(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
When a commercial ends and you blurt out “By Ogden’s Hammer, what savings!”.
In regular conversation you say things like “For Great Justice!” or “Stack”.
I personally have had the dreams other posters have had.
I also tell myself that I’ve played too much when I get bored easily outside of game wishing I were playing. I could be hiking in the mountains or white water rafting and bam…the thought crosses my mind that hey, I could really use a dungeon run or I have 2 zones left until map completion, probably can knock that out next.
Edit: can’t forget these approximations of quotes that pop into my head from time to time and I may even actually say them. The one about latrines and water closets and the other about your face looks like a raisin.
Edit2: ha, the quote about the raisin is basically above this post, just noticed ^
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
I and a few others literally res fought for over an hour without too many giving in. I only went in there to complete the jp to get to the cache or else you would never catch me in the jp. I was actually surprised that any enemies would be in there considering the main force could have used those bodies….JQ, i’m looking at you!
Haven’t been back in there since that day. Those kitten aetherblades are some sneaky characters. First, they sneak into Lions Arch. Then they sneak past the Lionguard and enter the portal leading to EB. Then they make their way to the Obsidian Sanctum portal. After avoiding players from their own realm, they make their way through the jp avoiding players from all three Warring realms only to set up shop up top. Then it finally turns out that they are crappy fighters and are pushovers. Aetherblades, Love you guys!
Dropping from the sky seemed to work better for me…just doesn’t seem feasible that these lames could pull off something like that. Even their leader couldn’t hide for too long once we found out her existence. She now sits in jail hearing the sounds of the portals around her. She did make some threats though, so maybe we don’t have the whole story yet. Gotta love the not so secret jp in gendarran to boot. Stealthers they are not, then again…no one saw them building these places.
Anyhow…Anet, keep pve achievements like this one out of WvW. It’s already bad enough that you have to enter EB to even get there possibly taking a spot from someone who the map team needs. How bout you turn Obsidian Sanctum into a WvW map the size of a BL…..make it a mountain, game becomes king of the mountain.
or keep it’s size and put a portal in LA.
I agree though with most everyone here, pvp in a pvp zone is what is supposed to happen. Unwritten rule doesn’t mean don’t watch your back. You may let someone get a pass, but you have to treat them like a rabid dog…be ready to put them down cuz they turned on you.
Lol, IMO, IMHO….guilds right now have an abundance of information…all of which means about nil compared to last logged on.
IMO, the only two things guilds really need are ranks and last logged on. Everything else should stem from those two things. Ranks allow for privilege tiers. Last Logged on allows for leader to know if a player is active in the game.
With Anets choice to go with multiguilding- maybe there should be a last repped too. Maybe something for leaders to know who is gaining their guild the influence. It already tracks “paid for” influence.
These things don’t have to be something the entire guild sees, but would go a long way for managers of guilds in game.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
I have all classes at 80, and whatever gives a character a speed boost has to be there. 25% speed sigils are top of the list. My guardian carries a staff mainly because I get speed from it. My engineer gets speed on kit swap, though that gets annoying real fast as you have to swap every few seconds to keep it up. Warrior has the elite signet which gives fury, might and speed. Mesmer doesn’t leave home without a focus equipped. And so on.
I still feel horribly slow in WvW if my current character has no means of “catching up”. As in on top of the normal speed boost, do a jump like ranger on greatsword 3, or thief with shortbow 5.
I too play this way for WvW or open world. Dungeons and spvp, not so much.
That’s an interesting notion. I had forgotten before how annoying the current utility skill system was. My utility bars are nearly all of the form : 2 stun breakers and 2 condition removals (if I can get a skill that does both)
In fact, it’s a shame that a lot of classes cannot make good use of their fun utilities because they are stuck using cond removal and stun breakers.
Totally agree!
I mean c’mon, my guard would like to use spirit weapons….I never see anyone using them (I bring in hammer sometimes for fun, shield I guess can be helpful). I tried using mantra’s on a mes, can’t say for sure if I liked it or not.
Elites fall into this also…some elites have a cool animation, but just have these super long cd’s…racials, I’m looking at you. I mean, I was doing AC the other day on my norn ranger and whipped out the wolf form elite to have some fun, pretty much everyone in the party was surprised saying things like “been playin 8months and have never seen anyone use those forms” or “Wow, norns can turn into stuff?”.
For that matter, many utilities have nice animations. Many of the ones that I never take or never see ingame (dungeons/open world/wvw/spvp) to me look better than some shout or some signet activation.
I started messing around with weapons you never see also…like Mesmer sword oh in pvp.
I’d like a customizable UI. I’d also like a consumable bar for food, tonics and minis. I’d also would like an out of combat weapon swap button for before I enter combat. That way I wouldn’t have to dig in my bags or open my character profile to do it.
As a Guild Wars player (on and off for years now), the alliance system seems to be a better fit for me and personally think more games should use that system.
At first I didn’t know how I felt about multi-guilding. I think the idea was that you could be a member of guilds aimed with different goals and that it would be easier to find players who had the same goals when you wanted to head down that road. Like for instance a WvW only guild or a tpvp guild.
Well after a bit of playing in this system I have come to the conclusion that the system isn’t right for me. I partake in everything the game has to offer so I have found a guild of folks who do the same, no real need for me to bounce around. We pretty much stick together like guilds in other games. 100% rep isn’t required but the majority of us do anyway. Kind of just makes more sense, morale is better, chat is lively and it seems like we all know each other a lil bit better beyond a name.
I myself am currently in 4 guilds. 2 of those guilds are sister guilds. We run missions on two different days so that those who may not be able to make it for one day can switch to sister guild to complete it with them. The other 2 guilds are my own personal guilds mainly for extra storage space, something I would have done anyway in any other game (except guild wars because you could only be in one guild, although I do have a second account, even then I mostly have mule characters).
I have invites to two other guilds. 1 being a tpvp guild of which I have never accepted, but still check in on members to see if the guild ever actually gets active. The other being a WvW only guild of which I still check in on to see if the guild ever actually remains active. Both of those guild have minimal reps at any given time.
I think I was lucky to find a guild who enjoys most aspects of a game so no need for me to look elsewhere. I think that if you want a guild for very specific things like pve/wvw/spvp/rp/merchants/dungeon runners so on and so forth then akittens heart it was meant for that. I can see the +’s, I just personally don’t need them. Maybe if I do tpvp more in the future I might make it easier to craft a team if we all represent the same tag. But other games haven’t had any real problems doing that in the past with actually allowing you to name teams and such.
Anyhow, Anet…I’m looking at you……………GUILD LEADERS NEED MORE GUILD MANAGEMENT TOOLS. Last logged on would help leaders eliminate a lot of the space in guilds. Currently there’s like 50 absentee players in my main guild with locations unknown. Everytime one is kicked…more show this status. My gm wants to send letters to each of these players incase there is some sort glitch showing incorrect info or if these players come back they can rejoin. However, in doing that he gets suppressed due to how your mail works. He’s a nice guy so he just doesn’t want to kick to free up space only to have that player return the next day and bad mouth the guild for no warnings and what not. So, tools tools tools.
Guilds have been asking since day1.
To Orpheal’s post, Heads up, pinipals count as griffon kills.
I agree that many of the creature types aren’t represented and that slayer tab could use some titles.
I too hope that more giants are added in the future or else it would take up most of anyones playtime to actually kill 1000 giants over the next few years. Highly doubt anyone is shooting for that. 9months in and I personally stand at 11. I guess if you killed 2-3 a day for the next year it would get done. The waiting and the killing and no real reward and no title is why I don’t think many would do that.
I actually had wanted to start doing it when I got to Orr only to find out Risen Giants don’t count, so that never happened.
Looks good.
Now we need Branded Armor.
Now we need Vision of the Mist/Anomaly Armor.
Now we need Medium armor non-trenchcoat. For Thief——Ninjas (since we have pirates). For Ranger——some druid armors. For Engie——moar steampunk plz.
Now we need FoeFire Armor.
Now we need Ghastly Grinning Shield Armor. That black flame is incredible.
Quite simply in the words of Mr. Liff “Because they made it that way”.
Some up top said something along the lines of that it was justified. Justified? It is what it is, a creation of someone other than yourself, they don’t have to justify anything they do. They may want to "justify’ certain things to keep players happy, but if it ain’t about dollars then it don’t make sense. I’m sure if they felt that something like this would lose them players logging in then they probably would have taken another route. This is a tiny non-issue for me, sorry it bothers some.
Oh, didn’t notice this thread was older.
I LOOK @ MYSELF, cuz i’m sexy and i know it! wiggle ….ya anyway.
Yeah, I check out players all the time. For the most part, seems that players mix and match as much as I do. Personally, I have a few sets for each of my 80’s depending on how I’m feeling (same stat sets) or for what I’m doing (perhaps a different stat set) like WvW, changing builds. And if I’m not there, certainly working towards it.
The colors I choose for my characters make sense for what I believe makes them who they are. Something about an thief in bright colors just doesn’t ring true to me, so I’ll deck him out in black, purple, dark greens, smokey ash or blues. One of my sylvari has blue skin, so I go with colors that fit that. I also go with colors that may perhaps fit the class. My Mesmer wears purples, pinks and blues. He is of noble blood, so it fits his character doubly.
I also personally disagree with a few posters here about black and white, to me, some armor pieces just happen to look great dyed those colors. And when using black or white with other colors, it really makes those other colors pop.
As for weapons, they too have to fit my various looks. Problem I have with this game in weapon selection is that many of them have these weird shapes or subjectively unpleasing ornaments attached. My taste may just not be everyone else’s, in fact, I’m sure of it. I miss many of the nice weapons they had in GW1 shape design wise. Even the basic katana or the platinum blade would be better for my style than some of the current selection of swords. Dagger wise, wish they would bring in some elven style fantasy blades, some talons from GW1 had a nice arcing shape. I would just like to forget the plethora of Rambo knives.
My thoughts on those two areas in general (Southsun and Cursed Shore).
Shorten up the loot tables to drop T6 mats more frequently.
Shorten up the loot tables to drop greens rares and exotics more frequently.
Create some new skins that drop from named champions and bring on more legendary boss mobs.
a bit off topic but still in the general realm of thought.
Dungeon Bosses/World Champs,Bosses need items similar to green items in Guild Wars. I know many weapons like this exist already (jormags breath and final rest are examples that come to mind for meta bosses), but more could be better overall to get ppl doing the content more.
Settlers gear stats, well…to each his own. I personally think there are too many exotic versions of stat combos. It’s starting to look messy. The whole ascended thing is messy also. The whole condition vs power thing is messy. The poor t6 personal drops is messy (my experience may not be your own). The extremely low drop rate of lodestones is messy. I could go on and on, but even with my complaints…I still can’t stop playing this game, I’m hooked.
Anyhow, you want folks in maps anet? Map specific/Boss specific rewards are the way to go. I know green weps took some time to show up in Guild Wars, heres to hoping we get something along those lines.
RNG is RNG, it’s in practically every MMO. It is what it is. I dislike it sure, but it’s the way things go in this genre.
And for some here to say that removing the skins from the gamble boxes would somehow improve the game, I highly doubt it. Even if this game had a sub and there weren’t any gamble boxes and the items appeared from mob drops or some sort of dungeon reward, that still wouldn’t guarantee a player anything.
Many here speak of sub games giving you what you want. Yeah right! Rose colored glasses are a pretty red huh? Prime example of my time spent in WoW, “THE” sub based game, During the time when Black Temple and ZB was hot, not everyone was privileged enough to have a Warglaive drop or grab an Amani War Bear drop because they were in guilds who just couldn’t do the content in time or have the item they wanted drop when they did do it. The ZG tiger didn’t drop for everyone that wanted one. There are many more examples but I think you catch my drift.
We should be happy that these items aren’t BiS must haves to improve performance and just skins to improve aesthetics. I myself bought 40 keys trying to get a hold of a fused ticket. I finished the Frost and Flame dungeon in upwards of 50times trying to get a hold of a jetback as a drop. Didn’t happen for me, but I know that is the nature of MMO gaming. You don’t always get the drop you want or need. After a long history of playing dozens of titles for 14yrs now I realized long ago that it’s nothing but pixels anyway, no real loss, no real gain. No one is going to write a book about any of my characters and certainly not about my characters having some rare drop.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
legendary [?l?d??nd?r? -dr?]
1. of or relating to legend
2. celebrated or described in a legend or legends
3. very famous or notoriousNone of the items in Guildwars 2 fit legendary status anyway.. none have any lore and make zero sense in the game..
I would say they do fit that status since they are notoriously hard to get.
And some of them do have some mythology related to them…. The Bifrost from Norse mythology. The Flameseeker Prophecies from GW1 (in-game legend). Rodgort also from GW1. Kamohoali’i Kotaki from Hawaiian mythology.
In-game lore makes sense and that is what I think he means, I could be wrong. Real world lore, well…I think every item relates to something in the real world. Could be pop culture, could be legends, could be fairytales.
Legendary imo should have some in game lore behind them. Who wielded this weapon? What feat was accomplished with this weapon? This weapon was imbued with magical properties through what method and for what reason? In all honesty, these sort of things is what fantasy, pve, story is all about and I’m not even a pve nut.
You’re right though, as legendary items go, Flameseeker Prophecies and Rodgort are decent examples of the direction those items should go in, but still imo aren’t enough. It’s like naming an item “Factions” and saying well, the second expansion was called factions so it fits.
I will say though that implied lore about certain items do exist, usually the items that have names attached like some of the armor pieces for example, Mhenlo’s gloves or w/e. Puts you in a direction to find out who he was and what he meant to this universe. Not sure there is anything in game to define that, but he was a pretty well known monk in the first game. But take and item like Volcanus, I want some in game lore telling me about this item. Take any of the legendary’s, I want some in game lore telling me about them.
Implied lore was something used in the first game a bit too, mostly with the green items. Take “Shiro’s Blades” for example, we fought shiro, those were his weapons, self explanatory. This game has a chance to do that and more. Reasoning why a character of that caliber would wield those specific weapons.
Even the lowbie crap skins bought for karma has little tidbits of info right on the weapons/armor.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
It’s currently easier for me to put together light and medium sets that I like than it is to put together heavy sets. This is mostly due to clipping and my usual starting points, the boots. Heavy boots in almost every game I have played have been hard for my eyes to handle.
I hope that as time progresses that we see more variety in our armor choices and I’m sure we will, but also hope that these choices are appealing to my personal taste.
I’m not going to say most in game armor is unappealing as that is a personal and subjective thing, but as an artist myself I would like to see more class specific stuff that is a little bit easier on the eye. Especially heavy boots. They just don’t seem to be well proportioned and it’s even more obvious with certain colors, usually light colors. Take male heavy nightmare for example, under certain color palettes, the foot is a bit undersized for sylvari/human. The heavy nightmare leggings clip with pretty much every other boot so it’s either wear as a set or not at all, and I can’t due to foot size looking awkward. That set does however look decent to me for the norn/asura.
Hopefully anet cleans up a lot of the clipping on many armor sets.
I expect many more sets to come into play during this games life, some will be hit or miss with me, of that I have no doubt. I personally just want more like everyone else.
As far as weapons, well..I think they have been keeping a decent pace. If compared to any other of the dozens of MMO’s I’ve been in, well…think GW2 ranks right up there with the best of them. The problem I have here though are the crafted weapon sets like corrupted who require lodestones that hardly drop. Hard enough to craft one, let alone trying to craft for profit or make a complete set.
WvW is not PvP only! It’s PvP/PvE together.
yeah but, its the Mist why do we have common mobs there? since mist worklike FoW or UW, it would be more eye candy if it have is own biome and mobs.
I for one like having the mobs in there, makes the world feel alive, but do agree that we should have map specific/mist specific type mobs in there.
I think people here are coming from the narrow point of view. Me me me me me. You are not in WvW alone. If you don’t have mastery on one character, it’s fine, someone around you will.
I have plenty of alts of which I enjoy WvW with. Many of us played before this addition and got along fine. Just play. The ranks come with play and one person isn’t going to change the outcome of a battle. The ranks are a bonus to what we have been doing anyway.
Sure the WvW titles take long as you know what, but it’s a game meant to be played over years. That I suspect is the reasoning behind that. For some titles in Guild Wars, it could take years so I see no difference with these. They don’t add a buff so it’s all fluff.
As far as ranks being able to be seen in pve, I can agree with that. You should be able to show off any of your accomplishments. Would be nice if they just added a badge next to your world completion star similar to what many world militaries do.
Long story short, I too think it’s fine having ranks be account bound.
Funny OP.
As far as the bow goes, I personally think it’s great. Besides, its not like this is the last of the legendary weapons, pretty sure more will make an appearance down the road.
The bow itself to me is one of the better looking bows, would like it better without the tassels, but hey, it is what it is. Seems like people usually talk about its effects though, the pony arrows.
In GW, I think I pretty much only used 3 bow skins (had a collection of most of them for my 2 rangers though). The crescent moon bow, the shadow bow, and the ivory bow, maybe 1 more with the grinning recurve. These bows have shapes that appeal to me. In GW2, I’m finding the same issue with not having many bow skins that I like.
Most have a weird arc in the structure or a hook at the ends that just look weird to me. They don’t flow. They don’t look good in my hands or on my back. Short bows are they worst. There is an Ivory bow lookalike here though. The Guild comm longbow has a nice design, wish the short bow was its look alike.
I do however agree that each of the current weapons should have a double like Twilight/Sunrise. Makes no sense that greatswords get the better treatment in this game while others get none.
My experience thus far has been a total shift from previous MMO’s. To make friends here I had to join a guild, otherwise it’s hard pressed to find folks in the open world to party with just for the sake of partying and doing things together. While map chat may have some chatter boxes and a conversation may be going on and you may even get involved, but that doesn’t mean someone just made your friends list.
Most of the (active) people on my friends list stem from people who I have run dungeons with or were former guildies. I also have some followers but that’s kind of creepy, then again w/the way that’s setup I may be a follower of someone myself.
Anyhow, guilds is where it’s at for making friends. That and running dungeons. SOR has some decent map conversations at times. SOR even has a friendly helpful community (GW2 is just that way in general, to me, so was the first game), but if you want to make friends, you have to do the work and balance that with not seeming needy.
I actually ask map chat from time to time if anyone wants to group for map clears or events in general. Guess that’s another way to meet folks and possibly earn a friend. I usually get crickets, but hey…worth a shot. Folks to me seem like they just don’t wanna group which is why I said hard pressed.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
HOM daggers r enough for me til something comes down the pipe. Would definitely like to see more skins though. I was a fan of the talon daggers, the oni daggers, the chromatic shards, the jade daggers, the forgotten dagger skins, the tormented daggers and the DRAGON SCYTHES from guild wars.
Other than those, didn’t really like the skins. Most other games I have played seemed like they had a better selection geared to my taste. All subjective and to each his/her own.
Question wrapped up in a whine bundle: Why oh why are the pink glowey weapons that have that awesome Mesmer Phantasm aura to them have to be modeled after the crappiest lowbie weapons ingame,(not counting the shield Wall of the Mist as it’s modeled after the crappy day version of the AC forge shield)? Why man whyyyyyyyyyy.
BTW, I too used 40 keys trying to get a fused wep, no go…RNG hates me. Heres to hoping for more permanent weapons.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
1. Raiding (not for the gear progression, more so it was something for guilds to do together, currently in GW2 the only thing that fits this is WvW.)
2. Flying- well, the only reason I played Aion, half the reason I played COH and DCUO.
3. Mounts- Spent a lot of time getting those hard to get mounts just to show off, kitten I guess. MMO’s are about showing off rewards, whether it’s the dressing of your dolls (that’s what my wife says), or showing off a particular item. Conversation pieces I guess.
4. Strategic PvP- miss that from guild wars…some of the most memorable pvp moments I’ve had in gaming in this rpg style format. GvG/HA is something I could watch, can’t say that for most pvp of any style in any MMO even though Guilds Wars wasn’t really an MMO, close though. FA/JQ spent many hours doing these…GW2 needs some objective based pvp. Not sure if it can be done right though, with no healers and everything zerg zerg zerg, bunker this, zerk that… There isn’t any real team work going on. Guild Wars had a front line/mid line/back line set up. Every move you made you did it for a reason, here it’s identify the bunker…leave him alone kill everything else, back to bunker. Spectator is actually refreshing though, seeing setups I wouldn’t have thought of and people making it work.
5. Emotes galore-so far, just about every other MMO or for that matter AAA MMO has done it better. Time will tell.
6. Instruments- LOTRO had a great system there. Guild Wars atleast had the air instrument emotes.
7. Housing and Crafting- EQ/SWG probably the best to date. GW2 do it.
8. Guild Management tools- Um, yeah.
9. Person to Person trading-currently this is something I won’t do here, not without protections. So, forced to use the TP. And why the TP doesn’t have time limits on items posted is beyond me, with the % lost from the tp taking our cash from buying or posting…I think time limits would reel a lot of that in.
10. More Skills/More Classes- Time will tell, this game is still a baby.
Not new weapons per se, but the ability to use land weapons underwater if appropriate, and also opposite, using underwater weapons on land.
This! However, that would mean more skills and honestly, I would rather have them create skills for the land weapons before we go any further down that road mainly because I think it’s safe to say we all spend more time on land whether it’s Tyria or in the Mist.
TBH IMO, When it comes to underwater combat…I’m glad we have it. Even in it’s current form, it’s better than 99% of what other MMO’s have. Sure there are complaints about it, can’t please everyone. It’s an on occasion type thing. Sunken worlds and then back to the day to day fight. Sometimes a lake is easier to swim across to get to point B so I’m glad we have swimming in general.
Underwater does make for some great exploration, especially if there’s a cave system attached. They should add some pitch black caves underwater that you need to bring light for and then have some crazy beast down/in there.
In my view, the bonfire or the dungeon wasn’t the end. It was just the pause button. We still don’t know who was behind the alliance in the first place. It certainly wasn’t Gaheron. Who took over the reigns for him, the Flame Legion presses on and someone is making the decisions.
The dungeon bosses were protoypes and probably the largest Charr/Dredge specimens we’ve seen so far. Something is cooking there, many loose ends.
Now we get filler with what’s going on with the refugees after this incident. Displaced and unruly in Southsun.
I’m willing to bet that somewhere down the road after many of these arcs we get the “BLAAAT BAMMMM MOFOS” effect with finding out all the things we didn’t know about during Flame and Frost. A “Luke, I am your father” moment like…as it turns out, ROX was actually behind it. She had been recruited by secret Flame Legion Sect to orchestrate the whole thing, someone in her warband found out and she killed them all becoming gladium. When their plans start to go sour with their armies being slaughtered and info being obtained from prisoners, a new plan is hatched…get in good with Rytlock. All of this was just a distraction while the real plan was being put into place, buying time to open a portal to the UW and other realms to once again unleash a sleeping titan.
I still remember being duped by the lich king in the flameseeker prophecies.
the thing that bothers me is: why?
i farm ascended gear so i can go deep in a dungeon that is always the same but add a cheap difficulty by increasing mobs hp and damage and a new condition called agony?
and i farm it so it can get even more difficult? why?
what’s the reward in doing any level of fractal?don’t get me wrong, i still like it and since i don’t want to buy/drop too much ascended i set myself on celestial stat, so i can still change build if i wish so, fractal dungeon has good loot and nice mechanics, but i’m getting tired of the same istances over and over again for no reason.
if they can answer my question at why should i run high level fractals than an ascended armor (maybe with celestial stats) would do, but until than it’s not only pointless, but what will happen to runes and sigils? jewels orb already dropped in price so much that gems are worth less than salvageable items during those monthly salvage achievement (but the ruby for the obvious reason that everybody likes big number and run berserker builds).
another reason i would say no to ascended armor is because they are messed up only for the sake of agony slots. i have to give up stats for agony resistance, look at the new backpack for example, these new backpack they added are nice, but as a matter of fact less effective than any exotic backpack with an upgrade in it. if you ascend them they don’t get better because they will always have 3 stats instead of 6…
also there is a lack of celestial stats on backpack (this is the reason i still don’t have one, i don’t want to choose and than farm 250 stack of any tier6 mats in case i change my mind).so unless they do this in a less chaotic way, with no new currency, with no alt unfriendly time consuming way of get them, i would say no.
i will always say yes to more skins or maybe legendary armor
I believe if you upgrade the tentacle back, you get the 3 additional fixed stats.
As far as fractals, I also believe that more are coming. Year 1 is laying the foundation for other systems/armor/weapons/dungeons to come.
With that said, no more currency pls. If we keep getting all these currencies, not gonna need 1 but 2 panes in the bank to accommodate. I know that’s not coming for probably 1-2yrs if at all.
I actually want 5 things:
1. Ability to enhance exotic into ascended via mystic forge/infusion process.
2. New Ascended armor/weapons with open slots with ascended jewels/runes/sigils (no more of this fixed stat crap)
3. Ability to get it in normal play, dropping from mobs/chest/players in wvw in addition to a vendor.
4. New skins for ascended/exotic sets altogether
5. Tier4 exotic cultural
After that I want:
1. More exotic/ascended skins
While I wait for:
1. More Legendary Weapons
2. Legendary Armor
With hopes to get:
True Legendaries, skins with multitudes of lore behind them.
Not to mention that the game is still under the year mark. This game actually has quite a few choices for a game this young, infact…I’d go so far to say that it has more than most, I imagine 2-3yrs in that the selection will be more than most games at 5yrs.
Now whether or not the selection appeals to a player, well…that is a different story. I personally like very few sets in this game, but like many individual pieces. Chest pieces are probably the best done from my stand point. Boots/Helms and Shoulders could use some love across the board. Leggings are generally to my liking also.
i think you can not compare gw and gw2, there are different game mechanics and whole game concept..
for me is gw the most awesome game i have ever played, but i enjoy gw2 too :-)
I agree, you can’t compare an open world game to a team based instanced game. Wondering if there are any mobs in any mmo that could totally own someone in the open world. The only time I think it happens is if the mob is of mini-boss/raid boss caliber or the player has taken on too many or just plain went to sleep.
Guild Wars was great, but the entire game was essentially a lobby town game with dungeon after dungeon…the open world there, ya…dungeon. The only time you ran alone is if you were doing just that…running or was using some sort of invinci-build to farm. Enemies in there kind of had to be balanced around team v team play.
Flip side to that I get though, if you were to 1v1 from character to mob it still makes for an interesting fight, if you had the counter skills of what the mob was carrying. Because if you meet that mob and your build sucks, you would certainly go and change it to counter.
I also think direct healing played a role but won’t go into that.
Try soloing a dungeon here, not easy. Granted, the combat doesn’t seem to be as complex or deep here, but it’s decent for the game type, (action combat). This game and other action combat games are the building blocks for what we will see coming out 5years from now
Whips and flails-Thieves/Rangers/Eles/Necros/Wars/Guards
Books of Magic-Eles/Mesmers/Necros/Guards.
TBH, anything new would be great.
My personal opinion, it worked in guild wars because guild wars was built around the concept. They said years ago that they were aiming for something a little more traditional with single classes I believe because of the headache issues they had with balancing. I can see their point. Would I like to be able to use other class abilities, sure. Do I need them, no.
If implemented I would use them.
What I would rather have though is maybe some new abilities per class and maybe some Omni skills that were available to all classes, sort of like how racials are. These skills could be used in a utility slot or Elite slot.
That is all.
P.S. I deep down think people keep asking for this only because this the sequel to Guild Wars. If this game were made by another developer, you would never see this topic unless it were along the lines of a what if topic.
Portals to jp’s in Guild Wars 2 is like the only service to be provided player to player.
Like Deamhan, it too reminds me of runs in Guild Wars, enchanting in WoW or crafting services in other games.
Wish crafting played a larger role player to player.
Anyhow, I usually tip 20-25s if I use the portal, If I create it I expect nothing…just helping out is enough for me.
My opinion,
Add MF (many I know thought it was a decent dungeon) to fractals, bring in Fused weapons as a reward.
If I could have it my way…I’d get rid of the cof weapons and insert the fused ones, they might not appeal to everyone, but look better than those.
Anyhow, I used about 40keys trying to get at least one ticket, no go. Probably won’t be doing that again.
I look at it this way,
They gave half to the crowd who don’t step into fractals and half to the crowd who do.
And if you want to max out the exotic one (not sure if the fervid can be made ascended) to get the additional fixed stat, farm in southsun.
Either that or transmute, transmute, transmute. If your a fractal player, your going to transmute to a capacitor or quiver, if not…then you don’t get the infusion slot.
It’s kind of win win unless you want to just wear it out of the box. Even though I say that, it’s not practical. It’s like this stuff is being over thought about. It happens all the time. Ever heard the phrase “you’re so smart you’re stupid”.
Again, I don’t know who is doing this kind of stuff or making the decisions, but I can say that it is frustrating the heck out of players. Stat combos missing, now stats missing, infusion slots for players who don’t do fractals, ascended gear with “baked in” stats totally getting rid of a jewel system. Back pieces sitting next to all the accessory items but can’t use exquisite jewels or runes, but can use a lesser jewel. Magic Find done in a totally unpractical way. Limited time kitten skins (fused weapons) when you got craptastic dungeon weapon skins ie: CoF and dungeons that don’t even get their own skins..but just recolored stuff ie; SE and CoE. Who is making these decisions.
All separate issues, I know…but this stuff is piling up.
Anyhow…I’d say transmute unless you can use the stats on item, infuse it to get the additional stats. Probably the cheapest ascended backpiece w/how often karkashells are dropping now.
Ok, so now it has come to my attention that the fused weapons are gone. Wow, is all I have to say. IMO, those weapons look better than many of the weapons we can get, including named ones and I now I will never be able own one because they were apart of the RNGchest, I opened about 40 and no ticket.
I did the same thing with the Halloween items.
These examples have left a very bad taste in my mouth. Now we have another set drifting around in the chest, because they don’t appeal to me I won’t be buying the new RNGchest. Even if they did I would be weary because I’ve been burnt twice now.
I don’t know what to say here. Sad that instead of making really great skins to add as an addition to the forever game, you make decent skins on a limited time basis for limited time content and only via RNGchest. Things like this are starting to pile up and have made me start to look elsewhere for my mmo fix. I get RNG for the open world and dungeons, but what has happened with these chest ultimately doesn’t sit well with me.
Actually, let me rephrase that. What has happened with the fused weapons doesn’t sit well with me. Put them in the store and let me buy them outright. At least the SAB items I thought were done better. The holiday stuff for wintersday I thought was done well even though I didn’t purchase any, didn’t really go with any of my characters looks.
edit: actually, add them to the world as drops…(fused weapons). Or bring back the MF dungeon as a fractal or something and have the weapons drop there.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
I think capes would make a nice addition to the game. I personally would like them long and flowing unlike the ones we saw in Guild Wars. I’m talking some dragging on the ground.
As far as not having them because of the Charr issue, well, I can wait until they get them right as we will have to wait for when Anet wants to work and implement them anyways.
I think at the heart, Raids were/are something in games that guilds could do together. Sure pugs do them, but imo were created specifically with guilds in mind.
When it comes to pve, I think we need something beyond guild missions to do as guilds because even guild missions isn’t something really done together (guild bounties/trek, I’m lookin at you). Guild rushes is fun and all and something we do together, but we need something more, imo.
We shouldn’t be telling ourselves why raids wouldn’t work, we should be coming up with ways in which they would. I agree with current design that it seems like they wouldn’t work, but I think that having a dungeon scheme with more than 5 players need to make its way in. Right now the only thing that is really available for guilds to do together on larger scales that provide any sort of challenge is WvW. Pvp is always challenging though.
I agree with Arkham. I approved this message.
Suggestion/Want post. two options
Option 1.
Somewhere down the line I would like a weapon set that you could add particle effects to. Something like the effects you see on many weapons already.
Prime example: Take the effect used on that ghastly shield, the shadowy one and apply it to a weapon.
You would have options like: Shadow
Foe fire
Flames of different colors 1.deep red like fiery gladius
2. Green Flames
3. Pink Flames
4. Purple Flames
Surging Electricity of different colors (anyone remember mongoose in WoW, that one really popped like colorful tattoo, don’t think I’ll ever forget it even though I haven’t played that game for years. Nice cyan color.)
I even think you could do this with the guild weapons we have already, the set on the guild comm vendor. They look pretty cool already, but would be epic with some effects on them.
Option 2.
Or just have some more weapon sets with those type of effects. Shadow like that shield for sure, or just more mystical looking items in general.
Naming your weapon. (new weapon skin set)
You name your weapon and pick from a list of text to add it to your weapon to give some sort of description much like the majority of karma weapons have. This is more or less for your personal character sheet. I don’t know about anyone else, but I like some of the things being said on these items. Too bad they are just generic skins.
Not even the Legendary items have that text. Shouldn’t they? Shouldn’t there be some sort of lore for these items in general?
From personal exp, they seem to drop a lot in lower level areas and I get quite a few from harvesting veggies/plants. They don’t seem to drop as often in higher level areas, I’d say lvl 40+ areas. I do get a few here and there in but just not as often while traversing basically starter areas.
If indeed we get GvG down the road then I support guild halls. Battles on your own turf or opposing guilds turf is a good idea. Was a good idea for GW1 also.
Could be good for guild gatherings and such too. Why not?
Not sure what I would rather have though, player housing or guild halls.
If it were up to me, I would add a section to each map outside of Orr where there would be an instanced map with say, room for 20-50 guilds apiece. Make it sandboxey. You have to build them. You have to pay for upkeep. Basically you have to keep shrubbery down or you get overgrowth and deterioration and world creatures moving in, stuff like yellow or ambient creatures already seen.
As a guild you would pay for NPC’s that give discounts, but those NPC’s don’t work for free. They must make a wage or owe you favors. You could even have personal Guild Story Missions were you and guildies help Npc’s to gain them as workers and they become your NPC guild member.
If you were going to have GvG, you could have it in the largest halls, if your guild doesn’t own one of the largest you could rent one from another guild at a set cost.
So many things could be done to make something like this or any other ideas great. This is just off the top of my head. I’m sure someone with a better mind could come up with some really fantastic ideas for either, guild halls or player housing.
I personally think MF was done in a not so practical way.
I personally think ascended gear was done in a not so practical way. But I kind of dig the MF on ascended gear, but not done in a practical way.
IMO, MF should be in addition to regular stated gear, something to be added on. That way there is a base of which has everyone on equal footing. I mean MF could have had it’s own slot like a jewel. You have to create/find these jewels to help you earn better rewards.
You could have had ascended gear be infused with MF and AR. You could have had an infusion process that allowed you to add MF to your gear. I just think the whole thing was done in a way that rewards those who actually bring less to the team. It’s not much less as content isn’t really that difficult, but It could have been a really great system with more goals to work for.
The best gear in the game would have optimal stats +MF.
Oh, and what I meant to say about ascended gear being done wrong has to do with another topic mostly concerning fixed stats and the omission of jewels (so far). Hope if Armors/weapons make it in, that it’s done right and not make runes/jewels/sigils obsolete with fixed crap. Done correctly imho would be as I described, additional slot for MF, so
Main Stat
Secondary stat
Secondary stat
Rune/Jewel/Sigil slot
Agony infusion slot
Magic Find slot
Buy back would definitely be of use in this game for instances like the op’s or at least a tool tip to describe what you are getting yourself into when purchasing items like this that have currencies that take forever to get (laurels/guild comms..of which many still can’t get at all).
On the other hand, if this is not your first rodeo, blame yourself. MMO’s, videogames and other gaming formats have had “Unique” items, of which you could only equip one.
I support personal stat meters. In other words meters that allow you to gauge your own performance to help you find holes in stat allocation.
Combat in this game is more reactive, so a dps meter wouldn’t really tell the whole story. Just because you wear optimal gear sets won’t help you survive an encounter.
Not that they are hard beyond belief anyways.
Even if you wear all zerker gear and sport a power build, different weapon set ups will obviously show different numbers. Remember, in games that kind of require a parser for gear check fights don’t really have weapon swaps.
Speaking of which, MMO’s like WoW that support 3rd party programs such as recount/other group wide/raid wide parsers (most games don’t have an ingame parser, personal or otherwise), usually kind of need them as they have gear check fights
that have ENRAGE TIMERS. You need to have the dps to beat particular fights before the enrage wipes the entire group. So meters provide a way to find weak links in the chain and either help gear them, find optimal rotations or replace them.
ENRAGE TIMERS don’t exist here. This game is more of a “don’t stand in the flames” type of game even more so than most. With downscaling involved, a 60 in 60 gear can perform just as good as a 76 in 76 gear. I guess many don’t understand that.
I’ve gone into AC with 80’s in exotics and ascended pieces and watch them go down regularly while the 55 in the group handles like a champ.
The only real place that I see players get destroyed is when a level 80 in exotics comes across anything under rare in WvW. Upscaling I don’t think works quite as well player vs player. Mobs and pve seem totally different.
Anyway, I’m for personal meters tracking stats as you go.
Not for group wide dps meters in 5man dungeons. Just not needed imo. Not like any of the content is undoable even if ppl are donning crappy builds that just don’t work.
We have a bank tab.
We have a collectables tab.
Now we could use a currency tab.
IMHO, having an infinite spot or high cap (9999) for each form of currency would be optimal.
Second to that if you are going to cap it, cap it at the cost of at least a full set of gear + 2 weapons.
Third to that, like someone already said, be able to trade a particular amount for 1 ala bubble baubles.
MMO gamers from what I have seen over the years have been pack rats, me included, so I know I would appreciate this quality of life suggestion. +1.
I agree with the OP to a degree, especially on the topic of AC. I hail from a pretty populated server. I always see players in every zone during my travels, kind of the same numbers I’ve seen since about the mid of September, so I won’t say the game is dying in the open world.
But, when it comes to doing dungeons, that’s a whole different ballgame. If it ain’t CoF p1, then it ain’t getting done. A generalized exaggeration, but kind of has a hint of truth. I too remember when the dungeons to do were AC all paths, CoF p1 +2 and maybe CoE 3n1’s. Not counting fractals, CoF p1 is the only thing that I can group for with speed, everything else…takes forever.
Since AC’s reboot, gw2lfg.com looks like a CoF/Fractals lfg tool. Dungeons are a huge draw for me in themepark MMO’s. I like to do them to be doing something as themeparks don’t have many tools to sustain themselves, unless ofc they have their grinds and treadmils ala the EQ/WoW model. If this were a sandbox title, I wouldn’t be worried about any of this, I would have many other things to do besides dungeons.
Granted, I could be leveling alts (have 5 80’s already), I could be gearing for different builds (lol), I could be trying to get legendaries for each weapon slot (too much time involved there). So what do I do, I traverse the open world hitting up metas and nodes helping with the occasional DE or running CoF p1 (when I’d rather be running CoF p3). I just don’t know what to say.
When I can’t find groups even within my own guild because they would rather run CoF p1, that’s got to say something.
Now, folks can say that AC isn’t difficult, I agree…it isn’t, that’s not the issue. Perceived time vs reward in comparison of all other dungeons compounded by the opinion that dungeons in this game aren’t very fun in general, it’s just that much more not worth it to do. I personally think each path or each boss for that matter should drop very specific things. Remember green weapons in GW1, something like that.
You want people to play your dungeons, got to give up something that draw in the crowds.
So, pre AC rebuild…the dungeons to run were AC all paths and CoF p1 and p2. That has diminished/dwindled down to CoF p1. I don’t know about others but finding groups for other dungeons is like pulling a tooth, mind you…not counting fractals. That’s even within my own guild (of 500 ppl, crazy right…they just want cof p1 and metas).
I do the CoF path 1 thing myself, but would like to do something different but just can’t field the groups to do them on a regular basis. I post on gw2lfg and hear from almost no one concerning any other paths/dungeons, but as soon as I post for CoF p1, the response is almost instant. If this is happening to more than just me, from my perspective, can’t be good for the game.
I propose a system where a particular item will drop from each boss, maybe even just every dungeon end boss. Maybe even just a high enough chance to keep ppl doing the various dungeons. Combine all the items to start a precursor quest. WvW version of the system…keep and tower mobs have the same chance to drop said items …once combined begins your precursor quest. With something like that, you could even introduce a system that covers a spvp version of gaining an spvp legendary.
You could also slap that sort of thing onto mobs in the open world, just have it be a different item, having different zones house the different items and attach them to champions and DE’s. IE: must collect (numberxxxxx) relics of each type.
Fireheart Rise = Burning hearts
Frostgorge Sound= Frozen Icebrood vials
Combine all items to begin your quest for a precursor. Once you have your precursor, begin another quest line to unlock it’s true power.
Something like this I think would pull ppl out of CoF p1 and put them in other dungeons, make ppl join the wvw fight or give an interest to spvp.
I agree with other though, nerf CoF p1 and folks will just navigate to the next easily done dungeon that rewards the most for your time. Fractals I think were done correctly in that there are plenty of reasons to them ranging from increasing your personal level to possibly obtaining a fractal only skin to obtaining rings and items for your backpiece.
my 2 cents, probably dumb to many…but just the way I think sometimes.
The human vs centaur stuff is one of my favorite elements of world PvE. It feels like a lot of it was done before the Renown Heart system was put into place, so events regarding centaurs, their fortresses, and their assaults on human settlements feel a lot more connected and cohesive. I think the quality of the warfare events is behind the popularity of Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Gendarren Fields, and Harathi Hinterlands.
I’d love an Orr-style map that was all about centaurs. No Renown Hearts, just a war between centaurs and humans where the lines of battle were in constant flux.
I hope every zone moving forward is like Orr with no heart system. Just huge event chains. Southsun was a start I guess, but not enough going on there. I hope the next campaign/exp pack comes complete with no hearts…just exploration.
I would play most any race that folks have suggested, I think the only issue I would have with becoming a Centaur is jumping through hoops trying to get a jump puzzle done. Seems like it would be awkward. Then again, I do from time to time do it on all fours with a weapon stowed Charr.
I feel left out, why am I not being stalked?
Serious note though, I agree that there should be the addition of: Blocked means they can’t see any information about you, or always appear offline in every regard. Even achievement points come up as nothing.
As far as the :must confirm friends, I dunno…they must have had some reason for adding the follower system. Not sure what it was, but it’s there. Maybe stalking to an extent was an intention.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
Helm/Shoulders/Chest = COE
Gloves= Vigil
Leggings= w/e the crafted ones are called
Boots= Hom skin over random exotic
Mind you that this is just one set, each character I have stores a few sets.
Helm= T2
Chest= WvW invaders skin
Gloves= currently wearing duelist, but getting arah gloves as they don’t clip with invaders chest.
Leggings= T2
Boots= Duelist
Shoulders not shown, but are vigil, I swap out with order of whispers quite often.
from dropped dyes,
1 abyss
1 black
0 celestial
0 white
I seem to get cotton candy a lot. Have had quite a few of the midnight varieties drop. Haven’t really touched on the mystic toilet version of acquiring them. Mostly just bought the ones I like/want.