Showing Posts For Amadeus.5687:

I was just told there would be an HGH nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


The only change that really felt clumsy and careless up to now, have been the way they did handle Kit Refinment, which I still believe will turn out awesome when the remove that shared internal Cooldown

I was just told there would be an HGH nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I think you are right in many ways Maullus, but I think the biggest question and problem we face is:

“When is something Viable?”

I mean, I have been dueling a lot in sPvP lately, and I do my daily in Hot joints all the time, and I have tested my confusion build in marts month inside tPvP a few times, and I had a lot of fun, and it worked perfectly fine for me there! I mean

The question is then? is it viable, but what is viable? is something only viable if the top 5% of the player base in tPvP deem it worthy to fit into the current Meta they have there? or is it viable when it works just fine for the remaning 95% of the playerbase? (I don’t claim It do, nor that I have the answear).

Because, if I can go into sPvP and fight toe on toe with rank 40+ players, (there is some what many 1vs1 encounters in my little experince doing tPvP), then I gues it’s somewhat “viable”? ain’t it? Again, I don’t have the answear for when something is viable, but I have yet to see someone come we a real answear to that!

@Maskagnada: Also, thanks :P

edit: Also WvW got different playing areas, where you need to fullfill different roles or do different objectives, but the requirement for optimal builds is just as hardcore as in sPvP, if you roam around in a bad roaming build, you will get melted by the other roamers, just as if you try run a zerg buster unit with 20 people in roaming builds will get destoryed! There is a lot more to WvW then most sPvP players reliase, which is fine if they don’t care about it, but there is just as much complexity in serious WvW, as in tPvP

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


ahhh god kitten Maskaganda! Now the entire community will know I’m exploiting!!! :O

But yeah, that NE cam kitten imply the most fun to camp at, and thanks for the tips about easy action can be found by camping camps!

On the Sigils, I actually think a long way you are right, I have begun some slow testing with it actually, atm it’s Superior Sigil of Leeching, which steals 975 (So deal 975 pure damage, toughness don’t migate it when I see the damage, and heals me for 975), which works awesome a lot of the time! Also it’s neat I don’t need to be in melee range!

I’m for sure gonna test Geomancy and Hydromancy as well, I want to stay away from the might stacks hehe, so won’t try Battle! But as I swap kits so much as I am, I’m also afraid, that at least for the 120 range sigils I often will waste them! But it will be tested

Edit. Also one thing I really love about this build, is the last utility slot is sooo open, so I can swap it on the run for whatever I feel like, it’s a great feeling! the ones I use the most are: Elixir S (The best in any 1vs2+ encounters), Elixir R (the best vs condition classes for me), Rocket Boots (So awesome in 1vs1 sitautions, still good vs more), Net Turret (The best 1vs1 tool against anything that ain’t a 100% burst Thief or shatter mesmer) and mine (for when I just wanna have fun and troll a Thief ^^)

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Here we goes everyone! I had a lot of data I stacked up doing my roaming time in Gunnar’s Hold, and it was some time since I last did a roaming video! Soooo here we goes! Confusion bomb Vol. 2! Enjoy it everyone!

The patch notes come out and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Even while Warrior is EASY MODE, Engineer beats Warrior in PvP encounters! Never got the fuss about them, really

also, CoF farming noobs don’t know what they are talking abou half the time, I mean, I have farmed that place A LOT as well, on my Engineer!
Going Full zerker with ruby orbs, 30/10/0/0/30 even, and just standing there spamming nades on each boss, makes me the highest damage dealer in a group with me, a mesmer, and 3x kitten Warriors! Why? Because I can keep 15-20 Vulnerbillity stacks running while still doing my own damage, which means I get a Bonus 15-20% damage from each of the other players in THE group! I stack the condition —> The extra damage they do is “my” damage!

Does most random PvE players understand that? no ofc. not, but that’s because all they think is PEW PEW PEW see my 100blade!! Which is also the reaon I only ever could be kitten to do it with guilds runs, but I need the kitten gold! :P But you are right that the Engineer is far more complicated then the Warrior

Also it shoul be noted it’s freaking boring to just spam Grenades, but that’s a design flaw, the option is still there

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

How does Confusion work ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


^ Maskaganda is right! It’s the same for all healing skill, the poision effect will trigger on the heal, thne it’s removed! the Thief heal that removes burning, poison and bleeding, and the necromancer one that remove all condition would be insane strong if they removed the posion first!

Freeze ray

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Rezzet, Ride the lightning does not cause knockback, RoL is skil 4 on dagger, air attuenment, what most Elementalist’s do (bad ones that is), is they instant follow up RoL with skill 5 on the dagger air, Updraft, that will knock the enemy down, send them a bit back and grant then Swiftness

The patch notes come out and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Nick not to discredit you, but you need to take into account with the smoke bomb they nerfed all the smoke screen skills, like Thief Pistol skill 5, also got changed, that were an general meta balance, because they found it to powerfull!

Also, Engineer’s had been abusing Incendiary Powder since beta, and that trait was insane OP, it’s still a freaking good trait that a lot of people use! and I’m pretty sure we all can agree that the Toss Elixir R, was a quite fair change, because it is so powerfull, it need that long CD, I mean, it’s all most an elite skill (look at the ress banner from Warrior’s, ofc. not as good, but still)

Now, I don’t think they nerf builds, I think they nerf build concepts, which ain’t bad! If the entrie meta is centered around HGH (it ain’t, but still), and we only see different HGH builds, then they should nerf/balance out these builds!

Also, to this date the only nerf I think did destroy builds have been the Kit Refinement Nerf, why I still hope they are gona look more into!

The patch notes come out and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


translated: i took the easiest class through the most farmed instance for free loot and that makes me a super good player and op and better than you.

did i sum that up?

cuz that’s kitten garbage.

engies rule. like it or leave, no skin off our backs.

You forgot the part where he turns into the easiest kill in the entire game to get in WvW! That’s the important part! Full zerkers = free Loot bags <3

Engineer - need lubbins <3

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Please… Again, this post is from DECEMBER! >< It’s not valid at all, for anything!


Overview of recent changes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


a quite important fix/buff that have been is that:

Weapon stats now work on our Kits

Sigils now work on our Kits

Prybar now gives 5 stacks of confusion for 5 seconds, instead of 3 for 3 seconds, making it one of the best skills we have!

Also to cut it short, Power builds for Engineer’s is still a bit lack luster beside Grenade builds, and few FT builds that people get to work, but our condition damage builds have never been stronger, we are the supreme condition damage dealer both in sPvP and WvW at the given time! We have insane accres to all the damage conditions, so it get’s pretty silly from time to time :P

Edit: Also we still have a insane high amount of negativity on our Engineer forums, so you will need to get used to that

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Engineer Song!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Okay, that was actually super super funny hahaha xD

Engineer Beginner Info

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


For some beginner information check out my commentary videos about the Engineer, also I got several videos showing different builds for WvW porpuse if you are into that Follow the link in my signature!

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hey there Welswift! It was a really intrestring question you came up with! Now, I have never tested this out, but you really got me set on some Theory crafting! And I’m actually quite happy with how this turned out, so might actually give it a go myself as well!

It looks like this:|4.1b.h5||1c.719.1c.719.1c.719.1c.719.1c.719.1c.719|1b.63.1b.63.1b.63.1b.63.1b.63.1b.63|k53.k6a.0.a1.k68|30.7|2d.2e.2x.2j.0|e

I call it the Confusion Bomb Hybrid!

I went with you haveing a full P/V/T armor set and a Rifle, and I actually ended up wih a quite decent amount of Power, Condition dmaage, 40% crit chance and plenty of defensive stats!

There is a few things you have to keep in mind and can consider:
Immobilse scales with your condition duration, so your net shot will last even longer
You a bit low on burning, so maybe swap Rocket boots in, instead of elixir S (I would do that), since you all ready got a lot of defensive stats
The Sigil is open to you, but I recommend that you have have a weapon set (maybe 2x Pistols for faster gain) with Corruptio so you cna get the bonus 250! I do recommend Generosity/Purity for the conditon removal tho.
You will have a kitten ton of blind and control, so you will really be a pain to 1vs1!
Also your bombs and prybar will do a healthy mix of power damage first + the condition damage!
you still got 60% condition duration!

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


and if you can’t see the difference in being useful and not useful in WvW when doing solo play, then you are doing it extremely wrong! If you need 10-15 people for doing something usefull in WvW that’s fine, the rest of us can do it just fine solo

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Spiuk got and put tyour ignorance somewhere up in a dark hole where it can have fun!

Supply Camp capturing, defending, Dolyak defending and killing, reincorment harrasement ect. is all very important and usefull things to do in WvW, beside running and ramming your head into stuff with zerg!

Which ascended did you go for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I have gotten all out on my condition damage, since I decided that’s what I find the most fun, so I went for the Rabid stuff, gonna get the ones with all stats the next time ^^

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


You are wrong, I got several video’s proving that you are wrong, and I can’t be kitten to discuss it anymore then that you do not need 1700 toughness to roam!

I was just told there would be an HGH nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


there is 6918 view’s on the topic, I’m quite sure if I sum up all the Mesmer, Thief or Elementalist topics that been the last week they out do it a lot! Just be happy all gather i one topic for the Engineer’s, and the view number is flawed by the simple reason SOOO many Engineer’s link it aorund on this forum and so many of them reply, which means it get’s a lot more attention then it would have gotten if you guy’s had left it alone in sPvP

Also, it’s not a BAD thing there is BALANCE talk about A build, it’s healthy to actually DISCUSS a build, if the HGH truely is Overpowered, that will only be found out by testing and discussing it in such forum! Even if we only have one awesome build in tPvP, and it’s OP, it should be nerfed into an balanaced state where it will still be playable in high tier tPvP

It’s funny how this all ways turns into a horrible thing <.<

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@LotuS his sitting at about 1500 Toughness
Keep in mind that not all matchups have those huge blobs, I recently moved away from Piken Square because my guild and myself got to tired of these 60-70+ groups running around! We now max face groups of 40 people most of the time, and that’s only rare and in EB, so it’s a lot better!

and heck, even in T3+ you can have a lot of fun roaming around taking camps, or following the zerk to pick off people from the side! There is a lot more to WvW then blob fighting!

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


The first build looks really solid now! I would swap the Force Sigil for Corruption, because you will get 25 stacks fast in WvW, and it’s a lot of condition damage right there! Personal I run with Corrpution until 20-25 stacks and then I swap it for sigil of force!

The second build you link is really strong (that’s what Maskaganda run), but I would try get “somewhat” the stats his running, 60% critical chance with a lot of Fury uptime (20%+ crit chance), is over kill, so you want to trade the Rabid armor for Carrion or even some soldier armor (or a mix), so you will sit on the 40-45% mark without fury!

For how Maskaganda’s build work you can look it up on youtube, he got some awesome footage of it in roaming action!

I was just told there would be an HGH nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Lupanic Funny how there is only like what? one thread in the sPvP forums about Engineer being OP? and plenty other threads still complaining about Elementalists, Mesmer and Thief’s popping up the entire time?

The only other palce there is constant whine about HGH egnineer is funny enough here, on the engineer forums? I wonder why…. Oh right because you are all exaggerating like there is no 2morrow over a single balance thread!! silly silly Engineer community(

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


That is a start yeah! If you want to roll with that in WvW, I would swap out the 2x Fire Runes for 2x Lyssa, and then swap your guns for 2x Giver’s weapons, that would put you on 100% condition duration, making the bleeding last for 24 seconds from nade skill 2, and incendary Powder burn last for 4 seconds, and since you run the classic HGH grenade build you will be a bit low on burning, so the longer you can have it last, the better!

Also I would probaly swap the attunement Crystals for the Maintance Oil, Critical chance should lay at 40-45% mark, and you will have plenty of condition damage since your running a HGH build!

Grenade are never NEEDED in WvW, they are just quite potent, but it really depends a lot on what you like to do in WvW ^^

Advantages of playing an Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Check out my commentary videos for information as a new Engineer wanting to do WvW! You can follow the link in my signature

HGH P/P Cond Armor - What is best for WvWvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


The patch notes come out and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Nothing much will happen. This community is pretty dead at this point.

I wouldn’t really call the Community dead, more that most of the Engineer community is stuck in the same mind set, with large numbers of it all following the FOTM build, with any new idea’s that may spire in the community with new builds ect. get’s drowned in the whine thread’s, or even worse, gets killed off by the FOTM zombies that go “HGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH No good dat build!”

Because the community is really stuck in the same thought’s on these forums! When I talk with Engineer in game (and I talk with A LOT) many of them have very intrestring and original builds that is quite potent and lethal, desinged to fit their personal playstyle! The best example of this still gotta be Itkoviana for me, with his condition damage and stastic Discharge hybrid build that kicked kitten

The patch notes come out and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Ronine, it depends on what you want to do? Do you want to do WvW? then no, we got several other builds working great, in my opinon some of them better then HGH atually in WvW! in tPvP and sPvP? I can only talk about solo queue and hot joint’s, and at way more casual level, but that’s where most people play anyway! And even there you can find several offensive condition builds that don’t require HGH at all, and is still viable! At higher level tPvP I don’t know, I only do serious WvW, not tPvP, but it appear like it’s their only option atm! In PvE you can run some solid condition damage builds without HGH as well,!

Also, since you are new to these forums you need to learn that the community in general have a tendens to run/talk/believe in only one single build at a time, and they will make everything seems a lot worse then it actually is, like here where they all ready prebare to whine/ragequit/flee in anger, for something that haven’t happend yet! :p

The patch notes come out and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@John +1, I luaghed! ^^

Also, if they nerfed HGH next patch I would grap a GIANT bowl of popcorn, log into the game and not look at the forums for the next 2 weeks, mostly because the community allready is whining this much, about something that haven’t even happened yet! And I’m truely scared of how much whine that would turn into if they actually did nerf it! :O

Generell questions about kits, sigils.

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Beside the good point nakoda have, is the big problem with thread necromancy, that its an art best suited for the trainned necromancers not engineers! ;-)

Hehe no serious, the problem with posting in a thread where the last reply is several month and balance patchs old, is that a lot of the old replys rhat have been made in here aint correct anymore, because off all the the changes that have been done! Even more vritical is it that there is a high risk people won’t notice the date some of the stuff was posted, and assume some of it holds true today! :-) in this case the dev. Post from long time ago will get a lot of attention again, and newer players might only read that part and assume that’ still the case!

What my point is, is that when we bring a long dead thread back to the front page there ia a huge risk of spreading confusion and information that ain’t correct anymore, and that is why it’s something we should avoid doing if we can! I will now let this thread fall back into it’s cold and dark grave again! ;-)

Generell questions about kits, sigils.

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Could we soon stop all the freaking necromancy in the Engineer forums guys!?!?! You don’t reply to a post where the last post is from december! gesus! This is happening more and more guys! Staaaaaaaphhh it!

[Video] Level 15 Ranger vs Level 80 WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hehe naaah, I gotta admit that I won’t win a 1vs1 on my level 15 ranger vs, let’s say Osicat! But I’m glad you can live with it!

This is going to be me rambling about what I learnt and have been looking into:

Uhhh, where to begin? I took Asura, because I saw the Sword animations on an Asura and that’s the most hillarious animation EVER, and the Slingshot (Shortbow) I have loved since it’s skin release (But haven’t had a chance to run with it since I never had someone that could use a shortbow)!

I wanted to stay away from classic power/burst, since the Level 15 Warrior video I made, I ran a power build, so wanted a condition damage build this time!

So after looking at the Ranger weapon sets I came to this conclusion:

Sword – It’s an amazing weapon! Build in leap finisher, 3x Evade skills, and the auto attack gotta be the most amazing thing ever, I luaghed my kitten off when a Thief went stealth and I started to auto attack and just jump after him! Amazing! Also poison is allways a welcome addition in both power and condition builds! It’s mostly power damage it do, but the evade tools are amazing, and letting your condition do damage while you evade damage is gold! So I really like the Sword

Greatsword- I played around with it for some time, but it really is a power weapon in my opinon, I do have a feeling I would be able to use it for quite a lot fun in a tanky or burst power build

Longbow – It’s a power weapon, but I all most ended up running with it actually, mostly because I had to Fire Combo field’s, and the amount of projectile finishers I could get out of it should be able to do some serious burning! But shortbow gota faster Auto attack and is more suited for conditions, so I ended with taking that one hehe!

Shortbow is a midrange and quite mobile weapon in my opinon, which really is appealing to me! The way the bleeding from auto attack works is annoying tho, and I felt it did punish me for kiting!! But the build in evade, daze/stun, cripple and poison sold it to me over the longbow for the stuff I wanted to do!

Axe: I would use it if I just should do damage, but I felt I was left with to little defence running it!
The Offhand Skills wasn’t worth it either for condition damage, so dropped that

Dagger: I wanted to run with Dagger off hand orginal actually, I love the extra evade and poison, and ranged cripple and bleeding is amazing, but I had to accept that I simply dealt to little damage without more burnin hehe, I could only press my bleeding damage up on 90-95 and that’s not enough (Burning = 6 stack bleeding also)

Torch: A ranged burn + Fire Combo field, that was exactly the damage I needed, so I ended picking that one!

Warhorn: Seems like a good weapon, even better if I have had more traits to use, but I didn’t! But I do really like the birds, and Swiftness + Fury looks awesome! Also I have been looking into combo Warhorn with a Bird pet, for close to perma swiftness!

For pets I wanted to use the Eagle, Raven, or Owl, but I had to accept that I couldn’t capture the owl at levle 15, so I took the eagle, it looked great on the paper with Bleeding and Swiftness, but again I had to accept when I got into WvW, I needed as much CC as I could get, else most would eat me up (I simply dealt a lot less damage then my enemy, so had to keep them in control!) Both the spider and dog was amazing at it! I would have to capture all pet’s and test it more before I can come with some real feedback on the pet’s!

Also I do think trap rangers are awesome (all appear to know that), but it dosn’t matter that much what utility i pick at level 15 hehe, I just took traps because they are fun to use, and they had condition damage build into them (and as I said, damage was what I really lacked)

What I would run, if I was 80, is a pure melee, or semi ranged, beast master build! Atleast the little Theory Crafting I have done! I would build it around a lot off Evade mechanic’s, and running Superior rune of the Air! that + a bird, and maybe Warhorn should give me perma swiftness! I would focus a lot on crit and crit damage, and in between when the enemy actually can hit me (because of all the evade)
Rune of Air got a lot of time to recharge! I’m not sure about the trait build, because there is a lot of testing I would have to do, like If the minor trait Natural Vigor ain’t stacking with Vigor Boon! ect.

Weapon load out would be Sword/Dagger or Sword/Warhorn, and not yet sure if I would go with Greatsword, Longbow or Shortbow, again, I need time to test it haha

[Video] Level 15 Ranger vs Level 80 WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@ Sebrent here you go, this version you should be able to watch

Hehe Osicat is an amazing player indeed, and I’m a huge fan of his work as well, allways watch it! Time will tell if I get the ranger to 80 hehe, the Engineer keeps me quite busy at the moment tho! Doing some commentary work on how to play agaisnt other professions atm!

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


There is 3 classes that will give me trouble when running a condition heavy build, which is:
1. Engineer – Any Condition Build
.2 Necromancer – Any condtion Build
.3 Ranger running a Shortbow – Trap build!

The rest won’t be a problem in a condition perspective, at least not what I have ever been facing, they will only have 1-3 different condition’s, and I handle the little condition they do with Antidote and Sigil of Generosity/Purity!

Now, the really tough fight’s are vs the 3 above classes.
The way I handle Condition’s, is the same way as I handle a burst build, by dodgeing and blocking the right skills (easier said then done), and by having a superior acces to conditions compared to them!

Engineer is a matter for me about knowing the skills to dodge, and being able to put out more conditions then they can! The HGH Engineer’s is everywhere as an example, but I handle them by putting out a lot more burning and confusion then they can (I can run two kit’s, they can’t) and my best example of how I fight them is this video vs Maskaganda:
(It’s still freaking hard, and it really boils down to who is the best)

Necromancers only really stack bleeding, and then do some condition spikes where they apply a ton different! Here it’s a mater about avoding/blocking the condition spikes, and if you do get hit, it’s time to play defensive and outlast it! Also I often out damage them a lot with conditions because of burning and Confusion, and I never multi stack conditons on them, since their heal will remove it all

Trap Ranger’s is just freaking insane 1vs1, and I got a super hard time vs those, but again it’s a matter about trying to avoid/outlast the different conditions that come from the traps, and then saving antidote for the large bleeding stacks they do!

Conditions is the biggest weakness in most of my builds, but every build have a weakness, and I can still win vs condition builds, by being able to do way more of it and timing Dodge/Block/Blind ect! But it’s for sure a tough encounter when you run into them But many tend to forget that skills that apply conditions can be avoided the same way you can avoid burst skills, and most builds (Not mine, I got several), got only a few really good condition damage skills!

Retal in WvW intented?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Which AoE damage will still do Terra, but AoE shouldn’t be spammed mindless either, which Retalition helps with! I know from what I read in the sPvP forums AoE spells is running crazy there as well! Also in WvW the only real defence you can give your 3 guys on the rams trying to get the gate down is retaltion! The way WvW is played a lot of the time, you need to group up in larger groups, and I don’t really see it as a probelm that Random AoE damage spam get hit, but it’s a problem how our multi hits attack suffer for it

[Video] Level 15 Ranger vs Level 80 WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Ahhh kitten it copy right!!! You know what, I will upload another version where I remove the last sound file giving trouble! Gonna take about 2 hours I think before it’s saved and uploaded, but then you can chekc it out there?

[Video] Level 15 Ranger vs Level 80 WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Bahaha maybe! If I ever get to level it all the way to 80! Who knows! But for sure was fun to play it in WvW !

[Video] Level 15 Ranger vs Level 80 WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Greetings Ranger community! Unless you visit the Engineer Forums you probaly won’t know me! But I shoot Engineer WvW video’s, and from time to time I have some side projects!

This time the side project was to go into WvW with my fresh leveled Ranger at 15, and try beat some levle 80 players! I thought I would share the video with you guy’s, since it is a Ranger after all!

Version for people @USA

Discliamer – The last time I played Ranger was in the beta, so I’m not used to play one at all! Many of hte players loose because they get to overconfident since they see I’m upscale!

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Here goes a little update on everything, plus a little fun video I have been shooting while I took some breaks from reading books and getting ready for exams!

First off, here goes my level 15 ranger challange in WvW, a little ranger out hunting on his own against level 80!

Also the plan is for the end of this week (last exam got moved to 2morrow), and the weekend, to try shoot either:
1. How to: Phatansm Mesmers
2. How to: D/D Elementalist’s with Blaba (A great elementalist player I have duels with)

I will see what I can get going with them first! Also I have moved to Gunnar’s Hold with my Guild, so I can now be found roaming there

Edit I uploaded the Level 15 Ranger in a version you guy’s in USA can see as welL! Watch it here!

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Retal in WvW intented?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Retalition works quite well in WvW for anti AoE porpuse, so the theory behind it is actually great, same goes for the glamour confusion mesmers doing AOE confusion! It’s designed to punish players spamming AOE Skills (and skills in general with the confusion)

The problem is, that it also (at least I hope so) uninteded punish Engineer for using FT and Nade kit useage in these situations a lot more then other AoE skills, seeing as a normal AoE skill would hit 5 targets and tirgger 5 retalition hit’s, one throw with nades will trigger 15 hit’s! Which I’m sure everyone can agree on is the trible amount of damage as the rest!

So while the theory for retaltion in WvW at least is to be a “sort of” counter to AOE damage, and that’s a good thing, it punish people that do AoE with multi attacm skills way to much, even when the multi hit attacks (like at FT Auto attack), ain’t even doing as much damage as some other AoE skills!! So that’s where the problem is, not that it works unintended on AoE skills, but it does so on multi attack AoE skills!

Static Discharge Build: ZAP UR DED

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Nice necro again guys, this is happening more more that someone post en several month old posts

Is their a retaliation build for engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


The closes to such build would be the tankcat build from some time ago :-) you can look it up at YouTube

Crit or condition damage for WvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


A condition damage build will kill people more then fine in WvW atm

But you can tbh. build both a power/crit build, and a condition damage build, both see it’s use in WvW at the moment, but I’m my personal opinon the condition damage Engineer is the strogest of the two in a solo roaming perspective (which appear to be what you are talkig about)

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hey there Cero! I’m glad your having a good time with my builds!!!

I’m in the middle of an exam period atm, but I’m done for this period on monday, where I plan with Osicat for making a “How to: Phantasm Mesmers”, which is what your friend is running!

Now, I found out there is two kind of them, there tanky ones, and the pew pew damage ones! The thing is, I have never given them much credit in WvW, mostly because of the stat gains there, I do more damage, and the phantasms have the same amount of health in WvW as in sPvP —> They die faster in WvW. So in WvW I just melt them with conditions most of the head in I have had, but again, I never did do a real 1vs1 duel against one in WvW, because most don’t run it (It’s a bad roaming and teamplay build it appear)

Anyway, enough about that: Phantasm mesmers are super super strong 1vs1 duel builds! So no matter how they build it, your in for a bad time! The worst encounter I ever had was vs one with 25k health and only running ranged phantams (no kiting them) and plenty of condition removal! I duel’ed him in sPvP and I won once out of like 10 duels, and that was only because I perfect timed my elite skill! So okay, that’s depressing xD

What tricks I have learnt on the other hand when dueling them is:

#1. Kite the Melee Phantasms, and try use LOS as much as you can! This will get the phantasms running, and often stacking up on you, so you can AOE them

  1. in a condition damage build, we won’t take much of the retalition d amage the phantasms deliver, because that won’t trigger from a condition, Burning is your best friend here.
  2. Stastic Shot when he spawns the Phantasms is gold, and all phantams spells got obvious casting animations (Izerker is where they hold the huge greatsword up in the air as an example), which also means time to dodge like ½ second after you see that animation (Dodge backwards, it will spin forward)
  3. Null Field = Your thicket to run out of LOS, and heal/bunker up, not worth attacking him unless his so low you might kill it with pure power damage
  4. Use all the AoE skills you can, to hit everything if possible, but focus the Mesmer with your single target skills, still the best one to attack, and the more pressure you put on him, the more in control of the battle you will be!
  5. Final, Phantasm builds in sPvP for 1vs1 dueling is freaking cheesy (Sorry Mesmers, but it is), It’s silly stong compared to pretty much everything 1vs1 in sPvP, so play cheesy as well! Put up the burning with some other conditions on him after his Null Field, and start running away from him and let the conditions do the damage, then head in again and start over!! Hit and run tactics is fair play vs them :P

If you do real tPvP (5va5),they become less of a problem, because it’s a bad build when they run into 2 players (because the phantams gonna get pwned)! So don’t bother attacking them alone, you are better off going with a friend there! But I will get a video up on how I fight them, whe nI have trained some more in sPvP against them, because I really never done much dueling against them (and as I said, they are much stronger in sPvP), but this is some basic tips I have learnt doing the few duels I had, which have helpt a lot! But if you run into a huge Norn with Scepter/pistol and Staff, and your running a condition damage build, just run! His slow as hell, but you won’t kill him! That mesmer build was silly! xD

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Grenadier + Roaming WvW Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I’m just gonna post some of my grenade build’s I use for roaming, I got a few of them on video here:

A condition grenade build:

A Power – HGH nade build (Yeah it works as well) you cna run it as condition damage as well if you want with P/P

Nade burst build:

I use all 3. with great succes in roaming in WvW, so you can see if you like them! Just follow the links in comments to get to my Forum topic here where you can find the trati builds and gear!

They really don't read the engi forums

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I think it’s a matter about the Engineer community don’t use the Report function like mad men, seen it happen a lot that everything get’s reported and just removed, even when there was no reason for it! Very little is removed unless it gets reported

[Guide] Overpowered PvP Phantasm Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hehe i will do! Gonna be fun for sure! But will be in a day or two :-)

[Guide] Overpowered PvP Phantasm Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hehe since we can’t get to duel each other, I talked Osicat into try use the builds in some duels vs me, it’s gonna be inside sPvP, since I’m not vs gandara atm! So his gonna have the edge there! (Because they are just better in there), so we will see how it goes! I Know it ain’t the same as you playing it, but it’s the best testing I can get going with it, because I’m quite intrested in seeing just how strong it actually is now

Mesmerized: Questions Answered

in Mesmer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hehe hey there Bas, yeah The Engineer forums appear to slowly have calmed down after the KR nerf and people have begun to settle down with their builds, so yeah, the Engineer’s appear to have calmed down! The tPvP players are still testing new stuff out, but HGH Grenade builds still appear to be the big deal in there at the moment!

I will be looking forward to the Ranger and Guardian Podcast, the Ranger one the most, I need to know more about them pet lovers!! Hehe and just contact me if the Engineer one turn into something! ^^

[Guide] Overpowered PvP Phantasm Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Pyro: Fun way the -% Condition duration work indeed, but I never really found it that big of a deal when I dueled Osicat in WvW for me! I will still have a bit more then my normal duration on everything, and enough to pull off some of the extra burning ticks, which duration stacking is all about!:

You won’t both have Decoy and Blink, while having added condition removal utility, keep that in mind, when that’s said: I got Perma Swiftness, Perma Vigor and ranged cripple attacks, and AoE cripple pools (Which most of the time make Iswordsman useless, because I simply outkite him and drop bombs and box of nail (Cripple+bleed) behind me) I fear Izereker a lot more then the Iswordsman, because of it’s spin animation moving it a lot more! So I have yet to run into something that can kite me around (ofc. people can flee xD)

I wouldn’t waste Blurred Frenzy to dodge the magnet, it’s actually quite easy if you just watch the animation, wait for about 1 second when you see it go up, and then dodge (So I use the magnet when I can see your using a skill you would have to interreupt!

I’m not sure about the exact math on your healing skills, I do believe tho that the Ether Feast at least with 3 illusions out will outheal the Mantra? Might not be a big deal tho, your the expert here hehe

I simply don’t see me not being able to win a good 50% of the time, if the only real damage come from the Phatasms, because they both got obivous animations when being cast, so I can dodge/Blind ect) and the Iswordmand is so easy to kite for me that I just have to apply burning to it and kite it around (Which I can use my bomb for, he will run as a happy man over them! YAY for AI)! I do have perma vigor as I said, so I got plenty of dodge to use for when you won’t attack me much

@Ross, I don’t see Confusion as a damage spell in a good duel, it’s a skill lock down, I use to make my enemy stop attacking me, my main damage come from all the burning, bleeding and poison inbetween, and while I do agree that Prybar got quite the obivous animation, Two Blocks and Blurred Frenzy won’t protect you enough from all the stuff I can unleash when running with two attack kits, simply becuase I have acces to more skills then you have, all on short CD! That’s the great thing about Kit Engineer’s, we allways have something usefull to hit you with, and I don’t have a problem killing off a Phatasm with prybar (only 12 sec CD), when that’s the main damage skill!

Also, in sPvP you might be able to take a confusion hit, in WvW, my 5 stacks will slap you in the face for about 2500 damage each skill use, and most of the time my Stastic Shot will bounce 4 times cause of the Phatasms so the odds are good for you having 4 stacks there aswell! Also, burning burning burning will slowly ruin any Phantasm mesmer day, because his life pool ain’t that big, and mine is laying around the 700 each second!

Idefender is a jeark! Hate that fellow But again, if all the Mesmer is doing is playing defensive and spawning those Phantasm, I will simply ust use all my endurance and mobility on trying to dodge them while being cast, and kite/kill off with conditions!

So yeah, I keep rampling, it is for sure one hell of a duel build, that I’m sure works awesome, but in WvW I still see it as beatable for any comptent Condition player! Simply because Phatasm retalition won’t bother us much, and we only need one hit to get a good amount of damage rolling!

Also Arcane Theivery, appear to bug when the Mesmes is blinded? can any confirm? Double also, it’s your condition it will scale with, and only with what little duration left on the condition, so often it really dosn’t matter much that you send it back!