Showing Posts For Antara.3189:

Perma-stealth backstab theives

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I will be honest, everytime I see a thief coming at me (if I see it at all)

this is what I imagine everyone of you/them are listening to when ganking

Perma-stealth backstab theives

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I say everyone make a thief, and ban all other classes. Thief Wars.

Just. Think. About. It.

Little Thief on Thief action, oh the good fun to be had.

Honestly, just think about 20 thieves vs 20 thieves. It would be a battle to do a backstab, but with everyone around you trying to keep your team in stealth. WIN

Why would people roll a thief for wvw, when they already all switched to guardians, nothing more faceroll easy in wvw than guardian. Lets play a guessing game, what class was the first to achieve ultimate dominator, i’ll give you a hint, it wasnt a thief…..

lol, well it might be easy but I can honestly say that I have killed more guardians than thieves or mesmers.

And I’m on a ranger normally. I’ve killed guardians with my Condition build, and that’s not saying much.

EDIT: let me clarify, I can only account for a handful of thief kills, which honestly most were not running the normal stealth+backstab setup. As far as mesmers go, not sure if I’ve ever killed one.

I’m only rank 26 though.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Perma-stealth backstab theives

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Why you should roll thief or Mesmer.

Prime Example

Perma-stealth backstab theives

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I say everyone make a thief, and ban all other classes. Thief Wars.

Just. Think. About. It.

Little Thief on Thief action, oh the good fun to be had.

Honestly, just think about 20 thieves vs 20 thieves. It would be a battle to do a backstab, but with everyone around you trying to keep your team in stealth. WIN

No thank you. I’ve had thief vs thief battles before and i’d prefer root canal over doing it again. 30 minute long fights of constantly resetting everything. It’s more a battle of patience than anything else. first person to get frustrated over how aggravating it is and slips up loses.

Doesn’t get more balanced than that ;-0

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’m going to have to side with Kralky because after following the lore from the living story, I’ve seen more hints to the Crystal Desert and Glint. Might be in preparation for something larger…

Perma-stealth backstab theives

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I say everyone make a thief, and ban all other classes. Thief Wars.

Just. Think. About. It.

Little Thief on Thief action, oh the good fun to be had.

Honestly, just think about 20 thieves vs 20 thieves. It would be a battle to do a backstab, but with everyone around you trying to keep your team in stealth. WIN

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


I honestly don’t mind if they camp our spawn, because let’s face it. They can only get so close. Sure I’m irritated we don’t own squat, can gather our numbers to push back. But sadly the world camping our spawn always have people who get greedy with a kill and walk just a little to close. I always manage to collect badges when out front.

floating castle in kessex hills

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Made a suggestion about looking at the Wizards Tower for future updates.

Are we going to get more options for Laurels?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


I want to suggest the following:

  1. Quaggan

Guild wars 2 photography

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


World vs world… Anet, fix this

……… Wow man, that’s ridiculous.

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


IoJ- thought we’d take your Bay (with 1 ram) while you came over to Vale and checked out our siege. Cozy.

This is the only reason I miss fighting GoM. While we were trying our hearts out, GoM is listening to this while casually taking all our keeps. Too funny

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


GW1 players more or less funded GW2.

Well we can definitely say that Guild Wars 1 and ArenaNet survived a harsh environment and has been more than successful. I cannot see how someone would say it’s not because of the GW1 fanbase. This was their only game, and was largely successful making plans for GW2 viable.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


28 pages… all because of a youtube comment and some guys desire to open up a can of worms….

unreal people.
just sayin…


Players are showing their support on whether or not Cantha should be added to the game. Which even a developer shared his support. Though this thread maybe had started about your forementioned statement, this has gone far beyond just that. It’s a thread to show ArenaNet how passionate the players feel about Cantha. (Mind you they are definitely taking this into consideration seeing how this has not been closed.)

So please either contribute to whether or not you feel Cantha should be added, but don’t provide a useless comment to others.

Vizu From Guild Wars 1.

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189



This is basically what we’re talking about.

Oh thank you for this, I remember the first time I seen this. The anticipation!! Still gives me goosebumps haha

Lion's court statue

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Oh! Well now that makes sense. Thank you all. With all of the Dragon Bash decorations removed, I thought this was some strange inquest construction.

(I was really thinking to myself, man this is ugly, why replace the statue with this asuran piece?)

Kiel is a murderer !

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


I know my character has killed quite a few “Quaggans” in his day. They pursue me first though…

Politics? sooooo exciting.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


I have to agree on both the OP, and Pixelpumpkins posts about this subject. Personally I don’t want to pursue discussion in politics whether fantasy or not, because it eventually becomes a heated debated on which side/candidate is better. Politics and religion can literally put a massive imaginary Great Wall of China between a loved one, best friend, stranger, even though you both have more common ground than not.

I can go with it though, try and make this fun (GO EVON!!! =) ) and as Pixel said, this might be ArenaNet trying to involve the players in an interactive, game changing way that actually reflects where the live story is going. That is exciting so I guess we will have to see how this plays out.

P.S., I do hope the next interactive decision excluded politics though.

I want one piece of clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the same armor/weapon skins but at the ascended level. One, because of time constraints and “staffing” limitation on QA/polishing of new items, and two, having only 1 or 2 sets of ascended items would exclude diversity and it would cause a large portion of players to have the same armor/weapons for the mere factor of upgraded stats. The exception would be transmuting the items, of course.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


“NCsoft was firm in its decision to stay away from “Asian” themes and keep it “universal.”



So does NCSoft follow their own rules by having everyone sit in a cubicle? That includes all CEOs, Board Members, IT Staff, etc. Universal, no one is better than anyone, everything equal. So the pay should be the same as well. Bonuses should all be equal across the board. Keep it universal.

The problem with this mindset is unfortunately the ones who cast the rules don’t want to follow them as well. Which is the overall down fault with communism.

Cultures are unique, and I like that. I love to learn, and hear stories of different ways of life and see their styles. It creates diversity which is a good thing.
If everyone is named Joe or Sue, makes the same pay, lives in the same style house, drives the same car, etc. What is there to learn?

I want to share my culture with others, explore the different experiences. This is why I stand firm in supporting cantha. It brings a whole new aspect to the lore and world of Tyria. They are not all the same.

Add: Definition of “Universal” and why it’s impossible to fit into everyday life.

  • Including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively without limit or exception.

Edit: After re-reading this definition a couple times; I find it un-relative to the actual matter of removing Cantha at all due to offending Asian cultures.

Universal actually means to INCLUDE all entities in relative subject without limitation or exception. So regardless of race, gender, age, etc. all should be included without regards to my forementioned.

So really I see this now as NCSoft biting their own tail… lol

(edited by Antara.3189)

Survey: Remove Achievement Leaderboards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Wait…AP from GW1 count towards AP totals in GW2? Really?

I can see why they gave GW1 players HoM….but being granted AP in GW2 is just ridiculous! Wow….

If there were no leaderboards this wouldn’t matter. Anet has said way before GW2 even launched that GW1 players would be rewarded in GW2. Not sure why that outrages you or makes you upset when this was something they said before we even saw that the Mesmer was a returning class to the game.

Like I said , I have no problem with GW1 players getting HoM…but it is wrong that achievement points themselves count towards the totals in GW2…is that to hard to understand?

HoM is not enough of a reward?

I also never mentioned the learder boards in my post so don’t know why you felt inclined to include it in your response. But since you brought it up…it would matter even without the leader boards because GW1 players are getting an unfair advance to GW2 items outside of HoM (which apparently was the reward to GW1 players).

Firstly, it’s your opinion that APs should not be rewarded to HoM completionists, it’s neither wrong or right, just an opinion.

Secondly, since the maker of the two games are 100% percent the same, and had stated GW1 players who achieved certain rewards in that game would be rewarded in their second game is entirely their decision. Their motto has always been “listening to the players and giving the players what they want.” At the time, GW1 players wanted to be rewarded if buying ArenaNets second series of GW, and that’s what they did.
Simply because some GW2 players missed out on the opportunities to play GW1 in its prime is in no ArenaNet or GW1 players fault. They wanted to reward our loyalty, and they did.

In regards to why APs were probably upped in points is simply because faltering numbers in the active players in the original game have dropped drastically and they want to give incentive to players to finish up their HoM and create an active fanbase for a bit longer. Again it’s completely their decision.

Both sides are going to stand firm on why or why not they should be rewarded. In constructive debate/criticism should not include jealously that someone has something that said person doesn’t.

Can you quote me saying I am jealous? Please?

Really…go ahead…try…

Please re-read what I had written in regards to this subject. The only statement directed to you was the first sentence. The rest of my entire post was a statement in general directed towards all audiences in this thread.

Lion's court statue

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Does anyone know the lore related to the Lion’s Arch Statue being replaced by this strange asuran structure? And what it is??

Still no word on Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


the whole topic of Guilds needs some work. Being able to see their active logon and last time logged in, Guild Halls, Guild vs Guild, Alliances.

Just a few things I hope to see again

New skills/weapons!! Will Ele finally get GS?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Lol, everyone professions wants GS. That way everyone can show off their Great big Giant Shiny. pfff

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


To GoM and IoJ, Next time we all are paired together, we will dine in the gates of hell,

Be Prepared.


Anvil Rock


in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Such a beast
/15 English Alphabet Characters

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


I thought there was going to be a video and explanation of what all the teams are doing and what not?

Guaranteed victory for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


The black lion key gets a discount every once in a while. But we never saw a discount for waypoint prices, and tbh everybody uses waypoints, and complains how costly they are, so it’s much more useful and beneficial for players in whole. That’s why I’ll vote for Kiel – I never spoke to somebody in game who buys black lion keys.

a CharrGirl not voting charr? …


If you were to choose a new server NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


Unless the AR server is disbanded, which is unlikely. but IF; I would then pack my bags and make my way to Yaks Bend.

Solid all around server and plus Yaks Bend was an awesome Place in GW1, I was originally going to pick that server as well.

Anvil Rock Local Community and Tourism

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


Congratulations for the new AR Forum, hope you get what you want, but above all sharing FUNtastic moments

Back from a visit to your recently forum, with due respect Dovgan, can I you follow my suggestion to do a quick also visit to others NA forums? maybe you can pick 1 or 2 ideas very usefull for your own, it worth the attempt believe me:

Anvil Rock …………….…….
Borlis Pass ……………..…..
Crystal Desert ………..…….
Darkhaven ………….….…… unknown
Devona’s Rest ……….……..
Dragonbrand ……………..…
Ehmry Bay …………….……
Eredon Terrace …………….
Ferguson’s Crossing ….……
Fort Aspenwood ……….…..
Gate of Madness ………..…
Henge of Denravi ……………
Isle of Janthir …………..……
Jade Quarry …………..……..
Kaineng ………………………
Maguuma …………………….
Northern Shiverpeaks ……….
Sanctum of Rall ………….….
Sea of Sorrows- ……………..
Sorrow’s Furnace …….……..
Stormbluff isle ……………….
Tarnished coast ……….…….
Yak’s Bend …………….…….

Enjoy the views and good luck

This list is nice, be nice to see that along with any other WvW websites directly related to help players stickied.

PS. Darkhaven? You guys are slacking

If you were to choose a new server NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


I would stay in Anvil Rock because AR is the home of my brethren

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Why experience the imprisonment of a god, or a massive experiment gone wrong, when you can experience the rebirth of Elona at the hands of a true hero? Vote for someone with centuries of experience and proven leadership abilities!


Now voiced by Christopher Walken, you heard it here first folks.


…and Evon Gnashblade, because Abaddon is kewl!

Thanks ANet I really enjoyed BfFW

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


The map had an excellent theme and design with a taste of canthan. Wasn’t too ecstatic about roaming the main world looking for the kites though.

If I had to put a rating on the overall content/rewards I would be in a ballpark around 76-85 percent.

The whole Living Story right now in a whole I would settle around 65-80 percent though. Not terrible by no means, but not mouthwatering either.

That Abaddon guy and why his fall matters

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


More asuran shenanigans…

Vote Kiel: GW already has enough human lore

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’ve seen enough of Asuran technology already, Fractals is about reliving past events, so give me the epic throwdown between the gods.

Actually, we should vote for... Dulfy! ^_^

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


No thanks. I don’t want to support people who teach players to not think anymore.

also: complete guides before the update comes out.

No thanks, Don’t need anymore spoiler content than there already is.

Pretty sure nobody forces you to go to her site for spoilers or to turn off your brain.
Ever think that some people could use a hand finding that last crystal or a hint for how to progress thru a JP or want to see what kind of selection of axes are out there? Not to mention a nice synopsis of each event and what they bring. You gotta admit, though they’ve been getting much better with it, sometimes Anet isn’t as clear about certain details as they could be.


Granted, it’s a 3rd party site and this thread doesn’t even need to be on the forums, unless in the appropriate section. This section is about the new update, not voting for 3rd party folks.

I’m not downing her ability to write good walkthroughs, because she does indeed do a good job. But imo since she’s allowed to test the content before, I would much rather see her energy supporting the official wiki rather a personal website. I see it as more of a personal gain than effectively updating the wiki which is directly linked off of this website.

Actually, we should vote for... Dulfy! ^_^

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


No thanks, Don’t need anymore spoiler content than there already is.


in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


I love all the fancy durmand priory history lessons with more filler than point. I don’t need a history lesson to decide my vote.

I mean you honestly think that in a pirate town with pirate councilmen, they would let Kiel try to sway what they want? Sadly money decides politics, and Evon has it.

If the priory loves her so much, they should recruit her into their ranks and they can go explore tyria and write some more books.



Colin said vote for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


If Colin says to vote for Evon, I have to suspect some ulterior motive.

Keil knows what the common people need. Evon only knows what he can take.

The only reason Colin tells us to vote for Evon is because he doesn’t want Kiel to succeed in investigating the Thaumanova Reactor and finding out it was Colin that blew it up in the first place…

LOL, but that’s precisely how a pirate works! Throw your weight to one candidate to move the spotlight from yourself


in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


The only boost Kiels team could receive, is the female devs publicly supporting her. But even still, Evon is a “badkitte” So good luck Team Kiel.

Oh btw, get those pocket books out Team Kiel, cause after this election you’re gonna need it

Colin said vote for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189



Colin said vote for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


If Kiel wins Ill probably quit PvE entirely…

I will protest LA, and go to the Black Citadel or Hoelbrak instead. Give them my coin. Hopefully Evon brings his BLTC with him, together we will all prosper while LA falters into chaos

We should have the asura move the Fractals portal to Rata Sum. That wil get a decent chunk of people to move from LA.

Evon has connections, this could be done… with the support of Colin, it can DEFINITELY be done..

Colin said vote for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


If Kiel wins Ill probably quit PvE entirely…

I will protest LA, and go to the Black Citadel or Hoelbrak instead. Give them my coin. Hopefully Evon brings his BLTC with him, together we will all prosper while LA falters into chaos

A Vote for Evon is a Vote for RNG!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


The only thing that will make this any better and make the kiel fans rage, is if Rytlock comes makes an appearance into LA to support a fellow charr.

Stout beers all around as we bring this town back to it’s pirate roots!


~Evon For Council~

Colin said vote for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Hopefully this is where the gods “ousted” him and banished him in the RoT.

~Evon For Council~


in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Im sorry but you do not say “No” to this:


Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Very glad to see Mr. Colin with his Evon Badge in his Live Stream Today.



in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Evon is one handsome charr, all he needs to do is throw some of that coin my way

Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Evon has my support.

Considering how divided and angry some people on this forum seem to be, I’m actually kind of worried about what the community will do once this patch goes live.

Massive protests in LA, food fights, trash talking, you name it. It will happen. We will destroy LA and everyone in it before either of them wins

Petition from a 24/7 (for 3 weeks)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


I think he’s talking about the added fortune in the loot table for bags. I think his wife got aggroed or something though, not sure.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Evon makes me money, and a guy who makes me money is my homie. Kiel just steals my pride, my work, and my glory. Get out of here Kiel