Would be nice down the road. Lore would read something to the effect of " the Lion Guard began harvesting the shells of this ancient species to incorporate into a new line of armor schematics".
Weapons would be nice too.
lol, best player evar!!!!
EDITING……this is not the thread I posted in. I posted in a thread that only had 2post in it one of which with a link to a vid. How this ended up here is mystery to me.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
Yeah, dc’d in the first overflow after an 1hr and a half into the event. Once I got back into another overflow the event was miles back. Proceeded into another overflow that were at similar point to my original overflow. Then…after another hour dc’d nearing Ancient kill. When I get back into the next overflow event complete, no chest. Tried about 12times relogging hoping to find another overflow still working the kill….no go.
I’m all overflowed out.
So I work my way back to that karma vendor near scoundrels w/e poi and decide to sell the trash I had in my bags. Clicked on some crap when I started to dc again must have registered a double click because it sold my half stack of ori and then completely dc’d me before I was able to buyback.
Hurts in a way, I soooo wanted to break my mouse, but then I remember it’s only pixels. I can’t take these games seriously anymore.
I can just as easily say that about having to do content to aquire new gear to do new content. It’s literally the exact same thing as leveling up, except a hell of a lot easier to balance.
Yes, exactly. We would like the tutorial to stop at some point, preferably sooner rather than later, so that we can actually play the game part of the game, where you’re not trying to perpetually make some numbers go up.
Which part of the game is this for you? If it’s not level 1-80 and its’ not endgame what part are you playing exactly?
I like the endgame. Endgame doesn’t start until you are maxed out and stop getting more powerful (hint: “end”).
Once you’re maxed out, the game can’t give you any more artificial motivation to play. Either you’re playing purely because the game is fun, or you don’t play at all.
If a game can’t respect my intelligence enough to stop making me run on a treadmill just to get back to exactly the point I started at (ie: 100% maxed out), and if that game doesn’t believe that its content is good enough that I should be playing it for fun and only for fun, then I don’t want to play that game.
By the way, I totally agree with this.
That’s the thing, there is plenty to do at cap.
Generalization: It’s the themepark EQ/WoW converts that are complaining that there isn’t any progression familiar to them ie power creep cravers, content locust, gear grinders and HC raiders.
Generalization: It’s the sandbox type/skill based crowd that dig lateral progression ie the Guild Wars crowd that are being vocal currently about what was told to them and then hit with the bait and switch or atleast the first step in a baait and switch, more to come no doubt.
I personally fit into both crowds as I don’t mind the illusion of progression via gearr chasing. However, I didn’t buy this game to do that. I bought this game for: first and foremost because I was a huge fan of GW1, WvW second (huge DAOC fan) and pve last.
The Guild Wars brand screams to me pvp. Even the company’s name scream pvp to me, Arena-net c’mon.
Like I said though, gear progression is an illusion. You rock the next tier of gear to keep you on par with the next tier of enemy who had its stats increased also. The inherent problem with that formula though is gap creation. Where this is going to rear it’s ugly head is in WvW in this particular game especially once more tiers are introduced. All for what? To see bigger numbers?
My suggestion,
streamline WvW similar to sPvP with everyone using capped gear/max stat gear. However instead of glory paying for chest to get skins, allow a vendor to save skins you find in pve similar to how one can use exotic versions of heritage pvp gear at the HOM. Continue to drop badges for WvW exclusive stuff, but once you buy it save the skin for WvW. If you want to wear it in pve only the original item bought can be used for that whether it be for transmutation onto pve specific gear.
The problem with this sorta thing or even power creep for that matter is that it destroys the middle ground in this game, which WvW is…its supposed to be a version of openworld pvp.
My problem with power creep and gear chasing in this particual title is that I was sold on the idea that I could have this as the alternative to all the other themeparks I have played or am playing or are currently atleast subbed to. If it’s going to go that route, why not play the ones who do it better?
My second problem isn’t having a next slightly/more than slightly better tier of gear, it’s not even that point blank period a beginning to treadmill running, blatant content gating and the none interaction with the community about said concerns (even though it doesn’t quite sit well with me), it’s the fact that this new resist gear isn’t using what every other piece of gear in this game uses, Runes/Sigils and such. Seems totally out of left field and out of place.
what, so next time around, “We just introduced Panic Gear”. Instead of using current upgrades it uses a whole me type of inscriptions called shark repellants To defend yourself from a new type of monster mechanic Shark bite.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
Good lord, people are complaining VERY loudly about something before it’s even out, before they know how it will work. Bit early to be claiming this update invalidates their manifesto, isn’t it? People really aren’t going to be caring if you have exotic gear instead of ascended. Get it if you want it, don’t if you don’t.
People love to assume the worst before the evidence is actually there.
Probably because a vast portion populating this game have seen it done it before. I’m willing to bet a very small portion of the games population have never touched an MMO before.
Meant to say PvE, but the point stands. You’ll still be able to do all of the old PvE content with exotics (like we already do). But more than that, how are people making estimates before it’s out?
Anyway, if that is true, and it is about a 40% increase in effectiveness, that’s utter insanity—I don’t think ANet would make it that hard.Lfm dungeon run , ascended geared only, whisper gear or no invite.
“LFM dungeon run, Exotic geared only, whisper gear or no invite.”
Last I checked, that hasn’t taken over the game. Ascended gear won’t either. The sky isn’t falling just yet, Chicken Little.
If you’d taken the time to read how FotM worked, you’d know that your assumption is just blatantly untrue. At a certain point, you’re going to be absolutely required to be kitted in Ascended gear with X rank infusions in order to keep progressing deeper into the dungeon.
I promise you, no more than a month after release, you’re going to be seeing a lot of, “LFM FotM, full infusion only” or some variance of that.
I have issues believing this will happen en masse. Considering how the only dungeons I see spammed in chat is usually the path of least resistance (AC explorables, CoF path 1 & 2, etc.) and the harder Dungeons / Paths (Arah expl, Sorrow’s Embrace Path 1 post buff, etc) are all but ignored. I really have a tough time believing pugs are going to be lining up by the boat load to do content that is supposedly even more difficult than the hard stuff they don’t bother to run already.
You think those dungeons are ignored because of difficulty? You think ppl do CoF and AC because of ease? I’m willing to bet SE among the others aren’t done moreso for the reason that many just don’t find the armors pleasing to the eye. My oppinion of course based on map/guild/forum chat.
Oh yeah, you know what would make this move even better…remove downscaling and such and add pvp to the pve. That would really bring in the players. Forget WvW. Factional combat, let’s say you call one side…um alliance, another side um…for the sake of diversity call them Empire. Oh, add um…a dedicated healing class. Hmmm, now sprinkle in a Tank. Wait, wait, wait…I got it…put in something you can hop on the back of to traverse the lanscapes. I forget what they are called, but they will really bring the players in. Ya know what we need now….deathknights. Hmmm, that’s still not enough. Oh, I got it, a system where you can link all of your characters together to where only you can see it and call them all related in some form or fashion…sorta like a legacy. Man, still not enough….what we need are 10man25man raids that hand out different gear, that makes pvp fun, oh wait…no it doesn’t. How bout we separate pvp and pve by gear…yesssssss. Oh, how do we do that? Hmm, we could add a stat only found on the pvp gear WEWT. Something is still missing. Macros!!!!!!!!!
Just conform. Content locust (I have assumed this role in other titles just to stay viable, rush to cap…and backtrack from there) will munch on any content at the speed of light no matter what you throw at them and then complain that there isn’t anything to do. Nature of the beast. That’s why downscaling and wvw upscaling was working I thought for the most part.
I’m willing to bet those who rushed through, got 100% completion, started working on legendaries, have no clue what’s actually even going on in Tyria. I willing to bet those who devoured your content haven’t actually read any of the text presented to them. Probably never witnessed all the little nuaunces offered that to me are actually quite suprising to see in a game. And that is the crowd your hoping to satisfy?
I took my time leveling this time around centered around the fact that once I hit the ceiling I could then start fleshing out outfits for what my wife calls my “Digital Dolls”. I could work on all my toons equally much like I did in gw1 without worry of having to keep up by focusing on one or two. I should have known better, but how could I when I played gw.
I hope anet knows what they are doing. I mean there was an actual meeting where someone proposed this idea, not a hugely bad idea imo, just going about it the wrong way entirely…again, imo. What do I know though, I’m just some dude who sits and plays video games for fun, kinda don’t want another MMO to call a job.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
…GW2 lasts a few years, do you honestly believe that there will be no increase in characters maximum level cap or new higher gear grades will not be introduced?
It is the normal path of all MMO’s and mainly because the player base demands it to keep the interest.
What ANet needs to careful about is to not introduce many big changes in a short period of time. The community need to settle and have time to achieve the new challenges.
Best regards,
What defines normal? Didn’t ANET said they want to revolutionize the mmo genre. Why then follow the most boring thing in an MMO; getting gear with higher stats but then there is no change since monster will also get higher stats to compensate.
Just tell me what is the point of having higher stats in gear if monsters are getting scaled to the increase in stats? What new challenge? Getting gear with higher stats to counter monster with higher stats? is that the challenge you want?
New challenge for me would be improved monster AI; them having a range of 5 to 10 skills or spells in a pool of hundreds+ skills/spells and using them effectively to kill us. If they had just improved the AI little by little, i would still play. Right now, this new patch is sapping my will to play this game.
Oh yeah i am not complaining about the new content (dungeons or stuff like these “love those stuff”) its only the gear with better stats.
This and the post below you 100%. If I wanted gated content at cap, if I wanted to gear chase for increased stats beyond what I’m gear chasing now and step onto the tedious treadmill circuit I would do with games that do it better.
However, I will say that I didn’t buy this game because it didn’t have that element, I bought this game because I was a huge fan of the first one. Missed alot about it with this, but have been satisfied with it so far because like gw1 it didn’t have the you MUST play to be viable attitude. But if we are going to go down that road, I’m just gonna head back to the sub based models that do it better.
I’m double bubble excited!!!!not really.
my 2 cents:
Ascendant gear wouldn’t have been a problem if it was completely lateral to exotic adding a new slot for infusions WITH RUNE/SIGIL and JEWEL slots also. Now you’ve added a completely new type of gear that is not only better than the current ceiling, but now has less customization and totally does away with all runes/sigils and jewels.
Makes absolutely no sense to me.
This move is utterly odd to me and leaves me with multiple questions. Should I even gear my 9 characters with exotics or jump directly to ascendant? Should I even try to build gear sets for different builds if I am expecting more tiers? Does this mean that spvp will get a new tier? Why are they worried about adding new gear types when most ppl I know are waiting for new skills,new weapon skills, weapon types, classes, races, armor skins, weapon skins, new WvW maps, culling issues solved, GUESTING, new pvp types(my personal want…a more fleshed out reapers rumble moba type), GvG, player housing.
Let’s see, Ascendant armor is at base greater than maxed upgraded exotics. Open the gap even wider with infusions.Then re-stat legendaries to be greater than that when before was maybe a 1-2% better than exotics. I don’t think in all the mmo’s I’ve played I’ve ever seen this done.
off topic: I know this may be a drastic statement, but if you wanted to go the eq/wow model route with power creep issues, you probably should have kept the trinity. That’s all that’s missing now.
My problem with this isn’t the fact that there is now another tier, I was expecting legendary armor at some point anyway. My problem with this is now you have a new tier of gear, new type of resist gear at that, that doesn’t use jewels/sigils/runes.
So if by going by the example ring given, does this now make jewels, sigils and runes now obsolete at 80 because it looks like to me that the ring already has a jewel stat included with only an infusion spot.
Makes little sense to me if it goes that way.
OP does have a point, this would be lvl 80 exclusive armor/weps.
I figure it this way, with legendary weapons floating around…I have indeed wondered if there was going to be legendary armor sets. This sorta thing seemed rather expected to me.
What I hope doesn’t happen going forward is an introduction to actual legendary armor.
Now that I think about it, not exactly sure how I feel about this route.
Gear grinds imo usually create barriers or gates to content. Skin grinds, usually involve a baseline (ie max stat weapons across the board) that doesn’t require the player to feel like one day not played= one day behind every other player, at cap mind you.
I enjoyed GW1 to a great degree and had no problem hunting for particular weapons that I wanted even though weapons/gear and levels were capped out at lvl 20 .
I enjoy GW2 to a great degree and will continue to have no problem hunting for skins, not something I have to do to see content, but enjoy it nonetheless. However, if at cap there was the gear hunting treadmill, in order to see content at cap I would most certainly have to gear chase for upgrades, and then gear chase some more for upgrades to my upgrades. I personally don’t need that motivation to keep playing this game.
There are plenty of gear chaseringdingring games out there already anyhow. Not Anets vision.
People seem to forget the 2 that follows Guild Wars. People want to turn this game into some other game instead of enjoying the world presented to them.
1 of maybe 10 things I dug about SWTOR, knocking mobs off of bridges, cliffs, scaffolding w/e. There was even a boss fight where you could only defeat him by knocking him off a bridge. There was this part of one of the raids, eternity vault where there was a huge cave filled with rockdogs…sent in the tank and a healer while everyone else stand at the edge of a cliff…the tank aggros the pups and proceeds to cliff edge where if you had a knockback skill like force push…use it to send them flying.
Feels wierd that I use my mesmer #5 GS skill near a cliff and the mob has impeccable balance to not go over the edge. I on the other hand have probably 10-15 deaths just sliding down a hill I just climbed.
Haven’t had mobs knock me off cliff ledges though. Once again, I have probably 25-30 deaths just dodging right off a cliff….who am I kidding, it’s way more than that.
Learned my lesson when deleting the assassins creed hood (thief starter hood). I’ve kept or plan to keep certain starting items.
The angry mask from my mesmer has a special place in my bank, followed by my guardian spauldors…the ones with the ankh like symbol, my norn necro’s facepaint…makes my eyes glow white like a comicbook persona so on and so forth.
I know your pain.
As a person who has been playing Guild Wars for what seems like forever, the title itself will count as 5 for 5/5. They have done this with numerous titles in the past.
I agree, I dug it.
Anet didn’t even have to put on an event so close to launch, I ’m suprised ppl complain at all, well..on some level I guess I understand the complaints about the rng chest. I read the word chance and said “um, no”. That part of it should have been just have a halloween chest w/chance at the exotics.
I understand Anet wanting to get rid of some keys, but honestly…kind of don’t even need those keys in the game at all, just sell the chest cheap, about as cheap equivalent to how often they drop and double the random contents.
Overall, compared to some games that didn’t even have holiday events close to launch time, I am pleased they hit us with something, definatley better than nothing.
Do they look like hawks or just white ravens? I know one of the HoM reward pets is a white raven.
Would like the ravens/crows that the Mad King uses in his instance show cased today.
I just wanted to say that I am fan of a few MOBAS on the market currently and love this mode in GW2.
I know it was said somewhere that there was the possibilty of Anet exploring this type of game mode, but didn’t realize we would get it for the holidays.
All I can say now is keep it and bring more maps please.
I think the full costumes, Mad King and Witch/Warlock are specifically for the costume brawl. Who knows what they have in store for us for the finale and post event. The event is 2days old.
The game has only been out a short time, so having a decent balance of 2 options ie combat gear and town gear is acceptable for me at this point.
GW1 had it’s splits of function too. All of those costumes bought from the cash shop were only wearable in pve, you hit a pvp zone and it disappears. I think the only hats or mask that could be worn in pvp were the helms that actually took the helm slot from year 1-3. Some items could only be used in town while others only useable in a pve zone.
All in all, the event isn’t over yet and we have no idea if another version of the cash shop costumes will be our prize or not, we may get a helm, we may get a weapon, we may get nothing…too early to tell.
As far as rogues not wanting to look like pirates and what not, the game is only 2months in. I have no doubt more armor will be added. I think that when GW1 launched it didn’t really have alot of choices…let’s see, granite citadel 15k, grottos 15k and then FOW. GW2 has as much armor now as GW had up through atleast factions.
I currently don’t look like a pirate.
lol. Let’s see…
Keys drop in the open world.
Keys can be bought with gems. Should I think the chance of getting an item per chest should be upped because I decided to buy 10,000 keys…no. Everyone has the same chance no matter how you decided to obtain keys. The way posters are making it sound, “I spent such and suckittens and should have something from the event to show for it, where is my rare?”
Now, with that said…the odds during this event to obtain more event items from the chest in general should be upped to promote the feeling of the event is how I feel just for the sake of the event. Not because I bought keys during this week.
And for those who paid for keys and used them before the patch, hmmm…L2Read is all I can. Reading is fundamental.
The event has 4 acts with a likely grand finale which will probably have something for everyone.
And then GW1 was brought into the conversation. Oh boy, here we go. I played GW1, alot. If I remember correctly, at the end of each event they had mask/hats/tonics as a symbol that you participated in an event on the last day at the time specified. Items in the world dropped the same for lvl 1’s as well as lvl 20’s. You could complete quest for presents most events and didn’t have to be at level cap.
WoW, is another story. I can’t really remember but I think it was different level groups for the headless horse dude to get different things. I remember a mount and a stave of the top of my head though.
Anyhow, I personally don’t believe anyone should be left out of the event if they participate, however if you’re not there then it’s a no show no go thing for me.
I know in gw1 daggers were implented in Factions with the addition of the assassin class. Spears/scythes were implented in Nightfall with the addition of the paragon/dervish classes.
If keeping with this sort philosophy I foresee different weapons added with new classes.
Flails would be nice addition. Think someone made the suggestion in another thread about whips as they are ingame kind of already.
Spears on land would be sweet.
I would like to see bo’s, polearms/lances too. Not sure what other weps though. Crossbows maybe.
As far as classes, bring back:
1. Smiter Monks
2. Ritualist
3. Better version of paragons
4. Dervish
Add, I dunno. Something samurai without the plate. A lancer archtype. A gaunlet/boxer hand to hand type. I just don’t know, they seem to have alot of bases covered and somethings when thinking of archtypes also need to fit several weapon choices instead of just one.
Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Akari Storm.6809
I would agree with the weapons part of it. Melee weps have somewhat of a melee range and caster weps have their range. Bows, well…same thing.
If you are speaking of preparing yourself before engaged on how exactly to tell what class your opponent is, targeting them gives some info, the class icon. Waiting until they initiate a skill to tell what sort of class they are could mean your death, so I guess knowing your plate wearer from your cloth wearer gives you some sort of heads up, but I dunno. Medium armor might aswell be cloth tbh with the long robes, coats and such.
I remember this argument in SWTOR, (my last themepark before gw2). It was pretty easy to tell what each class was by the weps wielded, all of the orange customizable armor/weapons are able to be modded, so armor value increased/decreased depending on the class putting it on. When it launched though there was this rp like customizable type armor(could be modded too, essentially orange armor), that when worn it only gave the value for light wearers. Not sure if they fixed that or not, was still that way when I stopped playing. For example, the princess leia slave outfit or (tie, x-wing) pilot uniforms were all for light wearers for some reason, but ppl wanted to wear it all the time without sacrificing armor value. I know it was said that they were going to fix that.
Anyhow, I think if they made deciphering what class someone is more prevalant beyond armor and from a nice distance it would definately make a transition to allowing all armor types to scale to the wearers class that much more easier.
Perhaps they could do class auras or make the class icons pop more, change the font to draw the eye or something to pick that info up faster. Something for pre engagement. Reactive combat is pretty easy, but could mean your death.
I agree. That is all.
Yeah, I think people are really confusing a LFD message board type of interface with what WoW ended up with, cross realm auto-placing into a group.
A LFG or dungeon or w/e isn’t different from spamming in a town. All it was is that you que for dungeons and ppl would contact you to see if you wanted to run the dungeon.
Anyhow, what is needed here is a global LFG chat that is server wide. Even when guesting is up, keep it server only because I foresee ppl using it to spy in wvw if it were cross server.
It’s either that or a dungeon message board, where you click a box to tell others looking at this interface that you want to do this dungeon and this particular path and then people message you through tells or what have you. This could be cross realm due to guesting will probably be in effect anyway.
The only thing the thief was using was pretty much CnD every hit. The only reason the zerg couldn’t cap was because every time he comes out of stealth the ticker stops and who knows, Npcs do respawn if you’re taking too long and it looked like to me that the thief’s server mates were on the ledge/edge.
He had up in the 23k range of health so an 80 with nothing but toughness and vitality, he wasn’t doing a great deal of damage himself. He indeed was picking off low health opponents, or obvious low armor/ lower level characters. You can kind of tell with armor types, most of them looked to be in the 10-40 range. I could be wrong there though as armor can be transmuted/crafted.
As others have already stated, the illusion of a perma steathed thief is either a build to chain stealth with low damage or a burst you down build taking advantage of culling.
Not really the thiefs fault, but hell..if it makes anyone feel better, because of culling I’ve been instagibbed by many classes without ever seeing exactly what hit me till I read the combat log or sat there waiting and suddenly characters pop into my screen.
Also, only ever saw this stuff in WvW.
Edit This isn’t glitching.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
Personally, I too would like to see a return of the GW1 system (like many have pointed out)where you save pretty much any template for a build that you wanted and equip them at will in towns or pvp lobbies.
I know in sPvP you can actually change traits inside of the match at will, don’t think it can be done in combat though, but being able to do templates would cut down on time.
Well, as someone put it before in such a practical manner, what you see is what you get on release. On release. I assume this isn’t the end of the road for legendaries, so sit tight.
It’s not like Anet is going to go ahead and say, “whoops, let’s take it out because of this or that thread had some oppinions about the skin and it’s flash”.
What I think can be done though, (there’s this practical train of thought that runs through my mind from time to time) is to submit in suggestions ideas you have for future Legendary skins. The past is the past, let it go man, not that serious. I have no doubt that Anet had a reason for having this skin whether it be some nod to some obscure book or a nod to Rainbow Brite or My Little Pony(someone said earlier about the shortbow legendary).
Edit 11days later…ha, someone enlightened me of the possible likely reference for the dreamer bow, Kermit the Frogs song “The Rainbow Connection”. Listened to it as I don’t really remember it growing up and sure enough it says “The Dreamers”, second phase of each chorus.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
Current Tengu is a given for me or Tyria’s version from GW1, the Avicara( gw1 & 2 have different models for tengu).
I could go for margonites, harpies, naga, or minions found in the desolation areas of the NF campaign. Largos, for me…um nah, their wings are too wierd for me I guess.
Edit wouldn’t mind seeing the wardens of the forest from the kurzick areas of responsiblity.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
In all honesty, to me, Anets balancing of GW1 prior to actually splitting a skills functionality felt more like it was purposely being done to change the meta-game by destroying once viable builds. When they split skills it seemed like it was an entirely different skill, one for pvp and one for pve. Not to mention they had so many pve only skills.
SOS comes to mind that stands way out. In pve, entire team builds were built around it. In pvp it was worthless.
Orb bonuses and unmanned bonuses should be switched. Problem fixed
This is stupid that people keep suggesting this. Posted in another thread and sums it up so you can stop giving the same idea everyone gives.
You should read other posts before you come and post the same kitten idea that everyone else has. It makes it worse that the idea was proven to be bad by a logical post as well.
Orbs are the POINT of the borderlands. They should not be a PVE buff for players in a PVP zone. By your logic Stonemist should not give the huge advantage that it does to EB. It should just be a enclosed PVE zone with higher drop rates and offer no advantage to the map or players in WvW. /facepalm
NO ONE will care about orbs if they give PVE BUFFS to people in a PVP ZONE
NO ONE will care about orbs if they give PVE BUFFS to people in a PVP ZONE
NO ONE will care about orbs if they give PVE BUFFS to people in a PVP ZONE
NO ONE will care about orbs if they give PVE BUFFS to people in a PVP ZONEDoes that clear it up for you? I find it sad that you people still can’t grasp what the idea behind the orbs is.
The orbs should give points as well as SERVER increased drops. Your server holds the Orbs of power, well then not only do you get more points for owning them, but now the entire server, not just in the mist, gets the bonus of increased drop rate. This should work on players as well. More Honor Tokens dropping from killed players would be fantastic and not unbalance the game. And the capturing server should and guild should be broad casted to the entire game.
Personally, I want WvW to be more like old school HoH where if your server won/owned an area in WvW, you get access to special PvE areas. In GW1, the only way to have access to UW and FoE was if your server won the favor of the gods in HoH PvP. It was awesome!
Maybe PvPers need to actually look at the big picture instead of min-maxing character strength. All the orbs do now is make zergy servers that much harder to kill. Its kitten
I totally agree with you here. It seems the current system is kind of lacking and kinked at the moment. Some fine tuning is in the wings I hope.
Duelist coat/boots so far. Using the Falcon mask. Random gloves/shoulders. Legs were from a karma vendor.
Think I want the orders set or the flame legion set. For sure going to be mixing and matching stuff. I never go full set. lol, never go full kitten #8230;tropic thunder
I dunno, yes it worked in gw1 and would probably work here, but would cause headaches in the beginning I think mainly due to WvW being pvpve. NPCMobs getting particular damage/boons and players getting particular damage/boons would be nice though.
I agree. Hide everything until the match is over. Your motivation should be trying to take everything you can in WvW. Keep it simple.
Ha, realm bonuses should have the step ladder effect for pve only. The bonus to your realm comes after the match is over. Yes, that means your realm has a locked in bonus during a new matchup.
WvW current bonus should be about what you own on the map +orb control.
For some reason BF2 comes to mind on what I personally would like to see happen.
You enter map and apply for commander. You not doing a great job, you get voted out by players or resign.
Commanders command squad leaders giving them objectives. Squad leaders command squad members. If you listen to commands, you gain w/e rewards Anet deems sensible…greater influence gain, command points building towards a title, maybe even some armor skins.
I’d say have 2 open commander spots per map. One for squads 1-10, One for squads 11-20. If a squad leader makes squad 13 for example, can only be given orders by commander #2. In the case that there isn’t a commander spot filled, squad leaders ofcourse just target the objectives they created alone.
As for the zerg, or stragglers/solo’ers, if you are not in a squad…you get points working for a different title or rewards.
I dunno, maybe I could flesh this out more if I wasn’t tipsy, with blurry vision trying to type kitten near 6am in the morning.
As for equal opportunity, everyone having the option to buy a book for 100g to make them a commander is ok I guess. BF2’s way or the op’s way actually rewards ppl for doing their job. Leaders lead though regardless of having an identifier.
Barbershop yes.
Red Dots in WvW, a huge H E double hockey sticks no. Granted, it was alright in gw1 with avoiding aggro or pulling specific groups, but WvW is about scouting, distraction, luring and many other tactics. You use what you see in your field of vision to relay information and not what your game sees for you to give you information. I dig this about GW2 personally. It’s not BF2/BF3. No Radar.
If I’m hiding from the zerg and tell my comrades they are in route, I really don’t need a red dot telling that zerg that I’m there. The giant looooooooong red names are enough. If you want to send out numbers….guestimate it. Not a huge difference between 15+ and 20.
To me Cantha had quite a few of Japanese overtones to it also, especially how the lore seems to have mirrored the tokagawa period of rule. Sai’s, Katanas, shinobi swords, the entire assassin class(I may be wrong, but looked to me to have Naruto likenesses), even the tengu as a species.
I like how it seems that they have incorporated many civs around the real world into this backdrop. Silently promotes the connection you have to Tyria imo.