoattack, a great second ability anda fairly useless third ability. It does however allow you to use off-hands like pistol which has a nice stun, off-hand sword which alows you to block some big heavy attack, and the focus which allows you to position mobs or bosses, and the warden if traited can reflect projectiles.
You’ll probably be told by other people here “greatsword is great” or "ignore colesy, just use it, or “I use it and it’s amazing”, but ignore them, if you use main hand sword and off hand sword, pistol and focus (swap out off-hand sword for focus if you need to pull mobs or reflect, otherwise just run sword/sword and sword/pistol) then you actually maximise your own survivability and usefulness to a group because the skills on those weapons are much more useful. Always carry a greatsword in your inventory for situations that force you to range (or if you’re in a bad pug and can’t sustain yourself in melee as the only one), but you should be in melee as long as the game physically allows you to.
Oh for goodness sake stop telling the OP to run bad gear.
Your DPS is not covered at all, stop trying to impose a fake trinity on your group and just go full DPS with the necessary support traits and utility skills.
You’re not going to tank anything because bosses will end up killing you fast regardless of gear and you can’t control their aggro reliably either. You all have a dodge key, so to mitigate damage use that, retreat/virtue of courage, hold the line, shield of the avenger and wall of reflection.
III. Armour
Very short section. Run full berserker armour (power/precision/critical damage) and run berserker stats amulet, accessories, rings and backpiece. Defensive stats don’t matter, and getting used to only being able to take a few hits (which you should be dodging anyway) will make you a better player. In your armour, use ruby orbs, in your trinkets use exquisite ruby jewels. If you can get your hands on berserker ascended, the agony resistance infusions work perfectly fine.
IV. Finally, the build itself
In Domination, take Empowered Illusions (15+ Illusion Damage)
In Dueling, take Phantasmal Fury (phantasms have fury), Blade Training (50+ precision while wielding a sword, sword skills have -20% cooldown) and Duelist’s Discipline (-20% cooldown on pistol skills, duelist now has 100% chance of comboing on combo fields – for example 8 confusion stacks shoting throug an ethereal field)
In Inspiration, take Glamour Mastery (-20% cooldown on glamour skills), Warden’s Feedback (-20% cooldown on focus skills, focus skills reflect projectiles) and the last skill you can either trait for 20%+ HP on phantasms or longer duration glamours).
The build is generally quite simple in its trait choices. Phantasms are our main source of damage so we want them to have fury (more crits = more damage), we want more illusion damage through Empowered Illusions and 25 points in inspiration, and we want faster cooldowns on our phantasms so that when they die we can recast them again without having to wait. Traiting focus for faster cooldowns just so happens to enable focus skills to reflect, and reflects are massively imortant in dungeons, which you will find out when you play them (which enemies have projectiles you can reflect). Faster glamour cooldowns and longer duration means our feedback (another reflect skill) can be cast more often and lasts longer (from 6 to 8 seconds). 30 points in inspiration gives us 300 vitality too which is a nice safety cushion if you’re new to the build, giving us around 19k HP which can soak up hits quite nicely.
Your general attack rotation will consist of casting a phantasm, waiting for it to deal damage and then swapping to your other weapon set (3 stacks of might from sigil of battle), casting that phantasm and then attacking with your sword. Always remember to swap in and out skills for whatever is relevant in a fight, for example your base skill set may be blink, decoy and feedback (just offering an example), but if you go against the legendary golem in Crucible of Eternity, swap out you blink and decoy for Phantasmal Disechanter and Null Field. On the other hand, for the Subject Alpha fights in that very same dungeon, you’ll want something like Signet of Inspiration (to double your team’s might stacks), Null Field (he casts PbAoE burning) and either Mantra of Pain or Signet of Illusions.
The alternate build which I am currently using is 0/20/0/25/25. This sacrifices Empowered Illusions, Blade Training and the grandmaster trait in Inspiration, but in return I gain Compounding Power, Phantasmal Haste and Illusionists’ Celerity. What this means is that while my phantasms do less damage, Phantasmal Haste means they attack more frequently (to offer you an example, if a phantasm deals 5k damage and attacks every 5 seconds for 20k damage in 20 seconds, if my weaker phantasms with this alternate build now deal 4k damage but attack every 4 seconds, it means they still deal 20k – now remember this also means with duelist though that in the same time you would get 8 extra bleed stacks – so in a sustained fight the damage of the two builds tends to even out nicely), Illusionists’ Celerity means that my phantasms are on an even lower cooldown (apart from off hand sword thanks to the loss of blade training, it’s just 16 seconds like it was in the 10/30/0/30/0 build) and with Compounding Power, while phantasm damage doesn’t scale with damage %+ modifiers, our own skills do. So what this means is that if you use feedback, your feedbacks can deal up to 9%+ damage if you have three illusions out, and the same applies to your autoattack.
(edited by colesy.8490)
incoming tidal wave of abuse to the dev account
What about a section of a dungeon that temporarily branches off in to five paths and each player has to kill a veteran on their path (but they are pre determined so you could for example set the mesmer or the guard on the guy using projectiles)?
It could be a sneaky DPS check.
Yeah, go on ANet, give us a farm then nerf it again, make it impossible to get anything without boring yourself to death farming CoF p1 like you did pre-rewards change.
No, WvW players are sick of PvE people doing the following:
1. Taking up spaces that actual players could be using
Oh look, precisely the point I made earlier about attitudes….. Thank you so much for reinforcing why so many avoid anything pvp based.
Because you know, us PvEers are just ‘taking up space’ because we aren’t ‘actual players’ and therefore must not really be doing anything.
We’re trying to fight against two other servers, and some players are just aimlessly tagging along with the zerg, not even communicating or listening to commanders, don’t you think WvW players have a right to be annoyed, especially if they’re second or last in the match up?
To give you a PvE example, it’s like with the Shatterer where a billion people afk at the waypoint and like one person does the pre events. In both cases, you just have a bunch of leeches who you don’t want there.
Here’s a good incentive: how about bads stop demonising us and calling us elitists?
If the gw2 community wasn’t so entitled and full of zerker-hating scrubs I’d be more willing to spend my time teaching people, but they’d rather defend their use of bad gear and their poor attempts of imposing a trinity by “being tanky” or “giving lots of heals”.
What about other classes like rangers engineers necros thieves with different builds?
Engineers and Rangers both have access to reflects. Necro…. well. ANet needs to have a serious look at what utility Necros have access to.
Oh oh! I know!
Malafide finds them quite useful in Ascalon fractal fearing all of the mobs when you’ve grouped them up so the party can cleave them down. The way it demolishes your group’s DPS helps them a great deal.
I think I’ll just get some things out of the way early on in the thread.
Elona, stop blobbing, Piken stop blobbing, SFR stop blobbing, wait we don’t blob we play for fights, no we have better roamers than you, actually we can’t help blobs, pugs keep following comm tag etc. etc.
Now that’s out the way, let’s see how long we can keep this thread civil :p
Legendaries should require clearing the four Arah paths each in a certain amount of time, and having completed Jade Maw at Fractal 48.
10/30/0/0/30 is probably the highest damage phantasm build, but for the sake of dungeons, x/x/x/25/25 is solid because you get focus traiting and the haste and celerity which the 10/30/0/0/30 build has.
Being able to replace your phantasms quicker and them attacking more frequently helps us preserve our phantasm DPS better than just making them hit a little more harder if they’re still going to die just as quickly.
Neither. Use scepter so that you can get good off hand skills. If you insist though, staff. Range is generally terrible though, you could clear pretty much 99% of content on sword/sword + sword/focus.
(edited by colesy.8490)
No they do not work with guardians, stop misleading the OP.
If you’re a PVE player, run full berserker or gtfo is basically what you do.
You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.
No, it’s a logical conclusion.
Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.
Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.
High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.
Please just watch one of obal’s fractal 48 videos. Please.
I think you’re confusing damage with DPS. I’m pretty sure even after I died, my average DPS in that fight was still higher than the bads I partied with since they all camped range.
Will it be possible for you to make it so summons (in my case mesmer phantasms) to be added to the combat log? Also, some sort of DPS calculator for lazy people like me to be able to calculate it easier and precisely?
Literally no commander will ever ask a mesmer to take three utility skills unless they’re bad.
Most commanders in my experience understand the need of a stunbreak.
Yup, ignored everything I wrote in my post.
There was nobody on this entire forum I could say honestly annoyed me until you came along and posted so many wrong things and then acted arrogant about it. I don’t mind arrogance, just be right. And people showing you that you’re wrong through anecdotal experience in this thread, and in the other thread on the forum where you’re trying to claim 30 in valour is a big deal (omg 300+ toughness, 30%+ crit damage) and people are giving you numbers showing you that it isn’t and yet you keep on “arguing” …
Just… be right about something. Be right about anything. Don’t tell haviz to learn to play. Don’t dismiss other forum members’ calculations on DPS. Don’t tell me that I’m wrong in saying a commander should lead from the front when basically anybody in Tier 1 can confirm that it works and it’s the best place to be. Replying to you feels like I’m pulling my own teeth out.
No I don’t find it fun. That’s why I’ve been playing it every day.
…what kind of thread is this?
I think the OP is looking more for the actual math or a video comparison.
The simple fact that you have points in chaos and are using Greatsword immediately makes this not the best build for pve, unless you can explain how a low dps weapon and redundant traits are good for a pve build?
Then please tell me why someone would use Greatsword outside of them not knowing an encounter and not wanting to faceplant, being bad and not understanding it’s a poor weapon, or extremely rare/fringe situations that force you to be at longer range than scepter of which I can’t even think of off the top of my head. It’s pretty much on torch level in regards to its usability in dungeons, torch probably works in arah but beyond that it’s pretty much useless, and that’s conditional in itself, if you have a thief or an ele giving you fiery gs for mobility you don’t even need torch there.
(edited by colesy.8490)
Make it possible to use the aesthetic of your PvE gear in PvP. The way it is now, you shell out a ton of gold and time to get yourself cultural gear, fancy weapon skins and backpiece, and then you go in to PvP and just like some random nobody.
I agree with you, OP.
Maybe the discrimination will become such an issue that bad players will suck it up and decide to actually try being good so they can get in to groups by gearing properly.
How many people do you need in close combat really?
everyone. just look at obal’s fractal 48s.
There’s condition damage
reflects, aegis, protection, might and fury are the support that matters
crippled, chilled, vulnerable and weakened
vulnerable yes, but how does slowing their movement matter if you’re in melee? and how does slower cooldowns from chill matter when AI mobs have no cooldowns?
I’ve seen plenty of warriors and guardians charge into that final mob at Urban Battlegrounds, and get absolutely decimated, while the softer ranged classes take out the mobs before they are even close enough to do any real harm.
They died because you were being lazy, camping behind them and not supporting them.
I bring in moa literally just for scumbag thieves who want to stealth then 2222222 and stealth and run when losing.
Wrong build above
30\25\0\015 is what you wantnah, i’m personally using 30/0/20/0/20, pure zerk boring
Why do you find a bad build more fun than a good one?
Yes, stealth needs to be more balanced.
As a mesmer, I have access to a 2 second stealth on a 40 second cooldown and a 5 second stealth on a 90 second cooldown and it even has a (according to the tooltip) a 1.75s casting time.
Thieves on the other hand can just go hurrrdurrrstealthspamhurrrr. The only part I can counter is using knockback on a shadow refuge, blurred frenzy or timing my evades and hoping I actually evade some 50k backstab. If you have no stun breakers you’re basically boned if you get hit by basilisk venom and if you actually, like (this is madness) INTERACT with the thief in any way they can just go in to stealth and run away.
I think it would be quite good if CC could break stealth, it gives people an actual counter to it.
So I guess you’ve never done Arah p4 then. You’ve never seen those stuck at simin for six hour horror stories?
Also, you still haven’t explained what makes other stats good and not selfish/useless in dungeons.
Any profession that can heavily stack offensive buffs is great with guard, like warriors who can buff themselves to 20 stacks of might (15 for you if you don’t blast the fire field yourself, if you do blast you will hit 21 stacks) and fury plus you can both get an enemy to 25 stacks of vulnerability. Then you as guard can reflect, aegis and protect so you have all of the good defensive boons covered. That’s just for pve though, wvw I dunno.
No it’s not. The point of berserker gear is risk vs. reward, and the point is that by being able to react properly and quickly enough, you can maximise your damage output. Why should we be punished for having good reflexes? Why do people hate competent players so much and want to punish them? If you can’t handle it, use defensive stats. If you can, then well you get rewarded by killing stuff faster.
People asking for dodge nerfs don’t quite understand the impact it would have on the game.
The only thing that makes Vayne’s post tolerable is the fact that he says he plays with people who don’t care for optimisation.
If you are playing with randoms though, it’s just rude and selfish not to use offensive gear, and “play how you want” falls out the winow when doing group content, I don’t run a phantasm build in WvW guild raids because even though I like it, it’s not in their best interest. Same with PvP, same with dungeons. Run what works best, not your stupid “super tanky” build that does jack all because you can’t tank in this game.
We started out with you saying staff is all the time bad. Now its suddenly about PVT gear or mf gear? Later one because someone posted a screenshot showing us a guardian with mf sigil. Because, yeah, him wearing scepter (or was it staff? idc) with mf sigil automatically means he has mf gear and pvt gear and… and anyway, he’s using staff/scepter !
When I say “PVT carebears” I’m referring to the whole spectrum of scrubs who think non-zerker gear and spec is actually good in dungeons (again, there is the exception of fotm 40+ if I recall correctly).
Regarding the picture, you can gather two things from the MF sigil:
1. There is a chance they are running MF trinkets and gear (because why would you just stop at, I think it’s 15% MF when you can go full leech and stack a ton of MF?).
2. They’re not using an actually helpful sigil. I join cof speed runs, and when people link their sigils of rage or whatever random crap it is, I tell them it’s better to run sigil of night, or at least smothering.
a) there are situations where staff/scepter can be useful
Fringe. If I see any tool ranging Mossman on FOTM 2 then I tell them to get in melee.
You only ever range when the mechanics basically prohibit you from melee or it’s extremely disadvantageous.
b) everybody has the right to run the build they like without being insulted for it
Actually they don’t. And as long as people here try to claim scrub builds and poor weapons are good, I will have to convince them otherwise. It’s the same for builds I use, I don’t have the right to run full zerker without being insulted, it’s just if you insult someone for using full zerker then you’re a scrub who can’t play since the dungeon mechanics in gw2 are so faceroll easy there’s no reason not to run full zerk.
c) everybody has the right to play with whomever they like
Of course. It’s just if you ask for experienced people for a speed run, don’t bring your MF or PVT, or eat a kick. Same for people asking for full dungeon runs with no skip, I’m not going to walk in to that party because it’s not what I’d like, and they wouldn’t like me trying to skip mobs.
d) calling oneself “elitist” doesnt mean one actually knows everything and has the right to criticize everybody not fitting into a certain mold.
There isn’t much to know. Run full zerk and have a trinity class or gtfo, unless you don’t want an efficient run.
I am criticising the people who are trying to claim certain gear and builds are good when they’re not. There is nothing wrong with running PVT, just don’t try to claim it’s good for dungeons.
Yes. You will be lvl 80 and you can use any of the gear available in the mists that you want.
Guards are highly valued in high level fractals and are always nice to have in a dungeon group (normally as a one-off) along with the mes and other warriors. You’ll ways be useful, you’re always in demand and you’ll never get booted based on class unless it’s a 4 war 1 mes run.
World completion was already so tedious that I sold my precursor, master of agility just makes getting a legendary even more mindnumbing. There’s nothing legendary about exploring, it’s tedious. Something legendary would be to have to solo certain champions.
If you had twilight and sunrise you could switch to whichever sword you preferred the look of at the time.
ANet are trying to tell people that dropping 4000g worth of weapons in the forge is a bad idea.
It’s most casuals who say “I play how I want” as an excuse to be bad and to hate on good players (i.e. zerkers).
I think you’re wrong.
do i have to show you videos of fractal 48 and arah dungeon clears in full berserker?
Are there any european servers farming this? I’ve always farmed the Crusader Angaria pre event but never thought to farm the adds at the giant.
I’ve been doing runs of AC paths 1 and 3 and it’s insanely easy. I’m not sure what the problem is, and when people realise how farmable it is they’ll start coming back.
It’s not an “interpretation” at all, it’s what the linked message said, as anyone can see by clicking on link:
A dungeon run is not the same as a dungeon chest.
Again, poor interpretation. Conventional interpretation of “dungeon run” refers to the entire thing, i.e. “selling dungeon runs” would mean to run a dungeon then sell. The only time I can think of this wouldn’t apply are bads asking for money to teach people how to skip Lupicus, and even then, you’re not paying for a run, you’re paying to learn how to skip a boss then leaving. Just because you want to use a completely moronic interpretation of something doesn’t give you any more a leg to stand on.
You seem to have some rage issues.
And why would I (or anyone else) “kick path sellers” ? That doesn’t even make sense. I wouldn’t be in their party in the first place, because I would never pay to buy a path and I’d never try to sell one.
Think before “smashing” your keyboard.
You must be new here. Complaints about path selling in this subforum normally involves people getting upset about imagined exploits like “the stacking exploit” which involves luring mobs so you can cleave them down, better known as “common sense” or “logic” to people with brain cells or the “skipping boss exploit” where you run past a champion and it deaggros, because apparently ANet are too dumb to remove leashing mechanics and therefore it must be an exploit even though GW1 shows that they know how to make mobs not leash. For the record, Robert Hrouda said leashing was a conscious choice that they made when making dungeons.
If you think players who did not kill a single mob in a dungeon should get the dungeon completion chest, I suspect you’re in the minority.
Why not? They were present when the last objective was completed, why should they not receive the completion chest? Because you don’t like that competent players can offer the less skilled a service? Not everyone is as masochistic as us, they might not want to endure horrendous pugs to get tokens. Maybe they’re WvWers and don’t give a kitten about PvE so they just buy paths to get a nice weapon/armour skin. Suspect all you want, ANet is fine with it, the only people who complain are white knights who are going out of their way to get offended about something.
That was clearly also not Arena Net’s intention (otherwise they would make the tokens tradable).
If it wasn’t intended they’d have “fixed” it, like all of the other stealth fixes they make to dungeons or in their major dungeon revamp a little while ago. But they didn’t. So guess it was intended.
It’s simply an (exploitable) consequence of the changes introduced in dungeons a few months ago.
Completing an instance by yourself and selling slots is not an exploit. It’s called “I want to make money without boring myself to tears on champion farms”. But of course, the GW2 community hates any sign of player skill and so the white knights must come out in force to unleash holy justice on competence, wherever it dares to lurk.
Please include the name of the people you are quoting before each quote. You’re mixing things posted by several people, and I’m a bit tired of people “accusing” me of saying something I never did, because they read some mangled quote in someone else’s message.
If you can’t even remember what you wrote, then that’s your problem, not mine.
Actually, AH builds aren’t meta anymore at all, it’s just a crutch skill for guardians who can’t dodge or want to tank the boss that they’re not even aggroing 80% of the time (hint – it’s useless).
The thing with guardian is that it can be one of three things – a bunker, moderate DPS, or heal/support machine.
Wrong. Guards can provide strong DPS and a whole load of support.
And more often than not, because of the way the guardian is designed with their consecrations and shouts, they are best used as a heal/support, especially for dungeons considering the other high DPS options out there, and the lack of need for ‘tanky’ classes.
Or they can be used as support and still output strong DPS. Which … they do.
Festivals are clearly more important than class balance, didn’t you know.
People don’t want to fail. That’s why nobody does Balthazar.
Nobody wants to waste time on an event that has a very good chance of failing when they can actually be doing something fun is what you mean, right?
Balthazar is actually very fun, and since the mobs scale you end up getting heavy moldy bags (rather than just large), t6 mats and in the two times that I’ve done it since Dragon Bash, I had holo wings drop I think three times.
I see it a bit like Arah, once you get the pre events done (though Angaria is pretty awesome), you get to the main thing and you will be swimming in loot by the time it’s done.
First time I’ve logged in to WvW and played in like a month, was nice to see on eternal that the Deso guild groups were (COIN and FG) operating separately and not blobbing. Of course, our PUG blob would just turn tail when the bulk of your force ever got too close, lol.
I know it’s eternal, but I can definitely see where the other servers are coming from with the SFR blob QQ, it was pretty much just oh **** its a guild group, lets send our whole map at them, GG, wipe, and our pug quality has dropped pretty bad too, the moment we get under any pressure, well I saw a lot of corpses because people didn’t know how to dodge out of pain trains.
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