“Sadly a true assessment of the state of affairs for this winters day. I note that as of today, the drinks requirement has been changed to 5000, which still is going to be very difficult to do. If you use the model of 1200 presents to get 1000 drinks, this is still 6000 presents. I think I have opened just over 1250, and I have just over 1000 drinks to my credit.”
Wait, it changed? I have 7,000 drinks completed and didn’t get a, “Here’s Winter’s Presence” prompt.
I’ve been around the sun a few dozen times. I can give some insight as to why it is this happens. AKA, the harsh and terrible truth as to why devs won’t talk to you. Not a direct “you”, but the “you” in the general sense, so don’t take it personally.
#1: You blow things out of proportion. A change doesn’t actually have to be big before people will moan endlessly about it. This is the internet, and people are always making a big drama about something, and just because you’ve gone on to the forums and found a dozen people who agree with you doesn’t mean it is an issue even worth mentioning. You’ll get over it, and if you don’t get over it, bye. We don’t want you here.
#2: You can’t be placated. If you’ve ever tried to reason with a tantruming child, you’d find it is impossible. And of course, being an online videogame, the majority of complaints come from just that. The playerbase is young, full of hormones, and also full of life’s little frustrations over how unpopular in school they all are. You aren’t looking for a solution, you just want to be angered by something. The reason why the devs won’t subject themselves to your every beck and call is because it would only fan the flames. Calm down, kid!
#3: Your complaints are irrational. Yes, just because you’re mad about something doesn’t mean that it makes sense, or is practical in any sense. The fact is that the devs can’t make the sky blue and not blue at the same time. and yet people will be angry at others for not doing their crazy bidding Whether you’re factually wrong, the solution you propose is worse than the problem, or you’re upset over something that can’t be understood by the rational mind, what you want isn’t correct.. There’s nothing to gain from talking to someone who is insane, because sanity is a per-requisite of meaningful communication.
#4: Your complaints are illegitimate. There’s a lot of vitriol leveled at the devs not because what they’ve done is necessary bad, but because something is bad for you. Even if other players want things differently, you are there with your own uncompromising desires, dead set on trying to make the world yours instead of better. Sometimes you have an ulterior motive, sometimes you’re just trolling, other times you just don’t care what other people think. Either way, your “feedback” is flailing wildly in a crowded room: it goes nowhere and just makes people more upset.
#5: Your complaints are a minority. Angered players speak out, content players don’t. While it seems like everyone agrees with you, in fact it is an echo chamber where the same 10 people just yell at their own shadows for days on end. Ultimately, to change any complaint you have it takes resources, and if there are a handful of cantankerous players irate over something, it doesn’t mean it is worth dealing with. The quality of updates and changes is subjective, so if you find yourself constantly out-voted on the matter, accept the horrible fate that your life will be filled with nothing going your way.
#6: The devs already speak with you, but you aren’t satisfied with the exact manner or how much. It is a goalpost that can be constantly moved, so to the belligerent mind can never be sated. Yes, the emotional black holes out there are all aflutter when something isn’t said fast enough, or where they want it to be said, or whether enough is said or not. No matter how much of a dialogue is trying to be casually opened, the fact is that you will always be looking to punch a gift horse in the mouth..
In short: You aren’t worth talking to. Now, I’m going to add this on to the end:
#7: The devs are people, too. Fact is, the devs don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Most people don’t. Most things in life are gambles. They’re going to make mistakes, and they’ll feel bad about their mistakes, or they won’t realize that something is a mistake. Thing is, you’re the worst person to tell them their mistakes. For the 6 reasons above, but also because you’ve assigned a air of mysticism around their work, and thus see anything that doesn’t suit you as the actions of a defiant spirit of some kind. The whole “fester with rage in their public spaces for weeks on end” is not a good look. It is not always going to be immediate that a problem even exists.
This is the internet, and people are always making a big drama about something, and just because you’ve gone on to the forums and found a dozen people who agree with you doesn’t mean it is an issue even worth mentioning.
If I didn’t feel it worth mentioning I wouldn’t mention it, thus it is worth mentioning.
You can’t be placated. If you’ve ever tried to reason with a tantruming child, you’d find it is impossible. And of course, being an online video game, the majority of complaints come from just that. The playerbase is young, full of hormones, and also full of life’s little frustrations over how unpopular in school they all are. You aren’t looking for a solution, you just want to be angered by something. The reason why the devs won’t subject themselves to your every beck and call is because it would only fan the flames. Calm down, kid!
Thinking we actually care about not being popular, good one. The one exaggerating now is you. Yes people are looking for solutions.
Your complaints are irrational.
So complaining about poor matchmaking, class imbalance, bunker meta, too much CC for small nodes, and some classes being underpowered is irrational now?
Your complaints are illegitimate. There’s a lot of vitriol leveled at the devs not because what they’ve done is necessary bad, but because something is bad for you.
If it’s “only” bad for me then the complaint is legitimate to and for me. If they nerf content for example it’s not just bad for me but bad for everyone because the skill cap is lowered thus the rewards for that content have less value now being more obtainable. Or when they reduced softwood requirements from 4 to 2. It’s overall bad because now everyone makes less money from spiritwood and softwood planks drastically reduced in price. Lower resources needed for something means more of the finished product in circulation.
*Ultimately, to change any complaint you have it takes resources, and if there are a handful of cantankerous players irate over something, it doesn’t mean it is worth dealing with. *
Let me put it this way: if a bunch of doctors warned people about a certain thing or behavior causing harm in some way they’d warn the public not to do those things. They are experts who know better. Likewise, hardcore gamers have many years of experience playing games so know what to expect from certain decisions.
Why no guardian? They have AoE fields that give stability, a charged skill that maxes everyone’s HP, and that’s not even getting into some traps so a mix of dragonhunter and base guardian skills looks ideal.
Then you have crusader gear that looks good for guardian, you get some nice toughness, healing power, and a bit of offense between the power and ferocity. Mixing with zealot’s sounds ideal for some good staff heals and some precision.
I have lost very close duels against reaper on my revenant (but have some decent wins too) and it’s pretty much a learn to play issue. They have the AoE fields and minions offer decent counterplay against unrelenting assault since the damage isn’t concentrated on the reaper.
Speaking of chill given its frequency cooldowns in general (interrupt one at least) should be reduced across the board except for skills like UA and DH traps that already have too short cooldowns.
“Leaps being immune to cripple or chilling”
Chill needs some counterplay. Necros have life steal, boon corruption, condition transfer, two different shroud forms offering extra HP, and AoE fields. Necro needs to have some weaknesses.
“Possible, but that’s not what the design was about!”
Are the traits not there to be traited, skills there to be used, and viper or celestial amulets to be taken? It’s most certainly what the design is about if you want such a build. I didn’t even get into reaper stability. Since nodes tend to be very small the onus is on the defender to stay and fight the reaper, and to keep the node from going neutral or even to the enemy you’ll need to eat up some of the AoE fields and even some reaper scythe damage. If you’re a node defender however the obligation is on the attacker to turn your node and if he runs away he can’t take the node from you now can he?
So if a reaper defends a node the mobility disadvantage shouldn’t be coming into play whereas if he’s an attacker he has tools to make a defender pay for staying (though CA druid has good cleanses and knockbacks for when he notices no stability is up)
Leaps are also actives on cooldowns so know that.
I do admit though that druid counters reaper pretty hard.
What about the fact that there are so many more evades in the game now? Not only do we have too much CC (Taunt I’m looking at you), too much chill (reapers), we also have classes that can evade for days (mesmers, revenants, daredevils, etc.)
The game is so messed up right now. 1v1 duels feel much less skill based now and especially so if you’re trying to play a core build instead of an elite build despite Anet’s promise to balance core vs. elites.
In the case of daredevil you still need to press a button at a proper moment to evade. You may have three dodges but despite that the class is still underpowered, and all those dodges need to count since energy is still finite. You also have vault, which costs heavy initiative. Duels still take some skill (well, mostly, when I beat thieves or dragonhunters on my druid I don’t really feel accomplished) but can be a very uphill battle against necros and engineers if you’re a revenant. That energy needs to be watched in addition to your own health and enemy boons and animations. Spamming abilities won’t work and you need to develop a feel of, “this is time for Glint/staff/sword+sword/Shiro/whatever!” and switch skillfully. You can misjudge and swap to an inferior (for the situation) legend or weapon but that’s part of the learning process. Revenant is overpowered, but only if you know how to play it. I also haven’t noticed good evades with it. You have a Shiro skill that dodges backward, unrelenting assault, and staff 5, but those are cooldowns that also consume some energy. So you dodged back out of a daze field, now you need to wait a few seconds for the energy build up for jade wind.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
We must understand that Anet is a business and to stay alive needs to make money. How does it do that? Provide services a player wants. For example the diamond subscription: you have a chance to a win for example a chrome school uniform. So many players will say, “I so want this!” and will take their chances with daily diamond scratches.
Dungeons and fractals would have five attempts per week on a free mode (they’d be counted separately so five dungeons and five fractals not three dungeons, two fractals, and you’re done for the week)
“I mean, maybe you just want to kill off WvW and ranked PvP "
No, they are in a serious state of neglect and imbalance respectively. PvP in particular needs drastic rebalancing, new map types (not just point holding and preferably new maps without NPCs something like Voidstar would be fun) and other changes that consider the power creep and all the big new AoE abilities. A subscription would help keep out players who don’t take the mode seriously enough to invest in it. Maybe it’d be better keeping ranked arenas for HoT buyers only with no subscription needed?
Alright, yeah, this post confirms it. This is a clever ruse. We have all been fooled. Let us all take a moment to wallow in chastisement, for we have been “owned” by this “epic troll post.”
Done wallowing?
Good. Now, for one last actual point of discussion: For what it’s worth, I agree that Anet does not need to resort to insane moves like this to enhance their revenue. I mean, they could, and it might work at least long enough to snatch some money and escape the burning building before it collapses in a fiery wreck, and I’m not entirely convinced that they’d be above pulling such a move, but…well. Okay, I don’t know where I was going with that. Jeez, what a negative thing to say.
I “get” it. At least, I hope I get it. There are folks on the forums who will defend literally any brilliant Anet decision that introduces more sinks, of time, gold, resources, and gems, and the modest proposal in the OP serves its purpose: to show the logical conclusion of the path we’re headed down this very moment, to perhaps shock people into awareness. I don’t like it either, but I also don’t know what to do about it. Do you?
This guy understands.
Okay, perhaps it is a bad idea. What about subscription for player housing and account wide bags instead?
You can refuse a plan and still make money mining and events, craft ascended, do raids (but only five attempts per week wipes counting too) and do unranked arena, just no WvW or ranked arena.
But right now I can do WvW and ranked arena (provided I do enough unranked, but that’s besides the point). And I was sold on the ability of me to do so.
So please tell me how this suggestion benefits me? Someone who is not only so fundamentally against pay to win games that I stop playing/don’t play but is also unable to even afford it even if I agreed to it.
Your suggestion is pay to win. I despise pay to win with every bone in my body. So good luck finding something that would benefit me.
It isn’t pay to win per se, only pay for extras. Okay, maybe in hindsight walling off existing features behind a paywall is a bad idea, it just sounded safe at the time. I have seen games where people can spend hundreds of dollars upgrading weapons and armor through a luck based crafting system, sometimes even risk losing the weapons. I do not advocate that but the chance to win exclusive skins. If no win then random T2-6 mats as a consolation prize or some wins resulting in ascended mats (big wins are the skins, and they would be tradeable so free players can obtain them too with regular play farming.)
“-Instant legendary rank on SPvP, with no point/tier lose.”
Defeats the purpose of ranks. If anything all leagues need pip and tier loss. PvP needs a radical restructuring while still keeping the pip system, just divorce MMR from league progression until 90th percentile players have a 90% win rate until mid-high ruby where it evens out since they’ll be playing equals frequently at that tier instead of so much abuse screwing with matchmaking.
“- All dyes unlocked.”
Problem here is by reintroducing dye packs in the gem store resulted in a huge crash. All the rare exclusive dyes are easily over $100 in real life money when factored in together. Months ago electro blue was over 1,000g.
“- All cosmetic unlocked.”
Some prestige is needed. For example legendary and glorious armors won’t be obtainable with scratches.
“- Instant level 80 characters and full map unlock.”
Instant 80 why not? Full map unlock however still needs work.
“- Your achievement point scale with your level. So 10 points achievement now give you 800 points at level 80.”
But that will just cause AP inflation.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
We must understand that Anet is a business and to stay alive needs to make money. How does it do that? Provide services a player wants. For example the diamond subscription: you have a chance to a win for example a chrome school uniform. So many players will say, “I so want this!” and will take their chances with daily diamond scratches.
Dungeons and fractals would have five attempts per week on a free mode (they’d be counted separately so five dungeons and five fractals not three dungeons, two fractals, and you’re done for the week)
“I mean, maybe you just want to kill off WvW and ranked PvP "
No, they are in a serious state of neglect and imbalance respectively. PvP in particular needs drastic rebalancing, new map types (not just point holding and preferably new maps without NPCs something like Voidstar would be fun) and other changes that consider the power creep and all the big new AoE abilities. A subscription would help keep out players who don’t take the mode seriously enough to invest in it. Maybe it’d be better keeping ranked arenas for HoT buyers only with no subscription needed?
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
You can refuse a plan and still make money mining and events, craft ascended, do raids (but only five attempts per week wipes counting too) and do unranked arena, just no WvW or ranked arena.
I read in another thread no one offering ideas for making money so this thread is intended to offer an idea where the company and player meet halfway: optional subscription plans. They can be divided into gold, platinum, and diamond. A player with no subscription can use the trading post three times per day.
A gold membership could be $10 per month with these benefits:
-You’re given a certain amount of gold per day for logging in (not a fixed amount of gold but scales with gem/gold conversion prices to ensure an amount that will always maintain some value even in the face of inflation)
-Ranked PvP privileges
-Daily scratch for winning exclusive skins
-Can use tradeing post 10 times per day.
-Reduced waypoint and vendor cost by 25%
-Access to WvW for 15 times per month. To avoid abuse you’d get kicked from WvW after three hours to ensure each time you log in doesn’t count as just WvW’ing just once.
A platinum membership has all of the above but is $15 per month and even more gold per day.
-May WvW 25 times per month.
The diamond membership would be $25 per month and:
-In addition to the normal scratch will have an exclusive diamond scratch where you have better odds of winning rare stuff and diamond scratch only skins.
-Access to a farming area with unlimited respawns. For example in a Wintersday room could be an unlimited spawning supply of gingerbread men who drop presents. But the catch is such a room is only open for two hours per day.
-Unlimited tradepost postings.
-Reduced waypoint and vendor cost by 50%.
-Unlimited raiding runs.
-May enter WvW anytime they want.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
“The system is perfectly fine except for the fact that you can’t lose divisions.”
If you’re good enough to make it to sapphire you’re good enough to make it to sapphire. If you weren’t good enough you wouldn’t be there unless you had some premade carry you. I think a better solution involves being able to lose pips or even tiers starting from amber, reinstate soloQ, and instead of mixing different MMR players onto a team they’re pulled from a similar rating pool, the lower the division the more drastic the matchups until the good players rank out of it (so Abjured would stomp on 30th percentile and below players since Abjured are so similar to each other in MMR if they all queued for SoloQ with this theoretical matchmaking method they’ll end up together anyway to breeze through the lower divisions) leaving casuals to only play each other eventually in that league and world class players only facing each other up in legendary.
As for TeamQ I think only allowing teams within 10% MMR of each other to prevent manipulation should be allowed.
I personally like the pip system. The problem is with certain specifics like mixing with MMR.
“Why is my hardworking pip gone after a stupid loss? "
Because not just anyone should make legendary. I believe that if your MMR places you in the 90th percentile you should win 90% of your games until you start facing players of similar skill, so your progression would settle in mid-high ruby and your win/loss ratio starts evening back out to 50% since you’re now consistently playing players of similar skill. You’d also get paired with players of similar MMR, but not necessarily have opponents in that range.
I think some form of seeding is great: in amber top MMR teams are pitted against low MMR teams at the start of the season until they catapult to higher leagues, so the algorithm would pair people of similar skill to a team, but not necessarily face a team of similar skill (so experts vs novices in lower divisions).
Also, ambers should lose pips too.
I usually don’t like to play with humans if there are other nice options available. but in GW2 none of the races really appeal to me. Many of them are pretty cool, but I don’t like how they look. The lore behind Norns and Sylvari is awesome. But I only play males and norn males have completely out of whack body proportions. and Sylvari, while really elegant and nice are ultimately made of plants and I guess I prefer my characters made of flesh. XD
Charr are TOO animal like for me, If they had more humanoid bodies I would like them but they look like lions on 2 feet and asura are just… no thanks.
I usually play elf or demon characters in other MMOs but here there are none
I personally like the charr and asura very much. Charr are legitimately beastly and not humans with cat ears whereas asura work as medieval styled aliens. Only race I don’t care for is sylvari because they’re almost human but not quite, I’d rather go all the way with an actual human or norn or not human period.
I’m upset that we can’t make charrs lefties. I mean there’s a charr lefty in the Legacy of Foefire loading screen and cats are mostly left pawed anyway so it’s appropriate. Also I second the idea for a colorblind mode because charrs being cat people would be colorblind to red so it’d be cool having that perspective. They (cats) can see some near infrared but it probably looks very yellow to them.
Tl;dr: I want charr playable characters to be left handed, tighter league regulations, more map types, bigger nodes and reduced interrupt and general cooldowns across the board (though increasing other cooldowns for balance) to account for all the big AoE fields and chill flying around respectively. But oh well, we can’t always get what we want.
I only have a human female to try out different armor, outfit, and dye combinations. If only they’d improve camera zoom so it isn’t as extreme when flipping the mousewheel back and forward. If you want a good face shot you’ll need creative working with a pillar, since if you flip the tiniest amount you’ll go from too far to first person mode.
Even then I intend to make my sole female human a male eventually.
As much as I hate the idea of an Eir legend, she is pretty much the next one.
We have enough longbow users though. Rifle and shortbow need more love :(
What if I run power with Glint/Shiro and staff in place of mace/axe?
Sneak Gyro is already killable
That’s a good source of counterplay but final salvgo gives superspeed and a lightning field upon its destruction (so your logical actions, not play on the engineer’s part, procs these benefits).
Anyone have any tips against them? I have won a duel against maybe one, others just seem to have too many AoE fields to cope with. I read the meta page and there just seems to be lots of cheap mechanics all over. Looks like I should save unrelenting assault for when they’re under 25% health since their healing abilities will regenerate.
Wait, it can sing? It’s my favorite mini and I have him out a lot and I never hear him sing either :(
I feel you man. Very old games didn’t even have expenses like voice acting so you could focus more on gameplay mechanics and level design rather than story elements, which just needed to offer the player an excuse. Mario was a classic with a very basic plot: rescue kidnapped princess from big lizard guy. Along the way you needed to avoid traps and pitfalls, getting hit means you become tiny Mario or lose a life. Likewise in Final Fantasy it was all about resource conservation, plot was minimal but good enough. Four warriors save the world. The menu based combat left a lot to your imagination, so much cool stuff potentially happening. Things are less epic when everything is done for you usually. Games became “safer” and more cartoony on many fronts. This happens a lot in different industries. In the old days buildings suggested they were from a certain time and place, had cultural relevance and actual art. These days a new building in America and new building in China look very similar: plain, dull, etc., instead of the pagodas or 1800’s stuff you actually want to see. When you say, “Notice the beautiful building?” everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about, and it isn’t the plain tall glass structures or listless Brutalist structures but something from a bygone era. Modernity lends itself to cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience, valuing these above even art and creativity and that’s my personal theory why settings gravitate towards medieval, steampunk, or futuristic (where creativity comes into play with alien civilizations and a whole universe ripe for exploration whereas a modern setting has the entire planet logically charted and explored while being far too primitive to even leave the solar system). Gaming is trending in the same direction, boring neutrality becoming the norm in order to maximize “cost-efficiency”.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
Yea I would like that cause ALL MEDIUM ARMORS ARE SO UGLY !!!
Not the glorious, mistward, viper, or stalwart sets.
Why not just use what syncs with your personal style best instead of copying everything from the pros? Yeah the pros obviously know what they’re doing and their builds are a good template but sometimes you’ll want to modify their builds to suit how you play and what you value.
Tangled Depths – Lost. Every 60 seconds you are teleported to a random dead end on the map.
This one would be insanely funny
. But it deserve a bit of spice as well. Let’s say that if you are in combat, mobs are teleported with you.
Problem there is if I wanted to stay engaged I wouldn’t be teleporting in the first place.
Another tv news technique, accuse the other of what you are actually doing. Make true statements. Don’t advocate for arbitrary nerfs on my class.
If you can post accurate information, without hyperbole, then you will have no issues with me at all.
I play revenant and druid and admit they’re overtuned. Diamond skin isn’t nearly as OP as its reputation though, but within the context of an overtuned meta overall I’m not sure if that’s saying much.
Running a partial team is exploitation and cheating. ANET clearly doesn’t care to enforce it’s own rules.. but that doesn’t make it not cheating.
Care to quote where in the ToS it says a partial team is cheating?
1.Sorry to hear about your relatives.
2.Rating means absolutely nothing when actually buying a game for or introducing someone to it. I play Arkham City in front of my 10 year old nephew and he thinks it’s cool. Ratings are only there to appease certain politicians, no one actually pays attention to them.
“But shooting, stabbing or killing in every other way is totally okay in this game?”
The things we kill are evil and we aren’t even sure we’re killing them. Take the separatists for example. They are humans, but NPCs with red names. Logical explanation and personal theory? The Flame Legion sent evil spirits to possess them and you don’t “kill” them but rather exorcise them, the same with the Flame Legion, Inquest, etc., themselves. Yellow named creatures like moose are also demon possessed.
Not enough players. I think league tags were a serious step in the right direction but ultimately a band aid on a broken bone. After all, who wants to advertise themselves as tagless sub-ambers who have never even touched PvP?
To really get people playing PvP there needs to be as follows:
1.Better balancing. Elite specs and revenant are new so naturally metrics aren’t in yet for properly balancing these. Well, by now they are but they’re committed to a January patch since they’ll have more information for fine tuning then.
2.Nodes are too small relative to the size of AoE fields such as chaos storm, DH traps, reaper fields, engineer and ele static fields, etc.
3.Passives that play the game for you. Skill should be the deciding factor in matches and lack of skill punished.
4.More gamemodes. Problem with stronghold is its NPCs. Instead a mode like stronghold but with channeling at the fort to win. Since channeling gives you the win the need for defense is obvious.
5.Speaking of channeling…yeah, make node turning more active.
6.Increased cooldowns and shorter CC durations across the board and rebalance stability accordingly. Also add a resolve mechanic.
Considering a the post-implemented changes like crosshair, do you guys think that the game will become an action-rpg? I mean that the combat system will be more similar to games such as Skyrim? (As it already has a feeling of it.)
I sure as hell hope not. I bought this game and not Tera because the combat mechanics here appeal to me whereas I find “action” combat except with simple controls and controller compatibility (think Phantasy Star 2) repulsive. I really don’t like Skyrim it doesn’t have a tight dodging system whereas with a controller Phantasy Star 2 is fun. Big problem with that game though is it’s very grindy and RNG oriented. If you have a rare then you need to spend real life money on grinders and items to hedge against losing weapon progress (the higher the weapon level the greater chance of failing) and real life money on additional talent trees. Force and hunter are fun classes.
I don’t think Guild Wars 2 should move over because we paid for the at release mechanics with the expectation it would stay. If they wanna do something different they should make an entirely new game, if they wanna go the action RPG route just rip inspiration from Phantasy Star 2 (good player housing and scratch system.)
what did you expect? honestly? you get there first there is going to be less player pool. this was easily predictable
how do you propose they fix it?
the better idea would be for you to help other players get there and it fixes itself instead of using them a target fodder.But if they need a carry then do they really belong in diamond or above?
You assume i mean carry, that was not my intent.
Many good players dont always have the best of luck in groupings and lag behind.
go find players you think are good and help them get there, not help the clueless get their shinies.
You know something’s wrong when you’re a sapphire and certain teams of emeralds can give you much more trouble than a team with four rubies and a sapphire so I can see where that’d be good.
Rev need some love…please buff
Not at all. I have a marauder Glint/Shiro staff +sword/sword and it feels quite strong with some decent interrupts. Sword and shield also works but has some good counters to it. If anything rev feels a bit overtuned. It’s a high skill ceiling class so it’s only overpowered if you actually know how to manage your energy, cooldowns, and when to weapon and/or avatar swap. While it is overpowered it isn’t exactly Akuma tier.
Rotation – the most efficient order of using abilities.
Min-Max – doing everything to maximize whatever is important, in this game, it’s damage. So in this case, it would refer to using all consumable items, all buff’s ect. to do the most damage possible.
I personally find marauders + zealot to be a potent combination. You sacrifice a little damage in order to reset faster. Even if you’re daredevil those three dodges still need proper management and you will need to tank some smaller hits. Staff 5 is good for damage and dodging, but it costs a nice bit of initiative so a good rotation involves mostly autoattacking, staff 2 for weakness, more autoattack, staff 5 for big attack evade +damage, and staff 4 for strategic blinds. Base heals tend to be weak and all you do with zealot is sacrifice a bit of fercoity, which only comes into play during critical hits anyway and with four pieces of marauder armor plus five pieces of marauder jewelry (trinkets, one ring, amulet, and zealot ring) you’re still going to have lots of ferocity to boost your bonus damage when it procs.
I don’t even want to get to legendary, I want to be demoted to sapphire.
Since I joined Ruby division I’ve witnessed the worst plays SPVP has ever offered to me.
I get matched with people triple-stomping instead of cleaving, condi necros running GS (thank god he wasn’t on my team), people winning all teamfights and yet losing the game ‘cause they can’t even grasp the very basics of the concept of “rotations”.I want quality SPVP matches, that’s the only reason I want to get into diamond but now it’s just.. meh.
Careful what you wish for. I’m on T3 sapphire and beat a team of mostly rubies and won two pips.
“people winning all teamfights and yet losing the game ‘cause they can’t even grasp the very basics of the concept of ‘rotations.’”
I hear you. My rev isn’t even a bunker yet I’m forced to stay on the node because I notice everyone else running off to do other stuff. I even see thieves standing on nodes. You’re not a mesmer or ele, just try decapping and +1’ing already.
While it’s too late for me to get the shoulders completely for free (I bought a couple stacks of gifts) it doesn’t seem just doable with strictly PvP and ascended mat crafting. I’ll try Silverwaste for some karma and gold on top of what I’m doing.
what did you expect? honestly? you get there first there is going to be less player pool. this was easily predictable
how do you propose they fix it?
the better idea would be for you to help other players get there and it fixes itself instead of using them a target fodder.
But if they need a carry then do they really belong in diamond or above?
No, but it is an uphill battle. If you kill minions they drop an AoE field. Personally, minion kills should count towards a rally. There could be a reasonable way of avoiding chill though it syncs with their two extra health bars well and their low mobility can’t be utilized against them since trying means they’ll stay on point or take yours. If they’re defending a point you can try but they aren’t obligated to chase you.
I totally agree with a ban on class stacking at least in tournament play. However, there’s something I want to mention:
“When the vast majority of games timer out, no hype and excitement comes from these matches.”
At top level even without a bunker meta this would be inevitable in any game or sport because both sides have a very high standard of play. In Chess for example they’ve been talking about its inevitable draw death for over a century and top level play frequently sees drawish, prosaic openings with high drawing rates. When you have two teams that really know what they’re doing you really have to have a deep understanding and profound awareness to take advantage of any mistakes.
It may not be exciting for the spectators but to us who play the game we like seeing excellent technique, and excellent technique from both sides means timing out due to an acute awareness of defensive rotations.
“By allowing only one unique profession per team you will open up so much more room for diversity. "
I agree with this like stated above, but it begs a deeper question: why do people feel the need for serious class stacking? It’s simply because things aren’t balanced enough for other options in those roles to be considered. There shouldn’t be a need for banning class stacking since taking five different classes should be a clear and obvious choice so as to cover as many gaps as possible. This obviously isn’t the case however, and a class stack ban needs to be instituted.
Shiro/Glint sword/sword + staff marauder revenant.
This is the build I’m using:
And shield is nice, even came in handy for healing but don’t care for how it roots. The AoE heal was great at times (even managed top heals a couple of times).
I know sword and shield is meta for a reason and not sword and sword but OMG sword and sword is just so much cooler! The shadowstepping utility looks cool and the block is decent. Sword and shield is still cool and seems like the safer option (no pun intended) but sword/sword has some potential too…I think.
Needing to put conscientious effort into losing when the matchmaking system will do that for you anyway even with natural, intended gameplay lol!
I mean look at all the people posting their losing streaks, if you intend to get a streak like that and are upset about it you clearly don’t want to lose that much.
Of course.. the real long term solution would be to make multiple builds for each class that work well. I’m not confident that ANET can accomplish that.
Problem is, a majority of the builds one can cook up on their class ARE viable and ARE powerful, just not in a conquest setting.
People seriously need to stop advocating for trait tweaks (although some specs do need some toning down) and need to start crafting game modes that don’t simply reward sitting on point all day doing nothing.
I think a map like Voidstar (NPC free, needs channeling at your door to progress, lots of area diversity, bridges, and offensive and defensive tactics to keep your enemy from charging while maximizing your chances to charge) would be great. Carry the flag would also be good, but that would promote bunkers even more since you’d have a bunker carrying the flag. Meta for flag carrying would be soldier’s on the class with the most stability. Also mesmer porting automatically drops the flag to avoid cheesing.
Especially since it’s mostly passives.
Kind of ironic to see this on the thief forums, considering that this has historically been what thieves do to others, except that it’s evade, evade, evade, blind, evade, etc."
You mean pressing buttons at the proper moment?
The pip system is great, the problem is with specific details like matchmaking allowing for wipes and people tanking their MMR at other players’ expense to obtain easier matches. MMR should correlate with league, there’s no reason for really good players to get mixed in with bads in emerald. The good players should have passed it. You can also still lose a pip when playing against a pro team and the switch alt method enables class stacking.
1. No
2. kitten nodes, replace them with a flag you have to channel fully in order to flip. Figure out a healthy balance for the time it takes to channel. That opens up the whole area around where a node would be to fight. Traps and AoE still have their meaning to stop/kill someone trying to channel it, but it would be easier to deny a cap without needing to sit in AoE.
Although, that could easily make bunkers even stronger. So you’d have to consider the actual balance of classes first.
3. Temple is one of the better maps. I actually choose it and foefire the vast majority of the time.
LOS is healthy for the game.Also, I hit people on the side nodes all the time with the treb on Khylo.
Then again, I used to play primarily WvW (Waiting for fixes to that, and then I’ll say F PvP). So that shouldn’t come as a surprise. 1 practice shot in the general direction, and you can generally figure out where your power and angle need to be to hit the node.
1.Yes. It is player vs. player.
2.Okay, I’ll concede that. Channeling is better for node flipping. All changes should take balance into consideration. Just switch some AoE radii, cooldowns, distance abilities can travel, and even power.
3.I understand that LoS is healthy but there’s just too much of it in Temple. So many people run around confused and there’s so much risk of falling down stuff. Environmental factors are way too important in Temple. Could even be a fine map if you remove tranquility and make it have more space.
It was taken away due to not enough players queuing so they felt the need to mix premades with soloers for faster queue times. But why aren’t more people playing PvP? That is the bigger question. Here is a lift of proposed solutions:
1.Remove NPC’s. You know how it is: You’re ahead by 100 or so points, but they close the gap by getting NPCs. Even worse, you could hit them first or more often yet the other team can still get credit for a kill. Mechanics like this can drive people away. Then you have Lord kills that deflect players away from points in Legacy.
2.Bigger nodes: Lots of classes have big AoE’s, no one likes giving the opponent free decapping progress just to avoid taking damage or conditions. This way you can have two dragonhunters drop traps on a node, avoid damage, and still hold the point. Graveyard seems to be a reasonable size.
3.Temple of the Silent Storm: Need I say more? Uggh, fine. Temple is annoying because it’s vertical, narrow, lots of LoS, its layout confuses noobs, and whoever channels tranquility gets all three points for free. Like a lord or enough NPC kills can be a complete game changer allowing a fast recovery and even win. This battleground needs to be scrapped, maybe even replaced with Spiritwatch which is actually good but not available in ranked. Battle of Khylo on the other hand had so much potential, but they just had to kill it with the trebs. Despite aggressive trebbers firing at mid people still rush center. No, get sides if you really don’t want someone dedicated to a treb. Even if they aim for sides it will rarely ever land near the node.
4.More map variety: Stronghold has okay foundations, but they just had to kill it by needing to summon NPCs and kill a lord. It would be better with a bigger map to accommodate mounted combat where you have a breakbar and fall off the mount and get stunned if it breaks. The objective wouldn’t be lord slaying but channeling a flagpole at their base. Such a map would be 20 vs. 20 and only soloQ’ers would have access to it. Speaking of flags flag carrying objectives where you invade their fort and bring the flag to your base 3 times is a nice simple NPC free idea.
5.Better balance: Too much CC falls here. Add a resolve mechanic, closely examine the professional meta, get ideas from top players, have them compete against other pro teams in an internal balancing tournament to see what needs adjusting. If an underperforming class does all the right things yet still loses what could you adjust on both ends to make it more even? If a class like Shiro rev or daredevil wins a 1v1 then it would need a pass since they’re designed to be strong in dueling, so obviously dueling viability shouldn’t be the only factor. I remember on a staff ele killing a thief on point. Why did I, an elementalist (in that match) built around group support beat a class that’s supposed to excel in dueling? My win that time was due to burning and reflects (they ran pistol/pistol)
For balance we can get rid of all non-celestial amulets but reintroduce PvP exclusive amulets that shave some stats off everything but one set, like a celestial set with an offense bend that has power, crit, and ferocity higher than celestial and everything else lower, or a condition one with condition duration, but other stats reduced accordingly (especially to accommodate the extra stat). This would ensure everyone has decent defense and healing power so if they get into a situation where they know those stats can come in handy they can do that job okay. It’s not that great knowing what to do in a certain situation but knowing you’d be ineffective due to a chosen stat combination. This balanced but with an extra emphasis on a certain role will need rebalancing as well but seems to be a step in the right direction.
6. Separate PvP and PvE abilities cooldowns: This one is obvious: A vet mob has more HP than a player, so a four second knockdown would give you a good opening to deplete his healthbar further. However, players don’t have healthpools that big and stun duration and cooldowns need to take that into account. If a certain move in PvE has a 20 second cooldown then make it 25 or 15 in PvP depending on its type.
These decisions will bring more people into the game and I think league tags were a big step forward for PvP player population. After all, who wants the stigma of being a sub-amber badgeless?
For passive offense the Mallyx elite is a better example since with sword 3 you’re at least pressing a button and asking yourself if it’s a good time to use it (such as evading dragonhunter traps while keeping your dodges unspent) whereas Mallyx elite applies torment merely for being in the opponents’ presence.
" The truth is the PvP side of the game being destroyed (not just talking about League mechanics and problems in general , but this horrible post-HoT meta), the truth is it’s just another thing that has been taken from me this year."
I agree on these point totally. I like to think of this season as a beta test since so many new mechanics came at us at once. If something’s new it hasn’t been in player hands for devs to gather proper metrics for balancing. However, when I read about chronomancer’s abilities before HoT I knew right then and there it’d be trouble in PvP since alacrity and chill in the same field on top of portals and other things is too much for one class, just not this drastic. It isn’t just mesmer but pretty much all the elites. On the positive side elementalist isn’t unanimous top dog while on the other the reason for that created new problems such as too much crowd control and insta-rezzes.
Hopefully things get properly balanced and loophole abuse with the leagues gets fixed.
It’s mostly crowd control that needs some tuning down, or at least add a resolve mechanic.
I achieved 2k drinks through natural gameplay…for free. I plan on getting the effects 50% off: 5,000 earned drinks, 5,000 from the TP. There needs to be some way to make the skin exclusive so that only the truly dedicated obtain it.