Showing Posts Upvoted By Karizee.8076:

Stronghold is skyhammer 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: briggah.7910


Skyhammer has lasers, floors that open up and edges that players can knock you off of.. Didn’t see any of that in the stronghold video.

Player Vs Everyone
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Stronghold is skyhammer 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Funny when Stronghold is actually Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry 2.0, one of the most successful PvP modes in Guild Wars: Factions.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

Your random generator for WvW is broken

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Let me tell you a story.
A couple weeks ago, a guild-mate of ours needed the inner vista of garrison on red’s map. However, that particular garrison had a ton of siege and scouts around the clock, as well as a zerg to defend it. We haven’t been red for months, and we weren’t red in the following weeks either. So what did we do? We as a guild (not even 10 players), went around and built some omega golems. We asked another tag (they had just took NW tower), to treb garrison so the focus would be on that wall. During the duration, we had a group of about 10-20 players escort our handful of golems to Watergate garrison.

We didn’t take garrison, we didn’t need to. Our party was made up of thieves so that we could stealth our guild-mate up to the third floor to get the vista. This took a couple hours to accomplish, and you need to learn to be patient and willing. Learn some tactics, and the random generator shouldn’t even matter.

Ready Up this Friday: Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


U know, u did like 3.5k+ viewers because u talked about something new and you share with us gameplay and infos, this is the good way to attract people

Gratz for the presentation, it was really cool

BTW Stealth OP!

Newbie perspective on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

This is essentially how I started, multitasking, and its the same way I play now, zerg, scout, havok, map hop etc. The important thing to remember dont let yourself get burned out, you will lose any desire to do wvw, take breaks, its ok to.

If your new being in ts, following a commander, engaging in fights is important in learning about wvw so dont shy away from these things.

WvW has a reputation for poor rewards compared to pve/pvp especially for scouts/roamers. If your burning through your gold because of upgrades and siege, its ok sometimes not to place that burden on yourself. Do some pve occasionally if you need the gold, farm some mats to sell easy gold right there, do a dungeon run here or there, guaranteed gold and there are many easy paths. Do a run of silverwastes, lots of champ bags and mats from the bags/salvages you can sell off.

Good luck to you, and remember its a team effort, dont burn yourself out, take breaks when needed, and of course its all about fun.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Lunar New Year WvW Changes

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I agree with the OP, the new skins have been a hit. Everybody on comms have said great things about them. I hope Anet sees this as an opportunity, and realize they could jazz up WvW without actually changing the gameplay itself.

Fluff matters, it’s cool lil things like these that get people to go oooh ahh’s over a game. Since it’s cosmetic, it could be a source of revenue as well. Seeing how Anet caters to PvE more because PvE players spend more money, they may change their minds if they start seeing revenue from WvW side…which would lead to more WvW development. Win/win all around really.

is Gemfx ok?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MegumiAzusa.2918


Yup, those software are just fine, you can safely use them.
They don’t “inject” anything, you just place files in the same folder of GW2’s files, but the client’s files remains intact.
Of course that ANet won’t say it is ok since they can’t legally support it, but they have nothing against it.

It actually does inject stuff. It uses windows code to load it’s own d3d dll files instead of the original ones (programs look first in the current folder for dll files, then if not found they look in system32/syswow64/system etc… the system is designed so different libraries can have the same name so there is no collision). The code loaded can basically be anything.
ANets point is they cannot say it’s okay to use a certain program because if at some point, even if per accident, this program has (un)intended side effects they would have to ban users because of a breach of the EULA.

WvW Forum Specialist!

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I understand all of your concerns on whether or not im even qualified to be called a “specialist”. So here are some of my stats that may help with those concerns.
Total hours: 2,500 WvW rank: 300 Total AP: 8,500 Total Kills: 5,700

The worrying thing is that you consider those stats to be sufficient to be defined as a ‘specialist.’ Your rank is disproportionately low compared with the number of hours you’re claiming you’ve put into the game. That means most of your in-game focus has likely been elsewhere and not in WvW.

I think the main reason is due to this:

In fact here is one of the requirements:

  • must have a Guild Wars 2 forum account in good standing with a history that includes minimal, if any, warnings or infractions

That alone probably disqualifies most of the more active members of the WvW Forums.

So any active WvW players who post regularly here would not meet that requirement, as we’ve been infracted for our concerns.

No. Posters are infracted for posting in a manner that violates the forums code of conduct. Not for expressing their opinion in this particular subforum. It may aide you to understand the difference.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

WvW Forum Specialist!

in WvW

Posted by: RoChan.1926


Welcome and congrats on your position. Since I am the few that realize that your position is to facilitate communications between us and the devs… is there anything in particular you would like us to do in the forum ourselves to make it easier/clearer for reporting? For example, I am assuming you will be doing highlights of our forum’s concerns with suggestions and accolades we have made regarding those concerns. Is there some sort of format you would like however to make it easier to address things?

Optee Kaal Allusion | The Evil Empire
“Kitten the yaks, so persistent about everything.” -Ebay

WvW Forum Specialist!

in WvW

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Grats on the appointment!

Regardless of your “creds” (which don’t really matter as far as a forum specialist is concerned, I am sure you’ll do a wonderful job of bringing the concerns of the players to the attention of the devs. (which is what a forum specialist does).

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

How WvW responds to their WvW Specialist.

in WvW

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Bashing, laughing, trolling, claiming his experience isn’t enough.

Before this I’ve seen many posts of the WvW players not getting any attention, now you’ve got attention by an “Forum Specialist” who will review what’s being said and give these things DIRECTLY to his/her corresponding Anet employee.

Stop treating this dude like a joke, enlighten him with all your experience and help him to give good feedback to his Anet contact!

Show the WvW community is better than this!

kitten .

aka Holy Blood Guardian
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Youtube Channel:

Lunar New Year WvW Changes

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I want to say THANK YOU to Arenanet for;

  • New Dolyak Skins – they look event appropriate and I expect them to revert after the event
  • Siege (Rams, ACs etc look SO much better)
    • Specifically ACs, which look like recoloured guild siege – BEAUTIFUL. I’d love to have these (or a new recoloured skin) replace the regular Superior ACs.
  • Great Guild Fireworks – These are a fantastic way to celebrate capturing a keep! More of this kind of thing please!
    • I note with a little disappointment that the other fireworks from this event can’t be used in WvW.

I am pleasantly amazed that WvW got some (albeit superficial) attention! Woohoo!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)

Anyone going to purchase the expansion

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


If you’re primarily a WvW player and you buy the expansion, you’re telling them they don’t need to make content/fix hackers & trolls/fix bugs for WvW and you’ll still give them your money. At the very least, wait to buy it when it’s on sale.

Keep your false assumptions to yourself please. You do not have the slightest clue what they will add to WvW, you have no clue what they will fix, change, redesign, or revamp. As well, stop assuming your personal desires, wants, and needs, reflect that of myself or anyone else.

His assumptions are more accurate than anything you suggest.
When you base the future of WvW on what the devs have released in the last 3 years, well you can see it wont be much, it’ll be the minimum anet feels they need to do for WvW, whilst they continue to make new Living Story and start work on another expansion.

So far all we have is one new WvW borderlands maps, and undisclosed changes to the mechanics to the current map where more will be focused on defense. I know I for one do not want to wait another 3 years for a new WvW map.

I do not care what he bases the future of WvW on. He is welcome to his opinion. I care what he claims to suggest my action represent. Similarly to the way your first sentence implies you are making implications toward my opinion. As well, mininul, in this case, is subjective. And you are simply trying to force your idea of that, down my throat.

I do not consider this stuff as mnimul as you do

-They took out the water and added an entire new mechanic for points for spiking.

-They added righteous indignation to prevent flip spamming. Made multiple changes to it.

-Removed orbs from EB.

-Added WvW seasons.

-Added, restructured WvW trait lines.

-Ran tests for PPK

-Ran test for sword removal.

-Completely changed population cap per server map.

-Completely changed AoE cap to 5 due to massive community outcry.

-Completely changed boon buff cap due to massive community outcry

-Added different PIN colors.

-Added Art of war upgrades.

-Added siege razor to aid with under populated times on a server.

-Added new maps through edge of the mist due to massive community outcry

- Added siege names to the build sites to prevent troll siege from being built.

- Added slimmed down ram build sites.

- Added siege disablers.

I couldn’t care less if you guys do not enjoy it, and thus, do not buy it. That is your business. All I stated is that I have enjoyed every single minute I have spent in WvW since release, thus, I will buy the expansion. You do not have to agree with my view, but if you actually think I was making any assumption, you are lacking some comprehension skills.

If I enjoy my experiences to date, therefor I support what they have offered me to enjoy, enough to support a future purchase. I am making no assumptions. I am making an investment in potential fun based on the expansive pay out I made from my previous investment.

(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)

Imperial Outfit!!!!!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirius.4510


It seems some people like outfits, while some don’t and prefer new armor skins. So… I propose ArenaNet make some of both options.

Just a random PuGgle.
Stormbluff Isle ( )

What the hell was that?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Is mist form the downed move or the utility skill? I can’t ever remember which is which.

The downed skill, rezzes you (heals for 11k), allows you to move, then hits you for 11k to put you back down. Your health is still ticking down and you still take fall damage, so it is possible to be down, use the downed skill, and insta die when it ends.

A "Thank you" out to the Naked zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Jenstone.6891


I am not a big WvWer, so my time in the Mists is limited to rare guild events or map completion. And this time, I was in the middle of map completion activities.
I had just gotten the vista in the ruins area when a thief or a warrior came up behind me and started beating on me. I finish the vista and jumped, dodged, and rolled in attempt to get way. Naturally my attacker follows and puts me down pretty hard. Then all of a sudden about 15 “naked” TC guys show up and chopped the guy to pieces. They rezzed me and I was on my way… I was pretty shocked to see a zerg… small as it might have been, armed with only their weapons and undies… And I think my reaction was something like… “Thanks…. wait… what?… no armor… huh?” So, officially, to the naked zerg of TC… thank you

I also want to say thanks to the Blackgate Char that realized I was fighting the Spider Queen for the skill point and backed off, it was much appreciated. I have actually had a number of instances like this, both in BG and JQ. But not many…

Don’t get me wrong, I have been killed a lot by BG and JQ guys as I try for the map complete, which sorta ticks me off, but is understandable. And yeah, I have learned to run…

And thank you for getting the green this week! Got map completion!

that old chestnut, map completion W.V.W.

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Why do you hate pvp so much?

Most if my 9 characters have 16% map done which is all the wvw maps and a walk to that place with all the zombie mobs to buy a green aqua breather

I tried to do map completion on my mes but i got lost in cave, it was rly deep. I think shes still there, the goblins are coming, I can hear them, the wizard needs to save me…
Or maybe that was just a movie I saw once.

Raids coming to Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naiasonod.9265


Raids in the traditional sense of what people think of raids, probably aren’t coming to Guild Wars 2. That is instanced content for huge numbers of people probably isn’t in the cards…my opinion only.

I think that there will be more raid like content, for guilds in the open world. If you use the word raids and people expect raids, people won’t even give the new content a chance.

Agreed. Anytime the word “raid” is used, people automatically think it’s instanced. Technically, there are raids in GW2. Tequatl, Marionette, Vinewrath, and Wurm being some of them.

If we get more things like Teq, Marionette, VW and Triple Trouble, I’m all for it.

Instanced WoW-like raiding? Bugger off.

I wouldn’t dismiss instanced raiding entirely. It has it’s positives. Examples would be, organization, community, and challenge. Non-instanced raiding has it’s negatives, as is seen everyday in GW2 with it’s zergs.

The more organized it has to be, the more demanding of synchronized schedules such things become. Games and game stuff just aren’t important enough to get any real priority when it comes to my schedules. Ergo, things demanding excessive amounts of coordinated scheduling fall right out of my sphere of concerns.

Community? In common reality, it simply means you’re forced into social proximities with XX to YY others. There is no good and useful community about the raid scene in most games, and I’d posit that I find friendlier guilds to do anything/everything with here in GW2 despite the total absence of raids, simply because its a cooperative game rather than yet another compete-for-everything-including-the-kitchen-sink game.


One is only the smartest person in the room if they are alone.

After taking break/playing another MMO...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guitarzero.8316


man do i appreciate this game

it’s funny how i took it for granted while i was into it hardcore but after a 10 month break and re-subbing to an old addiction (i’m a warlord now) you really appreciate how much this game has changed, added, and overall just looks so kitten good.

plus WvW is a breath of fresh air after others have tried their version but failed…

if the expansion brings instanced organized big boss fights (similar to raids) along with new world encounters i’ll be ecstatic

Plus the PVP…man i complained about the stupidest things in this game but now they just seem so clean again

either way sorry for the rambling…see you all in tyria!!

Stronghold isnt GvG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


It is an advanced version of the GW1 GvG though, and I was under impression that it was that kind of GvG people wanted, seeing as they always shouted about how much it sucked that GW2 didn’t have GvG when GW1 did.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Devon



I appreciate that you are interested in finding out more of what will be in the new map, but we didn’t show anything about it in the trailer that could lead you to the conclusions here. We’ll be talking about it a lot more and showing it off soon. At the least I’d hope you can reserve judgement until then.

Charged Quartz Crystal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


To answer your first question: No, not really. Though I think I remember one of the recent LS rewards being 3 Charged Quartz Crystals or something like it.

Just charge one each day for a month and you’ll be ready to make a full set of armor. If porting to a place of power daily is of issue — some people just leave an alt on one and farm it daily.

A month is not a horrible amount of time. Yes, that is my personal belief. I understand that. Another belief of mine? I’m perfectly fine that the game has items in it that aren’t available for instant gratification.

Either way — Good luck.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


If someone provides false evidence and someone corrects it, then there are TWO possible outcomes:

1. The evidence was not known to be false, or was incorrectly believed to be true – The presenter of the evidence may be a bit embarrassed, but certainly not humiliated. “Oops, sorry” and move on.

2. The evidence was known to be false and presented intentionally – The presenter deserves no respect from anyone, should be humiliated, and, in my opinion, have their forum access rescinded.

John Smith can’t humiliate someone for an honest mistake. The truth is ALWAYS humiliating to a liar though, so if the OP feels humiliated, then that speaks to his intentions.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It’s threads like this that make me wish I could nickname Display Names on the forum so I can know what to expect when they post again.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


As an addendum OP, you salvaged 145 ectos for 279 dust.

ah aha ha John Smith is my kittening hero.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: John Smith.4610

John Smith.4610


As an addendum OP, you salvaged 145 ectos for 279 dust.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I tried it.

250 ectos ==> 434 dust.

Low level cloth: where to get and wtf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Silverwastes chests give tailor materials, so you can do some chest farming to get the wool/linen/cotton you need.

Converting karma to tailor materials is a very effective way to spend your karma (gold wise). Doing those chest runs and events in SW will give you enough karma to burn on those too. Boss runs, Tequatl, dungeon running can give you a good amount of karma to burn on it too.

Running dungeons is another way to get tailor materials. Run AC/CM/TA and buy rare light gloves and salvage them for the materials.

Basically you can get tailor mats by doing many different types of content